Walking Out Your Dreams | Dr. Cindy Trimm | The DNA of Destiny

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good evening I'm pastor Ryan and I want to welcome you tonight to the four points broadcast with dr. Cindy trimmed we have we have so been enjoying this new series the DNA of destiny how many of you heard about the DNA of destiny its blessing you're right we're connecting to our identity in Christ and at the same time God is teaching us how to manage our relationships there's so much that God is pouring out through this message and and we know that the revelation is gonna come pouring in and as soon as it does we want you to tweet about it we want you to put it on Facebook and we want you to connect to what's going on here with this ministry by using hashtag destiny DNA and we're gonna be talking about destiny tonight God is gonna meet you right where you're at wherever you are around the world we want you to pause in and focus in on this message and we want you to hit that share button so all of your friends and family can connect to this message as well let's make this message of the kingdom go viral on social media tonight how about it are you guys gonna be tweeting it up too right well we don't want to waste any more time dr. trim is coming to the platform right now would you put your hands together for the woman of God doctor we are so excited to welcome all of you my life group is right here in ATL and we are joining light groups around the world all the way in Indonesia in the Middle East and South Africa in Europe and South America in the Europe all over the world life groups are meeting right now and it's just a wonderful thing to know that when we are meeting wherever two or three are gathered together God is in our midst I got my two or three do you have your two or three and even if you are even if you were tuning in and it's only you you got God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost you've got your three let's ask God to bless the word tonight amen our Father no God we give you praise and honor and glory this is the day that you have made we are rejoicing we are glad in it I prayed today that you would think through my mind speak through my lips let there be none of me all of you bless our time together give us articulation of speech particularly as we delve into the topic of destiny this is a word and a concept that so many people are trying to make sense out of and as we ask evade it week after week we pray that at the end of this series your sons and daughters will be able to make Destiny's decisions that will not only cause them to collide with purpose but that purpose will be attached to problems and we together as the body of Christ will be able to make this world a better place bless the word bless us as we deliver this word and bless the hearers of the word in Jesus name Amen amen amen how many of you are having an amazing day well I decree that this is the best day of your life and tomorrow is gonna be even better amen well let's go directly to the Word of God take out your notepad your pens your Bibles iPads your smart phones your dumb phones take out whatever you got and let's begin to really delve into the Word of God and I am grateful to have the opportunity to do series often times when I travel from place to place and from country to country and ministry to ministry I only have about an hour to deal with some they're very complex concepts and destiny out of all the concepts is very very complex but we're praying that after this you will begin to understand how simple the concept really is and every single day you are changing the trajectory of your destiny your future comes to you one day at a time and it doesn't have to be a mystery but you can history when you begin to make decisions based on the prompting of the Holy Spirit who will give you wisdom in all areas of your life and help you to make the right decisions decisions so that your future looks nothing like your past and everything that God had had in mind when he said I know the thoughts I have two of you thoughts of good not of evil to bring you to an expected end so let's go to the book of John chapter 5 verses 1 to 15 John 5 verse 1 15 take copious notes and then later one go back over your notes and prayerfully from this revelation you'll be able to extrapolate principles that will become a Rhema word to you that you'll be able to apply it immediately in your life and see positive change John chapter 5 verses 1 to 15 the Bible said after this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem now there is at Jerusalem by the Sheep market a pool which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda having five porches and these lay a great multitude of impotent folk of blind halted withered waiting for the moving of the water in other words they had no vision for their lives you see when when people have no vision for their lives they will waste your time especially if you have the discipline enough to get the vision for your life write it down and then begin to implement it be careful of a person that does not have a vision of their own because 9 times out of 10 they will sabotage yours misery loves company and you know vision is about how you see your life unfolding if you cannot see it unfold it won't unfold the way you want it to you if you cannot see it you will not be able to sees it because your feet will never take you where your mind has never been so you've got to have a vision for your life you have to have a vision in 12 areas but because we're not talking about vision we're accident actually talking about destiny we'll have an opportunity to share with you how to write a very dynamic vision that will help you to live the life of your dream and more importantly live the life of God's dream or the life that God had planned for you they were blinded they will haunt it they would just stop and there are so many people that I meet and then I lose track with them and 20 years later when I meet them again they're talking about the same thing they haven't done anything different as like their life is on Studdard you know that they're a next year looks like last year and the year after that looks like this year they're just hold it there just stop there stop emotionally there stop professionally their stock relationally their stock to just stock spiritually Deven moved anywhere there's nothing dynamic not even about their prayer life they're praying the same prayers for 20 years and you know life should be dynamic you know there's nothing boring about life when you're stopped it lacks luster nothing shines everything is dull and I decree and declare starting from today you are going to get your brilliance back you're gonna begin to shine and you're gonna lose the dullness and you're gonna find the brilliance and excitement you you you are you're gonna wonder we're 24 hours a day went you know and it's gonna be so excited it's gonna be like throwing your own birthday party every day of your life amen when you wake up in the morning the Holy Spirit will say surprise I got this surprising adventure for you and then when you go to sleep you'll be dreaming you'll say surprise I'm showing up again and when you wake up surprise and the most amazing things are gonna happen to you when you have a vision God is able to take the awful out of your life and put the awesome into it you are going to live an awesome life you're gonna get awesome back amen people are no longer it's gonna say whoa they're gonna say wow amen they were halted and withered they were they were withered things were drying up money was drying up nothing was thriving everything was dry drying on but your days of things drying up finances your your spiritual life your prayer your praise your giving thought that season of things drying up is over this is the season where things are about to thrive so they were