Chainsaw Carving Competition | OT 29

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[QUACKING] It's my weirdest friend. It's not a duck, it's me. No way! Welcome to Overtime 29! [THEME SONG] (SINGING) Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hose "Dude Perfect's" in overtime. Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser, now we're headin' on to overtime. [LAUGHTER] We are here at the Bass Pro Memphis pyramid for a very special episode. A city that is very near and dear to our heart, and in fact, we will actually be coming back in October on our tour-- Come on! --one of 30 shows. Click here for your tickets. There they are. Even if you're not coming to Memphis, come to a city near you. Anyway, we got a great show coming up you guys. Kicking off a little "Get Crafty" downstairs. We are chainsawing in the Bass Pro Memphis pyramid, by the way. I don't know how that got approved. It's like a bucket list. Inside of an "Overtime." Thank you, Johnny. I don't know what you were thinking, but you signed off on it. And then after "Get Crafty," we're going to head to "Wheel Unfortunate," early on in the episode. Ugh, I thought we got rid of that forever! Yeah, I know. Then we've got some outdoor life hacks, and then a brand new segment where we actually involve the people of Tennessee that are in the pyramid just trying to do some shopping and live their normal lives, and we force them to become very, very awkward. Huh? [CRICKETS] I was trying to sit in an awkward pause. I got it. OK. And you guys-- you guys wouldn't let it sit. [QUACKING] Great show coming up. Let's go to "get Crafty!" [MUSIC PLAYING] Sparky Sparkman checking in as a judge here, as we're about to get crafty. We're here at the beautiful Bass Pro shop in Memphis, Tennessee. And today, arguably the hardest "Get Crafty" to date, chainsaw carving. Aw! Brutal. Yeah, brutal. Brutal. Five Sycamore trunks stand behind me, five dudes ready to carve into them. Like I said, two hours, boys. Let's get crafty. And go! [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm going to carve a tree. I am about to create a literal masterpiece. Christmas tree's kind of what I'm going for. Time to lock in and grind, baby. I'm thinking bear in a log. Team Cory checking into the game. I have never held a chainsaw before. I've decided to go giraffe. My goal here is to be done in under 30 minutes as these guys take four hours. I'm going to go get a nap. I found this online. Full credit to whoever made this-- it's a woodpecker! It's genius. [CHAINSAW NOISE] What are you thinking, Tyler? I'll tell you in a minute. What could possibly go wrong? Well, guys, remember I told you I was going to do a tree? It hit me halfway through the top of the tree, I'm not a good carver. And then what I looked at inspired me-- a number two pencil. You can already see it. I found this little nub, so I'm going to practice on it. Ah! That's fun. Eh. Not as flat as I would have liked. This is the bird. He's in here somewhere, I just have to release him. The ETA on the twins, a long one. At this point, I'm just hoping they finish their carving by OT 31. I feel like I've been doing this for an hour, and this is what I have. I've made like three cuts. Woodpecker. It's taking absolutely forever to cut through the whole tree. Still going to do it, but I felt I needed some confidence and motivation, so I'm tracing out my giraffe with the chainsaw. T Tone's silent but deadly. Not a lot of chit chat from over here. Well composed, under control, I like where this is heading. [RECORD SKIP] I broke it. I broke my chain saw. I'm kind of hoping that means I get to quit. What are your thoughts on the Cory debacle right now? Lions don't concern themselves with the problems of sheep. I can go ask anybody in the audience right now, what did I just carve, I guarantee you they will say, a pencil. I got a question for you. If you were to judge what I made, what would you say it is? A toothpick? A toothpick. [CRICKETS] I don't care what people say, I'm proud of this. To be honest, I don't think the twins are going to be much of a threat this episode. I don't even know what he's doing. Is it like an African painting, like a cave? Oh. Hey! Wow. So the foundation of my cub is complete, now to add the detail in the final touches to make it (KISS) a mosaic. Down to the final half hour, now or never time. Final 30 minutes! 30 minutes remaining! 