Incredible Life Story of Imam Al Ghazali! - How Did He Become to "The Proof Of Islam"?

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imagine a muslim scholar who challenged the ideas of philosophers such as aristotle socrates and plato who led philosophy in new directions whose views are still studied in the top universities across europe a great man who has marked an era in history [Music] what would you think if i were to tell you that a bandit who robbed him caused this great scholar to acquire such vast knowledge what made al-ghazali such a valuable person let's look at the situation in the muslim world during his time the muslim world was in a dire condition at the time the adherence of bhattaniya who had greatly harmed the muslims joined all their forces and kept attacking the abbasid caliphate the last stronghold of islam but there was something they didn't consider all turkish tribes started converting to islam and the seljuk empire was able to destroy the intentions of bhutania this time the adherents of bhattaniya started to spread their beliefs from within the society by misleading people the muslim faith was under attack from bhattaniya and philosophical ideas and heresies there was great material and spiritual struggle against the adversaries of islam during this period the muslim world needed a savior a genius who could disprove the ideas that challenged the true islamic faith this is where our story begins al-ghazali was born in a city called tus in iran he went to the city of gorgan for an education after five years of intensive education he took to the road with his friends to return to his place of birth however they were intercepted by bandits on their way and he lost everything he had including the notes that he had taken over five years worried that he would lose the source of his knowledge he followed the bandits he told the leader that his notes contained all the knowledge he acquired over five years and asked them to give him back his notes at the very least the leader of the bandits unknowingly told al-ghazali the following sentence which was maybe the turning point in his life you claim that you know but you lack knowledge when i take your notes from you instead of learning it by heart you leave it in the notes he then returned his notes no one would expect such words from a bandit however looking not at the one who said these words but at the one who made him say these words al-ghazali took them as a warning by allah within three years he had memorized all of his notes he was no longer dependent on the textbooks and the study notes he was now aspiring to learn even more so he traveled to nishapur he then studied under imam al-haraman al-juveni the most famous scholar of ilmalkalam at the time with a rigorous education he studied shafiya jurisprudence akida logic and wisdom and philosophy and he gained strong knowledge in all of these fields he was progressing in the way of becoming a muslim hero his teacher paid tribute to him by saying al-ghazali is a deep ocean upon writing a book on islamic jurisprudence called al-manhul his teacher praised al-ghazali by saying you buried me alive couldn't you have waited until i died al-ghazali possessed outstanding intelligence and memory nizamul mulk a great statesman noticed al-ghazali's knowledge and intelligence he thought that al-ghazali was the ideal person to defend sunni islam and disprove the ideology of the bethania movement which seriously threatened the muslim world since the adherents of batania were not defeated by military force it was necessary to disprove their philosophy to dissolve them in those times the adherents of bhattaniya together with their leader hassani sabha were turning the muslim world into a bloodbath they were deceiving uneducated muslims and using them as assassins as they were assassinating their high-ranking enemies with their own methods the muslim rulers were desperately watching the statesmen around them get killed by the assassins for this reason it was time to dissolve the bhattaniya movement and this could only be accomplished by disproving their philosophy invited al-ghazali to baghdad for this purpose baghdad was one of the most populated cities in the world at the time it was also one of the leading scientific cities here al-ghazali was appointed as the head teacher at al-azamiyah of baghdad which is considered one of the earliest higher education institutions in the world he was appointed as the university president in today's terms al-ghazali was teaching about 300 students here he also learnt greek conducted studies on philosophy and began analyzing the ideological base of bhattaniya during his long-lasting studies he noticed that there were imperfections in the ideas of philosophers such as aristotle socrates and plato he also noticed that there were philosophers who were using greek philosophy to corrupt the islamic faith witnessing how people were trying to distort the true nature of islam he came forward to conserve it he also realized that the adherents of batania reinforcing their ideas with philosophy and logic were causing people to have doubts about their faith if you ask how could al-ghazali handle all this by himself this is actually what makes him imam al-ghazali imam al-ghazali certainly had a plan after all these detailed studies and analyses he wrote a book called makassid al philesepha ames of the philosophers which explained the purpose of philosophy in detail and he also praised it this way he is better known and also liked by philosophers