Spider-Man’s Biggest Mistakes In The MCU

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which hero in the mcu do you think makes the most overall mistakes hey it's hard to be a hero all the time and even though they ultimately save the day at the end they're never going to be perfect i think you can make the case that spider-man has made the most mistakes and though he always ends up fixing them it's still an alarming amount i mean i get it he's a teenager with a puppy dog spirit so of course he's gonna make more mistakes than his elders and sorry peter i don't mean to rub it in but your mistakes are fun to talk about join me today as i break down spidey's biggest mistakes in the mcu what did he do and what could he have done differently let's discuss the first humongous mistake that i want to talk about is how peter handed over edith to mysterio on the surface this is probably the biggest slip up that peter could possibly make peter handed over some of the most devastating weaponry on the planet to the bad guy willingly like it wasn't one of those classic good guy scenarios where the villain is threatening to hurt innocent people so the good guy gives up the valuable piece of tech nope peter not only handed over the edith tech to mysterio but he did so thinking it was the most heroic and best possible choice to make but there's a lot of factors that go into this mistake for one mysterio is really convincing like most of us were sure that mysterio was going to be the villain of the movie ever since he was announced and although everyone on the film side was swearing he wasn't the bad guy and actually was this multiversal soldier we all sorta knew better but even with that knowledge that mysterio is the master of illusion jake gyllenhaal is so convincing as a good guy that there was always that small sliver of doubt to be honest i was thinking marvel was doing a double bluff and about to pull off a genius swerve like imagine if they put mysterio in the movie and said he was the superhero from another universe and then all of us comic savvy people were like oh yeah he definitely is the bad guy and then it turned out he was exactly who he said he was we would have been shocked but they didn't do that and we were left with a highly convincing and manipulative villain who had a whole team of disgruntled stark employees on his side and let's talk about tony's role in this mistake for a second because i don't think this should all fall on peter like when peter is sitting in that bar with mysterio right before giving the glasses away he very reasonably comes to the conclusion that tony didn't actually want peter to have the glasses but rather help find the next replacement for the glasses and to help search for the new iron man and although it's sad that at this point peter is doubting himself and his abilities he sorta has a point what's more likely that tony wanted peter to hold onto the glasses and pass them off to someone else so that fury wouldn't weaponize them or that tony decided that a 16 year old kid should be in complete control of devastating and dangerous weaponry yeah the first one makes more sense but hey maybe tony wasn't thinking straight after all i actually have no idea when tony would have decided to leave edith to peter like it had to have been after coming up with the time travel plan in order to bring everyone back after believing they were gone forever but before his demise in the final endgame battle that implies he knew peter would be rescued and that he wouldn't survive so maybe his emotions were clouding his judgment there but anyways all that is to drive home the point that although peter made a massive mistake here it wasn't completely his fault okay this video is going to get into some no way home spoilers a bit later on not quite this entry but this is just my preemptive warning anyways this entry does talk about events that are easily discernible from the no way home trailer and i am of course talking about peter's decision to go to doctor strange in an attempt to fix his whole secret identity crisis so to set the scene peter is having trouble thanks to j jonah jameson's constant attack on spider-man and the consistent accusations of being responsible for mysterious demise a lot of new york hates him his whole life has turned upside down and what's worse is that his best friends are suffering for it all three of them are denied entry to mit not just because mit has around a 7 acceptance rate out of over 30 000 applicants per year i checked but because the school says they don't want to be involved with the drama around the whole spider-man debacle so what does peter do does he do the smart thing and go to pepper potts widow of mit's greatest student tony stark can ask for some help i'd like to say that peter did this and then pepper talked to mit and reminded them that literally their most successful student ever and the guy responsible for helping save the entire freaking universe would vouch for peter and his friends and then the whole thing blew over but nope peter decided on a whim to go straight to doctor strange in order to ask the former sorcerer supreme to erase everyone's memories in regards to a secret identity yeah this was a huge mistake and on top of it what's worse is how later in the movie mj calls peter out on it saying next time when he's making a big decision like this that he should discuss it with her and ned and the three of them can discuss whether it's a good idea or not but also as much as this is peter's mistake this is also on dr strange who immediately agreed to this spell and didn't try to talk to peter about the repercussions at all it's like if peter went to doctor strange and asked hey stephen could you