Who Are The 144,000 In The Book Of Revelation?

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today we're answering the question who are the 144 000 in the book of revelation i appreciate and enjoy the questions that are sent to me through social media and those that follow our ministry and the various formats on social media and i always do my best to give you a straightforward thoroughly researched and i believe to be correct interpretation of scripture and the question was asked who are the 144 000 people who are mentioned in the book of revelation uh to begin our study on the identity of the 144 000 we actually find them mentioned in two different chapters of the bible and we're going to be looking at both passages and reading both passages as we begin the study if i can pause long enough to jog your memory to a teaching that i did a series on what are the seven seals in the book of revelation and i mentioned to you at the conclusion of that series on what are the seven seals in the book of revelation that i would be addressing this subject and if you'll recall and if you haven't listened to that teaching make yourself useful and dig that up and study it and learn it with me but i explained to you in detail the six seals that were taught in that series and then mentioned to you that in revelation chapter 7 there is a prophetic pause or at least what i would like to call a prophetic pause before the seventh seal is open and the seventh seal of the seven seals in the book of revelation is opened beginning in revelation chapter eight so we have the six seals and then we have this prophetic pause in revelation chapter seven and then the seventh seal is opened in revelation chapter 8 and it's in this prophetic pause found in revelation chapter 7 that we first find a reference to the 144 000. one of the eschatology scholars that i trust and read and there are several but his name is dr mark mark hitchcock and he said this quote two main texts in revelation describe the 144 thousand revelation chapter 7 verses 1 through 8 and revelation 14 verses 1 through five revelation seven is an intermission before the seventh seal is opened it's like a flashback to the beginning of the ministry of the 144 000 and gives a panorama of their activity revelation 14 verses 1 through 5 pictures the 144 000 at the end of the tribulation end of quote that's a wonderful uh summation of where we're headed today and those two main texts that i mentioned those two main texts that dr hitchcock refers to let's read those today as we begin this study and so first of all go into revelation chapter 7 revelation chapter 7 and let's read verses 1 through 8. this is the first passage that we find the 144 000 mentioned revelation chapter 7 beginning to read at verse 1 and now we'll read through verse 8. then i saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the earth or the sea or even on any tree and i saw another angel coming up from the east carrying the seal of the living god and he shouted to those four angels who had been given the power to harm land and sea wait don't harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of god on the foreheads of his servants pause right there in the third verse is where we read that god is going to uniquely seal these 144 000 servants that have been set apart and for the chronology of this if you're taking notes let's remember that in revelation chapter 7 we are beginning to see the unraveling of what is called the great tribulation and again for those of you who are new the next major prophetic event on the calendar of god is an event called the rapture of the church the rapture of the church is a signless event in other words there are no specific signs or prophecies in the new testament that point to the exact timing as to when the rapture of the church is going to take place there are specific signs and prophecies in the new testament that refer to the end times but they refer to events that take place after the rapture and so the chronology once again the next major prophetic event the rapture of the church immediately after the rapture of the church the bible tells us that the world will enter in to seven years of great tribulation the antichrist will arise and there will be a one world leader a one world government a one world monetary system a one world religion a one-world military power that enforces all of the above and the antichrist at the beginning of the great tribulation as we read in daniel chapter 9 and verse 27 will sign a peace treaty in jerusalem israel and there under the watchful eyes of the media and the world as he signs that seven-year peace trial treaty the bible tells us that is the exact beginning of the great tribulation it will then last seven years by the jewish calendar of 360 days at the end of those seven years of 360 days the great tribulation will end with the second coming of jesus christ after the second coming of the lord jesus christ we enter into the millennium period which is a 1 000 year period and then after the millennium the final judgment and then eternity i have teachings available on all of those various stages of the end times and i trust that you'll listen to them and learn them along with me as we move forward but here in the third verse of revelation chapter 7 we read of god putting a mark on the foreheads and sealing the 144 thousand and again as i have taught you in the past satan and the antichrist and the false prophet revealed in revelation chapter 13 they are the unholy trinity they will reveal a mark often referred to in prophecy teaching as the mark of the beast that's found in revelation chapter 13 and the mark of the