Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? (UK) (S13 E6)

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welcome to the new look high-speed high-risk Who Wants to Be a Millionaire the only quicker way to make big money than an appearance on this show involves a balaclava on a very fast getaway car as ever we have serious sums of money which are now won or lost against the ticking of our big bad clock at 50,000 pounds our contestants now earned an extra lifeline the clock is giving its marching orders and they have all the time they need to get to the million right time is pressing so let's crack on and meet our first extremely excited contestant from yaar min t side Lois fence former car salesman and self-confessed Jim Bowen look-alike Louie Spence now sings for his supper in pubs and clubs around the Northeast Louie writes football songs four of them have been adopted by Middlesbrough FC he's also attempted to write a song for Eurovision and modestly says it was much better than Lloyd Webber's efforts I mean the audience's could make Chris who sometimes duets with him as the elderly brothers right lot's of luck twelve correct answers still earns your rather nice million pound cheque but first seven answers now up to 50,000 pounds have to be given within a fixed time limit after 50 grand contestants can breathe a huge sigh of relief and take as long as they need to answer now for the first tee questions Louie has only 15 seconds to answer so he has to be quick off the mark Lilly lot's of luck thank you ready for this yes let's play who wants to be brand new millionaire right question number one if you avoid making a decision or choice you are said to sit on the what start the clock bed fence shed cat be offense final answer it's the right answer you have 500 pounds question number two is 1000 pounds Louie I will warn it's the last point which you could go home with absolutely nothing here account especially number two which of these is used as a platform for making an impromptu speech here the gun gearbox soapbox matchbox source box soft box final answer just right answer you got 1,000 pounds you're in a sort of zone 90 Louis and try to keep myself cool are you cool and calm trying to be what do you reckon what sort of money do you think that you can achieve in that chair before we Chuck you out given a fair wind and a few easier easiest questions I'm hoping and I don't need what a seer this cuz the door wanna banjaxed myself but I'm hoping to get twenty grand plus okay what band you in at the moment there cuz you've sung in so many different bands all over there yeah what you in at the one I'm still singing with Chris in the elderly brothers and I'm now leading a band called ten nine shout did you get women sort of squealing and throwing their pants at you what do the blood was so you do then okay right he now has a thousand pounds safe and secured as our Louie he now though has thirty seconds to answer each of the next five questions you have got three lifelines use them if you want to and when you call for one I'll stop the clock okay question number three for two thousand pounds here we go which scientist is famous for his theories of relativity Isaac Newton Alexander Fleming Benjamin Franklin Albert Einstein oh the dance time violence it's the right answer where's your wife my wife is at work at the mall that tell she yes she is she's hiding from you stood up before well how long have you been married now two and a half months even if ever I started going out with her 31 years ago and she's been living me 17 years now do you think I've been a bit hasty or something well you know jump the gun here you know she's a fantastic girl and without what are so rough times through all maybe you do in a relationship and she just been fantastic for me and I had a bit of a setback financially but she just said look don't even worry about it I know I thought what am I doing here so I just got a release in propose to her onion ease yeah well it would have been quite funny she said no like but anyway she said yes so yeah you surprised when she said yes amazed right Louie you have 2,000 pounds I want you to get lots more you have as yet not shuts any lifelines question number four is for 5,000 pounds against the clock 30 seconds here comes which of these football teams does not have a bird nickname you Castle United Sheffield Wednesday Liverpool Norwich City leather profile answer well you can take this along cuz you worried me I willing myself actually good I've let that age where I can start to which in in me bonds but I just want to make sure I'm getting right okay good it's the right outer your fan and you'll know the others function Newcastle you're bad to know them bug pose shepherd when see owls Norwich Canaries exactly okay right you have five thousand pounds he has all three lifelines intact and the next question will be from ten grand you'll have 30 seconds to answer the question don't go away welcome back to the second part of tonight's new look Who Wants to Be a Millionaire time now for one of you at home to win some money yes there's a thousand pounds for one of you at home who can correctly answer this question which of these is a TV series about an assistant working for a fashion magazine a ugly Halle be ugly Peggy see ugly Jenny D Ugly Betty all you have to do is text game