We Made a REAL Plasma Blaster | OT39

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Overtime 39. The long awaited hat-less overtime. (IN UNISON) Yeah! What are you talking about? We committed to the people that this episode would be our first-- I never committed. You actually did. I think you did. If I did, roll the clip. OT 39 is a no hat episode. We're looking at the one guy. Four to one. I got voted anyway. Yeah. He did. Yeah, that's a tough look for me. You're going to need to lose it. I know. No, you look great. Yeah! [CLAPPING] Yeah. That's Overtime. Tall guy, beard twins, purple hoser. Dude Perfect in over time. Tall guy, beard twins, purple hoser. Now we're headed on to Overtime. How does it feel? It feels kind of weird. My head's cold. Yeah, think about me. You have hair. Before we tell you what's coming up, it's time for a little giveaway. And by little giveaway, I mean an actually pretty huge giveaway, if you're into custom Dude Perfect club car golf cart. Oh, nice. Go to DudePerfect.com, buy tour tickets. Coming up June, July, this summer, Pandemonium Tour. And all you got to do is send us a copy of tickets. Just send the receipt. You don't have to be like, I want one. We know you do. All the details will be down in the little, what's that place called? The description. The description. Simple as that. Coming up, Cool Not Cool, 50/50, Get Crafty, Wheel Unfortunate. It's time for Cool Not Cool. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to Cool Not Cool, science experiment edition. Oh, weird. That's kind of weird. Why are we doing that? I don't know, maybe because Mark Rober is joining us on tour this summer. Oh, what? Woah! July 13, 14, 15 and 16, man, this episode is jam packed full of surprises. All right. Well, who wants to start us off? I'll go. That's great. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to go first. [GROAN] Brought a flower pot. I brought a flower pot, but there are not flowers in here. I know a lot of people have seen elephant toothpaste. Oh, I don't think you're supposed to touch that in case you're about to do that, FYI. That's why everybody wears like gloves and goggles and stuff. You don't have any gloves or goggles. Should we have gloves and goggles? Is it going to fill up this room? You know what, let's just do it. OK. First, lighter fluid. Can you imagine a 10-year-old going to a science fair and being like, all right teacher, first, lighter fluid. [LAUGHTER] In an experiment. Second, because I know what I'm doing. This feels a little close to that. Sugar and baking soda combo. Oh, nervous. Guys, it's not going to happen yet. You sure? OK. [CUP CRASHING TO FLOOR] [LAUGHTER] Probably scoot back. I know-- I have-- Oh! Now before you vote, just know-- Oh, it's out. [RECORD STOP TONE] That was not part of it. Oh. Let's try that again. Before you guys vote, just know this is going to take a minute. For a little bit of a better view here. I feel safer now. Guys, I know it's a little underwhelming right now. Let's give this some time. I mean, right now, Corey you started a fire with sugar. Who's going next? I would love to follow that. I've actually got a little science experiment with static electricity, so I'm gonna go ahead and hand you that. Oh, wow. If I can get those polls flown in, please. Thank you, gentlemen. These have been applied with static electricity. Ty, if you could just spray the water straight down into the bowl. Thank you, Trent. And the water moves with the static electricity. It's pulling it towards it. Oh! Oh! That is pretty cool, I have to admit. That is pretty cool. That's cool. I'm in. My kids would love that. OK. Woah! That's an honor, Mark Rober. It's just science. I mean, that's crazy. Two incredible performances back to back. Yeah, that's great. Well, just because you said that, [BUZZER BEEP] You just [INAUDIBLE]. We lumped them into the same one. And I can't give it a green when you combine those. So-- That's a tough break for me. Boys, not going to lie, we're picking up steam down here. I'll go next. I'd love to follow that. Corey, this is for you real quick. I've got a Bowl of bubbles, an extra large slinky. Who doesn't like slinkys? Eh, I kind of think they're overrated. A smoke gun. Check this out. I've never done this. I have seen it done before though. I think you grab your slinky first. That's a great way to start a science experiment. I've never done it. Oh, you don't need to dump an excess amount out. Yeah, you do. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, that's sweet. