Series 3 Who Wants to be a Millionaire 6th March 1999

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last night on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire well done audience you got 2,000 pounds understand 2,000 pounds I think beauties devotee really new text file answer person it's the wrong ass today David goes away with absolutely nothing I go for do you think it's good it's right answer thank you hello and welcome to an extra hour-long Who Wants to Be a Millionaire News at Ten may be over but here's our headlines tonight on yesterday's show Michelle McGee Kiev county antrim answered five questions correctly and one herself 500 pounds she now has two lifelines remaining and she's about to play for 1,000 pounds Michelle's a student from lar Northern Ireland and a friend she need is up there in the audience and finally if she won a million pounds Michelle would take the entire arsenal squad to the Bahamas Chris Tarrant ITN the Lebanon good evening Michelle have you got the lucky trousers yes these are the same locket as you're wearing yesterday Michelle if I may say so yes for the fix I hope you go a lot more you've got two lifelines Michelle at this point is 11 questions away from lazing on a beach with David Seaman in the Bahamas and the rest of the team if Michelle gets the 1000 pound question right that's the very least she would leave us with tonight she still has two lifelines phone-a-friend and asked the audience now remember as always I don't see the correct answer on my screen I may know I may not until Michelle has given me her final choice you ready for it the trousers ready help simply okay let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire right it's 4,000 pounds now you know that this is the last point which you could still go home with nothing it happened last night it broke everybody's heart last night it can't happen again Michelle take your time what is an Aberdeen Angus you've got 500 pounds a train a male Abba domion a cattle breed or headbutts receive cattle breed yes how does it feel lucky yes okay you got a thousand pounds you still got two lifelines whatever happens tonight Michelle you leave here with at least 1,000 pesos good result now have a look at that question you might as well play it for 2,000 pounds whatever happens you leave with a thousand you can use either or both lifelines have a look at it for two thousand pounds here it comes what is the slowest swimming stroke butterfly breaststroke front crawl or backstroke I'll go for a butterfly Oh Michelle the trousers have let you down it's not butterfly it's the wrong heart oh I can't tell you the right answer it's okay it's okay right 10 brand-new contestants fastest finger first one our show tonight so we may well get through two or three of them now in a moment our contestants will see a question and for answers whoever gets the for answers put into the correct order in the fastest time is next tonight in The Millionaire hot seat here comes the question starting with the most but these four languages in order by the number of people who speak them Mandarin Chinese Italian English Russian okay let's have a look at the right order first we want the one with the most people who speak it first first one Mandarin Chinese then English next ones Russian and last one of course is Italian that's the right order let's you've got it right but most importantly got it right in the fastest time all these got it right who got it right past is Paul mcLaughlin Tibet right it's gonna be a busy one hour long show tonight this Paul McLaughlin from Bingley in West York she's in this his wife Jennifer up there in the audience looking thoroughly embarrass X the keys a nurse as well so he's a he's in good hands tonight he has a bit of a turn with a million pounds Paul says he would send me strange idea this but he would fly all Jenny's Canadian relatives over for a wild family party but he would also buy himself an executive box at Leeds United you'd also fly him fly your mother isn't it yeah Australian Army mums brothers and sisters live in Australia they all emigrated apart from her so you'd leave her there basically no I'm fired back afterwards okay and you're obviously a Leeds fanatic yeah okay all right well fingers crossed have you win lots of money tonight 15 correct answers wins all 1 million pounds as always he's got three brand-new lifelines starting over again about 50/50 he's got phone-a-friend and he's got asked the audience okay are you ready for this okay let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 400 quid what name is given to a golfer's assistant who carries his clubs caddy sherpa gopher or donkey for a group as I think we probably know this one hey Kenny Serrano so gonna have a quick now you could at this point take a hundred pounds again nobody's ever done it we could you go through life us have a look at this question for two hundred pound to tell me if you wanna play which line divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres tropic of cancer international dateline equator or tropic of capricorn Jennifer C equator equator Striders you gotta pass okay going well ceramic wind here comes Hamlet which month of the year was named after Julius Caesar June July August or September beat beat realize your answers got your pants have a look at this 500 pounds take your time don't forget at this point if you get an answer wrong you would go away with nothing have a look at it take your time little 500 video games what does after daily called his wife in the TV series minder the other half the missus the old lady are indoors d airing dance it's good you got 500 pounds have a look at least 4,000 how