Who is the Strongest... DINOSAUR?! (Garry's Mod)

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why is leather armor so good for sneaking because it's made of hide welcome back to the bananas world of monsters and today's monsters are dinosaurs all kinds of shapes sizes we've even got seven versions of the t-rex and today we're going to be testing them out and seeing who's the strongest but first if you enjoy this video make sure you subscribe it's free and i'm yellow so how it works we're going to spawn them in alphabetically and make them fight one another starting with an allosaurus the probably the goofiest of all the dinosaurs i kind of love it he has 896 health so he's not not too beefy and he has to fight the ankylosaurus does he have special ankles nothing sus and he's got 837 health so slightly slightly less health but look at all that armor so let's simply turn him on and oh immediately he's hitting him with the tail whip thing um who's winning it's a little hard to tell they've sort of entered each other oh this is going to be a real sus day today oh the ankylosaurus is 200 health he's dying slowly he's getting bitten you think he would lose right he doesn't have his sharper teeth the allosaurus proceeds to round two up next we have the apatosaurus uh do you pat him is that what is what he's called why is he got grass on his head and he has 5 500 health surely he wins this well let's find out uh your man's on no he's coming for him oh he's giving him the double storm in goes on to the next round where he must fight this tiny little fella it's a baby raptor only 90 health but look at him you can't tell me that's not a chicken get him second oh is he running away i would if i were you lad but tough you have to get under there do that do your little raptor thing unfortunately he's not in a pack so he's probably in trouble look at him go he's doing his best oh my anyone want some prehistoric kfc and on the theme of babies here's a baby t-rex isn't he adorable only 90 health so he's probably in trouble moss man seen him he's coming in for the stomp behind you lad wait you missed oh this time for sure he's doing a little raw he's doing it oh my goodness the speed he's still alive how is he how is he doing this what's happening is he gonna win he's done five nearly 500 damage he seems to have found an angle where this dude just can't reach him look at those little weird claws he's got why'd you have those you've got one toe and then three on the back how does he buy shoes uh the t-rex is gaining i think he's gaining hell says 520 out of 90. he's a little feral look at the state of it he seems to have beaten the system somehow do something he's trying to get him with his neck he's giving up on the stomp sometimes being is an advantage he's literally going for his ankles oh no he managed to get him with a random stomp long neck versus mossy long neck it's the brachiosaur he looks very wise it's kind of like a tortoise without a shell who will win do they even hate each other i'd imagine they probably don't but we'll find out anyway lads do battle that's weird well you've come out of his butt you've just you birthed him well we can fix this i think they want to fight each other no stop it this is war not love i'm about to disqualify the brachiosaur he won't fight they're both set to hate each other they just keep doing this brachiosaur gets disqualified for sus behavior look at him behave yourself we have another brachiosaur maybe this one will fight okay moss man's seen him moss man's seen him he's going in he's going in for the storm oh he's doing a little head wiggle and a butt wiggle oh and he's just murdered him really easily i don't think he took any damage up next we have a hacked car cardo don't saw it's a coca-cola card oh he doesn't like him he looks a bit t-rex he's biting the butt he's going oh he's going for a face oh no he's definitely biting the ball oh he's just headbutting him oh look at the speed the speed of the nibbles um i think it could be the end of our loch ness moss monster maybe though maybe he still stands a chat it stomps do insane amounts of damage who will win uh will it be the guy with the tiny arms where are you going you are goofy looking you look like you made a stone who sounds like an elephant and oh my god what the holy moly that was pretty dramatic this thing is floppy look at this oh my i'm so sorry why did you you look so different now you're dead but congratulations you're the winner to the car kakanta dantata versus acera taurus i know how to pronounce that this guy has bits on his face the little horns is he the rhino from the past rhinos are pretty strong is this guy strong it's a little arm off both of them small arms dealers this video is way more sustained than i thought it would be but that's gary's mod for you they'd bite each other's butts who am i the judge it's hard to say he was winning i think the new guy is winning the new guy on the block little t-rex wannabe why you do this sonny are you winning