GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 3 TRAILER BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs You Missed! (Superbowl 2023 Trailer)

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of the new trailer regarding to the Galaxy vol 3 from the Super Bowl teasing a movie whose plot is still largely a mystery but it seems like everyone's gonna die except this little monster whose name is apparently blur blurb is the sound that I make when I see a movie I really want to like but then when the credits roll it ends up being a well well a blur but I'm sure that won't be the case with this movie better not let's break down this trailer frame by frame for the interesting and heartbreaking details that you might have missed and thanks to Rocket money for sponsoring today's vid more about them in a minute the trailer opens with this atypically grounded moment Peter Quill drowning at sorrows with booze alone at the same bar where he drank by himself on nowhere in the Guardians holiday special and that's special he was at least cheered up by mantis giving him a good Christmas and revealing they were half siblings both of them children of the celestial ego now he seems bummed again contextually from this trailer at least missing Gamora the music is Rainbow's 1979 since you've been gone and we know James Gunn's song selection is always thematically and emotionally resonant to the characters in this case the speaker of the song is haunted by nightly nightmares of a breakup which on the surface seems to refer to Peter and Gamora but this opening shot is not from Peter's perspective it's from Rocket's point of view we do not see his face and from that we can infer that rocket is from the heartbroken one he has been broken ever since Lila has been gone but the second verse of the song refers to a cruel breakup letter your poison letter your telegram just goes to show you don't give a damn just a reminder that all of James Gunn's Guardians movies are letters from Quill's parents the two mixtapes from his mother Meredith and now the Zune left to him by yondu I wonder if in this third movie Peter's depression causes him to see these messages as toxic poison letters that just make things worse for him but look closely at Rocket's hand in the shot I think he's actually bringing Peter that soon and Peter may not be in a place in this scene where he wants to hear it we do know from the previous trailer that he does listen to the zoo at a critical moment while he's standing on the bridge of the Bowie also by the way rainbows since you've been gone was also featured in the soundtrack of the Guardians of the Galaxy video game the tipped over bottle that Peter drinks from looks like it has scroll writing on the label though it's just hard to make out what exactly it says I just love how the trailer editing syncs Peter fire and his blasters with the chords of the song I'm Star-Lord the holiday special also confirmed that these blasters were Christmas gifts to Young Peter from yondu Peter reminds us that Gamora died in Avengers Infinity War but then return an Avengers endgame as a 2014 era variant of herself when thanos's forces traveled to the present this Gamora has no memory of her past with Peter anything that happened in those two Guardians movies so when we love someone do we love the memories that we share together the things that we did to win each other over or is there some Mystic Force in our souls that binds us together independent from memory Gamora shoves Peter into some navigation or control screens they're both wearing these red orange jumpsuits which is what they are wearing in that mysterious bright location so Gamora might not be generally being a dick when she pushes Peter but it could just be some rightful frustration over his mission mistakes these jumpsuits have a vertical collar strip with four symbols the same symbol on every color they look like stick figures with nodes on the end I guess they kind of look like those homeomorphically irreducible trees you know the math problem from Goodwill Hunting but I assume this is some kind of chain code for visitors at this facility this pink skinned woman with them in the elevator is actress Daniela melchior whom James Gunn said would be in this movie after she played red catcher 2 in his DC film The Suicide Squad she is a similar nodal configuration on her name tag now I have to imagine this is an important character Daniella melchior is playing her and I think there's some connection between her pink skin and all of these name tags to a theory that I'm going to talk about at the end of this breakdown notice how nebula has a new arm upgrade a chain mail-like substance that she did not have in the Guardians holiday special so this is a recent addition later on we see why this weave allows her to shape-shift her arm into any metallic shape I don't like the T-1000 in Terminator 2 but also it looks like the structure of the Sentinels in X-Men Days of Future Past and Peter is carrying this diamond pattern sphere that we see him carry in other shots in this location presumably an object of some imports okay we find ourselves in the cockpit of the Bowie the guardian's new ship after the Milano and the first two Guardians films and the Benetar and infinity war and end game this one obviously named after David Bowie they are approaching this Earth-like planet mostly ocean covered there are some polarized caps but as we saw in the first trailer this seems to be Earth but it's actually the high evolutionaries artificial Planet counter Earth kind of heard this name of the planet in the comics that he locates like a half millisecond out of dimensional sync with Earth whatever that means but here in this movie he's populated this planet with these animalistic hybrids like rocket or maybe when he initially hoped rocket would become we know rocket and Lila are from half world but it seems like they're part of the high evolutionaries experimental new men he's known for creating these hybrids like Boba the cow creature who nursed both Pietro and Wanda maximoth now here we see two