"God Sent His Word and Healed Them" Curry Blake @CFC Lake City, FL 7-19-20

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right all right we want to welcome brother curry here as he brings the word again let's give him a warm welcome as he comes out here and give him a hand here thank god thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah thank you thank you you can be seated we just really appreciate being here we've had a good time this week i have i hope you have and we just want to share a few things with you that we feel are just vitally important because there are certain things that i've looked over the years and people asked me different questions and they would say you know what's this what's that what's the most important thing what's this and you know i always try to you know not to be morbid or anything but there was um yeah i'm a student of history especially church history and i look at all of these men of god women of god that that have impacted lives even after their death and for some reason i don't know why i think this way but you know i always wondered when you know they're the day they died that you wonder what was going through their mind the week before what were they doing the week before and i started looking at this and and people like john lake dying on september 16th 1935 and he had preached that morning actually or not the morning that he died but about a week before two weeks before and then went home after the morning service and uh was feeling tired and his wife florence said you stay home i'll take the night service and when she got back home that evening he had had a massive stroke or what they assumed was a stroke and then he lived for about another week and a half and seemed to rally people got around him started praying he seemed to rally a bit they thought it was okay and then apparently they pretty much kind of quit praying and then he died and you know i tell all of our bible school students anytime you get a chance to preach you should always preach like it's your last sermon because you never know and i said and people always go back and try to read or listen to the last sermon you know the first sermon somebody preaches in the last sermon even jesus we had his first and his last and so i always tell people always preach that way and then i would have people ask me i said well if i was passing you in an airport we had an hour to sit down what would i share with somebody that would be vitally important and honestly that would be for you to take your position of dominion that jesus has given you and to walk as jesus on this earth bottom line is there's scriptures of course and i actually taught that and then it got transcribed into a book that we have called dominion restored but there are several things but there's some things that people need to get a hold of you know as we were talking earlier uh right now we're in a time where generally people can't do everything they're used to doing the world has changed and so you you sometimes you're kind of boxed in a little bit now if you think christianity is in the doing then you're not able to go and do christianity the way people think but john lake one time said christianity is not in the doing it's in the being and the funny thing is you can do without being but you can't be without doing and so no matter what you're going to find a way to do what is in your heart one way or another you're going to do it you may be kind of boxed in it may take some ingenuity you know to figure things out but at some point if it's in you you can't help but get it out but there are a couple of things that i wanted to give you this morning just real quick um has even made a note here you know religion is all about doing and you got to do it enough which it's never enough for religion and that's why it's like a you know the hamster on the wheel is just they keep you trying to run faster and faster and do more and do more and jesus said i've come to give you rest and so i see people a lot of times trying to be a christian by doing and like i said i'm 100 that we should be doing the works of jesus we should be doing the will of our father but part of his will is that we do all this in peace and that we have rest and if you're not in if you don't have rest you don't have faith because faith is a rest and faith rests faith is never nervous it's not anxious it doesn't worry about these things faith and that was one of the things that when i was with dr sumrall that stood out most because he was building a church at the time and reinhard bonke came to him and said i need these 18 trucks that he was trying to buy and each one cost well over a million dollars a piece and here's dr sumrall in a fairly small church trying to build a lot much larger church out behind the church he was in we were all in then and it was just amazing because here i i happen to know for a fact that he didn't have 50 000 in the bank and yet he told reinhard i'll i'll buy three and as you go around and try to get the rest when you get done whatever you're lacking i'll buy those two and he did and he believed god and the money came in and everybody else was nervous but he wasn't and that's why it came in because he was in faith everybody else was worried about his reputation he wasn't he just wanted to help reinhard reach africa and i saw him do that over and over and over different things and what i saw him now what he said was important to me and what he taught but it was how i saw him live on a day-to-day basis that made the difference and that's the things that i remember now going back and i'm in a situation and i immediately remember that situation with him and i think yeah this is this is what faith would do and then i just do it and it's so much easier than trying to figure it out faith always takes a hard road it doesn't take the easy road it always takes a hard road and some people say well what if the hard road didn't god's will for you now god will still bless you because you took the hard road and so i've learned no matter what always and generally what dr simrall called the abraham principle is that you always make sure the other person is going to get the best into the deal and when you do that god will make sure you get the best into the deal in the long run and it's just amazing to watch how that works so i wanted to share just a couple of things with you the two to what i would consider you know i hate to say most important because i mean we could you know obviously salvation obviously making jesus lord of course but hopefully i'm talking to people that have already done that i'm going to assume that at this point so for us and and even before that actually before you make jesus lord because this would fall right into that but there's two essential things that you need to know and one is that the bible is the absolute final authority and truth and you can always stand on it no matter what you can stand on it what it says and if you stand on yet god will stand with you and so one of those things is to know for sure for yourself not just well brother curry said bible is vital authority no you got to get in there and dig it out for yourself and convince yourself of the truth and the validity and the more i stated the bible the more i've proven to myself how it was divinely written how was divinely put together because there's no way that men could have put together such an amazing document and and how it still applies today and so i've always been solid on that and no matter what and it's kept me safe it's kept me from going off into tangents and weirdness and all that kind of stuff that i've seen so many other people go into then the second thing that is what i would consider the most important of course and this has to do with salvation is the atonement that what jesus what his death burial and resurrection provided and what what is included in it because everything that is included in his atonement is a blessing that's already been granted to us and that we can choose to walk in at any moment because if it's in the atonement it's already done just like my brother said we believe in the finished work of jesus jesus was very clear when he said it is finished and we have to realize what he did he finished the work that god sent him to do he didn't leave anything undone and he said i've finished my work i've come my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work now think about that now i'm going to read some scriptures to you to to back some of these things up but if you get these two things everything will start to come together and you can stand on these two