How Will Believers Be Judged At The Judgment Seat Of Christ?

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so before we begin teaching today on the judgment seat of christ and i'm going to be teaching on one thing in particular about the judgment seat of christ in fact let me give it to you in the infancy of the broadcast i'm going to take you into the bible and i'm going to show you how you're going to be graded on judgment day some of you that remember school days or college days or graduate days and test day is always a very serious day more serious than any other and sometimes teachers and professors i remember right on through bible college being thankful for teachers and professors who prior to a major exam would give us the questions and or review the questions and say the major exam is coming up this exam will represent one-third of your final grade and it's vitally important let me go over the questions that are going to be on the exam now not all teachers and professors do that but those that i had i was always incredibly grateful because it's incredibly helpful to have the answers and the questions to study well that's what we're going to do today in this bible study bible prophecy the subject the judgment seat of christ but the focus that we're dealing with today is i'm going to give to you the test questions in advance because the bible says one day we're going to stand before god and we're going to be judged by christ as believers that's what the judgment seat of christ is if you're not familiar with any of this if you're starting right from square one i'm going to do my best to start at square one and kind of move forward but today i'm going to give you ten of the test questions what you're going to be judged by the the standards the questions the motives et cetera as we go on to the scripture today so with that in mind get your bible and open with me into ii corinthians 2 corinthians chapter 5. and go down to verse 9. ii corinthians chapter 9 or excuse me second corinthians chapter 5. and verse 9. the bible said so whether we are here in this body or away from this body our goal is to please him paul's right there there is the essence of christianity once you become a follower of christ every single day you have one pure and powerful motivation and that is father today let my life be pleasing in the eyes of the lord whether we're here in this body or away from this body our goal is to please him for we must all stand before christ to be judged and by the way you're not going to be judged at the judgment seat of christ by god the father you're actually going to be judged by jesus christ and i've been asked that before and so if you want to mark your bible that's where we see it we must all stand before christ to be judged we will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body because we understand our fearful responsibility to the lord we work hard to persuade others pause again your second motivation number one your pure and powerful motivation is to live to please god your second motivation should be to persuade others the second most important thing in the standard of god for your life is souls and eternity you will be judged as you're going to learn today you will be judged as to whether or not you were a soul winner whether you cared about souls whether you prayed for souls i just finished the lost slam event in massachusetts and each night there were bible college students there the bible college that i attended to which i was recently voted as chairman of the board north point bible college and graduate school the students were driving up as they were able now one night there was a senior banquet because it's the end of the school year and it was mandatory that they had to be at the banquet but other than that one night we had many of those students from the bible college coming to the meetings and each night i asked the pastor i said pastor would it be all right if after the service we invited all of the bible college students into the green room and which we did and we sat down and just had fellowship with them and talked to them one night after midnight talking to them about the great commission talking to them about evangelism talking to them about souls and that was one of the things that i determined that i was going to utilize with that time frame is to get into those young people's hearts who are preparing for ministry that the most important thing in ministry number one is live ready to meet the lord live your life in such a way that each day your first powerful and pure motivation live to please him and then secondly in ministry our number one goal is not just to babysit existing christians and to sit in the church idly we have a responsibility paul said to persuade others i was so blessed in in those meetings uh one young man uh told me he said tiff i got saved in a lost slam crusade when i was 13 years old and his name was wesley and i said tell me your testimony and so he told me his testimony which i'll not take the time to share today but one thing that stood out he said there was something that you said that really got a hold of my heart at the age of 13. he said was i remember you saying in your meeting which i say almost every night of my life i'm going to say it to you right now exactly what i said that gripped that young man's heart i always ask this sobering question do you have a clear distinct memory of a time in your life when you both personally and publicly have repented of sin and made jesus christ the lord of your life he said i was only 13. he said but that just kind of got a hold of my heart because he said i thought you know i've started to go to church and i don't know how long he had been attending church at the age of 13 but he said somebody had invited their family in he and his mom and his sister had just started to go to church he said but it was the first time that anyone that i remember asked me that question have you ever personally and publicly given your heart to jesus christ and repented of sin and he said along with many people that night i went forward and at the age of 13 he said i gave my heart to jesus christ and he said there were people all across the front from the left to the right and a large crowd of people that had come forward to receive christ he said you walked all the way from the other side of the platform all the way over to the far left side and you laid your hands on me and you told me that god had called me to ministry and he said i just want you to know i'm in bible college they just voted him in as president of his class and he feels called to evangelism even though he's a bible college student he's been impacted by the ministry of evangelism and i heard a report not from him because he's a humble young man but from the bible college president he said wesley went out into a public park in massachusetts now massachusetts is an incredibly liberal state and the gospel is not necessarily welcome there by any means but he went out into a park as a bible college student not waiting to graduate and put on his own open-air evangelistic meeting and preached the gospel and 123 massachusetts people knelt in the grass in that public park and gave their hearts to jesus christ that's what paul's talking about here live every day ready pleasing the lord and then make it your life goal and you have to pray about it father make me an effective witness for all of you that are listening to me that may be in ministry either listening live or watching on a replay don't get mired down in all of the political religiosity that oftentimes accompanies ministry get before god every day and say father keep my fire and keep my passion burning for persuading men and women