Minecraft but with Too Many Crafts...

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this is Minecraft with the crafts get bigger today we're making the crafting table get bigger and bigger and really big from a 1ex one crafting table to a typical 3x3 crafting table to even a 8x8 Mega crafting table I'll be upgrading my crafting table to create bigger and bigger items to the point that my pickaxe and armor will be 100 blocks big so how big can the crafting even get and what does this huge craft get me stay tuned to find out look how small it is so this is a tiny crafting table at crafting level one and if we put one wooden plank in it we get a crafts get bigger item which I guess I just right click yep there we go so with that craft we get a little bit of progression with the progress bar at the top and our goals to go from this tiny crafting table to pretty much this thing so with that being said the only ways I can craft this video is with the crafting table size I have so here are the crafts I'm going to be trying to make in the 1ex one crafting table and I guess let's go ahead and try one stick oh wait what heck is that thing a tiny sword makes you feel like a giant look at how small it is oh crafting table upgrade unlocked it's now a wide tiny table what the heck and so in crafting level two I'm going to have to make these crafts on the screen right now and with two tiny swords we get a stacked double sword double the weapon double the strength okay so I kind of want to test it out on the Iron Golem so I guess let me be a little bit careful here okay okay please please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me I think it does double damage that was actually really quick not bad but one of the next things we can actually make is with the iron get and it's not a tiny wooden sword but actually a iron Hammer it's literally a pickaxe nice and the final craft I got to do with the two 2x one is apparently with some flowers so let me get these two flowers real quick thank you very much and what does this give me of course it's that okay so just like that we get the mandatory subscribe button in the video guys and if you guys are new to the channel feel free to click that subscribe button guys and anyways with that being done let's go ahead and upgrade our crafting and wait what um did you just pop out of me I'm very confused but at the same time I'll let you be I guess so what is this one going to be wait what the heck is that oh my gosh okay we now have a one by one by one okay so yet again here are all the crafts I got to do for this one and I guess we can start with the wooden planks wait what with the three wooden planks we get a boomerang it just keeps coming back do I just hit you now it's literally a boomerang wait guys I figured out what happened when I hit the tick it was not the Villager that popped out my body we're going to call him Fred by the way go ahead and say hi Fred in the comments down below but what we actually got was crafting Vault number one it's small four not door into another reality I guess cuz I made it this far in the bar we might as well do it right now uh do I just place it oh am I inside of a crafting table oh it's a normal crafting table yes you may only use this crafting table once oh okay so I can only use that once so I should probably be really careful what I craft okay so what can I make with these things I think the obvious answer might just be straight up to make iron ingots I mean I can only use it once so six iron ingots why not all right nice we're back okay so the iron was actually really convenient cuz the next things I need to make are actually with iron things let's go and start with this it's it's going to be three iron so is this going to be an iron Boomerang a single iron boot one less boot weighing you down this is the greatest item ever made wait what the heck before this thing upgrades again we got to do one stick and two iron ingots and what is this one going to be a mining hook oh and grass unlocked might as well upgrade the table yet again and not only did the progression bar go up but also now we have a what the heck is this table a five slot table nice okay so for this crafting table these are all the crafts are going to be needing on the screen right now give me one sec guys it's time to get like some materials oh gosh okay okay okay please do gum powder no it didn't drop any gum powder well we got some IR not least let's go and mine it and oh wait it mines two blocks oh and it auto Cooks nice okay I actually like this little half pickaxe thing at least and I guess real quick because we're already have the stuff for it let's go ahead and make the next item with four iron and one apple we get a weak health kit plus use in case of a boo boo maybe I won't use a Jess yet but maybe when I lose a lot of Health come on I only need two gunpowder I have the weak iron boots and and yes gun powder no better time to go Ahad and try this out than now wait I'm only at half a heart oh it's a golden apple nice and for the final craft of this crafting table the last thing we get is going to be with three gunpowder and just like that we get throwable TNT all right zombie try this out oh oh that that's actually kind of cool all right it's like a little grenade not bad okay so now what I'm really curious about is what is the next table going to be wait what the heck is this it's a dut wow that's actually a thing crafting level five and now we're making circular stuff but before anything we did reach the brown thing on the Boss Bar so did we drop anything new did I miss it hey there it is okay nice oh so we got another crafting Vault crafting Vault number two so yeah again near the CBS on the screen right now we're going to be making that thing that thing and that thing I can only really make the iron one so I guess let's real quick get all the iron we need Okay so let's go and put all the iron ingots and just like that we get a ring of Fortune my precious what the heck does this thing do oh wait luck 10 do I just have that permanently now so everything I might now drops in a stack so it's Lally a ring of Fortune okay so because I don't have any of the pickaxes or any of the items I guess it's now time to go to crafting Vault number two is it just going to be like last time though okay never mind it's not the same hello um I I I literally only have half an iron boot I cannot fight him right now why am I fighting Brutus does the money hook work as a weapon oh it does okay wait let me just use this thing and there goes Brutus nice um I got nothing for Brutus but I just now realized this room is actually really op we get a bunch of iron blocks and The Ring Of Fortune literally makes this multiply too oh that's op oh you may only use this crafting table twice oh okay wait so let's make some wheat and I think I might make the iron pickaxes and gold pickaxes this way so let's get all the iron we can let's get all the gold we can and the first thing we can do with this in the dut crafting table we make a circle of Wheat and we get a dut literally just a donut okay so do I just eat this oh it's pretty much a bunch of good effects nice and for the next one I'm going to be needing four gold pickaxes and four iron pickaxes so luckily this right here here is going to be one craft so let's get that one craft out of the way and then our second craft right here which will be the last one we can do on this table and with that being done let's go ahead and put the gold pickaxes put in the iron pickaxes and what does this make wait what the heck is that thing circular pickaxe I guess we're done here guys I'm going to go back and let's see what exactly this thing does wait so do I mine with it oh wait no that's normal what about right click oh it's a boomerang pickaxe oh that's amazing oh and auto Cooks oh there we go crafting table upgraded yet again and uh wait what is this this table Summoner do I hear Boss music wait don't tell me we got to fight a boss already okay what is it this time oh you've anchored the crafting Med hello oh gosh okay run run back run back run back run back run back I'm literally using the power of the boomerang against this guy and there we go there goes the first crafting Med and I guess with that being done we get a little bit further on our crafting progress and we get a crafting upgrade right click hey there we go okay so what's our new table going to be now oh my why why can't it be normal what what the heck is this I'm not even sure okay so yeah had again guys here are all the crabs we got to make this time the right there and this time we're making a pickaxe looking thing first so I guess let's go ahead and do that so it's like this there we go and we get a wide pickaxe oh that's a big area oh my gosh okay we're going to be money really efficiently with this stuff and actually for the next thing we can finally make an armor piece and that's going to be like this a tiny iron chest plate children small do I just put this on oh my God took a tank top nice okay okay so I realized I already have everything I need for the next thing and that's going to be apparently a scythe okay so for the Scythe four sticks and then it's like really weird where it's like an up die down thing and there we go an iron Scythe so I'll just replace this and oh gotten table unlock nice what does this do exactly oh that's sick oh it m like a big area go ins s do your thing so this is going to be crafting Vault number three and yet again crafting upgrade so before we go inside let's upgrade that and what what the heck is this table I mean we have a 3X3 now guys but like I said earlier we can't do any normal crafting it's only going to be with the new craft which will be on the screen right now which we actually have none of the stuff for maybe the door is going to help us I guess well here goes nothing please don't be a boss wait what YouTuber Soul 0 to one this again sacrifice one YouTuber to unlock three normal crafts well here we go again guys let me real quick message to YouTuber hey Z over welcome what's up man I don't I don't really like the look of this if I'm going to be honest look look look it's going to be completely fine I do this like every video we're good just go up to this dude right here and right click him and great stuff will happen for me yeah and you yeah luckily I'm not a YouTuber yeah yeah yeah there you go no and there goes sip over go check him out guys but rest and peace zip over in the comments down below but on the bright side now we get three crafts from zip over thank you man we kind of need stuff so hopefully the chests have the stuff yes there we go we got everything we need but with those items being ready let's go ahead and graft at least one thing in here and why not for the first thing let's do the bone one it's going to be in a weird shape but with the bones in this last Emerald we get a villager head okay I guess let's go back real quick and see what this thing does oh wait is that diamonds diamonds hey nice okay before we do anything let me go a and grab these diamonds um I'm going to use the hammer just in case so we can get a lot of diamonds just like that very nice but we do have the Villager head now so what does this do exactly oh crafty villager what's up man oh wait oh that's really good oh man okay so I do need an iron helmet so I'll gladly take that ender pearls for copper and a skeleton skull maybe we need that later I'm not sure but hey thank you buddy so back to crafting the next thing we can go ahead and make we put in six string and then one iron pickaxe and what the heck is this thing going to be a grappling hook wait okay so what does this do do I grapple oh that's sick but now for the final craft it's going to be with three string and then odly enough with a bunch of wool so what exactly is this a par launcher launch the sky and Float safely back down I mean why not oh there we go nice yet again another crafting table unlocked let's go and right click that we get the next crafting table and so what's it going to be this time okay okay so it's a 3X3 plus a bottom one and a side one and before we do anything explore this one let's go up and explore this thing okay so par launcher do do I just right click this thing hey we're just going up nice oh we're floating down that's sick anyways let's go all the way back down caving oh cave nice pretty convenient cuz there's literally a ravine right there also our sight does really good work against stuff and now with this one these are the crabs on the screen right now we actually need Redstone and Lapis for this one I think that's the only things we don't have so give me one sec guys I'm just going to go keep mining down and see if we can find some Redstone back to the crafting table and I guess because we did just get the Redstone let's go and make this thing as our first one so with nine Redstone into lapis we get oh my gosh why why a sus minion I saw them vent so do I just right click this dude oh wait what no no no no no I almost just died okay that could have been really bad I'm just going to bur the item goodbye no no no more sus minions anyways back to crafting this time one gunpowder eight iron ingots and then with two gold ingot we get a bomb buddy but what does bomb buddy do maybe let's go to a cave real quick and try out there okay bomb buddy what do you do oh it's Lally a little bomb hey wait is he going to come after me uh oh I might use it against a boss it's pretty cool though well back to it back to our weird crafting table for the next thing we make it's going to be with three iron ingots and then oh wait we need to make a stone button okay we got one stone and I guess that's how we make the stone button and then with three buckets we get a water gun not for children under three wait what oh and crabs unlocked oh and instally a water gun hey that's sick oh look at it go okay I like this item this is my favorite item so far and yet again we found a small door but before anything let's upgrade the crafts there we go and what type of crafting table do we have now oh gosh okay yeah it's extending slowly but surely we got one there one there one there so before anything let's get to a better spot cuz I hear Wai me zombies and for this tier here are all the crabps on the screen right now and so with the first one we get a stop sign Shield so be a stop sign and a shield nice oh we don't have string oh man okay maybe everything I need is in the vault so let's go in 3 2 1 oh okay okay no no not again not again not again stack sword go go go go go go go go away go away go away and there we go and literally he dropped a cobweb and it's gone I may have broken the crafting table but on the bright side we got cobwebs which equals string and oh my gosh that is a lot of string what the heck okay and also we have anvils here nice big spider kind of broke the room let's uh get out of here so with that being done let's go ah and get to the next graft which is going to be with the string I got which was fitting that we had to fight a spider cuz we're going to be making a very weird looking bow oh that's a big long bow oh it gave me an arrow okay wait so how does this this work oh it's a bunch of arrows oh that's sick and with that being done we only have one more thing to make and actually I'm realizing now where did that door go I need the door again oh there it is okay I didn't check this side please have Redstone yes okay we oddly enough only needed two so let's go and put those there and now the rest of the craft is with anvils which is kind of weird guys I'm dumb it was not supposed to be anvils it was actually supposed to be skulls which we can use with this little buddy right here I need these skulls that should be good now let's actually get it right this time and there we go okay a totem of dying oh crafting table upgrade unlocked yet again and uh totem of dying what do you do hello um he does so much damage oh my gosh okay so we're fighting a Reaper but he's stuck on the floor let's go ahead and shoot him and be thankful that we didn't have to fight him the normal way get him out of the way and now we have a netherite scythe nice so with that being done let's go ahead and get our crafting upgrade and right click and now how big is this table going to be oh that's a new shape um okay okay so let me go up real quick cuz I feel like I'm getting cramped down here anyways the crafts will be on the screen right now there go B three new crafts this time we're going to be making the first one which is going to be like this and what is this a crown oh wait what what is that a golden Halo oh nice okay so I just put that on oh that gives me a lot more Health nice now let's do the next thing which is going to be with ingots of gold and iron and another type of boomerang and this time a sword Boomerang oh gosh wait where's it going oh that's sick we got the throwing knife and for the next thing on the screen you'll see we need lava so let's go down again and get some lava okay so for this one we need literally eight lava buckets exactly and just like that we get a lava ring so we now have a mining ring and a lava ring also craf an upgrade let's go ahead and use that right click that oh and yet again another Vault but what does the lava ring do oh I can walk on lava oh that's sick let's go oh and also have fire resistance I like that and before we go through the next door what's in this crap table what the heck is this thing okay and for this one yet again here are all the crafts for this one but these are really interesting we have a diamond one and a golden apple one let's start with the diamond one real quick holy that's a big diamond giant diamond and the next one is going to be with gold and apples and then we get strong health kit oh and we got another table Summoner so we both have the table Summoner and the crafting Vault number five by the way let's get the strong health kit go ahead and eat this and oh my gosh that is so much health guys we have 21 Hearts now what about the giant Diamond do I just throw this holy oh my gosh it's a diamond Temple okay give me those diamonds don't don't don't don't don't blow up the temple don't blow up the temple let's real quick break that and inside the temple holy okay yeah um we're going to be grabbing all this protection for diamond leggings yes I love that an efficiency five pickaxe I mean sure why not and now that we're done with that I should probably do the table Summoner boss before I do anything else so let's go and summon this guy and see what happens I guess I'll just do it right here oh gosh oh gosh this is probably a bad idea oh there he is crafting medic again okay okay stay back stay back go on big bow oh gosh that thing literally slapped me in the face with that thing don't explode on me couple more hits and there we go down goes the crafting minutes and we get the next crafting upgrade item which uh wait where it go where' it go where' it go oh there it is okay let's go ahe and right click that and how is the crafting table going to look this time oh my this thing is getting big so we're now working with this and here are the crabs on the screen B before we do this one though I still got to do the Vault so let's go try this out real quick oh not again okay okay okay literally two bosses back to back can the arrow kill it in one hit that's a little scare guy oh there's wheat though I can make some bread but there goes the Scarecrow nice let's real quick got a bunch of hay bells I'm going to guess I only get five crafts so that's going to be one craft right there that's two three and that's all the bread we'll need let's get out of here now and start doing some more crafting and this time we're going to go ahead and make the iron tea and there we go A Team Titans tower inflates to full size if we're too low I might die to bedrock so let's go up real quick this might be a good spot why not right there holy it's literally a te nice all right up we go is there anything down here oh it's actually good stuff good thing we made that first let's go all the way up though so we finally got the prism shorts we needed all right is there anything in this chest diamond blocks okay yeah that's actually really good a lot of good stuff don't really need any of this so I think we should be good here unless there's something over here oh chest and pretty much same old same old okay we're good anyways back to crafting let's go ahead and do The prismarine Shard one and what the heck is that a hammerhead sword and then before we get to showing that off let's also get the next one which is going to be a jackhammer and we get the next crafting table nice okay oh and so the next door guys oh my gosh we're getting actually through this really quickly what does the Jackhammer do oh we're jackhammering oh that's sick and the next thing we got was the Hammerhead sword so what does this do wait is that is that is that a literal shark guys we can shoot sharks now why why can we shoot sharks now that is amazing anyways that being done crafting upgrade what's the table going to be now what the heck it looks like a pickaxe I guess let's see what we can make with this so here are the crabs on the screen right now is this another weird pickaxe if so I definitely want to try it out okay there it is and we get a wider pickaxe uh what does this do then I've think I've gone this before oh yep it mine's a bigger area nice okay on to the next one so it looks like we need Redstone obsidian and emeralds I can do that I think okay so I don't have any emeralds and I also haven't gone to the room yet so if I don't find emeralds there I'll probably just go to a mountain biome also I forgot that this was a place any emeralds around here nope well let's go in oh there there it is okay yet again another boss and this time is the book boss oh wait also the emeralds are here okay thank you Game Masters that is actually very useful no staying back staying back let's get this guy out of the way and finish him off with the good old shark that is amazing okay I guess I can get the emeralds now and that is a lot of emeralds now that we're done with that let's go back I think we finally have enough things so we're going to be needing one iron ingot one Redstone Dust one copper one gold ingot one Emerald one lapis auli one diamond and finally with this obsidian we get a rainbow wait what the heck does this do I'm kind of really curious actually oh and grab and locks again nice upgrade the crafting table and what does the rainbow do oh it's literally a rainbow oh that's sick and it shoots out items okay that's actually one of my favorite items I love that nice okay so what's the table we get now what the heck is this it's an N so the craft is on the screen right now for what we got to make this is the only craft of this tier wait what does this do then Nest stor minions your very own accessorio this should be illegal I mean here goes nothing I guess and there we go here's the minion oh what's up buddy he is he just vibing not really sure what he does but wait it just exploded okay so I think they literally stand around for 30 seconds and then explode exori that explode very nice now that we're done with that let's go ahead and get the crafting upgrade let's see the next crafting table right here that is huge so yet again two craft on this one and one of them requires 20 20 obsidian so I guess let's go ahead and make this oh wo it's literally a portal are we entering the nether portion of the video now and before I use that I kind of want to also make the other one which is going to be with a ton of wood so let's real quick get all the wood w for need I think it's 20 wood that we need and on this gigantic table let's put down the 20 wood a mega crafting chest ultimate crafting room all right I guess I'll use this thing first before we go to the nether just in case and right click oh this is different oh there's even potions I'm going to get at least a strength two potion that's going to be very good for at least the final boss what's inside of the chest Eyes of Ender and end portal frames I don't need these yet for a craft from what I'm seeing but we might need these later so I'm going to keep these here wait did that thing just hit me back okay dang bro what's wrong with you let's go ahead and see what this gives us then title boots and title leggings oh we get Dolphins Grace nice do they all give me something different what is this magma chest plate and now we got fire resistance which I think we already had anyways I think we're done here let's go to the nether in no better way than I guess right clicking this or is this going to be the portal right here nice okay well let's jump in all right we are in and that is not a good spot to spawn in oh what the heck does the water gun work here that is so cursed water in the nether well good thing out have the magma ring cuz now we can just walk around and I kind of forgot that we did end up getting a boss item so I'm going to go ahead and get to a safe spot and then we can place it there so uh let's go straight over there table Summoner here we go again the crafting medic found you literally just going to get this one down with the power of sharks and just like that there goes the crafting table and we get yet again another crafting upgrade let's see what the table was this time what wait what um no no no no I am not dealing with baby crafting tables that that was weird oh my gosh it's just three lines of crafting tables so for this one we have two different crafts one's with iron bars and one's with blaze rods and the problem is how do I get blaze rods I mean I never used crafting Vault number five's crafting table so I think I had one more use on this so let's go ahead and make some of these get 48 of that let's get back to it and get literally three columns of these things what is this going to be even so we get a jail inflatable let's real quick try this out then do I just place it down or something it literally is a jail okay let's um fight with the sharks so the next item we got to get is actually with the Blaze Rod so this is actually perfect but we now got to fight all these BL oh wait I have fire resistance I'm pretty sure oh we should be good then oh man that was a grind but we should be good now and uh so three Blaze Rod RS give one Mega Blaze Rod oh and grass un locked nice okay let's go ahead and do the crafting upgrade and mega Blaze Rod okay what does this do oh it's like a blaze rod launcher nice so with that being done let's go a and place out another crafting table and is that a smiley face what are the crowds we get this time okay they're going to be on the screen right now so we have one with obsidian and quartz and one with only gold ingots we can do the gold ingot one right now why not but what the heck is this oh it's a smiley face if you made this one the video going comment Down Below Good Old smiley face okay so what is this going to do oh it's a little Emoji oh what's up buddy I don't even know what he's doing oh he's mining oh that's sick good job man and for the next one I'm going to have to get some obsidian which oh wait there's obsidian right here okay don't mind if I do and we need some quartz and the fastest quartz is right there so let's go get that I need two of these let me grab that and so it's the eyes are quarts and then everything else is Obsidian what does this give us of course Herobrine Summoner very nice oh crafting upgrade I mean that's one good thing let's go get the crafting upgrade what's our crafting table now oh across nice and I guess let's get into a better spot and summon this guy in no better spot than right beside a fortress so I guess here we go oh gosh here it comes here it comes I don't trust this guy yep of course it's a boss all right let's do this here Brian oh my gosh he's oh okay okay but but he's violent all right power the Sharks go away go away go away this guy always takes so long to kill all right at least one more hit unless he healed oh my gosh wait he's going to kill me okay no no no no no no this is not good this is not good go on shark yes and just like that at two hearts that is going to be for herbine that was a lot more difficult than I thought and what did he give us herbine armor crate instead of Herobrine's armor guys we can straight up become herbine okay we have less Health now but that's kind of cool so with that by being done now we can get to the next thing which is going to be the cross crafting table which has two crafts and one looks like a sword and one is just an L let's start with the L and see what exactly this thing is so wait what is that is that a sock giant Diamond boot size 27 guys it's so big it becomes pants what the heck and it's 20 armor very nice and now for the next thing it's going to be with netherite actually okay well on the bright side we do have the wide pickaxe so maybe we can find it this way I guess time to strip mine and hope for the best oh wait netherite 16 netherite ingots I think that should be good right let's real quick try it then and that's a big giant sword the bigger the better we're replacing the shark why not okay so what does this do oh my gosh okay that's sick just shoot out a bunch of Swords nice anyways though because we upgrade our table what's it now it's so big now what the heck do I make with this so one is what looks like pants and the other one is I have no idea we need iron bars Eyes of Ender and stone brick the good thing is though we have this Mega crafting chest that we can go in real quick let's make the big old pants real quick and there we go Ender pants press K to teleport do I go somewhere with this probably not the best spot to teleport so let's let's try that once we get back to the overw world which shouldn't be too difficult so we need End Portal frames iron bars and Eyes of Ender let's go ahead and put the iron bars in and now End Portal frames which is definitely a crazy thing to craft with I have no idea what this is going to be guys and finally Four Eyes of Ender oh an inflatable stronghold why is an inflatable stronghold no idea anyways though just like that yet another crafting table unlocked and wait this might be the final one but that's so big what what is this okay let's get out of here okay so first off Ender pants okay oh wait what the heck wao wao what's going on I'm so confused I'm so confused okay let's go back anyways we got the stronghold so what happens when I right click this do I just throw it oh my oh I'm glad I had