White People Taught Me How to Complain

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I don't know why I talk different I talk different when I'm bout to complain I get in a whole different mode cuz I like to complain like white people know I don't like to play my back memo I used to playing just like back when you know y'all be y'all extra y'all start off we have to limit let me talk to the manager let's see the back and all the hands ain't even a man control [ __ ] on your face see white people they seek out they don't ask nobody for [ __ ] they start whispering around Messi's who's the manager then one ant one alert nobody that is solution understand on your city white perfect let's I mean I used to didn't want to be around white people but I love you mother sisters y'all are the most young forget white [ __ ] I love it I never complained in the movies anymore let's more folks coming to movies talking and rambling the [ __ ] I'm not saying [ __ ] I'm looking right at the light but I know she forgot she never thought were this is much long I'm listening she's cracking once I see this once I feel II know what I do not like how she [ __ ] tailor I'm saying oh say she I'm like hey my mom you [ __ ] about the lien see if I can say I don't beep wait on me outside I want to fight all 80 but [ __ ] that right this we go say [ __ ] you be outside when she's well god you still say she pointing at you there with them they were talking I gotta put on me said it right letter telling you on a plane on the airplane you say who I love Oh white being on the airplane let it baby don't ever [ __ ] crying cuz he I don't say no humming song just tolerated baby crying so with a baby crying plane man we tell you something I'm only planning I make a sauce stick and I was sleep from the beginning consume I got on the plane I went straight to see my everybody living the only plane or Davis out dog they woke me up to say sir can you raise your window shade because the plane is about to take off and I'm so exhausted in my mind this is what's going on each Robin he needs his window to take off he back in his plane out of something why does he need this window the shady deal to take out what the [ __ ] he didn't see out this window so that's one go back to sleep plane in the air gone I hit it the stewardess talking to the lady next to me she's in the app she's open and she's saying have you ever had any trouble flying with him before I'm like let me get up I thought crazy [ __ ] about that a little dude in front humming okay domestic partnership jumped off why was sleep but not it was a bad man in the baby started off crying and I opened my eyes and the lady was sitting there saying did you think both of us take the pain and I looked at the bathing the baby just crying like Jesus and I'm not ignorant person not either person by no means this was she doing with the baby I don't start rocking trying to get our jack today and a and baby saying the right things to this baby I'm gonna say with his big lead to here so the lady the man leaned back we rock it and I see it baby I'm gonna ignorant man I'm not your man but this is what I said the big baby when they beg power i contacted me I look back a baby rocking he like a white man in front he's cracking and I've seen him crack cause he's trying to read his book baby still crying and he's rocking in the front seat he's cracking he closed it book I said yeah it's about to go I love it in white she's sipping Shh and did I tell y'all I'll tell you out this far the white man wanted to say some racial [ __ ] but he could because the lady was white the man was Mexican and the baby was black over black you know use magnets got okay this seat turns around the song anything in my life yes is terrible
Channel: Ali Siddiq
Views: 6,414,860
Rating: 4.8117495 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Def Jam, Showtime, HBO, Comic View, Laugh, Comedy Central, Comedian Ali Siddiq, Funny, Creative, TV, Television (Invention), Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre), White People (Ethnicity), People (Quotation Subject), Humor, Hilarious, Comedian (Profession), Joke, Jokes, Humour (TV Genre), Sketch
Id: QskcjRJ3Ymk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 23 2015
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