White Oak Epoxy Countertop

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[Music] so welcome back everybody I just did some trading and I managed to acquire some really nice-looking white oak lumber I know it doesn't look great in its current form but we're gonna process it and turn it into something much much nicer this is gonna be a timed project there's one countertop in our kitchen that still needs to be put in and it's where the sink goes and I have got until next Wednesday to get it in today is Thursday so I would say that we've got about six days but we don't because I actually work on the weekends so the weekend is pretty much out so let's get started because I've only got about three three days to get this done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] trap door close one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm out of flat boards and I'm in a hurry [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys it's been about five hours or so since we put this coat down and I thought I was going to be able to get away with just one coat of this epoxy because it went on really well and really thick but unfortunately as you can see this white oak has proven to be quite porous and it keeps releasing bubbles and I'm just not I have not been able to overcome all these bubbles so what happens is those bubbles come to the top you take the heat gun and you work them out with the heat gun and then it leaves a puck mark on the it leaves a pop mark on your on your work when the epoxy is still wet that pock mark will fill in but the problem is with this porous material bubbles keep coming up and up and up and up and up and you can see you can see pretty clearly these pock marks and there's just hundreds and hundreds of them all throughout here but now those those should be sealed pretty well and let's put the second coat on and see how see how well see how good that makes it look [Music] [Music] look you got goofy on the wrong side yeah okay long right away we're perfect yes hi wait a minute it's not what you think it fits which makes me real happy it's beautiful now we just need a few minor so guys it is Wednesday and we've got family coming over later today for a Thanksgiving meal and the sink is in the countertop is in so we're gonna declare this time and scarce attend project a success just to prove it there you go and yeah we're extremely happy with this and more importantly my wife's very happy with it I've still got to put some braces on the bottom of this countertop is to make sure it doesn't end up bo in this wood was not killing dry dry the wood it has been air drying for quite some time but I had issues with some of the other countertops actually bowing a little bit so I'm gonna put braces on the bottom of this just to see if we can mitigate some of that also that second coat that we put on to get rid of those part marks I was pretty disappointed in and it did not do what I wanted it to do this is some of the most porous white oak that I have ever worked with and those pop marks would just not go away the epoxy would fill in the holes and a bubble would come back up and I would fill it back in with a I'd bust the bubble and the bubbles will just keep coming and I was never I'll get you give me a closer look here in just a second but I was never able to get rid of those pock marks which is pretty disappointing but overall I'm very happy with it and the most important part about it is we've got to sleep now that functions we've been using a very small sink and a little kitchenette area of our house since we started this remodel in the kitchen but now the kitchen is pretty well complete and that's that's pretty exciting let's get a closer look closer up look at this and I'll show you what I'm talking about so that's all that I've got for this video I really appreciate y'all watching this is one of those projects that it was a lot of fun to do it's a pretty detailed and labor-intensive process there's a lot of very detailed measuring measurements that have to go into it and you know you don't really know that you got it right until you bring the countertop in from the shop and put it in and you hope there are no surprises but it's a good project to do I'm very happy with the way that it turned out and it should service very well for years to come guys Happy Thanksgiving I'm very thankful for everybody better subscribe to this channel and continues watching these videos I'm very thankful for all y'all and y'all look pretty well changed our lives here at Fraulein Ridge and I'm very thankful for every last one of y'all this year thanks for watching this video I will see y'all next time and Happy Thanksgiving
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 2,794,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, white oak, countertop, woodworking, wood, wood working, lumber, fall line ridge, cabinets, saw, sawmill, timber, boards
Id: 90jmcOJ7es4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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