extra Hearts okay that's expected but before we go inside I think it's time we finally make use of our final giant crafting table and wait what what what are those Pac-Man ghosts hello what's up guys I got a giant sword well let's let's use this oh I a vender nice okay it's like the Gord of the temple I'm going to go ahead and get rid of these guys and let's use the long bow and for this crafting table we only have one final craft left and it's literally a 1 2 3 it's a 6x6 craft so the craft will be on the screen right now we actually don't have enough end portal frames and this guy wants to fight me okay let's go back real quick and Bal frames there we go okay we should have enough now now that we have enough I guess let's start putting these things together and finally this took me forever cuz the thing is a little bit buggy but with the 6x6 crafting table we get the ultimate I vender quickest way to the end here goes nothing let's go ahead and right click and oh wait uh there just spawns the portal I didn't even need to go into the stronghold here goes nothing guys wish me luck okay we're in it's a bit quiet but I don't see a dragon neither do I see crystals oh wait what the final battle awaits you here are the final two giant craft items the ultimate elytra and the ultimate Trident oh and there's the final boss the crafting Dragon well here goes nothing guys it's time for the final battle and we also got the ultimate elytra but I'm not sure what to use go on my swords okay let's get this guy out of the way oh gosh okay okay okay please don't do too much damage okay let's go ahead and drink that before I go back up how do I use this thing do I like Chef FR click oh that's sick it doesn't damage the dragon but I pretty much turned everything into water all right couple more shots we should be good now in the water oh gosh okay that's pretty good damage giant bow come on and there we go challenge completed and that's going to be it for Minecraft but crafting gets bigger welcome to Minecraft but you can craft op structures in today's video we're going to be crafting structures ranging from not only coal but to netherite and even one final structure I don't even know about in the very end it doesn't stop there though because every time I throw an OP structure it can randomize to any structure in the game from a temple to even really crazy ones like New York City can I be the dragon what op structure can I get in the end stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in 3 2 1 there we go welcome to the team and for today's light goal let's try and see if we can all hit the like button in 1 second Ready Set like we're able to do it anyways guys enjoy the video right off the bat a desert temple and right behind us village already it's going to be a good game today so with that being said from what you saw in the pre- inro today we're going to be crafting a lot of brand new OP structures ranging from coal to iron to Gold to Diamond to netherite to even Apparently one final really op structure that we're going to be seeing at the very end so with that being said I'm ready to craft some op structures get some good stuff beat the dragon and hopefully I don't die along the way because besides knowing the craft for each structure I don't really know what happens when I do do craft the structure so that's going to be a bit new to us and wait oh wait I think we already found one of the main components of a structure guys so uh this definitely looks a little bit weird right here we have a brand new ore that is in the color of coal and it's going through like Temple desert temple n city Mansion or whatever that thing is it's so big but when I mind this we get a coal tokens so the tokens are something we're going to be needing for every single structure we make so because we just started we might as well make the first op structure which is not going to be as op I'm guessing but nevertheless we're going to be getting one random structure from this token that from what I know can range from literally any structure in the game so all we got to do is surround the token with eight of its corresponding valuables to finally get the powered coal token a shiny glowing token right click to summon a coal structure oh gosh and we legit have a desert temple already over there um okay so how do I begin this properly do I want to go in this Village at all I guess I'll kill this cow well why did I kill the cow anyways because it is an OP structures video might as well throw it right now and uh let's see what happens oh wow that's a okay that is a lot of ocean Monument oh my gosh okay so we didn't get a coal structure right away so I'm guessing that some of the structures also have a chance of being a normal structure do I want to go in there though I'm not sure if I want to go in the ocean Monument right away I might just go to the desert temple first then get some better stuff and then go into the ocean Monument cuz Ocean Monuments have the big bad fish the big one with the go like wow that that makes end the video I'm so sorry but we're going to go to the desert devil first all right please be good loot cuz I definitely need to get a lot of iron a lot of diamond literally eight netherite apparently so I can even craft one netherite structure which honestly sounds very overpowered so I shouldn't be complaining oh L one all right not that I really need looting but you know what it's useful and a bunch of rotten flesh you know all the homies love eating rotten flesh on a Tuesday it's not a Tuesday and another book lure to okay I really don't need either of these I'm just going to put them there uh I do need the sand to get out of here that was an awful Temple actually oh it' be so cool if we could make TNT structures actually never mind cuz if one blows up that would be the end of the game all that being done though let's go down the caves get some good stuff find some good tokens and hopefully we can at least make one Diamond structure one netherite structure and figure out whatever structure is in the end and actually we can go ahead and make a bow like this early on I mean I'm kind of scared of what the structures are going to give me and hopefully there's nothing bad that can happen when you roll the dice of what structure you do get I did see a lot of stuff right there though I'm pretty sure I saw the word McDonald's might be completely wrong about that but the McDonald's was somewhere around there also saddle not bad all right let's go Cav going to go and grab some coal but the main thing I want right now is definitely those iron tokens and iron ingots so I can make some iron structures iron structur are going to be the way up until we can make those Diamond structures I'm pretty sure the iron structures are probably going to be made out of iron blocks so I don't think I'm going to try to make any armor literally any material I make I'm just going to straight up try to put straight back into the structures and already we just got an iron token not bad do I use the iron token inside this Ravine I feel like that would be a really bad idea but at the same time you know it's content so we're doing it holy cave okay yeah this is a good spot I think it's a dead end after this so we can actually just throw it holy okay um I think we're definitely going to be finding a lot more tokens I feel like the deeper we get in the cave the better the tokens get cuz I don't see any coal tokens anymore but to be fair does anyone want a coal structure coal structures are kind of like you know eh all right eight ironing gets one iron token and then we get the powered iron token a shiny glowing token right click to summon an iron structure oh here we go okay powered iron token I guess I'll throw it straight up that way hopefully it's not a mansion cuz I don't know if we have enough space for a mansion anyways here we go okay there is a McDonald's what the there's a Kmart too what iron Ed City oh my gosh um okay that is amazing yes and just like that guys our technically our first op structure is going to give us literally unlimited iron blocks for more iron structures and literally an entire end City guys this game mode is amazing big smile right now I have 10 iron blocks I could make an anvil use three of these why not make some armor and after that we have 32 iron ingots left just to do anything with I'm going to be grabbing as much iron as I can I could even make a bunch of iron golems with this like this is such a good start would it have any dity loot or iron tier loot I'm not sure but I got to get all the way to the top I always love doing this parkour it's like the easiest one boop boop boop boop boop oh two Jets interesting okay so they must have added chests all right so it's definitely iron to your loot we got a stack of arrows not bad 40 iron neans in total now a ton of gold and a lot more TNT I don't know why we get the TNT but you know what I'm not complaining at what 32 blocks of gold oh my gosh okay these are way too op but and we're just on the iron tier right now they are going to be getting better and better and oh my gosh we're back on the surface don't really care for the normal m cuz as you know it's just a normal Monument coal structure tier we're just going to get better and better tiers right now might do a few more iron tiers if we do find more tokens I think they're really rare right now so I'm just going to make what I can make all right so iron is out of the way now so I'm going to guess I need to get gold actually wait no I already have gold blocks so I don't even need that all right where are the gold tokens a gold token would be amazing right now cuz if we could get like a gold mansion or something that is a giant structure to have gold loot with hopefully they have blaze rods and ender pearls cuz that's a main thing I need right now diamonds would be appreciated too all right where are the tokens I will take any tokens oh wow okay as I say that literally I look up and right there guys we have our first gold token I actually really like the GU line there all right gold token please give us something good I honestly a mansion a Walmart anything that'd be very appreciative if you made it this far in the video comment down below gold Walmart for no reason let's confuse some people all right a gold one token and with that we get the good old powered gold token a shiny glowing token right click to summon a gold structure all right here we go guys please don't be bad I'm going to throw it maybe straight that way oh gosh okay okay that is so many things gold junk Temple oh my gosh that is so much gold yes okay perfect you love to see it oh my gosh okay so it's definitely a special Temple cuz it looks very familiar but with that we got even more TNT and uh oh wow okay that's actually a really good chest three diamonds that's a diamond pickaxe and oh some ambl wait I already have ambl and even an ancient table holy okay these are actually really good oh wait oh gosh okay that could have been bad all right give me the string uh please don't blow up and I'm just going to go ahead and get a Smithy wait a smithing table hold up if we can get netherite from gold Temple it's a literally these are too op also a stack of iron blocks who needs blocks when you have iron blocks not the best structure cuz it doesn't have a lot of chest but I can't really complain cuz we already got a diamond pickaxe and I'm pretty happy with that and hopefully we can find some more tokens cuz I definitely need more structures after that literally every time I say it guys another iron structure possibility over there nice okay and we definitely have enough stuff oh wait no there's another one here oh gosh I can see it through the block and right by another gold token not bad okay so we have a gold token and oh no that's just normal gold oh and diamonds okay might as well go mine those diamonds uh looks like a four vein of diamonds probably a five ve nope four vein dang it Four Diamonds we still can't make a diamond structure so I definitely got to mine a good bit until I can make one Diamond structure at least oh wait we got an enchant table didn't we I might as well go ahead and do this uh oh okay nice how's it going buddy enchanter real quick and why not can we get fire aspect nope sharpness one power one all there we go we could probably get good enchants from these op structures but you can never be too safe in case something bad happens all right full Protection One all right one more iron token one more gold token two more structures and hopefully that should give us some diamonds or something like that but luckily we actually have a lot of everything pretty much powered iron token power gold token and uh might as well do the iron one first straight in lava oh gosh that's so many I swear iron jungle temple oh wait also has gold interesting wait it found diamonds for us what okay it literally opened up the chunk and just like that we have eight diamonds which is the perfect amount to make one Diamond structure I'm not complaining at all might as well go ahead and check right here and 32 more arrows not bad some milk buckets and some hose all right that iron structure was not the best but we still have the gold one kind of curious of what the Walmart is might as well throw it now please please be something good gold Monument oh my gosh holy and even more diamonds what the heck all right I will be definitely taking this happily um I'm not sure how to find the diamond tokens but the diamonds just don't stop oh my gosh and there's another structure token right there I'm going to grab that oh that's the void oh gosh okay that that was a close one okay I should have definitely not done that let's get this token and get inside this Monument I'm going to guess there's going to be a lot of chests in the monument cuz it's like a golden one maybe I can get a token from inside the monument I'm not sure all right what's in here oh nice okay eight ender pearls okay that's literally so good for the dragon all right just like that we have half the ender pearls we need all right chest up there literally eight more diamonds three golden apples a lot of I wish I could make emerald structur that'd be so cool and even more iron blocks what that two more diamonds like what the heck is going on all right one more test knockback 10 C pickle honestly you got to love the knockback 10 C pickle the best C pickle in the world you know I was once a c pickle and then I became exoria all right so we found the good room what does the area usually get oh it's just still gold in Diamond leggings nice all right and I just realized eight more ender pearls and just like that guys we definitely have enough ender pearls to get all the Eyes of Ender we need open a protection two book nice this game is going so quick cuz we have 38 diamonds diamond leggings protection 2 and I think I'm going to hold off on using any of these diamonds until I actually can make a diamond structure I haven't found any diamond tokens yet inside the structures or anything like that so we have diamond netherite and secret left okay all right so two structure tokens back to back and diamonds back there not that we really need the diamonds but the structure tokens are definitely appreciated got a lot more gold like a lot a lot definitely a flex all right let's see what we can get I saw the Lions wait what is going on oh gold deser Temple nice all right not bad all right let's go inside oh wow okay that's a problem I should probably start heading up before I do one of these uh all right let's throw this one up instead gold desert temple again I mean it's kind of fitting cuz we just did that to that desert temple yeah let's head up okay I can actually go oh that could have been bad a lot of TNT some more diamonds we have so many diamonds more golden apples a lot of holy TNT some spal arrows actually that's kind of cool and and uh that's pretty much it not bad but we haven't found those Diamond tokens so I might start getting a hunch that they might be in the nether so I could be completely wrong about this but I mean it wouldn't hurt to actually just go ahead and check the nether real quick so all right so let's definitely make this portal now cuz I'm going to assume that the diamond tokens for crafting the diamond op structures are probably going to be in the Nether and if those aren't there the netherite ones are definitely there all right got the nether portal all we need now is some Flint where is some oh spawner and another structural token not bad all right so before we go to that dungeon real quick cuz I mean dungeons are really not that worth it compared to literally getting any structure in the game randomly so it'd be kind of funny if we get a golden dungeon right after this and oh Golden Apple not bad might as well eat it now this might be a bad idea but you know what why not all right throw it a golden desert temple again I mean I'm not really complaining but okay it didn't go into the void I'm happy about that all right some iron another smithing table that might be a sign and just kind of a whole lot of the same stuff all right yeah we definitely got to get the next tier oh and I didn't even get flint I all right I got to get flint still all right flint and steel and without all that being done let's see if we can find find these Diamond tokens okay we're in guys all right I see no tokens yet but I'm going to assume that sooner or later we do find something I still also need a lot of netherite hopefully we can get some diamonds from the netherite structure wait is that a Bastion we can get some netherite from there okay that's something guys okay I really hope it isn't eight netherite ingots cuz eight netherite ingots is a lot of ancient debris like way too much ancient debris wait wait wait did I see something light blue no that is a mushroom dang it okay are there any diamond tokens here I would really appreciate to I hold up okay we found some finally a diamond token right above us literally on the nether ceiling and with that we should be able to finally make One op Diamond structure the hard part is going to be getting the ancient debris for the netherite structure cuz that's definitely going to be one of the important ones and I also need a fortress to actually get the blaze rods unless this can give it to me oh look at that thing all right has all the structures and all we got to do is mine it now and okay don't break please all really can't mg water bucket from here so I'm just going to do it the old fashioned way but where do I spawn it oh gosh this is about to be hectic all right Diamond token eight diamonds and just like that we get the power Diamond token a shiny glowing token it can be any structure in the game let's do this wait did I just see New York Mansion oh my gosh wait we only just got a normal Mansion no with the normal Mansion we only get one good chest I think and it would be the secret one so I guess there's a chance of getting not so good of a structure oh that's pretty good though diamond sword not bad and a diamond helmet not the best thing from a diamond structure but at least we kind of got our diamonds back with the armor if we got this in Diamond form we would have been so stacked well this is probably going to burn down very soon so I should probably get out of here and find some more Diamond tokens I cannot believe I just got scammed like this where are the diamond tokens I'm looking for all the diamond stuff I can find wait a second guys wait is that coal or is that netherite I can't tell wait no it's purplish I think we just found our first netherite token we don't have the netherite yet but oh we actually found it netherite token a dull coin made of netherite and yet again we need a lot of netherite so I can't make it just yet first I got to get some netherite which I'm going to assume I can get from this nether area right here but if we need eight netherite that is going to be so much how's it going guys uh okay chill chill chill buddy chill okay I'm going to make full diamond real quick I am not dealing with that right now what the heck all right before we go in I definitely going to need this all right Protection One Protection One and finally Protection One yeah all right I'm going to go for the ancient debris oh gosh oh gosh oh oh you do so much damage oh my gosh okay we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go please please please guys guys guys don't shoot me I'm literally just trying to find some tokens right now and some netherite where is the netherite I am inside I'm looking for chest hey I'm going to just real quick steal this chest and nothing except a load Stone oh oh hello please no no no no oh my gosh okay literally The Challenge almost ended right there I should probably have golden apples in my bar yes okay Golden Apple literally I did all that for a load Stone which is made out of netherite but it's not netherite uh it's game that that's what we call that all right chess Soul speed one gold block Golden Apple yes 12 arrows I've killed so many pigs right now tried doing some inchant combinations but man it is difficult right now gilded Blackstone oh no netherite dang it hello all right another one literally killed so many of these guys they do so much damage please beat something another right in the chest all I ask yes ancient debris that's all I needed looting one um don't we need that some obsidian where is the rest of the netherite that's all I need okay I might have to mine all right yeah I'm getting out of there I do not want to be there anymore I'm going to try to find a fortress and another Diamond token cuz those Diamond structures looked very very good and we still have the secret structure in the end so all right so we at least found a fortress now not bad already hear some blazes too nice okay literally just need the blaze rods and then I'll be good to go to the end but I really want to get a netherite structure first before I gos into to the end so I'm going to do this first all right first Blaze Rod nice okay all right just need like five more and then I'll be good oh already four blaze rods not bad all right these should be maybe my last ones all right we should be done now I got 12 blaze powder in total and wait did I throw away my end pearls wait when did I throw away my end pearls okay I should at least be able to get them back if I get op structures again but still how did I lose my ender pearls what all right we got to find the diamond token at least now oh well we found another netherite token before a diamond token are the diamond tokens a little bit more rare oh look at that guys one Diamond token right there another one right there that is going to be a double win real quick Diamond token and hopefully we can get some netherite from them if I can get some ancient debris or some netherite ingots I am literally set oh no I not only lost my ender pearls but I used all my diamonds so I not only not have enough diamonds for Diamond tokens but I also need to get enough ancient debris for netherite tokens I think I might go for the ladder and just go for the netherite tokens see if I can get some ender pearls from there and then finally get to the end to finally find the final op structure but to make things a little bit easier I have a little bit of a plan real quick so I'm going to go straight down to y9 and might as well guys let's go ahead and pop up some TNT one TNT one flint and steel hopefully this doesn't kill me if it kills me then hope you guys enjoy the video well GG if it kills me and all right this will work last time I did this I did get netherite pretty quickly so I don't think it's going to take too long and already literally one ancient debris guys this Str is so good and just like wait no it's more than one it's literally a three vein okay just like that we have four ancient debris we need four more and then we should be good to maybe make One op netherite structure unless we need netherite ingots then we're actually screwed all right give me the netherite no netherite dang it wait wait idea hold up all right so this might be a really bad idea but we're about to do a giant Chain Reaction don't try this at home we're going all right this is how you find netherite guys if I don't have enough netherite after this I should be fine I I can't explode netherite right explode explode explode explode explode oh gosh oh gosh oh it worked one netherite okay not bad please be more than a one Bane watch it just be a one Bane it is a I'll wait more than one Bane okay we have six in total right now seven okay if my Hunt is correct we only need one more ancient debris and then we should be good to finally make a netherite structure guys guys guys this might be the last one I'm going to blow this up just cuz I can I'm just going to go through it real quick oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh um oh what do I do what do I do what do I do hide hide hide hide okay we're good all right and from the final TNT did we find any netherite oh we actually did oh one more why not all right nice all right so in total we got nine netherite and that only took like 5 minutes okay all right so I do have a furnace so might as well cook it up now all right we got the netherite cooked up we should be good now all right nine netherite scrap I should have probably tried to make this with an ancient debris itself or else I just wasted a lot of time but with the scrap let's see if this actually worked I really hope it's not netherite ingots please work oh it worked yes okay and just like that we get the powered netherite token a shiny glowing token right click to summon finally a netherite structure so game please be nice to me get me some ender pearls in these structures that's all I ask and uh I might go back to the overall to do this so one sec um so I couldn't find the portal but I found this random Rune portal right here and it also has some obsidian not bad I am finally ready to to get into the over world and finally throw this netherite thing but anyways let's go back oh wow okay literally the middle of the ocean I need to get out of here I mean it's not the best biome but it's definitely not water this will do all right it's time guys power netherite token give us the good stuff nothing bad please be made out of netherite netherite and city oh my gosh okay yet again we get in in city and we don't need netherite anymore I do have one more netherite token left wait a second I just realized we can only make these with netherite scrap oh no I might as well still try to make it with the netherite ingots but if I can't make it then holy diamonds okay I don't need diamonds anymore guys sharpness 2 diamond sword yes don't mind if I do and another sharpness two bug yeah okay that's amazing might as well cuz we can sharpness 3 sword go ahead and put down the smithing table and let's get that reward real quick and just like that cover me in debris there we go and I think that might be it for the n city sadly so on the bright side we did get a lot of netherite which I'm going to mind a little bit more in case I can craft more op structures with the netherite ingots themselves but before I try that I might as well go ahead and use the diamond tokens I do have and get some power Diamond tokens and uh let's go ahead and put a structure on top of the structure Mansion oh gosh really again we get a normal Mansion I mean I can at least go in that one room but I really need the game to give me a good structure I can't believe I got a bad structure two times in a row with a Diamonds the diamonds are not liking me right now maybe I'm trading out all my bad luck for the really good structure in the end but I mean we got some blocks not bad okay we are so high up but we're going to be doing one more please something good oh gosh it can literally it could be any Temple Diamond jungle temple all right I'll take get holy holy that is a lot of balls of enchanting okay no no diamond okay all right I gu screw that chest screw that chest in particular oh my gosh no what heart okay what oh wait enchant a book anyways let's try the netherite token now all right so one netherite token eight netherite ingots please work it wouldn't make sense if it doesn't oh it does all right there we go and we get another Power netherite token I'm going to spawn it down there all right let's try as far as we can we get a netherite another netherite in city I mean I'm not going to complain holy at far okay let's get down there is there any coal oh wow another coal token I might as well spawn in a bunch of coal tokens by the time I'm done with this up we go and hopefully we can get some good chests I'm going to assume two chests up there that are netherite tier hopefully we can get some under pearls here all right and a power tuo better than what we have right now not bad some golden apples and some blaze rods I kind of wish I had that ear earlier but you know what I'm not complaining and holy diamond blocks honestly we're going to be using that as our blocks now that is a flex and seriously a netherite ho you know what do I get serious dedication there we go serious dedication all right and since we don't have any more tokens left all we need now is some ender pearls which I'm going to try to get from some gold structures and some iron structures I'm trying to find some coal and on the way I've literally found so many coal structure tokens we're about to spam a lot of these all right we got enough coal four coal tokens watch this for some reason have netherite if it has netherite then that would just be broke way too op anyways oh gosh okay we can get a lot of good stuff still okay coal jungle temple okay it's literally made out of coal all right going inside hopefully we can get something good and literally a lot of nothing all right time for the real big boy guys here we go ocean Monument holy that's going to be huge oh it's a normal one again no okay no I don't want normal ocean Monument what about this coal jungle temple again okay give me something huge game please desert temple I mean we haven't gone into the desert that's a giant desert temple what the heck all right sadly I don't think we can get ender pearls from these so I'm going to go get some gold ones all right we got one uh that's an iron one which we might as well check if we can get ender pearls from there I cannot believe I'm doing this again another one right here and a literal third one okay I feel like I could go for four four gold temples would