Who Wants to be a Millionaire 3/9/01 FULL SHOW

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beside let's see winner is Greg yes well I really do think it's b3 final answer final answer yes it's three Greg you've got thank you very much everybody good evening welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Friday night here and what a week we've had in New York City we had the winter storm that ever happened and lately around here we've had the million dollar winner that never happened our top prize has now reached the staggering level of two million $60,000 we have great Gibbs from Durham North Carolina in the hot seat he is a law student at Duke University Menem last night cruise through the first seven questions and what I love about your whole plan here is that Greg has an all-star team of photo friends where you hear this comprised of who I've got I've got I really wanted to get everybody who knew everything that I don't and so I really had to reach far and wide because there's an awful lot I don't know I've got professors I've got other law students I've got a vice president of marketing research at a financial services company I got all sorts of people there you go what you've got here is an all-star team of collaborators right I hope Sluss this good-looking audience of course and you're all set babe you're the one who's gonna do it I feel it in my bones yeah what'd you do last night well you guys it last night we well it was it was it was cold and it was snowy last night and it was actually the city was very quiet so we just kind of we just kind of hung out you and your wife Shannon hi shad on how you doing one thing I do want to bring up I was giving you a hard time about Notre Dame's basketball team last night yes and of course that's ignoring the fact that Notre Dame your school has the best women's basketball team in the know I thought that's what we were talking about I was wondering what you were talking about number one in basketball our women's no yes and and I want to apologize to you and all the Fighting Irish and appease you because I'd rather have the luck of the Fighting Irish on my side and wait to kiss up now like I want to tell you your days are numbered around here buggies now we accept that that let's see let's see which team wins the tournament again I think begins tonight doesn't it alright if just watching is enough for you then log on to abc.com right now and play along with grid using our enhanced TV game I think you'll enjoy it very much so break is will you stand you've won $4,000 eight questions away now from the $1,000,000 level once you reach the 32,000 on the level you guaranteed to leave here with at least that much money you have all three of your lifelines left fifty-fifty as the audience you can phone your all-star team waiting to receive your call remember great if you go all the way tonight you'll win two million sixty thousand dollars ready to play I'm ready audience are you ready sure let's do it here it is great for $8,000 which of the following is the title of an acclaimed PBS science series nova pulsar universe life well this might make me look geek here then I want to look but I used to watch Nova as a child and I actually learnt quite a bit out of it as a child and let me just make sure that none of the others are distracting me too much the answer is a nova final yes final yes $8,000 going to 16,000 Bill Bojangles Robinson was a famous performer of what magic hypnotism mime tap dance mr. Bojangles famous song about him and talked about him and his dog and I don't think the dog was a dancer but he certainly was the answer is tap dance final answer tap dance got it for sixteen thousand six away from 2 million sixty thousand dollars here it comes for 32,000 started in 2000 AM tracks Acela Express high-speed train travels between Boston and which of these cities Miami Washington DC Los Angeles Chicago I'm pretty sure I I know this one I'm trying to think if I want to go to lifeline to help me out on this and whether I want to go to a phone friend well the audience always gets it right so of them this is kind of a obscure question let's like I just said the audience is always right I'd like to use the audience let me see what they have let's do it great all right audience we need your help if you're ready on your keypads using a b c or d both now kind of overwhelming 76% say Washington and that's yeah I'm not going to argue with that and that's exactly what I thought it was I will definitely go with the audience they know what they're talking about the answer is Washington DC B final answer and it's the right ads of a 32 breakin roster Duke University Durham North Carolina in a hot seat 130 mm going to 64,000 and playing for a lot of money what are your plans for this money if you did well any money for for a law student any money is an awful lot of money and 32,000 is an overwhelming amount what does it cost to go to law school what's your guess you wouldn't be able to conceive how much it costs to go to loss more the 2 billion $60,000 that might cover it that my Harley cover it but if I did win a larger sum of money most of it would well it would go to payoff law school debt and I think the other thing I think we'd like to go do is go to Europe um I've never been and that wasn't so surprising when we lived on the west coast but now we're on East Coast and it's you know just hop across the pond that's it and so yes we really like to go to Europe well good well let's hope we can get you there okay