G am ii and your answer a B C or D two eight four six double four or you can't give us a ring on oh nine oh one two nine three one thousand players must be 16 or over and the lines will close towards the end of the show full terms and conditions go to WWE TV comm slash a millionaire right back to Jim Bowen look-alike Louis pence from T side who's keeping his cool he's up to 5,000 pounds already and he hasn't used a single lifeline you used to be mistaken for Sean Connery many years ago I know I know I was in yeah I was surprised now you get though this is charity said that to it he said I also now though I get the second for Jim Bowen and Ben Kingsley correct Sir Ben Kingsley excuse me sir Ben so it could be so Louie Spence and one of your great talents and you have many he's singing how much is that doggy in the window backwards no at what point do you think quietly sit in the home in T sigh do you think I know what I'll do today I'll learn how to recite how much is that doggie in the window backwards and I like it's got a little laugh at the end you see so it's usually you know gonna do it yeah do you mind no hey ready I'll be over here okay window the in doggy that is much how tail wag girlie the one with the window the in doggy that is much show sale for dog is that hope do i fufu I know you can tell your kids you were here I'm just proud that's a big part of that five moment very good all right you have 5,000 pounds you have not yet touched any lifelines I see number Five's of 10,000 pounds you have 30 seconds again against the clock here it comes some sell wine is produced in which country France Germany Italy Spain hey trans financing you have ten thousand pounds right question number six you said if you get the 20 grand you'd be absolutely tickled pink you may be about to be tickled you had three lifelines as here untouched Lily there it comes which talk-show presenter was born at London's Highgate Jude station saw the clock Ricki Lake Jerry Springer Jay Leno Oprah Winfrey I'd like to ask the audience if I may okay it's not a problem right audience this is for 20,000 pounds first time Luis needed any help at all this is the question so if you know which talk show presenter was born at London's Highgate tube station now a on your keypad will be Ricki Lake be Jerry Springer see Jay Leno D Oprah Winfrey ABC or D all vote now 19% say Ricki Lake 52% it's not huge but it's a majority say Jerry Springer 21% Jay Leno 8% Oprah Winfrey clock restarts Jerry Springer final answer you know staffed as York could be be 20 in thousand pounds is yours it's great statistic he was born a high go tube station in 1944 during an air raid all right right now this is getting a bit serious than that you got 20 grand if you go for the next question and get it right you will automatically go home with at least 50,000 pounds you no longer have to fight against the clock and you will get a brand new lifeline I will tell you there Louie you do not have to play this question you can use both lifelines and just because the clock's ticking you can stop it and walk away with the money it's 20 grand question number 7 is for 50,000 pounds here it comes by what name is the singer Stefani Germanotta better known start the clock Lady gaga Lil Kim animatronic Fergie for the sake of 5050 please yes account stop the clock keep you to take away two random wrong answers leave Louis the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer Lady Gaga Fergie clock restarts for the fall of friend please stop the clock yes now let's have a look you're allowed now up to three phone of friends who have you got here they come good grief Alastair seems to be wearing General Patton's helmet one in the middle is the long-suffering new bride correct lesser I'm turning on the end I don't know Louise Turner I wrote with before pressing every year sing there until he comes with as we walk to repeat and I do have 20 mile waka see attorneys with me on the same trigger Alastair on the top you've got jam in the middle you got Tony on the bottom okay you'll have 72 seconds left after we made the call are you gonna ring I'm gonna ring junk drawer to tell her it's worth 50,000 pounds poor girl so she hasn't suffered enough this kid okay right in at 30 seconds silver question two possible answers or at me hello Jan yeah chris tarrant oh I know is that collie been dreading isn't it yes he's here we've done the full routine he sung how much is that doggy in the window backwards with routine ah he's now stuck on a particular question and for some reason he wants to drag you into it as well if he goes right good Jan a good thing is there's no pressure at all because it's only worth fifty thousand pounds oh thank you my pleasure one bit of good news in the months all this Jan there are only two possible answer the darling one is right and one is wrong right thank you so one of these is worth fifty thousand pounds thank you very much okay the next foot well you know the next voice will be here are 30 seconds teller the two possible answers one of those is worth 50 grand or a metallic fingers well Louis yeah thank you seconds go Jan why what name is the singer Stefani Germanotta bettin lon it literally Lady Gaga or Fergie singer Stefani Germanotta better known Lady Gaga or 30 the funny Jim are not her stuff Stefani Germanotta you have 13 seconds job Lady