not be that bad another one nice okay oh all right and five okay five should be definitely enough if we don't get ender pearl some up from these then uh I don't know what will get us ender pearls iron token might as well do this one real quick give me something good iron desert temple uh all right might as well go inside we do have four chests inside all right any ender pearls some golden apples not bad that should be good enough all right well might as well start on the gold tokens all right play some something good playe something good playe something good gold desert temple oh no did I put it too low I'm a little bit concerned about this it's not too low okay eight Ender pears there we go okay sharpness three book okay all right just like that we have a sharpness four sword and since we have so many levels might as well call The Sword our diamond sword is now a netherite sword there we go that's how it's done all right let's do another one guys all right I'm going to aim it straight up we need eight more ender pearls gold desert temple oh gosh another one okay holy this chest 64 diamond blocks 64 diamonds sharpness 3 book sharpness 3 again we can make a sharpness 5 maybe in a power three book sharp four and just like that sharpness 5 what the heck just happened and a power three bow yeah sure love you that uh bring in some blaze rods and another Infinity book I mean on the bright side we can go ahead and make a eyes ofender actually might as well let's throw it on us why not gold Monument oh gosh oh my gosh wait this might have a lot of chests any other RS come on it's the treasure room I would appreciate oh and there we go guys our final eight ender pearls we are finally good to go to the stronghold oh even more okay he but with that being done we are finally good to go to the stronghold and we also have one more so let's get out of here maybe we can get something good finally jungle temple really okay you know what going to blow up the TNT and run away TNT and we're out of here please nothing bad happen now it's going creeper everything's about to blow up all right and it's gone well without all that being done eyes ofender lead the way uh straight towards the Mansion okay it broke first try really okay let's go please don't break please don't break okay still straight that way no it popped okay I only have 12 eyes ofender left if the portal needs all 12 and I only have 11 I'm actually going to be tilted like like what the heck oh wait it went straight back that way wait it might be right here guys I think I'm going to dig straight down right here if I could summon a stronghold I would very much like to summon a stronghold I did get a lot of op structures though this video and we still have the final structure not the iron structure but I might as well grab this and build it why not I mean why not let's go ahead and make a power and iron token I haven't seen the stronghold yet but maybe this will help us real quick give us something good and wait did that break the stronghold or something okay that was really close what the heck okay we're in oh my gosh power through fire one real quick power four not bad and uh just to celebrate why not let's get one more gold structure then get into the end and finally figure out what this final structure is I'm going to guess that it's maybe something we've seen in the past I'm not sure might as well why not let's see if we can get something cool wait wait wait wait no no no I should H aim down please don't tell me I broke the portal room please don't tell me I broke the portal okay okay no no no we're not spotting structures in anymore that was actually such a waste if we broke the portal room I am so sorry to myself guys the portal room is nowhere to be seen I have not found this thing yet I haven't gone down here yet though wait I just heard over yes yes okay I didn't break it we're good it's missing all 12 but luckily we do have all 12 I got to be a little bit careful but with this final Dimension we should finally be able to get the final op structures and with all that being said guys let's go in oh and we're in guys and what the heck okay Dragon you have a bit of a vandetta on me guys it's literally everywhere it's some sort of rainbow structure I my guess was lucky blocks but let's see what this is exactly oh never mind guys I think I think I was right A powered lucky token a shining glowing token it feels lucky the secret structure that they told me to get yet again looking like it's going to be literally any Lucky Block structure in the game which um actually kind of sounds pretty cool we only had the desert temple last time so uh Mr Dragon watch this oh gosh oh lucky the desert temple so I just summoned it and we have already a bunch of exoro inside of it oh gosh bark Om Nom Noms to the rescue hold up hello my minions we're killing the dragon today yes we're getting a whole dog army guys in the comments we're naming all of them every single one all right just cuz we can might as well just start spamming these so we have another lucky desert temple not bad lucky n city oh and they have the rainbow ones okay I don't know what the rainbows ones do but we're going to try them lucky Monument oh my gosh okay what else can we throw we're literally just going to break the End lucky and City again oh no my wolves more rainbow lucky blocks and then we get a mama Mama hello oh no guys no no no no not not like this not like this not like this give me something good game please please guys okay this is actually bad this is so bad my whole screen is just Withers right now this video just took a giant turn lightning stick yes love me a lightning stick okay I'm just going to break the crystals real quick this way so all the crystals are de oh wait no I missed one all right that should have been the last Crystal and with all the crystals gone why is the dragon looking like that my game just got so cursed guys I don't even know what's going on anymore okay I guess we'll try to kill the dragon now while it's being chased down by millions of Withers all right literally time to grind oh wait it's perching oh this my might be a bad idea oh no oh no they're coming sharpness 5 do your thing I legit can't see oh it's gone it's gone oh look at them go look at them go okay it's almost dead oh my gosh okay this is so hectic I think one more shot guys and we finally beat this thing in just like that guys that is going to be it for Minecraft but you can craft op structures what the heck was this video Welcome to Minecraft but crafting is long in today's video we're going to be making everything in Minecraft very tall so for example we're going to be using a literal tall crafting table where I'll be making things such as tall swords tall pickaxes tall armor and even tall things that you're going to have to see for yourself can I be the tall dragon how tall can the items get stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in 3 2 1 there we go welcome to the team and for today let's hit 0.1 likes but with our eyes closed and we hit it all right cool anyways guys enjoy the video oh my gosh what this is going to be a fun one guys welcome to Minecraft but crafting is is going to be very tall but not only is crafting going to be tall today but also all the mobs that we're going to be interacting with as you saw from the very beginning that is one tall chicken what the heck so now that we've seen that you guys can probably guess where this video is going to be headed to now once we collect a little bit more wood we're going to be able to make tall shovels tall pickaxes tall axes tall swords and even tall things that I'm not even sure what they are but we're going to be making them either way so with that being said all we need right now is just three crafting tables and with the three crafting tables we can go ahe and get wait is that right that kind of looks wide but we can go ahead and apparently get a tall crafting table that kind of looks wide instead of tall wait oh my gosh okay it's literally just a tall crafting table just like that guys we got the tall crafting table and we might as well go ahead and make our first tall item which is going to be the tall wooden shovel okay digs dirt which dirts more dirt huh okay next to toall pickaxe oh my gosh these things are insane tall wooden pickaxe just a little bit of extra reach okay yeah you know what I'm not going to question it we did the wide video and now the axe oh gosh okay tall wooden axe and the only other item we have left is going to be the sword which is literally just a really long sword called the tall wooden sword didn't think he was tall enough so he throws himself okay yeah sure who needs a stone sword who needs a stone pickaxe who needs a stone shovel okay you I I don't know oh my gosh what is it doing okay anyways uh okay yeah these items are very tall okay well let let's try out the shovel oh okay yep yep yep I can definitely Break Stuff very far away introducing guys the tall wooden shovel which just straight up breaks a lot of dirt I don't even get the dirt that's a scam what about the tall wooden pickaxe oh oh so I got like Long Reach with this thing and since we have this guy right here I kind of Wonder can I reach you from here oh gosh okay poor chicken oh wait I just realized there's a room portal right here let me real quick grab this all right what's in here oh obsidian okay and a golden shovel really really don't need golden shovels cuz it's not a tall golden shovel so I'm just going to leave that there and oh my goodness a tall sheep oh no so it says it can throw himself so maybe I right click oh I have no comment oh my gosh what is going on this world is a mess right now and the pig what the heck is the pig doing what the pig doing oh my gosh okay the horse is normal okay the horses are normal at least but what the heck wait how tall is the Enderman going to be I'm kind of scared of the Enderman at this point I mean on the bright side it does pretty good damage it does more damage the more far away I am that is so weird also I don't trust you at all what the heck and before we go down we might as well go ahead and make the next tier which is going to consist of the stone very long tools also a tall sheep is literally right by me we got the tall stone pickaxe which says well this is going to make life much easier I like how that sounds so I'm going to go ahead and take it then we got the tall Stone ax which all it says is Timber so I'm going to guess I'm going to be able to get a lot of wood that way can't forget the tall Stone shovel these are never going to get old tall Stone shovel just a little bit more dirt hopefully we can actually get the dirt this time and last but not least of course the very tall stone sword so sharp so tall so Majestic I'm kind of terrified of how long these items are going to get as we get closer and closer to netherite items and iron items all that good stuff and also this axe is a little bit too op literally we're grabbing all the wood around us every time we chop down one tree which is going to be all the wood We need oh it's spoke me night time I should probably hurry up anyways so with the stone shovel when we mine this thing it's kind of just like a big hole I mean sure why not and the stone sword it says so sharp so tall so Majestic can I do anything with it wait what um okay it literally throws a sword explosion I mean I'm not complaining but without all that being done let's actually try to find a cave with the oh gosh with the tall stone pickaxe which literally just mins a big old area okay I kind of get that now it's literally just a long pickaxe and I already hear a zombie which I'm kind of curious to see if those guys are tall too so oh my gosh that's a tall zombie okay that's a real thing okay all right take one of those zombie I'm so sorry oh kind of useful takes a little bit of time but I mean I'll take it so there's definitely tall zombies and I'm going to assume because there's tall zombies there's probably going to be tall creepers so hopefully they don't do like a tall explosion that'd be a little bit too much and I definitely have all the Cobblestone I'll ever need so real quick before we go any more deeper I should probably actually mine this coal so real quick all the coal I'm ever going to need what we need is an item to make me tall cuz lowkey um I'm going to say right now guys I might be the shortest Minecraft Youtuber there is uh I'm not the tallest guy but it's all good you know the half of you are probably tall than me I am uh I am 7 foot 7 foot as long as we don't see anything like really weird or really difficult we should should be fine I only have one life right now so I'm not trying to die this early on I want to find all the tall items as soon as I can just so we can fight the dragon and I'm going to assume right now that the dragon is probably going to be very tall and I don't know if that's going to be an easy thing or a hard thing or maybe it'll be easy to hit we'll see so now that we have the 14 iron ingots I think it might be time we finally make our first piece of armor which usually we would just do this and you know make some iron leggings but because we have tall crafting today guys we're going to be making a literally wait do I have enough iron oh my gosh we we barely had enough and just like that guys with all those iron ingots we get the first ever tall iron leggings and I'm going to assume that when I put this on I'm going to become very tall so when I put these tall iron leggings I think either I'm about to become very tall or it's just going to be good leggings I guess we'll see here we go very tall pants in 3 2 1 oh gosh what is this oh my gosh so now we have all of a sudden literally just a little tall mini Army of tall nesters and we also have a tall iron helmet tall iron leggings and Tall iron boots that are stuck on now I mean on the bright side I guess I have Stu what oh my oh my God okay wait no this this is too much is going on right now what the heck is that thing okay guys gu what so now that confirms that the tall nesters can protect me from tall creepers I don't oh no don't blow it up tall Nester okay they're good let's go get some more iron and then make a new pickaxe and everything tall skeleton oh my gosh that's a really stall skeleton okay I want a bow all right so with that we should have 12 irons so that might be enough for all the tools we so with all that being done we don't need all those tall Stone items anymore what we need to do now is first make a tall iron sword and all it says is this thing is heavy so I guess it kind of makes sense cuz it's a very long blade and of course the next tier is going to be the tall iron pickaxe which I'm kind of scared of what this is going to do but you know what I'm probably going to guess it's just going to be big old chunks and all it says is this must be some very magical iron I don't know how being tall makes it magical but I'm not going to complain sounds pretty cool we have the perfect amount for both a shovel and an axe so and it starts to find treasures within the Earth some I'm going to guess we're going to get good stuff when we mine dirt and finally of course the good old tall iron axe which says when the axe is so strong it is no longer limited to Wood wait what can I mine other stuff oh wait so I guess I don't need trees anymore I can literally just right click this thing it has a little bit of a cool down but that's sick what all right so with this shovel it says I would find some Treasures so okay um I guess that's one way to get iron and gold okay well and so now every time we mine dirt we get not only a big chunk of dirt Min but literally a ton of good stuff I mean I'll take it and we're done there cuz we still have the tall iron pickaxe so with the tall iron pickaxe I'm going to guess it's just a okay no no no no no a long area that we mine and yeah it's just getting longer and longer okay okay I really did not expect that that quickly but a tall creep oh my gosh that neck is so long also it looks like this thing is just like knockback all right let me just get these diamonds real quick I'm going to need them later for the tall diamond tools which I'm going to guess are just going to be a little bit too tall but I'm not complaining at the same time all right some more gold going to need to cook this gold and then we should be good to make all the gold tools we need a m shaft is something we need to cuz I got to make a tall bow so the next thing we're going to be making is definitely the gold items and I think we should revisit the pants again and try to make some very long pants we have literally perfect amount of Golding it so in 3 2 1 and there we go the tall gold leggings which doesn't say anything right now but I'm going to assume that we're going to be getting even more minions wa what the heck okay what oh my gosh okay that's op wait what the heck am I supposed to do with this we're literally getting the area filled with gold and iron blocks which I don't know if I should wear the armor right now cuz this is is getting a little bit overwhelming all right well after that we definitely don't need any more gold and definitely no more iron so on that note I think we're good to go ahead and make the gold tier tools which is going to be pretty easy now that we have the gold blocks but to start off let's go ahead and make the tall golden sword which is going to be yet again just a really tall golden sword and it says must be some kind of nether gold interesting don't know what they're trying to say with that one but it does remind me that I do have to get to the nether to get the ender pearls and all that good stuff and now the top pickaxe let's go ahead and make it that is one toall pickaxe and it says fulls gold so I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but you know what we're going to go for it can't go wrong with the tall golden shovel now we're really getting to the good stuff I kind of like that message I'm going to go ahead and mine some dirt after this and last but not least of course the tall Golden Axe so at this point the tall axe is able to break blocks with your mind huh wait break blocks with my mind I'm not really sure how that works but togg gold and sword it said something about the nether I'm going to right click and oh it's like a fire attack oh that's sick then we got the tall pickaxe which oh my gosh what the heck literally I can make an entire Ravine with this thing I bet and now the tall golden shovel that said it's getting very overpowered so when we mine stuff we kind of just get the same old same old but I do appreciate the obsidian cuz that might be the easy way of getting obsidian or actually wait what happens if I do this do I m the obsidian no way oh my gosh I M obsidian one hit okay tall items are way too broken okay and just like that we have 18 obsidian which is going to be way more than enough and all that we have left now is the tall Golden Axe which said that I'm able to break blocks with my mind so do I just right click oh my gosh literally everything is just so long okay well somehow after all that we are finding no diamonds I'm actually surprised about this oh well there we go diamonds right there and wait can gold not mine Diamonds oh No okay I think we might have to change plans guys I think with our seven diamonds we might have to finally go ahead and make the very tall diamond pickaxe which if I'm not wrong all we need is three diamonds then all the sticks oh and there it is the tall diamond pickaxe which it doesn't look that much taller right now but oh my gosh wait no this thing is taller holy okay so what happens if I mine right now oh no oh no okay yeah okay Mama holy diamonds thank you very much grabbing all those diamonds real quick just like that we got 13 diamonds not that much but it can also barely M Bedrock which I don't like that much so let's head up real quick all right so that was definitely a bit dangerous where is the tall crafting table cuz I think I want to make the rest of the diamond items now what the heck was that all right and so for our next item I guess we could make why not tall diamond axe the axe has become so tall it has a mind of its own it's able to launch itself at enemies in front huh I mean okay okay why not sure we can continue with the tall diamond shovel which just says boom break everywhere okay yeah why not I guess I'll take it and of course finally we're going to be getting the tall diamond sword which says this reminds me of something what does it remind it of I have no idea what it's talking about but you know what so what happens if I right click oh so I can just launch myself interesting and now for the tall diamond shovel which uh we need some dirt it says boom break everything so maybe a boom Oh okay more more of that okay I'm hearing explosions but oh I see what it does now okay yeah yeah that that's a lot of booms okay um it's just making a giant circle of dirt breaking I'm not very sure what just happened okay and now we have the axe which when we left click okay yep yep yep yep this is better than the pickaxe okay wait what is happening with my levels oh my gosh wait what have I broken the game okay it stopped what just happened all right for now I just got to get some diamonds so I'm going to mine this block right here and hopefully it doesn't lag me out please oh a lot of diamonds sorry I'm going to grab these before the lava burns them no no lava's already burning them please please game in total we got six diamonds which is definitely not enough cuz I definitely need to make the next set of leggings and I don't have enough diamonds for that also what the heck is that all right might as well mine one more time I do need some more diamonds so uh hopefully it's good for finding netherite too all right we're down and even more diamonds not bad all right so from that we got nine more diamonds I I see another Diamond chunk right here so I'm just going to go ahead and mine that I should probably stack up and run away oh okay that was way too low if that was three blocks forward I would have died okay no oh and a m shaft oh that's perfect okay we can make the tall bow now can I mine the cobs with the sword I can nice all right that works uh we definitely need a lot of strings so I'm just going to mine as much as I can right now all right last piece of string and now we got to make a bow so I think it's like this where we do the bow part there and now with all the string vertically so it's six string we should finally be getting the very tall long bow I'm going to guess oh and there it is the what is that name okay tall bow bow bow tall bow tall bow bow tall try saying that three times fast that's that is going to be difficult this thing is just bows stacked on bows stretch into a bigger bow um okay well there goes our normal bow who needs a normal bow when you got the tall bow bow tall bow and what is this thing going to do oh my gosh wait it definitely looks like a bigger bow and when we shoot it okay oh it shoots a little bit higher cuz it's taller that's a nice detail and all that we need now is just some more diamonds to get the super tall diamond leggings and once we have that I think we should be good to go to the nether or actually we should probably make a tall Shield so to make a tall Shield I'm going to guess we need a lot of wood all right guys I think I figured it out so it's kind of like a football thing but just like that guys we get a tall with multiple L shield and all it says is covers your heades and your toeses not bad interesting enough and once we put this on oh gosh that's a big old Shield okay oh it does like a little force field interesting there is one more item we can make before we go mine some more diamonds and that would be oddly enough a literal tall Golden Apple which kind of looks like a pear what what even is this right now it has no description and I kind of want to go ahead and eat it honestly let me go ahead and grab the table and let's see what this thing does once we get up to the surface also I kind of want to test out the damage level and all this dirt let's go ahead and try it out oh wow yep yep yep yep that is a lot of dirt but now with a tall Golden Apple I guess we might as well eat it why not oh wait what what is that thing oh my gosh holy okay that is a lot of abilities oh my gosh oh wait I lost him and now my guy is sideways okay I think that's what happens when you get so many abilities I'm literally just vibrating out right now okay um I'm just going to continue mining get all the diamonds I can I should have probably not done it here and oh no this is about to be a big hole isn't it I kind of want to make another Golden Apple also any diamonds down there yes diamonds okay down we go so just from that we got 19 diamonds which is definitely going to be more than enough so real quick let's go all the way up and I think it's finally time we make the tall Diamond legging so real quick over here and with this last Diamond guys and we're going to be getting the very goofy looking oh gosh there it is very tall diamond leggings and I'm going to assume that these guys are going to be even taller than last time and hopefully we don't get suffocated like the gold one so here we go in 3 2 1 oh my God and yes we are spawning diamond blocks now of course what they're getting so tall how tall are the nether whites going to be um can I M this oh that was maybe a bad idea okay and suddenly we have 55 blocks of diamond okay you know what guys I think we're definitely ready to get to the nether so let's actually go up to the surface and make a portal all right so we got the obsidian let's go ahead and go craft this 1 2 3 4 because it's a tall crafting video I mean why not let's try to just make it as tall as we can oh gosh I'm might be going a little bit too tall here oh wait I made it too tall guys I can't really the top okay we're going to make it only this tall okay that works for now just just a tall nether portal all right we got a flint and steel and without further Ado let's go inside and see what we can find wait oh gosh okay gas right there I'm kind of curious how far away can I hit it oh my gosh that was so far away also no I lost all my minions but now that we're inside what we're going to be needing is a lot of netherite definitely some ender pearls hold up wait this is like a lawnmower guys I'm going to mine as much netherite as I can real quick okay so combining the tall diamond pickaxe and the tall golden pickaxe I think we may have a quick way of getting all the netherite we'll ever need yeah I'm going to go find some netherite real quick and I'll see you guys in a bit so I kind of went overboard guys but I'm not even sure if this is enough so in the furnace we have a 12 in debris here 12 here 12 here and even more 12 here so in total we're going to be getting 48 netherite scrap which is going to be in total I think 12 netherite ingots which I'm not even sure if that's going to be enough to get all the netherite we need but I think it might be a good attempt at least so we can already go ahead and make four netherite ingots which is exactly the amount we need for what I think might be very helpful which is going to be the tall netherite pickaxe exoro Eater of Worlds wait why does it say exoro hold up so we're back up cuz I'm kind of scared of using this thing so we might as well see what it does in the nether in 3 2 1 oh gosh okay that was honestly not that bad it's definitely a big old area our biggest area yet and it's kind of satisfying to do but now what happens when I WR click oh oh okay now I see what's happening oh my gosh what is this all right so the tall netherite pickax definitely like it said it's an Eater of Worlds and we definitely ate up a majority of the world here and that was only the tall netherite pickaxe so now that we've made that I'm now curious what we're going to be getting from The Sword shovel axe so before we go to the Fortress and get all the stuff we need let's go and make the tallest sword which is going to be the tall netherite sword I'm not sure how things are supposed to reach you and I did not think you could make items this big in Minecraft but what the heck this thing is huge and so with the tall netherite sword how far away can I hit hit things there's a piglin right there oh wait we're actually not hitting things too far wait is it maybe I can right click what oh my gosh what the heck is that right I think we've literally broken Minecraft I'm not complaining though and now we have the tall Axe and the tall shovel so let's go ah and make that so tall netherite shovel and it says since shovels are useless this one will guide you okay all right and let's go ahead and make the axe which is going to be tall netherite axe compared to the diamond axe this thing is huge this axe just throws cores of the universe nice one wait how T are we getting right now what oh okay this thing I remember this from the multiplied video okay yeah this is definitely broken right this is going to help us a lot with fighting the end crystals oh my gosh yeah that is definitely a core of the universe and then we got the toall neite shovel which says since shovels are useless this one will guide you what does that mean right click wait what oh my gosh wait what just happened I broke one block with the shovel and all of a sudden we are in a giant sphere okay I guess that's a little bit overpowered um did it just give me netherite nine netherite ingots is there any more okay wait what if I might it lit this way oh my gosh okay no now we have 33 netherite ingots and now with all these netherite ingots we have way too much we can go ahead and make the tall netherite leggings no description I guess we'll just put it on and hope for the best oh and I'm going to get new minions all right here we go in 3 2 1 cover me debris in oh my gosh if you made this for in the video comment down below super tall cuz it's just what even is this oh and I can fly apparently I can fly now okay very nice all right all we need to do now is just find a fortress wait wait wait oh my wait please tell me that's a joke oh my guys oh my gosh was that an Enderman that is so cute if I make it mad oh look at it Go all right let's find another Fortress all right we are inside the Fortress all we need to get now is just some blaze rods and then we should be good or wait a second actually when we made the tall netherite shovel it said since shovels are useless this one will guide you I'm