beast is not an original god is the author of the original seal marked upon the foreheads of the 144 thousand everything that satan does is a lesser and inferior counterfeit attempting to be like god but he is not god he was created by god ezekiel 39 he fell like lightning from heaven along with one third of the angels of heaven which make up demon spirits there really is a satan there really are demonic spirits there really is a valid presence of evil working on this earth and working as i speak in overtime as we are about to enter into the end time events and so don't confuse the mark on the foreheads of the 144 000 with the mark of the beast they are two separate marks this one in revelation chapter 7 and verse 3 is given by god upon the four heads of the 000 the bible doesn't give us details or specifics other than we know that it sets them apart it identifies them and somehow it provides supernatural divine protection so that as they carry out their mission during the great tribulation none can harm them the mark of the beast does not arrive until revelation 13. let's go back and pick up at verse 4 of revelation 7 and i heard how many were marked with the seal of god 144 000 were sealed from all the tribes of israel now i want to pause here just for a moment because as you're going to see today there are false teachings and there are misinterpretations as to who the 144 000 are and so i want this in the very foundation and infancy of this teaching as we begin this study on who are the 144 000 in the book of revelation to see the literalness of what john who is the author of the book of revelation he's been given this vision and he's writing down what he sees and what he has heard i want you to see that without any wiggle room he states i heard how many were marked and then he states 144 000 and i'm going to pick up and read the bible in just a moment but for clarification remember this when you hear the false teachings of those who say that it's not an exact number or it is a generalization or it represents the true church or it represents spiritual israel and some of the false teachings that we're going to cover today as you read the bible it is literal here and there is no wiggle room for him making it out to be anything else verse 4 i heard how many were marked with the seal of god 144 000 were sealed from the tribes of israel and if that's not literal enough let's read on from judah 12 000 from reuben 12 000 from gad 12 000 from asher 12 000 from naphtali 000 from manasseh 12 000 from simeon 12 000 from levi 12 000 from issachar 12 000 from zebulun 12 000 from joseph 12 000 from benjamin 12 000. now if you're a new student to the bible what are all of those names followed by 12 000 those are the 12 tribes of israel and they are still in existence today in the 21st century god still knows who are the original 12 tribes and so the 144 000 john said is a literal number how literal is it john said 12 000 from each of the 12 tribes of israel have been set apart by god sealed with this mark for a special mission that we'll uncover in the moments ahead before we do that let's go into the second passage in revelation the 14th chapter where we read of the 144 000 mentioned in the book of revelation for the second time and again in your notes two main passages in the book of revelation identify the 144 000. revelation chapter 7 verses 1 through 8 and revelation 14 1-5 now let's read revelation 14 1-5 then i saw the lamb standing on mount zion and with him were 144 000 who had his name and his father's name written on their foreheads and i heard a sound from heaven like the roar of a mighty ocean wave or the rolling of loud thunder it was like the sound of many harpists playing together this great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of god and before the four living beings and the 24 elders no one could learn this song except the 144 000 who had been redeemed from the earth they have kept themselves as pure as virgins following the lamb wherever he goes they have been purchased from among the people on the earth as a special offering to god and to the lamb they have told no lies and they are without blame so there we've identified the two passages that identify the 144 000 in the book of revelation revelation chapter 7 revelation chapter 14 and we've read both of those passages to you so now let me take some time to teach and give detailed information as to who they are and also i want to spend some time helping you to understand the false teaching so that when you hear it you'll recognize it and be made aware before we begin the study let's take time to pray father once again we pause in the activities of life and now as we open up the holy bible we bow before you and we give you praise and honor and glory it is impossible to read and to study the book of revelation without seeing the great theme of holy is the lord you are holy today and we give you praise man by nature is unholy and it is our sin that separates us from god i pray today as we expound on the word of the lord if there are those who are listening to the teaching today who are not saved perhaps backslidden and away from god not living in victory over sin but sin is living in victory over them i pray that through the teaching and preaching of the word of god that the life power of the holy spirit would speak to them convict them of sin convince them of their need of christ and call them to yourself let today be the hour of decision for each and every one of them and father for those of us who know christ we give you praise for our salvation and not only for our salvation but the stripes that were laid upon the back of christ that