gaga Oh Fergie Sergey I honestly don't know it's not a problem darling okay thank you thank you monthly starts take the money Chris parents have money yeah I'm so pleased I would love you to a got some more because you're a great bloke but I would hated you to lose 19 grand come on then wibble Dibble what were you gone for I think it's Lady Gaga but I've just didn't want to play it's Lady Gaga is it c'est la vie c'est la vie yeah give a big ad what a great sport 20,000 pound that's still a good photo look after yourself back to his new blushing bride in Teesside with the twenty thousand pounds that he said he came for time now to meet our next contestant from Rana min Kent it's Christina Cobell all right Kristina Cobell as in Tinkerbell was a legal secretary for ten years and now works with children with learning barriers she says the children are much better behaved than the lawyers ever were here are three arms of Kristina's life - gorgeous dogs oh and husband Barry he's third there might be even more soon as they're trying for a family Barry it must be having a rest though from his efforts tonight because christina has brought her best friend Sarah along to the studio 12 questions the first seven against the clock three brand-new lifelines to get you to 50,000 pounds at which point you get a fourth to get you to a million fifteen seconds for the first two questions Christina lots of luck let's play brand new Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ready for this yes yes okay first you're number one for 500 pounds here it comes which of these two people traditionally dance around 15 seconds bean pole may pole barge pole tadpole that would be my pole Chris final answer it's the right arm so you got five on the paper christena have to warn it's the last point at which you could go home and nothing I'm sure it won't happen you have all three lifelines question number two with guarantee you're going back with at least a thousand pounds here it comes what is the name of a recording of a radio broadcast made available on the Internet 15 seconds Bob the cast scanner web blog hyperlink I'm fairly sure that's podcast Chris final answer I'm fairly sure you're right Christina you have to how you feeling terrified no you're not no you're not you're feeling calm and collected brings win lots of money where's your lucky bracelet you're talking oh there it is oh my love pearl would you say my daughter I've never been as blessed as the day you were born my necklace and bracelet for my mum okay a sweet the kids you work with mm-hm learning barriers what does that mean and well it's a range of things really anything that might stop a child learning in school whether that's bereavement separation and being bullied friendship issues whatever it is I try and help children with that okay right now listen you have a thousand pounds I want you to win lots more Oh what um what do you come to get you know any figure would be nice I always said a grand would pay my mortgage next week next month so that's lovely anything above 5,000 is beyond my wildest dreams so come on oh my gosh come on fifty would be you can keep me in the chair okay all right well let's see what happens and you got your lucky bracelet you got a thousand pounds Goldie question number three is for two thousand pounds here it comes question number three for two thousand pounds what food product would be obtained from a hair a foot please eggs pork lamb funnily enough one of my friends is from here aphid and I know the answer is beef Chris final answer theme why do you know that my friend Jo and talks about the horrific cows a lot era forecasts are the ones with a big white face oh really yep you have 2,000 pounds it's right us so Christina huh Bell as in Tinker Bell as 2,000 pounds at this moment the next question is for 5000 pound she is not yet touched any lifelines we took a break welcome back to the third part of tonight's new look who wants to be a millionaire before we go any further just quick reminder of how you at home can win some money yes there's a thousand pounds for one of you at home who can correctly answer this question which of these is a TV series about an assistant working for a fashion magazine a ugly Halle be ugly Peggy see ugly Jenny Dee Ugly Betty all you have to do is text game gee am ii and your answer a B C or D two eight four six double four or you can't give us ring on oh nine oh one two nine three one thousand players must be 16 or over and the lines will close towards the end of the show full terms and conditions go to WWE TV com slash a millionaire right back to Christina who's lucky bracelet seems to be working so far it's got two thousand pounds as all three lifelines intact question number four is with five thousand pounds you'll only have 30 seconds to give me your right answer here it comes which comedy character is known for wearing a piece of swimwear known as a mankini start the clock Alan Partridge Bora Edna Everage mr. bean well my husband and his friends were one of these and a stag do last year and so I'm gonna say my final answer is Borat Chris right out to your 5,000 pounds your husband did what ah why do men do stupid things on collecting we're boys an investor they all went out on the beach or wearing a mankini in am i think it's magaluf and oh no it's a class venue yeah good grief so listen