beginning to think that this might mean that it might send me to the stronghold when I get back to the overw world but just in case I'm going to go and get some blaze rods cuz I don't know how much I want to trust that also this will be the easiest way to get blaze rods really quickly all we got to do is hold right click and then go boom boom pow all right last one I think all right six blaze rods that should be good 12 blaze powder and all we need now is just some ender pearls so I got to find a piglin somewhere I realized that the minions kept killing the piglin so I took off the armor and now I got this one guy just sitting here trading stuff so now we wait also we might as well go ahead and make a lot of tall golden apples it's going to take a lot of gold but we should have enough oh only for two actually I can make some more gold on the bright side there we go okay three tall golden apples not bad it took one of the apples okay the long crafting table literally just ate one of my extra apples but on the bright side we got three T golden apples which should be good to fighting the dragon okay so by now this guy should be done I think I see ender pearls down there yeah okay yeah there's some ender pearls down there okay uh I'm so sorry buddy have a great day okay we almost died there okay uh all right before we do anything I'm going to real quick eat to All Gold Apple just in case get our healing back up where is the Ender Pearls oh wait we already got 16 ender pearls also we are now sideways nice all right now that we got the eyes ofender we can go back back we go oh a random Mesa okay I mean I'm not complaining anyway so now that we're done I'm kind of curious of what the tall netherite shovel does cuz it says since shovels are useless and when I break something oh wait what the heck just happened we shoot a whole bunch of eyes ofender that I'm guessing are leading me towards the stronghold so I guess we'll go straight this way wait is it stronghold straight up down this way already wait I think we may have already found the stronghold actually that was not that big of a trip so to NE right pickaxe as long as I don't break the portal we should be fine oh gosh no no no no no no no no calm down pickaxe okay well we found the stronghold for sure and we almost just broke the entire thing that would have been very bad and oh all right here we go okay so I don't want to break anything in case I literally break the entire room so we're just going to walk in here place down the Eyes of Ender and just jump straight into the end I'm kind of scared of using the pickaxes right now so without further Ado guys which me luck and let's go fight the dragon okay we're in and so far it's just a normal Ender Dragon unless it's like wait no that that's not a normal Ender drag oh my God what what is that thing on the bright side we can literally just fly and I guess we're going to be fighting a very tall dragon now we have the tall bow bow tall whatever it's called we're going to break the crystals fight this dragon and I guess finish off the challenge against that thing what all right final Crystal I guess we'll break it up oh oh uh guys look out I'm about to break this oh and there we go okay all right and now without further Ado even though it's a tall netherite Dragon guys I think this might be a little bit too easy oh my goodness okay rest in peace in the chat with the time stamp cuz we just destroyed the dragon in literally 1 minute and with that being done guys that is going to be it for Minecraft but crafting is tall and not only crafting but the dragon my minions every single momentom of the game I didn't even need to tall golden apples okay welcome to Minecraft but crafting is wise in today's video everything in Minecraft is about to become very wide what this means is that we'll be able to use a wide crafting table to unlock tearers on new items ranging from wide pickaxes to wide armor to even super extra wide items you'll have to see for yourself can I be the dragon how wide can items get stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in 3 2 1 there we go welcome to the team and for today let's try and see if we can hit one wide like so that'd be like two likes yeah let's try to go for two likes anyways guys and enjo the video wait what is that what the heck okay what a start anyways guys welcome to Minecraft but literally today everything we're going to be doing is going to be wide and why I'm grabbing dirt right away and not tree is because the first thing we're going to be making today is not a pickaxe but instead the best item in the video Wide grass block what is this oh my yeah you know what if you made this for the video comment down below wide grass block anyways it wouldn't be an extor video without the village right at the beginning getting how's it going guys welcome to Minecraft but crafting is going to be very very wide today so that means we're going to be getting wide armor wide pickaxes wide shovels wide axes even wide food and it doesn't stop there because once we get wide items we're going to then be making even wider items called widest items I probably already confused you guys but don't worry the first step is just going to be to make a wide crafting table which is going to be exactly how it sounds it's going to be a crafting table but it's wide so just imagine this thing right here but like really chunky and big like you know we we appreciate the the chunky table I think in total we need eight crafting tables and then we have to kill a wide mob so I think I'm going to be going for the wide mob first and just going for the first wide tools which are going to be the wide wooden tools all right so we got eight crafting tables Perfect all right so what we need now is a wide mob so how do I find a wide mob guys okay we already found a cave okay I'm going to straight in the cave see if I can find a wide mob and then hopefully we can get the final piece for the wide crafting table which is going to be a wide mob Shard okay we already hear a zombie hopefully that's wide oh my gosh what is that thing oh that is a chunky boy hello my friend oh gosh okay okay no no no no please please oh my gosh no I blew him up I got to find another one oh come on that was a chunky creeper all right come on there has to be another one oh okay okay two chunky creepers back to back I can't mess this one up why is he taking so many hits is it because he's chunky oh wait all right we got him and I'm going to guess this is the item we need oh and I think it definitely is a wide monster Shard I think it's finally time guys to get get this wide game started we got the wide monster Shard eight crafting tables and with this craft we should be able to make oh my goodness oh there it is a literal wide crafting table so to compare that's a normal crafting table and this is going to be a wide crafting table oh my God what the heck is this and when we right click it we literally just get two crafting tables in one and I'm guessing right here is where the item comes out all right so now that we have this bad boy I think it's finally time to actually make some wide items before it becomes a night time so we're going to need both the wide crafting table which honestly looks so funny and of course the normal crafting table and with these being made I don't think we need the stone sword stone pickaxe Stone shovel or stone axe anymore and instead let's go ahead and make our first wide crafting table item which is going to be the wide wooden pickaxe wide mine one mines ores and a 3X3 pattern oh wait sometimes you just need a wider swing actually better than a stone pickaxe so I'm going to go ahead and keep that and with that being done I think this is how we make an oh wait what the heck is that a wide wooden shovel excavate one dig dirt in a 3X3 pattern okay I see a trend here great for building sand castles not bad also it's becoming n time so I should probably hurry up all right so how do I make a a sword I'm going to guess a sword is like this cuz it's extra wide oh my gosh look at that chunky boy a wide wooden sword reach one swing your swords three blocks further speak softly and carry a big stick okay sure and we can't go mining without the most important item for some trees and you already know what that is I think this would be a double ax I'm not sure oh and it worked a wide wooden a Timber one takeout logs in a 5x5 pattern Paul bunan would be proud who's Paul bunan can you guys let me know I I'm not sure actually all right let's see what this thing can do okay oh okay this is actually pretty good if I get into a roof four is low key this is actually really op what the heck shout out the white axe what the heck what about the shovel oh my gosh it takes so quick oh my gosh and finally the wide wooden pickaxe and yep as expected literally just a wide area of cobblestone and even Granite not bad all right now without that we're down here though okay we got the wide crafting table the crafting table what I do need though is some furnaces sadly I don't think there's a wide furnace if there was I would definitely be making that as soon as I could oh I need some coal actually good thing I have one of the whitest wooden pickaxes in Minecraft honestly let me know in the comments if you guys would want white items oh my gosh that might so much area all right just like that let's go ah and cook that cook that and that's all we need to cook all right so now that we're here we might as well go ahead and make the next wide item which is going to be the wide stone pickaxe wide mine one oh cut clean one wait so does this also do 3x3 mining I wonder oh it kind of does so it only drops one piece of cobblestone but it does do a big area so lowkey I kind of like the wooden one better but I do get cut clean with this so I mean it is something wait can I mine it really quickly oh my gosh wait what all right 14 iron ingots just like that we're making progress very quickly right now okay let's see if we can make wide food now I got nine cooked pork chops and I think if we do this and there it is a wide cooked pork and all it says is very filling I wonder if we can eat it right now I'm kind of full but we might as well try oh no I can't eat it I got to lose hunger okay how do I lose hunger I have an idea I have an idea all right so we're going to go up all right oh there we go guys okay I lost some Hunger I think it's finally time to eat the wide cooked pork chop look at that thing it's so huge oh and you start feeling wide you are temporarily wider I'm about to go at five and I'm kind of scared guys uh I I I can tell something is different immediately as soon as I ate that and I'm pretty sure oh my gosh what is this I'm a chunky boy now so it said temporarily how long is temporarily oh no this is not good guys I don't think I can do the rest of the game like this I'm a little bit too big I can't even see what is going on right now if you made this r on the video just comment down below you're looking a little bit wide there with the time stamp all right so we got the wide stone pickaxe now let's try out the wide stone sword which is going to be reach one uppercut one knock enemies into the air that's actually pretty cool all right wide wooden sword don't really need you anymore and we might as well also try the wide wooden axe why not can never go wrong with a wide wooden axe that is a big Stone axe Timber one fruit pie one wait why fruit pie one chopping trees has a chance to drop apples oh and finally the last thing we can make is of course a big old wide Stone shovel excavate one Fortune one oh wait Fortune 1 oh and that's actually op find occasional iron and gold in the sand oh wait so not dirt not gravel but in the sand interesting I'm going to try out the axe and the shovel when I head up but first I think I should probably definitely do some Mining and try try out the sword oh and perfect mob not a chunky creeper but oh knocked it up in there okay that definitely worked I should probably make a shield too can I make a wide Shield all right if I were to make a wide Shield I would assume that it's going to take two iron and maybe it's like this big old thing right here oh it worked what is that thing literally all it says is shield and what are those enchants knockback XXL which I don't even know what that is in the Roman numeros protection 10 block all damage when shielding hitting mobs knocks them far back and Hercules wishes he had this okay so it's like a knock back Shield interesting oh this thing is so big and chunky what the heck oh wait a second guys I feel like I'm crafting a lot right now but literally there's just so much stuff we can make but what if we make a wide iron chest plate this should work right with this final piece of iron ingot we should be able oh my gosh we got it okay um okay wide iron chest plate protection five jump one speed one gain the ability to jump higher and run faster heavy armor made you faster don't question it so I'm wearing a bigger piece of armor but I'm faster how do I put this on do I just put it here oh my gosh it justes the whole set wide iron helmet wide iron leggings wide iron boots it's stuck on and I really can't take it off wait I'm so Qui oh my gosh wait okay and I definitely need a lot more iron now to actually get the next year things so before we get any deeper I should probably M as much iron as I can I saw some gold back there but we can't really get that either if the iron is this good I am honestly already wondering what the gold can do right now we have 37 iron ingots which honestly wait when did we get 61 wait how do we get so much iron so quick I mean sure why not I guess we might as well make the next year of items okay sure which we're going to go ahead and start off with the older reliable wide iron pickaxe cuz who needs a normal iron pickaxe wide mine two cut clean one and mines ores in a 6x6 pattern waight that is 36 blocks what the heck go big or go home wait so this is like the second tier of the stone one so I definitely don't need the stone one anymore wait how big is this going to be oh my gosh oh my goodness yeah I'm grabbing all the gold I can right now how much gold is this already wait what the heck we already have 52 gold this is actually insane and we're only on the iron tier so far like what the heck and before we continue we might as well make the next tier of Sword I'm not going to make the next tier of shovel and axe yet just because I want to try these out first but with four iron and two sticks we get the big old chunky wide iron sword reach to uppercut one swing your sword 10 blocks further okay and who needs a bow with reach like this I don't even know what to expect anymore guys this is just so broken wait did I just swing oh my gosh okay yeah I can definitely see this being really long okay and just like that guys we already found some diamonds right there are we going to be able to mine the diamonds like this oh my gosh wait did they multiply I just got 11 diamonds okay might as well try out the sword look at that reach oh my gosh a little bit more gold this should probably be enough I think we're definitely ready for the next tier now so with all that being in mind we have literally a stack and 48 of Golding gets way too much all right so we made a te with the crafting tables you know what I'm not going to question it the only thing I'm going to question right now is is there a wide gold chest plate and if there is is it better than the iron one oh and there is and it's a wide gold chest plate protection five jump one speed one haste one and health boost one gives Health boost and haste is it better than my current one oh it is okay I mean why not and just like that we literally full wide gold armor I guess I'll take it why not we literally now have 10 instant absorption Hearts which actually sounds amazing I didn't even realize guys wait so I can make a wide golden hoe Larger than Life all the powers of a wide ho it kind of looks like a sight to be honest but is there any dirt anywhere that can try this out on I guess I'll try it out right here all right what does the wide golden hoe do it's just a wide golden hoe and that's it okay that that that's kind of a scam let's get back to the cool items and actually go ahead and make the next tier which is going to be the wide golden pickaxe wide mine two cut clean one efficiency XXL which I still don't know what that is oh and it mines blocks 100 times faster when quick isn't quick enough so is it going to be like the big chunks quick oh my gosh oh that's actually broken all right we're getting rid of the iron one now cuz this is literally way too overpowered and I didn't even realize that we Min diamonds on the process of doing that and of course the wide golden sword reach to uppercut one fire aspect one not bad and knock back five okay light enemies on fire and then throw them backwards what a fiery combo so it's definitely a step forward to the iron sword so might as well take it so before we go mining real quick I'm going to make another wide iron pickaxe just cuz I feel like that might be our best option right now and then mine with a wide golden pickaxe and then once we find diamonds we'll use the iron one cuz I feel like the iron one actually gives us a lot more Fortune literally we got the biggest pickaxe in the world I'm ready for everything oh no I broke it oh no they actually break so quickly oh well on the bright side we have a ton of gold so we can go and make another one really quickly and boom boom boom boom and just like that and there we go another set of diamonds not bad just from that bait alone we now have literally 45 diamonds okay this is going amazing right now okay so for comparison this is the wide iron pickaxe not bad and now the wide golden pickaxe oh my gosh okay I think this might be enough diamonds guys that we can go ahead and get to the next tier and see what the wi diamond tools are going to give us and I didn't even realize we have a stack in 31 diamonds that is so broken let's go ahead and make the real thing and finally get the wide diamond pickaxe wide mine two cut clean one efficiency whatever that number is and literally x-ray one right click to see-through Stone it's not cheating I swear so do we even need these anymore let's go ahead and try this bad boy out oh my gosh I just right clicked and it did that instantly oh my gosh oh man all right this is a little bit too overpowered guys we're going to be getting so many diamonds so quickly right now yeah I think we got to upgrade our sword definitely guys so without further Ado guys Four Diamonds two sticks and just like that we get the wide diamond sword which is reach to uppercut one fire aspect one knockback five and sword Cannon one wait what the heck shoot a volley of diamond swords at your enemies with every swing swords can be projectiles right how does this work oh my gosh literally every once in a while we're going to be shooting a fullon set of Swords all right don't need the wide gold pickaxe anymore no wide golden sword we still have the wide shovel and the wide axe which which actually we might be trying out now because before I go to the Nether and try to get some netherite I think we should try out the stone shovel and the stone axe so with that being said let's head back up to the surface so now we can finally test out the wide Stone shovel and the wide Stone axe so the wide Stone shovel finds occasional iron and gold in sand and we have some sand right here so we might as well try it out give me some of that gold and some of that iron even though I don't need it and honestly we are finding absolutely nothing I think the shovel is a scam yep the shovel is a scam okay hopefully this one doesn't fail me an upgraded wide iron shovel excavate one Fortune 2 oh and find obsidian mixed in with the iron and gold I didn't find any iron and gold originally but I do like the idea of obsidian so if we can find some obsidian that would be very amazing oh my gosh okay yep yep it's working and with that we have 11 obsidian I think I only need 10 but after the wide iron shovel we can go ahead and now make the wide diamond shovel excavate three fortune 2 XP plus 4 every block broken gives XP a digging Master wait that actually sounds really good what the heck wait so oh my gosh the server is just giving me random experience every single time I mine something I'm level 15 already but now that we have that made we have two more things we can make the wide diamond armor which we haven't touched yet and the wide diamond shovel but before we get to the wide diamond shovel oh it's getting night time not good let's go and test it out on some trees which is going to be Timber fruit pie 1 so I think it gives me apples all where my apples we're getting no apples okay you know what we got to upgrade it I'm not waiting for the chance that we get apples since we can't get apples right away we might as well go do it the oldfashioned way which is going to be the wide iron ax Timber five fruit pie 1 knock down trees and a 50y block radius wait what all right so we're in the middle of this forest and apparently I can chop down trees in a 50 block radius oh my gosh holy apples so that definitely works it's time for the real big boy and we're going to be going for the wide diamond axe which is Timber five fruit pie three axe throw three throw axes at your enemies with right click oh wait that's actually really good even Kratos couldn't throw three okay I see the reference there wait wait did I just mine those trees and get golden apples I I now have unlimited golden apples oh my goodness okay we are getting maybe a little bit too overpowered and literally we are still on the diamond tier of items we have not gone to the netherite tier and we haven't gone to the super wide tier so what the heck is going on stack of golden apples and apparently I can throw axes I can throw axes okay you know I'll take it why not we have one final item to make that we're going to be needing and you probably already know what it is we haven't made the wide diamond chest plate yet so let's go ahead and try and make it and with this final Diamond we're going to be getting the wide Diamond chest plate look at that big boy yet again protection 5 jump one speed one haste one Health boost one and super Landing one and apparently it creates shock waves from large Falls land in like Captain America okay I mean I don't know what to expect I do like Captain America so might as well put this on we are literally fully wide diamond armor it looks very curs but you know what I'm going to take it and there's a creeper right here so we might as well try it out let's go ahead and stack all the way up uh all right let's try it don't die don't die oh my gosh okay that actually worked what the heck and we didn't take any fall damage wait let's do that again wait so if I go really high does it make the damage even go higher 360 no scope don't die in or else I lose forever oh that did a little bit too much damage okay we're not doing that again oh and it killed him okay but with all that being done guys I think we're finally ready to head into The Nether and try to find some netherite some Blaze Rod some ender pearls all that good stuff so we can finally fight the dragon also I think I made this portal one block Too Tall oh yeah I did okay why not oh and we are in okay so far so good my first question is though can I use x-ray in the nether 3 2 1 oh and we can okay yep that's broken we're going to be finding so much netherite so quickly it didn't even take us a minute okay so literally right in front of us is some netherite and I'm going to just go straight there wait it just dropped as netherite Ingot hold up wait more than one netherite Ingot not one not two but six netherite ingots literally from one ancient debris we found 5 seconds into The Nether what the heck is going on right now what I need is a nether fortress wait maybe maybe I could x-ray oh okay I mean that works why not we x-rayed straight into the Fortress but how am I going to get over there cuz I feel like there's a lot of lava and uh oh come on I was so close to getting in there without getting in fire that was a lot easier than I thought and we already have the Blaze Rod spawner might as well go ahead and throw some axes real quick and oh my gosh I do so much damage two blaze rods not bad we're going to be needing a little bit more though and I think there might be a wide eye ofender or something like that so I think I might have to get extra blaze rods just for the wi eyy Avenger I have my shield though just in case all right so in total for all that we have 18 blaze powder which I think should definitely be enough I definitely got to do some trading for some ender pearls and I think this might be the perfect guy but wait can I get him trapped just like this oh that works all right take that gold buddy and uh here I'm going to give you a whole stack of gold and I'm going to expect all the good items all right okay I literally afked for the longest bit and I'm pretty oh my gosh how did he not die one sec there we go and just like that 16 ender pearls that is going to be hopefully enough for the wide eye Avenger I'm actually not sure we might as well try it right now so when I put one ender pearl and one blaze powder in a wide crafting table we get a very cursed wide Eye of Ender I'm not even sure how this thing works but I guess I might as well make 12 of them and it might also be smart to make some normal Eyes of Ender so I'm going to go ahead and make four normal Eyes of Ender for actually finding the portal and then I guess 12 wide Eyes of Ender all we need now is just a lot of netherite and then we should be good so I guess we'll just dig straight down oh gosh this is very dangerous I should probably not be doing this but you know what it's for Content holy okay and already some netherite yeah we're about to get netherite so quickly with this tactic right now and just like that we have 60 netherite ingots which I'm not even sure if that's enough for the super wide pickaxes we're going for actually I'm thinking about it right now I think that's definitely enough yeah we should be good now so with that being done I think we might be just ready to go back to the Overworld so oh man all right we got netherite very quickly and all the Eyes of Ender and wide Eyes of Ender we need so with all that being done let's go back can I throw the wide eye Ender oh no I can't okay so the wide eye vender I'm guessing is for the portal and then the eye Ender is for who knows what but now that we're out of the nether I think it's finally time to one up ourselves and finally make some wide netherite tools and really see what happens when we get these things so real quick how do I make a wide netherite pickaxe is it just like this oh okay that worked I guess that's why we get so much netherite a wide netherite pickaxe wide mine three cut clean one efficiency big number x-ray one and mines ores and a 20x 20 pattern what strip money is overrated what the heck and I still get x-ray I still got x-ray that is cursed what the heck and since it said 20x 20 oh my gosh well we are definitely not going to be running out of diamonds anytime soon like literally we we are just op now let's see what we can also get from the wide netherite shovel which is going to be excavate 3 Fortune 2 experience for rare fertilizer X right click to turn the ground into diamond gold iron and netherite blocks okay of course it does that everywhere you step it becomes rich no way I need some dirt okay so if I just write click oh my gosh what the heck okay we just got a netherite block just like that and that is just going to be disgustingly op but I mean it's a really good shovel wait I never actually tried mining the dirt what happens if I mine it oh my gosh we get even more XP and now we're getting even better stuff level 42 of course we're level 42 oh wait I could probably enchant the wide diamond sword I haven't made an enchant table yet actually before we enchant the wide diamond sword let's go ahead and make the next best thing which is going to be the wide netherite sword which is reach why am I eating bread so much okay ignore the bread reach five uppercut one fire spe one knock back five sword Cannon three swing your swords at 50 blocks further you don't need skills if you have range and I'm going to guess I can now hit things from 50 blocks away I think we have two more items which one is going to be the wide netherite ax which is Timber five fruit pie XXL and ax throw for it says chopping trees have a chance to drop wide golden apples wait what okay so before we get to that let's real quick make what I think is the best armor and that is going to be the big old chunky boy wide netherite chest plate protection 5 jump one speed one haste one Health boost one super Landing one I have the ability to fly I've gained the ability to fly a little faith trust and pixie dust so we don't need the diamond armor anymore cuz we now have cover me in debris in full wide armor and we straight up can fly okay we're going to be going straight up now okay so it said wide golden apples so let's go to the middle of this forest real quick and let's see what happens real quick oh my gosh that's a wide gold Apple straight up a wide golden apple and I'm very curious what this does so I'm going to take off the armor just to get an accurate representation okay white golden apple and oh okay it's literally just a really good Notch Apple regen 2 and all that good stuff and now we have a bunch of them okay that's going into the collection but we're not done there cuz we still got to get to the even wider things The Wider pickaxe and the widest pickaxe pretty much as you can see we're going to be needing literally a lot of netherite so with that being said I'm going to just summon as many netherite blocks as I can and make this area super wide and blessed does that make sense all right time to mine so we have a lot of netherite now and I mean like literally a lot so the first step to even making this uh the next tier pickaxe is just getting a lot of wide netherite pickaxes so I'm just going to go ahead and just keep making them but now that we have all these wide netherite pickaxes it's about to get a little bit too crazy guys but with this final pickaxe we got oh gosh oh that's so big a wider pickaxe all it says is wide mine X mine chunks at a time nowhere to go but up oh that is terrifying okay let's go over here real quick and