you do it fine you're going for 64,000 you've got two lifelines left five away from the big bucks let's play here we go the $64,000 grade take a look the card game solitaire is also called what patience Rochambeau concentration associations hi well I know that there - that it's not a milind well I know that it's not Rochambeau it's not concentration so it's really between patients and associations and and I suspect if I do the 50/50 it's going to tell me exactly what I the two that I'm trying to decide between I think you're right about 50/50 that's Larry let's you know the worst-case scenario is it's a fair game yeah let's do the 50/50 and let's see what happens Greg are you sure you want to use the 50/50 here I want you to win two million dollars tonight well I'd like to do that as well all right all right you want here to serve I'm here to please here to love and cherish what do you want you want 5050 yeah let's do 50 okay computer take away two of those bad wrong answers ooh now you know what's not Rishabha you said no I don't think it is and that was actually very helpful 55 was the best 5050 we've ever had around roshambo is that's paper Paper Scissors rock whatever it is what's the problem the answers got to be patience make that your huh beat now be patient with me it's gotta be patience patience final answer yes Greg sixty-four that was something I could has wanted the associations a big that's what I was leaning towards all right here's where we are we're far away now 125,000 coming up and all those professors lined up panting by the phones right okay let's take a look at it for 125 thousand dollars what River forms part of the border between Oregon and Idaho Columbian snake Missouri will Ahmet you know before they the answers came up I was thinking it's at snake it's got to be snake river and I'm just trying to think of a reason why wow I would know that I've never really been there sometimes nothing sticks in your mind you know for years the night of pops up maybe it is well I really you know I would hate the waste to life line but I really think I'm gonna go with sink final answer yes all right snake it is huh doing great three questions oh wait out you now I must tell you that should you miss you you lose ninety-three thousand dollars but if you get it you're up to a quarter million quarter million and one lifeline left ready to go here it comes for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars who was the only person to receive two Oscars for the same role in the same film Barry Fitzgerald Joan Bennett Harold Russell Barbara Stanwyck Wow I studied film as an undergraduate and one would hope that I'd see film in the question and would light up because hey that's my thing but let's think about a Barry Fitzgerald gotta him same old same film if you don't remember these names and it could be a problem well yeah that's that's the problem is variant Harold are a little before my time and well I'm not I'm going to use all my lifelines and so let me I want to call and let me try to figure out who I want to fall let me call let me call Paul what is Paul - Paul is is one of the law professors let's try let's call Paul Paul AT&T we need Paul on the line hello hello Paul yeah Regis Philbin calling from baby season Wants to Be a Millionaire how you doing I'm doing hi I've got one of your students here and he's doing terrific great he's going him quarter billion dollars and of course he's turning to his teacher but some help all right all right Paul so he's gonna come on and read the question of the whole possible Mets as an aggregate so Leo is 30 seconds starting now who was the only person to receive two Oscars for the same role in the same film Barry Fitzgerald Joan Bennett's Harold Russell or Barbara Stanwyck yet 20 seconds I'm gonna be no help any talk to me any guesses no gift at all read the names to get to them Marion Barry Fitzgerald Joan Bennett Harold Russell Barbara Stanwyck can you at least tell me what movies the others were in hell Brussels Wow well Wow now it's gonna be up to you you risk 93,000 you know what you get if you get it I would love to guess this is this is this should be my strength but I know at this point in the game if I don't have a solid answer and I can't even identify why the others are wrong I really need to I need to be a smart boy and walk walk away $125,000 is a knife he'll walk Plus with a chick in my hand yes is that your final decision do you think I hates it I hate to walk a film question but I know I've got a wife behind me going walk Wow I got a walk I got a walk fight him that final decision final answer all right well the winning answer was Harold Russell the best years of our lives the fella was a lot of fun yes Harold Russell remember him won Best Supporting Actor an honorary Oscar for his outstanding job in the best years of our lives in 1946 well congratulations to Gregg that $125,000 will pay for Law School hopefully now here are 10 people who want their shot at the big bucks and they are Linda be good Bordeaux to Jersey called Herman New York City Heather the dealer San Diego California Scott Roy Dental Assistant alla vodka Scott stone ball Sydney Washington Brett it's a story of New York joy Ziegler Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in the subtlest Los Angeles California Paul Pierce in Boston New York and dippy 93 okay everybody congratulations on getting here now this is the moment of truth here comes tonight's first fastest finger question put these movies in order by their