Cristina Cobell if you get in a reasonable amount of money which you you already have frankly um what will you do we'll be spending on cuz I'm really told me that what would you do oh you know honestly I can't believe I've got five grand which is just incredibly half oh my god and I'd probably decorate redecorate which is quite sad and and go on holiday and pay off some debts come on let's have some money you got five thousand pounds you got fifty fifty phone a friend and ask the audience you are three away from fifty thousand with three lifelines three more questions against the clock this is number five of a possible twelve Robert Pattinson the star of Twilight played which role in the Harry Potter films 30 second star the clock Barty Crouch jr. Cedric Diggory Fred Weasley Victor Krum I'm afraid I don't know this one so I'm going to ask the audience okay stop a clock they're 22 seconds remain right audience on your keypads please see how much you know your Harry Potter this is the question Robert Pattinson the star of Twilight played which role in the Harry Potter films now a on your keypad is Barty Crouch jr. B is Cedric Diggory C is Fred Weasley D is Victor Krum it's worth ten thousand pounds a B C or D all vote now six percent Barty Crouch 64 percent Cedric Diggory 20 percent Fred Weasley 10 percent Victor Krum restart the clock I know it was a fragile Victor so I'm glad the audience it worries me that they have C I'm going to go with them and say Cedric Diggory Chris final answer let them be right which ones you say it's definitely not red or Victor why not I think the week is I've ginger hair don't know it's like what the right house oh my god please stop blaspheming my office audience yeah God you've used to got a 50/50 you still got a phone a friend one of your possible phoner friends is 16 yes it's very young he sees he's actually the most grown-up person I know but yes these these young Brits very intelligent very intelligent right you've got 10,000 pounds number six halfway through of 12 is 420 thousand pounds Christina I warn you if you get me wrong out here you lose nine thousand pounds the money's going up a bit steeply but you got two lifelines here it comes number six is this where was the artist LS Lowry or 30 seconds from now Newcastle leaves Manchester Sheffield can I go 5050 yes miss stop the clock computer take away two random wrong answers the Christina right answer and the one remaining wrong answer Magister Sheffield we start the clock Oh God and Larry he did matchstick men to match dick cats and dogs stop beating up Sheffield can i phone a friend you can stop a clock again ten seconds remain right who we gonna phone are we gonna phone Boy Wonder let's have a look who are these people Barry's on the top Barry's my husband alright sorry yes that'll be hidden down for some reason is taking a photograph of somebody taking photos always such a laugh and Robbie is a 15 year old he is very very smart in a dinner jacket yes right who know I think I think Dan would know it Dan can we call that see the intelligent one he's yeah he's quite intelligent is it yeah okay take your word for it 30 seconds telling the question two possible answers one of those is worth 20,000 pounds hello hello Dan hi hi Chris Erin here I do recognize here yes that world must be good trick on the phone and dad I've got a picture of you here taking a picture of yourself with a camera yes that does sound like me very very nice you look - ah we've got Christina she's doing round the world but she's stuck on one particular question down the good news is until the options have gone so basically we got two left ones right what's wrong okay well I'm here what I can do well yes and it's worth 20,000 pounds blended splendid okay all right fingers crossed Christina 30 seconds your time starts now then where was the artist LS Lowry ball was Maori born in Manchester or Sheffield I have to be honest with you I have no idea okay thank you Dan thank you no worries no worries thank you we start the call you got 10 seconds left I think I'm gonna take the mother and run because I don't know I take my final answer take the money okay big ham she goes away with 10,000 pounds and I know which one you were going to say Sheffield the social field if you said Sheffield you would have just lost 9,000 pounds I'm so glad I'm so risky I didn't know oh my god he was born in Manchester oh you're big and she goes where I would tell Brad I knew that I'm sure you guys end up with 10,000 pounds with Oliver play she cut that fine Christina goes away with 10,000 pounds by the skin of her teeth it does mean it's time to welcome our next contestant from Worcester Andy Cole wannabe teacher Andy Cole shows to study for his history degree in Swansea because he's a mad keen surfer and it meant three years by the sea he also likes cycling and playing the guitar but presumably not at the same time Andy has been rather than fan of the show since we started 12 years ago so he's thrilled to be here this evening and he's sharing the experience with his girlfriend Katie who's up there in the audience looking absolutely terrified right 12 questions the first seven against the clock 1 million pounds up for grabs three lifelines together 50,000 pounds of them you get it for 15 seconds to answer each of the first two questions Andy lots of luck mate let's