just mine an entire chunk all right let's do this oh my gosh wait that's a mega chunk oh wait all the ORS dropped also I am mining entire chunks with the wider pickaxe how good is the widest pickaxe going to be well there's only one way to go now and it's literally just getting wider and wider so I'm just going to make literally all the wide I can like but at least on the bright side we have another wider pickaxe and I think in total we need six of these so it's definitely going to be quite a grind to making all these but we might actually have enough stuff to make all these so so far we have three of them all right that's going to be four we can make a few more and with the final wide pickaxe we get the final wider pickaxe which is going to be all we need for the final final pickaxe which I don't even know what this thing is going to be do I'm kind of scared to be honest but we went from the wide pickaxe to The Wider pickaxe we now have the widest pickaxe wide mine XXL mine Worlds at a time what what literally leave no blocks unturned oh no that might be a bit much guys I'm not sure about this I'm going to make a normal wide netherite pickaxe I think we should have everything we need except a bow so all we need now is just some string get a bow which should be pretty easy cuz we actually can just fly down and actually just run around all right oh and there we go okay m shft not bad all right I think that should be enough how's it going buddy take one of those one of those one of those and we're good okay so to make the wide bow I think it's something like this let me check oh and there it is that is definitely a big chunky bow and that is going to be the wide bow and with the cursed multi-shop for shoot a volley of multiple arrows at once feels like multiple bows worth of power almost like a bow bow bow now we just aim oh my goodness thing it's a big I don't know what to expect but let's go ahead and shoot oh oh my gosh wait it's literally just like a little bow machine gun that's that's adorable but with all that being done guys I think it's finally time to head to the stronghold and figure out how we're going to be using these why Eyes of Ender I feel like I'm going to be going to a completely new dimension that's not the end so I guess wish me luck and here we go all right so we got to go straight this way we only have four eyes of end but I think that should be honestly more than enough oh wait I can fly okay this works guys this x-ray thing made finding the stronghold a little bit too easy but we still haven't found the portal room which is something I'm still struggling to get oh man this stronghold is huge I don't even know where to look for right now okay I see why I need some wide Eyes of Ender now so we now have some wide Eye of Ender frames so and with this final wide Eye of Ender guys I think this might be it and here we go time for the final battle please don't be anything weird okay we're in and what the heck is that okay a literal wi dragon and it looks what is it doing okay we can fly right now with our armor if you made this far in the video comment down below why dragon all right let's get these crystals real quick what the heck is a white dragon does our bow do a lot of damage wait can I even hit it oh I'm burning the white dragon oh does it have extra health or something what if we do the axe do the axes work oh God oh my gosh it does so much damage this has to be the weirdest fight I've ever done in a Minecraft bub video like what the heck is going on right now I'm literally sending a flurry of axes on a very wide and humongous Dragon honestly it do be looking cool though go go on my dragon oh no it might die here oh gosh this might be it uh one more hit I guess oh wait is it dead guys I think the widest dragon is Immortal I'm not even sure what's going on I think the wi Dr it just disappeared huh guys guys I I I literally don't know what this video is right now and finally guys I think I'm going to use the whest pickaxe but not in the end let's go back real quick and I think to end off the video guys I'm just going to go ahead and mine one block and let's see what happens if my PC breaks the video is going to end off here hope you guys all enjoyed okay pretty normal so far huh mama oh oh wait I can just fly up what happens when you can craft items to go from completely normal to extremely giant let's go and find out first my goal is to craft a full set of giant armor where each piece will cause me to get bigger and bigger and well really big second I have to successfully craft a full set of gigantic items where just one swing of a pickaxe can annihilate entire chunks and last but not least I have to try to fit my giant self into the end portal and once inside try to defeat a gigantic dragon can I do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video so everything in today's video is about to be very big and of course we have to start with a literal giant crafting table which not sure if it's going to be very big when we place it or if it's just going to be normal oh oh that's big okay when we right click the giant crafting table now we can go ahead and make our first big item which is going to be oddly enough a giant hay Bell and when we place this thing down uh I'm not really sure what happens but I'm going to make a stone hoe just in case before we do so giant hay Bell what do you do oh okay that is a lot of hay and I guess that's how we're going to be getting a lot of the bread we need what the heck um that is a great introduction to today's challenge which is going to be Minecraft but everything we're going to be doing is literally just ginormous and that might be a good thing or very bad thing so with that being said stay tuned and let's go ahead and make our next giant item which is going to be something very simple and that's going to be a simple stone pickaxe a big one though a giant stone pickaxe which looks pretty normal so far but it's definitely a lot bigger than our normal on so when we put this one here oh gosh okay let me break this real quick that is such a cool thing literally a giant CR do but we got the giant stone pickaxe now and when we mine Stone oh okay wait what happens if I dig straight down oh oh okay maybe we should go up this cave but at the same time it's kind of hard to really go through caves okay now we got a real cave so there's some iron right here so might as well mine the entire chunk why not well it's not really an entire chunk it's kind of more like a little big area but yeah this pickaxe is definitely a little bit Overkill and actually I do need some coal so let me get that real quick all right and so with this coal right here I think we can actually go and make the next giant item which is going to be yet again another weird one like the Wei but this time why not let's make a giant block of coal and it kind of looks like a normal block of coal so it might not be that bad but with that being said where do I place this I guess I'll place this right here all right oh yep and yet again we literally just get a giant block of coal oh my gosh and just like that we also have all the coal we'll ever need one stack of blocks of coal and uh might as well why not let's go ahead and get all the furnaces we can all right so the good thing about all that coal is that oh my gosh okay we're good no no stay away please please please please I'm trying to do a challenge here only have one life and if I die then my channel gets deleted that's actually not true please don't delete my channel anyways because we have so much goal I guess I might as well do this and this I kind of want to make some iron stuff so he might as well get that ready and because it's a big area might as well place down our chunky table this thing is huge like what the heck all right and so now with three iron the next thing we can go ahead and already make is going to be the giant iron pickaxe which out again it's a pretty big iron pickaxe I'm pretty sure it's bigger than the stone pickaxe so they're definitely getting bigger and bigger these things are getting a little bit Overkill but on the bright side let's go ahead and grab everything we got there and now for the giant iron pickaxe so how big is this going to be oh okay um that was a lot of lag you guys maybe didn't see that but pretty much on the bright side we got a lot of iron but oh my gosh on the bright side I'm finding a lot of big caves so I might as well go here how's going spider I kind of need a better sword so this might be actually a good time too to make our first giant sword which is going to be literally a giant 999 attack damage iron sword wait what the heck okay that's a lot of damage wait is this just going to one hit everything all right well literally I one hit that skeleton I mean I'm not complaining but okay oh and some lpis nice I kind want to see if I can break bedrock but at the same time I don't want to fall into the void also holy but on the bright side we did find diamonds over there so let me real quick bridge over there how do I mine these though with this pickaxe is this going to work okay yep that is a lot of diamonds a lot of cobblestone and I'm also getting a lot of levels let me real quick and just like that five diamonds not bad all right oh and more diamonds right here okay what I need before I mine that is definitely a water bucket so why not let's not make the good oldfashioned water bucket that everyone makes it's kind of boring instead we're going to make a giant bucket this is actually maybe too big but you know what we're taking it let's go ahead and see what this thing can do and let's get our giant crafting table back to you okay let me uh real quick all right now we got to find water I'm kind of scared of grabbing lava with this giant bucket so I think it might be a better idea if we get water instead cuz I definitely got to get rid of all that oh and a m shaft okay wait there might be something good here so let me real quick grab some string cuz I think I might be able to make a giant bow too literally everything in Minecraft today is going to be giant Maybe maybe even the dragon which uh not really sure if that's a thing but you know what if it is then we'll try to beat it also two times in the chest not bad I'll take that all right so where is some water I need lots of water lots of good stuff and then we go boom boom pow pow oh gold oh there it is okay so if this doesn't work I'm going to assume I need to go to an ocean but maybe oh okay we have a giant water bucket okay that definitely worked but now that we have that let's go back to where those diamonds were so is this going to work we'll see oh okay right that is a lot of water oh no so the giant water bucket literally places down a giant thing of water but it also takes away the diamonds no on the bright side I still have seven diamonds which actually uh before we do anything with the diamonds I'm kind of curious actually can we make big pants oh my gosh we can make big pants we can make giant diamond leggings which is a very big leggings so uh I probably should have made a diamond pickaxe instead like a giant one but I mean big pants if you made this for in the video comment down below big pants so what happens when we put on the giant diamond leggings do I even fit these oh oh wait we just got really big oh my gosh wait we're getting smaller then we're getting bigger okay why are we so big oh wow this is actually really weird um on the bright side we found some more diamonds but it looks like we're getting bigger and bigger as we put on more diamond armor pieces that are big well on the bright side we got four more diamonds and I guess I could make some big diamond boots but at the same time I'm kind of scared of getting a little bit too big so maybe we should not make that just yet let's go ahead and use the string and why not let's get a literal giant bow which I'm not sure what it's going to do but I guess we go ahead and find out let's go and grab the crafting table boom boom boom boom boom boom where is the crafting table there he goes all right giant bow oh my gosh that arrow is huge okay uh I guess here goes nothing oh wait it's like an explosion okay all right and I definitely used an arrow there does it just break the wall oh it does oh my gosh that's actually really cool all right so let's place down that water right there cuz the next thing I kind of want to do is actually let's see what happens when we get a giant lava bucket and place it down so low key I don't really want to get in lava and die so I'm going to place it down right here and then go straight in the water so three two one oh okay we're good we're good that could have been very bad I don't want to do it again we're doing it again nope that was a bad idea that was a very bad idea we are not doing that again and let's get some normal water like normal people and maybe let's find another cave so straight this way maybe we can find a cave okay being this big is not normal and I feel so weird going through this cave right now like what the heck am I supposed to do I'm not small enough for this oh oh okay that could have been bad I am taking way too much damage also how's it going spider I'm kind of very big here also I do I even fit in here all right so new problem I can't fit into the cave I'm literally too big and it's kind of getting a little bit too goofy being this big in a cave but you know what we're going to make it work I can't really go down this cave cuz of the giant water bucket but you know what let's take this off for now go back to normal siid and let's try and craft some more things now so before we do anything else I actually got to cook up a little bit more iron cuz I'm kind of curious if I can do a certain item in the giant form and then it'll help us a lot with getting a lot more items and that may have been very vague but don't worry guys it will we'll get to it very soon also some raw gold might as well do that get some gold and some more gold also a giant Golden Apple might be a thing so I think gold might be very useful there and what the next thing we got to make I think it's going to be the giant iron block which if I'm not wrong it'll work just like the giant coal block which we might as well why no let's go Ahad and make another giant coal block I don't know why we need it but we're going to place it down either way so let's place it down right here don't do anything bad and look look at that big old block and now that we have the nine iron ingots we might as well let's go ah and get that giant iron block and I guess I'll place it right here this might be a really bad idea but you know what we're going for it go on okay yep yep just like the other one a bunch of iron blocks and what happens when I mind it like this oh yeah yep yep yep that is that is a lot of iron blocks that is definitely a lot of iron blocks Don't Mind If I Do I am going to real quick just grab this 23 blocks of iron and we're definitely not going to need iron blocks ever again can I make a giant Anvil I might not be able to do that but might as well try why not and oh wait giant Anvil hold up what what is a giant Anvil oh that is a lot of anvils wait if we can get a giant Anvil and it legit works just like the iron block can we do that with any block what about a giant crafting table wait this might actually work with every single block hold up guys I may have found a loople oh my gosh okay that's cool that is very cool I kind of need some lapis too or maybe some Redstone why not this might be a really bad idea actually no there's no TNT in caves I don't know why I thought TNT would be naturally in caves for some reason okay yeah that actually works that's actually so cool all right but we got giant redstone giant iron blocks giant Anvil and you know what maybe there's a giant sub button right there that you guys can click right now and then boom sh Shameless PL why not and uh might as well let's make another giant iron block just to have can we make a giant furnace why did I do this in the first place oh my gosh wait giant furnace so this whole time I had the furnaces right there when I could literally just have done that okay yeah that would have been a lot more useful earlier I don't know why I had the furnaces there but you know what let's go ahead and move on to the next item and let's put my giant diamond leggings back on cuz I think I'm about to get a lot taller so the next item I'm going to be making is not going to be the diamond boots but instead I'm kind of curious what is the ability of the giant diamond pickaxe I mean it's definitely be better than the iron one so I guess I'll mine straight this way and let's see what happens oh yeah well we can literally mine chunks now I'm kind of not surprised but at the same time I am just fascinated oh my gosh we are getting a little bit too powerful there are so many things out there also so many Diamonds oh my computer can barely handle this okay and like usual guys let me know a new title for this video in the comments down below honestly what I'm thinking right now just Minecraft besser is finally tall cuz I I'm kind of like the shortest YouTuber but you know what it's all good all right so I think the new plan is going to be Pro make a giant golden block or a giant diamond block I'm not even sure what to make next okay so on the bright side wait can I make a giant torch oh oh gosh okay this might be a mistake guys my computer might crash if I place this down but giant torch here we go actually kind of beautiful well giant torch right there if you guys want to know how giant torch looked like but there there you go and I think we might be done there with all the giant stuff I think it might be time we make our next giant thing which is good going to be the giant diamond oh my gosh that does so much damage I didn't finish my sentence wait okay so this does 999 attack damage and then the diamond sword does literally 99,999 attack damage that is just way too op what the heck we'll see what the final boss is but this is a little bit too much what the heck because we're talking about damage can we make a giant Shield we can't make a giant Shield but having a shield is good either way how big is a shield anyways compared to me it's still pretty big so I'll take it now that we have the diamond sword what we need to do is uh definitely try it out that's for sure but I first got to find a mob somewhere so where can we go I guess we could go straight up or we can just mine this oh my gosh okay that may have been a mistake this uh this video has definitely gone a little bit too crazy in a matter of like 10 minutes we've escalated very quickly and that is for sure and I think ever since we made our first giant thing of hay bells we've now literally made a giant tunnel of just uh chunks which I only got eight diamonds from which is kind of a scam but something I could do in the meantime is why not let's see what happens when I make a oh my gosh okay that's big a giant Diamond chest plate which is going to be like a normal Diamond chest plate but it might going to get bigger when I put this thing on oh no oh yeah I'm getting very big now that might be a little bit of a problem but at the same time I kind of want to see how big I can really get so we're going to go ahead and get as many diamonds as we can which I'm actually getting none right now oh diamonds right there okay there we go and with that we have 10 diamonds which I think is the perfect amount that we need so let's real quick get away from here actually it might be smarter if we go all the way up yeah this just does not look right can I swim like this oh wow oh we swim quick oh gosh we are so big what the heck all right well let's place this thing down why not kind of looks like a normal crafting table now since we're getting so big but without further Ado let's try to see what the final size is going to be with our giant diamond boots and we can't forget about the giant Diamond Helmet too so let's put this thing on oh gosh we're already getting a little bit bigger so now we're this big oh my goodness and with the final piece of giant armor this thing looks so goofy even in my inventory oh my we are the size of the mountain okay I'm not sure if it's a good idea to play the rest of this challenge like this but at the same time I feel like it'd be entertaining so I'm going to try to do this as long as I can but before we do anything else I think the next goal we should go for is definitely a giant Golden Apple all right so we got 36 raw gold that should be hopefully enough all right so what we got to do now is straight up make a giant furnace and then we place it down and there we go we got a furnace fit for me that should be enough for us to make a giant golden block which is going to be the next thing we make I also need a lot of apples how do I get a lot of apples actually wait where is my crafting table okay it's down there can I make a giant axe actually uh no it's just a normal diamond axe dang it okay I'm going to have to get apples in the old fashioned way but I think we should be able to make a lot of gold at least all right so we got 10 gold ingots so now we should be able to make one gold block which is going to be a very big giant block of gold so I guess I'll just place it right here why not okay yep yep that never gets old and just like that oh gosh I should have probably not done it like that and just like that we have 24 blocks of gold which is definitely going to be more than enough actually a lot less than I thought it was going to be but I'm not really going to complain and actually I think it might be a good time right now if we get a little bit smaller but you know what I kind of made a promise that I couldn't go smaller so we're going to stay this size and now with all these blocks of gold I think we should be able to finally make now one really big Golden Apple I think oh yep that's big yep literally a giant Golden Apple the only giant Golden Apple we can really make so what happens when I eat this oh my gosh it's so big it covers my screen holy oh wow yep just boost 10 absorption water breathing luck hero The Village speed strength resistance regeneration haste fire resistance all level 10 for literally 5 minutes that's a little bit Overkill but I'm not going to complain and also I think one thing I'm going to do before doing anything else is actually go back to normal size cuz I got to M this thing oh my goodness I have so many potion effects this is kind of overwhelming and now that we have all of this I think the next goal might be to actually go to the nether or get some more apples so before we do that let's actually head all the way back up and maybe get some sugarcane too I'm not sure if I need enchants actually everything's already Enchanted for me so we should be fine for now but oh my goodness jump boost 10 is quite the thing right now where do we head uh I guess we'll go over there all right so we got 17 red apples and with that I think we should be able to make a good bit of golden apples so real quick let's go ahead and do that and not really sure why I'm making all these but you know what why not 10 giant golden apples Jets like that and these things are so big okay and the next thing I really need to make definitely before we go to the Nether and all that good stuff it's going to be a giant block of diamond and why we need a giant block of diamond actually before we do anything I'm going to go giant real quick and let's see how big this thing really is oh wait I'm I'm literally as tall as a giant block of diamond oh gosh okay oh no that may have been a bad idea well there goes all the diamonds but technically with the giant block of diamonds we can go ahead and make three more giant block of diamonds and yeah just just everything's diamonds now but maybe let's not be giant real quick let's be just a little bit bigger all right I'm going to mine this real quick then we can get all the diamonds and then I think we should be good to go to the nether get the Eyes of Ender get the blaze powder get the boom get the pals and the Boom coming down boom there you go anyways uh let's grab this real quick and actually I'm kind of really curious this might be a bit of a risk guys but what if I try to mogg water bucket clutch while being giant this is a little bit too goofy but let's go for it 3 2 one oh I almost died okay um we're never going to try that again and I forgot that my water bucket does not work like that okay um anyways let's go ahead and take this armor off one more time and I guess it's time to start heading to the nether and we'll see how things go as long as I don't die I should be fine I feel like it'd be kind of fitting if I make a giant nether portal but at the same time can I mine a lot of obsidian this way they actually call me the fastest obsidian Miner in Minecraft and anyone that said that I wasn't is honestly lying and I will be filing lwuit against them because I am the fastest obsidian minor there we go I want to get as much obsidian as I can though cuz my plan is I want to get into The Nether Portal literally as a giant Nester okay so this took way too long but we finally got a big enough portal for me to fit inside of and without further Ado guys let's let's light the big giant portal and let's go inside oh gosh okay that worked um all right so we're in the nether now and what we need to find is some blaze rods and some ender pearls which might not be a good idea to be this big oh gosh I'm going so quick in the nether okay I haven't touched lava yet somehow oh okay all right we found a fortress just slowly but surely I am literally the height of the Fortress this is so weird Okay um just a couple blazes would be appreciated and then I guess I'll use my giant bow is this going to break the spawner oh um well let's go find another one all right so this time I'm not actually going to blow it up oh there they are okay how's it going guys oh my gosh okay apparently this thing has looting too I forgot it one hits everything so just like that we have 21 blaze rods and I think I'm going to get out of here cuz I'm getting set on fire wait can I place water in the nether nope I cannot that is definitely a definite no so with that being done I guess what all we need to do now is just find a piglin and get all the ender pearls we can so where is a piglin when you need him okay so we got Enderman there or I can just want an Enderman for a lot of Ender Pearls wait this might work oh my gosh and just like that 10 end pearls which I'm definitely going to be taking back to the world I think we might be done here though actually no let me kill one more how's it going buddy you're going to die now okay it feels so weird seeing them being so small but you know what it's all good 28 ender pearls is definitely going to be enough so I think we should be good to go back now all right so now to find the Portal okay so the hardest part about this challenge is definitely being so big cuz it's so hard to get from8 to pointb really quickly but on the bright side we're back now and something I didn't realize until now is that there's actually something better than giant items and they're called Mega items and the first mega item we're going to be going for is going to be the mega bow and to make a mega bow I actually need some string so where can I find a quick M shaft I guess I can just go and mine that and let's hope for the best literally the only way I can find M shaft is by digging in Tire chunks all right come on one of these has to have a m shaft please game anything good I think we found one yes I think I definitely got to get a little bit smaller for this part of the video so let's get a little bit you know back to normal size and now let's actually go explore this m job get as much string as we can and then make what is called a mega bow so what I need is 3 * 9 string which is going to be 27 string I also can do level 30 enchantments even though I don't really need to oh end more end pearls why not there we go how much string do I have so far 23 okay still a little bit more that I need and then we should be good oh my gosh wait I forgot I don't have any armor and I am definitely getting out of here before I die so before anything I think we need nine total giant bows in total so oh wait no I made the wrong type of Bows Oh I'm so dumb Oh no I got to get more string now okay give me one second guys let's get the string again holy I'm dumb all right let's actually not mess up this time 1 two three that should be enough now and with nine giant bows I think we get I guess a giant giant bow oh it's a mega bow oh gosh okay so this is a giant bow and this is a mega bow so they're literally the same size but I'm going to guess they do something different so let me not make the mistake of accidentally breaking something all right so what does does the giant bow do oh oh that's a big Arrow oh my gosh okay we are definitely going to be fighting the dragon like this that is insane just like that we got a very good giant bow and the next thing we can actually make is with these 10 super golden apples we can actually use nine and get a wo that is really big a giant enchanted golden apple which uh I don't know what this thing is going to do lowkey I don't even want to eat it yet until I fight the dragon so I guess stay tuned to see that and we're definitely not done there though cuz after that I guess what we can make next is going to be the rest of the giant items which you can probably guess they're going to take a lot of diamonds so before we do that let's get our full set of diamond armor and I guess start mining some junks and just like that I have no idea where the diamonds went I'm going to guess I'm picking them up all right 17 diamonds not bad and I think that should be good enough so let's head all the way back up holy we swim so fast by the way normal crafting table giant crafting table and now let's go ahead and oh gosh wait um actually sent me flying this your typical normal giant go block let's uh mine a little bit of that real quick and definitely need my diamond blocks and oh gosh I got to go all the way back down don't I 53 blocks of diamond that is definitely more than enough let's head all the way back up all right so now what we need is definitely a bunch of double chests and honestly the most fun way of getting a bunch of double chests is wait giant Oak planks what okay just for science guys why not boom Oh gosh literally making like a little mini base there we go giant