30 minutes, Coby. I don't have time. There's no way to literally carve the entire giraffe. I'm just going to torch the whole thing. Three, two, one, tools down. Tools down, time's up. Bravo, boys. Finally. Wow. All right, the dudes are done, now they're going to take a step back. I'm going to analyze their projects. It's time to judge. Bravo, boys. A lot of sawdust. A lot of hard manual labor. Coming in fifth place, my man Cory. [APPLAUSE] Yes! Let's go! Are you being serious? Are you being totally serious? You didn't cut a single piece of wood off. That's not true! I cut his whole neck. A little too much focus on the burning of the wood instead of the carving. Congratulations on the fifth place finish. This man came, he sawed, but he did not conquer. [LAUGHTER] In fourth place, my man Coby. Why? Look-- we're on our way. We didn't lose, we ran out of time, OK? The woodpecker has been pecking over here, we just have a little bit more work to do. Number two on his pencil, but number three, it's a purple pencil podium. I spent about a third of the time and I got a podium. You think Cody's bear is better than that pencil? Much like pumpkin carving, these two arch nemeses go toe to toe again in a crafty. OK. The winner of the Bass Pro "Get Crafty" saw carving competition, it's a first place fishy for Mr. TT tonight. Ugh! Thank you. Thank you. Ty, congratulations. Thank you. Let's go back to the desk. I would like to take a moment to thank myself on my fourth "Get Crafty" victory. Thank you. Yes. Good job. Appreciate that. It really was impressive. Thank you. Thank you. I was this close. I would like to take this moment in the show to let the people participate. I need to know. We have internal discussions, we have our own opinions, what are the top three segments in "Overtime," and I need them ranked in order. Yeah. So if number one is "Cool," that means you like "Cool Not Cool Better" better than "Wheel Unfortunate" at number two, maybe. I'm assuming. You want people's top three. I want people's top three. If you need a reminder, check this out. Oh, there they are. Wow, I forgot about that one. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, those were good. And then remember these too, over here. Comment below. Let us know all-time favorite segments. I don't know why the order got mixed up here. I think the producers called and said, let's mix up "Wheel" and let's put it at number two because the people want to see pain early. It's time to head to "Wheel Unfortunate!" [MUSIC PLAYING] There she is. Before you begin, I'm invincible. In the last episode, I did claim that I don't even have to be here. That's how confident I am. I don't even have to show up to "Wheel Unfortunate" anymore. I'm just going to stop coming. My bar stool will be empty. This is me leaving. No! You all have fun. I'm not even worried about it. What if you get picked? How many episodes has it been since he's been picked? The very first one. So 28 episodes? Ty, just get it over with. I'm freaking out. I've got it! I have the name! Ah! This is the person spinning the wheel. Who wants to eliminate? I will. I'm never involved in the show. Here is our one. Go ahead. We need to at least eliminate one. So this person is safe. Yeah! Tyler's safe. I'm doing another one. I'm on a roll. I'm safe! Yeah! I'm doing another one. Wait, wait, do we need to bring Cody back in? I'm on a roll. You've never eliminated me. Garret, you're safe! Let's go! Yeah, that's happy! How are you feeling at this point? I'm nervous. I mean, it's a 50-50 game now. I have opened up the paper. This is what I've seen so far. That means we're-- Obviously. C-O. OK. Three-- Not even worried about it. --two, one-- Ah! Yeah! [SCREAMING] The streak is over! Why? Heimlich! Heimlich! Heimlich! Heimlich! I was on a run, baby! Streak is started, brother. That was three years ago. It's over. You're done. We know what to say, boys. Spin that wheel! And see ya, Code! Ladies and gentlemen, Ned Forrester here at the Bass Pro pyramid in Memphis. Got a Golden Boy with me, going to give that to my special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, bring him on-- Cody Jones! [APPLAUSE] All right, Codes, hey! Great to see you, Cody, it's been a while. How you been? Second time. Second time ever. [POP] Oh! [LAUGHTER] Oh! Sorry about that. I didn't even see it, Cod-- what is that? You had-- you had a bottle-- oh. Oh, he tried to get me with a bottle. You can't con a con man, you know what I'm saying? I'm going to give you a chance to get out of this wheel. How so? Here's the thing. I'm going to see how well you know your Bass Pro smells. If you guess all four correctly, I will take your place and you do not have to spin the wheel. I will spin it myself. Smell Number one. [SNIFF] Number one is? Fudge. Absolutely. You nailed it. Smell number two. Oh, delicious hot nuts. Yes! Hey, d-d-d-d, great job, Codes. Two for two. You smell this one? That one was a bottle. OK. Here we go. Smell number three. Close your eyes. Don't have trust issues. Number three, smell. It's a fish bait. Is it earthworms? No. Doe pee! Ah! There's a little doe pee on you. Ah! He forgot that I have to wear this shirt tomorrow. Don't worry about it. Oh! Oh. Really smells like doe pee. [TICKING] hey, you know what? Great news. I got a way to wash that doe pee right off, brother. Bass Pro's looking for a new mermaid in the aquarium, and today's your lucky day because you're going to get to swim with the fishes! [POP] Hey! Way to go, Codes! hey, I forgot we got to say that one thing that we always say. Ready? Go for it. Spin that wheel! Unfortunate! He's got-- It's Tyler! It feels good to be on this side. Do I have to wear the wig? Yes. Absolutely. We're going to go upstairs and watch from above, then we're going to get in with the crowd, really enjoy it. Ooh, look at him. This is hilarious, dude. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi! How is everybody? Good! This is my first day as a merman. It's really, really, cold in here. All right, lucky fans-- you're actually in the splash zone! [SCREAMING] That was one way to get in. [LAUGHTER] Hey, Codes. How's it going, bud? Hey! Oh, try it! Hey, we're going to go grab you some fudge. Codes, when you get some time, got some great deals on boats over there. Go check them out. That's Unfortunate! That was fun to watch. You know what I still think is worse? The doe pee. I can still smell it. Ned lost his mind. I didn't watch. What happened? He threw deer pee on me. [LAUGHTER] All right. It's time for "Hack Attack!" All right. In this segment of "Hack Attack," I have tasked the guys, in order to keep with our outdoor theme, to find some of the best outdoor hacks that you can use when you're outside, out in nature, whatever it may be. We should have a couple of hacks from both teams. We've got Gar and Coby versus Cory and Cody. Why don't you guys kick us off? One of the essentials in the woods, you need toilet paper. Is this PG? Oh, yeah. Bodily functions happen, and what you need is dry toilet paper. Because with wet toilet paper, well, that's worthless. You just don't know when weather is going to hit. You take your skewer that you always have for s'mores, obviously, poke it through there. You leave this by the tree that is your outhouse. You just go hang that on, and then at the end of the day, you have weatherproof toilet paper, OK? Spins perfectly. This roll's a little thick right now, you need to get it down, obviously. You need to probably go with a half roll. That's one of the best hacks I've ever seen. Well, keep in mind we've only done this once before, so that's not saying much. Three, two, one. It's like a paint brush. This is the worst segment ever. C-plus. A C-plus in my opinion. That might win it. We don't know. That's a scary thought. Ladies and gentlemen, you need a typical disposable cup of some sort. OK. You are going to take out your crayons, because you're with your children. You are going to take a crayon out, you are going to stick it into the cup, and all you do-- All you do. --is light it. And ladies and gentlemen, you have a 30-minute candle. If you need more light, you still have 15 crayons left. Hey, I'm impressed with the burning capability of a-- it's a "crown", by the way. It's a crayon. It's actually a very nice flame, better than a candle, arguably. My thing is, you mention, well, just make sure you bring the crowns with you. Right. Well, just make sure you bring a candle or a lantern. Would you rather bring that in your backpack or a candle? The packing capabilities is nice. It's done. 30 minutes? You know one thing that I don't like is liars in hack attack. D-plus. Bogus! I'm going to-- wait, I just relight it. Nope. See ya! Moving on. They're not even crashing and burning. They're crashing and not burning! Oh wow! Sometimes you get very far out on your excursion-- Yes. --and you need to go north. I'm going to show you an unbelievable way to identify where north is. All you need is a needle-- OK. And your own arm hair. Would you like to try the magnetism of my hair? Yeah. I'm sure it'll make it even stronger. Are you sure that two body magnetism is not going to screw it up? I don't know. I haven't practiced that, but I like our chances. [LAUGHTER] Watch and learn. A leaf floating in the water. And when you place the needle on it, the opposite side will point true north. It's going. It's going. Wait for it. It's working. Ty knows it's working, too. He sees it. Look at the compass. Life saved. Well, I guess I'm headed this way. OK. Well, life or death. You'll hit the North Pole eventually. That hack just murdered me. I didn't drink the water because I was saving it for a compass, so I died. Do you ever run into an issue where it just keeps going in circles? [LAUGHTER] You know, at this point I think I'd just look at the sun. Cody, blow our minds. If I look tired, it's because I spent a lot of my night making my hack. I'm not going to do that in front of you. So when you're camping and you're trying to kill time, simple 5 gallon tub of water, a shower curtain with some hula hoopies, plenty of privacy for the missus and yourself when you're camping with friends. And then you hang this guy right above it, poke holes in the bottom, and you take a nice little shower. I will say, I've always wanted a shower in the woods. It's not bad. I mean, coming from a side of the table. But see, you still want the breeze and the freedom of letting everything, you know. Gosh, dang, let's just hang a cooler up in a tree and pull the plug on it, and use that instead. That is genius. You