Who Wants to be a Millionaire s02e17 (Classic) Sony TV

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we begin tonight with a player returning from an earlier show now you may well remember the face this is stephen parker he's a credit manager from fleet in hampshire up in the audience is his wife angela uh stephen was in the hot seat a few months ago and we asked him this question for 64 000 pounds what was the middle name of 18th century born playwright richard sheridan now the possible answers were brinsley butler blake and boynton steven chose butler which the computer said was wrong so stephen went away quite happy with 32 000 pounds however bizarrely we then found out that richard sheridan also had another middle name butler so being the incredibly honest cuddly caring people we are once we discovered the ambiguity we immediately offered stephen the chance to come back just where he was before and continue playing for a million pounds and that's what he's here to do it's bizarre this isn't it not off what was it like when we rang what was it like when you got the call well i was actually in the car so i stopped the car to take the call and when i heard david briggs the producer on the phone i thought is this some kind of customer care call or something and he told me that you know they'd had some calls saying that there was another middle name and uh i couldn't restart the car for a minute i was shaking too much because you've gone away i mean you had a good night you got 30 000 and you know you you'd use your lifelines and you were very happy as anybody at all of all your phone and friends and people has anybody said oh yeah because i knew that i knew that loads of them have said they knew brinsley um including two of my final friends so they'd have been if you'd if you'd had the lifeline so i've had the lifeline i'd have given you brinsley and nobody would have known about that at all yeah um but none of them knew about the other one at all so it was a shock to me as a shock to them well what we can do i mean i think you know basically you gave us the right answer so you start on 64 000 pounds thank you right lots of luck let's play who wants to be a millionaire [Music] what type of creature is a dick dick antelope insect bird monkey now there's a conundrum you heard of it yes i have heard of it and i have to say i'm in two minds what are you thinking i think it's either antelope or bird now what's your state of mind because you you left with 32 000 you've got another 32 that you never thought you're going to get does it make you feel braver or thinking uh wait a minute um well i'm under strict instructions from management at the back of the studio just looking at mandarin that whatever i do i don't lose it under pain of death and i am not sure between those two i have to say i'm not sure between those two it's not worth the bet i'll take the money please out of here 64 000 pounds that's right okay give him a big hand he goes away with 64 000 pounds last time we saw steven he was going away with a check for 32 000 you now have this check for 64 000 pounds are those possibilities if management hadn't been here you know put in the darts at the back of your head um what what might have gone for antelope that would have been the right answer you would have won 125 000 pounds hey he still goes away with 64 000 let's see again we'll play thanks very much we've got 10 brand new contestants all hoping to get themselves in the hot seat let's meet them they are steve moss from greater manchester bob hanson from london paul turner from the west midlands dave one for me sussex richard heartstar from lancashire you're smiley from south asia belle foster from tyne and weir paul gansey from devon phil christino from london and nicola yeoman from worcestershire well what a lineup how can we fail right let's go fastest finger first whoever puts the four answers in the correct order and the fastest time is next to play for a possible one million pounds audience nice and quiet please i need them to concentrate fastest finger first here comes the first question put these magicians and illusionists in the order they were born so four well-known magicians and illusion is coming up uh we want the one born the farthest back in time coming towards the present day four of them here they are david copperfield houdini paul daniels david nixon right 10 brand new contestants they finished that mainly very quick let's see though this is the right order they need to get them in the right order and be fastest let's see then uh houdini farthest back in time uh 1874 he was actually born uh david nixon 1919 uh paul daniels 1938 and david copperfield 56 that's the right order now 10 started how many got it right these were right and who was fastest not that many correct who was fast it's dave wood in 5.54 seconds [Applause] [Music] so our second contestant tonight uh dave wood a civil servant from eastbourne in east sussex up there in the audience is his uncle roy roy says he's here just for a good day out and if nephew dave sitting here in the chair does well tonight or roy wants enough of dave's