AMAZING Grain in a Quarter Sawn RED OAK!

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so welcome back guys in the last video we took down a sycamore tree and put it on the mill and it turned out some really nice lumber but a lot of y'all mentioned that sycamore lumber is best quarter sawn apparently it's got a great flex pearance to the grain I'm not sure because I've never seen it but that got me thinking I have never actually quarter sawn anything on my mill and I don't know how to do it I've seen pictures of how to do it and I've probably watched a video on how to do it I'm not sure but I really think it's high time that I learned so we're gonna have we've got a red oak tree here it's a pretty nice-sized red oak I'll give you a closer view in a minute but we're gonna take this tree down and we're gonna put it on a little LT 10 and see if we can get some quarter sawn lumber out of it so here it is guys this is a red oak tree it's a really nice one very straight tree and it's about 19 or nearly 19 inches wide at chest height and you know I think it'll I think it'll put out some very very pretty lumber this is kind of one of those catch-22 situations I like looking at this tree and I'm sure it produces some nice food for deer and stuff like that and it's certainly pretty to look at but I think it'll be pretty early on my living room floor so so let's go ahead and clear out from around it a little bit and get some of this junk out of the way and get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alright guys so here's our log this is the bottom section this is the top of the bottom section it's about 16 or so inches wide the base so it's exactly 16 inches wide actually the base is around 20 inches or something like that so we'll just try to get it even when we put it on the mill and and go from there but as I understand it our goal here is to produce some lumber that the grain ends up being 80 to 90 degrees with the board so it's essentially vertical grain I guess I don't know if you'd call it CVG like clear vertical grain wood that makes sense to me but anyhow it's supposed to be vertical grain so the grain is supposed to be running straight up and down so I will I will put a put a link here put a little card in this so that you can see where I got most of this info from but wood-mizer has it on it's their website the easy way to quarter-sawed the video that I watched in preparation for this forgot the gentleman's name but I'll link it I'll link it to you and let you know but anyhow so what we want to do is we want to take this log we want to split it straight down the middle just like this and then what we're going to do is we're going to turn it and after we turn it we're going to go we're gonna bring the mill head to about 4 or so inches above above the heart so that's gonna be about rights there and a disadvantage that I've got is that my mill is pretty small and this is a small log and I think I would probably get a lot more quarter sawn lumber out of a out of a you know obviously a much bigger log but this is about all my mills gonna handle so that's about 4 inches or so above the heart of the tree so let's mark that just to show just to show where we are so what we're gonna do we're gonna cut this middle and first cut the split the log right in half then we're going to turn those two halves up and we're going to come down and we're going to cut this right here and we're going to get rid of these two cans and then we're going to keep coming down until we run out of quarter sawn lumber this right here I believe this grant is going to end up being closer on this board is going to end up being a lot closer to 45 degrees this board is going to be getting a lot closer to what we want this board is probably probably going to be it's going to be close I'm not sure but this right here I think is gonna be it's gonna be our our quarter sawn lumber right here these few pieces so that means we're hopefully gonna get so that's four we make it six it's a three on this side and three on this side make it six corner solvable a quarter sawn boards out of this we'll just see you see how it goes let's put it on the mill and see what happened so here it is guys as you can probably tell this end down here which would have been the base end of the tree it's kind of its flared out a whole lot more than the top of course it's probably about 20 inches wide whereas the where I've got it in the throat of the mill is about 16 so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to kind of try to shave that off and flip it around a few times and see if I can get it even it looks like 16 inches is about the maximum for splitting the log in half on this mill it just barely does fit in there but if I you know if I try to mill through this it's going to get stuck at the other end so let's see if we can even this log up son and go from there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're down at the what would be the end of the mill here and you can see it's not quite down to the exact center of the heart and the blade isn't rather and it's not going to go through so I'm going to flip this log over and see if there's your less material on the top side and maybe that'll give us some more clearance [Music] that corner right there is still going to catch on the mill so we're gonna have to get the chainsaw the heart is very closed it's not perfect as far as the depth on either end I don't have two boards on this mill so I guess it's kind of difficult to get it to try to even these things up properly but anyhow we're gonna get the chainsaw and see if we can mill I might mill but you know cut that corner right there off and then I think we're going to be able to solve this thing in half [Music] so here's the result of that it looks like it's going to clear all the way through and the blade is at a depth that is going to looks like it's gonna have no trouble hitting the heart of the log all the way through the log so let's go ahead and give it a try guys [Music] [Music] so now that we've got our slabs cut we're gonna shank those off of there and put these to the side that's looking pretty nice right there so like I mentioned earlier the first few cuts I probably really didn't go deep enough on these so the first few cuts I expect it won't be quite corner so on but I believe we're going to get that into it pretty fast so let's keep going and see what we get out of this [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm at a point now where I'm gonna have to start readjusting things I came within about 1/32 of an inch of hitting my Flint on that last run so let's go ahead and get some of these off I'm excited this is kind of like opening a Christmas present I have no idea what's going to be up under here let's take these top couple layers off and see if we've got quarter sawn lumber up under it Rudy I think we're getting close yeah I think that's what we were looking for guys I think this is what we were looking for there it is there it is [Applause] there it is that's what I was looking for right there look at that oh wow look at that that is beautiful I hope this is doing it some justice guys this is gorgeous let's get some water on this and bring that out some Wow there it is guys that's the prize right there a little defect down here at the end but still going to get a lot of good stuff out of this well there's more here let's see if we can get the rest of it out so guys I think this is about what we were after we got it about right there's about well there's six pieces here one two three six pieces and I believe cricket you're such a good helper such a good helper anyway I believe this is what we were looking for y'all just wished you had as good a help as I've got if you get hurt let's get some close-up shots of this and see if we can bring out the green thumb so this was one of our goals guys to get this grain right here this engrained at about eighty to ninety degrees vertical with the board and it looks like we achieved that just right so that's gonna do it guys if y'all have stuck around this long I know this has been a pretty long video but if y'all have stuck around this long I really appreciate you watching me trying to learn the quarter saw that was my first log that I attempted to quarter saw and I really think that my mill is not suited for quarter saw and big stuff because 16 inches is the biggest thing that I can possibly get in that throat it can cut a log that's nineteen and a half inches wide but that doesn't really take into account to the rest of the throat of the mill so you can cut a board this nineteen and a half inches the maximum size is 24 inches but the problem is you know the rest of that round log has got to go up into the throat of that mill and there's just not enough clearance to put anything bigger than 16 inches to saw in half but anyhow I'm quite pleased with how this turned out especially for my first time I'd love to hear from y'all sweet from from some of you guys that have they've got more experience with quarter sawn lumber how did I do what can I do better is there a better method to do this but yeah I'd love to hear from tell me you guys that have been doing this for quite some time and see what your thoughts are but anyhow I appreciate you watching this video thanks to all the new subscribers that have come on lately the channel has really taken off and I appreciate your support and I will see you next time
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 522,414
Rating: 4.7616124 out of 5
Keywords: fall line ridge, sawmill, homestead, red oak, quarter saw, quarter sawing lumber, wood mizer, lt 10, tree felling, forestry, homesteading
Id: ugs5bYGs644
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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