things for almost everything else in your life because if it's in the atonement it's a done deal if it's in the atonement i'm not saying you shouldn't pray i'm just saying if it's in the atonement you don't even have to pray about it god's already granted it he's already said it it's it that's the way it is he won't change the thing that's gone out of his mouth so it's a done deal it's just up to us to believe it and if you want to to pray to receive it that's great but i'm just in in god's mind it's already done and all he's trying to do is get us to decide that it's already done in our mind essentially so i want to give you some of these real quick um you know two other things on these lines t.l osmond said one time he said you should never ask god to do what what he's already done now think about that you should never ask god to do what he's already done because how can you ask him to do it if he's already done it how can he do it again and then he said and the second thing you should never ask god is to ask god to do what he told you to do because if he told you to do it he wants you to do it and you should never ask him to do what he told you to do well he told you to heal the sick and you never see anybody in the new testament actually asking god to heal the sick what you see is people commanding healing speaking healing and what they're doing is they're speaking to that person's body and they're saying body be healed that's how jesus ministered he never said father it should be thy will touch this person he never said that he said what do you want me to do for you oh receiver i said okay receive your asset isn't that easy he he realized he did everything anybody ever asked him to do one centurion speak the word oh you don't have to come to my house just speak the word ah that's good go your way it's done then the other guy comes along and says come to my house my daughter is dying what'd he do he didn't say hey i don't have to go i can just speak the word have you heard about the centurion come on but he didn't he went he always did everything everybody asked him to why because he was doing for others what he would have done for himself he was living by his own golden rule as we say because if he didn't live by his own rules then he was a hypocrite jesus wasn't hypocrite he lived by his own rules whatever he put out there he did amen and that shows us that we can do it because now he empowers us to do it and that's the true meaning of grace according to titus that he empowers us to live the life that he called us to live and he gives us the grace and the power to actually live this life and to live holy and righteous life before him that that's the essence of what grace is for not just to sin and get away with it as i've heard so many people say it's sad but now uh i do wanna i'm going to get into some scripture if i have them here yeah yep okay so let's turn in our bibles i want to take you to we'll go to john first i'm going to try to get these fairly quick we want to get to minister to you uh physic for physical mental emotional healing whatever area in john chapter let's see do we want to go now we can go to four we'll go to four first yeah john chapter four i'm just going to read some scriptures to you and i'm just kind of laying a groundwork so that you will see you'll probably pick up where we're going pretty quick in john chapter 4 it says in in verse 34 jesus saith unto them and i'm not going to read the whole passage because it'll take up too much time but you can go back and read the passage and the best way to make sure something's being read in context is go back and read at least seven or eight verses before and then read seven or eight verses afterwards and you'll get the general idea and then you can tell if somebody is pulling a verse out of context and making it say what they want to or if it's in the context of how it's being you know brought out by jesus or whoever is writing in verse 34 he says jesus saith unto them my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work now that's what i just quoted a minute ago but now notice he said that's my meat and they this was whatever they brought they were going to bring in some food and he said yeah i've got meat you don't know about and then they said if somebody else brought him some food did somebody go get some food see they didn't even understand it these these these 12 apostles these people that we look up to so much they were pretty dense so there's hope for us amen so now go with me to john chapter 5. john chapter 5 and i want to start in verse 23 uh yep well actually i want to start about verse 22 for the father judges no man but have committed all judgment unto the son that all men should honor the son even as they honor the father he that honors not the son honors not the father which has sent him now you want to underline that part right there which has send him the father has sent the son in this case and now what he just said it back in john chapter four i made us to do the will of him that sent me okay so we want to talk about the father sending jesus so keep that in your mind right now go with me on over to verse 36 he says but i have a greater witness than that of john for the works which the father hath given me to finish the same works that i do bear witness of me that the father has sent me how do we know that the father said jesus by the works he did that's what he said he said if you don't believe me believe the works isn't that right and the father himself which hath sent me you had to just look up the word sent me in a concordance you'd be amazed how many times jesus actually said that over and he was constantly reiterating the father has sent me he has sent me for this reason was i sent i came from the father and i'm going to go back to the father and for this reason was i sin for this reason did i come forth and i'm to preach the kingdom of god to other cities also over and over again he gets in why he was sent and that the father sent him he was constantly emphasizing to his disciples especially that he was sent from the father then he says uh verse 38 and you have not his word abiding in you for whom he hath sent him you believe not so now again he's re-emphasizing uh that okay you're not believing on the one he sent so he's saying he sent me emphasizing it again now go over to john chapter 6. so we've already looked at john 4 and john 5 and john 6 we could have went back to john 3 everybody knows john 3 16. the gods will love the world that he gave sent his only begotten son am i right so we could have went there but here in john 6 in verse 38 he said for i came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me and this is the father's will which has sent me and why does he need to say that again but he keeps emphasizing it and this is the father's will that has sent me that of all which he has given me i should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day and this is the will of him that sent me and isn't that amazing he keeps saying it over and over again here that everyone which sees the son and believes on him may have everlasting life and i will raise him up at the last day now go down to verse 51. so we can start at 48 they're all short we'll read them quick verse 48 i am that bread of life your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead this is the bread which comes down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die i am that living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i will give is my flesh which i will give for the life of the world and notice which came down from heaven what does that mean the father sent him he came from the father he was sent from heaven down to the father and that right and we'll we'll wrap it up here real quick on these particular verses now go with me to uh yeah go with me to isaiah we'll run back to isaiah again try to make this fairly quick but in isaiah chapter 55 isaiah 55 we're not going to read all of it but in verse 6 it says seek ye the lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and that in return unto the lord and i will have mercy upon him and to our god for he will abundantly pardon for my thoughts and all your thoughts oh here here's that verse neither are your ways my way to saith the lord but now wait a minute who is he talking to he's not talking to righteous people he just said let the unrighteous let the wicked forsake his way let the unrighteous in that right so he's talking to the wicked and the unrighteous and he said listen wicked and unrighteous your ways aren't my ways your thoughts aren't my thoughts he's