blind halted withered and they were waiting turned to your name in acts I'm what you waiting for because nothing happens until you make it happen you you could wait for the rest of your life it ain't gonna happen you've got to make it happen can I just make this declaration over you I decree and declare that this is your season of making it happen this is your make it happen season how are you going how are you going to how are you going to realize your dream you should say I'm gonna make it happen how are you gonna realize your dream how are you gonna build your house how are you gonna buy your car you're gonna make it happen how are you gonna be wealthy why because God gives you power that word power is potential he gives you potential and unless you find a platform for its expression it will always just be latent power it'll be just waiting there waiting for an expression you've got to make things happen how are you gonna be a best-selling author you're gonna make it happen how are you gonna go back to school the school is not gonna call you up and say hi this is Harvard University heard all about you it would be our honor if you would apply to our school you've got to pick up the telephone you got to go on the internet you've got to write that application out you gotta send it simply put you gotta be able to you're not waiting the wait is over the wait is over the wer ght and the w AIT the wave is over they were waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water who's over then first after the troubling of the water stepped in and was made whole of whatsoever disease he had and a certain man was there which had an infirmity now that word means to lack firmness it means wishy-washy now the scripture says that a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways so I want to float that as a balloon in him and pull it out of the atmosphere in a minute a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways what do you want for your life one minute you want to be saved the next minute you don't want to be saved one minute you're praying a word the next minute you're not a prayer warrior what do you want do you want for your life how do you want it - what info what do you want for your marriage what do you want for your family what do you want for your health what do you want nobody asks us this that question they usually usually tell you what they want from you but what do you want and a lot of times we have a revelation of what God wants for us God gives us vision and sometimes a vision can be overwhelming because it can be so big and then we wonder whether or not we can accomplish it so we started out yes this is what God wants me to do and then life happens and then eventually we give up on our dreams we put it in the one on the backburner and and we don't we we I don't know what happens but there is something that happens to us that crushes our courage because it takes a lot of courage to move out of the status quo to move out of the familiar because most people love the common I love the uncommon most people love the ordinary I love the extraordinary and it's uncommon for you to one something that is extraordinary something out of the ordinary because if you ever go for it people wonder who gave you permission to think that you deserve to have that then people ask that question and then we ask that question of ourselves why should I have better why should I live better and does God really want me to live that way and if I want to better and have more is it materialistic is it being carnal and it seems as if we are plagued by those questions over and over again but we're getting ready to give you some answers in this series and see you should want what God wants for you God didn't want God didn't play games with with your life it's not his will that any should perish so that means that he wants you to live he wants you to be healthy he wants you to be happy he wants you to be successful he wants you healed he wants you prosperous he wants you wealthy Rick we could sit here all day and talk about God wanting you to have wealth and why would you feel guilty when you begin to pray I want to be wealthy I want to have a lot of money why would you be guilty you could do more if you had more you could do more for the kingdom we could film we can we can we can we can um house more orphans we could feed more hungry we could heal more sick if we had more God is gonna bless you a thousand times more even as you are in other words wherever you are right now it is God's will for you to have more more health more wealth more energy more friendships more more excitement more power more authority more influence more happiness more joy God is the god of more in fact he created everything to be more than what it is at the better day of conception that's the power of the seed he created a seed to be more than what it is at the point of its creation everything is created to be more than how it is birthed that's why you have a baby that's growing because it's created to be more to be a greater human being not to just lie there and people feed it and people lift the baby up they're created to talk more to eat more to see more to understand more God is the god of more even in the animal kingdom there is procreation so you you let a cat run stray for a couple of days is gonna come back with more more kittens he he lacked firmness he he was in firm they and Obama said they were healed of infirmity but this particular man he had been infirm for 38 years the Bible said it was a certain man that was there amongst the clutter of the common folk he was surrounded by individuals that had no vision didn't know where they were going never acts a person who doesn't know where they are for direction if they don't know where you are they are they can't help you to get to where you need to be even if they had a GPS that won't help because the GPS calculates based on where you are never be afraid to bring where you are to the table when you talk to God where you are emotionally he's not afraid of that where you are spiritually where you are professionally where you are relationally where you are man Minister Lee never be afraid to tell God exactly where you are you cannot help a person that's in debt if they refuse to calculate how much they owe and this is the problem with the average person they want to be wealthy but they're not gonna sit down and calculate and add up all their debt why they're afraid to know well if you fraid to know there's nothing we can do to help you there's no strategy that can you can apply this gonna help you you've got to be able to admit this is where I am this is where I am emotionally this is where I am physically this is where I am spiritually you don't have to admit it to people around you but admit it to yourself and admit it to God when you mitt it to yourself it's called integ when you admit it to God is called credibility it means that you're not lying to God and you're not not lying to yourself and God can get you from point A to point B number one if you know where you are number two if you know where you're going if you don't know your destiny your GPS can't help you so you know where you are but we're where do you want to be and this is how destiny is formed you've got to have a specific destination and you've got to lock it in into your GPS system in order to it for it to calculate a route and this is what decision-making is all about it's being able to calculate your route from getting you from point A to point B now knowing point B and not knowing where Point a is it's just like not knowing where point point B is but knowing where point A is you know where you are but you don't know where you're going you know where you want to go but you don't know where you are but where you are is enough to take you where you need to go I'm gonna say it again and I want I wanna I want to