Epoxy Countertops Over Plywood

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alright here's a piece of plywood that we did stone coat countertop epoxy over the colors and this one just really popped this came to life we're going to show you all the steps the tips the tricks everything you need to know to do stone coat countertop epoxy over your existing countertops stay tuned watch this video will show you how and then visit us at Stone Koch countertops com okay what we're going to do today is we're going to show you all the necessary steps to do stone cold' countertop epoxy over plywood whenever I make a sample to show that we're going over an existing substrate I like the mask off one corner of that substrate we'll just use a little bit of masking paper and just show that we could turn everyday ordinary plywood and it's something really really cool okay what I like to do on plywood I'm going to show you I'm going to bring this up to the camera you can see this plywood has little voids you know all plywood has little boys and stuff like that through it and we have to cover that MDF that's why we use MDF on a lot of our substrate MDF doesn't have these voids but plywood does so we're going to cover that with bondo and I'll actually show you the product here this all-purpose bondo is what we do our front edges in and we use the bondo hardener okay so we're going to take this bondo we're going to mix it up so that we can seal this front edge but before that you choose your edge of what you're going to do on the apply what you got to think about some things do you want a round over decorative edge do you want to router bit and run that through or do you want a square edge or do you want a chiseled edge all of them if you're going to do a round over edge you would just get a router bit put a router bit in your router and you can just buzz that profile right into the plywood and then apply your bondo and then you're going to smooth all those voids out and stuff with the bondo in this case we're going to do a chiseled edge so none of this really matters because we're going to add a rock face edge to this plywood which is actually the easiest to do on plywood that's in place in your house because you don't have to router into the corners and stuff like that your router doesn't have to go all the way backwards getting hit by the wall and stuff this edge is actually really easy and really fun to do we're going to show you how to do it so you just take some of this bondo we're going to pull a little bit of that out right here on our substrate you don't need much for this small little sample but when you're doing your whole kitchen just do sections at a time because this stuff likes to uh it doesn't doesn't have a lot of working time it goes off pretty quick so you got to move fast so just do as much as you can handle at a time this sample is small so it's going to be really easy to do without the material setting off too fast you just use the hardener cream that comes with the all-purpose bondo just put a little bit of that right there in the bondo and you can buy this all right there at Home Depot for the for this filler and I'm going to take the spatula that I like to use with the bondo and I'm just going to mix that we're just going to mix that together you want to mix it really well and fold the material over itself so that all of it gets some of that hardener mixed in with it and with this product the the ratio is not critical you just want to make sure all that bondo get some hardener in there you know just because we've done it so much we can eyeball the amount of hardener but follow the directions on the can okay I'm just folding that over itself I'm going to bring this sample up front here so I could show you what I'm doing so I'm just going to take some of this material and I'm just going to start applying it and pushing it into the pores of this plywood so you can see how I'm doing that just working it in there get some more of that okay now all I got to do is just pull out some of some little Peaks here I'll just pull out a few Peaks now another thing that you can do is you can come up here on that front and just kind of clean you clean your spatula off and I put some neat highs and lows so you can't you can't tell where the plywood starts and stops and then you could do the same thing here at the bottom just to clean up some of those drips and now I can let that dry and come back and sand I don't like like this little Ridge here so I can just take my spatula and just pull that a little bit pull it there a little bit okay get some Mountain sticking out that we're going to sand down later some voids and stuff and Matt it's hard to stop playing with it just let it be and come back and we'll sand it and it'll look like a I'm going to actually do this a little bit less yeah there we go there we go that's going to look cool that's going to look cool you like it highs and lows are good in-and-out movement because that's what rock looks like when you snap it and chisel it so let's let that dry and we'll come back and show you what it's going to look like after it's dry and we'll stand it I'll scrape off all my excess here off the plywood if I if I had knots and stuff in the plywood you can just take some of this bondo and fill those now would be a good time to fix any damage that's in the top of the plywood from screws or nails or anything like that okay here's our piece of plywood that we did that natural bondo