and boys and girls to receive jesus christ because eternity is real heaven is real hell is real and this is what the judgment seat of christ as you're going to learn these are some of the test questions that we're going to be dealing with today let's get back to the reading of the scripture paul said because we understand our fearful responsibility to the lord we work hard to persuade others god knows we are sincere and i hope you know this too are we commending ourselves to you again no we are giving you a reason to be proud of us so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than having a sincere heart that's a good word for all of us that are in ministry and all of you that might be in full-time ministry or even in part-time ministry be sincere and be humble don't brag about your ministry don't brag about everything that you're doing keep the focus upon the lord jesus christ and paul said i don't want you to have a reason to brag about me or even those who brag about a spectacular ministry but he said it's to bring glory to god he goes on to say and if we are in our right minds it is for your benefit either way christ's love controls us he went on to say since we believe that christ died for all we also believe that we have all died to our old life he died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves instead they will live for christ who died and was raised for them so we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view at one time we thought of christ merely from a human point of view how differently we know him now this means that anyone who belongs to christ has become a new person the old life is gone and a new life has begun as an evangelist obviously this is one of my favorite passages in all of the bible i believe in the king james it reads if anyone comes to christ they become a new creature old things pass away and all things become new and for those of you that might be watching this broadcast because for whatever reason god in his mercy seems to always draw into our broadcast people that are searching people that have never made peace with god people who have never repented of sin almost every broadcast in the aftermath we get contacts we get emails individuals letting us know when you prayed the sinner's prayer at the end of the broadcast i prayed that with you and if you're watching today i never present the bible or the gospel without giving a people without giving people an opportunity to receive christ and so i want you to be patient because in the moments to come at the top of the hour when we conclude this broadcast if you're not right with god today's your day and i want you to stay tuned there's nothing more important in all of the world than knowing that your heart is right with god and this is such a beautiful verse in second corinthians 5 and verse 7 if any one comes to christ anyone the gospel is for everybody everybody is somebody to god if anyone comes to christ there's only one way to get right with god through jesus christ there is no other way to get right with god not by being religious not by being a good person not by being moral or decent there has to be a time in your life when you quit trusting in your works and trust in the work of the cross and trust in christ if anyone comes to christ they become a brand new creature when you repent of sin and receive jesus christ he makes you brand new it's not like a car that's been in a terrible accident that they dragged down to a body shop and they pound out the dents and they fill it in with putty and they sand it and they prime it and they paint it and when you get it back it looks like it's new to the eye but on the record there is that record of accident and underneath the paint and the shine the accident and the flaws are still there forever that's not what salvation is salvation is not god taking your life like you've been in a head-on collision with sin and pounding out a few bumps and wrinkles and dents covering you with putty sending you and painting you and making you look better no the bible says he makes you a brand new creature in christ jesus brand new the old man literally is dead and buried and you are resurrected in newness of life in jesus christ that's one of the great theological themes of the resurrection of jesus with easter just passing by the resurrection of jesus christ is not only resurrection power to the deity of jesus it is a type of exactly what happens in your life you become a brand new person the old man of sin dies and a new man or a new woman is resurrected by the miracle power of god no sermon can completely contain all the depth of what that is no theologian can write in a book all of the miracle that takes place but the bible says you become a brand new creature in christ jesus praise god i double dare you out there wherever you're at just to say thank god for newness of life the old life is gone a new life has begun and all of this is a gift from god who brought us back to himself through christ and god has given us this task of reconciling people to him notice again how the bible in its teaching and the bible in its chronology talks about once you become a new creature then you have a new responsibility that's to reconcile other people to god in the beginning of the chapter paul said number one i wake up every day my goal is to please him number two i want to communicate the gospel of jesus christ to others he comes back to it here and said when you get saved you become a brand new creature in christ jesus old things pass away all things become new now take on the responsibility and the fearful eternal responsibility of reconciling other people to jesus christ i believe it was in a.w tozier's book famous author christian scholar great books if you don't have some of the aw aw toes your collection in your library i would encourage you to get it but in one of his books he said this don't miss it he said there's only two kinds of christians soul winners and backsliders in other words a.w tozu was saying based upon scripture that if you're not making any effort to win friends and family to christ you're backslidden your fire's gone out you've walked away from the true passion of the cross you've walked away from the true responsibility of all who cry call christ lord that is the fearful responsibility of reconciling others to jesus christ the bible goes on to say for god was in christ reconciling the world to himself no longer counting people's sins against them i have to stop there because i know that no matter how many people i speak to whether it's a handful or whether it's thousands in an open-air crusade somewhere around the world there are always people who will identify with this when god forgives your sins look at it again let me read it again god no longer counts people's sins against them when god forgives your sins he does something that only god can do i can't do it you can't do it no human being can do it he not only forgives you which we have the ability as human beings and sometimes that's difficult based upon the level of wrong and i spoke to a pastor recently who just found out that their grown child an adult married has their own children but just found out that when he was a little boy that he had been sexually abused by the neighbor and what a horrible thing the devil would like to do with that wondering how you as a christian could raise children and that could happen i'm sure the devil would want somebody to look at themselves and find fault but in this world we live in a world of sin there is evil in this world we sometimes do fall short of the glory of god the bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god but this will encourage somebody when god forgives your sins