wooden planks anyways what I was supposed to be making is uh cuz I'm a little bit curious let's uh get a giant chest and when we place down the giant chest oh yeah that might be a little bit too laggy let's not look in that direction let's do this the old fashioned way okay so the next thing we're going to be making is a giant massive netherite pickaxe and we apparently don't even need netherite to make it so instead of that we're actually going to be making nine giant Diamond Pickaxes first so let's go ah and make nine of these and final diamond pickaxe and then we get not a bigger diamond pickaxe but a massive netherite pickaxe which I think we might as well go Ahad and try it out right now I'm kind of scared of breaking everything so let's go far away real quick to use it I guess we'll mine something right here I'm not really sure what it's going to do but here we go oh gosh oh gosh have I made a mistake oh no oh no oh no my computer froze oh my gosh well we found some glow squids and we also found every ore in Minecraft oh my gosh so with that being done right there let's go ahead and make the next Mega items and the next one is going to be the giant diamond sword so we're going to be needing none of these so uh and I guess we'll now see what this thing exactly does I'm not sure what to expect but yep just like the diamond pickaxe one becoming netherite we're going to be making all these giant diamond swords with 999,000 damage now become I'm going to guess a million wait 1,00 oh wait I see now I mean we really don't need that much damage but what we get now instead of 999,000 we get plus 30 reach and plus 30 attack range so uh we now have a massive netherite sword and I kind of want to test this thing out but there's no mobs around us so we might have to wait until we fight the dragon and now now we have yet another item which I kind of realized we didn't really have to get this many ender pearls because once we have nine ender pearls we can actually make a giant ender pearl and with the ender pearl I'm not sure what happens here but I guess we'll throw it wait where'd it go oh oh it's like a bomb okay that was actually kind of cool I'm actually going to go back here and because it kind of is like a bomb I'm going to real quick make 16 giant ender pearls and I could legit just do boom boom Oh My Gosh okay yeah we got to get more of these I'm going to make as many bombs as I can three socks of giant ender pearls there we go don't mind if I do and we're not done there because now that we have all these ender pearls the next thing we can go ahead and make is going to be simply a giant eye ofender and I'm not really sure what this thing's going to do so I guess we'll find that out very soon and I think that should be all the items that we're going to be needing to fight the dragon so with all that being done guys I think it might be time we start heading to the stronghold to see what we can do against the dragon and finally test out what the massive netherite sword does and what the giant enchanted golden apple also does so without further Ado let's get out the giant ey avender and see what it does oh wait what oh it's taking me straight to the strong gold oh that's so cool okay I just realized I'm a big old giant on top of a little V vender 50 more blocks and oh there we go guys okay and I was going to say we need a bunch of Eyes of Ender but it literally dropped a whole stack of them also a netherite sword a completely normal one all right so now how do I get down I really don't want to break the portal but at the same time I might as well risk it why not let's go ahead and M just one dirt block please don't be the portal down there okay that could have been bad all right so just for this I think I'm going to have to take off my armor real quick so let's uh put off the armor for one second down we go and now we just got to find the Portal room oh here we go guys okay what do I break this with oh gosh okay uh there we go and luckily I have a whole stack of eyes ofender that don't don't question him we're just going to go with it and now all that's left to do guys is go inside put on my giant armor and then see what we can do against a dragon this might be a really quick dragon fight so without further Ado wish me luck guys and here we go okay good thing I didn't go in here with the giant armor I would have suffocated let's head all the way up I kind of made a little bit of a mistake but we should be good now anyways though let's put on the giant armor oh gosh here we go this is it guys so before anything let's go ahead and eat this giant enchanted golden apple and see what it does oh gosh that's big oh wait low key wasn't that good besides the amount of extra Hearts I get let's actually eat a giant Golden Apple this might be a little bit better so giant Golden Apple there we go now we get the jump boost oh my gosh that's going to be one that's going to be two oh gosh these are so big I've almost killed the dragon guys the dragon is almost dead this is going to be the quickest fight ever wait I haven't even tried out the sword all right Dragon I guess this is going to be the final hit in 3 2 1 I missed oh gosh let's go back up I'm so big what was this video and with all that being done guys that is going to be it for Minecraft but pretty much everything is incredibly Giant and oh my gosh what the heck was this video Welcome to Minecraft but you can craft any item in today's video we're going to be crafting brand new items out of literally any item in the game we'll be able to not only craft any block armor in the game but also crazy items like a golden apple sword and even very op Emerald items can I beat the dragon can I eat any item stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching or new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in 3 2 1 there we go welcome to the team and for today let's try to craft the LEL of emerald likes that that doesn't make sense huh okay enjoy the video so today's video is going to be a bit different because we're going to be getting a lot of new crafts today welcome guys to Minecraft but pretty much you can craft with anything in the game and when I say anything I really mean anything so pretty much I got inspired from my friend wisp who did a video where you can make armor from any block and we're going to be doing the same today but to add on to that guys I ADM it so today we can make not only any armor from any Block in the game but we can also make any tool any sword and any type of apple from literally a lot of new blocks and items in the game like real quick wooden boots literally just wooden boots but we're not here for that let's real quick you know make the good old pickaxe make the good old sword oh my gosh I just realized okay so I was AFK in this world for a bit and this entire Farm grew the whole way all right let's get some bread and some carrots because we aren't going to be making normal items today in this U I'll explain my goal soon but we first need some carrots some bread and I think that should be it so let's go back to the crafting table real quick so the first thing we're going to be making is not only bread but we can go ahead and make our first ever bread sword literal bread sword a baguette Food level 16 and the best part is guys if I right click it right now I can eat the sword it it works and even better guys you already know it's coming the beautiful carrot sword Food level six three attack damage and it really works watch I'm going to kill the Sheep real quick I'm so sorry sheep but it's for science it's almost broken okay I didn't realize it didn't have that much durability but I think for the rest of the game I'm going to be using a good old bread sword can I make a potato sword I can make a potato sword okay that works I didn't even know that worked okay we have a whole collection of Swords we got carrot potato and bread but this video isn't about the potato sword the carrot sword or the bread sword we're going to be making literally so many items that I'm not going to have enough inventory space to make them all because we're going to go ahead and start by making literally a full set of wooden armor cuz why not I'm literally wood now and my favorite part guys is we can even go ahead and make a new Emerald items and the only bad part about it is it's probably going to be very hard to get but you know what we have a lot of time I'm supposed to kill the dragon so I'm think I'm going to be going for a full set of emerald armor and maybe some new apples cuz there's so many new types of super golden apples so I think we should be going for those two all right so I first got to get a lot of apples then I got to get a lot of every single block possible I don't know if I can make a golden apple sword but if I can I am definitely going for that it's definitely going to be expensive but I think we can do this already a really nice cave right here so many new items guys I don't know where to begin right now I should probably make some more block armor cuz wood armor is probably not going to be the best thing for these caves I'm still debating on what the best armor set would be I think I'm going to go for furnace armor guys cuz that auto smelt stuff when you mine it and that it's going to be really useful later on so I'm going to mine as much cobblestone as I can all right that took a lot of mining but we finally have 24 furnaces so we can go ahead and make a full set of furnace armor and now we can finally use Auto smelt which smelts harvested blocks automatically I think so I put all of my iron ore right here and now when I press R I can actually literally just out of smell all the iron I had previously and this should make things a lot more easier all right after all that we have 29 iron you gets we're actually doing pretty well with iron oh wait lapis we could probably make some lapis armor too okay that is way too many mods potato sword is not going to be enough for this what the heck potato sword is a scam oh gosh I need a little bit of food might as well eat my sword low key I might go for a Lapis chest plate I think I read that this one gives a really good ability it's going to take a lot of lapis though but at the same time I do got to find a lot of emeralds so I'm going to probably be spending a lot of times in these GES but I promise you guys I'm going to be getting the best things possible because I really don't want to lose a challenge yet I haven't lost a single challenge yet and today is not going to be the day because we definitely have a lot of things we can make armor with and gold okay yeah we actually do need gold because we are going to be trying to see if we can make any Golden Apple items I think we can make a gold Apple sword it definitely sounds like something you can make a sword out of so I think that should be one of the first things I go for cuz this potato sword is not it emeralds okay nice I did not expect to find this this early okay wait this might actually be enough for Golden Apple sword already literally one off golden ingot and then we can actually make the golden apple sword my goodness let's check lapis so I don't think we can make Lapis armor this way we probably need lapis blocks all right so with lapis blocks can we do anything with a helmet oh wait that's actually really good experience giving so I'm going to assume that this gives us more XP maybe when we mine stuff but that's actually really really good hold on yeah I'm going to go for a lot of those if we can get extra XP from armor that'd be sick so much lapis in this cave holy I'm currently under an extreme Hills but there's not that many emeralds I I don't like this got potato sword do your thing no potato sword no no shovel okay we're good okay uh yeah those weapons are not really working out right now we got to get one more gold actually perfect timing cuz we have gold ore right here okay one gold ore I hear a lot of mobs let's go ahead and make two golden apples and now we can finally go ahead and make the golden apple sword wait why why is it spelled like that okay oh it's only three attack damage no I'm going to guess I can eat this thing but I'm I'm not going to eat it I don't want to waste the two apples I just used and I still got to make the diamond apple Emerald Apple Redstone Apple literally so many apples I probably should have not wasted this much gold unless it does a lot of damage we'll see also I hear an Enderman I definitely got to kill that Golden Apple sword please don't fail me it's doing barely any damage oh my gosh this thing sucks all right I might as well get all the gold I can I still haven't found any diamonds I'm honestly just going for the lapis and emeralds right now it's it's a weird game of Minecraft but apparently the emeralds are going to be worth it more than diamonds so you know all the homies hate diamonds today okay we found the Enderman I just got to do this a little bit careful I only have furnace armor right now and a golden apple sword that does no damage and it's misspelled I got to get to the stronghold too come on buddy there we go okay perfect one ender pearl and uh who gave you a sword buddy emeralds where are you come on game I also got to start collecting lava I think I got to make like an oh emeralds nice okay like I was saying I got to get some lava for one of the crafts to actually make some special apples and two emeralds actually there we go hold on we actually might be able to make something now okay so with these three emeralds we can go ahead and start either making an emerald sword holy 10 attack damage all right it's actually really good or what I think I'm going to be making right away which is going to be the emerald pickaxe which apparently is even better than the diamond pickaxe so let's go ahead and test this bad boy out oh my gosh that's quick okay yes yes this is perfect what the heck oh my gosh I love this mod can we actually M obsidian now wow that was actually pretty quick might as well get an enchant table nice okay we have lapis boots already we might as well go ahead and make a Lapis chest plate we're actually getting pretty close and we also got the obsidian we need for the enchant table but I realized we don't have anything to make enchants cuz I haven't found a single Diamond yet but who needs diamonds when you have a nice Emerald pickaxe that mines really quickly we still got to get a lot more though speaking about a lot more right there I still got to get a lot more though to actually go ahead and make the emerald armor cuz I feel like the emerald armor is definitely going to be coming in clutch all right we need more emeralds and speak of the devil okay okay that timing was actually impeccable what the more gold to and more lapis actually a really nice game it feels like it never ends if we do find diamonds I think I'm going to mainly be going for the diamond apple which apparently does a lot of really good stuff but it sounds really expensive imagine a notch apple made out of diamonds a little bit more lapis and we're getting pretty close to having the full set of armor another Emerald nice okay right now we have three emeralds we could technically make an emerald sword but I think I'm going to make emerald armor first before the emerald sword and even lapis armor honestly all I can think about right now is armor apples and swords oh gosh a lot of mobs an emerald yes okay I didn't even see those all right one more perfect all right Mr edman please give me another end Pearl I need a lot of them and please end PE please end Pearl yes okay perfect finally okay we actually found diamonds honestly it's been way too long please be an aan it's probably not an aan all right so with that we got five diamonds it's not enough for a diamond apple but we're getting getting pretty close I want to at least have one piece of emerald armor and one diamond apple before I go into The Nether just cuz you know furnace armor probably isn't enough for all that also I hear another Enderman dang we're fighting so many Emerald right there and okay yeah this is definitely where the Enderman are but that is a lot of mobs hold on I think we should play this a little bit smart all right I think it might be time guys let's go ahead and make an emerald sword 10 attack damage that is definitely going to be helpful let me kill all the mobs real quick one two that's literally a two hit I would even say this thing is better than netherite right now I don't think netherite swords kill mobs as quickly end Pearl end Pearl no end Pearl from you what about you buddy 1 2 three three hits to kill and Enderman that is insane all right I can't wait to actually use this on the dragon that's going to be a solid fight all right nice more lapis all right we might actually be able to make the armor now okay so we have in total 14 lapis of Zuli blocks and that is more than enough actually okay so with this we should have the full set of lapis armor which apparently gives us experience over time so with all that being done guys all right let's take off the furnace boots and let's go ahead and put on the full set of lapis armor I should be getting levels as soon as I put this on here we go oh wait it's going up slowly oh my gosh it actually works it's definitely really slow but I think it should be worth holding on for now all right so we got a free bow and three string nice and another Emerald perfect okay we can actually go ahead and start making emerald armor after one more another Emerald very nice and with that four emeralds we might as well go ahead and make one piece good old Emerald boots hold on one second okay so this is plus four armor how are diamond boots oh wow they were actually better than diamond boots I like to see that and we're still getting XP from lapis armor we actually look pretty cool I like this I'm going to put away the lapis armor for now we got our Emerald boots it doesn't do any special abilities yeah I hope it does once we get the full set but for now let's actually start smelting stuff again and diamonds right there too perfect oh and it's a one Bane all right that's actually a troll oh wait no no not a one Bane and there we go okay two diamonds so in total we have seven diamonds literally one more diamond and we can finally make the diamond apple I might want to get two more for the enchant table go ahead and let me know in the comments down below which type of armor is your favorite so far I'm going to have to oh emerald and enderin okay that's actually really good timing holy but I'm going to have to go probably with the emerald armor right now just cuz it's so efficient oh gosh okay Ender B calm down calm down buddy and no end Pearl dang it oh wait wow I didn't realize there's an emerald right above me somebody mom's in this Ravine right now oh and D no no no did it blow it up I I don't know if a lot of those diamonds blew up either way we just got a lot of diamonds I mean I'm not complaining cuz I don't know if the creeper showed those up but in total we now have 12 diamonds which is definitely enough for the diamond apple so on the screen you're going to be seeing what is called an apple burner I need to get three lava buckets two sand and I think a lot of cobblestone to make this thing so I'm going to get that real quick all right this is actually perfect one two I think we need ah that should be enough all right let's go back down okay I think we should have everything so it's three lava buckets in the middle four cobblestones in the corner and I think this should be it so with that we get the Apple burner which is a bit of a weird item but it will make sense soon with this one apple so first we make the Apple burner then oddly enough I was told to make an apple on a stick which it's a weird item but don't worry then we right click the apple on a stick and get a roasted apple on a stick then we right click again and finally get a roasted apple and with the roasted Apple we can go ahead and make not only a dirt Apple but what we're going for is going to be the good old diamond apple it gives you no information so I guess we're going into this blind I don't want to eat this until I fight the dragon but there we go guys we finally got it a good old diamond apple so you know what we're going to get to the end we're going to eat it and we're going to hopefully kill the dragon with the power of both the emerald sword emerald armor diamond apple and whatever else we get on our journey there oh man this cave is huge emeralds again nice okay not bad we have right now four in total so we can't make an armor piece yet and a spawner nice okay all right got to break that real quick and oh enchanted book and a golden apple nice oh my gosh that's literally perfect for the emeralds holy that is quite the fine guys you know what that that that that puts a big smile on my face Fortune 2 and literally we just got to m one iron ingot with our furnace armor then an anvil and we can go ahead and literally have a fortune 2 Emerald pickaxe Don't Mind If I Do there we go guys I just made the pickaxe and literally right here we already have another Diamond vein what is this cave right now all right we didn't get that many diamonds from it but either way that is a solid find guys another Diamond vein I literally just found another one it's an eight vein I'm not even using diamonds in this challenge guys I got 27 diamonds in total okay we finally got an emerald okay please give us a lot of them I got one single Emerald okay on the bright side we can go ahead and make an emerald helmet but I'm going to hold off and see if I can make a chest plate first another Emerald please and there we go okay we got three from that we can go ahead and make a chest plate first let's see what a diamond chest plate is that's plus eight armor so with an emerald chest plate I'm going to guess nine 10 oh my gosh okay literally a plus 10 armor Emerald chest plate all we're missing now is 12 more emeralds and we're set oh another one please be multiple and that is going to be a single one of course Fortune 2 your scam that is the biggest Redstone vein I've ever seen I don't even need red stone holy that's huge and more emeralds right over here nice okay U more than one please no it's one dang it okay I mean we're getting close to the helmet in the pan so you know I'm not complaining one two another Emerald right there too nice and one again dang it and another Emerald over there holy could I make an emerald Apple also that was three emeralds from one vein nice okay we just need one more and we got the balonus So Many Zombies more though nice all right there we go we finally have seven all right so first let's see what do diamond leggings give six armor I'm going to guess with this one eight or seven let's see yeah there we go seven armor that is so good what the heck yes okay nice we can get just a few more all right this might be just enough it's enough guys okay all right so with this final craft we should have actually before we do it let's see plus three armor I'm going to say plus five I'm being optimistic all right plus four that's still pretty good and with that we have the full set of emerald armor room we just got abilities right away holy we get resistance and jump boost too I didn't know you got that that's sick all right I think now I'm going to make some more Golden Apple stuff but first we actually need Apple so one sec since we can we might as well diamond axe apple apple too first thing we got to do we might as well go ahead and make one more gold Apple sword for when we need it it actually Regens us whenever we hit someone so I think it'll be a good sword to have we definitely need some more apples now though apple apple there apple and apple all right let's go ahead and make four apples on a stick cook that real quick roasted Apple roasted Apple roasted apple and roasted apples all right we got four Ro toed apples I think I'm going to go ahead and waste eight more diamonds on another diamond apple I mean why not and because I'm really curious I think I'm going to go ahead and eat a dirt Apple I don't know what this does let's see please be good did it do absolutely nothing that that did absolutely nothing okay literally a scam all right what about a Lapis Apple it doesn't tell us what it does but let's go ahead and need a Lapis Apple from that we got oh luck and Mining fatigue that's kind of a scam but I'm not sure what I use luck for all right so I definitely need a book for inen so I might as well get that now okay we can actually make any chance now let's go ahead and make the anent table wait so what can I get with the sword sharpness only sharpness it looks like okay sharpness one emerald sword that actually sounds really cool and can we enchant the golden apple sword no we can't enchant the golden apple sword dang it all right now for the best part we might as well go ahead and enchant our new emerald armor full Protection One why not all right guys now that we have all that done I think we should probably start working on getting into The Nether so I'm going to try to find a lava pool now all right so I found a cave with a lava pool I'm going to mine all this obsidian real quick and see if I can maybe get enough for obsidian armor and a portal so watch this okay that is a lot of obsidian okay so with that we have 27 obsidian and honestly that didn't take that long all right two more and I just wasted all the obsidian all right I'm going to go in and out get the blaze powder get out let's go oh not that good of a spawn oh wait this might be really cool armor magma blocks what do you give that's actually really useful flame resistance I might actually use this in the nether hold up why not let's go ahead literally full magma block armor and for now I think we can put away the emerald armor there we go oh that's sick fire protection four what the heck and look what I see right over there that is nice oh gosh okay I swear I play baseball with these guys every video oh come on come on come on perfect pitch and let's go nice all right let's go over there a terrible Fortress okay all right where are these blazes all right I'm going to need a lot of blaze rods hello buddy one two and first Blaze Rod nice all right look at the power of the sword I love it all right one more Blaze rodom we should be good and literally perfect timing all right with that we have 14 blaze powder and we can go ahead and make three ender pearls not bad all right now we just got to kill Enderman and we're going back in oh this is not the same portal okay magma armor it was good knowing you but I'm going to throw you away sorry back to the good old emerald armor nice all right it's actually perfect that it's night time right now cuz I do got to kill some Endermen where are the Ender oh End come over here buddy I just got to get a couple end pearls and nothing dang it oh two more Enderman nice okay I think we only need like three more and then we'll be good 1 2 three still need a shield by the way and there we go okay another end Pearl got to say the emerald armor is actually really powerful I'm barely taking any damage from these mobs should probably make some more Diamond apples or something cuz I do have extra D oh no no no no no there it is okay there we go okay all right with that we have 12 eyes of Fender I might as well just start going to the stronghold all right straight this way please don't break please don't break please don't break all right the Journey Begins here we go all right one more please don't break uh okay it's going that way oh no I think it broke okay we're stuck with 11 eyes ofender we can actually go ahead and make a full set of sugarcane armor which might actually help with running to the stronghold so why not for now let's go ahead and put on the full St sugarcane armor and with this we should be definitely a lot faster holy this is actually pretty quick okay one more time maybe oh wait it change direction I think I'm going to dig down right here guys all right guys wish me luck we still have the diamond apples and actually wait a second before we go all the way down I completely forgot to make these we can go ahead and make two obsidian apples I think I'm going to only make one and why not let's go ahead and make three Diamond apples this might be worth it all right I'm digging straight down hoping for the best yes okay that that worked okay time for the portal room guys this is it we are going to finally kill the dragon but first we're going to open this chest or two chests actually all right some gold and some bread you know you always got get to get that bread and wait don't tell me the portal room's right here literally I just stumbled upon this I hear the silverfish I hear the lava yes it is let's go guys all right let's get the eyes ofender ready and in total we need okay we definitely have enough okay perfect guys this is going to be it wish me luck guys let's do this oh gosh here we go okay we are inside time to kill this Dragon guys I'm going to see if I can kill as fast as I can with this Emerald stuff oh no I only brought four arrows in here we might as well do the first one watch this boom all right that's going to be one all right that's going to be another one I can't miss a single Arrow there we go all right that's all my arrows time to actually go one by one oh wait I have jump boost jump boost is actually so useful look at this all the homies love jump boost number two or number three who knows 360 I should not do 360 no all right we're good okay no that's bad that's bad that's bad all right half a heart okay um I I'm going to eat a diamond apple right now we're going to figure out what it does now oh gosh okay okay oh no oh no oh no okay we just got strength Health boost and that's it okay that's actually pretty good all right last one and then we can finally kill this Dragon don't kill myself okay we're good and the diamond apple literally just ran out then and there all right Dragon it is time I have no beds but we do have two things we got the golden Apple sword an emerald sword an obsidian apple and a diamond apple Dragon yes yes yes yes all right let's ENT Pearl in real quick I'm going to eat the obsidian Apple we just got strike two it's l is four I'm not going to complain about that that's actually better than the diamond apple holy damage oh my gosh that was amazing oh oh oh it's com back let's come back already oh gosh okay okay we have slow and four I'm going to take the hit 1 2 3 oh gosh it hurts it literally hurts gold Apple