many months in a year have 31 days five six seven or eight thousand how many months or near 31 days you have got three lines do the same thing okay right audience let's see if you were you sorted that all the half how many hats how many months of the year half 31 days all of you vote please on your computer keypads vote now looks quite um quite promising the three percent think five six percent think six eighty three percent reckon seven have 31 days eight percent say eight audience is hardly ever wrong only ever happened once on the surface is okay I'll go with the audience I'll go for see you find lots of people well done audience all that happy all that half bath was not in vain he's got a thousand powers he's still got till I find you so we're 50/50 and you can still phone a friend and I have to say Jennifer your wife at those would be much much happier this was about two minutes ago have a look at this question it's worth two thousand thanks to you for these facts and abbreviation faculty facility facsimile factor see facsimile totally confident happy to answer facsimile Ascenta me find lots for 2,000 bucks you got 2,000 pounds and you still got two lifelines you look ever so nervous but you didn't well compose yourself stay calm you'll find you got fifty fifty left you got phone-a-friend left and you've got two thousand pounds have a look at the next question that if you go for it and get it right you double it you get a four thousand pounds have a look which character in mythology opened a box and released all the evils into the world Ariadne Pandora Helen Cassandra 50/50 yeah okay computer take away two wrong answers for me please leave Paul with the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer enough abate Pandora top thousand period which was beat Pandora fun lunch you had 2,000 pounds you've now got four thousand five and you still got found a friend if you need it have a look at this it's worth 8,000 pounds if you give me the right answer one other devils bones a rock formation bamboo canes dice shark's teeth we're gonna run you drop 3000 I found a friend we can phone friend you gonna call Terry heritage who stepped up so you steppin yeah okay we're up info Terry you'll only have 30 seconds to give him the four possible alternatives Terry yeah hi it's Chris Herren on ITV's he wants to be a millionaire yeah hi I've got Paul McLaughlin with me yeah now I know you can see you tell you at the moment Terry but he's got a question with four possible answers one is the right answer three are wrong at the moment Paul's got four thousand pounds I want to get him up to eight thousand pounds with your help Terry if we can write okay the next foot here be Paul's you'll only have 30 seconds hopefully to give them the right answer okay as soon as we hit Paul's voice we start the clock right Terry yep what are the devil's bonds a rock formation bamboo canes dice or shark's teeth well I think they died but I'm not under prevent sure the devil's bones yeah al-sharia well 50-50 ball dice yeah right okay thank you okay si dice Trustin supposed to 3,000 pounds give me their eyes see - eeeh and blood follow us you just want 8,000 right if you go to the next question he gets it wrong he dropped 7,000 if he gets it right he will win 16,000 pounds find out what Paul wants to do on the next question he's got no lifelines left find out in just a couple of minutes join us again for some more Who Wants to Be a Millionaire you Paul McLaughlin just before the break one 8,000 pounds of the huge relief of myself and this audience Paul you got no lifelines left but if you go to the next question get it right your money goes up to 16,000 if you go one pass that you guaranteed going home tonight with 32,000 pounds whatever happens you go away with a thousand pounds but if you do go for this question get it wrong you drop seven thousand pounds okay let's have a look at the question take your time you've got no lifelines left take your time tell me if you want play which word describes the lined pattern visible in polished wood not flush milling or grain I think I know where it is my loved ones it's worth 16,000 pounds if you get it wrong you drop 7,000 it's your cool I can't have you got no life answer it's sixteen thousand to get it right but you do drop seven if you get it wrong you go home with a thousand bill you drop seven D green you chose it's a lot of money sutures degrade it follows yeah you couldn't have thought to lose 7,000 pounds you haven't you just Oh 60,000 pounds yes a break I often write you oh right you've still got no lifelines you have got 16,000 pound I port this moment you can take 16,000 pounds and get that but if you go for the next question if you know it and get it right you guarantee leaving here tonight with at least 30 mm but if you get this wrong you drop 15,000 have a look at the question for 32,000 pounds which River flows through Dublin the Liffey the Shannon the boy or the foil a cliff it so your eyes light up you gotta play yeah so to be Liffey is the river flows through Dublin if you're wrong you drop fifteen thousand you know that find lots are going for it yeah you just 132 ah whatever happens you and your nursing wife leave here tonight absolutely you leave here tonight with a minimum with our blessing of 32,000 pounds but you've got no lifelines but at this point you are five questions away from 1 million pounds and you might as well play the next question because whatever it doesn't say Guinea is it because whatever happens we will leave here tonight with at least 32 grams and I'll write you out a check now for 32,000 pounds okay feast your eyes on that Sunbeam whatever happens you leave here