he doesn't just forgive them like i'm going to forgive this but i'll never forget no the bible says that it's eliminated from heaven's record god has the ability both to forgive and to forget let me give you an example if at the end of this program when you pray the sinner's prayer with me and god forgives whatever sin is in your life it literally in the eyes of god as if it never happened as if it never happened not forgiven but kept on a record somewhere hidden in heaven's files literally never happened so someone might say well what about that sin in 1989 or what about that failure in 1994 what about what you did in 2012 god has no record in the eyes of god it's not just forgiven it didn't happen it doesn't exist that's how thorough the forgiveness of god is the bible said i bury it in the sea of my forgetfulness it is removed as far as the east is from the west and god give us the ability to think that way because many times people live in self-judgment and self-condemnation they live because as human beings we don't have that ability we don't have the ability to bury stuff in the sea of forgetfulness to remove it as far as the east is from the west i've forgiven people in my life but sometimes when i see them i still remember the wrong i wish i didn't have that problem but i'm human just like you but god is different literally you become brand new and when you come to a god of mercy and you bow before him in humility and say god i'm genuinely sorry for my sin god i don't know how my life unraveled to where i came to that point i don't know how i slipped into that mode of deceit but god i'm repenting i'm not going to do it again i need your power to help me and when you genuinely repent of sin the bible says it's as if it never happened you literally like god should be able to turn to your accuser the bible says that the devil is the accuser of the brethren and there are brethren who work in conjunction with satan to point your flaws out to accuse you of your past but you should be able to square your shoulders by the grace of god and say i don't know what you're talking about that never happened why you say well no you're lying no you're not lying the bible said it's forgiven and forgotten and buried and under the blood and anything that's under the blood with god should be out of your accusation file forever amen somebody needed that i just know that by the spirit of the lord the bible says for god was in christ reconciling the world to himself no longer counting people's sins against them and he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation so we are christ's ambassadors god is making his appeal through us for we speak for christ when we plead come back to god for god made christ who never sinned to be the offering for our sin so that we might be made right with god through christ hallelujah praise the lord i'm doing my best to behave myself but i feel the spirit of the lord i am so thankful that there not only is a god that he not only gave his only begotten son christ but that the power of reconciliation is miraculously not just forgiven but the old man is dead and buried the old woman is dead and buried and a brand new daughter a brand new son the bible says in the gospel of john as many as receive christ he gives to them the power to become the sons and the daughters of god and paul three times in this passage gave strong emphasis to the responsibility of reconciling others winning others to christ being ambassadors for the lord and may it be so for you so with that text read what a beautiful passage let's go over the exam questions when you stand before god as a believer now as you're going to learn today and if you're a brand new believer and you don't know anything about the scripture i always encourage you we're here every friday at noon eastern standard time if i'm on the road or overseas in lost lamb events we always have something pre-recorded but i want you to just make it a part of your schedule every friday noon eastern standard time join us here for understanding bible prophecy and i want you to remember that if you can't watch it live at noon thank god for modern technology make a point every weekend to give me one hour i promise you that if you'll give me one hour a weekend for one year your life will never be the same i promise you that not because of me but i promise you because of the power of the word and those of you that follow us know i say it all the time i start in the bible i stay in the bible i finish him the bible this is not one of these christian broadcasts where somebody reads 10 verses out of the bible and then gives you 45 minutes of their personal commentary i start in the bible as i'm as i've just done as i read down through the bible i pause and open up the understanding to help that power to get inside your spirit because we're not lecturing the power of the bible is power to make you kings and priests and sons and daughters of the most high and that's exciting just before we get into this if you haven't already done it every week pray for the program and then share it literally this is a way of being an ambassador for the lord in a very practical 21st century technology means share this broadcast you have no idea how far down the line it gets when it's multiplied i saw last week that the broadcast just that a handful of days i think was just close to 9000 views and so let's get the word of god out with that said let's talk in the remaining part of this broadcast about the judgment seat of christ and as i mentioned to you in the beginning of the broadcast we're going to give you the test questions we're going to hand you from the bible and these aren't all of them in my life notes i have multiple more than what i'm going to be able to share in this broadcast but if the lord will help me i'm going to give you 10 test questions things that are going to happen at the judgment seat of christ if you're a believer and we'll go from there first of all the next major prophetic event i say this all the time vitally important to this subject the next major prophetic event on the prophetic calendar of god is an event called the rapture of the church not going to teach on it at all because we've taught on it fairly thoroughly there are programs archived on our ministry page by the way our ministry page is the page you need to follow on facebook if you want notifications of this broadcast and that is tiff shuttlesworth dash lost lamb association i have a friends page as all of you know we've said a thousand times they limit you to five thousand friends on that so this is our ministry page if you don't already follow the ministry page go to tiffshuttlesworth-lost lamb association and follow us there and you'll get notifications every time we have a broadcast by the way last week if you followed all of the programs of that lost lamb event in massachusetts we're live online if you're home and want to watch some of those broadcasts live online they'll be available to you as well so pray and share let's get the gospel out now the next major prophetic event is the rapture of the church let me take one step ahead of that the next major prophetic event for christians for all believers after the rapture is the judgment seat of christ it's one of the most common questions that comes to me on a regular basis had several questions last week at our lost lamb event i preached uh half of those services on the subjects of bible prophecy related uh focuses but the question that's oftentimes asked to me revolves around chronology people want to know not just what's going to happen but what is the order of how things are going to happen so the next major prophetic event is the rapture of the church immediately after we