drive it into you where you are is enough to get you where you need to go in other words you don't need to justify it you don't need to be ashamed about it you don't need to lie about it it is where it is that ain't we ranked tomorrow about this time I ain't gonna be here why because I'm making a decision to be somewhere else it is your decision not my decision is a decision well for that God places in your lap but will is that place where do you want to be the Bible said that he was lacking firmness he was wishy-washy the scripture says a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways let not that man thinks that he's gonna get anything from God and so is it possible that you're praying and praying and praying but God is just waiting on you to confirm to him what it is that you really have made up your mind that you need where you're going when you're going there how you getting there do you really want to be a business owner are you just playing games do you really want to be wealthy do you really want to preach do you really want to be a doctor do you really want to be a lawyer do you really want to be a missionary do you really is this what you really want for your life because if that's what you want as a man thinketh in his heart so is he have you meditated if it's if it's occupying expensive real estate your your brain is very expensive real estate and your thoughts are just as expensive as it your thoughts are not cheap amen verse number six when Jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case now we know that he had been there for 38 years we don't know what his age was but all we know he had in been in that state that condition for 38 years now watch this verse verse number 6 when Jesus saw him lie make note of that word when he saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he said unto Him wilt thou be made whole the impotent man answered him sir I have no man when the waters troubled to put me into the pool in other words he was culturally conditioned to to to throw the responsibility onto someone else he was culturally conditioned to play the blame game I'm in this state coz nobody's gonna help me it is a learned helplessness write that word down because if you learn how to be healthy you can learn how to be empowered if you learn how to be helpless excuse me you can learn how to be empowered it's all about what you have learned it's a paradigm it's a paradigm float that a blue but balloon I'm coming back for it in a minute but while I am coming another step it down before me for 38 years I keep going to this pool and every time I go something happen if it's not one thing is another I'm trying so what was he doing what he was doing he knew how to push emotional and mental and spiritual buttons and people so that people could give him money because there's no grown man that sits by a pool all day long and survives without someone giving him some money someone giving him some clothes someone given him some food in other words he learned how to be a beggar I decree and declare your days are begging are over you are not gonna ask anybody to help you you're going to say my help comes from the Lord he's gonna empower me and I'm gonna get out of this with the help of the Lord you are not gonna beg anybody for anything you're not gonna beg them for their money you're not gonna beg them for their time and you're not gonna beg them for their attention the day is gonna come we're where they're going to want to pay you to pay attention you're gonna beg anybody any longer that's beneath you God's best is not begging God's best is that you are a benefactor you're not gonna just wait for someone to bless you you're gonna be a blessing that's what God said I'm gonna bless you and then in you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed this is what God said to Abraham as soon as I take you from the things that formed your your paradigm leave your kinfolk leave your country and leave your father's house leave your kindred leave your country leave your father's house what was he talking about those are the elements or those are the contributing factors to a mindset or paradigm so that the very source that created the paradigm is what God is going to deliver you from whether it's people or friends or an educational system somebody's getting this you're getting this leave those things behind that means if God is telling you to walk away from it he's got new forms of Education for you he's got new friends for you he's got new church for you he's got something new that will help you to form the right Kingdom paradigm so while I'm coming another step in my way these are alibis these are excuses he's talking about look I got these glass ceilings that I can't break in other words society has the haves and the have-nots and I'm just a part of the have-nots there's a social stratification and I can't break through to the next level of status people don't want me to be a part of their clique because everybody has a clique and so I want to break through in my office I want to break through professionally but the boss seems like he prefers so-and-so so we have all these excuses as to why we can't go to the next level and most of them are self-imposed limitations these are mental models that abort our purpose that the Bible says Jesus didn't answer him he said to him listen rise take up your bed and walk and immediately the man was made whole so first jesus said to him will thou be made whole he didn't say do you want to be healed please note the question was wilt thou be made whole and he said rise take up your bed and walk now this is very important number one he asked him a question of what do you want do you want to be whole wholeness is all-inclusive it's not up just about healing your body is the healing of the mind then he said take up your bed and and and and rise and walk rise take up your bed and walk now this is interesting interesting because to rise means to consciously and deliberately move to a higher plane in other words he was saying elevate your thinking then because your physiology your physiology follows your psychology so your body is going to follow the flow of your mind are you with me so wherever your mind goes your energy flows wherever your energy flows your life goals so he said elevate your thinking think at a high level and then while you're at it take up your bed the bed represents the many nights he went to sleep dreaming about walking so put feet to your dream and get up out of here walk means to progress so it's interesting because one would think that Jesus would have had pity on him and given him a crutch but Jesus didn't give him a crutch Jesus didn't give him a wheelchair Jesus gave him a word he didn't need a wheelchair what do you need it was a word you don't need a wheelchair you don't need a crutch what you need is a word and the word will empower you because when the word is spoken in the form of a mandate it means that you already have the potential and the mentality to perform it whenever a mandate is given it presupposes the recipient already has the potential and the mentality to perform it if I gave you something to do if I told you if God told you let me let me put it this way if God told you get up and dance it means that automatically he's gonna give you the mentality to dance he's gonna give you the mindset to dance and then he's going to activate it because you've got the potential to dance God will never instruct you to do something that you don't have the potential to do it so a mandate connects to potential so if God gives you an instruction it presupposes you can do it here is here is Noah Noah build an ark what's an ark nobody in my family built ark nobody in my community built our there's no such thing as an art in this world it is now why cuz you're an art builder well I've never done it God will never tell you to do what