send jay jonah jameson to a different dimension and doctor strange just snapped his fingers to make it happen without asking any follow-ups i'm just saying there's a reason why there was a vocal minority of people who after seeing the trailer questioned whether doctor strange was secretly a skrull or mephisto or baron mordo in disguise because this isn't something any superhero would do without thinking you want to know why giving peter edith was a horrible idea well that showcased perfectly when peter mistakenly almost assassinates his classmate brad davis like this scene shows how inexperienced peter parker really is he knows that edith is a powerful weapon system capable of harnessing all of stark's weaponry so why in the world when edith asks peter if brad davis is a target does peter say yes it's a mistake that almost ruins peter's whole life the scene is sort of played for laughs and peter has to deal with an annoying flash and distracting his classmates with the image of baby mountain goats but like imagine if peter didn't stop this in time he would have had to explain to nick fury that he accidentally ordered a drone to take out a fellow teenager because that teenager had a bad photo that he was about to send to the girl peter light tony stark's ghost would have been up floating in that big giant iron heap in the sky awkwardly avoiding eye contact with black widow and quicksilver over why he gave drone capabilities to a teenager this is one of peter's biggest mistakes because of how massive the implications were okay i talked about how dumb it was to go to strange and ask for the spell in the first place when there were a ton of other options including talking to the school board and appealing his case but i want to highlight the specific way peter acted during the casting of the spell and why it's one of his biggest mistakes yes the whole point of this is that peter is desperate and not really thinking straight but all i'm saying is when the wizard asks you to stop talking then you stop talking peter was in a world and environment he knew nothing about in his continuing to ask for people to remember who he was had serious repercussions and let's not forget the name that caused everything to finally break like peter was able to alter the spell to have ned mj and his aunt all remember who he was and if peter had just shut up at that moment i think strange would have had it under control but then even with knowing that things were breaking down peter tries to get strange to alter it one more time by adding happy hogan's name onto the list jeez peter come on you can tell happy again like seriously what's the worst thing about happy not knowing who spider-man is that doesn't erase happy's memories of spider-man and as we saw it doesn't affect his relationship with aunt may so what was the importance he could have easily just told happy again that he's spider-man and then everything would have been fine but no he tried to push things a bit too far by saying happy's name and then go into a monologue about who happy is and that was what finally caused the spell to lose control so remember peter's big mistake and his ultimate ending was all because of happy hogan okay fine it wasn't all happy hogan but the final straw for the spell was okay this one is more into no way home spoiler territory it's about the middle of the movie and involves the big emotional character goodbye so keep in mind you've been warned but i guess again i'm not sure why you would risk watching a video about spider-man's biggest mistakes in the mcu without seeing his latest movie but uh just in case anyway there comes a point where peter decides to not send the sinister five no that doesn't sound right ferocious five sure peter decides to not send the ferocious five back to their universes where some of them would perish instead he wants to save them and this is probably one of the single greatest decisions he's ever made which is unfortunate that immediately after this decision he makes another big mistake and that's inviting all the villains back to happy hogan's apartment to just sort of hang out and wait around like peter elektro literally just said if things don't work he's going to electrocute everyone and your next idea is to let him out and hope he's chill no peter the smarter thing would be to take the villains back almost one by one to the apartment or better yet leave them locked up and just bring them their cure later but i get it you needed to have otto octavius and norman osborne out to help with things but like you couldn't take any precautions against the green goblin like peter you knew that norman was suffering from some type of split personality and if the other guy took control then he'd start smiling that crazy goblin smile you didn't want to think of a game plan for that tie him up except for his hands create a fail-safe knockout suit in case he loses control anything no just invite him over to hang with all the villains and just hope he doesn't go crazy not a great plan and this mistake did ultimately lead to peter's greatest loss ever in the mcu his aunt may okay this one might be the most controversial mistake because it fits so well with the end of the no way home film and gives it a truly emotional finale but here are some more spoilers i think it was a big mistake not retelling mj and ned who he was at the end like for sure i get it peter's life is dangerous and in his eyes he was doing the heroic thing by letting his friends live their own lives away from villains who could do them harm and not be damaged by association with him anymore and let's be real if ned and mj stuck around peter long enough the chance is that at least one of them would pull a gwen stacy