edge on and the bondo still looks kind of funky because we haven't done that next step on it but it's all dry and it's ready to be sanded it's been about thirty minutes we'll come back and stand it just like this but we got some highs and lows and I'm just gonna now if I rub my hand on the sisters real sharp and kind of rough we're going to take the sander and sand that down so that it's nice and smooth to our hands but it still has some interesting organic look to it so let's get started okay here we go Oh Oh [Music] let me blow that off here oh that's going to look really neat so now there's there's there's a little bit of shortness right here and a little bit in here so I'm going to take my sander and work in those little ridges right there Oh Oh much better there we go so that is just a really neat example of how easy that edge is to you and how natural that starts to look and that feels really cool already so now we're ready for the next step we're going to get this back up here on our blocks and I'll show you what we're going to do so now that our edge is complete we're going to do our paint and primer in one right on the surface of this plywood and on the front edge of our counter top we just use a paint primer in one right there from Home Depot and usually on on raw plywood we'll do two coats so I'm just going to quickly roll it out and roll it on that front edge when you're doing that front edge you really want to push it in that edge you don't have voids and stuff like that but I'll come double check that when I can see there on the front because this is going to be a sample I carry around I'm just going to roll these edges just so they got a nice coat on them yeah this is going to be a neat piece when we're all all said and done and when you are making samples it's really cool if you tape off a section of it like we did here to be able to show your customers that this product goes over there their existing surfaces it's really impressive to people they don't know how awesome this can be until you show them with your samples let's go here in the front so I missed a little couple little spots there so I'm just going to roll that in and you can see man that's looking looking like a piece of you know raw slate right now looks like we all we got to do is just start adding color to make this things come to life I'll let this dry we'll come back and do another coat of paint and primer in one and then we're ready for our epoxy thanks again for watching we'll be back in a minute okay the plywood sample here is all ready for its next step and what we're going to do is we're going to do an undertone of color with spray paint right over that paint and prior one the reason we do that is especially on the edges we want it to have some some interest in color not just one solid color in case the epoxy is a little bit thinner on the front and it might not retain as much cool decoration as you do on the top so we do some interesting effects on the front just with spray paint these two spray paints that I'm using one of these is called rose rose gold and one of these is khaki we'll start here with the khaki now when I do the rock edge I like to hit it at an angle so that you get some of the rock doesn't get painted and that looks that looks pretty realistic when you look at it so I like that we're going to do some of this over the top just do some interest there now let's use some of that rose gold I'm going to do the same thing oh yeah that's what I'm looking at right there that looks cool and that's all we need right there we'll let that dry and we'll come back and we'll do our next step okay we got an old piece of plywood here that we put chiseled edge on and now we're ready for the epoxy coat this is a fun part all we're going to do we're going to we've got some material pre-mixed here we're going to get that out on the surface then we're going to add some really neat color effects to this this is the this is the coat that's the most fun because you're adding color and and design and all that stuff this is what you've really been waiting for so we'll get that material out we're going to mix that up even more with our trowel just get it mixed up on that surface and just get an even coat with your 1/8 by 1/8 square notch trowel just get it moved on that surface [Applause] here we go cover the whole thing and then we'll come back and we're going to chop this the reason that we chop it is to hide our trowel marks quickly chop that and then I'm going to come brush that front edge so see how our drips come over that front edge we're just going to use that as our material to get that prime so we can start color all right we are ready for some color in there all right I'm going to take some orange here I'm going to spray my brush with some orange and I'm going to just chop some of that orange right into the top here okay get some of that over the front might take some white here chop some of that in there this will just give me a really cool bright base to work with and you can see I'm not making the whole thing the same color I'm just kind of moving color through there just keeping it nice and random make it look cool all right now we're going to take our paint stick and grab a paint stick here we're going to start laying down some veins all right here is some black night metallic will start a vein with this I'm just going to drag that right through right through that right there we're going to make a pretty wide bang we'll just