Historic Win By Judith Keppel - Who Wants To Be A Millionare?

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and for all of you lucky enough to have the DVD version here's a fuller look at the road to a million pounds so Judith question number one 400 pound series hopefully not so straightforward complete the same as sick as a butter each puffin parrot penguin parrot why don't you go to Underpants [Applause] [Music] okay have a look at question number two it's worth 200 pounds which legal document states a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property after death would shall should will will I think it might be well that's right on so you got you on the back [Music] okay have a look for 300 pounds question number three complete the title of the James Bond film the man with the golden tooth Golden Gun Golden Eagle delicious it's one of those that Golden Gun it's a right article to be on the path [Applause] [Music] we do get harder sorry bad news they do get on it they know trick questions when they get hard where's the money goes up you got 300 passes for 500 pounds you still all through life flash you had no problem so far have a look Judas at question number four which of these fruits shares its name with something superior or desirable apricot grapefruit plum mango superior what is our problem yes it's good it's right how's your father [Music] okay question number five is worth a thousand first big milestone have a look at it take your time use a lifeline if you have to you probably won't have a lot question number five in which sport the two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope tug-of-war basketball I smokey or puller it's like a water [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how are you feeling now then after the night I've got two thousand five thousand pounds no problem you got all three laughs let's have a look at question number six is worth two thousand take your time you're ten away from 1 million this is question number six of a possible 15 where would a cowboy normally put his chaps on his head on his arms on his legs on his hands on his legs his chance his chance I would at least chaps on his legs to stop his legs getting rubbed by the hoax yeah it's good [Applause] [Music] question number seven is worth 4,000 you still haven't used a lifeline take your time this is it which of these zodiac signs is not represented by an animal that grows homes Taurus Capricorn aquarius Aries I think it's Aquarius what's your star sign Leo that doesn't have well it wouldn't be in a lion five months yeah it's good you've got four thousand pounds [Applause] [Music] now you villain I'm getting more nervous mourner that's wrong less why I don't know that's water thank you okay don't mind me asking okay right question number eight is worth eight thousand pounds Sherpas and Gurkhas are native to which country Russia Ecuador Nepal Morocco it's Nepal sure yeah been there nope well ago that no I get vertigo in mountains ah you would've like you wouldn't like Nepal much then if you don't have Hamptons final answer yeah final answer it's good you got suppose that's made it worse now is it the more money I give you the worse it gets it's getting worse he's very straight you're supposed to it's supposed to get better Judith have a look at question number nine this worth 16000 Prime Minister Tony Blair was born in which country England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales I'd like to ask the audience please okay well it's on your keypads please and a stronger Judith up to 16,000 pounds ago Judith you don't accept their answer you would lose seven if they gave you a wrong answer have a look Prime Minister Tony Blair was born in which country a B C or D or vote now for 16,000 pounds 90 percent thick England 12 percent Northern Ireland 53 percent say Scotland 16 say Wales okay I'll go for a risk it and gave the Scotland final answer yeah what I think I wish you'd tell me don't tease tell me but I always tease I know you do it's the best fun I have oh alright then you've had 8,000 pounds you've just won 16 [Music] [Applause] this is question number 10 of a possible 15 it's worth 32,000 pounds here it is whose autobiography has the title a long walk to freedom Ranulph Fiennes mother Theresa Nelson Mandela Mikhail Gorbachev I think it's um Nelson Mandela play um yes I do I love a final answer you just won thirty two thousand pounds [Applause] [Music] [Music] which is a great way to come back you came up with 16,000 you know now you're guaranteed to go home this Monday night with at least have a look that amount of money touch do you want 32,000 pounds but we don't want to give you that we will give you that Judith you know that whatever happens yes you go to toe job you go home with at least that amount of money that's guaranteed okay have a look at question number 11 it's worth 64,000 pounds duffle coats are named after a town in which country Belgium Holland Germany Austria take your time you got two lifelines you've got 32,000 guaranteed it sounds sort of slightly Frenchy words it could be belt I have absolutely no idea and I simply can't think of who nerves would know I don't think it's hollering because it doesn't sound like a Dutch word it's it could be three things and I don't know I'm good you could do 50/50 and then finish yeah I think I'd like to 50/50 okay computer take away two wrong