oh gosh oh that definitely hurt all right diamond apple go in start hitting it oh gosh okay we're doing a ton of damage still with strength one no all right we still have the diamond apple 1 2 3 this might be it this might be it this might be it no it's so close we're going to have to eat one more diamond apple the diamond apples are definitely coming in clutch oh gosh guys okay it's coming back I have no food I think I'm going to eat the gold Apple sword I ate the gold Apple sword this is going to be it one more diamond apple two more hits and this should be it and that is going to be it for Minecraft but you can craft pretty much any item let's go ahead and get the dragon egg I think this would work there we go okay this is a normal crafting table and this this is a legendary Super crafting table but to get to this final legendary craft we're going to have to do the ones behind it first so let's begin with this tiny little legendary craft right here so this right here is a gigantic Mega legendary crafting table which we'll be seeing at the end of the video that being said first we got to find the smallest legendary crafting table which is apparently in this whole thing of crafting tables all right gals move I got to find the small table and there it is oh my gosh can we grab with it oh um it's literally a 1ex one to a 1ex one and now we unlocked on the screen right now the craft it's one stick guys so to get one stick all we do is go right over here ignore all the crafting tables around the village cuz today everything we're doing is literally crafting over and over again into the biggest possible things one stick there we go and now on the small table we put the one stick and what the heck is that thing the world's legendary smallest pickaxe okay so as we're using this thing what does it do exactly do I just with it oh wait what it gives me tiny blocks would I'm M with it huh oh and I can throw it oh that's sick and so now that's only the first legendary craft where as for what we use these things for I think we got to go talk to that guy with the hearts over there also why does that villager have no neck can we get one like and one up for the no neck I'm so sorry all right what's up help villagers fill vile with love um okay I'm going to guess I got to help the guys that are angry hello Grandma Mary what's up get her a sunflower oh that's easy is this a sunflower oh no that's a dandelion oh God okay sorry I don't know my Minecraft flowers where do I get a sunflower oh gosh oh sunflower yes all right let's grab you there we go and now we have the sunflower all right Grandma here give me that and now we got the first thing of villager love oh it's for the craft on the screen right now so I'm realizing right now we're going from one by one straight to the legendary 3x3 well I guess for the next villager we can help let's talk to the guy without the neck that we saw earlier how's it going buddy short neck well what's up get her a cat okay where the heck do I get the cat oh gosh I think I heard some cats behind me oh I found the cats hello okay okay do I just stand still come to me oh and I tamed him yes okay come straight this way okay let's make him sit right there and are we good oh it worked yes enjoy the cat and now that's two out of four for the craft pieces and I think it's this guy and that man over there all right what's up artist Sebastian build a dog sculpture huh like like right here oh wait on the screen right now I just realized we have this craft apparently we use four saacks of the tiny blocks and then we can actually make something so give me one sec I guess I got to mine a lot of this stuff there we go I think this should be good cuz if we put the four Stacks together oh not a legendary craft but I guess it kind of makes sense why we got the world's smallest pickaxe cuz now we can make a dog figurine oh that's sick all right did we just give it to him or do we place it down and now we have three villager love things very nice and now the only one left is is that a noses villager hello what's up oh literally get him a nose okay the only way I know how to getting a nose is shears and maybe a mob all right here's the game plan we already have the iron we got the furnace and let's get some wood real quick there we go two iron OTS and now let's make a shear and oh gosh okay what's the first nose I can steal oh wait technically the cow has a nose can I take the cow nose oh what okay I think the cowos will do that works I guess now let's go back to this person and take the cowos and from that of course we get the final villager love okay all the villagers have now helped and now with the crafting table let's make the only 3x3 legendary craft which is I think four of these and then one empty vow oh and there we go the vow of Love lovely Lena might know how to use it okay who is lovely Lena hold up let me look around for that oh lovely Lena what's up oh wait they gave me another vow love huh oh that's why guys you can see on the screen that is the next craft huh wait how do I even get that oh okay apparently right clicking at craf table makes it's an even bigger one so again on the screen how do I get that many swords all right it might be time we go down to the mines real quick but before we do that we should probably also actually make some stone tools all right this should be a little bit better but now we got to do some quick mining okay down we go quick Mission get some diamonds make one of these cook that there we go now we can get some diamonds come on any Diamonds oh gold something oh and diamonds yes finally okay this is going to be the first one out of I think I got to get like 14 diamonds that was a single diamond oh wait there is a lot more diamonds over there though okay I'm going to make sure to get as much stuff as I can cuz today we're doing a lot of crafting guys so to actually get to the cool legendary stuff we got to get the diamonds first so that's one that's another one right there and oh gosh we got to get deeper and deeper don't we and there we go 20 diamonds finally we needed 18 so now let's make some swords all right we got to pretty much make nine of them oh gosh all right nine diamond swords and now with the very big crafting table what we're going to be doing is first putting in the diamond swords like this and I actually don't know what this is going to make I just have a picture and I just realized I'm one diamond sword off hold up uh right every single diamond sword ever and now what are we going to make with the vow of love oh wait what the heck it doesn't even fit the thing the heart sword made with love and legendary wait so what does this do exactly do I like left click oh okay we slash and when I right click oh it heals me I think oh regen three oh okay but it has a cool down oh wait wait what have I done okay U Red Heart Knight okay okay that's bad okay no better time than now to test out the hard sword it does very good damage and it's literally shacked as a heart and down he go oh and he also gave a red heart sword all right I'm going put that away and so now it says I need a bigger crafting table oh one bigger crafts find Sam's house is that Sam I don't think that's Sam oh wait this is Sam Sam's bigger sub Emporium okay so we're going to go from that big of a legendary crime table to how big is it going to be in here do I right click this oh wait no there's a thing that goes down behind it all right let's observe whatever is down here oh buddy has a whole secret lab help Sam to borrow his growth Ray oh so we go in the table deliver these Goods oh okay where do these go deliver to just the villagers all right that should be easy enough Grandma Mary do I just place it down oh they said thank you that's sick oh my why did you order a giant cow you know what I'm not going to question it how about you right here by the big craing table here you go I have your letter what you get oh is that nothing um okay enjoy that all right you I made you a dog but I also got you letter there you go enjoy the letter oh express shipping so what' you get oh my gosh that's a big box it's kind of adorable though now finally this guy Mr blacksmith there you go whatever that says enjoy it oh um it looks like it's uh nothing I think we're good all right with that being done let's go back to the super siiz guy and Mr guy it looks like we're good so what do we got to do now slave the living Redstone huh is it under us hold up I think it's right under us okay all right let's keep going down oh I think I found them oh wait that's it okay let's heal up real quick and I should have made armor I should have made armor oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay why why why is this a giant guy okay no stay back are these this guy's dropping Redstone bacon okay let me try that out real quick okay it doesn't do much oh my goodness the heart sword does give me regen so down he goes just like that and let's take down the guys with the sneakers okay and from that we get the Redstone heart all right now let's take this thing back wait what the heck is that noise hold on we're getting back wait what the are these guys oh they're little cows and pigs what type of experiment is this do I just pick them up let me grab this guy there we go all right do I just like place these outside here all right Mr scientist here go we place these guys back all right if you can make things small he can maybe make things bigger so let's get back to this guy now and Mr guy I got the Redstone heart ready for you oh and he gave us a growth rate okay I'm going to guess I got to shoot this thing at the crafting table then all right well thank you scientist I'm going to go back up and try out this bad boy out all right so one growth rate and then one table do I just fire this thing fire oh wait is it working oh wait it grew and now with this table we get a 5x5 and this time this is what we unlocked on the screen a thing that requires a bunch of arms and now to the next one what the heck is this with a bunch of tiny pickaxes all right let's start with the pickaxe one real quick so there's nothing better to do then then go back to the base of crafting tables go to the small one not that giant one yet and I guess just make a ton of these guys all right I'm going to go get a diamond and also craft a bunch of these one sec and now we got it 24 of the world's smallest legendary pickaxe and one Diamond now I got to grab all these and take them over there one sec holy pickaxes all right let's begin first we put every single pickaxe in here and now finally in the center oh my gosh what the heck is that thing the stack pickaxe did I really just get this from all the tiny pickaxes what the heck does this to I'm going to just right click right here right click oh my guys next time we got to go mining we are definitely set and that's only craft number one out of two or the next one I think we got to use the shears to grab some arms uh Mr short neck I'm so sorry about this oh what that's two villager arms and in total we need 14 so I guess let's get to arm chopping can you give me a hand I'm so sorry oh okay oh gosh oh gosh what is he doing I'm so sorry Grandma I'm so sorry about this too okay that's going to be six sorry about this too number eight into the blacksmith sorry about that too number 12 Mr scientist I'm so sorry about this thank you very much all right 14 should be good now and so now with the arms let's make the final craft which is going to be with a bunch of arms right there pretty much then we put three right there and what does this make huh guys like I said it's legendary crafts and I think we just got EXO arms wait do I just right click these to put them on right click oh and now we have a arms wait what can I use with these do I press this button oh wait I can sweep with them what about this oh I can even launch it oh and it launches me what the heck wait what spider villager oh okay of course I got to deal with this now that I have this thing all right apparently I'm do o and I got to fight the Spider-Man here we go go on X arms oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I can also use the heart sword if I have to Heart sword and X ORS oh my gosh sorry about the spider villager I may have taken down a lot of people oh my gosh he's taking me up in the sky all right one more hit and down goes the spider villager I I I am so sorry buddy now we unlocked two brand new crafts which is going to be on the screen right now with even bigger crafting tables and so this time getting the legendary crafting table all we got to do is literally craft it okay so now we have a 6x6 crafting table which is very big this is what we're going to be using for the crafting the screen right now which is so many diamonds and half Diamond things which I was told to talk to this armless villager over here and I'm sorry about the arms but what what do I do with you oh get him new arms to trade for half armor apparently and now we can craft an arm and to make an arm it's actually really simple where we just got to do this arm prosthetic replacement all right here you go some arms and all in the group back I think they might be levers now oh wait and now we can trade diamonds for half Diamond things I mean it kind of makes sense okay we need a lot of the stuff but we also need diamonds so I think it's about time let's get right here and now with that pickaxe can I just start mining oh my gosh all right let's go find some diamonds with this thing okay first diamonds go on pickaxes Give Me Diamonds oh my gosh wait they dropped the diamond block version in the diamond holy all right let's real quick make this real quick there we go and now we got to make two Diamond chest plates two pants two of everything and then trade for stuff all right maybe I need a little bit more diamonds so real quick let me do some more of this okay lot of diamonds now Mr armed villager let's get a lot of these guys where we need four four of the half Diamond Helmet four of the half Diamond chest plates so pretty much a lot of these only two of the pants oddly enough so only two balonus and then four of the boots so one two three and four and now with the rest of the diamonds we got to make two Diamond chest plates there we go two diamond boots there we go two helmets and then finally two sets of boots and to end it all off we actually need some glass so give me one second we cook some sand there we go to Glass and now for the very big crafting table here we go so at the very top let's go and put all the normal chest plate stuff all right so boots done now the balonus right there then we do a lot of chest plates and now finally pretty much a bunch of helmets all leading up to two glass so what is this going to be oh exoskeleton armor holy okay so how do I put this on do I like right click it oh wait what heart power source required oh wait we got to power it up then looks like got to go straight this way Engineers Lair uh Mr engineer I'm going to guess this is the guy that powers up the suit y what's up engineer vid use the charging pad oh wait what the heck is that do I take this off the charging pad hello oh okay let's just go ahead and grab a straight up robot but I think I just put this here right oh wait it's my own robot wait is this what we made what the heck all right what now do do I just wait here or oh wait do I got to fill this thing with lava hold up let me grab that lava bucket right there and thmo electric tank okay we're straight up having a full-on system here all right let me fill this with lava put that down there pick up a little bit more lava just in case all right I think this should be good oh it it's charging yes it's working oh gosh oh and is it good do I just grab this guy now Mr Robot oh I'm in oh my gosh what the heck bedazzled the engineer's robot for a fair fight oh wait I think I got to upgrade this guy's robot all right so we unlocked a brand new ground on the screen right now we're pretty much I think we just got to surround this with Diamonds oh so this is my robot and this is his all right uh do I right click him oh wait he's following me oh wait I might have to bring him outside that would make sense if we're having a robot fight all right let's place this down all right there's this robot and oh okay all right time for battle let's get inside and go on fire the Rockets oh my gosh wait we're should up having a robot fight right now go on I'm firing who knows what all right I assume that whoever's Mech gets destroyed takes a ton of damage probably should be worried about that oh it's almost done go on Mech couple more hits and come on get him get him get him we got him did we win oh we did okay we got another advancement done and so now I got to talk to the woodworker I'm going to guess that's for the next bigger legendary craft which is e that's made out of wood oh hello what's up man all the way up there okay maybe I should go all the way up real quick all right what work really on what's up help finish the crafting table oh that should be easy okay let's real quick think how we're going to do this first we need a lot of wood so no better place to get wood than right there and why don't we just do this give me the wood go on pickaxes all right now we should be good to build okay so what we're going to do is pretty much fill it up with what he didn't say to do an amazing job but I mean so far it kind of already looks like a crafting table so it should be fine if we do this there we go that's one part done and ooh wait okay yeah that's a little bit awkward I don't have have this brown terracotta stuff but what I do have is dirt so this is what we're going to do instead of the brown stuff we're going to put the dirt in and it should be good enough all right and there we go I mean could be worse all right now let's fill in this part right here o and I might need to uh fill in the bottom too oh well and we're done uh do I talk to him again or oh wait what's he doing is he trying to climb up one second Mr villager let's go up uh okay so is he going to do something now or is he demonstrating how to use this thing oh wait he put a shovel he put a pickaxe a hoe an axe wait this is actually working wait what the heck wait what is this going to be holy oh they're combining he made a bicycle huh up uh he's he's riding away with the bicycle I guess we're making a bicycle guys and couple things we got to craft normally first we got to make some Wheels which oddly know take some diamonds and I think we need two wheels all right two wheels done and now for the tools so we need Diamond hoe diamond pickaxe diamond shovel and a diamond axe and now finally some glue and that's with one water bucket which should be easy and I got to get a a glass of honey all right let's go find a beehive oh and we got the Beehive okay so I actually don't know how to grab honey do I just do this no how do I grab honey guys let let me look this up real quick all right I figured it out pretty much we need beehives with honey in them and oh my gosh finally there we go we got some honey now let's go back and before we begin let's real quick craft this we got some glue and I guess let's begin with the glue right there oh my gosh wait it's actually working now we put the pickaxe oh wait it detected it once let's throw that fresh axe right there good old diamond shovel diamond hoe in the corner diamond sword and now finally one wheel right there and I think this might be the last one please work oh wait it's working oh and it combined into a bol yes we got a very own boom help the farmer huh wait wait wait wait oh wait is it that guy oh gosh okay let's place this down real quick and can I ride it guys I am riding the sword bicycle oh and I'm telling the land this is the wackiest item I've ever had oh my gosh wait so how does this work can I get off of it I want to pick it back up that's sick all right uh Mr fer well what's up clear and plow the land I can very much do that let me go place that down and easily let's clear and plow it don't mind me literally showing off the bicycle and its marvelous potentials I mean hey this is actually pretty good so far we even got the stone right there but it doesn't do anything to Stone all right not bad I think we're good let's get off this let me pick that back up and Mr forer is that good enough till next time n what the heck was that no it's okay no we got a brand new craft of the bow UFO what the heck is that Craft on the screen we need a bigger table that being said maybe I got to talk to that guy right up here this is going to be prospector Traver all right what's up treasure in the forest it's a rumor oh this is the Y Old Village and then we got the force do death oh gosh that doesn't sound good okay that that's some death right there all right you know what hard swword let's get this over with and actually wait if I'm crafting something with a bow this might be a good idea to pick up a bunch of string all right stay wa stay away oh my gosh that guy is so big what the heck okay yep that's a lot of string where exactly am I supposed to go is the treasure somewhere around here oh wait wait what the heck is that thing hold up I think the guy wasn't lying oh yo big old totem all right wait do I mine this or wait who the heck is that over there hello am I supposed to even M this oh my gosh he mined everything for me okay you know what I'm just going to grab this real quick and we're following this guy screw it get on the bicycle we're going just two Bros doing their thing where the heck is this guy taking me is this it the village is right there here hello do I just go inside all right let's go inside I guess oh wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo okay okay let me heal up real quick oh no no no no okay let's uh take a step back and maybe uh do this a little bit more smart oh no oh no no no no no no no ST back stay back stay back go H sword give me the region oh my goodness okay is there anyone I got to talk to maybe this guy hello oh oh oh wait it's a straight up a dog oh that's adorable all right what's up woodworker dog oh what what I I broke him out of prison and he gave me the next table and this is going to be a 12x 12 crafting table wait so how big is this thing oh um guys it is gigantic apparently I've alerted a prison break I'll let them be but right now we got to make a b old bow thing with this I got to make so many bows but here's the thing we did unlock another bow which might help us get the other bows which requires us to just literally pick up the cows and then put a bow in the middle so real quick I'm going to do this there we go and ask for the cows can I just pick him up oh okay we just got to pick up eight cows all right don't mind me let me grab you and now with the eight cows I think we just do eight moves there one bow there and oh gosh it's literally a cow bow don't know how this is going to help us get all the string we need but what does it do shoot oh it fires cows don't know how that's hand at all but now it's for the hard part we need in total 58 bows so let me go fight a lot of spiders real quick all right no better way of doing this than literally water bucket and see the disaster that happens with it all right let me do this for a while guys until I get every single bow possible okay so now let me present to you big crafting table and inside this chest a lot of bows including this one all right so here's the plan guys we're going to put away all this stuff right here and then grab all these bows right here and pretty much build whatever this shape is I don't really know what we're making but it's it's like an umbrella oh gosh okay this is going to take me a little bit but it will slowly but surely be a big old thing give me one sec and we're good doesn't look like much but oh gosh wait it's happening oh wait they're Rising what is going on oh did we just make a UF bow abduct mobs to power the bow wait what wait can I enter this thing oh I'm in what the heck is this do we abduct stuff wait I can right click for a tractor beam oh oh wait what the heck and if I left click I have a fusion laser oh and we take them in all right cows come over here oh it got charged yes okay so now we unlocked the legendary sword wings and that's pretty much the crou on the screen right now where it's pretty weird and what the heck is going on over here what am I supposed to do here oh abduct chicken villagers and then bees oh all right chickens you're being abducted come up so I think I just got to grab a bunch of these right oh we got some be too how many chickens do I need to grab did I do it did I grab enough stuff let me actually get off of this UF bow and check if I actually got anything oh wait I did wait is this what I need for the craft and we got a chicken segment thing okay I think that's one of the craft things I get the B1 oh we did get the B1 okay and now this is the B segment and as for the villagers oh my gosh I got to grab a lot of them okay all right real quick let's get in this bad boy and let's go up duct all right come in guys oh my gosh look at them go all right that should be enough and now if we go down we ended up getting it this is the elytra segment all right so we got three of the things and I think for the rest of them we got to do the Golden Apple boss and the stone Golem all right is this a stone Golem what's up man do do I fight you oh yep yep y yep okay okay okay what's up let's real quick slice you up with the sword and down he goes very nice I'll take that stone segment now we go back up and what would the next area be do I go all the way up here oh just is this it and it is an iron segment I like that a lot all right what do we have next it looks like a maze over here maybe we got to do this before we get to the Golden Apple boss um okay wait how do I get inside of here oh wait this way oh gosh wait it is definitely amazing here I think I'm making it to the end right oh wait and I think this might be it we did it yes okay and now this is the wood segment and the next one is going to be in either diamond or the golden apple let's go with diamond or real quick hello anyone know oh it's the little Diamond things do I fight them oh oh oh I am uh so sorry about that are there any more oh my bad forgot the last guy right here down to go and now we get the last thing which is going to be the diamond segment all right so I think we just have the golden apple one left I have no idea what this is going to be though oh my gosh what all right let's take you down oh gosh wait you do a lot of damage okay okay nope nope no no NOP use my claws real quick down he goes and oh hi and now finally we get the last piece which I think is the last piece and that's the gold segment so do I just craft these in the crafting table guys I'm done I'm using the wrong on crafting table I forgot that we actually have to get bigger ones but I think before we get to the final giant craft we got to make one last one by getting to the very top of this going to use the UFO but instead we're doing some parkour and we made it so I assume that I missed something over here and maybe it's something to do with the crafting table oh and there we go okay crafting table upgrade all right how do I use this thing can I upgrade this thing do I just like go like this oh okay that worked and now we have a 16 by 16 can I place it down oh my gosh um guys this is now a 16x 16 or now we use these things okay so I got to make this in the outer ring so I think I just place these on the outside right all right there goes nothing let's put two on each side that's going to be two right there put some Diamond segment right there and the diamonds belong with the chickens of course so we're going to put that there too some wood G old iron and now finally we'll put the gold in the be cuz you know they got the same colors and I guess now without further ado let's see what happens oh it's happening okay we did it right and now oh gosh what are we going to get oh and sword Wings wait that's just an elyra huh do I put this on oh oh my they are definitely sword Wings kind of and with it we now have Infinite Flight in the ability to have a sword turret and sword shuriken ring what what does this do okay that's Shen ring and what about the turret oh yo that's sick well that works out cuz now we can go to whatever this is which it says something big approaches so what do we have going on here wait what flying sheep a cursed Beast wait what's going on hello oh okay not good not good not good go swords get him what the heck is this thing I'm just trying to tou to the PIR people couple more hits and down it goes what the heck let me grab this Catalyst piece whatever this is and now it says you can now use the 100x 100 table by inserting the Catalyst oh we can go back there now let's finally get to this Mega giant crafting table from the very beginning oh my gosh okay so how do I use this thing to unlock it I like fly to the top all right here we go and this is going to be a big old machine wait what the heck is going on here where do I put this thing do I put it in here oh workbench Catalyst required okay this is sick do I just put it in here oh wait what the heck did we just do oh guys we just talked to brand new craft and it's so big I can't even show it on screen how do I even begin oh try asking the villagers for assistance can I ask you get 10 stacks of materials we'll help you wait what meet you at the beach okay you know what let's just fly over the distance thing tells us and see what they mean oh okay it's asking me to come over here whatever this is the pirate ship is still there I didn't see this before oh they they arrived here too all right soldiers we're going to be making the biggest craft known to man in legendary history here's what we got so far the Pirates took the gold we dug oh that's what we got to do all right I'm going to assume I got to go fight the Pirates then all right one sec guys let's get ready for this hello Pirates do I just talk to the captain guy I think this is the captain fire captain what's up Arc what do you need me sorry for anything by the way you want a treasure not without a fight oh oh gosh okay okay okay okay oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck okay good thing I can fly okay time for battle let's real quick get you guys hit up there we go and ask for the power Captain I think he's at the very bottom of the ocean sorry about this buddy I'm going to have to take you down real quick there we go couple more hits and down