son he is winning oh and then the npc [Laughter] the ragdoll killed him oh but you still won we'll give you the w you are what is happening sarah taurus now must fight the dilophosaurus oh he's tiny but he's he's ferocious look at him oh is he dead is i think he's dead you're still eating him mate what he's dead and now they must fight the demon what dimorphodon hey it's a pterodactyl that's just chilling where's he going excuse me sir no no no no he's gone in the trees i was lost no problem we'll get a fresh one can you can you fight this before he flies off that's it give him the nibbles is he winning he's using it punched him i think he keeps eating look at his health it's going up so he just munches on the corpses to gain more health that's a little op um unfortunately for these guys their baby is uh alphabetically after so the baby goes next good luck oh he's dead okay and now here is an egg and this egg i think it will evolve gradually into a maybe one of these but an egg can't fight so we move on to a drum masaurus i don't know i'm pronouncing this wrong if you know how comment below oh he's little he's got a little cockatoo going oh my goodness he just did a roly-poly about to be dead though he's dead up next we have the achino don does he wear chinos he's kind of chino-colored look at the nose on him only 196 health will stick him right and oh he's roaring moonwalk raw chase munch and oh look how fast he is holy moly imagine a pack of them oh leave him alone gallimius the philosopher was that galileo oh we seen him oh he brought him away he's running or is he wha he stops for seed this thing's definitely a turkey no come back that's it fight him in the trees he's just running away you're disqualified sir a dinosaur that's a coward who'da thunk it gigantosaurus oh holy moly 10 935 health he's not really interested we'll turn him round you see this eat it teach him a lesson he's roaring he's getting nibbled in the butt what's he gonna do oh he just yielded him for half his health they're fighting in the trees that headbutt is pretty nuts and i think it's over it definitely is oh and he eats him too he's been in a couple of scraps look at the state of him we have a new champion hydrosaurus dude with a helmet always wear a helmet if you're cycling and he's dead fair enough that was quick and now he's lunch monolith soros oh what the what is that your brain's sticking out that is gross or is that another helmet well dinosaurs are really into safety and he's screaming he's taking a run up he's biting use the helmet would you oh he's still a 360. no scoping he's he dead now it's a pterodon with a silent p where the where are you going hey come back i think we need to spawn him in front of him pterodon no you can't you're fl how is he flying npc's are disabled call the army we're in trouble i'm just gonna try and spawn it right in front of him stay still widget there you go grab him grab him second be faster than that the flyers are disqualified we do have another version though will this one be any no he's he's away as well a pure a puertosaurus is he from puerto rico he's massive he looks a bit like a snake he's he's kind of handsome i like it very graceful would you would you fight this fella for me oh my imagine getting stomped on by that let's turn you around give you a little give you a little help lad that's it the headbutts aren't doing as much for this big beefy boy oh no i take it back they are he's got 6 000 health and he's at half health already but he's doing bits he's he's hurting him get him with the snake oh the stomp oh he missed the stomp go on hit him with a stomp again quickly no he's trying his best but buddy so here's a cheeky little raptor just the one if it was a pack of them it'd probably be game over look how he runs he's fabulous come back here oh what happened he's in the shadow realm the raptor's doing damage oh he's oh never mind it's fine we got another raptor this one looks a bit more jurassic parky there you go there's a little light snack for you sir if you'd like it he's also kind of goofy oh oh oh it's over how about another one there's quite a few raptors this guy looks like he's made of gems 400 health would you like this you want one of these you want this oh my god another one this one's green it's blue oh this one's got more health 500 where are you going fight him that's it that scream at him screaming his ankles oh he's flattened and our final raptor looks a bit like this fella and he's a gunner oh stop it this one's called rug ops i've never heard of this dinosaur but i love its name rug ops get them teach them scream at each other boys oh and there he goes getting heated and he's almost dead i would run the other way if i were you but he's brave and he's got now we have someone that might stand a chance the spinosaurus he's a pretty tough lad nearly five thousand health he's seen him come on you too excuse me sir i'm gonna help you turn up turn around before he gets you the gigantosaurus is just kinda op and