first theatrical release started with the most recent meatballs soul food fried green tomatoes The Cider House Rules okay times up let's see the answer in the correct order starting with the most recent film and it was in the side of house room then soul food fried green tomatoes and finally meatballs that's the right order who did isn't the best design let's see the winner is well we have a tie we have a tie everybody let me do it welcome back everybody this rarely happens around here a tie for the fastest finger question Paul Pearson is one of the contestants and Brett beach on the other side of the room is also in there as well so it's very exciting now but here is your tie breaking fastest finger question here it comes put these best-selling memoirs in the order they were first published started with the earliest Iacocca prozac nation bold rose bowl tints time's up let's see the ads in the correct order starting with the earliest my and the Mohs Iacocca Bono's Bowl prozac nation and tis that's the right Ottawa so for me it's awesome Wahl Pearson wins the head-to-head battle with the Bret Beach Bret sorry but there's a lot of show left okay certainly a good luck to you all right Paul congratulations thank you from Ossining New York what do you do for a living I'm a copy editor for a business newspaper here in New York City uh-huh and you're accompanied by your girlfriend Robin hi Robin hi Reed are you doing good both of you are cut riveting nuts huh yes we do you played the game a lot as I understand it yes we do starting out the computer mm-hmm and we now I hosted that trivia game so online you host you do my job yeah only without the research staff to help me out who said there's a research staff here oh you need to come up with a question absolutely I never knew that no I got a big staff here to help me out but I must be a lot of fun and you must enjoy it no it's it's great I learn things every day that I would never even thought of learning and these are people that you meet on the computer yeah once in a while you go away and you won't meet in a in a hotel in various cities yeah we've been to Atlanta with in Philadelphia with into Washington with in LA it's it's a wonderful way to meet people and to see the country it's amazing how trivia has really caught on all over the country Mara mastic all right well Paul we're expecting big things from you since you play the game so much and you host your own game but you know about our rules around here you know about a lifeline and I much what are you playing for but Stuart let's play who wants to be a bigger net with Paul Kersey okay Paul we all be stopped I've had $100 question here it is a common prairie plant that can break away from its roots and a role in the wind is called what cactus tumbleweed rhododendron naughty that would be tumbleweed B got it for $100 $300 a police officer who wears civilian clothes while on duty is called what striped pants plainclothes flannel shirt Mahmood ahead they'll be plain clothes be final answer yes sir 200 300 if you're going to knock someone into next week what are you threatening to do sue him give him the silent treatment punch him tell knock-knock jokes lbc punch in final answer yes formally hunger gathered you were touching up to $500 spectacles is an old-fashioned word for what movies mirrors windows eyeglasses that's high glasses D finally it's got that will do going for 1,000 in the 1992 movie The Bodyguard who does the bodyguard protect pop singer first lady government witness millionaire's wife I was Whitney Houston I'd be a pop singer Hey I'll answer yes sir with the Houston you can tell this guy is a trained a trivia player going for $2,000 check it out city by the bay is a popular nickname for what US City Tampa Seattle San Francisco Boston remember that one that's San Francisco see final answer yes San Francisco $4,000 the frosting on the top of a hostess cupcake appears in what design square straight line triangle squiggly I believe that is a squiggle D squiggle D final answer my final answer squiggle the right accent what is the winner of you what are your trivia games win how much like that there's no money on the line just cry I thought all I get is Fame glory and the jealousy of their fellow players there you go all right well you're going for $8,000 right now a little more than all of that but here it has eight questions away poll check it out in her stand-up comedy routines what performer called to herself a domestic goddess Brett Butler Roseanne Joan Rivers Paula Poundstone murder she called herself a lot of things and one of them was a domestic goddess and that would be Roseanne be my final answer yes Roseanne just like that he's up the 16000 what sport was nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize for promoting understanding among nations soccer baseball tennis volleyball actually I've read about this and I've read about all sorts of sports columnist ridiculing this for being ironic because there are many more flights at this sport than anything else the answer is soccer a final answer got that one thank you very much you know ladies and gentlemen we have some special people sitting in our audience very special indeed because down at Disney World they are opening a new attraction it's going to be called Who Wants to Be a Millionaire play it it's going to be triple the size of the studio and all you folks who go to the Disney MGM studios are invited to go in and try your hand at Who Wants to Be a Millionaire down there on the