winnings to pay for an oil change for his car dave is slightly more ambitious two grand would mean a trip to singapore to see where his dad served with the army and a larger win would be the deposit on a better flat dave says he likes the show millionaire because he says you can win money but you don't have to be a boffin and possibly also because all he's ever won before is a fluffy toy rabbit dressed in an england football kit if he does win a million dave says he'll quit work and think about starting up a new business uh it has to be said though his previous one selling fine german wines went bottoms up and dave and uncle roy had to drink all the leftover stock it took them one and a half years is that that's true isn't it that is true yes it's about 20 years ago now and um i thought that as people were were interested in leapfrown milk back then they would move on to better german wines but they moved straight to chardonnays and the better french wines and uh i was left with a lot of stock but at least you're like that's happened for 18 months of your lives it tasted better the longer you kept it well it's quite cheap to run uncle roy isn't i mean he wants an oil change um well you want uh you've got it you've got a 12 year old fairly um dilapidated car you want a brand new car that's right i've had it 10 years i think it's time to uh generally replace it i don't see you wearing a green shirt tonight in green yes lucky green it is has it ever been lucky before um how do you know how old are you 45 so 45 your lucky colors green except that so far for the last 45 years has never been lucky once and you're wearing a green shirt that's irish okay a cunning plan right 15 questions three new lifelines david wood from eastbourne lots of luck let's play who wants to be a millionaire [Music] so question number one 100 pounds here it comes what would you do to the lips when you make them into a rounded shape bag them case them purse them wallet them [Music] question number two for 200 quid here it comes which fictional doctor had a robot dog called k9 who what where when who who is the right question number three for 300 if you are deliberately unfriendly to someone you're said to give them the cold what knee elbow ankle shoulder shoulders right after 300 pounds no problem at all so far question number four is for 500 here it is what type of theater has seats arranged around a central stage seats arranged around the central stage theater in the round theater in the sphere theater in the circle theater in the all [Music] you thinking um not absolutely certainly okay not absolutely try 50 50. you can computer take away two wrong answers leave dave the right answer and one remaining random wrong answer theater in the round shop right house you've got 500 pounds [Music] there's no point risking it you would go home with nothing at all if you gave me wrong answer that's what lifelines have got to get you through the next question will guarantee one thousand pounds here it is what's the unit of currency in new zealand dollar gilder crown peso [Music] dollars go home with nothing if you're wrong it's the right answer you've got 1 000 pounds sorry uncle roy we paid for the oil change good right okay need a bit more for the new car we got the oil change new zealand dollar uh right you've got 1 thousand pounds you've still got two lifelines that's exactly what lifelines have to get you this far have a look question number six is for 2000 here it comes meg matthews married which rockstar in 1997. noah gallagher gary barlow ronan keating mick hartnell noah gallagher why i'm just sure she married one of the gallaghers whatever there's only one down there so final answer final answer it's the right answer you got two thousand pounds [Applause] [Music] you're nine away from a million this is question number seven which vegetable do the scots call a neep carrot turnip leek potato what thank you dave i'm thinking you're thinking turn it you're gonna say do you think i'd ever say that i'm thinking are you um saying final answer turn it um final answer turn it it's the right house you've got four thousand you're looking i'm so worried but you're getting there you've got four thousand uh you haven't touched those lifelines since 300 or whatever uh you still got phone friend you still got ask the audience you're eight away from a million money now starting up quite steeply this would be for 8 000 pounds have a look at it tell me if you want to play it what type of creature is a painted lady bird fish beetle butterfly it's a butterfly chris we're talking butterfly yeah fine answer why do there's a butterfly then i'm sure i've come across it in school books or something in the past it's the right answer you got 8 000 it's good you're being very methodical very careful it's getting you up there you've got eight thousand pounds you're two away from the next big check for 32 000 pounds you've still got those two lifelines you still haven't asked this audience and you still haven't found a friend this is for 16 000. which famous novel features the notorious room 101 howard's end brave new world 1984 brighton