not talking to righteous people here he said for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts for as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and returns not thither but waters the earth and makes it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be so see now he's likening his word to this right so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto i sent it all right let's read that again verse 11 so shall my word be so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void now that word void means without accomplishing what it was sent to do and then he emphasizes and he says but it shall accomplish that which i please and shall prosper in the thing where to i sent it you hear that so the word that goes out of god's mouth the word that comes forth cannot return to him until it has accomplished what it was sent to do did you get that it is impossible for god's word to return unto him until it has done until it has accomplished until it has finished what it was sent to do okay go with me to song it's got a song do you want the song giving this one we'll go yeah okay go to psalm and we'll go to psalm 107. psalm 107 now remember we're talking about jesus being sent psalm 107 verse will start in 19 then they cry unto the lord in their trouble and he saves them out of their distresses notice they cry he saves verse now how does he say verse 20 he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions how does he do it how does god heal he sends his word you hear that he doesn't send healing power there's nothing in there about him sending healing power when it says that they were being destroyed he sent his word and healed them how does god heal he sends his word and his word that he sends can't return unto him until it accomplishes what it was sent to do and he sent his word and healed them so he had to he sent his word to hill and when it healed then the word could return to him but the word could not return to him until it had healed because the word can return on him void but it has to accomplish what it was sent to do is that right so let's tie all these together now go with me to john chapter 1. john chapter 1. we will look at a verse there we go john chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made flesh did you get that okay well if you look back at verse one it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and here it says that the word was made flesh isn't that right and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father so who's it talking about jesus the word was jesus he was the word the word was sent from god god sent his word jesus to the earth and he and the the word was made manifest and dwelt among us in flesh is that right so now we know that if you take this with isaiah 55 and you take it even with psalm 107 we know that god sent his word his word is jesus his word came forth he sent his word and his word that came forth was jesus maiden that was god in the flesh and he sent his word to heal them and we know that jesus now jesus himself said that he was going to return to the father is that right but if the word is sent forth and can't return to the father until it accomplishes what it was sent to do then jesus couldn't go back to the father until he did what everything he was sent to do what was the word sent to do he sent his word and healed them so jesus could not return to the father until he could say to the father i have finished your work i have healed them and you say well boy wasn't that lucky for the people that lived when jesus was here well the good thing is it doesn't say he just healed them that were there the bible's very clear that what he did especially through psalm 103 and i mean we could we could look at some other scriptures as a matter of fact you can go to psalm 103. we know jesus himself said that he was going to return to the father and he said my meat is to do the will of the father and to finish the work that he was sent to do is that right so jesus had to finish the work so in psalm 103 verse 1 bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me blessed holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases so if jesus came and healed and because he was the word sent and the word god sent his word and healed them then jesus was the word that was manifested in the flesh and accomplished the will of god and then jesus had to go back to the father but before he had to go back to the father he had to be able to say it is finished and if his word is what healed and we know that it was the life of jesus that took care of our sins and iniquities and he bore them for us and that whenever he was on the cross and that's what he was saying it is finished why because he was saying i'm finishing the work that the father gave me now can you get saved today of course if you can't we're all still in trouble but the fact is we are taking benefits from what he did 2 000 years ago so now what he did had an ongoing effect he didn't just do it for the people that were alive then i've had people tell me that about healing well jesus you know it says in matthew 8 16 and 17 that he healed these people so that it might be fulfilled that was spoken by the prophet isaiah that he took our sicknesses and bear infirmities and all this and they said well that was just for the people that were alive then but if you go back and look at isaiah chapter 53 it says that whatever he did with our sicknesses he also did with our trespasses and sins so if only the people that were alive could get healed then that means only the people that were alive when jesus was alive could get saved so it doesn't do us any good but if you agree that you can still get saved then you have to agree that you can still get healed why not because he's saving and healing today see when you get saved today you're not getting saved today on your own it's not that that right then that thing happens he's already granted that you can be accepted he's already granted that you can step into that subject it's kind of like a class action lawsuit that all you have to do is prove you were injured because that's what he said in uh acts 10 38 how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth who went about doing good and healing all the repressed the devil for god was with him so the devil is the oppressor and so jesus comes along and you know if you have a class-action lawsuit all you have to do it doesn't matter who you are they're not picking and choosing oh you you get the benefit of the lawsuit you have to know all you have to do is prove that product or that thing hurt me and that put you in there so it's not about you it's about that product doing something bad is that right well that's the whole plan of redemption god is not a respecter of persons he's not picking and choosing because he could pick and choose he could he would pick and choose who gets saved who gets healed and all that he said no no if you were oppressed by the devil you can get in on this lawsuit and you can be free amen so you get to choose to come into him and and and the thing is the lawsuit includes both salvation of your spirit the salvation of your body meaning healing of your body physical healing then you have some people when we quote uh second first peter 2 24 that by whose straps you were healed because isaiah says by his traps we are healed and then first peter 2 24 says by who strives you were healed now apparently peter felt like he had the right to change isaiah 53 from present tense to past tense well present tense would be pretty good but past tense way better why because if it's past tense not that god would do this but he couldn't even say no if he wanted to why because it's already done it's already been given g why because jesus has already paid the price that's why he said it's done it's finished he said i'm the son i'm the word i was sent forth and i came and i healed them and who did he heal every time he mentioned how many people healed that jesus healed it always says the same thing he healed them all it always says that then religion tries to twist it around well in his hometown now go back and read it it doesn't say anybody failed to get healed that he tried to heal but it actually actually that verse actually says the exact opposite and says uh that he couldn't do many mighty works here except now except means except that he could he laid his hands on a few sick folk and healed them so now we're not he wasn't responsible for how many people he laid hands on but if any sick came to him and he laid hands on him they got healed he said he laid his hands on a few sick folk and they