not only provided through the shedding of blood the forgiveness of our sins but the healing of our bodies and we receive the promise of the scripture that declares the same spirit that raised christ from the dead quickens our mortal bodies as followers of the lord as those purchased by the blood of christ we're not only saved we're healed thank you for the baptism in the holy spirit and father thank you today for the eternally accurate road map called bible prophecy that leads us and guides us with hope and clarity in these final hours in which we live let the hope of prophecy rise in every listener and for all things we'll be careful to give you the praise and the honor and the glory for we ask it in the mighty name of jesus and all god's people said a big amen one of the main themes not just in the book of revelation but throughout the bible is god never leaves himself without a witness on this earth very important theme as a student of the bible to understand write it down god throughout both old testament and new testament never leaves himself without a witness here on this earth god always offers an opportunity of mercy before he allows judgment vitally important before god ever in the bible pours out wrath and judgment upon sin and rebellion he always has a witness on this earth who is offering the nature of god's mercy and an opportunity to escape coming wrath you will never face the wrath of god and judgment until you reject the god of love and mercy write that down and i'll say it again you will never face the god of wrath and judgment until you reject the god of love and mercy and many of you that are listening to me god has sent many witnesses into your life so that you can hear and receive the truth of god and be saved but you've been frivolous and you have written it off and thought in your mind i can do it whenever i want but you can never come to christ based on your schedule the bible says that you can only come by the drawing of the father through the spirit he said in john chapter 15 and verse 16 ye have not chosen me but i have chosen you as you're going to see in today's bible study on the book of revelation that during the horror of the seven years of great tribulation once again god has raised up a witness on this earth even during the seven years of great tribulation which is the greatest outpouring of god's vengeance and wrath and judgment that the world will ever see and the 144 000 are some they're not the only they are some of the witnesses that god is going to raise up during the great tribulation so as we begin today one of the things that i normally do with my teaching style is i not only try to teach you the genuine i try to give you a little schooling and background in the counterfeit and the reason why i'm somewhat dedicated to this style of teaching and presentation is because social media is a two-edged sword the internet is a two-edged sword people have access to everything that's published and said and written and documented throughout the world well that is a great blessing but it is also a great curse because many times someone might have the question if they're a new believer or if they're studying the book of revelation i wonder who the 144 000 are in the book of revelation and so they go to their favorite search engine and type who are the 144 000 in the book of revelation chapter 7 chapter 14 or wherever they're reading and then this incredible list of teaching comes up and probably a good percentage of it is going to be heresy you're going to be hearing people who do not know the book of genesis from the book of revelation giving you some type of opinion you're going to hear how cults translate it you're going to hear how false religions translate it you're going to hear even in the church of the lord jesus christ perhaps debate as to who the 144 000 are and if you read everything and sadly a lot of people believe whatever they read on the internet if it's printed and it looks authentic or it looks like it's academic or it was written by someone with a ph.d in front of their name or a teacher from a university or a professor from a seminary or so on they just see this article and say well you know after all they're a professor or they have an earned doctorate or they teach at a seminary or they're a leading senior fellow at a at a great university then i surely must interpret this as truth and that my friend gets a lot of people into false doctrine i say it often i hope it's said with the utmost of sincere humility but i want to be your trusted voice in interpreting bible prophecy and understanding what the scripture has to say and as you know by now i'm not afraid to look the counterfeits in the eyes and tell you where they fall short from the bible so let's begin with that let's talk about if you're taking notes write down as a heading common false views about the 144 000. and i think even if you're a new believer or a new student of the bible or a new student of eschatology or the book of revelation i think as i get into some of these some of you are going to have a light go on and say you know what i had heard that view and didn't realize where it came from and so common false teachings on the 144 000 let's begin with the jehovah's witnesses many of you that are listening to me perhaps on a saturday when you're starting to enjoy a day off there came a knock at the door and there were two young men standing there in white shirts and black ties and clean cut and they begin to talk to you about spiritual matters and you weren't aware of the fact that they were members of the church called jehovah's witnesses well the jehovah's witnesses have a view on the 144 000 