rock i think i need to find a friend okay and how do you um who do you think be able to help um peter peter okay where is peter he's in aberystwyth well it's handy okay we'll find out aberystwyth we're talking peter you don't have to take his answer you can still ask the audience as well you can still walk away with some money if you want to hello peter hello hi it's chris taran here on who wants to be a millionaire good evening good heavens hello good heavens hello uh i've got dave here peter got dave wood here all right how's he doing well he's doing okay he's on eight thousand pounds but he's stuck with your help we can get him up to sixteen thousand well fingers crossed okay right now the next voice here will be dave he'll tell you the question there are four possible answers 30 seconds hopefully given the right answer it's worth sixteen thousand all right peter thank you fingers crossed okay dave thirty seconds your time starts now peter which famous novel features the notorious room 101 howard's end brave new world 1984 or brighton rock well it's not brighton rock can you come knock how it's end i think uh but it's healthy not certain oh we'll never know how certain he thought it was 1980 oh about half a second ago dave it's up to you you've got ask the audience you've got eight thousand pounds if you're wrong here if he's wrong and you go with his aunt you lose seven thousand [Music] you can ask the audience to still take the money i'll ask the audience okay audience on your computer keepers please this is the question uh it's worth sixteen thousand pounds which famous novel features the notorious room 101 abc or d all vote now you've got 8 000 pounds that's your last lifeline but it's worth 16. i'll go from 1984 chris how much money do you need for that new car are we there yet um it would be a newer car you play i'll play 1984 final answer final answer 78 of this audience it's a high percentage 78 of this audience are absolutely correct it's 16 000. now become a tv show it's the room which contains everyone's greatest fears in 1984. now you've got no lifelines serious business this is for 32 000 pounds you do not have to play this question dave have a look at this tell me what you want to do you're six away from a million you're one away from a guaranteed 32 000 here it is which star of absolutely fabulous was one of ken barlow's girlfriends in coronation street jane horrocks june whitfield jennifer saunders joanna lumley it's worth 32 000 pounds what do you think i'm thinking june whitfield but [Music] i'm not too sure whether it could be jane horrocks so i think i'll take the money chris sure sure yeah final lots are going to take the money final answer okay give him a big hand dave wood goes away with 16 000 pounds we'll play dave just before you go [Applause] you were deliberating there and it would have been worth 32 000 pounds you're deliberating whether it was june or jane if you said june whitfield you'd have just lost 15 000 pounds if you said jane horrocks you'd have just lost fifteen thousand buzz it was actually joanna lumley give him a big hat he's got sixteen thousand pounds we'll take a break join us again nine contestants left in a couple of minutes the third part of tonight who wants to be a millionaire [Music] [Applause] for the break dave wood went away with sixteen thousand pounds that means uncle roy's car can now look forward to having his oil change in the posh's garage in east ball now we've got nine contestants left fastest finger first uh four answers one correct order nice and quiet in the audience please it's thinking time here comes the question starting with the earliest put these meryl streep films in the order they were first released [Music] death becomes her out of africa sophie's choice kramer vs kramer okay movie fans uh meryl streep fans let's see this is the right order uh kramer vs kramer was the farthest back in time that was actually released in 79. then it was sophie's choice in 82 out of africa uh in 1986. uh most recent death becomes in 1992 right that's the right order now let's have a look how many got it right not that many right who was fastest mur smiley in eight point eight six seconds you're a wild crazy guy yeah so this is muir smiley a retired police officer from prestwick in south airship up in the audience his wife dorothy who says she's a nervous wreck and watching at home is their 14 year old son andrew who's phoned out already to wish him all the best on the show and ask for 30 quid if dad wins uh muir and andrew spent this summer on the extended tour of the states including a helicopter flight across the grand canyon um you're hoping to win enough money tonight to finally pay for it he said he'd also like some cash towards andrew's education and a return trip to the usa for himself uh but with dorothy this time around and to help them get there dorothy is wearing her lucky socks and these are the very ones she was wearing when muir got the call to come on the show that's true that's true yeah so she had them on she's kept them on well several days i think she i hope she changed them yeah apparently she