tonight with our check for 32,000 pounds but we don't want to give you that I'd love to go to the next check for 64,000 pounds to have a look at this and you get it right it's worth 64,000 pounds here it comes proper Cajun food comes from which American state Florida Georgia California or Louisiana you've got 32,000 pounds Louisiana don't you 32,000 Louisiana sure find the fun ones I can now write you out a check for 60 64,000 pounds whatever happens you get 32 at the moment you've got that check for 64,000 pounds okay just have a look at it feast your eyes on that 64 grand with your name on that we don't want to give you that we laugh in the face of sixty four thousand what a great night you've got sixty four grand now Paul at this moment you could take it and go have a look at the next question if you do get this one wrong you drop thirty-two thousand pounds back to 32 droned have a look at the question it's worth 125 thousand pounds which of these is not a language Tamil Urdu Telugu or dervish I'm not sure no idea now well I know it was a language but I'm not sure about the other three I'm up ahead I'm getting out of here he's a big kid the girl over 64,000 five I can't tell you the 125 thousand pound answer would have been d dervish yes you little liar great Saturday night for for Paul McLaughlin he leaves here 64,000 pounds rich a great contestant right let's see who's next to play from our remaining nine contestants fastest finger first again here we go here comes the question study with the nearest put these four places in order by air distance from Heathrow Airport here they come Sydney Athens Johannesburg Paris they're looking terribly good right the right answer should be study with the nearest palaces first closest to Heathrow then it's Athens the next one the important one is Johannesburg then the fourth one of course is Sydney Australia right let's see you've got that right most importantly got it right in the fastest time and it's the next to play all these going right there very right fastest Martin oh great Saturday night so fun a long way to go yet Martin Smith this is from Ben Joe and hartfordshire he's a tax accountant oh good they're gonna give a million pounds to a tax accountant his mom Jeannie's up there in the kingdom she's looking either very proud or absolutely terrified whatever happens tonight tomorrow is a big morning for Martin tomorrow morning his football team benjoe working men's club have got that big grudge match against the old bulls head tomorrow suddenly morning now with a million pounds he says he by non-league football clubs and apparently he's already has some serious marriage proposals from workmates most of them girls when they found out he was playing on the show tonight's true that's true yeah could be with a million quid tonight is actually 25th birthday parties and you're saying whatever happens tonight you know whether you with a huge amount of money or even if actually you're one of the contestants who has to hang over and I think hangovers probably good to us to work and come back tomorrow to play again you're still going to use 25th parties night and yeah true yeah you'll be ready for this one I think the fight better we know we know after a few busyness some more like a word about you to come back okay well you know how it works same routine 15 questions 1 million pounds tax-free three new lifelines let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire what was the first name of the playwright Shakespeare 400 pounds early William Justin or Arthur be worried yes it is okay you could take hunter pounds and go and race off to your party but be good if you stayed Turner could have a look at this you got three lifetimes to have a look at this for 200 pounds which word completes the title of the detective series starring David Jason a touch of rain snow wind play and it's defrost frostbite you got any plans for 300 pounds have a look at this you still got 50 50 phone-a-friend and our series what substance is found in some foods and is also used to stiffen shirt collars fiber glucose starch applying a 4c starch it's right you got through the probe right so 500 pounds have a look at this you could still go home with nothing to show you what would have a look at this was 500 win in which city is the world-famous Bolshoi Theatre New York Beijing London be 50/50 New York Beijing London or Moscow okay computer take away two wrong answers please leave Martin the one right answer and the one remaining one New York and Moscow st. here that was one offensive Moscow is your answer you had three hundred pounds you know the five hundred plus if you're super chill of night and you're still gets your birthday party tonight you got 500 quid this is the last point of which you could go home with nothing I'm sure have a look at this the next question is worth 1,000 pounds here that's guaranteed if you get the question number five here it comes four thousand dollars what's the name of the mark all line on the floor from where players throw darts at the board pieced boardwalk flight deck okay diarchy what's bullseye happening you got a thousand pounds we be taking a drink at the the party the sink sherry now I think you got a thousand pounds have a look at this for two thousand pounds whatever happens you might as well play you could play one or both of your lifelines have a look who directed the film jaws Steven Spielberg George Lucas Francis Ford Coppola or Robert Altman a Steven Spielberg yeah fellas yeah it's good Steven Spielberg classic be very quiet game of football tomorrow morning right I got 2,000 pounds have a look at this 4,000 pounds at this point if you do get it wrong you drop a