Guess Who's a Model | Lineup | Cut

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can i get a pose or two are you a only fans model only fans when you think model like what do you think steely eyes very thin very pale i think bullets are kind of in right now maybe athletic or slender looking today you're going to be guessing who's a model are you a model i am i'm not a model no you ever thought about it yeah i've thought about it that doesn't give me any kind of credence to do it my daughter she's currently modeling she started when she was really young and now she's almost 11 so she's seven years in how do you think you can spot a model i think a lot of it really is in the eyes just if they're looking through me i feel like i'm more likely to be like okay what kind of modeling and i've done a lot of sports beauty parts hands hands and feets is this like only fans no no no no i know that i would make a killing off only fans but it hasn't gotten that hard for me yet all right let's have the lion head on out there what a good looking group of people walk on out there this is your first person hey hello first impressions give it to me well she's obviously muslim right yeah okay do you tend to be like the life of the party i do notice that like when i go out people want to talk to me and are friendly i don't know if that's because of the hijab or what sounds to me like you have a magnetic personality the eye is very kind thank you does the model have kind eyes that's the thing that's what i'm thinking here it's like oh almost too nice i have a tuna yeah um can i see you walk yes see that model yes model i'm going to say yes she's a model why a lot of people they think model they think of like high fashion vogue it's not always that i did a job for amazon where i'm on a freaking bike with a helmet on and i look like a mail carrier like it's just normal stuff normal muslim people is a model type i've got to go with my gut and say no i just you look too nice i don't know do you feel like models are mean people like inherently more like intimidating not necessarily like mean yes no okay okay hi i'm jane jane good to meet you cool fashion i can see you being a fitness model you're very like you're very fit unusual yes i i um work out a lot i would love a walk okay nice would you mind giving me your best like steely look like okay oh it does kind of feel like you are looking through me a little bit you know instagram how's it going for you how many followers do you have a thousand i lost my instagram last year you lost it no they took it away from me oh that's a clue why i also pull dance and i think it was my point you're a model because you have the physicality you knock down my instinct says no why do you think so the miniature walk that you did something about it just didn't feel right so i'm going with my gut instinct hello wow i love the dress thank you it's fantastic i feel a little intimidated yeah wow lovely aesthetic what's your name sid sid nice to meet you nice to meet you jesse extremely charming way that you just said my name very with my mouth so do you know what am i wrong in thinking that that's like an extremely seductive way to greet somebody maybe i'm a witch i mean yeah that's immediately obvious to everybody like you just give me this vibe of like a luxurious vixen oh i like that now i'm looking at your earrings maybe you might do like fetish modeling maybe like whips and chains and some more stuff the earrings are such a strong choice and you have a tooth tattoo i don't even know what to call it tooth gem yeah it's an alien yes i think she's a model i think that is a guaranteed yes yeah i'm gonna go with model yeah beautiful yeah you're very striking why thank you yeah hi hi i'm robbie hi robbie what's your initial read on this individual well robbie is cute as a button right so as a mom i'm like i could be your mom you're really cute you look like you got a little bit of a spark and a spunk to you a lot of strong fashion choices how old are you 18. you still in high school yes i wow yeah i left art class to come here you left art classics in here i'm going to need to see a very fierce look i'm going to need to see your best okay yeah though he smiled what is on your tongue i found a jolly rancher look at his top oh my gosh it's so blue dude since you're giving it a zoomies vibe how would you model for them probably with like a towards the camera i would definitely go with one of those or you know holding the skateboard with me i'd probably be going i think he's an aspiring model i feel like some models they will not some most usually exude this confidence i'm not saying that you're not confident but it's not the model confident i'm going to say yes i mean and if not i mean look at this kid it's cute no model not a model not that you're not beautiful you're a gorgeous young man and um your tongue matches your eyes i know you did that on purpose i'm going to say no with just with the smile even though it was a small moment it felt like i won the battle there you know one love tackle when it comes to fierce look that's fun i'm sorry i'm sorry hey what's your name dj d dj yeah i heard you i was just calculating could i see your hands maybe okay not a hand model i would say because i have little hands yeah i mean kind of do a few poses okay dude you got a cute nose you could be a nose model i think it is now the confidence is there with the clothes but not exactly in the demeanor can i get a pose or two [Music] are you a only fans model only fans he has the toys he's got the gir your girl does it with you or you do by yourself i'll take hey hi i'm steph steph good to meet you very beautiful thank you um great skin crazy high cheekbones your skin is really nice i'm really jealous first thing i'm noticing is just the way she's posed so she had a little bit of a foot forward she's got her hands at her side i would like to see you walk can i get a walk [Music] okay yeah that's a fashion model log if i've seen one you do model you are a model can i see your feet you might be a female she's a foot model for sure yeah how do you think you did i'm secure in my picks but i would not be surprised if i'm fully wrong i mean i've been in the game for long enough that i feel like i know what i i'm talking about all right with the show of hands who did jessie guess correctly oh look at that yeah 50. you're pretty good too bad i don't know nice with a show of hands who did anjali guess correctly hold them up high are you wow i need to step it up well let's hear from them see got me wrong you said i looked nice and that's actually what normally books me they want me to seem nice and approachable and like girl next door but you know the hijabi girl next door how long have you been doing it uh about 10 years i'd had a pretty successful career like before wearing the hijab but i found that actually my career has never taken off more than wearing the hedgehog right do you get typecast as like a diversity person oh yeah all the time but i feel like if companies are making a point to hire diverse models then we're a step in the right direction because 20 years ago they weren't even pretending to like oh my gosh right so i didn't choose correctly for jane i'd love to know what you do what type of modeling yeah so i started doing some fitness modeling because i'm an older lady who's fit what is a fitness model for like shoes or fitness equipment or like a treadmill company or something sure so you call yourself like the older ladies yeah right do you think that that works to your benefit and being able to get jobs we've got a lot of fitness companies and so there's a need for an older person who's fit i got you wrong yes oh are you surprised uh yeah i'm not a professional model no well you should try i you know would you want to be one no i don't i don't want to be a model i do love fashion i like creating things and shapes and textures and working with my body type and just like having fun with the way that i look right you got like a very fifty shades of grey demeanor do you are you part of that world well not professionally i got this one right it doesn't surprise me i'm a model i do mostly print modeling as soon as you walked away i was like man i really messed that one up it's interesting that you were talking about my youthfulness i actually started when i was very small oh i've completely ignored the demographic of like child models yeah so that's a whole thing i do commercials as well so i'm usually cast as a very friendly looking teenager so my steely look is right something that they tell me to work on too i guess you're wrong you guessed me wrong oh you should be flattered i am flutter people always think i'm a model i buy it dude yeah well you don't do the only fans i don't i wish trust me i've been trying to get the other party to like abide but she's like no she's like [ __ ] i love too but i do like to get naked and take pictures that's like my whole thing you have any advice for like the only fans for me just drop the link just drop the link so i do fashion recently i just walked new york fashion week my long-term goal is to walk for gucci louie all of that okay so the feet was i right with that for like mine yeah it's my auto feet no oh no but i mean i have considered it but i just been trying to decide where i would have promoted because i don't want to promote it on my instagram get those thirsty dollars how was that for you trey it was good i i felt i feel good about my experience i honestly feel like my definition has changed i think we would all like to see your walk i mean if i must i can i can certainly try [Music] [Laughter] what did you expect
Channel: Cut
Views: 2,068,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: z4g_qlnxSc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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