different shots two different eras of the high evolutionary a wide shot on his ship with a scientists where he's younger he has hair and then this close-up of his present-day form where he's bald and has his facial skin tucked back to give himself I guess a creepy facelift I mean you gotta keep yourself young somehow right so we are going to see him in his early years when he created rocket and then in his later years where I guess they're going to reunite yes a reminder that the high evolutionary is considered Marvel's top geneticist a colleague of the X-Men villain Nathaniel Essex Mr Sinister so the Bowie arrives through this hexagonal untn grid to approach the red cubic structure what I assume is a high evolutionary ship we know this is going to be in atmosphere in other trailer clips I love how each hexagon in the grid is made up of hundreds of smaller hexagons as if to suggest each one is a different exact point in known space that you can be directed to Windham declares that his sacred mission is to create the perfect Society sacred Mission sacred timeline I don't know it could just be coincidental religious fanaticism for their respective causes it is possible that these two were colleagues or at least aware of each other oh God we see Rocket's tiny body and restraints within that chamber of the room where younger Wyndham stroll through earlier and here you can see Windham on the left looking down at Rocket I hate to notice things like this but rocket is totally trembling in those restraints remember rocket is not a raccoon he's just a space rodent that wouldn't have engineered matching the likeness of Earth's raccoon we see a close-up of 8-9 p13 being tattooed this number showed up on Rocket's booking screen when he got arrested on xandar in the 2014 film and now it looks like it's being tattooed somewhere on Rocket skin or his skull ugh Mt actually had an interesting theory that eight nine could stand for 1989 one year after Peter Paul got abducted by the ravagers and I know 1989 doesn't necessarily apply because Tara and years aren't really used for the interplanetary calendar in the MCU but 1989 could be the year Windham set his 80s Suburban counter Earth in because they're all wearing 80s clothes and drive 80s cars and Rocket confirms that Windham didn't care about a perfect Society he just hated the way things are which is a fascinating commentary on perfectionism it's not about realistically attaining an ideal it's about an inner failure to accept one's reality nothing can ever be good enough let's move on as in the first trailer five of the Guardians mantis tracks Peter nebula and gamora's spacewalk in these multi-colored suits that I know I know everyone thinks are based on Among Us and the color scheme does match that but James can confirmed that these are actually nods to the space suits in 2001 A Space Odyssey which also is the idea behind our bossmanat logo and our new collection of Deep dive merch which you can get at nerd this Friday February 17th will be the launch of our new channel the Deep dive in which you're gonna be able to see five awesome videos on launch day including my live breakdown of Batman the watch quantumania so subscribe over at Deep dive NR and really the best way you can support our entire Network here at new rockstars is to get your hands on our nerdy merch like this quantumania inspired shirt nerd half the fun of the Super Bowl is the ads but to get that fun looking stuff you gotta have some money rocket money can help with that it makes saving money easy rocket money used to be true bill but true bill mutated from a bill management app into a full-on money management Powerhouse rocket money rocket money does everything true bill did and more helping 3.4 million members take control of their finances with easy to use features that put you back in charge of your finances one of rocketmundy's best features is that it helps you find and cancel all your unwanted subscriptions I was 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description now this massive form that there's space walking down onto looks fleshy it has hairs and as I speculated before this might be Celestial tissue part of the corpse of nowhere from the rest of his body or maybe another Celestial being picked apart or artificially created that also ties into my theory that I'll get to it in this video Peter and Groot face a smug looking Herbert Wyndham and a brief shot of Cracklin as he holds the yaka arrow in perfect alignment with his head thin kind of meditation as he tries to become one with the arrow as chaos unfolds around him on nowhere there's one quick really weird shot of a figure crawling up a catwalk or a ladder using mechanized exoskeleton arms as these bright Chambers open around them we might see the broken pieces of this apparatus a little later in the trailer Windham orders incinerate them probably what he as a younger scientist plan to do with rocket and Lila and other lab experiments that he is no longer in use for Adam Warlock shows up this is what Aisha was brewing up in that golden cocoon in the Guardians Volume 2 post credit scene he's a much bigger character in the comics who has one of the Infinity Stones plugged into his head here just looks like a gem or a bolt of some kind here we see Adam flying through this neighborhood that explodes around him I'm pretty sure this is the 80s suburb that the Guardians land on in the first trailer he seems to be pursuing Gamora carrying an incapacitated rocket back to the Bowie telling me that the Guardians came to this planet to try to rescue rocket what was he doing there to begin with presumably to find out more about his past okay swole group drops from a higher platform in nowhere to stomp on and Tackle Adam Warlock though notice how he only gets Adam in like a loose headlock I think Adam isn't going to be too affected by this pounce rocket Lila have a laugh in their cages and this flashback Lila is the otter type creature in the love of Rocket's life her name showed up on his bookings screen in the 2014 film as well you can see she has a mechanical ARM