were healed so he had a hundred percent i don't care if it was three out of a thousand in other words three people came for healing out of a thousand people sitting there there could have been 600 people sitting there that were sick but if they didn't come to him say whoever he laid hands on got well if they didn't come that's their fault not his but people try to twist that around and make it seem as though god's picking and choosing he's not if your son died much would you think your son's blood would be worth do you think you'd say well my son you know he really wasn't that good a kid uh you know okay probably 10 people we'll say 10 people i mean maybe 10 12 15 i don't think so you know he wasn't that good of a kid i don't think his blood would cover that many people you think that's what how god felt about jesus no he'd do the same thing you said if my son died his good his blood be good for everybody why because that son is that important to you well jesus was that important to god and he said my son poured out his blood he took those straps on his back and it covers anybody that wants in but you just gotta decide if you want in and see the problem is though many times we've been we're not just been taught but we've heard so much stuff and a lot of it we're just tainted by our experience what we see we've seen people sick so much and we've not seen people getting miraculously healed as much as we've seen people be sick and so we we start to have our minds thinking well maybe some maybe don't that makes sense no it doesn't make sense god is god he's big and he's good so he sent his word and healed him now look he says who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases now did he did he forgive all your iniquities does what does all mean all or does it mean some does it mean every now and then well how come all in the first part of that verse means all but sometimes we think all in the second part doesn't mean all how do we know that if he said all about our diseases and sometimes we think well that doesn't include this how do we know he meant all of our iniquities are we going to be in for rude awakening when we stand before him he goes no not all your iniquities no of course not all means all but you have to decide to believe it means all you have to make that decision and a lot of that comes from you renewing your mind just by being in the word quit listening to you know the uh medicine commercials you know they come on every 30 seconds you know used to we watched shows and we had commercials now we watch commercials and every now and then they're broken up by a tv show and almost all of them have to do with either lawyers or medicine something along those lines and the lawyers are telling you why you can sue for the medicine that was advertised just before that i mean think about it so now he sent his word now did did jesus return to the father he came from the father he returned to the father he couldn't return to the father until he finished what his work and they're right and he sent his word to heal them and healed them and he came to heal and he came and he said this is why i came i came to preach and to save the lost and he came to destroy the works of the devil so these are reasons why he came so every reason you can find why he came he had to finish before he could go back now the real question is did he go back because if he did that means everything we can find that he said he was sent to do it's finished and the real key see most people think they're in faith when they say man i'm going to go to that healing service and i'm going to get healed that's not faith god's going to heal me when i get there that's not faith see faith is based on the word of god and the word of god never says god is going to heal you the word of god says he has healed you faith believes what the word of god says and faith says by his stripes i am healed and when you believe the past tense said the tenses are what get you that's what you got to find what are the tenses and every time you read through the new testament you will find that those tenses are almost always past tense very few things are present or even future tense almost all of them are past tense but the good thing is if it's past tense it's already ours positionally it's already ours god's already granted it that's why he said in ephesians 1 3 that blessed be the lord god father my lord jesus christ who hath passed ins already blessed us with every all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ jesus man you read that you think okay let me start going through the blessings let me see what the blessings are what are those blessings well he says spiritual blessings and people say well did uh you know then i can't prosper you know financially i can't do it because that's a that's a physical blessing no no if it's given from god it's a spiritual blessing that manifests in the physical healing is a spiritual blessing that manifests in the physical so all these spiritual blessings they're spiritual until you manifest them in the physical and it's up to you to manifest them in other words it's up to you to believe them when you believe them they manifest is it simple so you just have to realize this is already done now see i've gone all over the world many times now i spent the last 20 years traveling mostly overseas and usually i spend almost at least half the year if not more overseas and everywhere i've gone i've seen the same thing and i was just you know i had some notes and things and different things and i'll just read these to you real quick peru ukraine zimbabwe south africa czech republic these these are just some i jotted down just real quick why because in each of these places okay see a lot of people have this idea that you're walking along and and god speaks to you this way and says now i want you to do this and tonight at the healing service i want you to do this i'm not saying he can't do that he can do that but he doesn't have to he does not have to and matter of fact i have found out i've asked god before and said what do you want to do tonight and the funny thing was he sent it right back to me what do you want to do tonight i'm like i don't know he said have fun and i did and people got healed isn't that amazing god's not picky about it i could go through a whole list of ways that that people get healed some of them you don't even want right how'd they get healed last night by touch how do they get healed lay hands on the sick how do you lay hands well you can lay hands you can hold their hand same thing right you can do it with a command you can speak a word you can pray and ask and believe that you receive that's another way you can do it there's all kinds of ways you can do it with claws you can take a a cloth and wear it and give it away wear it not even pray now these calls we had appeared in that the last couple nights i prayed over them laid hands on them but i didn't have to pray because lay hands why because his life in me see his his life his spirit will follow your intention and whenever you lay hands it flows into that and does what you intended it to do and so we've done it that we've seen that with paul it was acts 19 12 and it said that paul took aprons and handkerchiefs off his body and sent it out and if people had demons they got freed and if they were sick they got healed and he didn't say oh here's here's why i prayed over this for demons if you get this one demons will leave and this one this is for healing so which which one do you wouldn't that it was life that went into the cloth and it didn't matter they could give it to a person with a demon demon leave then take it and put it on person sick they get healed why it's all life see when you put god's life into a person's spirit they get saved when you put god's life into a person's soul they get delivered their mind starts thinking right and when you put that same life into a person's body they get healed see the life takes the form of whatever i can take water and i can pour it on a flower i can pour it on a tree i can pour it on god forbid a vegetable and you know what it's going to take the form that it needs to produce the flower the tree or the vegetable see it's the same water and it's the same life see that's why he says in first corinthians 12 and that the manifestation of the spirit and then he gives the list of gifts which are manifestations of the spirit it's all the same spirit doing it he in this form he manifests as a miracle in this form he manifests as a healing in this form he manifests as a word of knowledge in this form he manifests as faith it's just