NEW KAIJU MOD (Garry's Mod)

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the egyptians claim there's no crocodiles in their country i think they're in denial what welcome to some new monsters today's new monsters are kaiju and here they are we've got a baby clover from cloverfield godzilla's had an update king ghidorah mechagodzilla shin godzilla shin like the leg and a skull crawler and we've got just the fella to fight them it's gypsy danger from pacific rim but first please subscribe if you're new it's free and i am yellow and so we begin with our first creature it's the clover it's a baby clover although i wouldn't want to see its mother and of course as all good monsters should it has groin hands hands from the groin are they flippers kinda look like chicken wings is it chicken let's have a look at the face i think those are the ears it kind of looks like he's wearing earmuffs we can go in his mouth he is that big nice tongue very pointy look at these little front teeth what and he has another pair of very long front arms got some beefy legs with dinosaur feet and then there's this then there's the tail uh huh is this another arm why is the tail look like this are these farting holes where's his butt look like this well i'm going to stand here and turn him on oh pray for me but you may have also noticed he has over a million hell pray good god please smack that like button to save me did you do it oh guys it went fast enough and now he's i think he may be stuck on the building are we safe has he climbed that building oh what do we do is he going around he's kicking up dust oh that better not be radioactive he looks like he might be look at his muffs is he a mom can we bait him over here i wonder if i'm faster than him excuse me sir no i wonder how far he can eat me how far can you eat me sir give me a good old eating i'm running go on hit me hit me with oh that was a good 10 meters not bad but now let's slap on some fists that shall make me invincible and see if we can tank this dusty boy okay here it is what are you doing what's he hitting me with it with those arms all right that's enough i killed him oh god oh no uh what happened he uh sorry whoever lives in those apartments i think it's dead it's hard to tell hello are you in there so the good news is you can kill it with one punch but can you kill it with 50 updated jerry's you heard me correctly they have been updated we saw it once before where he executed some things jerry's buff now i don't know if you can tell he's been working out so they should be fine right we'll see uh here he comes he's going for them is he i killed them all in one go uh me next you ever seen a banana do the plank oh we can see under his hands oh they're all lumpy and bitsy don't like it you know jerry i kind of hyped you up and you let me down and so on the other side of our little city we shall spawn the true kaiju killer gypsy danger if you haven't seen pacific rim it's basically a robot humans made that was big enough to fight things like this why did they give it so much cake we'll never know let's turn it on and see if they're friends gypsy danger only has 580 000 health so about half but does it do the dps he's got uh the big boom the bit uh oh the gypsy jizzy okay guys are these are these buildings too much for you oh the boom's out again it's fine don't work don't panic nobody panic we can go over here away from the bit yeah ah it's really stuck here we go they're doing the thing are you winning and it seems like so far gypsy danger is taking an unbelievable amount of damage and doing almost nothing with those sword wrist things uh the bombs have escalated though and that's it game over for gypsy clover did a little raw happy little raw happy monster noises and so before we take a look at our next kaiju let's quickly break the the boat it has so many bones look at the tongue oh my gosh i think i could do this all day i got a state of this thing well up next is godzilla and baby clover will get to fight godzilla to see who's the strongest kaiju but first maybe we just turn godzilla on see what it does to me it's big it also has 2 million health which is a lot of health is it violent towards bananas does it hate me can i tickle the toes hello why have you got holes in there what's happening am i gonna die shoot it in the groin that was a mistake look at it behind the building it's bigger than the building it's screaming what's he saying by the dog and um once again we have another creature that is kicking up a lot of dust uh he's shouting at me from behind that it does it doesn't offend me i don't know what you're saying what the oh that's what he was doing he was charging up his neck hole okay can i live am i safe what if i go inside are we safe in here uh dodge to the neck oh he's coming you're gonna do the do the thing hello uh he's charging up he's shot uh yep he can i think he can shoot through buildings pretty sure that's confirmed no it's safe and so i'm calling in the help of my new dog clover clover meet godzilla are you two friends only one way to find out clover is not a big fan of godzilla clover's in there oh clover with the kicking oh my how are you doing that clover's a beast but godzilla is regening most of its hell the laser though the laser comes from the sky what's happening uh-oh clover behind you clover why are you running away chloe you're okay they want to fight right in the city but it looks like they're trying to be friends but clover a lot like godzilla does regen about 12 000 health a second so i don't think either of them do enough damage that they would ever kill each other what just happened but maybe some of our other cards you do more damage but first you know what we gotta do we gotta break the bones on godzilla when you don't give your pet lizard enough calcium up next we've got king ghidorah who is the uh three-headed dragoon with no arms i remember a minecraft mod called or spawn that had this dude and it was so overpowered i'm having flashbacks 10 million health so uh yep i was right to have those flashbacks why did he kind of look like he got the boobado anywho does he have one tail or three tail one tail it all makes no sense what happened he shot me in the groin kingdom why ah there's permanent lightning i just don't think i'm allowed to survive uh although maybe you can dodge the lightning this time for sure all right this time i've got how are you supposed to dodge it i can't even see it but it is yellow and so therefore it's fine oh it's coming it doesn't even need to do much it just let the lightning kill everything can i can i fight you man to man combat to combat hand on hand dead okay wow look how yellow i am all right say timer fists i can tank it can he one shot me it would appear not where is his hitbox come here you you big glitter give me that bubba here we go on my what it's going to take about four or five punches six pack what is that what what am i looking at uh did he have two tails earlier look at those feet got a little hobbit feet and oh the