you don't have the potential to perform and the moment he gives you an instruction the moment he gives you a dream the moment he gives you a vision he begins to summons they hit him potential on the inside of you write that best-selling book oh wow I never wrote a book so I guess I'm gonna write a best-seller now dad David get up and kill Goliath I've never killed a giant before nobody in my community has ever killed the Giant my family has never killed the Giant in fact everybody in the community are afraid of Giants but David never killed a giant until he killed a giant if you think you can you're right if you think you can you're right either way you're right elevate your thinking this man was not lame he was lazy I decree your days of laziness or over you're gonna get up you're gonna stand up you're gonna speak up and you're gonna show up you are gonna show up in your own life you are not gonna be a supporting actor or actress in the unfolding of God's drama of your life you're gonna wake up every morning to decree and declare I come in the volume of the book it is written of me and if it's written I'm gonna be wealthy oh wow this is the day that the Lord has made I'm gonna be Joyce and be glad in it because this is my day of creating wealth good things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change everything you could change the way you think about yourself about what you're capable of doing what you're capable of achieving what you're capable of writing what you're capable of owning where you're capable of living where you're capable of achieving you are going to change the way you think about yourself and your capabilities the problem with the man at the pool is he felt like he didn't have the capability to walk and it was self-imposed and plus it was the cultural conditioning he was around people that surrounded him and when we talked about your your relational destiny and that's coming down the road we're going to talk to you about how to determine who should be in your life because just because people are attracted to you doesn't mean you are attracted to them you're gonna have a blueprint who comes in who leaves who you're gonna give a going-away party to by this you're going to a party where I'm going I don't know but you're leaving here that's your decision my decision is this is my destiny that's your destiny I'm deciding that you no longer qualify and we're gonna tell you why I'm gonna tell you why spiritually and then we're gonna show you scientifically what is happening when you're mixing with the wrong people and what's happening around you when would when wrong people leave your life wrong things stop happening when bad people leave your life bad things stop happening what do you think about yourself what do you think about yourself what do you think about your capabilities what do you think you deserve where do you deserve what do you think you deserve to live how much you didn't think you deserve to be paid what's your thoughts like what goes on in a day in your mind because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he now write this down your thoughts are pure energy pure energy did you not know that there are a hundred billion neurons in an adult human brain 100 billion and God is gonna multiply you a thousand times even as you are you're already a billionaire you're already a multi billionaire is what you're doing with that energy called thoughts there are a hundred billion neurons in the adult human brain and each of you are neuron makes 1,000 to 10,000 contacts with other neurons in the brain the number of permutations and combinations a brain activity exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe my god this is this is why the Bible says in in the book of Ecclesiastes he has put eternity in your heart he's put eternity in your heart you you you are something to behold but you haven't figured it out yet and why would you allow the enemy make you become a warrior why use your brain for things like worrying and being revengeful why because we don't know who we are and we don't know our capabilities we are like the paralytic man sitting for 38 years with the potential to walk and he gave his power away to the prevailing culture people that were around him self-imposed limitations paradigms that that would not take his life from out of Studdard 38 years every year every year everything repeated every year it's like a bad nightmare think about that for a moment think about the pure potentiality and possibility that's sitting on your left and right think about the powerful person on your left and right you are sitting next to one of the world's most powerful individuals turn to your neighbor say she's talking about me give me my props I'm powerful I'm more than them than what you see on the outside you've got pure power sitting next to you if we add one more person to your road to your role I believe the whole role will blow up it'll be too powerful can you imagine the type of potential that you are sitting on and this is why the enemy didn't want you to think because if you think you could think for a change can you imagine the pure sheer creative power of the human imagination can you imagine once imagination is hornist by vision vision takes imagination and it polishes it until it's laser sharp you see I could take a floodlight and take it into surgery and nothing will happen other than shining the light on the problem but if I take that floodlight and if I put it in a conduit I can create a laser that can cut open a human body I could put I could do laser surgery and then will my patient out and there'd be no signs that they were operated on that's how precise a light is I could cut through metal with light why would you want to be a floodlight with your thoughts all over the place and not allow God to harness it by giving you a vision a lot of us go to work to make money in this season don't just go to work put your brain to work and your brain has enough power in and of itself to bring to you anything you want what are your thoughts about who you are and what you're capable of accomplishing what are your thoughts about who you are and how it affects the highs and lows of your life the goods in your life your brain has the ability to bring only good into your life what you think frames your reality what you think influences your perception what you think influences the interpretation of your reality and occurrences and experiences and when you change how you think you change your perception and interpretation of what is happening to you you can be a thousand-aire you can be a millionaire you could be a billionaire you can be a trillionaire you can be a known Mobley air and the Mobley air means that you can count how much the person has you got so much stuff is not is that it's in trims lexicon is a made-up word if you think you can you will if you think you can you won't when you change your thoughts about how you are living in this world and what's coming to you and what you jus deserve and what you can accomplish when you change your mind the course of your destiny is altered that means you don't have to stay where you are the protocole Sun hit rock bottom and the scripture said when he came to himself he started thinking differently he said to himself how many of my father's hired service and more to eat and I died from hunger I will arise turn to your neighbor and say tell the devil I changed my mind I changed my mind about how I'm living I changed my mind about what I'm receiving I changed my mind about how I'm treated I changed my mind about how I dress I changed my mind about what I wear I changed my mind about my relationship I changed my mind about my health I changed my mind about my body I changed my mind nothing has to remain the same tomorrow about this time everything about your life is gonna be changed for the better cuz tonight you