answers leave Judith the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer one of those worth 64,000 pounds one would leave you still with 32,000 I think I'll try Belton and hope for the best final answer yup final answer [Music] how do them you're done I've had no idea you just once 64,000 pounds [Applause] [Music] you just want 64,000 pounds it's named after the town of death Hill which is in which is in building have a look at that she still kept that important life line as well you still got phone a friend yeah we don't want to give you that you've got sixty four thousands moment you guaranteed thirty-two your four questions away from 1 million have a look at question number 12 of a possible 15 complete this stage instruction in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale exit pursued by a tiger clown bear dog [Music] I'm afraid I don't know I would like to phone a friend now and I'd like to phone Jilly Jilly Jilly ok do you want to tell how much my little Jilly hi it's Chris time here on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire good evening oh goodness hi I've got Judith here she's she's doing rather well she's come back on sixteen thousand at this moment she's on 64,000 pounds next verse here will be Judah this should tell her the question there are thirty seconds in which to tell you a question there are four possible answers one of them is worth 125 thousand pounds right okay lots of like Judith your time starts now Julie yeah complete this stage instruction in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale yeah quotes exit pursued by a either tiger lone bear or dog right I know this one I'm a hundred percent sure it's bear oh I'm absolutely sure Oh Julie thanks so much Julie bless you well she sounded pretty confident a hundred percent is quite high yeah absolutely she sort of thinks she would definitely know so I will definitely go for final awesome yeah so right out so you just 100 [Music] [Applause] the young of which creature is known as a squab some horse pigeon octopus I dunno you know it yeah I think so it's a pigeon cuz you eat them in America they're called squabs it doesn't work like it's up to it's worth 250,000 thousand well it's definitely not the other things I think it's not a young salmon or young Hawk it's again this elimination I'm sure it's a squirrel and you do eat them in America and they're called squirrels play yeah I want to play I thought a pigeon before the thing lit up so I would like to play final answer final answer [Music] give me the check you don't want anymore you just won 255 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we don't want to give you that you've got 250,000 pounds at this moment have a look at the next question it's worth 500,000 pounds have a look at question in the 40 who is the patron saint of Spain it's and James son John some Benedict some Peter I think it's James and Spain is called Santiago [Music] I'm sorry but I'd like to do some James why are you apologizing well because it's some frightening that what I could lose and I've seen someone lose it but on the other hand yeah some James and James and James Santiago patron saint of Spain sir James and John some Benedict's and Peter for half a million I think it isn't James do you want to play yes I do want to play final oh yeah you just won 500 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she said I'd be very lucky you have not been very lucky been absolutely brilliant you guarantee 32,000 pounds you can walk away now with 500,000 pounds you might as well have a little peep at the question because otherwise it'll negly forever and also I think you'll find the whole country wants to see the question anyway if you give me a wrong answer you still got 32,000 you lose four hundred and sixty eight thousand pounds that's quite a lot Jesus yes I know gosh but it's worth a million pounds have a look at question number 15 of 15 which King was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine [Music] Henry the first 10 to the second Richard the first Henry the fifth I think it's Henry the second I saw her tomb on the napkin in France this summer what did it say on it saying that she was married to heaven in a second [Music] I said I wasn't gonna gamble and I came back and I sort of can't resist it you got 32,000 pounds at the moment you got half a million I did it at school for a level and I'm I'm trying to remember today um I do think it's in a second I think it sounded a second [Music] you lose four hundred and sixty eight thousand pounds of your own I think it's worth going for I'm gonna say henry ii yep final [Music] [Music] you just want one [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Rosie come on down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a minute leg we've never ever show this have a look at this pay Judas Kapil 1 million pounds look at that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Views: 5,832,111
Rating: 4.8787065 out of 5
Keywords: Who Wants to be a millionare, Chris Tarrant, Quiz Show, Hardest Quiz Shows, Millionaire, Biggest Game Show Prizes, Quiz Show Fail, Quiz Show Win, Biggest Game Show Wins, Judith Keppel, Mother and daughter, A historic win, How to win millions, 1 million pounds, prize, best quiz shows, winner
Id: f_zcphpDi6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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