and i'd like to explain it to you the jehovah's witnesses believe that the 000 represent the faithful witnesses from a.d 33 specifically on the day of pentecost up until the present time when we will be resurrected this is what they teach this is not what the bible teaches when they state people will be resurrected as immortal spirits to heaven and will spend eternity with god and christ they teach that these 144 000 in the book of revelation chapter 7 and chapter 14 are 144 000 select jehovah's witnesses who are anointed by god to become a part of spiritual israel unto god and so i don't think that would surprise you that the jehovah's witnesses view is that the 144 thousand are a select group of jehovah's witnesses that become spiritual israel to god now that poses a problem because in the infancy of this cult when they didn't have a hundred and forty four thousand uh this doctrine was easier to believe but what happened throughout the centuries as this cult begin to grow and their numbers begin to swell way beyond 144 000 well they begin to teach that above and beyond the 144 000 there are those who are going to be redeemed and they interpret that out of luke chapter 12 and verse 32. let me read it to you luke chapter 12 matthew mark and luke chapter 12 and go down to verse 32. there the bible says so don't be afraid little flock for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom the jehovah's witnesses teach that the little flock here in luke chapter 12 and verse 32 they are the 144 thousand select jehovah's witnesses so the jehovah's witnesses are teaching the 144 000 are an elite select group of jehovah's witnesses and when their numbers begin to swell they dealt with that by saying well we're the little flock those of us that are the 144 thousand were the little flock mentioned in luke chapter 12. so what about the numbers above 144 000 because all other jehovah's witnesses who are not a part of the little flock what are they considered well they then go into the gospel of john and pervert scripture and uh let me read that to you matthew mark luke john let's just go over to john chapter 10. john chapter 10 and verse 16 there the bible says i have other sheep too they are not in this sheepfold i must bring them also they will listen to my voice and there will be one flock with one shepherd and so all of the jehovah's witnesses who are not the elite 144 000 of the little flock they then bypass that and give hope to the others by saying well you're the other sheep if you're not the 144 thousand you're the other sheep you have hope too but you're the other sheep recorded in john chapter 10 and verse 16. they also teach that those who are not the elite jehovah's witnesses making up the 144 000 are also referenced as the great crowd in revelation chapter 7 as students of the bible we wholeheartedly reject the heretical teachings of the cult called jehovah's witnesses i know that's strong but i meant every single word we wholeheartedly reject the heretical teachings of a cult by the name of jehovah's witnesses so there might be one teaching that you have heard on the 144 thousand in the infancy of this teaching we're talking about the common false views let me move to the second one and that is one taught by the church of the latter-day saints sometimes called lds latter-day saints lds or perhaps most commonly known as the mormons the mormons have as you might imagine their own unique position on the 144 000 the mormons state that the angel in revelation chapter 14 refers to the angel moroni who appeared to joseph smith in 1823 and provided him with the doctrines and what now constitutes the literature of the mormon church on top of the mormon church in salt lake city utah is a very famous gold statue of the angel moroni and i think we have some pictures to help you see that now what do they teach on the 144 000 mormon doctrine teaches that revelation chapter 7 is prophesying about the restoration of the gospel to the mormon church in the latter days now you know why they call it the church of jesus christ of the latter day saints they interpret revelation chapter 7 as a fulfillment where the restoration of the gospel is going to come to the mormon church in the latter days this might surprise you to hear me say this but i believe that it's very possible that an angel did appear to joseph smith in 1823. i've heard other preachers teachers scholars theologians slam joseph smith and just say well you know he was crazy and that never happened and but i'm going to take a different position on that and then i'm going to explain to you and back it up with the bible why i believe that it's very possible that an angel in 1823 did actually appear to joseph smith as the founder of what we now know as the mormon church as a matter of fact the apostle paul addressed this very issue to the churches at galatia in his epistle to the galatians that was written around 49 or 50 a.d and i said i'd back it up with the bible so if you have your bible go with me to galatians chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 and go down to verse 6 galatians chapter 1 verses 6 through 9. the apostle paul speaking to the churches at galatia said i am shocked that you are turning away so soon from god who called you to himself through the loving mercy of christ you are following a different way that pretends to be the good news but it is not the good news at all pause right there and highlight that that's one of the best definitions of what a cult is found in the bible many people say well what is a cult you said the jehovah's witnesses are occult i'm going to show you that the mormons are a cult and we could go down