have changed [Music] your thoughts every day your thoughts are sending out energy and like attracts like like the tractor like so it goes out we call it going out in the into the universe but I don't believe it's being sent out into the universe and the universe is doing anything I believe it's the Providence of God but you're sending it out on a supernatural Highway like like a train a railroad track so it leaves you and then it comes back on the same track and it comes back not as a thought but it comes back as an experience a meeting and encounter a relationship it comes back as a condition you send it out it's gonna come back the Bible said so to the wind Reaper whirlwind and these are your thoughts and thoughts are very powerful I was gonna wait to give you this revelation but you remember be me at up Scott from Star Trek and you remember they would go from one galaxy to another and it was being propelled well it was being propelled by an energy now this energy is using what is called antimatter so they need matter and antimatter now this is all scientific quantum physics and I'll make it simple for you so when you get matter and it conversions with antimatter it annihilates and what is left is energy so you see when they say beam me up Scotty and then it disappears and it's nothing there so what they're doing is they cause cause matter and antimatter to collide it annihilates and what is left is energy and then they show up somewhere else so that's that's the theory behind that it's some quantum physics when matter converges with antimatter then energy remains now imagine a person who has nothing but negativity going on with their life all they got is death disease confusion arguments every time you see them they got a problem imagine having that type of energy around you because you're pure energy and you're colliding with these folk every single day who's gonna allow them in their life if you had somebody that had a house and a storm hit it and their house collapse and and and you know the neighbors help them and then the next storm right they did their house gets blown away and then the next storm the house gets blown away then they stay with you and the house gets blown away would you take them to the next house do you do you understand what I just said you are pure energy you you may not see it we call it some people call it aura you know you you meet a person and you just say I felt strange around them something strange have you ever met a person and they just made you feel funny it's that energy field that is around them biblically we call it faith or fear are you with me but there's an energy field around you and it causes things to be attracted to you could things be the way they are because you are the way you are you need people that have capacity to carry you to your next you need people around you that have been when you're trying to go most of you have people around you that has never done what you're trying to do never been where you're trying to go listen to me carefully especially you that God has blessed as business man business women and you're doing pretty good and none of your friends have a business and then you you you wonder why I don't know why you know I made all this money last year in the business and I don't have nothing this year check your family check your uncle blah blah check your auntie Lucy check your friends who's around you what energy are they bringing to the table here is this man his paralytic he's around people that have no vision what kind of energy is that a blonde the blind energy so now he can see I can't see I'm gonna pay these bills I can't see how God is gonna do this you lost your ability to see and their whole did they're stuck so imagine people only everybody around him it's important and it's that issue of what mine over matter we're going to talk about destiny and we're gonna keep digging because you got to deal with your relationships thoughts are real physical things that occupy mental real estate moment by moment every day you are changing the structure of your brain through your thinking this is what Carolyn Lee said switch on your brain the key to peak happiness and thinking and health she also says our choices the natural consequence of thoughts and imagination get under the skin of our DNA and can turn certain genes on and off changing the structure of the neurons in our brains so our thoughts imagination and choices can change the structure and function of our brains on every level this is why when you read scripture and the scripture says repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand they're not talking about you confessing your sin if he wanted you to confess your sin he would have said confessed he said repent repent means change the top of you point to the top of you point to the top of you no that's your brain the top of you is not your brain the top of you is your mind your spirit it's no longer just mind over matter its spirit over matter and if it's mind over matter guess what's gonna happen it means that your spirit the spirit realm can control the natural background to change the very nature of your brain to change the structure of your brain and it can happen in happens by choices every day you make a decision something is being altered even if it's your brain even if you don't see it in your immediate environment even if you don't see it as an immediate manifestation something is changing and something is off is being altered that's why Paul said let this mind be in you that which was also in Christ Jesus and he said I beg you brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are praiseworthy if there be any virtue he said I want you to think on these things why because you have the ability to change the very landscape of your brain you're smarter than you even let on to let on to your thinking machine you're a wealth creating machine you are a money-making machine and it's all in your brain this is how gone heads wired you to be but if you don't have enough don't don't blame it on your employer blame it on your own poets you've got to be able to alter your thinking scientists believe that we utilize less than 10% of our capacity of brain power so if you are able to put 10% with the remaining 90% potentiality this would mean you would totally maximize your potential but the average individual waste their brain power on worrying and begging rather than creating what they want one of the things that Albert Einstein said what a betrayal of man's dignity he uses the highest his highest gift his mind only 10% and his emotions and instincts 90% you have to use your instinct because that's what animals do animals are driven by instinct and urges but you've got a brain it's impossible for an animal to be fake why because he doesn't have an alternative self to be he doesn't have the ability to imagine and create he can only move by urges but you couldn't be anything you want to be because you've got nothing but brainpower you are a creative machine you are an innovative machine every single day you were crafting your future and you're making a myriad of decisions why don't you become deliberate and conscious with the use of your brain rather than just letting it happen why don't you use your brain thank you Jesus let me go back to the text are you getting anything out of this God gives you a vision and you say to people oh I'm gonna own a million I'm gonna live in a mansion you're gonna say how're you gonna do that you don't make that much money you're gonna say let me just think for a moment because you could think your way into anything you could think your way out of anything rather than using excuses rather than seeing things as they are why don't you see things as they could be what do you want Jesus had a conversation said to him wilt thou be made whole he said look I don't want nobody to help me and while I'm