don't know whether it's going to be a day whether it's seconds minutes days weeks months but immediately after the rapture of the church is a seven year window of time called the great tribulation at the end of the great tribulation is an event called the second coming of jesus christ now i'm giving you fundamentals there are things that take place during the great tribulation i'm not going to go down the entire chronology of that but the rapture of the church seven year window of time the great tribulation immediately after the great tribulation the tribulation is ended by the second coming of jesus christ by the way this is one of the flaws in the post-tribulation argument there are those who teach and believe that the church is going to go through the entire seven years of tribulation which it will not and i i strongly believe that if you don't have our teaching on that i think probably one of the most recent crusade messages go to it's on the website you need to listen to five reasons why the church will not go through the great tribulation and you can get a hold of that through our ministry website but one of the major flaws and there are many but one of the major biblical scholarship flaws of the argument of the post-tribulation is they believe the church is going through the great tribulation and at the end of the tribulation we're going to be raptured and then turn around immediately to come with jesus christ so they take uh the rapture passages of the trumpet of god sounding the dead in christ rising first we which are alive and remain are caught up in the clouds to be with the lord jesus christ they believe that we're taken up to be with the lord jesus christ and then christ immediately comes back down with the believer and on the mount of olives in jerusalem and the millennial reign and so on here's one of the major flaws how can the judgment seat of christ for all believers take place where there's no window of time there because we're going to be judged individually it's not a mass judgment it's not everybody standing before god all at once it's individually being judged where's the timeline for that how do you judge every believer that quick taken up to be with the clouds meeting the christ in the air and the twinkling of an eye turning around coming back to earth with the lord it's one of the major theological scholarship flaws of the post tribulation argument and one of many in my humble opinion but the reason why is that's not the chronology that is i believe supported by the weight of scripture the rapture takes place first immediately after the rapture the great tribulation begins but immediately after the rapture for the believer is the great judgment seat of christ now one of the things that i want to share with you about the judgment seat of christ is if you as a believer are raptured there is no way for you to be excommunicated or judged back to eternal wrath or to have fear of hell and eternal punishment the judgment seat of christ don't miss this in fact if you're taking notes write this down the judgment seat of christ for believers immediately after the rapture is not a judgment of sin it's a judgment of service i want to say that again because that's solid bible theological gold and i often times lay awake at night in hotel rooms thinking of small little condensed statements to help people understand various doctrines and bible truths and uh the judgment seat of christ is not judgment for your sin you're not going to be judged for sin as a believer as i've already covered your sins have been forgiven and forgotten buried never again to be recalled covered that earlier so take that thought process that i gave you earlier and lay it over the judgment seat of christ when you stand before god as a believer in the judgment seat of christ you're not going to be judged for sin sins already been asponged sin has already been forgiven not covered in the old testament their sins were covered atonement covered if i were to take this hanky and put it over my hand my hand is covered but my hand is still there and my hand is still functional if i were to do it with a microphone take this piece of cloth lay it over the microphone the microphone would continue to work it would be out of sight but still functional that's what the atonement was under the law the sin was covered by the torah rituals and by the offerings that were laid out in torah ritual but people still had functional sin in their life it was only covered from the holy eyes of god not with christ in christ we have remission of sin the bible says in hebrews without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin hebrews 10 i believe down around verse 22 without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin through christ we don't have a covering of sin we have a removal and non-existence of sin praise god praise god we have a total removal and remission of sin so in the judgment seat of christ they're not bringing out any books of sins and faults and failures and problems and your addictions and all of the things that you did wrong on earth before you were a christian say it one more time because it's vitally important in one simple statement this captures the essence of the judgment seat of christ christians are not judged for sins christians are judged for service praise god now all believers from the church age will be present at the judgment seat of christ all believers from the church age now why do i say church age because there are going to be believers that are going to come to christ during the tribulation but they're not going to be at the judgment seat of christ they'll face a later judgment by the way if you're a new student of bible prophecy there are seven judgments in bible prophecy i can't even teach in one session on one of them that's why i'm just going to give you the test questions today but the judgment seat of christ is for believers during the church age there's a different judgment for what are called tribulation believers because the bible says that there will be people who will give their hearts to christ at great cost many of them beheaded but there will be people who will come to christ you say well who's going to preach and that question has been asked to me multiple times if you believe in the pre-tribulation rapture and every pastor every evangelist every minister every believer that is right with god is raptured then who's left to preach the gospel during the great tribulation and uh i've done an entire broadcast on that it's in our archives on this page go back and find that there's an entire teaching on who's going to preach the gospel during the great tribulation obviously not going to try to teach it again now but just to give you a few examples 144 000 jews god's going to raise up 12 000 jews from all 12 tribes 144 000 jewish evangelists that god is going to place a seal upon their forehead we don't know exactly what it is because the scripture doesn't tell us exactly what it is but whatever the seal is that god places upon those 144 000 jews they will be evangelists and they'll be divinely protected from persecution or murder they will preach the gospel the bible tells me there's two witnesses that are going to preach the gospel there's an angel sent from heaven the first angel who will ever preach the gospel supernaturally we'll be visiting the planet during the seven years of great tribulation and locations preaching the gospel and so on but anyway there will be tribulation believers as you continue to follow this broadcast we'll come back to that subject and teach more on it let's get back to the judgment seat of christ only church age believers now what's the church age the church age began on the day of pentecost