Holding Onto her belly as they laugh but notice how Rocket's head is now wider now more shaped as we know him as an adult compared to the more narrow shape before his surgery and by the way in that shot where you can see windham's hand reaching in to grab young rocket anybody who has ever trained a rescue dog knows that you should never reach it and pet a dog with your hand like that it can trigger the dog you always reach an underhand like that obviously Herbert window doesn't give a [ __ ] about that but either way the changing shape of Rocket's head tells us that it was intentional to change his skull shape to make it more humanoid to make it more like a lollipop on a bipedal body which is totally unnatural for a raccoon we get various shots of quill and swole Groot back to back shooting up windham's group Cosmo the space dog looks up at us Cosmo came back in the holiday special and will once again be voiced by Maria bakalova quick shot of Peter lying across gamora's body as she holds this furry little guy we don't know much about him other than James gun tweeting his name is blurp I assume this is another one of windham's Creations now during the shootout rocket climbs up groot's shoulder recreating the famous pose from the shootout in the Kiln prison in the first Guardians film and Peter and Groot attack windham's men if you look closely dinner has just attached an explosive or something to the butt of the guy on the right I love it moving on So Adam Warlock locks glowing Sabers with Drax as the heat seems to affect the side of drax's face actually early in the trailer when he seemed to be charred on that side of his head it might have come from this duel the Guardians all emotionally salute they look like they're at the end of a battle they're pretty roughed up maybe they're saluting one of their own Fallen Guardians Drax and the others Riot and his white facility throwing these men in these fleshy beef suits against this device that is yellow fluid flowing through it remember when the collector was still mining nowhere for spinal fluid that fluid was the same color yellow was also the color of the blood of the avalisk that Drax cut through in volume 2. I wonder if this whole facility could be an operation to either build an artificial Celestial that Windham can control or to use Celestial tissue to give himself the powers to originate life with the power of a god notice as Drax fights these guys you can totally see Windham on all of the screens there as quill has his armor on nebula honestly if you can see a patch with some alien writing and then a logo that is in the shape of an X with an interest in one of these shapes you know what that is but the text isn't clear enough to translate but I have a good idea of what it might say more on that in a bit the high evolutionary with his legs crossed floats down this exploding hallway his purple suit is illuminated now the high evolutionary in the comics Fashions themselves a mentally evolved life form but I think here he might just be using a kind of neurokinetic suit that allows him to levitate like this this Tech isn't that dissimilar to what Kan uses in quantumania and then we get various shots of all the main characters crying watching someone leave looking generally heartbroken and again this shot from the first trailer of Peter screaming in agony with a metal tube next to his face someone is dying right in front of him and the bow would Blast away from whatever this fleshy structure is and it's Central orifice so they might have been either on a heist or on a mission to destroy this thing either way probably to foil windham's overall plan onto the final clip whoever it was that you you were in love with it sounds more like her hers do not bring me into them knock it off what damn our man quill is thirsty the way he looks at nebula is a lot like the way Thor looked at him in Thor 11 Thunder to show what it looks like when you love someone remember what I told you you ever feel lost just look into the eyes of the people that you love they'll tell you exactly who you are all right bye nebula reminds us that of course her black eyes were implants given to her by Thanos as a torture method and so giving herself that shape-shifting weave arm might be a stepper nebula back toward owning her own body I love it but the context we are overlooking here is that they are totally having this debate while Gamora is holding someone at gunpoint someone off screen maybe Daniela melchior's character who they were just with or maybe someone else that we know why does malvior's character have pink skin could she be related to maybe be the same type of assistant as Karina the 8 to 10 Elyria Tavon The Collector good all of these patches on their uniform and jumpsuits translate to Tavon mining Corporation or whatever new LLC he's filed his business license under because it's still a pretty big mystery why the collector would be willing to part ways with nowhere but we know he survived because we saw his ship flying by the frame in the opening shot of the Loki season 1 finale so did Tanner later Tavon find a new chunk of celestial Mass to mine and that's why he sold the empty husk of nowhere to the Guardians much like Daniel Plainview selling off oil Baron Landing Eli after he had already drank that milkshake another reminder to subscribe to our new channel the Deep dive launching this Friday with five five premium videos that you are gonna love you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter ate boss follow new rockstars And subscribe to new rockstars for more analysis of everything you love thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 690,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, guardians, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy vol 3, guardians of the galaxy 3, guardians of the galaxy trailer, guardians of the galaxy vol 3 trailer, guardians of the galaxy superbowl, groot, rocket, high evolutionary, adam warlock, james gunn
Id: LjXDhNAdjr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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