coming there's always someone getting in my way Jesus asked him wilt thou be made whole he continued what do you want what do you want what do you want and he kept giving excuses well I tried thirty-eight years you can imagine what it's like living here nobody gets out of this place I try to get people to help me and you've been telling the same story every every new person that comes into your life you repeat that story you tell the same story what your daddy didn't do what your mama didn't do you know who hurt you you know who dropped you when you were 2 months old you tell the same story the reason why I can't think cuz I just dropped when I was 2 months old yeah dad dropped me then I would have been able to think better you're always you have these wonderful stories and we called them alibis and Jesus didn't listen to any of his alibis he spoke directly to potential today I'm speaking directly to your potential we all have a story but we have an opportunity to change our childhood scripts and then acquire adult strategies and that's what God wants you to have adult strategies he gave him I all abides in them finally he must have to say about this ain't working he ain't giving me no money he ain't taking me to Kentucky Fried Chicken to buy me so let me tell the man yes and then like I said he didn't get a wheelchair he got a word he got a word take up your bed take up your own bed you are not responsible for taking up everybody's bed around you you take up yours and then you tell your uncle Bubba I took up mine I'm gonna give you an opportunity to take up yours when I read this story the word that popped out it so much in here when Jesus saw him lie let me just end with a discussion on lying lying is not only reclining horizontally but is also the misrepresent representation of the truth the truth about who you are and what you have the capability and capacity to achieve to become to do and to acquire you lie you know you deserve better and you could do more but somehow you've been logged into not maximizing your potential maximizing your day maximizing your gifts maximizing your relationships the thing that is said about this sort story is he not only lied about who he was what he kept was capable of doing not only miss represented the truth and there were so many believers that are misrepresenting the truth about who they are this is what God said you are the head and not the tail you are first and not last you are above only and not beneath he said I will bless the work of your hand and you shall not borrow but you shall land to many nations he said I will set you on high above every nation this is what God said about you that means you know when I think about people I know some people who are nurses and there's nothing wrong being a nurse but they have the potential to be a surgeon but they stopped I know some people that work at as entry-level clerks in law firms and they have the potential to be a partner in that law firm I know some people that makes thousands of dollars in a year but they had the potential to make millions they are misrepresenting who they are by accepting mediocrity as a way of life this is good enough it is not good enough lying compromises the autonomic nervous system the sympathetic nervous system the parasympathetic nervous ticks at nervous system it taxes the brain it causes stress-related illnesses and harms the body and what the what the doctors call stress-related illnesses they call it fibromyalgia that's another name for I don't know what's wrong with you because they can't find nothing wrong with you it's mind over matter [Music] could it be that this man had self-defeating thoughts about his own ability to break away from cultural captivity and thus his hopelessness caused his helplessness and infirmity could be could it be his muscles atrophied as he looked for alibis for why he was not doing being succeeding prospering he lived amongst people of the lie that perpetuated pointed out rather than pointing in they talked about what people didn't or didn't do for them they talked about what society doesn't do for them they talked about what government doesn't do for them but they never do for themselves they are people of the lie David Hawkins did some research on this he said the more you lie the weaker your psychological and spiritual and neurological and physical muscles become because a lion affects your autonomic nervous system remember the ice bucket challenge where people were throwing ice what they would do it was about the ANS the autonomic nervous system in other words you're an S or visual nervous system or involuntary nervous system is a part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of your consciousness and controls your visual functions the an and s is responsible for heart rate digestion respiratory rate salvation perspiration palpitation a urination any kind of arousal it's important that you understand what is going on every time you miss represent the truth about what you are who you are and what you're capable of doing it is affecting every part of you is affecting your brain it's affecting your heart when they when they connect people to a lie detector they're connecting that device to the ANS cause the and that's does not lie are you a boy or girl the answer is either yes or no did you kill so-and-so will you at so-and-so and your autonomic nervous system is the one that signals whether they're lying or not because it's something that you cannot control this man was weakening his muscles every day he began every day he said I can't walk I can't work listen to me carefully he had to learn helplessness why because it was easier for him to beg than it was for him getting a job so he learned for 38 years how to manipulate people how to manipulate their mind how to manipulate their psychology because if he did in bed he wouldn't live and he was a man that had they are potential to be a business owner yet the potential to be an actuarial scientist why because every beggar knows after ten people one of those ten is going to give me some money I just don't know who which one of the tan so they bagged ten people are you with me why use your skill to be a beggar it means that he has to be a lotus Titian here's the note exactly where the crowd will walk in order to be a beggar why would he use his ability to be a logistician to be a psychiatrist I college Asst why because he had to read people he knew the ones that were gonna kick him and the ones that would be pitiful to him and he knew who to acts and who not to act all of that potential on the inside of him and he just sat there waiting and he was slapping God in the face you've got to understand just as long as you stay as you are keep blaming the devil keep blaming your mother keep blaming your father keep blaming your boss he blaming the economy when you've got the potential to break away from the clutter of the common you've got the potential to be more powerful than what you are but you are allowed people to tell you how far to go and to tell you what you not and to tell you what you can't do and then you repeat it over and over long enough until you believe that these are your thoughts and these are your ideas I can't do this because I'm a foreigner I can't do this cuz nobody knows me I can't do that I can't be this my boss don't like me this person don't like me what does the price that you have to do with people that don't like you they don't even know you they can't like something they don't know they can have an opinion but they do you know what business of the of yours is that a lot of times we don't understand and we have lived in a state for so long that is affecting everything about you I believe that most of the health maladies that we are seeing that we are trying to cure with pharmaceuticals can be cured with a good dose of truth a good dope of truth about who we are we are