different manifestations of himself but it's still him but we get hung up many times because we're immature we get hung up on the razzle dazzle of the individual gift rather than on the spirit that's producing it and that spirit is the spirit of god and what is god god is love that's why i said after chapter 12 he said in chapter 13 but yet i show you a more excellent way why what is that more action away love people then you won't be focused on the gifts and you just love and the spirit will manifest whatever they need this it's easy to live this life and as i said i've gone all over the world in these places i mentioned when i was in peru i'll never forget and again i know why i got off in that area years ago see most of these guys that i looked up to pretty much they're all dead now really almost all of them maybe one or two are still alive but i looked at them and i said god if you use them you can use me now why did you use them especially when he wasn't using me like i wanted him to use me so i started looking down i said i want to be used like tail osmond i i want to be used like john lake and so i started looking at these guys and if they had a special anointing or something or special gifting i knew that i couldn't make that happen but i figured that if i found out what they did and how they did it and what they believed and how they prayed and i started looking at i said there was some reason that god used them and he wasn't using other people so i figured if i did what they did that might hopefully put me in the same position they were in and it might make it easier for god to use me so i just followed their faith and did what they did and i watched their videos and i listened to them teach and the ones that were still alive even some of the dead ones i listened to them on videotape watched them over and over again i watched a allen jack cove william branham all these people amazing and amazing men of god and i just started doing what they were doing and i remember anytime well we lived about 70 miles away from where there was a good church now there were lots of churches all around me i could have driven five minutes in any direction and been at church on sunday morning but instead every sunday morning we get up several hours early get all the kids together get in the car and drive 70 miles why because that's where the word was it was worth driving there and i would go down there we'd make it a day because they had morning service and night service we'd go down there and after service we'd stay around and hang out eat lunch and then come back for the night service and sometimes we'd leave six o'clock seven o'clock in the morning we wouldn't get back to midnight that night kids would be asleep in the back seat but we did that every sunday because that's where the word was going out and that's where t.l ozman would show up dr sumrall went there different people at that time i had not met any of them and so we'd get down there and i would get there early we'd be standing lying at the door and i'd tell my kids as soon as they open that door you run to the front run to the front and grab us five chairs my kids would run down there and throw themselves because they had pews they'd run down there and throw themselves on the chairs on the pews and just lay out stretch out as far as they could get and then we just walk down there all nonchalant and put our bibles down the kids sit up and then we tell them now there's a children's service over there you can go to the children's house that's what we did so we got to sit up front a whole lot until osmond was there and i remember t.l osman talked about how he could do things and what he did and how he learned and how he started and it was amazing education just listening to him preach and he kept saying well i remember the time when i actually talked about this week where he said god was telling him because he had such a big crowd and he said god spoke and said can i heal five at one time yeah can i heal 10 and what yeah can i heal 50 yeah you're god can i heal 500 yeah you're good can i heal 5 000. he said then i got it god was trying to say take my limits off of him and let him be god because he said there was no way he could get to all the people and he said just get send the word send the word and he sent his word and healed them and he spoke that word out and he gave a command and he talked about all these crutches that were coming over the crowd that they'd get healed and they would just start passing the crutch of the front and they had piles of crutches and canes and you name it and then after and they always had them in open-air meetings and big open fields and after everybody was gone they said all these things would be left in the fields and they would gather them up in big ol trucks sometimes they had to use dump trucks just big you know loaders they'd load them all up and then they would put a sign on the side of it the results of jesus and drive through town they just drive through town and everybody would see all the crutches and all the wheelchairs and the stretchers and you name it he said they just do that for a couple of days after the service you know after the the campaign finished and i'm sitting there listening to that and i'm making notes and it's like okay you can speak and a multitude can be healed i can show you my diary i've got a five year diary that i kept early on and we've actually been taking some excerpts out of it and putting it out on social media just because and back in as far back as 1982 and 83 it'll say i went and saw t.l osborn at this church there in dallas and i asked that and then i would go home and i'd pray about this and then in my diary i write down god said he's going to heal multitudes through the words that come out of your mouth and you got to remember this was way before anybody was even thinking of letting me pray for him this is way back way back i mean i you know i would have preached anywhere but wasn't getting any invitations and you know i was just at that time probably what 24 years old something like that and so i had a wife had children there there was absolutely no hope in the natural that anything that's happened would ever happen none whatsoever there was no way because i couldn't make it happen and so but i remember god telling me that and i wrote it down in my diary and then i found my diary again a while back started going through it and i read it and i'm like look at that because when we went to peru i looked at the people we had uh several well we had about i think eleven or twelve hundred there and i said how many of you are sick in your body and they raised their hand it was for over 400 right at 400 people to raise their hand that's it all right i said and this was the opening i mean this is a beginning service and i said just to prove to you that jesus is here i said just get ready i didn't set him up and i just started commanding in the name of jesus sickness you will hear and obey the voice of the word of god that's me i'm the voice of god's word i'm voicing his word the angels are mighty in god and they hearken unto the voice of god amen so you have to voice it and when you voice it angels work and so i said you will hear and obey you will lead these people now you have no right here and you will leave them sickness and disease cancer demons i command and i just name things god wasn't speaking to me he didn't tell me to do that i get to do that and so i started speaking out and commanding this thing and i said no in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now in jesus name go and you're seeing it i said now who got healed and i'm the first time i did it it was a little while i was waiting to see a hand go up and i didn't see nothing and it you know then you start feeling the sweat you know and then and i said all right if you were healed let me see your hand no hands 10 minutes 10 seconds 15 seconds seems like a long time when you're standing there and i'm standing and finally there was this hand i'm like i see that hand there it is there's a hand there's a hand right there there's a hand yeah and then i okay it's at least one hand and then another hand i'm like oh another hand up another is like popcorn pop pop pop pop pop pop pop and all of a sudden when we got done 400 people got healed delivered all different things that they had the enemy had to listen to the voice of his word why because he sent his word and healed them and and finished and accomplished the work that it was sent to do these people were already healed in god's mind all i had to do was deliver the decree and that's what i did