What If Iron Man Survived The Snap?

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although I like that the MCU has moved past Iron Man being the center of everything I can't help but wonder what would the MCU look like if Tony was still alive how different would phase 4 look where could his character go if he in fact survived end game how would future projects like Secret Wars be impacted if Tony Stark was involved in them there's a lot of questions that I'm so excited to talk about today Spider-Man's Ark the Illuminati Superior Iron Man I'm discussing them all so let's get started right now Tony Stark was the face of the MCU no matter how much the franchise was expanding everything always seemed to go back to the man who kick-started it all and for good reason Robert Downey Jr was magnetic as the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist and was just so much gosh darn fun to watch I'm sure we all could have watched him in 50 more movies sure by the time Iron Man 50 came along I'm sure RDJ would be raking in a trillion dollar paycheck so let's scale it back a bit let's talk about Iron Man 4. off the bat this seems like the biggest no-brainer answer to the question of what if Iron Man survived the snap he was the most popular MCU character in whatever movie he was in tended to make a billion dollars so if Tony did survive then I wouldn't have been surprised if Iron Man 4 either opened phase 4 or served as its ending but the question is what would the plot actually be let's start off big and bold let's say that Tony fully recovered after the snap because he was wearing a specialty vibranium suit that allowed him to absorb the impact of The Infinity Gauntlet without causing serious damage or something and he was back to his Iron Man ways for Iron Man 4. what would that story lead to well the way I see it he would have a similar Arc to Thor post-end game Tony's whole personality after the first Avengers movie was preparing for the big one AKA Thanos and now that he saved the day what would he focus on well Iron Man 4 would be about establishing a new mission for himself sorry Roadie but I think armor would be better suited for this movie having a plotline where Tony's Tech falls into his enemies hands and Tony facing the consequences for it would set up a great next chapter for the character then you can make Tony face villains like Crimson Dynamo or Titanium Man and then he would realize that maybe the techian bent is better off in nobody's hands and then retires you know so they could redo the Iron Man 3 ending only this time have it stick anyways overall seeing the consequences could pivot Tony away from the suit and into a new role and the movie could end with him becoming the director of Shield Tony Stark as the Director of Shield solves a few problems it minimizes rdj's role in the MCU so that other Heroes have a chance to shine and opens up a whole new character Arc for Tony it allows him to be involved without always being the center of attention which I know is hard for Tony I also get in the real world why this would be difficult RDJ was able to keep negotiating massive paychecks for himself so that for end game he earned 75 million dollars I'm sure at that point Disney kept checking all their mountains of gold and planned for a way to stop paying rdj's increasingly monstrous salary so if Tony Stark did continue on in the MCU in a supporting role RDJ would have to agree to a massive pay cut but let's pretend that wasn't even an issue putting Tony Stark in a new leadership type of role would be a great way to push the character to new heights because as Central as Tony was to The Avengers it was clear he was never the leader sure he had his opinions but Captain America was always the one fully leading the team what would Tony be like when he can't just make sarcastic comments we never even really saw Tony leading Stark Industries since he signed that over to Pepper quite quickly so that he could have fun tinkering in his lab and fighting bad guys putting him as the Director allows him to have a hand in Global Security which is clearly something he likes but also puts some checks and balances and rules on him that he wouldn't be used to but if we're being honest maybe rules and structure would be good for Tony I don't know how much you have to bend over backwards to make Tony The Shield director in the MCU given that he literally has no experience in that field but hey I think it's okay when it would lead to such a great new character Direction so the first two entries were about where Iron Man's story would go but now let me take a minute to discuss how his survival and end game would affect those around him obviously the biggest question is what would happen to Spider-Man Tony and Peter's relationship was one of the purest in the MCU and it was a clear case of Mentor mentee where each could learn from each other I mean looking at end game Tony was hesitant to even try the whole time travel plan until he was reminded of Peter and thought he could save him obviously the two have a special bond and it would make Spider-Man far from home completely different if Tony was alive honestly Spider-Man's Ark and far from home is probably the best argument against keeping Tony alive far from home pushed Peter in a New Direction he had to learn that he wasn't just supposed to be the next Iron Man but rather he was supposed to be his own hero which was a nice moment of growth after introducing Spider-Man as basically Iron Man Junior in the MCU but then again if Tony was still alive then maybe Mysterio's origin would change maybe he wouldn't have been just another disgrunge told Stark employee who hates Tony