and the church age ends at the rapture of the church that theologically is what is called the church age began on the day of pentecost that's why jesus gave strict teaching to the disciples and his followers saying don't preach don't teach don't do anything don't minister don't start churches don't do anything until you've gathered and received the promise of the father the baptism in the holy spirit which saith he ye have heard of me and on obedience to the lord a hundred and twenty gathered in the upper room and the fire of god and the holy spirit fell upon them and infused them with supernatural power to be witnesses of the gospel of jesus christ and biblically through bible chronology that's where the church age began so if you're a new believer the church age begins at the day of pentecost it ends at the rapture of the church so when i say all church age believers will be present at the judgment seat of christ that's everyone saved from the day of pentecost until the rapture of the church now people often times ask me where's the judgment seat of christ where will that judgment take place the bible tells us that it's going to take place in heaven jesus when he ascended from this earth the bible says he ascended to his throne at the right hand of the father in heaven that's where the judgment seat of christ is going to take place what's going to happen at the judgment seat of christ as i've already covered don't forget that it's not going to be a judgment for your sin it's going to be a judgment of your service so with that said get out your best pen or your best pencil because we're going to go through 10 things in the last part of this broadcast whether or not i'll get through all 10 or whether we'll do a part 2 that'll be determined but here are the test questions for the judgment seat of christ how do you prepare for the judgment seat of christ these are not the only things you're going to be judged on but here's 10. number one you're going to be judged by how you treated other believers you're going to be judged by how you treated other believers all of you that are in church and i wish i could say that churches don't have divisions and fights and squabbles and accusations and and uh i know of a a church and i'll not mention anything but uh you know pastors i have a multitude of pastors you know obviously in 40 years of evangelism i've i've networked and made friends with a lot of pastors and as i've gotten older in ministry sometimes many of them contact us or want prayer they'll share something but you know recently a member of a church dealing prescription drugs illegally to another person in church getting them hooked yeah i don't even want to get started wasting time on that the carnality that goes on in the church of the lord jesus christ is childish and petulant and will be judged you will be judged when you stand before god with how you treated other believers when you go to church you don't look at people with all of their faults and failures and sit there with a critical spirit like a pharisee you should walk into the house of god and say thank god these are my sons and my daughters my brothers and my sisters my kinship in the family of god number two you're going to be judged by the way read matthew chapter 10 verses 41 and 42. that's just one and i'm not going to give you all of the bible verses there's multitudes i'm obviously as i've stated going to go through this quickly number two you're going to be judged by how you use your abilities god has given every person various gifts and talents and abilities not everybody's talents and abilities are the same not all abilities are on the same level but regardless you're going to be judged by your abilities and what you did with them to whom much is given much shall also be required so the greater gifts and talents that god has given to you the greater your judgment will be so if god has given you great talents you'd better walk humbly because you're going to stand at the judgment seat of christ and you're going to be judged more severely than those who had little talents that's of course found in matthew 25 uh read verses 14 through 29 and the parable of the talents number three we're going to be judged by how we use our time god's going to judge us on time management are you using your time wisely now some people get very legalistic with this you know i remember i remember an evangelist years ago that was internationally famous probably had one of the most popular television audiences in the world and for whatever reason this evangelist used to judge severely any pastor that played golf i remember him preaching messages and and uh you know if you're out there playing golf and you're a good golfer it's proof that you're not dedicated to god and and uh well some of you may know that i almost pursued professional golf and i like to play golf i don't get to play that much i actually got to play uh my first round of the year on this last trip a couple of pastors wanted to have fellowship with me and and they had called in advance and said you know please bring your clubs and i said i normally don't uh play golf when i'm in a meeting but one of them was a dear friend of mine i hadn't seen in a long time we've been promising to have fellowship for three years and so we spent a little time together in the met in the morning and but i hadn't swung a club since last september prior to that but i remember this evangelist hammering any pastor that dared played golf and you know condemned them they're not being good stewards of their time and then later it it came out that he was a serial pervert so i thought at the time maybe if he had played a little more golf and stayed out of the brothels things would have gone better for him and besides golf is biblical i don't know if you're aware of that but the bible says my rods and my staffs they comfort me so i have biblical support lord i apologize for that and ask you to forgive me let me move on every pastor every christian ought to have some healthy hobbies for your sanity for peace of mind for physical exercise for taking care of your body and so when i say we're going to be judged for our time that doesn't mean that you've got to be in a monastery 24 hours a day on your knees and stone floors crying out to god no but you will be judged for your time number four we're going to be judged by the way ephesians chapter 5 verse 16 for that also colossians 4 and 5. number four we're going to be judged for how we discipline our fleshly appetites we live in a body of clay we have fleshly carnal appetites i don't care who you are i don't care how spiritual you are you have a body of flesh and your flesh will always have appetites you don't crucify your flesh the day you get saved and then let it go you have to crucify your flesh daily paul said i crucify my flesh daily he said because it's not i who lives but christ who lives in me and through me so we're going to be judged by our fleshly appetites first corinthians chapter 9 verses 25 and 27. number five we're going to be judged by how many souls we witness to and led to christ you will be judged on judgment day when you stand before christ at the judgment seat of christ as a believer now remember you're not being judged for your sins you're being judged for your service but make no mistake as paul covered continuously through all of his books being an ambassador reconciling people to christ trying to persuade others we work hard for the gospel making sure that the gospel is known and you know continually paul made this known there's no excuse for a believer not being concerned about souls so you need to be a soul winner you're going to be judged by how many people you witness to not how many people