in amazing spider-man 2 would increase after every villain encounter peter just wants to keep them safe but here's the thing i think this was a mistake for peter parker personally like listen to this this is how the script for no way home that was recently released for viewers to enjoy reads the final line of the script while peter's swinging over new york in his new homemade costume reads quote soars over the rockefeller christmas tree with a newfound sense of freedom liberated from having to juggle two lives peter parker is no more but spider-man lives on and while that's kind of nice it's also sort of tragic if peter no longer has any ties to his peter parker life then he risks losing himself and his secret identity he's still only a teenager he needs a life outside of the suit and that's where mj and neddy come into play this is very similar to what captain america was struggling with in the winter soldier as he didn't have time for any sort of personal life or connection and we all know how that turned out he eventually chose love and his personal life over being a superhero and let's be real from a storytelling perspective no way mj and ned are out of peter's life and i expect this all to be fixed in the next movie in fact i still stand by the idea that the next spider-man film will see how mj and ned's lives are a little worse without spider-man involved maybe leading to ned becoming the hobgoblin forcing spider-man to step in to help them regain their memories i think that makes for a very exciting movie but also will ultimately undermine the decision made at the end of no way home you know what it's almost exactly like the dark knight and the dark knight rises in the dark knight batman makes the very noble decision to be the bad guy to save harvey dent's reputation and it's a fantastic ending but then the dark knight rises is all about how that single decision was probably the worst decision imaginable and everyone was miserable because of it i hope the next spider-man movie avoids that pratfall peter made perhaps the biggest teenager mistake he could make in homecoming when he decided to disable his new suit training wheels protocol he wanted to act older than he was like to be fair i think tony stark at naming this the training wheels protocol probably only pushed peter to rebel and try to prove himself more like if stark wasn't as snarky and named it like a level 1 or phase 1 protocol then peter might have left that protocol in place instead he chose to rebel against his mentor and give himself abilities he wasn't quite ready for yet big mistake of course again i don't know why stark put all that stuff in this suit instead of waiting to give peter another suit later with all the upgrades but hey maybe stark just doesn't like building excess suits for no reason right right spider-man's eagerness to prove himself almost got a lot of people hurt in homecoming after being basically told to stand down peter follows a vulture shocker and pre-scorpion onto the ferry in order to try and stop them but the situation gets out of control with the bad guys escaping and the fairy almost splitting apart and hurting all the innocent people on board it's only thanks to iron man's assistance that peter is able to save everyone on the boat but peter definitely jumped the gun here iron man was monitoring the whole exchange and was even the reason why the fbi were on that boat to begin with there was a plan in place to capture all these criminals but thanks to spidey's interference they all got away but hey on the bright side if peter didn't make a mistake here and all the bad guys were captured then this movie would have been a lot shorter peter just wanted a bit of a break in far from home and that's understandable given he's just a teenager who went through a major traumatic event with the loss of iron man but still you don't ghost nick fury he's the one guy whose calls you take peter desperately trying to avoid responsibility and get with mj is nice and funny but if nick fury one of the world's greatest superspies is trying to reach you then you can't just avoid him sorry peter i don't know if you've heard but with great power comes great responsibility who knows how the movie would have been different if peter just answered nick fury's first phone call would he have been able to figure out mysterio was evil a bit earlier i think it's a possibility if this last mistake was a jay jonah jameson headline it would read spider-man menace tries to blow up historical landmark and that's not super accurate but also it kind of is peter's fault yes there's no way peter could have known that the special piece of alien tech he asked ned to look after was actually a big bomb that would explode when exposed to radiation but it was still a mistake to carry around such a mysterious piece of weaponry like that and this decision to task ned with guarding it almost took out peter's whole high school class while also almost destroying the washington monument yes it's a very heroic rescue but it also stemmed from a situation peter caused so it's kind of a wash okay i don't mean to be too harsh here so how about we all list some of peter's biggest wins in the mcu saving the vulture's life saving all the villains in no way home helping rescue doctor strange from squidward after he was taken to space say what you will but peter does have the heart of a hero and that's what makes him so likable
Channel: CBR
Views: 91,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbr, every time spider-man messed up, mcu mistakes, no way home spell, peter parker, spider-man no way home
Id: frnrvida348
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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