a list of cults but we're not doing a teaching on cults today we're doing a teaching on 144 000 in revelation 7 and 14 but there is as long as we're there let's put our finger on it one of the best biblical definitions of a cult is given by paul in galatians chapter 1 verses 6 and 7 a different way that pretends to be the good news but is not the good news at all there is the purest biblical text defining what a cult is let's read on you are being fooled by those who deliberately twist the truth concerning christ let god's curse fall on anyone including us or even an angel from heaven who preaches a different kind of good news than the one we preached to you i say again what we have said before if anyone preaches any other good news than the one you have welcomed let that person be cursed so what i am saying is it is possible that an angel by the name of moroni did appear to joseph smith in 1823 but if an angel by the name of moroni did appear to joseph smith in 1823 it was not a heavenly angel it was an angel of deception or an angel of light let me take you into another passage that you need to understand second corinthians chapter 11 again written by the apostle paul to the church at corinth second corinthians 11 look at two verses verses 14 and 15 highlight them in your bible but i am not surprised even satan disguises himself as an angel of light so it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness in the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve so if an angel by the name of moroni did appear to joseph smith in 1823 and provide him with these various visions he had multiple visions and visitations from the angel moroni i want to be clear that angel was not a heavenly angel it was a demonic angel or perhaps satan himself appearing as an angel of light who leads into false doctrine and all that is cultish from their own mormon literature they state and i'll read it to you word for word quote the number 144 000 mentioned in revelation 7 verses 4 through 8 is the number of ordained high priests out of the 12 tribes of israel who will assist others in their quest for exaltation it is not as some people believe the total number of people who will be exalted end of quote that is straight from mormon doctrine literature now when they speak of exaltation what is exaltation exaltation in the mormon church is a doctrine that mankind can reach his highest level of salvation to eternally live in god's presence continuous families become gods create worlds and have spirit children over which they will govern they believe that exaltation is what god desires for all mankind again straight from their literature let me give you some more information straight from their literature from mormon doctrine page 546. listen to this quote at his second coming speaking of christ the lamb shall stand upon mount zion and with him a hundred and forty four thousand having his father's name written on their foreheads these 144 000 are gods did you catch that these 144 000 according to mormons are those human spirits who are now at the highest level of salvation they have entry-level salvation they have tears of salvation and exaltation is the highest level of salvation you become a god let me continue these 144 000 are gods as the name on their foreheads specifies their callings and elections have been made sure they are exalted personages they are redeemed from among men and in their mouth was found no guile for they are without fault before the throne of god they have attained perfection end of quote now if you're not familiar with it and in a way i hope that you're not but the mormon church teaches that salvation is dependent on much more than just jesus christ alone mormons believe that before you were ever born physically that all humanity existed as spirit children of the heavenly father and by their doctrine they teach that jesus as a spirit child of god the father born on this earth was merely our older brother and so in mormon doctrine jesus christ his death his burial his resurrection and his atonement does not provide what is sufficient for salvation because he was simply our elder brother mormons believe that true salvation is completed only with the addition of mormon ordinances the mormon gospel and the fulfilling of mormon rituals the mormon articles of faith affirm a belief in the bible is the word of god if you ask a mormon do you believe the bible is the word of god they would say well of course i believe that the bible is the word of god but here's what they mean by that the mormon tenets of doctrine state that the bible is the word of god if it is properly interpreted and by that they mean they believe it's the word of god provided you interpret it the way they teach that it should be interpreted and they also have an additional book called the book of mormon and they state that to be equal to the holy bible in other words the bible as they translate it they believe to be the word of god but it is only partnered with and subservient to the ultimate test of standard which is the book of mormon well let's go into revelation chapter 22 and address that revelation chapter 22 the very last chapter in the bible and go down to verses 18 and 19 and let's talk a little bit about their views on the 144 000 their belief on the bible as well as their exaltation of the book of mormon as being coequal to the bible revelation 22 verses 18 and 19 and i solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book if anyone adds anything to what is written here god will add to that person the plagues described in his book and if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy god will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book pay attention to what i'm about to say because there are many modern theologians and even recognizable christian scholars who would try to convince us that through time we should accept mormons as simply a branch of christianity but i'm saying it here loud and clear they are not christians mormon doctrine those who adhere and practice pure mormon doctrine are not christians because to accept pure mormon doctrine is to say that jesus christ his death his burial his resurrection his atonement there is no salvation in that it is only a small part of the process is blasphemy and a perversion of what the bible really teaches now i know that there are wonderful mormon people i i've met many beautiful kind gracious mormon people many of which have better family standards than even christians many of which have the highest of character in their life in their conduct in their business but i say it again they have exalted the book of mormon as equal and in instances superior to the bible their doctrine on salvation and christ is heresy their doctrines are rife with revisionist interpretations of the holy bible and certainly their views on prophecy and eschatology in the hundred and forty four thousand our lease are severely skewed by these distortions as taught in the book of mormon so let me make one closing statement on the mormons their doctrines and in particular their views on the 144 000 as students of the bible we strongly reject the heretical teachings of the cult known as the church of jesus christ of the latter-day saints or lds or mormonism uh one more thing that i want to cover as we close and that would be a common false teaching among christians now obviously in one teaching i can't cover all of the false and heretical interpretations of who are the 144 000 in the book of revelation are however as christians there are certain things that are commonly taught in the world of bible-believing christians on the subject of the hundred and forty-four thousand that are just as heretical as the jehovah's witnesses or the mormons and here is what i would believe to be the most common false teaching in bible believing circles on the identity of the hundred and forty four thousand and that would be you'll hear people say it the 144 000 in revelation 7 and 14 represents the true church or they'll say it represents spiritual israel anytime you hear the term quote unquote spiritual israel they're talking about the church they're synonymous in almost all writings and interpretations spiritual israel is the church and the church is spiritual israel those who hold this view believe that the church of jesus christ is the true spiritual israel made that very clear i hope you've written it down i hope you understand it please don't forget it i'll actually quote a scholar who holds this erroneous view his name is george eldon ladd and he wrote this in one of his books quote they represent the same people the church seen in two stages of her history in the end times first standing on the threshold of the great tribulation and later having passed through this time of tribulation murdered but victorious i read that to you end of quote i read that to you because uh mr ladd's interpretation on spiritual israel and the 144 000 representing the true church that pretty much sums up what most of them that teach this that's kind of the launching platform that they all launch from i disagree with that for many biblical reasons and i want to close by telling you why they are not spiritual israel the 144 000 they are not the church and then i'll close by giving you a summation as to exactly who the 144 000 are first revelation chapter 7 if you have your bible just keep it open here for a moment revelation chapter 7 verse 4 the bible tells us there that the 144 thousands sealed are from every tribe of the sons of israel all right let me give you a solid gold nugget that in and of itself i believe provides the strongest evidence that it's not the church if you're taking notes write this down i'll actually give it to you word for word out of my life notes of utmost importance in our understanding is the fact that the word israel is never used for the church in the new testament period let me read it again of utmost importance in our understanding is the fact that the word israel is never and i have it in all caps in my life notes never used for the church in the new testament a famous scholar by the name of j a seis spelled s-e-i-s-s i believe states why revelation chapter 7 has to refer to jews he said this and i quote as i read the bible when god says children of israel i do not understand him to mean any but people of jewish blood be they christians or not and when he speaks of the twelve tribes of the sons of jacob and gives the names of the tribes it is impossible for me to believe that he means the gentiles in any sense or degree whether they be believers or not i know of no instance in which the descendants of the 12 tribes of israel included the gentiles very very important we're talking about the common taught view that the 144 thousand represent the church and the church is the true spiritual israel or vice versa the true spiritual israel represents the church israel in the entirety of the new testament is never given in conjunction with the church or interchangeably so nor the 12 tribes why would the holy spirit who is the author of this precious holy bible why would the holy spirit begin to mix the church and israel in the book of revelation the last book in the new testament when he has so carefully throughout the remainder of the new testament distinguished the two previous uh the two