he goes you too okay so now let's see if we can steal the loot oh wait more Pirates sorry about this oh even more Pirates okay okay get over here guys holy Pirates all right where is the loot though we got only cannons here oh wait is this a loot oh it is yes okay gold we got some more gold there we go and is out of the loop I think that might be it guys so without further Ado let's go ahead and put these things up there okay now that we're here it's time for the final craft guys so how it works is pretty much I think I got to put a stack of each item in each thing and then it kind of like spreads it out so this is going to be the clay and then I think I put the treasure in the center so let's put the golden treasure I think I actually put double treasure in this one there we go then a little bit more clay good old sand and now finally the last piece of sand and once everything goes in through all the dispensers something is about to pop out in this crafting table this might either be really good really bad oh wait no it's happening oh what is that oh wait it made a temple huh a legendary structure oh my gosh guys this thing is giant magical would you place it down I mean there goes nothing place it down oh no oh okay I think it's time for final boss let's fly up real quick and launch some swords we're not doing as much damage as I would like but as long as we keep it away we should be good I'm literally pressing every key on my keyboard I think we should be good here though oh my gosh we're actually doing a pretty good job against this I created you and I'm guess pretty much taking you away at the same time oh and down it goes wait what it's still alive huh oh wait wait wait wait no no no no no no did you just throw a giant crafting table thing I put thr part of the crafting table what is that is that the video it just literally grabbed that piece of the crafting table threw it over there and died did it dropped something oh wait it did hero of the village Emerald I guess final legendary item oh and we did it we got the final challenge complete and that's going to be crafting Legend This is a normal crafting table and this is a round crafting table but to get to this Final Round Table we'll have to make a table round first so let's begin with the first level of round crafting okay so first we got to create a round crafting table with this machine right here where all we need is one crafting table right there so let's go and get some wood all right one wood that was easy and now with the wood we make one crafting table and now finally we just place it right here there we go and so does this start making it round all right let's do it oh so it's happening and come on get round oh oh my goodness and now we have a 1ex one round crime table and we got to grab the round pickaxe hold on oh my gosh guys it's literally a circle what okay so hold on let me get a pickaxe real quick and now we have a stone pickaxe and a wooden pickaxe and so back at the round crafting table do we just put the wooden pickaxe in here oh that actually works and we get a round wooden pickaxe so I think we can only do one craft with this or we can do wooden we can do stone or I think the best move is first let's grab this and let's make a round diamond pickaxe so we need that Co right there first okay that mine really quick get some food too and now let's go in this cave oh and this might be really good here oh we got the iron nice let's grab this first why does it mine like that okay that's so confusing let's mine this too all right Next Level is the iron pickaxe all right we got the iron pickaxe now for the diamonds and that's going to be Diamond number one and let's real quick mind you oh wait what that go was a to B nice oh and last Diamond let me grab that real quick and now let's go back okay so I'm coming back to the spot and I just realized there's literally a fortress right here where it says no entry diamonds inside so if we want more diamonds low key we can try going inside oh wait is that a hole oh it is a hole hold on let me real quick grab a little bit of this there we go and with a good old trapo we can just go right inside I think don't think there's any guards okay never mind not sure if I should get spotted by them oh gosh why are they walking so fast nope nope nope let me just go inside I'm going to seal the furnaces just cuz we kind of need that for later and cuz we might need diamonds for later too I'm going to come in close the door and it's a diamond villager hello do you trade oh diamond seeds we need a cake though okay I have a plan then real quick we're just going to walk outside I'm going to go clockwise to the sky and let's just get out of here real quick door crawl out and I think we're good nice now let's get enough for a cake real quick all right we need some sugar easy enough now we just wait for an egg oh an egg yes all right that's egg done and now we get the milk 1 2 3 there we go and now we can make the cake there we go all right we got the cake now let's get diamond seeds Okay let me just crawl in is he right there oh my goodness please just passed oh we're good we're good we're good okay let's go let's go let's go same plan as last time we're going to run in close the door and Mr Diamond villager let's raid one diamond seeds this is going to be very good for the crafts but now we just got to get out of here ooh uh Mr blacksmith please do not come straight this way okay it's not looking in okay we can go the other way all right we're going we're going let's get out of here and we're good all right first thing we're going to be making before we go back to the round crafts is going to be a hoe cuz we got to plant these seeds all right where's some water there's some water all right so we put it right here and then we plant the seeds right there does that work oh my goodness wait it's literally a diamond huh wait does it just keep growing yo come on buddy grow it's almost full size I think oh and it's ready okay so do I just break oh and now we have six diamonds and we got the seeds back all right now let's actually craft the pickaxe we needed so we can get more rounder crafts so yet again this is the round crafting table and this is the normal crafting table in the normal crafting table we're going to make a boring good old diamond pickaxe but we got to make the craft surrounder with this table we're going to be putting in one diamond pickaxe and oh my gosh what the heck we get a round diamond pickaxe holy what is this thing step three mine the table oh okay hold up let me get rid of this thing right here and now we mine the table see what happens oh gosh oh we made it rounder it's more of a ball now and this is the 2x two round crafting table craft the roundest village huh so we got a brand new Craft on the screen or this is now the crafting UI it's literally still a circle so we need some village houses oh I'm going to guess can pick them up now it's that's village house right there hold on do I just like walk in and pick one up uh Mr village house how do I do this oh we can just white click it nice all right let's get a couple village house then all right that's two right there and now with these guys all we got to do is get a villager and a iron golem so uh villager can I just pick you up oh I can we now have a villager and we need Mr Iron Golem right there can I just pick him up oh I can and so that's all the ingredient pieces and now yet again we can craft all right let's right click you and so two village houses there one Iron Golem and then one villager oh and what the heck is that the roundest village okay where do I put this okay this might be a good spot so do I just throw it oh there it goes and the round Village make my way up oh it's literally a spear okay we might need some wood to get up there luckily this pickaxe mines a lot oh wait we can just get cobblestone all right with this much Cobblestone now let's just stuck all the way up okay let's go here oh round villagers yo and round Golems okay what the heck are we supposed to be doing up here in the round Village then oh my gosh round cow round cow is a thing oh wa so we have a vault door do we maybe got to open this Four Keys required oh so we do stuff around here to get the keys all right so we have a normal villager right here the only normal one who who what's wrong with your farm buddy crops destroyed fix them up oh okay so it looks like this became ice let's fix that up and as for the crops so we're going to have to pretty much retail everything what happened to your farm my goodness we going to grab that plant that real quick and we're even doing trees why not and finally the last plant we have the diamond seeds I think that's best we can do unless we can find some more seeds somewhere oh wait chest right there and that works okay we have every single seed we'll ever need and even melon seeds and now we can actually make this into a nice farm and I think we might be good and just to reward ourselves let's get some diamonds all right Mr forber is that good oh he's not happy huh cow's Escape contain them all oh he wants it's the chunky cows back do I have wheat I do have wheat all right let's real quick set up an area that should be good right there let's make sure they can't get out and we're good all right now for the cows oh I found the cows all right straight this way guys come inside do they fit oh wait they do okay I just got to push them in get inside NOP Noe nope come on guys and now they're good okay round cows are set up armor are you happy oh and we got a key oh so we need four keys in total so that's one done and now we got to go ahead and maybe another Keys down here oh what the heck is this oh it's one of these oh we have a cow this time oh come with me Cal oh we also have a pig wait is it like a three mop thing all right Cal stay there next we got the pig which we got to get some carrots and I got to get some seeds for him let me get some carrots and seeds all right I know I just made your farm but I'm going to need a couple things one of these thank you oh chest in here and carrots nice and now we're good for these mobs all right first up chicken straight this way and you get the pressure plate there we go and now with the carrot the pig is already on its way and that should be all three done hey that work nice okay so now what do we have here find a different button to open the door is there an imposter button let me look I guess is it this one no not that one I'm going to guess it's somewhere hidden behind something different button where would it be oh wait this might be it it open oh it did yo okay so now we can go to the next room and Oh wait we're falling all the way down to the middle of the planet the heck is this place is it just like a little book area or am I missing something oh wait key oh I got to crawl through all right one in doubt we make a trapo there we go get that set up oh and there it is one key let's go and grab this guy and that's going to be two D and before I go let me grab some of this thank you very much on to the next all right that's two out of four and what's the next task we can do maybe in here disguise required oh uh how do I do that did I technically just like walk in wait never mind there is literally a guard and so we got some brand new crafts of a villager cloak and villager pants and sheer nose oh okay so those are the crabs on the screen right now where the cows might need to go I am so sorry around cows let's real quick make a stone sword and uh sorry about this I don't even know how much Lea they'll give but maybe some oh they give 32 okay we don't need that much you're free well now with that yeah let's go ahead and make the disguise which first we need the Villager pants and finally we need the Villager cloak all that's left is a nose we need some iron okay where is the Golem oh up there hold up let me real quick Stack Up and with these Golems I wonder how much iron they give oh wait they don't fight back I can just kill them I'm so sorry buddy oh and we got them and now we got four iron ingots from them oh pretty standard so now with the shear could I just take one of their noses I'm so sorry oh he just became a nose right and now with the nose do I put that on oh that works okay L on the fall in Disguise and now we're a villager I kind of I I can go huh well let's go down now and I think I can just walk in with my disguise All Right Guard is still vibing right there all good don't mind me I am a villager right yep yep yep I'm just going to walk in act like I belong grab that key and we can just walk straight out nothing happen all right that's going to be three out of four and now we just have this one which says make it rounder I'm making the house rounder huh oh oh my gosh wait we're really building a roundhouse okay I have a little bit of a plan for this what we we can do is pretty much make the ugliest spere possible to make it rounder but it's not going to be very pretty all right so here's the plan we're just going to make the sides a little bit more spical and it's going to be amazing and we kind of have a spear thingy yeah we did make the house rounder so do I just like right click this thingy here oh it looks happy oh we got the key yes okay that's all the keys then done with this one and now we can enter the Vault okay big old Vault thing right here let's go Ahad and right click to the door oh and so do we enter and just grab the loop oh we can oh wait this might be the next crafting table oh it's the 3X3 round crafting table now still a circle still round and everything we'll ever need all right first up let's go ahead and grab this guy and let me also mine all this there we go and even a netherite block which I'm not complaining so in total we now have over stock of diamonds nice all right so what do I do with this oh step five craft the roundest sword oh so first we're crafting that on the screen right now with this thing okay before anything let me get off this planet real quick cuz I'm kind of limited on what I can do up here so 360 and oh gosh oh gosh okay all right so we got the 3X3 round grabing table and we got the normal grabing table so all we got to do right now is just put one stick at the corner of the circle and then we literally just make a circle inside the circle and that's the first slightly round sword but we're not done there cuz we got to make a rounder and that's a brand new crouch on the screen again and this time we're literally just doing the same thing again where we're adding another circle to the circle and now this is a round sword oh we can throw on a boomerang now and now we make it rounder but we need to boil diamonds huh this is this is how we bow diamonds on the screen right there we got to make a thing with iron and gold blocks it's like straight up like a bathtub I mean I guess we get some use out of the blocks but what the heck all right we're going to do that real quick there we go and real quick with the normal cring table we're going to make a sign cuz with the sign we're going to put that there get the water going there and then down there we need fire and Netherrack so let's get some flint and some Netherrack all right Flint should be easy oh there we go let's get that flint and steel made and now Netherrack there we go just need a little bit of these now with the Netherrack we put it right here then we light the flint and steel and I think we have a boiling thing okay so do I just throw the diamonds in here then I guess here goes nothing all right go in oh what the heck what are they doing I think we're boiling diamonds now go on my diamonds do your thing oh I think it finished hold on let me go down there and now we have seven boiled diamonds okay so with the round Sword and the bow diamonds I think we just put them in here and now we have a rounder sword nice and we're not done there yet guys now we got to get the round of Sword where we got to check out the bank oh there's literally a bank huh H okay let me grab that grab the table too and so do I just place this down right here might be a good spot all right go on the bank spot in oh my gosh it's literally a bank okay where's the entrance then oh pillagers only that's not the bank I wanted oh wait new craft money bag oh wait so we can use the leather we got okay so real quick then what we can do is make one of these get the money bag and we hold it to disguise oh don't mind me guys I am a bag of money just just vibing okay so I'm just going to head down oh wait little trapo thing hold on what we can do then then is uh real quick Let's uh make one of these trap doors there we go and now let me just go and that's an alarm oh gosh okay okay not good not good not good you were caught killed them all in Escape oh my gosh okay okay you know what let me just grab as many diamonds as I can okay that should be enough and it might be a good time now to grab the rounder sword all right let's go okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I'm destroying the sword go on swords get them oh and that was pretty easy nice let me go get the diamonds real quick then now we mine okay now with the diamonds let's go back up and that's the on the screen so we literally need all the diamonds uh in total seven diamond blocks and now with the round crafting table let's finally make the roundest sword which is going to take all these blocks right here oh and there it is the r of Sword the most rotund oh look at this thing oh my goodness and oh wait we got to mine the 3X3 table with this wait what does it do first oh that's cool nice okay so do I just mine it with this I guess we're slicing it to be more round oh and it's alive what the heck is this thing no go go away go away no no no no it barely takes damage so we're going to real quick right click and oh my gosh let's do that again I did not expect to be finding the table right now oh oh there he is again okay you know what let me give him a roof let's real quick do as many hits as we can oh is it healing where' it go there he is go away let's keep hitting it with the round sword and um oh gosh can I a init air oh and down he goes oh and it's fireproof nice and so from that weird creature thing we get the 4x4 round crafting table where our mission now is to create the roundest mob oh my gosh look at that craft guys what the heck well let's for see how this thing looks and oh my gosh this is getting a little bit out of hand oh what the heck okay this looks more like a spider but let me mind you and I guess we can start with the B all right so do I just break this maybe I should not broken that let me try that again there we go okay so do I just go up to this thing and right click oh we got the bee all right that's Bob number one down uh a lot of them to go this is going to be the cow grab you there we go and we can also do the Sheep thank you get two birds with one stone literally one bird and we got the dog we have to get so many mobs my goodness all right let's keep looking oh a turtle okay that's another one down let's go now we need the Hostile Mobs here we have the creeper let's real quick grab you oh and a zombie there we go all right we got the zombie we got the creeper now we just need a slime oh and slimes hold on hold on we just need a little bit of slime that's two slime balls right there I just need four in total that's three and that'll be five now we're good there okay so we need the Villager and iron golem now all right pretty easy let's get one villager and I think the Iron Golem's over here yep all right Iron Golem you too there we go and so this should be all the things we need except the ravager so we need raid for this that being said I think I did see a Pillager somewhere around here oh it is a captain hold on all right let me real quick take you guys out use the power of that there we go oh and we got him did that give us the effect oh and it's already starting okay the batt's taking effect we just need to get the ravager okay good thing I have the round a sword here we go come here guys there we go and that's job ball done now for the next round let's get these guys out of the way there we go and that's another round done oh this is the ravager one okay let me take the guys out come on there we go okay that's all them gone except the ravager so I mean he stuck in water let's pick them up oh we got him yes oh and there's the last round um I should probably stop that too all right job all done and that's good to hero of the village so now with all these things done we can go ahead and put down the 4x4 round crafting table which is still very weird looking and now let's get to the crafts starting with the ravager right there I don't know how we're going to fit everything but we're going to try our best all right so in the middle we got to put the Slime cuz it sticks everything together oh wait and I just realized I'm missing the cat oh there's a cat right there okay okay I'm just going to slowly approach it what if I jump on it yes we got it now we can craft well like I was saying slime ball STI everything together then we put all the mobs around it and from that we get the roundest mob just place it down oh what the heck is this step8 feeted pizza huh okay I I got to build Pizza apparently okay um I I need a Bells that'll do for now and so we're making this guy a pizza got to get the tomato sauce of course okay so there's a complete build thing right here by the crafting table so I think we're just supposed to make the pizza here where I'm literally just going to make a triangle things so this will be the pizza kind of looks like a pizza I guess and then this will be the tomato sauce There we go and we have a pizza I think um do I just complete the build here let's press that and oh gosh please work please work oh it worked kind of we got a literal Pizza all right so to this mob thing here you go did did you like that oh it's eating yo oh my goodness and it came out with slime balls and oh the 5x5 round crafting table which now we got to make a ball of tools all right so this is the next one right here wait what the heck am I even looking at Holy oh we have the slime ball for the center now we just got to make a bunch of tools and so the main thing we really need is honestly two chests cuz in the chest we're going to store everything we need real quick So the plan is we're just going to be making every single tool in Minecraft worth these got to make the hoe there we go and finally The Sword and now we got the gold tools done next up is the iron where we do the same thing we go boom boom boom and now finally the diamond tools where we got to do the same thing again there we go so this is going to be the ball of tools on this one where uh first we put all the Slime we ever need then we go ahead and start with the diamond tools then do the gold tools and now with the iron tools and finally gold block and there we have a ball of tools but now with the ball of tools oh it's literally the same thing we have circles in Minecraft right now oh and I can write it yo and now we have some challenges where what's the first one oh it's right here let me pick that up real quick it's a large tree all right let's place it down oh challenge one is the axe then I got to complete the course all right let me get in this thing real quick let's try doing this challenge then with the ball tools all right we at the starting point and now let's just go through this OB course on this ball thing oh gosh okay okay I think I'm literally just doing circles with this ball okay we're almost at the end here really don't want to fall now okay let's just make the turns well oh my gosh the mob thing almost hit me off okay almost there I see the Finish Line right there I really don't know what I get from this but here we go and we're done that's going to be one challenge complete wait why am I mining now is there a new challenge oh challenge to pickaxe okay we're mining down we're mining down Okay so we're supposed to mine 64 ores sounds good let's just go ahead and mine down then oh this is sick what the heck okay I haven't mined any or yet there has to be some nearby oh let's go we're mining oh okay okay this is actually going to be very easy we mining a sack of things is going to be so quick all right uh move out the way zombie we are mining everything we see in our path oh get some gold right there got some diamonds too okay we're already at 42 right now get some ores there and 54 oh gosh oh gosh okay okay everything is already be mined oh we did it that's going to be challenge complete and so that's two done what's next oh now shovel find a hidden treasure do I get a map or something oh okay it gave me a map then and so I got to find the X I think I'm supposed to go whichever way reveals me one sec hold on we're almost there should be somewhere on this beach right here okay so I got to find the buried treasure and it's looking to be somewhere down here got think I have a really good pickaxe cuz we can just do this okay so this is the shovel challenge though I'm not using a shovel am I on the X yeah x marks a spot oh we found it yes hold on real quick all right that's going to be challenge complete and so what do we have next after this oh challenge for fishing rod oh my gosh my guy is mining again oh wait but we got given a fishing rod all right we got the fishing rod and so we got to fish 10 times with this thing I'm not sure if this is a normal one so do we just like throw it in and comes out oh it works like that all right oh we we we got we got a shoe again all good oh that's going to be another fish and oh why um hello you know I'm just going to ignore that next up uh straight up shark now too oh oh no no no no shark go away go away nope no nope all right next up seven oh that's a big old fish what the heck three more catches some big old puffer fish nice huge giant sea turtle and then what's the last thing going to be oh whale okay and so with that challenge complete do we we get anything oh and the whale ended up dropping the 6x6 round crafting table oh yo what is it oh that's weird looking now we got a brand new crab on the screen which is the roundest golden apple we need a lot of gold okay that might be enough gold but now we just need some apples let me grab this let's get our shears out and let's get some apples this should be good all right let's get some apples I need four in total oh my gosh okay so now for the crap where we put the apples right there and then everything else is going to be gold ingots this is a crazy table right now but there it is the roundest golden apple do I eat it I I I guess I do let's real quick eat that get literally every potion effect and we got the Ultra Mega giant round crafting table wait wa wait so that's not the ultimate Round Table the heck is this let me find a spot for it this should be good let's place it down oh wait no wait wasn't placing it was oh it was not placed it was this complete the Labyrinth huh okay so we go inside right there it looks like and holy that's bigger than the village I think all right this should be the entrance right here so let's just go all the way up and enter the giant round and crack table okay we got one door let's go inside oh and crafting table's already inside oh lock door what do I do in here brew a potion a strength potion oh I can do that all right let's just get the glass bottles get some water in each one there we go let's pick these guys up oh and we even got the blaze powder right here that's easy and finally some Nether wart let's grab you guys there we go and now we can Brew very easy Brewing all we got to do is put the blaze powder let's get that strength potion and so do I just like drink the strength potion something happens oh it worked nice okay what do we have next solve the maze it's hard to see through okay yeah it actually is kind of confusing to go through this thing okay no that's not an entrance we got to go over there hold on okay this is actually one of the harder mazes I've done oh no oh no we are failing right now oh wait I think we already found the exit nope we did oh we did yes okay that is that one done and what the heck is this hello Mr CRA table glasses they're sentient oh he's not happy quits time oh okay we're doing quits apparently okay question one one stick plus one coal that's a torch where where do I put my answer at oh right here let's make the torch there we go that is going to be an easy one and what catches oxel oh wait I actually don't know this unless it's like taming oh I'm dumb it's a bucket dumb yeah yeah yeah yeah okay there we go all right that's another one done and question three I have Ender I mean that's going to be not the iron and purple die imagine if it was that easy it's going to be the blaz and Pearl and that's the door open all right thank you teacher let's just go all the way up now and what the heck is this careful touch green and blue and death okay here's a plan then we cannot touch either let's just keep going oh oh okay okay uh it said death I don't like death we're going to just keep going okay another red going to have to go this way let's make it here all right does the door open oh it does and now we're on to the next part which is is this a dropper oh my gosh okay this is sick okay let's go down and oh we made it inside defeat the dragon the portal is nearby oh well I think this might be it guys final thing to do we have everything we need I think got to put on our lucky Boop there we go we do have our super weapons so let's see what happens oh and we're in oh is it just the dragon okay this thing is going to annihilate it so I guess we'll make it very quick okay let me wait for it to perge then we're to spam The Sword and then we win oh here we go let's go oh wait what the is this ability oh yo okay let me spam this then and it's literally a sword tornado okay that is broken and that's going to be game so that being done guys that's going to be Minecraft craft gate rounder everything got pretty much round except the dragon so hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one of this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 346,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but crafts are custom, minecraft but crafts get crazier, minecraft crafting, minecraft custom crafts, minecraft long crafting, giant crafting, giant crafts
Id: Q0XSstr8oQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 13sec (11893 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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