acknowledging that nobody else would be able to point out such detailed and accurate information about philosophy al-ghazali was viewed as a competent philosopher right at this point he did something nobody would expect him to do he wrote his book called the food al philosopher the incoherence of the philosophers he disproved certain schools of philosophy and many of the philosopher's views using reasonable and logical evidence found in this book by saying that the philosopher's judgments were not based on examination in science but on presumption and that therefore they didn't have a consensus he criticized the philosophers of the time for presenting their views as the absolute truth since el ghazali used a philosophical method to challenge the philosophers he is known as the one who struck philosophy with philosophy itself in fact his purpose was to show that in certain matters related to religion and metaphysics religion has the right to claim the truth and not philosophy the hafitan philosopher which opened a new chapter in the discussion of the relationship between religion and philosophy is considered to be among the masterpieces of world philosophy it also helped to preserve the culture of philosophical discussion within the community of scholars and intellectuals while imam al-ghazali was working on such serious matters hassani sabha the leader of the bhataniya movement at the time declared himself to be infallible sinless and someone who could not be questioned for his actions so he declared himself to be an innocent imam the arguments of bhattaniya such as the source of the true knowledge as the innocent imam and the acquisition of that knowledge depending on his will are disproved by imam al-ghazali in his book called the infamous of bhatanya so he clarified the islamic doctrine by eliminating the superstitions and heresies that emerged with the influence of certain groups outside of sunni islam as well as greek philosophy after all this the muslims had to come together for this reason with the guidance of the quran and the sunnah imam al-ghazali wrote his book the revival of the religious sciences which served as a reconstruction project for the muslim nation [Music] this book contains important information and details about islam and it was extremely needed at the time [Music] said of imam al-ghazali's book that even if all the sciences disappeared they could all be derived from ihea and praised al-ghazali and his book in the face of all these physical and spiritual threats to distort islam al-ghazali successfully turned the islamic faith into its essence within his lifetime of 53 years the success al-ghazali achieved with his books written to defend the islamic faith has earned him an interesting title he has been called hajjatul islam meaning proof of islam and has been accepted as mujatid of this century in his autobiographical book called al-munkith min al-dalal from heresy to guidance al-ghazali talks about himself and his life as follows from my youth up until now when i am over 50 i never shied away from diving deep into these vast oceans i dived into the furious seas not like a coward but like a brave man i wrestled with every single matter i encountered i abruptly accepted every challenge i was studying the beliefs and ideas of every sect and i was trying to discover the details of every religious order as a result of this since the joyful times of my childhood i was free of imitation and was not bound with beliefs that were inherited from the elders we now understand the reason why he was a great scholar right when the enemies of islam joined their forces to wipe out the principles of the quran he came forward without fear even when he was alone and gave us a lesson on bravery in 1111 ce the year he passed away after a life that lasted half a century during the time of fajr at the end of a night he spent reading the quran after abolution and prayer imam al-ghazali sat and asked for a shroud he kissed the shroud erupted on his face and then said o my lord my king your order is a blessing to me he then entered his room as he hadn't left the room for a while they entered his room and saw that he was wearing the shroud facing towards the qibla and there was a poem written by him next to his head [Music] tell my crying friends who saw me dead tell my pained brothers and sisters in islam do not assume i am really dead by god keep away from saying it is a death i am a sparrow and this body is my cage i flew away from the cage and the body remained i was like a dead man among you this morning i lived for a while and then wore a shroud do not assume the death is permanent know that it is life and it is highly desired do not assume death is violence in pain it is only moving from one house to another take what you need and be prepared for the road if you are smart do not get busy with anything else pray for me to be blessed so you are blessed we went away knowing that you are next peace be upon you are my last words to you may allah save you what else is there to say [Music] you
Channel: Towards Eternity
Views: 701,641
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Keywords: islam, muslim, towards etenity, imam al-ghazali, imam gazali, imam ghazali, muslim scholar, islam scholar, islamic scholar, who was imam al-ghazali, who is ghazali, islamic knowledge, philosophical theology, islamic philosophy, islamic theology, theology of islam
Id: JtN0Qwja8fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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