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Look at that. Oh. That is cool. That's cool, that's cool. That should be your item. Forget the slinky in? Yeah, you don't need the slinky. Oh, sweet party trick. How do you release it? It's going to just-- you just got to get off-- Oh! Pop it! Pop it! Oh! Oh! Yeah! [LAUGHTER] Yes. Yes. Forget the slinky. No! The slinky is cool. OK. I'll bring it back. Oh! That is-- oh, that is so satisfying. That's wizardry. Give it a go. Go get your slinky. I will. Come here, slink. OK. Let me-- let me dip. Yep. I'm honored to do this with you, my friend. Oh, this is going to be epic. OK. Now pop below it. Yep. (IN UNISON) Oh! No! Oh, Hey, hey, hey! Yeah. That was my favorite item. [MUSIC PLAYING] [YELLING] That was so rare that Cody brought an item like that. I agree. I'm not used to that. I don't know if it's the hats, or what. Guess I'll go. What have I brought today, you ask? Oh. Expo marker. I love those things. And a dinner plate. And a plate. I want to start off-- Is it magic? By writing on the plate, whatever you want. Here's a man on a plate. I don't understand what we're going for here. A floating man. Now watch. Like you in space, Coby. Watch as this man loses all sense of gravity. Good pouring. As it engulfs him. Give you credit on the pour. Hey, don't move. Don't move. No way. Wow. Ah, he's floating! [YELLING] He's free! He's free to flip. Oh! Oh, I broke his head. That-- he went too much g-Force, dude. My emotions that went from that was incredible, to oh! Yeah. As his head exploded. Yeah, add his head back. My vote depends on whether you can save him in surgery. This is tough to do, but it is doable. You guys need me to bend the water with my electrostatic pole? That's pretty good. Yeah, he's alive. That's stitches. Oh, no. You're not a good neurosurgeon. That's good. Leave it there. Yeah, no. No, we reattached the head. That seems like you're just washing a plate. So-- I don't know, guys. I saw a video, I thought it was cool. I like it. I like it. Corey, I mean, it's a nice art piece down there. Is it? I mean, it's grown. Oh, wow. That's significant from the last time I looked. Too bad I already voted. What? You know what, I'm going to wrap up this science fair. Give me one second. OK? Oh. OK. I don't think I ever voted on Corey's, maybe I did. And in case you didn't get mine on camera. [BUZZER BEEP] Oh, guys? Wow. Yes. I'm in. What is that? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I knew-- I'm going to go ahead and green too. So I'm only three away. I think kill the lights, honestly, to really showcase this bad boys power. I call this the plasma gun. I'm going to back up. I'm going to be on the end of this. Kids, don't try this at home. [ELECTRICITY STATIC] Oh! Oh! OK. It's quick. It's a quick one. But it was cool. Wait for it. [ELECTRICITY STATIC] Oh! That was the best one. Yeah, go around the office and just shoot things. What kind of power does it got? Let's see. [ELECTRICITY STATIC] Oh! Oh! Oh, it's unbelievably effective. Oh my-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Buddy. Turn the light back on. Wow! What a finisher. Man, we did amazing. Yeah, we started off slow and we got hot late. Can I shoot the plasma gun one time? Sorry. Oh, yeah. You ready? Let's combine the two best. I don't know how much bubble I have. Oh, I got plenty. Let it get big. Letting it big. Let me get out of the way. Pull! Go! [ELECTRICITY STATIC] Oh! Yeah! All right. Well done on Cool Not Cool. Are we a science channel now? No, we're not. But you know who is? Mark Rober. And he's coming to four of our shows. He is, he is. Anyways, time to go to semi new segment, semi not new. It's time to go to 50/50. [MUSIC PLAYING] The boys have changed clothes. Things might get messy because it's time for 50/50. There's going to be four stations. One guy will get eliminated each round. The first up is going to be door smash. One door works, one doesn't. If you find the right one, you're moving on. If you run into the roadblock, you're out. The order has been randomized. Will go one at a time with the rest backstage with blindfolds on. Once one dude's been eliminated, the rest will move on. All right, Garrett. You're up first. Have you made up mentally where you're going? I'm going right. OK. All right. Here we go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh! Gary goes right door. And he does so successfully. I was thinking there is going to be something that kind of stop me from falling. Tyler, you're now up in the two hole. I have a saying that I like to live by, right is right, left is wrong. Ty takes his approach, a full sprint. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Oh, yeah. [LAUGHTER] He got absolute air. Absolutely flying through that thing. Tyler, on to round two. Cody Jones, you drew number three. You feeling good, bad? I feel as horrible as you can feel in a situation like this. 9-1-1, get ready. Here we go! A nervous approach. Come on! Cody Jones, successfully through. Corey, hands on knees, shaking head. What door are we going? Left door. All right. Here we go. Oh! Access denied. If there was any wind in those lungs, it's now gone. I couldn't-- Take a breath. I couldn't-- Walk it off. See you later, guys. Corey, unfortunately, did not choose the right door. He's out. On to round two. [MUSIC PLAYING] Lava run. You make it to the end, you move on to round three. But watch out because if you step on the faulty rock and hit lava, you're out. Cody, the unfortunate soul who drew the number one, you're first up in round two. Cody, going right side. Here we go. One bad step is all it takes to eliminate you. Yeah, feels solid. Nice. Oh, yes. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BUZZER BEEP] Oh! Ooh! Oh, no. She capsized like a cookie. He's wet. He's crying. And his 50/50 run is officially over on Lava Run. Cody Jones, you've been eliminated. Honestly, that happened too fast. I kind of want to see if Ty chooses the correct side. Fine by me. Let's send him out. Don't tell him you're wet. Which alleyway are we choose in, Ty? I'm going left pool and I'm hitting it with speed. We're ready, Ty. Ty, going full throttle. No hesitation. Oh, you're soaked. [LAUGHTER] I didn't even make it. Oh, that's so good. Oh! Cody's wet and eliminated. We're on to round three. 20 hangers, two bundles of spaghetti. One will hold you up, the other will crash. And you will go down into the foam pit, which is littered in slime. Coby, up first. Which way are we going? I'm committed to the pasta. Committing the pasta. They don't feel great. [LAUGHTER] Sink it. He's got it! Yes! Yes! The pasta prevails. Coby, on to round four. Next up, G. You guys know if I touch gluten, I will break out in a rash. All right. Let's do it. Here we go. OK. My-- Woah! [LAUGHTER] Garrett, eliminated. Tough look. Onto the finale, round four. What is this? [DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING] Fourth and final round of 50/50. Finale bros meet yet again. In overtime. Our worlds are colliding. Wow. The game-- bomb diffusal. There's two cords, a red and a blue. You cut the wrong one, boom. Cut the right one, you win 50/50. All right, boys. Good luck. Don't blow us up. Why do you have that? Just in case. This feels so real. Ah! I really wish I paid more attention to the movies. [TIMER TICKING] You got 15 to go, boys. Come on. I feel like they always go red, but that's counter intuitive. Go red! Good luck, brother. Can't be wrong twice. [TIMER TICKING] My battle color. [EXPLOSION SOUND] [BUZZER BEEP] Ah! [CLAPPING] Good! [DINGING] Yes! No! I knew he was going for it. Come on! I knew it. I knew it. Ah! (YELLING) Yes! Yes! Sorry about that, Coby. Hey, imaginary five. Sure. Hey, let's head to Get Crafty. Woo! Time to Get Crafty, lawn mower battle edition. The boys have 100 by 100 foot grass area to mow. Whatever you want to mow, boys, you can. Be creative. But I will say, a well done stick man will probably grade out better than a bad Mona Lisa. Oh, no. So simple could be smart. Start them engines. Let's go! [MUSIC PLAYING] All right. I've thought about it quite a bit. I think I'm going to go with a traditional smiley face. I'm going to draw a podium. A little bit of sense of humor. A little bit of truth. I am going with a stick figure. It was already my plan before Sparky said it in his intro, but I'm going to hold him to it. Let's mow! Sparky said a Mona Lisa could be risky. That's fine because we're not doing anything French. We're going American flag. We're going to go with a little golf theme. Let's go, let's mow. [MUSIC PLAYING] Tyler, off to a hot start. He's got a golf design that I'm loving. The sleeper is Garrett Hilbert. I talked about simplicity. And I like where Garrett's heading. As for the twins, early struggles, but long way to go. I know it's a surprise to everyone, but I have not made my first mow. When you're doing something as complex as a stick figure, you really have to be smart and think it all out. Oh, I've made a terrible mistake. But we're OK. I've traced out a path I feel good about. It's time to start cutting the grass. [CLAPPING] Wow, this is the messy job. [LAUGHTER] What is happening? All right. I just heard the most important part, the head of the smiley face. Let's take a look. It's a circle! I did a perfect circle! Feel good, working on some details now. But we got the big picture laid out so far. Who knew cutting grass could be so fun to watch? I can do it every day, Timmy. Every day. The body of my stick figure is going remarkably well. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but so far, I'd say it's perfect. Getting crafty sure make me smile. I'm about to do my smile actually right now. Woo-wee! I'm the fastest grass cutter whose ever lived. Oh! Oh, man. All right. I'm wrapped up. I don't want to overdo it. Doing a little detail work, a little shading. Using the excess grass. Brilliant. This is why Ty is so good at getting crafty. They say Sparky, why do you give him all the wins? I'm not giving him the wins. He earns it by heady plays like that. [MUSIC PLAYING] I just tried to do the head. It's not a perfect circle. [LAUGHTER] Not everyone's is. And I should point that out. That's fine if your head is not a perfect circle. Mine certainly isn't. And maybe that's what I should say. I was drawing myself. Why don't you do a one, two, three down in the dirt? That'll really sell it. You want me to do it for you? Yeah, I mean, if you want to. I got you. Extra credit, Spark. I want you to see it right here. Hey, they're wearing hats on no hat overtime. Just so you know. Give me last place. I enjoy being in the outdoors. I got you, Gar. It's going to look good. All right. Here's the deal. You can be a good mower, or you could be a good delegator. I'm both. Feels like a violation. Yeah, I thought I was going to get third. This could put me in the top spot here. I've been told I need to hurry. So I'm hurrying. [MUSIC PLAYING] Three, two, one, mowers off! They couldn't hear me over the lawnmower anyways. I'm going to have to go tell them it's over. Let's judge it up. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well done, boys. Well done. That was nice. Let me start this by saying if it was an allergy battle, I would have given it to me because my pollen counts are about three times the legal limit right now. But anyhow, let's judge it up. In fifth place, would have been sixth if there was a sixth member, Coby Cotton. I deserve it. Yeah. I deserve it. You could have just done the Texas flag. And by my math, that would have been about 49 less stars you had to draw. It was a July 4th play. Get out of here. You got to go smarter than the mower. Coby was not. Fourth place, Cody Jones. Oh! Let's go, The smiley? Baby! Yeah. Why don't you like the smiley? The smiley was too simple. It was too elementary. Podium time. In third place, they were using zero turns. I gave them zero chance. Third place though, not bad. Podium, team Cory. We didn't get it fully done today, but that's podium finish. You're winner of Lawnmower Get Crafty, Garrett Hilbert. Ooh! The podium man. Honestly, Ty, too nice of a guy. I added his numbers on his podium. Correct. And it made it that much better? You know, somebody-- That was supposed to be bonus points for mine. Just like Pendulum Painting, sometimes you do too much. You know what, that's fine. First place. That's fine. Garrett Hilbert. That a kid. This episode's looking up. Well done. Let's go spin that wheel. And I'm feeling good. It's probably not going to be me because I just won, baby. I just won. We don't have to do this. We do. And you know what I didn't love about last time? I didn't like the Quick Pick because I felt like we didn't milk it enough. So how do you want to do this one? Our names are in there? Yeah. I'm going to try and catch one. OK. If I can, that's the name. If not, closest to the pin. By pin, I mean microphone. Love this pin. Pull your pins away. It's actually granite, yeah. Woah! He's doing it. [FIREWORK SOUND] Oh! Never saw one. Right here. Oh, oh. This is it. This is the name. Oh, please, no. The person spinning the wheel. (YELLING) Garrett Hilbert. [ALL YELLING INDISTINCTLY] Oh, praise him. Oh, that's great. Laugh it up, Chuckles. You know what because of that-- What? I don't even care. Oh! [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, hey! I'm in protest right now. Hey, why don't you come back? You should have gone to the wheel. You're right. [LAUGHTER] Spin That Wheel! Ladies and Gentlemen, Ned Forrester. Good to be with you on this fine day. You know, they've named many movies and shows after me like, The Big, The Bold, The Beautiful, American Idol, just to name a few. I'm getting ready to head out on tour, which I'm sure most of you already got your tickets to come see me, Ned, The Great One. I hear we got a great guest. Let's bring him on down, Garret Hilbert! [APPLAUSE] Can you put the bat down? No, this is a microphone, Garrett. You don't have anything to worry about. What do you need to hit me with? No, I'm fine. I don't need anything-- hey, can you actually, here, just hold this for me real quick. [PANTING] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! OK. Whoa. OK. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It's on my shoes. Whoa! [LAUGHTER] He falls for everything. Oh! OK. Oh, wrong pocket. Sorry, I almost hit you with my defense system. What is happening? You want to say it with me? Yeah, let's do it. OK. Spin That Wheel! All right, Gar! Come on that [INAUDIBLE]. (SINGING) Hey Gar, I really wish you'd come be on my show more. I have so much fun with you, even though it seems like you kind of don't like me sometimes. Hope you land on something really terrible. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah, that'll work. All right. Gar, well. [YELLING] Woah! Woah! I've been working on my-- What is that? What does that mean? It means that we're headed to the boxing ring. And you better like the boxing, boy, because it's coming for you. [DINGING] Let's get this over with. Was really hoping for a calendar shoot. [CHEERING] All Right. Let's make this quick. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CHEERING] Fighters, today, we have a wheelspin payoff. A three round bout. Keep it mean, but keep it clean. And may the best man win. Round One, Touch gloves. Let's get it on. Oh! That's the end of Round One. Back to your corner. Back to your corner. Back to your corner. I kept trying to point it around. Back to your corner. That's the end of One. What is that? That's the end of one. I didn't do anything. The old chair trick got him. [LAUGHTER] Oh, that wasn't careful. [WATER SQUIRTING] I can't drink that long, you numb nuts. Round Two. Shock Collar. Shocker. Let me test yours. Oh! Test mine. You pressing it? Yeah, I'm pressing it. Did you read the part where you had to bring your own AA's? You're kidding me. Here we go. Let's do it! Round Two. Let's get it on! [MUSIC PLAYING] Ah! Hey! Ease up, ease up. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Let's go! [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh! Easy, easy. You got it. You got it. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, stop. Hit me in the nose. Take it-- Hang on. Ow, ow, stop. Does it look messed up? No, dude. You're driving-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] That's the end of Round Two. [YELLING] I pretended to be Ty for a second and he fell for it. On to Round Three, handcuffs. Put those handcuffs on. Handcuffs? What is that? Get off me. [LAUGHTER] You know what? I guess they forgot the other pair. Don't worry about it. I'll just play without them. Round Three. Let's fight. Come on. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ah! Ah! Ah! That's enough. That's enough. He's done. He's done. [WHISTLE] He's had enough. Come on! Oh! [CHEERING] [BELL DING] Now he's really done. Goodbye, gentlemen. Well done, Ned. Hey! I'm out of here, Ned. [INAUDIBLE] Round Three, TKO. Golden Fists Forrester, still the reigning heavyweight champ. Thank you. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Gary, it was a good fight. Not really, you're kind of a weakling. [LAUGHTER] Anyways, hope to see you on the show again at some point. Glasses. Hey. Appreciate it. Dan, golden fish, out. Wow. Gar, Ned kind of-- I'm not going to say destroyed you, but he definitely came out on top. Feisty. I would like to see Ned versus Logan Paul. Oh. I'd watch that. Logan, not Jake. Which one's better? Both at one time. Ned versus both? Yeah. Cage match. I can see it happening. I'm not a fighter. And he-- yeah, he got the best of me. Yeah, you got a black guy. No, just a hurt soul. Click here to buy tickets to Ned versus Logan and Jake. [LAUGHTER] I'm kidding. [INAUDIBLE] Got 'em! Light the bell. Subscribe. Click those notifications so you don't miss out. Yeah, set a reminder. Saturday morning. DP, let's go. Get your tour tickets, scan them. Come see us. It's going to be fun. Signing off for now. I can't throw the hat. Yeah.
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 11,319,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, wheel, unfortunate, get crafty, fight scene, cool not cool, science project, science, mark rober, boxing, lawn mower, plasma, blaster, bubbles
Id: Nt240HomM7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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