gigantic and the headbutt really is so effective against almost all of them and i think this is game over for the spinosaurus yep there he goes flopping down oh wait ah it was the ragdoll but finally we've seen him defeated here's another spinosaurus oh this one's fancy oh he's got beautiful a beautiful crest made of gold is this one rich he's screaming he's in the trees and has he lost him is the other trees to his advantage probably not but you never know the headbutt still works through the trees someone's smacking someone i think he's dead yeah i think he's feasting a st a stigler mark i i think that's what it's called this dude's awesome is this a deer oh dear you are in trouble only 500 help oh look how handsome he is oh this might be my favorite oh he's dead okay i'm not even sure where he's going a styracosaurus he's a bit like a triceratops but with more spikers i am not a paleontologist can you tell this dude's got a beak oh there he goes he's i was gonna say he's pretty sprightly for a chunky lad but we're finally into the t-rex's and this one has 5 600 health so you never know he's a bit smaller though come on t-rex's someone needs to teach this big beefy boy a lesson scream that's it good screaming biting him in the ankles he's biting you in the butt i don't know what i'd drop where i'd rather be bitten probably the butt oh look how he walked he walks so weird another victim of the head but i suspect it's over i think right what the t-rex got him with 225 health left what do you mean we have a new champion how i did not see that coming that was insane so we got a fresh one and he has to fight this other t-rex are they even foes are they just pals just two bros hanging out and now they should be less bros yep know how they're fighting one's just are you gonna sir he's biting you on the butt do something about it there you go well this is a bit weird uh it's hard to say it was winning oh it's the guy who won the last fight oh that was kind of gross you sort of folded him up into a ball and swallowed him well here fight this one this one's slightly smaller that's this isn't normal this is not normal behavior the battle has commands the screaming has begun i have a feeling this first t-rex is just really op but we're gonna find out if he is in the trees and there he goes winning again throwing them thrashing them around well his next foe is one of the coolest t-rex i've ever seen look at this dude look at the gun on him and he's roaring and he's fighting oh oh this dude's got a headbutt oh i hope this one wins he's not as cool-looking as that little deer fella we saw but he's not bad oh my god why is he doing that to him the 360 swallow not even close have no fear more t-rex this one looks like a this one's got feathers look how tiny his arms are oh you are gross come and meet this feisty fella he's so goofy looking the bite the butt biting has begun and our well the ragdolls have done it again but this this fella did he definitely won and our final t-rex oh i like this one i smell red spots teeth could use a clean make love boys not war this one's only just finished screaming and he's dead so the first t-rex we saw killed all the rest and now he has to fight a theskellosaurus the skelosaurus i don't know oh he's tiny this dude's definitely some sort of chicken he's pretty speedy you might want to run oh he is running i love his tail he's been dipped in fire oh my goodness that dude should have triceratops small do you get it no oh no you should not have done that good job there's more triceratops oh this dude's spiky oh he's oh he snuck up behind him hit him with the horns oh what he just helicoptered him velociraptor another one i thought we were all out of these fellas but because he's a velociraptor instead of raptor he's at the bottom of the alphabet and he's just nibbling velociraptors are known for killing t-rexes right not this one though carnitasaurus it's generally quite a strong dinosaur with really quite small arms oh and he's got good job there's more where that came from look how tiny his arms are how do you do anything how does he sign for his packages oh oh it's brutal and we have one final carnotosaurus to see if he can defeat the t-rex the screaming the screaming get him oh the little headbutt oh this guy oh no never mind my hopes were high but it's over ladies and gentlemen our winner the t-rex i'm impressed i didn't think they would do it but they did and if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more make sure you subscribe it's free and i'm yellow you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 1,003,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, dinosaur, dinosaurs, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, dinosaur gmod, who is the strongest dinosaur, dino, dino gmod, t rex, raptor, dinosaur fight, dinosaur vs, dino vs, t rex vs, justjoeking dino, justjoeking dinosaur, strongest gmod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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