tells her to be fair she tells us she washed them and put them back on for today but they are they are the socks that when the call came through you're um retired policeman yeah miss it well not at all not really no no you once ran over a cow in your panda car well right right in tokyo yeah and then i ran in ran over well it ran under it it wrote the car off and the cow disappeared oh really because no one admitted to it you know get cows admitting to being involved in road action with police have to ask you this you're called muir smiley yes you're a scottish person yeah are you related to carol smiley no that i know i've never but you can get in touch actually put your face up just smile again like that okay three lifelines 15 questions muir smiley from south airship lots of like let's play who wants to be a millionaire [Music] so we need to get question one right to give your boy andrew his thirty quid okay after that all the money is yours question number one is for one hundred pounds what color is a polar bear black red blue white white christmas it's the right answer it's absolutely right because you're driving along in the snow you know in a panda car absolutely and a white polar bear came up you know bang right you got a hundred pounds have a look at question number two for 200 quid here it comes if your voice is very hoarse what are you said to have in your throat a log a frog a hog a dog a frog it's the right answer you've got two on the pound [Applause] uh have a look question number three it's for 300 quid which of these words does not mean friendly affable abominable amicable amiable abominable it's the right answer you got 300 pounds we got 300 quid question number four is for 500 pounds have a look what was the name for the rhythm and blues harmonizing sung by u.s groups of the 1950s do boo yop two-bop shoe hop doo-wop doo-wap is the right answer you got 500 quick right then muir who may or may not be a relation to carol smiley question number five is for one thousand pounds tell me the right answer to this and i'll give you a thousand here it is participants in itv's soap stars auditioned for roles in which tv show the bill emmerdale coronation street crossroads emmerdale how do you know that i think i've watched one of them it's the right house you've got 1 000 bands [Applause] looking very calm so far it's like the swan with the feet going very quickly so you've got a thousand uh you've got all your lifelines intact have a look at dorothy seeing she's feeling better nah okay have a look at number six for two thousand uh you might as well play this mirror you can't lose on it but actually you've got all three lifelines anyway you're 10 away from a million this is question number six of a possible 15. the scottish village oh you might know this that are going to be embarrassing if you don't the scottish village of alaway is famous as the birthplace of which author do you know this tell me now yeah it's about three miles from where i live three miles look what's the answer um there's barnes robert well if robert burns doesn't come up you're in all sorts of trouble right have a look robert burns or charles dickens dylan thomas or oscar wilde robert france final answer yes it's the right answer of course it is two thousand pounds [Music] if you hadn't got that it really would not have been worth going home with it now you've got two thousand pounds uh and dorothy's got the lucky socks so let's have a look number seven for four thousand pounds in 1993 which famous annual race was declared void after two false starts you know this as well don't you i think so yeah i think i think it might be the grand national but wednesday let's have a look grand national university boat race london marathon british grand prix it's worth four thousand pounds i'm not certain in this one i thought you knew it i thought it i thought i did but it's one of these things that once you actually think about it take as long as you need yeah i think it's a grand national and play yeah hopefully final answer yes it's the right answer right first time [Music] but he said 32 000 would mean some serious traveling for you and your wife um you're three away from that and you've got three lifelines have a look at question number eight this is for eight thousand pounds which of these characters from the star wars films was a wookiee c-3po jabber chewbacca r2d2 that's chewbacca star wars fan i've seen it a few times yeah how many i can't remember i think andrew and andrew's taken me to see it that's right i had the video as well yeah yeah quite sure okay final answer yeah spot on it's the right answer well the lucky socks are working you got 8 000 pounds have a look at question number nine this would be for 16 000 pounds which of these sentences is a palindrome was that a cat i saw madam i'm adam done in eden ten rats in a net [Music] oh yeah madam i'm adam yeah why because it reads the same backwards as it does department madam i'm adam financing yeah you got the right answer 16 000. punctuation doesn't count it has to read the same backwards as forwards madam i'm adam madam i'm adam okay you got 16 