you led to christ because not everybody receives christ you're not called to save anybody only god through the power of the gospel can save people only the holy spirit can convict people of sin and convince them of their need of christ but you're going to be judged by the gospel witness take that seriously you know every time i check out of a hotel i just did it yesterday morning but after checking out of the hotel before i leave my room i take a piece of paper and my pen and i write a handwritten note to whoever cleans that room and i try to be led by the spirit as to what to say but i usually always at least convey this you know thank you for your service i sincerely appreciate it i want you to know that god loves you god cares about your life jesus is only a prayer away talk to him today and sometimes i'll take the bible out of the drawer and highlight passages in romans and i'll lay that letter in there along with a generous tip but to me i take this seriously you know i can't obviously invite whoever cleans my room to come into my room and close the door and sit down and share the gospel that's not appropriate but i can at least plant a seed and that's what a believer should be doing on a regular basis think about ways that you can share the gospel with people or at least give them a god consciousness i mean how hard is it when you walk out of a restaurant you don't have to win every waiter or waitress to the lord you need to be led by the spirit sometimes that door is open sometimes it's not most of the time they're working and have other people to deal with and you'd be rude to try to you know pin them down and get them fired but nonetheless you know what you can do at the end of the meal say thank you for your service you know god bless you or god cares about your life leave a good tip you can always be a witness and don't forget it's part of the judgment day standing before god judged by how many people you shared the gospel with judged by your witness first thessalonians 2 19-20 if you're taking notes also daniel chapter 12 verse 3 number 6 how faithful were we to the bible and to god's people one day you're going to be held accountable for how faithful you were to the precious power of the bible you should be thankful if you even own a bible you know there are many parts of the world that there are no bibles at all last year i was in a third world muslim country we went in and did 12 events in six days for safety sake we never stayed longer than three hours for the safety not just of myself and some that were with us but because the the christians that are there are underground but we went to several remote muslim villages and we had illegally secured bibles in their language and we took cases of bibles into places where there had never been bibles before there are places in the world where they get one bible and they start tearing it apart book by book and then they pass it around to the underground christians and churches and people hand copy whatever book they have and then they swap until everybody hand copies their own bible the average american has i think 3.4 bibles or something i mean it's just almost like common furniture on coffee tables but the bible said you're going to be judged at the judgment seat of christ as a believer by what you did with the bible and what you did to god's people acts 20 verses 26 through 28 2 timothy chapter 4 verses 1 through 2 number 7 and thank you for your patience i know i'm going through these quickly i may revisit them because there's so much teaching that goes along with these but at least let me close by just giving you the ten and keeping my promise to you number seven how we use our money god's going to judge you by how you managed your money were you selfish was everything in life about you what you bought what you accumulate did you tithe did you sow offerings did you generously support missions you're going to be judged by what you did with your money where you sowed it matthew chapter 6 verses 1 through 4 also first timothy chapter 6 verses 17 through 19. then eighthly we're going to be judged by how faithful we were with our earthly jobs did you know that at the judgment seat of christ god's going to judge you as a believer by whatever job you had here on this whatever your vocation is god's going to hold you accountable did you manage your time well were you on time were you late did you sit and play on the internet all day go to lunch come back chat with people and leave and not do anything for your company not do anything for your boss god watches a believer and he evaluates your time he evaluates your job the bible speaks very clearly on this wherever god puts you it's not your eternal calling but it's your vocation on this earth you should be thankful do you ever thank god that you have a job that pays you so that you can have shoes on your feet and clothes on your back and food on your table and a shelter over your head you do realize the average person in the world you know how many people i said well i'm just average let me tell you what average is the average person in the world has a third grade education the average person in the world lives in a grass hut the average person in the world eats about one cup of rice a day the average person in the world makes less than 300 u.s dollars a year the average person in the world has never heard the gospel one time that's an average person in the world so those of us that have jobs and get paid i mean do you thank god i thank god the other day when i prayed thank you god for the shoes on my feet thank you lord for the clothes on my back thank you lord that you blessed me with a home and a roof over my head and a place to get out of the weather thank you for warmth in the winter thank you father for all that you do almost every trip i take i mean when i say almost i don't know that there'd be too many trips that i've ever taken that i've gotten into one of the ministry vehicles and said thank you god for blessing me with a good truck to drive thank you that i can put gas in it when it's needed thank you your vocation is a gift from god and god as a christian expects you to have a divine perspective on being productive so you'll be judged by that number nine how we use our tongues the bible says will be judged by every idle word by every idle word god keeps record of our words and the bible tells us by the way your earthly jobs colossians 3 verses 22 through 24. your vocation being judged for your vocation colossians chapter 3 verse 22 through 24 judged by our tongues matthew chapter 12 verse 36 james chapter 3 verses 1 through 12 and then lastly at the judgment seat of christ you're going to be judged by how you supported those that god called into the ministry the bible says how shall people hear if the gospel is not preached and how shall people hear if no one is willing to preach and how will people hear if no one is sent there's a divine order of process of responsibility that god gives to every child of god to make sure that the gospel is preached to the four corners of the earth it's called the great commission go ye into all the world and preach the gospel well let me tell you something and i feel this way i hope that this is conveyed i don't believe that god raises up all stars i believe god raises up ministry gifts but all of the body of christ should work together as a team you know i've been in 56 countries of the world i could boast in saying you know this or that but i can't boast in that personally because it was god's people that sent me it was god's churches that sent me it was churches like the church i was just at that has a heart for missions that stands by us some of you that are watching are partners with