great floor of the park so we have the six people who will be portraying me in in this event and they're all sitting up there all dressed appropriately here they are how about a nice hand for all six folks right here you'll see them down there at Bisley MGM studios they are the Regis people and what have you got to say to me is that your final answer dynamite aren't they they take your breath away good luck down there and have a great time okay we'll see you down there it opens on April 7th all right Paul you played the trivia game and now you're playing in the game of your life right here you've won 16,000 and incidentally went to note for day that's right class of 1993 yeah I was in 88 how would you what was your major I was an American Studies major uh-huh just the closest thing that Notre Dame has to a journalism major we put a lot of American topics in that major American history culture literature yeah good background for what you're doing now great background what you also got a cameo role in Rudy yes I did I was on for about three seconds what were you doing well there's a scene where Rudy goes to the grotto the replica of the grotto of Lourdes at Notre Dame and he lights a candle and prays for guidance I'm one of the other people kneeling on the bar praying with him not not with him just you and Rudy prayed together but what were you praying for well it was being always a motivation it was being filmed in December at night with wind blowing so only thing I was praying for was warmth you were afraid for them to get the shot so you could get out of it like go home that's right yeah that movies become a classic has it all right so Paul 16-thousand going for 32,000 right now all of your life lines you're flying man you're six questions away from 2 million $60,000 let's play $32,000 in a honey bee colony which of the following is true of the worker bees they're male they cannot fly they are female they cannot sting reaches the drones and the males those are the ones that have no stinger I believe that will leave the workers they're the ones that go out and get the nectar so they fly so I'm going to say that they are female I say the answer is seat were cabeza the female that's right final answer it's my final answer absolutely right for 32,000 but though the odds be great a small Notre Dame will win overall you're on your way 64,000 coming up all his lifelines left what is Queen Elizabeth the second relationship to the current Duke of Edinburgh his mother grandmother sister wife I believe that the Duke of Edinburgh is Prince Phillip whose husband that's a lot of it's a lot of money on the line here I'm going to say the answer is d his wife pretty sure yes final answer that's my final answer nailed it for 64 unstoppable is palled piercing going now for a $125,000 we've had so many shows without without a millionaire winner here we're all getting very excited here it comes for 125,000 Dave and Alba Stan's book the best and the brightest documents America's involvement in what professional basketball the media Vietnam War space race I know David Halberstam did a book about Michael Jordan but I don't think that's the one we're looking at here I think it's time for me to it's time for me to use a lifeline okay I think I'm gonna ask the audience the audience all right audience we need some help football if you're ready on your keypads using a B C or D vote now 43% say the space race and 23% say professional basketball some famous writer has written many books many topics but the best of the proudest that's what we're looking for you still hates a couple of lifelines yeah I think I should use one another one of them just to be sure why we use the 50-50 lifeline all right we'll see what happens if we use the 50-50 take away two of those wrong answers please well space race didn't hold up so it's the media or the Vietnam War the best and the brightest I'm thinking but the best and brightest in terms of the media I think the best and brightest would usually be something you'd associate with a war or a soldier because that hope they'd send your best and your brightest into combat plus I'm going to say that the answer is see Vietnam war final answer that's my final answer yes the Vietnam War looking back in No this central person $125,000 I was kind of worried about that one but David Halberstam is one of our great authors in this country won the Pulitzer Prize for that book it lives across the street so anyway I thought you know that one you I'm gonna have to start reading him I guess oh he's terrific he writes on a variety of subjects anyway you've got one lifeline left what's your strategy here uh save it until I actually need it he is it and if it doesn't help walk away that's it you got that one right we're playing for 250,000 dollars a lot of money here huh mm-hmm how do you feel uh nervous I was told that the first few questions were designed to calm the nerves so they didn't work this time just made you wonder that's right well you do it find that we have that phone-a-friend lifeline but if you miss you you'll lose ninety-three thousand dollars let's get back to it here it comes but two hundred and fifty thousand dollars let's play Roy Lichtenstein's 1961 painting look Mickey Mickey Mouse is fishing with what cartoon character goofy Donald Duck Pluto Minnie Mouse this opinion I am completely unfamiliar with let's think of that photo friend here yeah I'm thinking about the phone friend I'm trying to think of who I should call for this I don't have anybody