not individuals living as flawed being because we have this dumb saying oh I'm just human as if being human is somehow a tantamount to being flawed but when God created you he didn't create you as a monkey he created you as a human being he said I'm creating them after my image after their likeness and he called us a human being he called us a sentient being that means the more human you are the more godlike you are and many of us get mixed up with a fallen nation and our human nature maybe your fallen nature's chin but your human nature is godlike your human nature is holy you are not flawed but you are fabulous you are not only fabulous you are incredible you are not only incredible you are intelligent you are a powerful being God made you to live better to do better he made you to be hallelujah a reflection of everything that he is he said let your light so shine hallelujah that man may see your good work hallelujah and glorify your father which is in heaven as long as you stay connect did to the Babylonian system he will always be a beggar hallelujah the Babylonian system perpetuates the lie it seduces humanity to attempt hallelujah the tor to attempt to meet their needs without God hallelujah it's a strange thing when we are reminded that it was the Babylonian system that educated you we are educated in it we are cultural eyes in it we are socialized in it we build our relationship within it we work in it it is all around you the Babylonian system is there when you wake up when you go to work when your goal to worship every day you got to choose whether or not you're gonna be seduced by it or whether you're going to resist it the Babylonian system produce the current paradigms that undermine what it really means to be human and it's a revelation that each of us need hallelujah that human beings in its purest sense we are not marked but we are marvelous we are created in the image and the likeness of God and each time we buy into the lie we wish misrepresent God hallelujah by failing to be godly the consequences of lying hallelujah is not just about how it is affecting you but how it is affecting the world lying affects the unconscious mind of humanity and everybody knows unconsciously when they're being lied to and everybody lies lying brings us into the realm of atrophy truth recalibrates anything that has been atrophy by a lie this is why the Bible said sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth John 17:17 every one of our poets has an effect not only on ourselves but a rippling effect on the world a small white line has a greater impact on society than we could ever imagine it effect has serious consequences lying starts with a motive and an intention how does lion start when people lie lying is a demonic strategy used to cover up something used to hide something used to get something used to avoid something when Jesus saw him lie lying is motivated by fear fear of the consequences of telling the truth lying lying is intended to cover something up lying when Jesus saw him lie lying hurts others it hurts others because of projection because of exaggeration because of a violating commandment trying to cover-up ourselves hallelujah affects us on every level lying stands from cultural and social conditioning where you been trained that if you tell the truth you are going to have to suffer the consequences and many of us don't want to suffer the consequences because we've seen when someone tells the truth the consequences usually are not good when you tell the truth about yourself people usually regret ly reject you and rejection is painful and so we start lying about ourselves oh I'm not that bright I'm not that intelligent I can't really preach I'm not that pretty I'm not that gorgeous oh this ugly thing you look good oh no I don't this is ten years oh we keep lying lying impacts us corporately it impacts us with business deal lying impacts financially it impacts us emotionally have you ever been lied to a person that you trust and when you find out that they lied to you the pain of being deceived and you never trust them again it hurts you emotionally lion impacts us culturally it impacts us natural nationally it impacts us corporately it impacts government it impacts the church it impacts relationship lion lion causes you to live in the realm of falsehood living in the well realm of falsehood creates a significant amount of confusion in your mind and as long as you were confused you can never think straight when you have confusion the thing that you have to do to eliminate confusion is to make a decision you're confused because you know you have to make a decision but in making a decision you don't make it because you're afraid of the fall out somebody is not gonna like you someone's gonna leave you someone's gonna misunderstand you so you just live a lie hallelujah lying causes mental conflict lying causes emotional anguish lying is a misuse of your creative power lying is a misuse of your innovative power line is a misuse of your ability unfortunately many people don't realize that they are living a lie because they've never been shown the truth about who they really are and the incredible potential that lies within people around you always talks about what you don't have but you can't see what I have people talk about what you can't do but you can compla compliment me about what I can do if you have on a black suit and there's one piece of lint the suit could be a designer suit but they'll always say you've got this white lint on you but you can't compliment me for my designer suit that means what you have to do is to believe what God is saying about you and encourage yourself God is telling me to tell you that you are good now you are pretty enough you are tall enough you were educated enough you have enough money resources when Jesus saw him lie when he misrepresented who he was when he allowed the culture to put on like put a cap on his progress on his potential when he allowed people to take his personal power I'm gonna tell you something when you misrepresent who you are you cheat the world the world is waiting for you you lie when you fail to exercise your potential its misrepresenting the truth you lie when you fail to discipline yourself you lie when you fail to acquire life skills instead you continue on with your childhood scripts you undermine your true worth your true value by failing to become all that God has wired you to become and every time you fail to rise up and take your rape rightful place in this world and accept the lies of the enemy and accept the lies of the Babylonian system concerning your future something in you atrophy and dies it might be your dream it might be an opportunity but something in you dies every time you believe the lies the enemy tells you directly or indirectly like you'll never make it and it doesn't make sense trying you're only gonna fail it's always gonna be this way nobody is here for you every time you believe that lie something in you at rifice and dies it's like killing your potential at point blank blank range BAM every time you miss represent who you are and so today let me talk about the DNA of destiny it starts with truth the truth about who you are and what you're worth from today on you are not gonna use anymore excuses and no more alibis this man said every time I try some obstacle is thrown in my way he had become discouraged and despondent to the point of giving up and thus relegated to living in a subsistence state - today I want to declare something over your life God is delivering you from discouragement this man lived amongst a culture of common characterized by cultural conditioning he became a product of his environment then he was relegated to live amongst the demographics characterized by begging he had lost his inner drive misery loves company water seeks its own level so he was connected to people who were equally