thousand whatever happens you leave with a thousand have a look at it tell me on a play for 4000 pounds what's the most common use for a machine called a polygraph photocopier word processor lie detector or answerphone focused our audience our audience on your keypads please to chunk it Martin up to 4,000 pounds he's got 2,000 let's try an get him up to 4,000 now on your keypads it'll have a four photocopier B word processor C lie detector or D answer phone a B C or D all in your keepers Fu's orience vote now well a promising 98% of this audience I think a polygraph is a lie-detector 2% that we'd like to meet them it's a word processor it's entirely your choice Marty I don't foresee large six-inning you're saying live effects it probably used by the tax office you've got two thousand four Who Wants to Be a Millionaire there's more to come welcome back to the third part of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire now before the break Martin Smith here one four thousand pounds he's still got one lifeline he could still phone a friend right if you play for this next when you get it right you got to 8,000 pounds obvious if you get it wrong you still go back to a thousand pounds whatever happens tonight Marty New York your 25th birthday with 1,000 pounds at least but obviously we'd like to give you a lot a lot more here it comes then for 8,000 pounds have a look at this question term if you want to play it what fits tightly into the cylinder of an internal combustion engine thermostat piston spark plug or air filter I'm having a friends bring Alan rodents so I had him Alan Romans Alan Rollins ok m0z mechanic does he know about cars I think he's car winning for service every week but may or may not be helped he's home he's probably on his way to your pump here sweep hello Alan yeah it's Chris town on ITV's who wants to be a millionaire hello I've got Martin here Martin Smith okay at the moment he's on four thousand pounds okay he'd like to get the money up to 8,000 pounds double his money yeah when you're here Martin's voice we'll have 30 seconds he'll tell you a question and four possible answers one of them's right out to the one you want three of them are wrong okay okay a thirty seconds the next voice you hear will be Marty's okay Martin your time starts now I'm always fits tightly into the cylinder of an internal combustion engine is it a thermostats B piston see a spark plug or the air filter weak what fits tightly into a cylinder of an internal combustion engine ie thermostats B piston C spark plug the air filter he should I know I can't be burned that's why that's why that's all right stake four thousand at stake that's like for pheasant I don't clean sure you don't play I know I did do okay you go away for a great birthday party with 4000 pounds I can't tell you actually the answer is piston but it doesn't matter you go away 4000 pounds have a great birthday tonight faint contestants remaining fastest finger first on your keypads again eight contestants left here comes the question starting with the earliest but these four dances in order say one the one that started in the earliest year first four well-known dances here they come waltz twists Charleston breakdancing right looking very confident let's see the correct order should have been first foremost bar this one back first the earliest one was the waltz then it was the Charleston capital what's the present day then the twist Chubby Checker and then break dancing that's the right order let's see that it right in the fastest time all these got it right fastest oh gosh here we go then one more time this at least one more time this some shy retiring girl here is his fee wisher from Yeovil Somerset their husband Adrian's up there in the audience looking relatively sane really considering her kids Rachel and and little Ryan are watching at home he came away if you want he's an outside caterer and butcher friends me she's a big fan of Damon Hill not for his racing skills but for his eyebrows so important in a racing driver 200 miles an hour Formula One with a million pounds she'd buy an island where her and Adrian could do private scuba diving hello million pounds 15 questions away what is it what is it about Damon Hills eyebrows top of his eyes yeah welcome to the planning's our audience right teen questions concentrate fee serious business 15 questions 1 million pounds three new lifelines you got 50 50 you got phone-a-friend and you've got us the audience okay you ready for this okay let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 400 pounds almost the title of Christopher's most successful single lady in white lady in red lady in black lady in the series it's one of those roundabouts these right lady in red water okay for 200 quid you could take hundred pounds ago probably your three lifelines return a pastime look at this which creature is proverbially famous for clinging to rocks eagle crap limpet ask the audience but normally cover it this early feet they're only easy if you know the answer bodies please on your computer keypads want to get feet up to at least 200 pounds sup dude you want to learn more don't trust myself not a while let me just make okay audience on your keepers please let's get the up to 20 pounds which creature is proverbially famous for clinging to rocks a eagle be crab sea limpet or d seal all in your computer keep s please a B C or D all boat now I told you it was see it's 92 percent think it's limpid three percent to think eagle three percent say crab two percent think seals hectare up hang onto rocks along it's a worry isn't it um well your choice was limpid originally their choice by huge majorities lipid good boyfriend