play brand-new who wants to be a millionaire question number one is for 500 pounds you'll have 15 seconds when the options come up on your screen here's the question first what's the famous occupation of James Bond annika welder composer secret agent hairdresser secret agent fine Lance it not well bourbon it's thrown out you got 500 question number two would guarantee you're going back to Austin at least a thousand pounds sir cups which name follows no way to give a well-known phrase is the options Rene is may Jose and Ray its Jose Chris finally no way Jose is the right house you got a thousand fill er up a lot more confident I did t know you'd be everything you be good you got a thousand pounds so Andy I'm trying to get the trick of you you you've got a history degree yes now you're working as a barman yeah and money's not as good but it's what you enjoy and it's something you can stick out and enjoy meeting new people all the time you want to eventually teach don't you yes well hoping to yes and I you know I'm sure I'm being quite nosy really but having just sort of finished a degree course and got presumably fairly heavily into that because all the students who come on tell me that are you not now getting deeper and deeper into debt yeah well yeah I'm slowly trying to claw myself out the day it's not really working that well and and luckily I've got the opportunity now and the thousand pounds going to help be truthful then Andy Andy Cole tell me we're up that ladder would you level off your debts 20 grand yeah it's a I'm just made a lot of a lot of the guys who come on here and girls who just left University of College of it you just think how do you ever sort of claw that back before you will you start really so you need 20,000 rupees from us don't you yes that would that would be great news that's what we're here for right okay you had thousand pounds that's guaranteed you're about 19 short of your total at money person number three is for two thousand pounds from now on you've got 30 seconds for each answer up to hopefully up to question number seven for 50 grand when the clock was stopped right question number three is this pressing ctrl alt and which other key is a way of rebooting a computer 30 seconds here they come delete forward slash scroll tab its delete file answer press I'd leave my long it's the right answer you got 2000 that's number four against the park again 30 seconds this is the question Bradley Wiggins is a top name in which sport 30 seconds start the top darts show jumping cycling athletics is a very successful cyclist Chris so I'll answer cycling so yep so why don't you go 5,000 right if you have 5000 pounds you have three lifelines question 5 is for 10 ground this is getting to be serious money and here it comes which of these is a word for a Spanish gentleman start the clock Castillo carbonara pasta Caballero fifty-fifty you can't stop the clock Ryan computer take away two random wrong answers leave only the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer - let's clock starts again final answer Caballero you don't feel very confident for first time it's a long time since I did a bit of Spanish idea why would it be home well I know Koster is coast so I think or something along that costed us all we take a break join us again in a couple of minutes the next part of tonight's who wants to be a millionaire don't go away welcome back to the final part of tonight's new look who wants to be a millionaire we left Andy Carl from Worcester just before the break with a bit of a cliffhanger on this question for 10,000 pounds which of these is a word for Spanish gentlemen there were four options to went on a 50/50 to a left Koster or Caballero and he admitted isn't done Spanish for a while and he went for Caballero thinking you're right hopefully yes it's the right answer you're 10,000 pounds now you have 10,000 pounds you've got two lifelines remaining you are two away from fifty thousand pounds you got ten thousand pounds of this moment you would lose 9 grand and ecole if you give me a wrong answer question number six is this you'll have 30 seconds in 2008 who became the first British woman to top the u.s. chance for more than 20 years 30 seconds these are the options Lily Allen Leona Lewis Amy Winehouse Duffy can i phone a friend you can't something plop right let's have a look who have you got okay yeah that's my girlfriend's father Samantha in the middle and somebody completely blurred called James on them okay he works with me my all this is known now who'd know this and okay this is Katie's dad yeah it's not okay well funny what's he he's in Port Talbot how is he because he surfing probably not okay with only telling the question four possible answers it's worth 20,000 pounds one of them is hello Ian yeah Chris Tara good evening I am how are you all right thanks well I got Andy here I'll go Katie a Katie's looking more and more embarrassed by the secondly veggies more embarrassed now because dad's voice is on the phone and he's doing all right he's stuck on a particular question he thinks you'll know it's worth quite a lot of money Ian it's worth 20 grand to him okay those problems on eorum it okay right 30 seconds Andy fingers crossed your time starts now hello Ian hi later in 2008 who became the first British woman to top the US charts for more than 20 years that's 