and then it worked and i felt good i'm sure that yeah that's good it works then i went and did the same thing in zimbabwe a couple of years later i did it several times other but these are just one of the main places when i went to zimbabwe i spoke at the afm conference the apostolic faith mission that john lake started in south africa in 1908 and it was an outdoor meeting because there were 120 000 people there and i spoke at night and they had these little bitty lamps and they had something right there but as soon as you got out from that there was no lights nothing and there was a kind of a mountain back behind it and the people were sitting on the mountain because the echo of the speakers they could hear and so they picked that place on purpose and when you spoke you could hear yourself echoing out and after about i don't know maybe 50 yards 75 yards because it was dark out there no lights you couldn't see anybody 120 000 people there and i and i i just had a few seconds at one point and this whole week nobody had ministered healing they just preached preach preach and so i wasn't scheduled to preach there but i was there and they said hey if you're here would you would you mind you know kind of stepping in doing this thing for just i think i had like 30 minutes something like that that's okay so i gave some testimonies i said but nobody's been prayed for i said so we're going to set you free right now and i said i can't get to you i can't lay hands on you but and i told him about peru and i told him about some other places i said that's what we're going to do here and jesus says the same he doesn't let the people in peru any more than he loves you what he did in peru he will do here and i said so you just get ready to receive and then i gave a command and when i finished first off before that i said how many of you are sick in your body and all we could see just based on who we could see under the lights that we had they estimated ten thousand hands went up ten thousand then whenever i said okay now they were and i don't know how many were back behind that that also raised me up because we couldn't see them and then i said all right i'll give a command you're going to be free and i gave the command i said all right now if you know you were healed you could begin to do what you couldn't do before and if you were healed raise your hand and they counted over ten thousand hands went up some people didn't even raise their hand got healed why because god is good devils listen whenever they know that they have to that you gotta they're kind of like unruly kids you kind of sometimes have to remind them that they have to listen and so i've done this all over the world i've done this czech republic we had the second largest christian meeting ever in the czech republic and i went through and we and i laid hands on every person there took me over four and a half almost five hours in ukraine we had a little over three thousand people there and and i i ended up ministering people there for over six hours because i laid hands on every person there went to south korea and they had different floors of people and i think we prayed for people there it might have been eight hours i don't remember was uh a guy on my team was there with me but they just we would look and it'd be empty and then they had several floors and then they bring all the people from the other floor and i looked at oh we got 10 more people to pray for okay and then they'd open doors and the other floor would come down and we'd have another 400 people okay here we go again it took about eight hours i think it was to get it all done we're just standing there and they they had never seen anybody do that before why because i'm trying to do what i would want done for me and so we gave a command that i laid hands on those people we did the same thing in poland we got video i don't i don't think we were able to show it but we had video of a girl in poland uh they got healed every time i hear it she she screams when she gets healed and to this day i mean i've heard it thousands of times now but every time i hear it i start crying because to her it meant the world she had never walked before and that all she could do is use some crutches she usually used a wheelchair and she used crutches and all she could do is swing her feet her legs were locked and she would swing her feet and then move with these crutches but she never walked and she was sitting around the front row where i was gonna pray for people and i just walked up and she scooted forward and i put my hand aside because i went back and watched the video and i put my hand on the head and then i slid my hand from the front of her head around the back of her neck right at the base of her neck put my hand there and i commanded life in jesus name body be healed jesus all right get up she threw her crutches down stood up started walking off and started dancing and screamed and then and she's screaming and dancing and then i'm standing there and i'm like yeah and she kind of runs back and he runs into me bam and hugging me and and just and then we have video of her after that somebody they were playing music and she was she was literally dancing and it was a man that had her hand and she was dancing first time in her life she never danced see why can i do that it's not because i'm gifted special super anointed it's not that i believe this word i believe it's done i believe it's finished and i believe i can tell anybody by his stripes you were healed so be healed and whenever you do that when you believe that word it happens well because it's already done it's the easiest thing in the world it's already done i don't have to get it done it's already done all i have to do is stay in a place where i can believe that which means that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god then doubt and unbelief comes by hearing and hearing the word of man the word of the devil the word of commercials the word of tv programs and all that other stuff because hollywood has not been given the job of building your faith so you have to decide what's important to you amen so yesterday we talked about luke 9 1 1 luke 9 11. god healed jesus healed all that had need of healing so the thing is and again all these things i i just saw what these men did and i just did it and i've i spend my time reading about these lies and different things spend my time in the word and john lake one time it's funny because just the way he saw things he told me what he said because many of you probably heard when he was in africa they had a plague going through most people have said it was a bubonic plague black plague that's not true it was not that it was actually a plague called black water fever that's why people thought it was called the black plague it was called black water fever which was actually a very uh deadly form of malaria and so he wanted to go out with the doctors and everybody was dying and so finally they let him in and they wouldn't let him in at first but he said okay go get some foam out of that dead person's mouth that was in their mouth and they brought it over he said look at the microscope they look they can see the germs then he took it and held it in his hand then he gave it back to him they looked at it again all the germans were dead and they said how did you do that he said it's simple and he quoted from romans chapter eight in verse one and two and he said that the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death and he said sickness and disease cannot live in my body he said the the spirit of life in christ jesus has made me immune to it when we were in south africa one of our first trips over 300 people that were because over there we had there was a church almost about the same size and they had 300 people in one side they were totally separated because they wouldn't let them mingle with everybody else and they all had to wear signs around their neck that said they were hiv positive and so when i after i finished preaching the pastor came up and said uh do you want to give an altar call to her or do you want to go pray for the sick i said i'll go pray for the sick i said you're the pastor you're the one that's going to have to deal with these people you give the altar call you get them born again and you deal with them and so i said i'll go pray for the sick so i went over and went right in the middle of them and nobody had ever done that there and i go in the middle and i started laying hands on people and then they were so thankful that i wasn't afraid of them they grabbed my hands started kissing my hand they would hug