should do the next "Hack Attack." Anyways, regardless of who wins this, I think we have given the viewers a lot of hacks when they go camping as a family. Yeah. Boy, and what a trip that will be. To be frank, I was disappointed with Garret's first presentation. It could be useful, I thought it was a little lackluster. I was humbly surprised by the lighting of a crayon. It burns well, and could be useful if you had it with no other alternatives for fire. Right after that, I was murdered by a "Hack Attack." Being a man who does not appreciate being murdered, Cody and Cory are the winners! [DINGING] Yay! Well done. I will say, you almost lost it with the shower curtain. You would have been way better off if you just didn't present that one. Luckily, they killed me, so didn't really have a choice there. It is time for the brand new segment of this OT 29. Codes, give them your best game show voice. "Get it for Free!" Not bad. That was actually-- that's why he's the host. That was pretty good. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DING] "Get it for Free" is a very simple game show. The customers have the opportunity to, well, get it for free. All they have to do is whatever Cody says. OK? Pretty simple. It will be awkward, it will be funny, it will be enjoyable for everyone but them. Let's go downstairs! [WHISTLING] Have you bought anything good? No. I got a proposition for you and it'll pay for your cart, but you've got to do what I ask. Yeah, no. You interested? [BUZZER] If you take this guy's fudge and eat it in front of him, I'll buy you that whole thing. I'm not really hungry. [BUZZER] Oh, OK. I've had two strikeouts. It's OK. That's why you get three. You get three outs. You chug this diet Dr. Pepper in under a minute, and I'll pay for all your stuff. Yeah, I'm going to change it to 20 seconds. Are you still interested? 20 seconds? I just want it to be close. Why not? If you sing your ABCs as loud as you can right now, I'll pay for your stuff. (SINGING) A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Go! All right, Dad's on it. Oh, that's got to burn. It's got to burn, kids. I'm telling you right now. We're at 5 seconds, oh, we are going. H, I, J, K, L-M-N-O-P. He's going to do-- this is a new world record. This is literally insane. The guy has a gift. Now I've sung my ABCs-- That's amazing. --next time, won't you sing with me? [DING] It's done. I'm paying for his stuff. Well done. [APPLAUSE] Give it up for that guy. That's incredible. And he's done under 10! [DING] We got us some dinner, baby. Your dad, he's a legend. Go into the middle of the store and yell, "I just used the big potty" as loud as you can. No, you're good. I'll offer it to somebody else, I just feel like you'd-- No. No, I mean, you got it, I'll do it. --be the perfect guy for it. I don't mind. All right. We got it. Attention, everybody! I just used the big boy potty! [DING] [APPLAUSE] I just used the big potty! [DING] [LAUGHTER] Woo! Way to go. That's worthy. I would need you to wear this microphone, and I need to go up to strangers and say "I love you," and let that awkwardness just sit. And then you got to wait until somebody says "I love you" back. I love you guys. What, like-- Why? Well, what do you mean like? I just love you guys. I appreciate it. It's what we're here for. [LAUGHTER] But you walk through that little hallway back here and then you come out on all fours barking like a dog, I will pay for your cart. [BARKING] [DING] [LAUGHTER] In the peach shirt, that's walking, tell him "I love you," and then get down on one knee. Oh, I'll propose to him in a heartbeat. Would you really? I love you. Will marry me? What? How's it going? I love you, man. Thank you. How are you? I'm good. How you doing? I'm good. You from here? No, ma'am. OK. I love you guys, though. Well, we love you. You do love me? Yes. Well, thank you. Ha, ha! Did you get an "I love you" back? Got it-- "we love you." "We love you?" Yeah. That's incredible. Well done. Well, let's get you paid up. Proud of you, Larry. Share the love, people. It always amazes me the lengths that people will go to get something for free. Well done, people of Memphis. Unbelievable! Thanks for watching, guys. If you're not already a DP subscriber, click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos. Special thanks to our friends at Bass Pro for sponsoring this video. Click here for all your outdoor needs at or check out one of their incredible stores. You want to see the last video, click over here. Signing off for now. Pound it and noggin. I'm going to go talk to my friends. [QUACKING]
Channel: Dude Perfect
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Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, over, time, overtime, 29, chainsaw, carving, get, crafty, wheel, unfortunate, swim, merman, mermaid, cody, hack, attack, you, it, for, free, funny, trending, viral
Id: D7f04YOXQq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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