paralyzed nobody could help him because they were going nowhere they were paralyzed physically they were paralyzed emotionally they were paralyzed financially yet others that were professional they weren't living amongst them the others that were succeeding they were in living amongst them that means that if you are going to succeed in life if you're going to progress beyond where you are number one you gotta make a decision number two you gotta be bold and number three you got to be unapologetic this does not work for me any longer it means that you've got to get your ability to dream again take up your bed the bed was a metaphor for his dreams and when you are able to dream again able to break cycles you're able to build a new life you ready to be begin again only those who see the invisible do the impossible he couldn't see himself he couldn't see himself ever walking ever having a job so he lived a subsistence sub and been below system life below life they were satisfied with living on the fringes of society they were satisfied with working in the worst jobs in their industry I decree you are no longer gonna work in the fringes of society live on the fringes of society and you are no longer gonna be taking the worst jobs in your industry you were gonna have the best jobs you deserve it God gets ready to change your life he will introduce a new person into it whenever the devil gets ready to sabotage your life he will introduce a new person in it your relationships determine your destiny the paralytic was introduced to a new relationship and he had a purpose-driven encounter the Bible said the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost what did we lose our ability to live like human beings in conclusion could it be that his limited belief in his abilities limit his his capacity could it be that given away his personal power to the environment the prevailing culture left him powerless could it be that his poor image of himself caused him to sink into the abyss of non productivity intellectual atrophy and poverty could things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change every day you can change your mind about how you see yourself in this world how you see yourself succeeding how you see yourself growing how you see yourself prospering how you see yourself contributing you could change your mind anytime you get ready why because thinking is free how do you think about your self what do you think that you deserve what do you think you should live what do you think you should drive do you think you should marry if you're married it's kind of late but when you walk out of here remind yourself I'm created for so much more I'm created for greatness God is giving me power to create to expand to increase I am a creative being I am God's agent today I'm not gonna try any longer I'm gonna trust and I'm gonna do I believe in myself so I'm gonna fight for my dreams I'm gonna fight for my destiny I'm gonna stand up speak up I'm never going to apologize for wanting better the DNA of destiny starts in your mind and a lot of us have been socialized and we've acquired paradigms that bought us into this state our thoughts creates an invisible energy field around us which becomes a magnetic force like attracts like and when you change the way way you think about yourself change how you feel about yourself and what your worth things will begin to change I deserve better so you live better amen let's pray our Father God will give you praise and honor we thank you from everlasting to everlasting thou art God even as we begin to talk about and continue on our conversation about the DNA of destiny when we walk out of here when we turn off our lights when we go to bed let me park our car we've got a lot to think about the Babylonian system is filled with people of the lie the devil is the father of lies but Jesus you are the truth the truth sets us free it liberates us people are talking about today find your truth but that small T we're not trying to find our truth we're trying to find the truth capital T it's not a process but a person it's not a principle but a person it's not a virtue but a person it is you Jesus and we thank you now that as we look at ourselves you can always see the things that are wrong the mistakes that we made because we just did not know who we where we didn't know our worth we didn't know why our identity and most of us didn't even know that we could give our ourselves a gift of decision-making so we're taking our lives out of neutral we're shifting it into gear and we pray for wisdom we pray for insight father we've been sleeping too long 38 years is a long time just waiting and waiting but now we decree in declare our a verbal 38 years are over tonight we're gonna take up our beds we're gonna progress walking into new relationships they're walking in the spirit we are walking in truth and we are walking with you bless us God as our destinies are altered moment by moment and day by day now unto Him who is able to do the exceeding abundantly above all we can ask a thing it's according to the power that works in us amen yes God the DNA of destiny you know the common thread throughout this whole series is who are you connected to right because when a new and influential person comes into your life your season immediately shifts and so we want to speak to you in this room but all of you that are watching online right now we want to be connected to you whatever is going on in your life negatively can shift with an effectual and new relationship we want to be that new relationship in your life we want to pray for you we have prayer partners standing by right now and we also want to connect with you as a partner would you sow a seed into Cindy trim ministries and connect to us and the empowering work that we're doing around the world I'm telling you testimonies are rolling in of healed body's healed minds finance is turning around marriages being restored and they're coming in from all over the world I'm telling you this message is going out with power and we want to expand this vision we want to be able to reach more people we don't want to be able to put this footage into the hands of studios in Africa and Europe and be able to transmit this message even further than we're doing it right now we want to expand will you walk with us on this journey of expansion just hit that give button right now if you're on Facebook it's in the description above we also want to see you in person let's continue this relationship with a face to face encounter we want to invite you to end your year strong empowerment Summit this year 2018 it's gonna be December 7th and 8th we have an amazing line-up of speakers dr. bill Winston Bishop Tomlinson dr. Cindy trim is our host it's gonna be incredible we have pastor Steven and Lori ward leading worship and we also have special guests Todd Delaney how many of you love Todd Delaney your great name he's gonna be there you want to register right now and guess what there's a limited time to get an early bird special so go ahead and hit that button right now early bird is $39 after that the price is gonna increase on a genuine the first so register now so you can get your seat at one of the most profound events in all of 2018 we're gonna give you the prophetic momentum to push you in to the new year with tools strategies it's gonna be incredible you don't want to miss it we want to thank you for joining us and we encourage you to come back every first and third Thursday where it's live it's prophetic and it's all God we'll see you then
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 103,441
Rating: 4.8404255 out of 5
Keywords: Destiny DNA, atomic prayer, cindy trimm
Id: xi13Q6vKeGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 55sec (4915 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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