lost lamb association and because of what you do not everybody's called to the ministry but everybody's called to be a part of the team of ministry and the bible tells us one of the things that we'll be judged for at the judgment seat of christ matthew chapter 10 verses 40 through 42 is did we support the ministry a lot of people support their church but they don't support any ministries and some of you let's just be honest some of your support just goes into an account until they need to buy new carpet and i had a man that was saved in one of our meetings just as an illustration and he was a businessman and at that time he was making about five million dollars a year and this is years ago back in the early 80s and he attended a small church and his tithe was over half a million dollars a year in a church that had a hundred thousand uh hundred and fifty thousand dollar annual budget and it bothered him he said because i know that all of the money that i gave to my church is just sitting in a bank account and uh first of all i do believe that your first line of giving is your local church and uh pastors don't get mad at me but i have to be honest because i'm gonna be standing before god at judgment day and i'll be judged as i've already said for what i did with the bible but pastors just don't be mad at me but just listen carefully to what i'm about to say how many times and i think we do it because we've heard so many people do it through the generations how many times have we heard evangelists pastors ministers say that all of the tithe belongs to the local church and then they quote malachi bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse well the church wasn't even born until over 400 years later so the storehouse in malachi is not the church and but sadly and again be i'm not you know say he's going to say the tide doesn't belong to the church that's not what i'm going to teach just listen carefully for a few moments don't get your religious panties in a bind when we quote malachi bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse and then we teach the people that this means that the tithe belongs to the local church we have failed in biblical scholarship the church wasn't even born until the day of pentecost so malachi 3 didn't have anything to do with the church the storehouse in the new testament covenant was replaced with five ministry gifts the apostle the prophet the evangelist the pastor the teacher then we were given a divine chain of command on the day of pentecost jerusalem judea samaria the uttermost parts of the earth so the giving chain of command is everything in your church needs to be provided for well well there should never be a lack in your local church it must be provided for well but the teaching that one ministry gift should hold on to the purse strings of the entire funding and finance of all of the body of christ is not biblical i mean if i were a pastor i'd teach that way just out of knowing one day i'm going to have to stand before god and give an account for proper interpretation of scripture i dare teach on that because i know some people get upset but i want to make it really clear before i close the local church is your first and foremost responsibility there should never be a lack in the local church whatever the church is doing you should contribute to it you should make sacrifices for it even it's if it's above and beyond your tithe and your offering but to take that teaching in malachi and to pervert proper biblical interpretation and to tell somebody whom god has given extravagant resources to that attends a small local church that we need to take all of your tithe and put it in the bank and let it sit there and gain interest till the lord comes if there's not a pastor or leadership in that church that understands that god didn't give us half a million dollars to put in a bank account and do nothing and do that every year when that man pays his tithe and just keep buying new sound systems and new lights and new smoke machines and new pianos and new carpet and that's not biblical that is not biblical what is biblical is the great commission every gift and none of my pastor friends are going to wrestle with this because most of my pastor friends are humble enough to ask for teaching or scholarship and many of them have asked me this before and they'll not wrestle with it because they know that when i go to a church money is not an issue the church that i was just at the pastor told me while you're here you've been coming here for 16 years take your own offerings every service take your own offerings whatever god lays on your heart i didn't take an offering sunday morning i didn't take an offering sunday night i didn't take an offering monday night he came he said tiff there's only two nights left tuesday and wednesday you know what i'll tell you why because people aren't my provider god's my provider and uh i thanked him i said i know you gave me free opportunity to do that and if god leads me to i will but you can tell people that have money issues and you can tell people that are great commissioned people and sadly in the body of christ there are ministry gifts that are more committed to their budgets than they are the great commission if you get committed to the great commission you'll never have to worry about money provided you're living a holy life god always provides for those who take seriously the great commission and one day we're going to be judged by how we supported other ministries matthew chapter 10 verses 40 through 42 the bible says in in luke 8 how was jesus supported the bible says that god raised up business people business women even name them susanna and the bible said business people out of their resources supported jesus christ he wasn't a pastor he was an itinerant traveling ministry so there we see an example of even jesus himself third john the bible says in third john and this is for evangelists every evangelist listened to me because you should never be going to a church for an offering if that's the reason for your going you need to quit and find a secular job when you go to a church as an evangelist you're there to serve the pastor you're there to serve the vision of the church you're there to be a blessing to the church not the church to be a blessing to you the evangelist doesn't go to a church so that the church can be a servant to the evangelist the evangelist goes to the church to be a servant to the church the pastor i was just with is a son in the ministry to me when he first took that church 16 years ago he had gone in there with a handful of people the denomination i think it had talks from what i've heard i wasn't in the meeting so i can't say it's 100 true but i've heard from more than one that there were discussions going on about closing that church down because that area had become dangerous it had become a drug area and gangs and meth and heroin and that part of town had become a very dangerous place in town and they were considering closing the church down because it was down to a holy handful when i went in for my first lost lamb event with that pastor he had taken over this difficult work now he was a drug dealer saved by god god saved him he was a drug dealer he used to be a drug addict he asked the district before you close it let me just have a chance those are my kinds of people they need god too and so they gave him that church with a small group of people and he said when my church is strong i'd like to have you in i said don't worry about it and i remember telling him i'll come in because i knew in my heart that he was a man of god and god was going to use him and sometimes young ministers need older ministers to partner with them to help them