me it was hot it was africa we were all sweating the service had already lasted about four hours i think i preached an hour and a half and then the worship service and the offerings part and all that took hours and hours so by the time i got to them we were all soaking wet with sweat and hot and they would hand me their babies that would be burning up with fever because it was infected with hiv also and i'd go in there and i'd hug them and they'd kiss me and i'd kiss him on the cheek and we'd hug because they just needed to know they were loved and that i wasn't afraid of that devil that they had and i just put hands in the name of jesus be healed be healed it's the simplest thing with no special formula no special hiv prayer and then after that we went on to the rest of the country and just before i started to leave three weeks later i came back in and they want me to preach there again before i left and i did and he handed me all the slips from the doctors 300 people healed of hiv in that one service god is just looking for somebody that'll dare believe in somebody that'll actually step out my wife my mother-in-law first time i went over she said you're gonna go over there and catch something bring it back and kill us all serious i told her yeah she well she wasn't a christian she was actually a joke's witness but she watched our lives and finally became a believer because she saw god doing these things and then god used me one time to heal a neck her neck that she had messed up in a wreck so but she watched this but she didn't know but i told her i said i'm not going over there to catch anything going over there to kill some stuff and my wife said don't don't you ever get nervous about it don't you know you're doing it i'm like no and she said do you want to die i'm like i'm already dead you know that once or die every day it's easier to die once i mean come on you can't kill me if you do i still win amen but you have to get to the point where it's no longer you that live but christ who lives in you when christ lives in you you realize that life coming out of you that you can do things in places i could stand here weeks and give you testimonies literally weeks in indonesia the people i couldn't get to made them packed out and after the first healing service we were packed out even more in the second healing service we were packed out with muslims because they heard jesus was healing issa was healing people and they laid them out i mean it was amazing and so i told him i said i know you've been waiting a long time to get healed i said i can tell you god and jesus has been waiting even longer he's been waiting 2 000 years for this night and so i just went through lay in hand said now get up and do what you couldn't do and then get up heal people screaming crying laughing amazing and then but i couldn't get through the crowd because they were too packed in there so all i could do is kind of go halfway through and i told everybody i said i can't get to everybody i can't get the ones in the middle so everybody just grab hands and i just went down the middle of the aisle and grabbed the hands of each person on the end and i said right now in jesus name be healed and people in the middle got healed why because it's like electricity come on let's take the limits off of god and just believe him if everybody's hunkered down you know corona virus and all this kind of stuff no come on this is a time for the church to shine you get more opportunity right now to do things than any other time of being a witness you know because i go places and honestly i choose not to wear a mask right i just want i just i don't like them and i i'll be honest i don't want to conform to what the rest of the world is doing and the thing is i found when i don't wear masks people say don't you want a mess no why i don't need it i don't get sick what what do you mean you don't get sick hadn't been sick in 30 years how do you do that well i get this special gene that makes it where i can't get sick really what is that uh it's some weird name it's called b-o-j she goes what is that i said blood of jesus i said it keeps me immune because i've laid my hands on everything i could i mean every kind of disease something's really disgusting i put my hands in goo on people's legs open sores why because they have to know that you're not afraid of it and that devil has to know you're not afraid of it i was in bahamas not vacationing there to preach and was in a service and the lady behind me had a baby in her arms and i was standing there drinking a coke because it was hot the coke was hot and it was hot okay and i'm standing there drinking a coke and the lady behind me the baby is sick i'm talking sick you know what i mean sick gross right and i'm drinking a car i look back and that baby and everybody goes and wanted my coke so i'm looking and i'll be honest i was halfway hoping the mom would say no i don't let him drink her but she didn't instead i said and she's like okay and i'm like okay so i gave the cup to the baby the baby drinks it he didn't drink all of it so he handed it back so i hold it there for a second okay i wasn't afraid of it but it was gross because everything he had was still on it but i was fixing me praying for the sick apparently for that baby too and and and i had to let the mom know that i wasn't afraid of it and i'm like cheers my wife she's looking at she goes he says then later said i can't believe you did that and i'm like what else was i going to do you know the mom is watching the back come on people need people need a hero they need somebody to step out see the first person that steps out has the most guts it's easy to step out and be number two number three number four five it's easy after that but we need people that'll step out so the rest can step in but you just have to make that choice is this true or is it not isn't that simple so now do you believe that jesus was the word made flesh do you believe he came from god do you believe he was sent of the father do you believe that he accomplished what god sent him to do do you believe he returned to the father then it's pretty simple he sent his word and healed him so healing's done and think about this if he finished the work of the father and jesus said it's not me do remember whenever he was healing the sick because it's not me doing these works it's the father in me he's doing them so healing the sick was the father's work and he said he finished the father's work so that means as far as god is concerned no one's getting healed today they got healed 2000 years ago when he finished it so today see the package was ordered 2 000 years ago today gets delivered amen so it's a done deal that's what you got to realize if it's in the atonement it's a done deal there's no way it can't happen why because jesus paid for it all he's looking is for the believer smith wigglesworth said there's something about faith that will cause god to bypass 10 000 people just to get to you so we have to do is decide yep it's mine now i will tell you he doesn't deliver that based on how good you are he doesn't deliver it based on how good you've been what good works you've done how much you've given to you know benevolent things or none of that the only reason yeah listen carefully the only reason that we are given in the bible for the for god healing people by his stripes that's it now faith is how people received it that it got to them the faith is not the reason the reason for healing is by his stripes his stripes bought paid for purchased your healing faith is the railroad tracks that gets it to you now you can lay those tracks or i can lay them and it doesn't matter or we both can which is always good but the bottom line is it's by his stripes so don't don't cut yourself out well but you don't know how bad i've been it's not about how bad you've been it's about how good he is see the gift any gift is never based on the goodness of the receiver a gift is always measured by the goodness of the giver not the goodness of the receiver amen so the gift of healing is because of god's goodness not on you and i'm just here to deliver it amen amen so here's what we're going to do because i want you to grow i want you to move forward and the last thing i want you to do is to somehow put this on me and what i mean by that is i don't want people going out going oh i was at this meeting i got healed uh i don't know when brother curry is going to come back but when he does you got to get over there if you're sick you got to because if he lays hands on you you're going to feel that is not the bible the bible is jesus healed you