000. um have a look at question number 10 now you have not yet used a lifeline you've got 16 000 pounds obviously if you did give me a wrong answer here you dropped 15 000. this is question number 10 carrots are a particularly good source of which vitamin vitamin a vitamin d vitamin e vitamin k i'd like to ask ask the audience hey chris okay let's see let's see if another carrots this is the question carrots are a particularly good source of which vitamin a b c or d it's worth 32 000 pounds all vote now [Music] there's a i mean there's a majority for um for a but it's fairly well split 22 27 13. i'll do the 50 50. unless okay computer take away two wrong answers leave me the right answer and one remaining wrong answer yes a vitamin e no vitamin a k for carrot no final answer yeah it's the right answer you got 32 000 i tell you what muir i think uh dorothy having been a nervous record evening i think he's beginning to almost enjoy this as you would have a look that's whatever happens tonight you go home with that amount of money yeah very good want to take it yeah 32 000 uh question number 11 you might as well play this you know you can't lose on this you might as well have a go anyway it's worth 64 000 pounds you've got one lifeline left uh you're five away from a million this is question number eleven have a look in which country is the international holiday center of cancun thailand morocco tunisia mexico it's mexico you've been there i don't know what it is if you're right you could probably can afford to go there yeah mexico final yeah absolutely right you just won sixty four thousand it's good in it very good you glad you called absolutely yeah i'm just seeing if dorothy's getting um are you glad you called yet yes oh good i thought six four thousand pounds you should be very glad um i think she's getting more nervous than as the money's going up actually you've got 64 000 pounds uh you've still got to phone a friend now uh next question you would lose 32 000 pounds big old drop if you give me a wrong answer you know the 32 thousand pound is guaranteed if you do go for the next question give me the right answer it's worth 125 000 pounds okay so lots of luck let's have a look at question number 12 of possible 15. in verdi's opera rigaletto what does rigoletto do for a living [Music] actor jester fortune teller musician i'd like to phone a friend does that mean you haven't got a clue i don't have a clue now okay now who should we find there's a lot of money here hey have fun bob bob okay uh tell bob before the question the four possible answers one of those is worth 125 000 pounds i don't know bob yes hi there it's chris taran here and who wants to be a millionaire good evening good evening good evening i'm uh we're fine i've got muir down here now he's doing well but he's stuck on a particular question yes i see okay now with your help hopefully we can get him up to the next milestone there's still one question with four possible answers one of those is the right answer all right bob okay okay 30 seconds best of luck your time starts now bob in fairness opera rigoletto what does rigoletto do for a living is he an actor a jester a fortune teller or a musician he's a jester thank you okay 100 sure yeah i think so thank you okay bye bye you're gonna play this yes chester how long have you known bob he's darcy's brother long time i want you to know that you can't see this but dorothy behind you is going to hell and back final answer yeah he was quite sure you had 64 000 pounds a huge sum of money more you could have walked away with that money you didn't you've just won 125 thousand pounds good starter friend oh that's the sort of phone you need [Applause] call me mr picky picky but you've got to check there for 64 000 pounds thank you you got a much better one than that you got this one for 125 000 have a look at that one okay excellent take it take it it's yours you've done it well done you guaranteed 32 000 at the moment you've got 125 000. now you've got no lifelines left but you are only three questions away from one million it has been done it can be done you've seen it done question number 13 is for 250 000 pounds now you've got 125 000 pounds in your pocket at this moment you can obviously walk away with that if you give me a wrong answer this you lose 93 000 pounds okay this is question number 13 of a possible 15. where is the tallest cathedral spire in england chichester durham salisbury litchfield i have an idea that it's salisbury but i'm not going to play i'll take the money i promised i wouldn't gamble and that's this sort of money it's worth a quarter of a million no i'm quite happy could be doubly happy yeah i could be i could make someone behind me very unhappy as well i can see it you can't do you want to uh take the money yes i'll take the money give a big hand he goes away with 100 and 25 000 pounds well please i can't tell you [Applause] now if you if you come on your own would you have played i don't no no to 125 thousand now perhaps at 64. at night because if you had said to me salisbury i'd have taken that check out your pocket i'd turn it into a