2008 British woman hey Lily Allen be Liat Leona Lewis see Amy Winehouse or D Duffy I don't understand who where I think it would be Leon everywhere but I don't know one represent that's what I was stealing as well in thanks Ryan okay thank you very much that I can thank you so you say talk talks restarted final answer Nina Lewis not Amy Winehouse no just right answer you got 20,000 that's a nice fact the previous one was Kim while back in 1987 now you have 20 grand at this moment you said you wanted 20 grand you've got 20 grand you could walk away however you are one right answer away from 50,000 pounds that'll be a serious check and that would be the minimum amount you go home with Andi one more question against the clock 30 seconds question number 7 is this which woman in public life has children called track Bristol Willow Piper and trig 30 seconds from now for 50 grand Sarah Palin Madonna Harriet Harman JK Rowling lifeline please Chris Wright stop the clock audience here's the question which woman in public life has children called track Bristol Willow Piper and trick now a on your keypad is Sarah Palin B is Madonna see Harriet Harman and D JK Rowling which one a B C or D all vote now sarah palin 57% madonna 24% Harriet Harman 7% JK Rowling at 12% restart the clock 22 seconds I always said to herself if the audience were around no 50% sure then I'm going to go for the audience so common audience be watching the please I'm gonna go with the audience final answer not Madonna I'm pretty sure it's not Madonna you just won 50 good say sometimes former governor of Alaska and nominee for vice president five kids all with very funny names now look 15,000 pounds that's the minimum as a sunken it probably hasn't yet this is the minimum amount you will be leaving here with tonight take it Jules oh I'm aiming to go higher now and I've got the switch and shall I'm not going to lose anything now else my safe haven no you are a sailor on the jet light happy person now so fifty thousand pounds now is the very least Andy could go home with and from now on he can calm down and take his time over answering the next few questions plus plus he has now earned that extra lifeline switch where he can get rid of a question he doesn't like the look of and switch it for a brand-new replacement question question number eight is the seventy-five thousand pounds you might as well play this and you can't lose you've guaranteed to go home with fifty have a look these are the four options and take your time if you need it the film critic Barry Norman markets his own brand of which product popcorn pickle onions Pizza peanut butter one of those is worth 75,000 pounds if you haven't got the foggiest you could switch the question it doesn't ring any bells I'm afraid so that switch the other switch like phone please okay just out of interest and what do you think they also don't think it's pizza because being a student ex student who still are pizza they're bringing balance their popcorn maybe peanut butter I gave them popcorn interestingly Kathy thinks it's peanut butter popcorn or peanut butter good you got rid of this - the rice with pickled onions berries Allah he's a mate he says it's a secret family recipe of the norman family so let's ditch it and switch it so this is the new question flushing and forest hills are areas in which new york borough Bronx Brooklyn Queens Staten Island now one of those is worth 75,000 pounds you have no lifelines remaining but you should play it I've been to New York quite a few years ago I don't think it's Brooklyn and I'm guessing Queens final answer why so that was standard on it just an old friend of mine er it's been an old band three years ago he's from New York he's from Queens and I don't think it's I'm with me in Flushing a Forest Hills they sound like open quite nice place you're a blue are you yeah I didn't really know you had 50,000 pounds you've still got 50,000 hours but you now have another 25,000 75 please I'm low I hate that noise you could probably do with the breakout still about a week you had 50,000 pounds you now have that that's very nice it's very very nice is very very pretty to hold it it's of course you can it's yours it is my fee don't forget when we get to the bar I'm your new best mate that's all we got time for earlier on to that very good night tonight very busy night Lois fence came here hoping to get 20,000 pounds he went back to T sad with exactly 20,000 pounds Christina cabel's lucky bracelet secured her a 10,000 pound check and Amir history gradua Andy Cole has already cleared his student debts and a whole lot more now with 75,000 pounds and he'll be back next time he might end up with lots more yet lines have now closed and our viewers competition one of your home has got a check winging its way to you the correct answer is d Ugly Betty so from me and him here grinning like a Cheshire Cat and everybody else or brand-new who wants to be a millionaire good night Red Team are you ready yeah ready Carly Blue team are you ready good play the blues three two one go go go it's very very cold and a huge challenge and one of the celebs will be sent home 71 degrees north is next you
Channel: Roman Sergeev
Views: 74,677
Rating: 4.5963302 out of 5
Id: whMeGP3gwj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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