by his stripes and that's what i want to get i want you to get it for yourself now we're going to do the same thing that i've done in peru same thing i've done czech republic same thing i've done in zimbabwe we're going to give a command and now listen this isn't for you to believe that you don't have you don't have to believe to get healed because to get healed all that i have to believe and if you have a devil it has to believe if you have a sickness it has to believe that's all it's got to believe you don't have to believe i can believe for you and if that devil believes and believe me he does then he will leave because he will believe he has to leave if i give a command so all you got to do is just get ready to receive it and get ready to be free you could even start thinking here's what i'm going to do when i'm free okay i'm gonna do this i haven't done this on it and and whatever you hadn't done before as soon as you get free just do it amen so if you couldn't breathe deep breathe deep that's what we're gonna do if you couldn't walk get up and walk if you couldn't bend over and touch it i was in a place one time and i prayed for this guy and and when i prayed for him i said now do what you couldn't do before and he started touching his toes and i said i went back to i said what was your problem was it your back he said no i said well why were you touching your toes he said do what i couldn't do it i hadn't been able to touch my toes in 20 years had nothing to do with sickness he just hadn't been able to turn over and touch his toes but he was healed of another thing an internal thing so it's just people are they're amazing you know so whenever when i give the command cygnus is gonna go demons are gonna go if you got one of those and you're going to be free amen so just say this woman say father your word is true and i believe when the word is sent so i received my healing because by the stripes of jesus my healing was paid for so it's mine and i receive it now in jesus name amen so now many of you got healed right then maybe don't even know it but now i'm going to give a command so father in the name of jesus i thank you i praise you i worship you i thank you for all the good that you've already done and i thank you for the good that's coming out of these meetings spirit soul and body and i thank you even now for the ability to speak in the name of your son jesus to be his representative and to be a participant in your victory over your enemy of sickness and disease so father i thank you for that in jesus name amen right now sickness disease ailments pain false pain spirits of infirmity cancer leukemia blood disease breathing respiratory disease in the name of jesus demonic entities habits even things that have built up strongholds because of demonic influences in the name of jesus right now you will hear and obey the voice of the word of god you will hear and obey and you will leave these people now you have no place here no right here they do not belong to you their bodies are temples of the living god they were bought with a price and that price is the blood of jesus and you have no authority no jurisdiction over them whatsoever so by the authority of the name of jesus and because of those stripes i command you in jesus name leave them and go now in jesus name you will obey now go and never return you have no place here and no right in jesus name amen amen now begin to do what you could not do if you couldn't breathe breathe you couldn't move move couldn't walk get up and walk whatever it is i guess if you couldn't touch your toes touch your toes i don't know whatever it is just begin to do it begin to do it because it's him that's touching you it's him that's touching you not me amen there we go whatever it is look at that now now notice who who touched you who touched you it wasn't me it's jesus amen no man does this go ahead do what you couldn't do do what you couldn't do and just begin to thank him and worship him thank him for it as a matter of fact if you've gotten partially you can feel partial uh freedom partial healing if you want to call it that and you start moving you start thinking him watch the rest of it just comes jesus always told people to do what they couldn't do stretch forth your hand they couldn't do that until they did it so whatever you couldn't do you can do why because you can do the impossible with jesus am i right you can do the impossible so whatever it was you couldn't do do it amen and then just begin to thank him begin to think and begin to worship begin to thank him for what he's done for your life and watch it'll continue and begin to testify to others about it in the name father we thank you we thank you for total complete healing spirit soul and body we thank you for deliverance we thank you for right now in the name of jesus complete healing every system of everybody be healed now in jesus name be free right now in the name of jesus and it will be this way and no other so be it so be it amen amen now many things structural things sometimes without what i've seen many times they're healed instantly but i would say even the majority of structural healings we see when people go home and go to sleep and at night while they're asleep when they wake up the next morning it's different and they're healed i don't know why god does that but apparently when he does structural things a lot of times he does it while people are asleep probably because if it starts happening while you're awake you'll go well i can't believe it and it'll stop i don't know you know i don't know why but i'm just saying that's what we've seen and you know he put adam to sleep when he was when he took the rib so you know maybe he does that when he does those things like that i don't know but we've seen major miracles i can tell you but i don't have time but uh major things we've seen happen while people sleep so but listen wherever whatever degree of freedom you've already got know that that isn't the limit of it it starts with the seed and can continue to grow as long as you don't say well you can get it no join with believe trust and watch and it will come forth in fullness don't settle for a partial healing god is not a partial god he's not a partial miracle worker what he does he does to the fullest amen so all right god bless you we love you if we can help we'll always be glad to help hallelujah let's just give him praise right now before we before we do anything else let's just give him praise give him thanks for what he's done for the word that we've heard the truth of his word thank you lord thank you thank you jesus and i thank god that he has empowered us to walk in that victory and to hold to that truth that is in our hearts amen well let's do this uh let's just together let us agree with one another as we depart again as i've mentioned before we're going to change some clothes and head out to the pond and do a little dipping all right for those that want to be water baptized we will be out there to receive you but right now something that we do in our house here is something that i want us all to do and agree upon and that is look to your right physically move your head look to the left look behind you and highlight someone or some family right now just get it in your head get it in your eyes highlight them let the lord put it there now that's who we are gonna agree together to pray for for this week this week we have a homework assignment we leave out of here with that highlighted family that person that that situation and you're going to pray for them now can we agree to do that because right now in the name of jesus christ we can receive and we will see again testimonies of healing of deliverance of safety of protection again until we see each other again whether you come back here again or wherever you are going may god's mercy be upon each and every one of you and let god be the one that rules in your life and for his testimony and for his glory and we can all agree to this in the name of jesus and we can all say amen amen god is good all right we'll be heading out that way so anybody again that wants to do that give us a few minutes and be blessed
Channel: CFC Media
Views: 8,963
Rating: 4.8762889 out of 5
Keywords: Healing, Divine Healing, Faith, The Word of God, God's promises, salvation, Jesus Christ, blood of Christ, atonement, faithfulness, miracles, raising the dead, by His stripes, heal the sick, deliverance, cast out demons, Word made flesh, lay hands on the sick, speak the word
Id: pl5if1X54jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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