previous groups in all of the remaining 26 books why begin to identify the church as the true spiritual israel at this late point in the new testament it does not make sense and it is completely inconsistent with the rest of the new testament let me give you another reason why i strongly believe in my heart that the 144 000 are not the true spiritual israel or the church if one holds to the pre-tribulation timing which if you follow me at all you know that i strongly believe in the pre-tribulation timing of end time eschatology if you have questions of that or you'd like to learn a little more on that look up our study entitled five reasons why the church cannot go through the great tribulation but i'll state it as such i strongly believe that the church is not going through the tribulation i strongly teach openly tell you that we strongly believe in the pre-tribulation view timing here's the second reason why i don't see this as the church the 144 000 because the church is already in heaven pictured by the 24 elders in revelation 4 and 5. the church is mentioned 19 times in the first three chapters of the book of revelation 19 times ecclesia the church is mentioned in the first three chapters of the book of revelation after revelation chapter 3 and verse 22 we never see the church mentioned again until the closing remarks in revelation 22 at the end of the book and in revelation chapter 4 and 5 the church is pictured by the 24 elders the church is absent therefore it doesn't make sense that in revelation chapter 7 the 144 000 represents the church because the church has already been raptured and i have covered my strong reasons and given in-depth biblical support for that in many of my teachings i'll not go back over that at this time let me give you one more before we close reason why i do not believe this to be the 144 thousand cannot be the church the church is not true spiritual israel as some would contend because jews and gentiles are clearly distinguished right there in revelation chapter seven and that provides a major problem of interpretation for people who say the 144 000 represent the true church or the true spiritual israel which is the church because right there in revelation chapter 7 where we read the first introduction of the 144 000 they are clearly distinguished jews from gentiles right there in revelation chapter 7. in revelation chapter 7 verses 1 through 8 the 144 thousand jews are listed while in revelation chapter 7 verses 9 through 17 we see an innumerable host of every nation tribe people and language that refers to gentiles and so in our two passages jews and gentiles are uniquely distinguished one from the other merging these two groups is a perversion of the text in my humble opinion revelation 7 clearly distinguishes jews and gentiles but this distinction is inconsistent with the new testament picture of the church that is uh when i've taught this or had this debate with others many would say well you know in galatians in ephesians in the third chapter the bible tells us that everyone who has been united through christ were no longer jew or gentile we're no longer slave or free male or female we're all one in christ therefore it could be but there's again a simple misunderstanding in trying to take that position that in galatians 3 in ephesians chapter 3 that there's no longer jew or gentile when we get to the book of revelation in galatians 3 and ephesians chapter 3 it is true that the unification of jews and gentiles as one is clearly recorded i don't debate that but when you get to revelation chapter 7 that unity is not there because the rapture has already taken place and the rapture taking place means all believers have been taken from the earth and are present with christ so the jews in the tribulation as it begins are not followers of christ because all true believers have been raptured a multitude comes to christ and there is no longer this unique unity of no longer jews and gentiles that ends at the rapture once we get into the tribulation end-time teaching clearly separates jews and gentiles once again because remember the main focus of prophecy is the nation of israel and god's covenant with the jewish people let me sum that up for you because i can tell by staring into this lens that there are probably questions in many people's minds i want to make it absolutely clear let me try to simplify it before we close i wholeheartedly agree that ephesians 3 galatians 3 clearly teaches in the scriptures that through jesus christ there is no longer jew or gentile that we have all come into unity through the shed blood of jesus christ that's the church but the church is raptured revelation 4 and verse 1 is a reference to the rapture the church has been taken from this earth so all that remain after the rapture on the earth are not the church they are either unsaved jews or unsaved gentiles very easy to understand if you're following all who remain after the rapture on the earth are either unsaved jews or unsaved gentiles the true church all who were one in christ whether they be jew or gentile all through christ have been raptured once the rapture takes place then end time prophecy revelation 4 5 6 7 right on through the entirety of the book consistently distinguishes between jew and gentile in final end time events all right here's the grandiose conclusion who are these 144 000 they are a literal group of 144 000 jewish men 12 000 from each of the twelve tribes of israel raised up by god to serve him as his special messengers of the gospel of jesus christ during the great tribulation in other words we believe in a literal interpretation of john's words in revelation 7 and 