keep adding color to it we will add some caramel here [Applause] okay is that another metallic color this is a brass move that one's out here [Applause] we're add some regular black here okay I'm going to actually do some over here - okay add some dark gray here and I really like to add color on color just just keep the colors coming in it looks more natural and real okay get some more paints here we're going to get some sage in here [Applause] now I'm just fading this out a little bit just fading it into what we've done over here I'll add a little green in here that's already starting to look really interesting okay grab some of the sunset this is a pretty color some bright yellow there just get some of that in there really make this color pop keep that kind of right there okay I'm going to get some more white mix with that sunset you start to mix all these colors and they they really do the hard work for you you just some people are afraid they really keep mixing those and as you can see the more I run my stick through this the more the more natural it kind of becomes you'll see us as this evolves into a piece why we do more and more color I'm going to get some blue here on this side there we go get a little bit of blue coming through here whenever you get blue and stone you know you try to get you try to buy any natural stone with Blues like this in it it's always very expensive because it's a little bit more rare so I like to add touches of blue in there just makes the whole project look phenomenal [Applause] just choose colors that you like that you're looking for can't go wrong you can see I mean if we did this same exact color over a different base you'd have an entire different look and I'm keeping all the grain kind kind of going front to back it's another thing you can do is you could change that up and I mean like I could then all of a sudden I could change this grant from going you know front to back I could kind of turn it this way trying to get this part coming into it and that that's another change up where it looks more more natural so I've kind of switched the grain we're fans out this direction that's another thing that you can do okay I'm going to add I'm going to actually take some of this brush that's got this oranges color and I'm just going to kind of drizzle that into some of this here just make some make some random marks here through that I'm going to actually take what's ever left here in my bucket I'm going to drizzle some clear through there and that clear will actually separate some color and do some really amazing effects for you just because it's clear it'll kind of move color as it starts to dry now I'm going to I don't know should we should we put some metallics in this alright let's put some ocean blue in there yeah I think what I'll do first because I like the way that this works when when I put a dark color or any spray paint and you lay it on top and then you hit it with the metallic art with the alcohol and the metallic it will fracture it make it look really cool so I'm just going to fog some black up here now watch what this metallic will do as soon as I hit that black so it kind of fractures it makes it look more like stone I think that's really neat I like that see this look that you get here and that will continue to move it's not going to stay just like that but it gives you a really neat look so you can see I mean that was really a pretty easy color to do I added a whole bunch of spray-paint then I fractured that I'm pretty happy with it looks like crystal right here through there just going to stand back and look at your piece see if you want to add anything or take anything away I think this is really unique like this I think I might just leave it it gets really pretty you would never know that this is a piece of plywood I need to come look at the front of that and see if I need to change that up so you can see here on the front this little bit of yellow that's kind of sticking on the edge there see that so I'm just going to rub my finger there to fix that this blue I want to bring some of this blue down so I'll just kind of paint that edge with my finger and the rest that I really like how that color is coming over the edge I think that looks really neat [Applause] oh sorry all right well I'm going to torch this we're going to call it good I'm going to move this color around a little bit when I torch it move this vein all yeah that kind of it created a big circle right here but that's okay we're going to cover this with clear but I kind of liked it there's nothing there I think that looks neat I think this looks really cool it's a neat piece alright we'll come back tomorrow we'll let this dry overnight and then we'll come back tomorrow and we'll do a clear coat over the top if you want to mask off part of it to show what it used to be that this is over plywood you can't leave this tape on overnight it'll glue itself there you'll never get it off so you got to come peel this in about three or four hours and then it'll come off and then you could reach a pit for the next excuse me the next coat
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 1,583,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop DIY, how to, concrete, overlay, formica, repair, kitchen, bath, countertop epoxy, wood slab, live edge, plywood, sediment countertops, epoxy plus
Id: LT6QQ6AaQrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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