it's the right answer we get stuck use your lifeline they're only easy if you know the right answer you got 200 pounds I'd look for 300 and Z still got two lifetimes left that's 300 great here it comes what is the foot operated lever for starting a motorbike called kickstart jump start full starts and start hey hey kick stop okay it's good you got surrender pass here right Adrian he's very proud he's dope that's why I'm see right got surrender quit have a lots of 500 pounds to lose your player in the abbreviation UFO UFO what is the F stand for foreign fixed fluorescent or flying D flying unidentified flying objects not unidentified fluorescent objects the right answer you got five good hey this is the last point which you could still leave us with nothing to concentrate you got to life flows left you can take 500 pounds and go if you want you got fifty fifty and you have got fun for it have a look at this for a thousand pounds which famous landmark is near the town of Alice Springs Grand Canyon Ayers Rock Table Mountain or Victoria Falls be confident your final answer get 500 pounds you've got a thousand pounds they were asrock is the largest monolith in the world and you thought it was Pavarotti you got a thousand plans for two thousand pounds he might as well play whatever happens you've got two lifelines you can use them both you might as well play for two thousand pounds you've got a thousand that guaranteed whatever happens you go home tonight with a thousand pounds have a look at it for two thousand pounds what instrument does James Galway play violin flute guitar piano same flew to me for two thousand a South Sea I love you too you know why you've got two thousand pounds for four thousand plants have a look at this obviously to get this one wrong if you do decide to play you drop a thousand pounds Thank You seven fifty fifty and you still got found a friend right you've got two thousand pounds for four thousand pounds have a look at this what's the name of the fire station in TVs London's burning Warford Battersea Dartford black walk back walk you play well yes that logic buckle yes please okay fine lots of black ball you've got 4,000 pounds blackball the home of blue watts now your 4000 pounds you still got your lifelines this silver 50/50 you still not found a friend if you play for it get it wrong you drop 3000 pounds he's still going up with a thousand if you get it wrong you drop 2,000 if you get it right you double your money for 8,000 pounds have a look at it which of these phrases refers to an elite group kuda grass tour de force creme de la creme or ps/2 resistance you can computer take two wrong answers away please leafy the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer an elite group are they to the force or are they the creme de la creme I'll go for SI want my phone if you need it risk it go for it okay final answer had 4,000 parts you can 8,000 bucks you can take 8,000 pounds now have a look at the question it's worth sixteen thousand pounds see if you play it but if you get it wrong you drop seven thousand pounds have a look at it what was Will Smith's code name in men in black Agent J agent Kay agent Q or agent zegs phone-a-friend please run friend okay who are gonna phone um here on a Willie please ya know Willie my cousin your cousin okay my phone Fiona Woolies okay you'll only allow 30 seconds fee shouldn't you do many 30-second phone calls serious business you got a thousand pounds we want to get you up to 60,000 pounds at least yeah yeah it's chris herren on who else be millionaire on itv I've gotta I've got free here she's on eight thousand pounds at the moment yeah the next voice you hear will be fees you let me have 30 seconds she'll tell you a question of four possible answers okay one of those be right three of them are wrong right you can give her the right answer she'll win sixteen thousand pounds okay okay right fee your time starts now what was Will Smith's code name in men in black was a a Agent J B agent Kay see agent Q or D agent Zed yes AJ she's saying agent J run of the death uh-huh the is saying AJ yes I'll go for it if she's wrong you lose 7,000 pounds I could live with it it's your choice you very thousand plants if she's right you got 16,000 pounds if she's wrong you have dropped seven thousand per I'll go I'll go she said agent J is that your final answer yes you had eight thousand Pass you've now got six that means that's all we've got time for tonight oh what a moment to leave us now at this moment fee has got sixteen thousand pounds if she comes back tomorrow night at the start of the show she can decide whether or not to go on again try and play for at least thirty two thousand pounds but if she goes for the first question tomorrow night Sunday night and gets it wrong she will drop fifteen thousand pounds she can come back tomorrow night at the top of the show and walk away with sixteen thousand pounds find out what she's gonna do tomorrow night she's got no lifelines left but at the moment she is worth 16 thousand spend a busy Saturday now it's been a great night Michelle McGee he went away right on the top the show seems a long time ago now with a thousand pounds Paul mcLaughlin he left us 64 thousand pounds better off and Martine Smith just now went away with 4000 pounds he wish was currently on 16,000 pounds we'll see what's happens with her tomorrow night and let's see who's also joining her tomorrow night at the top of the show keep your stove tena koe you
Channel: Ben Crowl The Home of Millionaire
Views: 55,248
Rating: 4.6962028 out of 5
Id: oYCIoZ0AhlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2015
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