Stark but rather the MCU could have made him solely a Spider-Man villain that he has to face on his own then we wouldn't have to make jokes about how Peter again had to fight a villain who just actually hated Iron Man so I think there was a way to make this work by hitting the same beats as far from home but change it enough to have Tony still alive maybe Tony's role could be minimal and we could work in what I already said about Iron Man 4 maybe Tony seeing that Peter is more than capable of being his own hero without Tony's help could push Tony to take a step back from the superhero life and more into that Shield director role alright so I've been singing the Praises of Tony Stark this whole time but let's be real if he was still alive then chances are he'd still be making very questionable decisions I think that's Tony Stark's greatest superpower he can make really bad decisions but we still love the guy almost unconditionally I mean by all accounts even after he turned into a good guy he was a horrible employer who didn't think how his actions affected those lower than him like he thought he was helping with damage control and homecoming but it ended up pushing out the blue collar workers like Adrian tombs and yes you could argue that Quentin Beck was actually quite unstable but the fact that a huge chunk of Stark Industries employees sided with Beck makes you think that they had a reason to hate Tony then there's the whole thing of creating Ultron then arguably choosing the wrong side in Civil War even though you understood where he was coming from so by all accounts given his history Tony would make more bad decisions and I would love to see what those would be here's my biggest one you know how I mentioned armor wars being the basis for Iron Man 4 well maybe a side effect of that is having some of Tony's Tech winding up in latvaria and then Tony would have inadvertently helped future Big Bad Doctor Doom what other bad decisions would he make one of the best things about wondering what would happen if Tony Stark survived the snap is trying to figure out how he would fit into all the future plans let's start with Kang the Conqueror how would someone like Kang affect Tony's psyche he's always been obsessed with the idea of Thanos coming in and wiping out Earth but now what happens when there's a new villain trying to conquer the Multiverse I wonder if Tony Stark was alive if they would highlight Kang's more technical abilities in the comics Kang is a super Advanced scientist with a super powered suit and they could draw parallels between Kang and Tony in the suit department but in that case you would kind of take Focus away from the great connection between Kang and Mr Fantastic I think for the Kang Dynasty you would have Tony be that supporting player that I've been talking about earlier maybe the snap actually slowly affected Tony in such a way where he's too injured to ever wear the suit again so he has to be his normal human self-leading shield or whatever while the other Heroes fight on the front lines this would be the biggest threat the Multiverse would ever Face and Tony has to take a back seat to it and that would be a fun new character development okay this is a fun one I think of Tony Stark survived the snap then we would have a better option for Superior Iron Man which in the comics is an evil alternate universe version of Iron Man I think if our Tony were still alive then it would be easier to introduce an evil RDJ in a different Universe heck there's already a perfect place for him in Multiverse of Madness Earth 838 basically got wrecked with all their top heroes horribly destroyed thanks to an alternate universe threat what if that universe's version of Tony Stark sees this destruction and then decides to wipe out all other universes in order to protect Earth 838 that would be a great way to build off the events of Multiverse of Madness and establish a new multiversal threat of a superior Iron Man Plus getting to play an evil version of himself might be an acting challenge that RDJ would like and convince him to stick around in the MCU for a few more years that brings me to Secret Wars if I wasn't convinced that Doom will be the big bad of Secret Wars then you could make the case that evil Tony Stark could be a great replacement think about it evil Tony Stark would be a villain we are somewhat familiar with it would show us a version of the character that presumably never had a change of heart it would highlight how great our Tony is and keep our version of Iron Man front and center as they battle this threat and all that really only works if our Tony is still alive after the snap yes that would Rob us of Doom but I don't really see all these characters working in the same movie we have to pick one or the other and as much as Doom Centric Secret Wars would be amazing I can't help but think how great an evil Tony Stark Centric Secret Wars would totally rule I think if Tony Stark survived the snap and he wasn't the new director of Shield then he would definitely form the Illuminati a group of the world's top Minds meeting in secret to decide how to handle certain dangerous threats seems like the most to Tony stark-esque reaction action to the events of end game Tony Stark always worked to prevent catastrophic events and after Thanos he would want to make sure nothing like that could happen again so he would let new Captain America lead the Avengers but then in the shadows lead his own group of the world's brightest Minds in order to solve problems I could see him recruiting Bruce Banner Reed Richards Captain Marvel Doctor Strange the New Black Panther and probably Professor X when he shows up would this