but the first week that we were there in a lost slam event we had over 180 salvations one week a church that was getting ready perhaps to close its doors in a dangerous part of town but god loves everybody and god miraculously gave us a hundred and eighty plus he reminded me so that first week because i couldn't remember i said was it one week did we go two weeks he said no the first week you were here we had over 180 salvations and the church immediately grew to 250 people now there are almost 700 people in growing building when i was there expanding why because he's a pastor committed to the great commission and god has blessed him every step of the way god give us people in the last days that understand that wonderful truth well i hope you've enjoyed the broadcast today i never close without praying the sinner's prayer and i'm going to tell you something privately i say privately i guess it's about to go publicly but i shared this with the pastor the other night he was talking about my messages and said man i i'd pay just to have the notes off of what you preached and and i felt that he was giving me too many escalades for or accolades for my preaching escalades i'll take a few cadillacs too those will work but uh i felt like he's patting me on the back a little too much and i said pastor brian i said let me tell you something i've been in ministry in evangelism admissions for 40 years i have never preached a message that when i was done i felt like i had done a good job and i'm not saying that in in self-deprecation i'm not saying that in false humility that's the honest truth i've never ever preached in 40 years that when i got done i felt like i had good a done a good job i always felt like there was so much i should have said i i could have done this better and i feel that way as i'm closing the broadcast today because this is such an incredible subject the judgment seat of christ we will come back to it in the days ahead and i'm feeling uh that i've failed because those ten things there's just so much meat on that bone that i can't get to in one program i hope it at least has given you some insight i hope the passages and all of the multitudes of scriptures that we've given you that we haven't taken time to open to and read for sake of time i hope you'll meditate on that this weekend i hope you'll take some time this weekend maybe sit down re-watch the broadcast hit the pause button take notes as the holy spirit teaches let me tell you something as a feeble preacher as one who doesn't have unlimited abilities the holy spirit has unlimited abilities to tutor and to teach and i promise you that if you'll re-listen to this at some point and watch ask the holy spirit say where where he failed lord by the holy spirit fill in the blanks and the holy spirit will take these wonderful truths and begin to teach you and give you things that i can't give you let the power of the truth of the judgment seat of christ always be a motivation to live ready to meet the lord i close with this and i'm asking every christian to stay on the broadcast right now and just pray where you're at that god will anoint this part of the broadcast to reach people all over the world as this is replayed and viewed it's not a matter of whether you're going to stand before god in judgment you're going to stand before god in judgment now every believer as we taunt today will stand at the judgment seat of christ and if you didn't get anything else i hope you'll at least remember this you're not going to be judged for your sins you're going to be judged for your service your motives your intents because you can do godly things for selfish motives you can do good things and have wrong motives you can do things that the bible teaches that are pure but have an impure motive as to why you did it not for the praise of men but for the glory of god should be our motivation but the bible says in hebrews chapter 9 and 27 it is appointed unto men once to die after that the judgment it's not a matter of whether you're going to stand before god in judgment every man every woman every boy every girl every one of you that are listening are going to stand at one of the judgments here's the grandiose question will you stand before god as your heavenly father or will you stand before god as your eternal judge my prayer for you today is that when you stand before god you'll stand before him knowing him as your heavenly father if you're not right with god if you've never made peace with god maybe you're a believer and i'm not judging you but maybe you're a believer who once knew the lord but things have happened in life and you've slipped or you've been deceived or you've taken a wrong turn and if you'd be honest with god and honest with yourself you're not living a holy life right now and you know it there are things that go on in the church that hurt people's feelings there's always listen there's always going to be reasons as to why christians backslide and get away from god and they usually have something that went on in church that hurt their feelings or some act of hypocrisy and the list is endless but that's not the point the point is other people aren't going to stand before god for you you're going to stand before god individually and in that day none of your excuses are going to count so maybe you're a believer and if you'd be honest with the lord something has happened something has happened too many illustrations to go down the list but i just know in my heart i'm speaking to somebody something happened that caused your passion and your fire to be quenched and you've become religious but you're not really living right with god you're not living a holy life you don't wake up every day like paul said and said father my goal today is to please you you don't go through the course of your day anymore saying father i need to be an ambassador today i need to reconcile other people to christ i need to be a witness you're cold you're backslidden you're away from the lord and i'm not judging you i want to pray with you but whether you're receiving christ for the first time or you're watching this broadcast and you need to come home to the lord wherever you're at just pray this prayer with me right now will you just say this heavenly father today i come to you and i trust in your mercy thank you for your only son jesus christ who died on the cross so that i could be saved today i repent of my sin god you know everything i've ever done there is nothing in your eyes in my life hidden i pray o father wash me cleanse me make me holy in your eyes bury my sins in the sea of your forgetfulness and fill me with the holy spirit and give me the power to be what i ought to be today i come home to christ and i want to be ready to meet the lord my life be lived in purity in jesus name in jesus name just everyone viewing pray this with me everyone viewing pray this with me just say this from your heart say lord jesus above all keep me ready for the judgment seat of christ and keep my motives in agreement with the bible keep my heart pure keep my hands clean let me be an effective ambassador for the lord jesus christ for it's in your holy name i pray amen you
Channel: Tiff Shuttlesworth
Views: 65,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiff Shuttlesworth, Tiff, Jesus, God, Prophecy, America, United States, Salvation, KJV, King James Version, Bible, Scripture, How do I study the Bible, Bible accuracy, Which Bible translation is the best, parable, sower, rocky, baptism, Catholic, communion, catechism, confirmation
Id: E6o5XnVPqBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 15sec (4575 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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