thousand pieces and i'd replaced it with a check for 250 000 pounds it was the right answer give a big hand he goes away with 125 000 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no relation we think uh goes back to press wick with 125 000 pounds and all thanks to dorothy's lucky socks now we've got eight players left fastest finger first again that's a quiet place audience here comes the next question starting with the earliest in the year put these events in order in the northern hemisphere autumnal equinox summer solstice vernal equinox winter solstice so it's been a busy all night we've got eight competitors left now let's see this is the right order then uh going through the year uh first the vernal equinox uh then it's the summer solstice then it's the autumnal equinox then fairly obviously the winter solstice that's the right order through the year now how many got it right these were correct not that many four who was fastest nicola yeoman in 6.82 so this is nicola yeoman a housewife from eve shum in worcestershire up in the audience his husband steve looking very proud and watching at home are the kids thomas seven elizabeth age four and snowy the hamster age unknown nicola used to work for a bank and as a result she says she's going to be very sensible about any money she wins tonight most of it will go towards the kids education though thomas says he wants a lego train set and little elizabeth would be happy with anything pink and fluffy nicholas studying french and what time she does get away from the kids and a big win tonight she says might mean buying a holiday home in brittany she hasn't been too lucky in the past she once entered a local radio competition and won a box of records by completely unknown bands all of them scratched and useless what a station that sounds nicola terrible what did you have to do to win it um i can't remember now just a silly competition and what was wrong with what was it like when you worked in the bank was it fun yes it was it was interesting yes you had a premonition about getting on the show and you thought in your premonition you would definitely get in the chair um yes all the way along i just felt it it felt right you cut it a bit fine actually but you thought you wanted to go at one point so how far did this premonition go did you actually see what happened or i didn't you got fastest finger you got here and then you've noticed just a blur okay we'll have to find out this is where we do it 15 questions three brand new lifelines a lot of like nicola let's play who wants to be a millionaire so question number one for 100 pounds have a look tell me the right answer here it is yankee is a nickname for someone from which country france italy south africa united states [Music] united states chris the right answer got 100 pounds question number two is for 200 quid what is the name for the piece of orchestral music before an opera overbite overture oversleep overwork it's over chill chris that's right now she's got 200 pounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] question number three for 300 quid here it is what's the name of the note given to an employee when they've been paid you know this working in the back what's the name of the note given to an employee when they've been paid pay slither pay slip pay slide pay skid it's a pay slip chris hey slip right answer 300 [Applause] all right question number four for 500 pounds just be aware you've still got those lifelines you may well not need them have a look this is the 500 quick question number four of possible 15. which of these is a principal bridesmaid or a small tart girl of dignity maid of honor less of esteem damsel of fame [Music] i would say maid of honour why not yes it's the right answer you got 500 quid [Music] have a look this is for 1000 pounds you do have all three lifelines here it is in september 2001 prince william started at which university kiel exeter saint andrews durham i'm not a hundred percent sure actually um [Music] every time you've got um all three lifelines i think i'd like to ask the audience okay uh let's make sure we get nicola up to 1 000 pounds audience on your keepers please this is the question in september 2001 prince william started at which university it's worth a thousand pounds a b c or d all vote now [Music] that's quite high um two percent i think he went to durham two percent i think he went to exeter two percent i think he went to keel 94 percent of south sudan i think i'll say saint andrews you know when it were so totally your choice um you know when you said you thought you knew what you weren't sure um if you're truthful were you gonna say something yes i was yes that's what lifeline's affordable like absolutely double it's the right house you've got 1 000 pounds guaranteed stay tuned on sony channel for more of the award-winning quiz show who wants to be a millionaire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Space Cow
Views: 31,634
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Id: IsVpmguv1Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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