ultimately be a good Tony decision or a bad Tony decision I'm going to take a few short entries to talk about how most of the phase 4 movies would probably be affected if Tony survived the snap let's start with the movie that kicked off phase four black widow if Tony survived the snap then Black Widow would have been the only major casualty in endgame so would her movie carry more weight to it I'm not saying her sacrifice wasn't important but end game in the MCU seems to only be highlighting Tony Stark's sacrifice and not black widows other than that I think we probably could have gotten a Tony Stark cameo in Black Widow right out of all the phase 4 movies shangshi and the legend of the ten Rings is arguably the one Tony could be most involved in after all it does include the 10 Rings which is the terrorist organization that kidnapped Tony in the first Iron Man and features the Mandarin as the main villain which is arguably Tony's biggest and best villain in the comics I wouldn't change a shangshi's story at all because actually that's one of my favorite phase 4 projects but I do think you could have featured Iron Man in the film in a small supporting role to tie in to his comic history and the overall MCU involvement with the 10 rings I mean if they could give Trevor Slattery a sizable supporting role they could have fit in Tony Stark that's all I'm saying Tony Stark would definitely be concerned that there's a giant Celestial now sticking out of the earth I feel like nobody's taking that seriously Earth's whole existence was just confirmed to be nothing more than an egg in the larger scheme of things so the celestials and the eternals would be a major plot point that Tony would definitely want to learn more about in fact the eternals I think would open up Tony's mind to the cosmos a bit more and probably lead him to working with Nick Fury to build that protective sword station in space even if far from Holmes Arc is ultra to have Tony take a back seat in Peter's Life Tony would still have to play a part in no way home if Peter's identity is revealed and it causes him to not be accepted into MIT then you would think Tony would just call up his alma mater and tell them to get over it and donate a billion dollars so then would Peter really have a reason to erase everyone's memory well I think there's a way around this what if Peter's identity reveal actually negatively impacts Tony's reputation like the whole world would know that Tony basically recruited a 15 year old to fight evil and that would skew public opinion against Iron Man Peter being grateful of everything Tony has done could continue on with his plan of erasing everyone's memories and as heartbreaking as the ending is with MJ and Ned not remembering Peter imagine a scene where Tony no longer remembers who Peter Parker is heartbreaking She-Hulk is proving to be more of a straightforward comedy with excellent cameos and I think it's something Tony Stark would work well in imagine if there were a court case actually about a disgruntled Stark employee suing Tony that would be a fun way to highlight what a horrible boss Tony is and comment on all the previous employees who have done it in the past Tony's survival doesn't necessarily need to be for dramatic purposes there could be some fun ones too and Tony has never been in a straight comedy before but it's something he's clearly suited for but of course it's something he needs to be alive for right obviously the relationship between Iron Man and Captain America was a highlight in the first three phases which is why I want to see what Tony's working relationship with Sam Wilson would be now especially if Tony is The Shield director then he would presumably work closely with Captain America right would the two have the same sort of working respect for each other but also strong opposing ideals like Tony and Steve or would the two find a better way to work together and that relationship could be explored in depth since Captain America New World Order seems like a perfect first movie for both the new Captain America and this new version of Tony Stark as of now I'm very curious how they'll do iron hearts in the MCU in the comics Riri Williams is the mentee of Tony Stark and their relationship is an interesting one that right now we'll never see come to life if Tony was still alive he could Mentor Riri and have things be a bit more comic accurate plus remember when I said a few entries ago if no way home happens where Tony forgets who Peter Parker is imagine the drama that could come with Peter seeing Tony take on a new Protege that would also solve the problem of them just rehashing the Peter and Tony storyline I think Tony's survival of the snap opens up a ton of possibilities and establishing a new mentee Mentor role with ironheart would be one of its biggest positives I mean at the very least could we get a Tony Stark voiced AI for Riri suit please do you think the MCU would be better off if they kept Tony alive or is it beneficial for them to move past his Central hero in order to tell new stories let me know what you think in the comments thanks for watching CBR
Channel: CBR
Views: 74,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iron Man, Iron Man Snap, MCU Phase 5, MCU Phase 6, MCU phase 4, Marvel's What If Tony Stark, Tony Stark, What If Iron Man Was Still Alive, avengers endgame tony dies, avengers endgame tony stark funeral, cbr, multiverse saga, thanos vs iron man, what if avengers deaths, what if iron man death, what if iron man didn't die in endgame, what if iron man didn't snap
Id: UwJp-B7zwsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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