Moms Guess Who's High | Lineup | Cut

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what's your name my name is dante see if you wasn't hi you would have been like yeah i'm dante but you said dante i know a high person when i see me one i am a mom of two a 22 year old and an 18 year old 26 and a 17 year old six kids two of which i'm pretty sure partake in mary joana what's your relationship around your kids in marijuana i did do random drug tests in my house because if you got enough money to uh smoke weed you got enough money to pay bills your youngest when do you think it's okay for him to smoke uh when he's out of my [ __ ] house what's a dead giveaway somebody's hot uh the doritos are missing red eyes they'll laugh just for any stupid reason some people are really chill like are you alive sloth chill have you ever caught your kids yes i was pulling out of the driveway and saw a plume come out of one of their bedrooms so i went upstairs and had a little chat let's bring the first person in gosh you look fabulous well thank you can i have you put your arms out and spin in a couple of circles [Laughter] more no no no you're good what is your favorite chips i like cheez-its goldfish well let's get curtis some cheez-its can you just eat a couple eat a couple yes [Laughter] what do you do for a living right now nothing but i was a bar manager he was pandemic i've been off for a year he's high right now this is the only way to tolerate that amount of time unemployed i just have to say yes he's high are you high i'm [ __ ] high i cannot even deal with this situation this is next level do you smoke weed for anxiety it helps yeah if i i take it at night it just kind of relaxes me and calms me down okay well that's good that it's helping you all right thank you i'm gonna chill out for a bit oh i love your sweater it looks like you could just bite me oh my gosh you have a blue eyeliner to do i'm just really into the color coordination i think i can see that honey what did you have for lunch yesterday i had some pickles some dates and almond butter carrots and hummus eight satsuma oranges okay do you do you do other drugs i do adderall every day have you taken yours today i've taken adderall twice today okay it helps you kind of focus yeah absolutely and it has made an enormous positive difference in my life what you do anya i work in retail and i'm a professional competitive irish dancer can you just show us like a move i mean yeah what do you think she's high i'm gonna say that you like to take your outer raw and you like to mix it with a puff or two and you're high right now i think she is high because when i asked her about her lunch yesterday she went on and on are you high no no [ __ ] no because then how she will do that do you smoke pot i would say it would be a very rare occurrence i just try to only put air in my lungs i gotcha thank you nice meeting you too don't try to throw me off with the suit don't try to throw me off what's your name my name is dante in his mind he said dante but when it came out it was sloppy and it was like dante what would you typically do on a friday or saturday night i'd be hosting a comedy show somewhere i'd do comedy okay and that's what your occupation is yep yeah your eyes are very closed yeah he's high she didn't even give me a chance asked some questions like i can do math i can do a whole bunch of things i think you are high i'm hiring a kite this is me you gotta stand i'm always [ __ ] out is that true you're always high for the most part i mean i've got a master's degree a lot of people think it it stops you or makes you lazy or any of that and it just depends on your personality when i try to take other medications they can take you left they can take it right they make you suicidal but i'm not trying to kill myself you know what i mean i'm not you know cussing out people it saves a lot of other people's lives probably you smoking people who smoke like that when they don't get they get a little bit thank you thank you thank you hello i'm jamie hi this is gonna be hard because she looks like super like nice like well dressed she's putting on her little like holier than dad with a little little punk twist mom outfit it's her mom outfit but she has blue hair she's trying to vibe but she said the word vibe you know who says the word vibe people who smoke weed really just guilty by association it's kind of how it works that's a mom thing she's a mom what do your instincts say i'll say that you're hi why would you say that about me because of your body language see how she puts the arms back your eyes look a little red you're a sativa girl so she is high right now she likes to smoke the weed and likes to vibe you got me what do you get hi mostly for relaxation it helps with pain as well in the food service industry so the second i'm not cooking i'm ready to relax thank you thank you so how are you today fine good can you tell me what you had for lunch yesterday no he's laughing a lot maybe he's high okay did you like to smoke weed i did like it did you used to do acid too psychedelics yes this society that we were in did everyone smoke and drink and if you ever got a chance to get some blow you did that and loads of people would treat me they liked me a lot wow i think you're high because you're kind of brain's going in all sorts of different directions i haven't been high for 28 years oh my gosh will you be curious to try again when you retire or something i don't know see you you try the good stuff you have good memories just keep them can you tell me why you're laughing so much you're very entertained i've got all these lights and all this attention that we did some permanent damage but it made you jolly and happy i'm loving that i'm loving that but hi i'm jody who are you i'm rob okay so tell me if you could have the choice of anything to eat right now what would it be it would probably be an orange do you have an orange you like to drink um on occasion it's a mood it could be a vibe i'm here for it so how does it taste juicy citrus really really tart right now that's everything i wanted it to be i think he's not high i'm gonna say no why do you not believe i'm high right now the body language isn't what i would expect am i right you are not i'm very high right now shut the front door oh yeah i've i've been smoking all day thanks for the suggestion about the orange i was so into that how often do you smoke every day well that's why when the tolerance level is here you just that is your norm why do you smoke i was on a lot of anti-depression mood stabilizers but then i moved here got a new doctor they suggested why don't you try the natural side and it has worked for me absolutely do you feel like you smoked too much maybe i don't know does your mother say you smoke too much um i don't talk to my mother so i feel you next time my friend next time we'll meet again hi what's your name sav is that short for something sevira seriously a little quick on her feet a little quick on her feet can you like stand in one leg and let's count to 10 night well maybe she doesn't have that good of a balance can you take your glasses off for me please oh i mean yes i'm gonna say yes are you stoned no oh my gosh i'm gonna say that you are not high i am not [Music] hey you want to roll today pun intended i'm on a roll today you're quick on your feet because i don't smoke i still see what we did there i see nice to meet you you too see how good i am hi i'm amalia nice to meet you what do you do for a living to maya i'm a computer programmer is that a job that somebody could do high not saying that you would but yeah a lot of people can't get high and code and it's quite nice like from personal experience she just admitted to smoking no i said like i mean oh [ __ ] do you hang around friends that smoke uh yeah what are the different forms that we'd come in they have it in cookie form brown high right now yeah he's high right now i'm high yeah yeah yeah yes you are you're a good person okay tell that to my kids wait how many do you have six try not to have any no i don't think i should yeah they're gonna run over you thank you you're welcome weed weed you've seen uh a lot of different uses for it today i did i see people who've taken it who love it and people who need it when is it okay for somebody to start smoking weed i think to smoke weed you have to have certain maturity to know the time the moment where you should be high have you ever gotten high no well no yeah i did one hit i hated it but i do like cbd gummies at night so i can have a good sleep i could probably count on my hands how many times i've smoked it's never a good experience for me except once this one time i was in the car was great i don't know what it was but it was great what's the draw to marijuana oh my gosh i have to say back in the day there were no worries no cares your brain stopped moving for a little while it's pretty nice to just get to chill every once in a while and doritos and cheese dip were pretty good
Channel: Cut
Views: 6,057,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, cut, lineup, guess, munchies
Id: AU-yCBqfDbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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