with any specialty Artemis ha I use my lifeline and I'm gonna call my friend Rick what does he do he's a lawyer in Seattle let's try red let's see if he can help me daddy Rick from Seattle Rick old art Ojai is a Rick they're busy Oh Rick regis philbin calling from new york how are you I'm good Regis how are you good we've got Paul Pierce in here who's been a whiz but it's down to uh well three questions away from winning uh over two million dollars Omar going for two hundred and fifty thousand right now so he's gonna come on the line and look for a little help he's gonna read you the question and the four possible answers okay great I good luck Rick good luck to you Paul 30 seconds starting right now in Roy Lichtenstein's 1961 painting look Mickey Mickey Mouse is fishing with what cartoon character goofy Donald Duck Pluto or Minnie Mouse 19 seconds um my best guess is Minnie I don't swear that I remember the picture but in the back of my mind an idea that there was a lifted stein picture with Minnie and Mickey that's how sure are you record I'd say 60 percent of us 60 percent I thank well you got a big decision here it's not right you lose ninety three thousand fee is Roger up to a quarter billion to stay in the game ah it said 80 or 90% it'd be jumping on because this guy is a smart cookie retire look Mickey there are four famous Disney characters if he'd been more than 60% I'd go for this but there's too much on the line a lot of money no doubt yeah that a lot of things I can do 125 Korean shoot so it's I'm gonna I think I'm gonna walk away for sure all right we understand well let's see you the right head so what do you think it was ah I'd say it was minutes no less Donald Duck whoa thanks Tim ricke thanks a lot everyone good nothing at all oh what a relief did you see that guy's face you believed he walked away oh yeah a great contestant though but now there's more to come so here's the next fastest finger question put these actors in order by their birth starting with the most recent Jimmy Smits sarah michelle gellar Calista Flockhart Della Reese ok we're all set back here let's see the answer in the correct order starting with the most recent actor Sarah Michelle Gellar then came Calista Flockhart Jimmy Smits and finally Della Reese that's the right Hormuz in it in the fastest time let's see the winner is Scott that's going to go all the way from Fall City Washington that's near a Seattle what do you do Scott I work for a computer company and I do tech support for people who have problems with their so you're the guy they called they turn to and they just can't go any further that's right and you've been here before haven't you I was here a year ago February any easier the second time around no still nerve-racking it is very much the toughest part of our show the fastest finger question and getting the answer first all right well welcome back nice to have you here Scott we have a few minutes so why don't we get right to it you know the rules you don't want the lifelines another 20 we're playing for let's get back to play who wants to be a billionaire with Scott stone right now hundred dollar question a common way of saying keep quiet is telling someone to button his what his jacket his lip his brain his buttons I'm going to go with be live got it for $100 $200 which of the following words is slang for an event that causes sadness pepper downer opera diet let's go with be downer hit sad outta your right not for you those $200 going to 300 the TV and comic book character The Incredible Hulk is known for having which of the following qualities his superhuman strength his head for numbers he's great in the kitchen hilarious at a party I well he was pretty funny um superhuman strength let's go hey right the $300 up to $500 which of the following things does a mountain rider use to urge his horse forward spur horn horseshoe blinder okay that would be a spur final answer yes uses his first up to $1,000 pretzel frankfurter and dachshund our examples of words derived from the language of one country the Netherlands Sweden Norway Germany and the nervous wasn't connecting up Germany D final answer yes Germany doing fine Scott here it comes for $2000 gerontology is the study of what music history aging color grammar gerontology okay don't say anything else that looks good let's go with B aging final answer yes that's what makes money four thousand what TV duos surnames are DeFazio and Feeny Archie and Jughead Punch and John Laverne and Shirley Lenny and Squiggy let's go with Laverne and Shirley see I'll answer yes Laverne DeFazio we have surely coming on the show Cindy Williams will be part of our classic TV stars edition coming up soon here on the millionaire show $8,000 a Monte Cristo is what kind of food sandwich pudding soup salad that's that's gonna have to be a sandwich a final answer yes sir that's what it is well that sound means we're out of time for the night but Scott we'll be back here on Sunday night and joining it will be ten people who will not get stuck at the airport and they are John Neville Dan Hawkins John Kerr gage Smith Rick English in McAllen Jack Wally Russell week Andy Mel and Ray Martin
Channel: WWTBAMclassics
Views: 481,624
Rating: 4.7308025 out of 5
Keywords: Who, wants, to, be, millionaire, Regis, Philbin, Game, show, fastest, finger, winner, complete, Greg, Gibbs, Paul, Pearson, tie, Scott, Stone, game, million
Id: sTGxOqp3qB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2012
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