groin's about to land on me why he lost his luster oh he's kind of weird looks a bit like a chicken now sleep prince you big snake oh why does it look like the dragon that donkey was dating in shrek they're just me why is his tail so rigid are those its legs so now let's break his bones oh he's so enormous i have to get miles away do the do the thing with the bones oh look at that we stacked the heads not bad he did have two tails all right you can fight clover now your friends you guys friends no oh definitely not look at the state of those heads he's coming in for the bike did you do any damage no clover reach end at all and he did nothing to you these guys are just too old to hate each other i think clover might have hit it outside of the map bad club never mind he's back and he's golden what's he gonna do next oh the bite ah the yellow are you okay did you do any did no damage really it looked cool though the tail whip hello so the best way to see what these monsters do is to give them a bullseye and just and just look at their moves and so it seems like he can bite with all three heads or individual heads at once we've got the double tail smack uh what are these lightning bits what did he do this and then of course we have the lightning and the screaming so who's next mechagodzilla we've seen a mechagodzilla in the past but this one is even cooler mostly because he's kind of red and glowing also look at his glory little hands and his spiky little feet do you think he hates me um i took 20 damage and then a bit more i think uh are those rockets did he just shoot a load of flares out holy m why would he do that just to be cool i guess is his butt doing a thing i swear he just fired uh he farts when he walks he has 1.2 million health can you sneak up on him i'm coming did i get a hitting have i hit him oh he's doing a thing with his hands oh he's trying to dice onions and banana going to turn me into a smoothie isn't he i'm going inside quick so let's see if he's even friends with the other godzilla who's the strongest only one way to find out they are not friends they're screaming in each other's faces and uh are those rockets what are those uh what are they you me i think they were rockets but he's missed they're inside each other i looked away for a second those are those rocket turrets are those guns uh the godzilla's actually taking a load of damage and the mecha one has a little bit but i think he's stronger do the thing ah there it is the screw oh they're kissing guys you're gonna break that building calm down they never listen oh are these rockets gonna hit uh no he's doing the thing with it oh i missed it he's doing the thing with his tail he's trying to stab him with that i think he's got a little blade on the end do it again mecca what's he do is he choking he just shoulder charged him and knocked him into the shadows and so after they've been fighting for ages neither of us still dead but godzilla has taken about 700 000 damage whereas mecca has only taken a hundred thousand or is that a million is too many numbers in my brain but basically meg is gonna win and his prize you guessed it we're gonna break his bones when your robots had too much oil these are stumbling what did we do to his toes and up next we've got the shin godzilla what's so special about his shins uh i don't really know if you know about this dude comment below but he's really kind of gross and scary and i love it he's mostly mouth his teeth go all the way to the back of his neck he's got these beady little dinosaur eyes and then he spikes on his back he's got these chunky thighs and how many toes do you need and then his tail is also a bit weird it's a bit fleshy on the end of that he only has 190 000 health let's turn him on see if he's a violent he's really dead oh he's gone purple and it laser came out of his butt what's hap why oh it's coming out of his tail and he's also a farty dusty boy all right don't do it he's come all the way over here i appreciate the effort and i think he's spawn camping me but i got my fists ha ha what are you gonna do now is he broken i think he's peeing on me lads he's peeing he's p he's peeing lightning what's happening yeah i i think we just have to aim for the shins that's the law right we gotta kill him in the shins he's like achilles but for the shin would you die got him he's just vanished okay which reminds me we didn't kill the mechagodzilla what happens if we kill him come here you ah got him what'd you do what'd the dog do he's breathing he's smoking smoking's bad uh oh oh rockets that one hit me in the face he has one last attempt to kill everything i respected nah oh why am i dead what's happening now we couldn't have a creature as derpy as the shin godzilla without breaking its bones could we i mean it already looks like it's been broken but i think we can do even more yeah it's not bad when they're already this dirty it's hard to make them derpia but we'll take it and our final kaiju is the skull crawler he's a little dude he comes out of the ground uh let's lift him up see what the rest of him looks like can can you go up are you just tail is that all that's under there it's just tail is a bit of a bird is he a violent bird he's shouting at me what huh uh oh oh no oh this can't be good he just dived under the ground and hit me with his butt you know i respect him so he kind of technically has a range attack because uh he'll just burrow to you can he dig under the sea though is he going down so you're gonna borrow for me he's trying to make gloves in that building can you get away from that say i'm over here i'll shoot you don't make me do it oh he's coming can he swim he's trying to reach me he doesn't want to come in oh he's coming in uh oh oh he's oh no he just dived into the sea okay well turns out i think he can swim yep and there it is he's such a dusty boy why are they all so dusty he only has 275 000 health so maybe he can fight the shin giraffe who do you think's gonna win two very dirty fellas look at his tail oh he's dead the shin destroyed him fair enough uh-oh so finally let's break the bones of this bird lizard what have you got for me get that tail out of the ground now he's in a cat pose oh the tongue oh do you have two tongues in there what's happening stay still would you it would appear that he definitely does have two tongues you learn something new every day here and that's pretty much it for the kaiju mod i'm bleeding in the groin so i better go but first remember to subscribe if you're new it's free and i'm yellow you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 1,644,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, kaiju, kaiju garrys mod, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, godzilla, zilla, mecha zilla, mech zilla, mechazilla, mecha godzilla, cloverfield, monsters, kaiju gmod, justjoeking kaiju, king kong, godzilla vs kong, kong, shin zilla, shin godzilla
Id: 5eMq7sEGVMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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