14. he said and this number was given to me he specifically identifies a number the word number by definition speaks of detail and then he goes on to say what the number is 144 000 he gives the exact number literally and then he tells us the math of how that number has come about 12 000 from each of the 12 tribes of israel 12 times 12 000 equals 144 000 we believe that the bible clearly tells us it is specific and it is literal 144 000 jewish evangelists that are raised up by god during the seven years of the great tribulation who will be his messengers they are not spiritual israel they are actual literal israel dr john walvoord said quote israel's tribes are still in existence and god certainly knows who they are end of quote according to revelation chapter 14 and verse 3 these 144 000 have been redeemed or perhaps you're reading out of a version that says purchased the 144 000 revelation 14 3 have been redeemed or purchased from the earth the word redeemed from the original greek means a price has been paid for what was the price these 144 000 have been purchased with the blood of jesus christ these are a hundred and forty four thousand jews twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribes who after the rapture at the beginning of the tribulation now realize that the fulfillment of the old testament prophets was fulfilled in jesus christ and they have become messianic jews they have become those who have received christ as lord and as savior revelation 14 and 1 tells us they've been sealed by god on their forehead and it protects them during the entirety of their special divine mission throughout the tribulation these 144 000 jewish evangelists who fearlessly proclaim the gospel of jesus christ throughout the great tribulation will be the greatest evangelist the world has ever seen and furthermore they will have as a result of their ministry the greatest spiritual awakening and revival that the world has ever seen how successful are they well we read about that in revelation chapter 7. go to revelation chapter 7 with me as we close this teaching today revelation chapter 7 verses 9 through 10 tells us about the success of these 144 000 jewish evangelists after this i saw a vast crowd too great to count from every nation and tribe and people and language standing in front of the throne and before the lamb they were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands and they were shouting with a great roar salvation comes from our god who sits on the throne and from the lamb the 144 000 mentioned in revelation chapter 7 mentioned again in revelation chapter 14 are literally 144 000 jewish evangelists 12 000 from each tribe sealed on their foreheads by god's supernatural protection who proclaim the gospel of jesus christ throughout the tribulation which proves once again that even in the horror of the apocalyptic events of the great tribulation that god has left a witness of the gospel and they are so successful that those who are converted to christ during the seven years of tribulation are a number so great from every tribe every language every nation every people group every ethnicity that the bible said no man could number them the greatest revival the world will ever see will come from the fruit of the 144 000 jewish evangelists in revelation 7 in revelation chapter 14 and that provides an answer on who are the 144 000 in the book of revelation as we conclude today are you living ready in these last days we are watching the world line up with the final pages of prophecy we are watching the final details of end-time prophecy that will be fulfilled in the great tribulation being fulfilled the stage being set if these prophecies are fulfilled in the great tribulation and the rapture takes place first how much closer must we be to the imminent rapture of the lord jesus christ and the saints who will be caught up to be with him forever are you living a christian life are you living holy before the lord if the lord were to come today by means of rapture would you be ready to go if you're not certain if you have any question if you're backslidden away from god if something in recent days has caused you to take a detour and to lose your way and you need to come back home today whether praying for the first time or coming back home to christ pray with me right now wherever you might be just say heavenly father today as i was listening to the bible i was reminded that i'm living in the last days and i want to be ready for the rapture of the church i want to be ready to meet the lord when you come today i admit my sin and in childlike faith i repent i turn my back on sin and i turn my heart to jesus forgive me with the blood you shed on the cross wash me cleanse my mind my body and my spirit and make me holy today i receive salvation as the gift of god and i'll never be the same and i thank you that all who call upon the name of the lord shall be saved according to the integrity of your covenant as i have called upon your name today i am saved in jesus name fill me with the holy spirit and give me the power to be what you want me to be let me live in such a way that my family and my friends as they follow my christian example find christ as well and i pray and ask all of this in the mighty name of jesus today i'm free today i'm saved today i'm healed today i'm delivered today i'm ready thank you lord amen
Channel: Tiff Shuttlesworth
Views: 39,362
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Id: jBXuWBsgBoU
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Length: 70min 2sec (4202 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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