While Searching for God I Decided Never to Become a Muslim | Salahadeen's Story

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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh my name is salahuddin al Brittani and this is my story of how I became a Muslim there's a lot of like rough areas quite rough and my family they are white British and we kind of grew up with no religion at all so obviously the area it was like they had a lot of different areas where you have gangs you know people they want to mess with you also had you know like parks and everything that you just used to hang about my friends used to go to an area called flower park where we'd make a swing from branches and rope and stuff like that they just used to try and have as much fun outside you know instead of being inside all the time so I went to Milford primary school which is in Clifton and [Music] within the school there was a it population was mainly white British there wasn't really much mixed race or different races there and you know it my as a child you know I was kind of getting into a bit of mischief here and there you know I was I was you know quite naughty at school I did a lot of bad stuff at school so I was getting in trouble a lot with teachers and such when I started secondary school in East Lake which is near Loughborough I started to get into a different in with a different group of people so we do you know it was a bit more different from we would do a bit more mischief still there was friends that would take drugs sometimes you know they just hang about drink alcohol underage drinking stuff like that at school I I would say I probably didn't study as much as what I should have you know it was more enjoyment rather than studying or trying to achieve anything it was more messing about forgetting about studies forgetting about homework forgetting about listening to teachers just do whatever I want basically in if teachers had a problem then that would be where I would have an attitude problem as well so I didn't really get much out of school as why should have done ah there wasn't really anything that I wanted to be I didn't even know what I wanted to do and I still you know when I left school I still didn't know what I wanted to do career-wise whether someone did say to me you know talking to me about the army maybe joining up in the army and stuff like that and at the time I was kind of like okay I'm a bit I like this country I'm a bit patriotic I like you know this country so I might pursue that I might go along with that when I left secondary school I went to college I did three years in college I did a level two are design which was one year and then I did a level three art design course after that which was two years while we're doing my social time when I was at college during college was I had a lot of friends that would just drink alcohol sometimes college we would there was one friend that I had and he would be drinking before he came into college and then drinking in the break time like that obviously I was mixing with them and what I used to do normally was wake up really late gets a college laid bunk off sometimes in the afternoon go home play on my xbox 360 just chill and that that was really what I did on a day-to-day basis obviously when I was in the college period there wasn't really like I I kind of enjoyed my life I was happy with what I was doing but there was always a void or something um I kind of like I had really you know and I had a big anger issue I always shouted and someone started on me then that would be it all of the I wouldn't even think about what I'm saying I would just say it whatever can hurt their feelings I would do that life didn't really have any reason for existence there was no purpose to it so I decided you know I was just living my life I was just every day was a new day try and get as much out as possible try and enjoy it as possible you know weekend's come and socialize with friends maybe I don't know drink sometimes go out drinking and stuff like that really but as of you know without that throughout that period it wasn't really anything that that it was almost as if I'm missing something in my life so obviously the people that was mixing with they had like obviously we had you know some disagreements on certain things if there was an argument then you know with big fallout stuff like this [Music] I think the company I was in there was always dragging me down like you know there wasn't like a friend you know a friend is someone who will be with you no matter what no matter what you go through they're always there I don't think my friends were those kind of people I think there were more oh if he goes through hardship then we just we leg it and we leave him to deal with that and I think that's where I kind of started to get this feeling that are they're not really my friends they don't you know what what do I do you know and not having a job not having any any ambition you know not knowing what I want to do in life I just thought to myself there's no point in my existence there's no point of me carrying on really relationship with the parents was if they asked me to do something I didn't want to do it I would tell them to go do one or do it yourself I'm not interested I'm not going to do it I'm not your slave I don't do what you want me to do and I had a real bad attitude towards my parents especially my mom ah you know I'd always swear at her she would swear back at me would have massive argument you know and sometimes I will come along afterwards apologize and then the next day it would be the same scenario but to be a disagreement with something and you know we just have an argument continuously so my relationship with my parents was kind of bad it was really you know I had a lot of disrespect towards my parents kind of did affect my parents the relationship that we had you know my mum sometimes would say I don't know what we can do like maybe you should like sometimes she'd say I want you out at the house after we've had an argument I had to go out of the house I'd go for a walk clear my clear my head come back try and discuss it try and say look I'm sorry I don't I don't mean what I say you know I shouldn't be saying this kind of stuff and obviously my mom will be the same shoes like you know I'm sorry as well let's try and let's try and build on this relationship let's try and you know you're my son and everything so we tried to do that but every single day was the same there would always be so something even it could be the smallest of things which would make a huge argument between us I think my anger came from the fact that I had nothing going for me I had no ambition I had no goal I didn't have anything that I could really see myself as I didn't see myself as successful or anything decent I didn't see myself being successful in life I didn't see myself get a job or a good job at least I didn't see myself doing anything good in the society I think there was just a huge void in my life where you know the only thing you can do is wake up every morning and do your usual routine of being lazy don't do anything play on the playstation or xbox or whatever you want to play and you know that that was the life that I lived you know Facebook on Facebook talked to people over Facebook trying me talk to go out play football and stuff like this but that was it there was nothing else there was nothing exciting in my life really so from my childhood I've always had a belief in God always had a belief in a creator and because of these anger issues these anger problems and not having a solution not having a way out I thought to myself I believe in a creator I believe he's created me he's created everything what does this create a one from me is he someone who is putting me in this state of depression almost - I don't know try and have some pleasure out of it or you know am i doing things wrong so I started thinking about maybe becoming a religious person because I already have the belief of God inside of me I need to try and get on a straight path I need to I need to do something with my life I need to you know wake up and do something so I started obviously reading the Bible because of the area that I'm from majority of people day they're not religious but they if they have any religion at all it will be Christianity so I read the the Old Testament the New Testament and I found that both books contradicts one another and I don't know I kind of saw myself as saying well if God has a religion or God has a way or a system for people then it can't be something which is corrupted or something which doesn't add up it doesn't doesn't make sense so I then after reading the Old Testament the New Testament I made a decision that look Christianity isn't for me I didn't think it's I don't think it's right I don't think Jesus being the Son of God or God Himself is is something which is feasible or something which you can believe then I started looking into Judaism and I found a lot of things which were very interesting and it came with the Old Testament a lot of the things in the Old Testament match with the Jewish laws and I was thinking to myself well this kind of this is kind of taking me somewhere so I'm going to investigate and want to look I looks more into Judaism and then I kind of I don't know I fell in love with like their practices like how strict they are what they do in their lives you know their lives are dedicated to God so I started looking into it I started practice I started practicing myself I started trying to do as much as possible like from the Jewish Scriptures trying to live a kosher lifestyle and then I went to a synagogue to to speak with a rabbi about Judaism maybe converts and then I had like a discussion with him with the rabbi and you know it seemed like he was trying to put me off like this religions not for you I don't think you know even if you were to convert you won't be seen as a real Jew because you're not born into the Jewish faith you know all these things and even said to me that you know you can't be a Jew or you can't convert to Judaism if you don't learn the Hebrew language fluently I was like well why boy if I die in this state whilst I'm trying to learn you know what's going to happen because I would have I always had in my mind that if I die I'm going to die in a way which is not pleasing to the one that made me so what do I do I got and then as I after that I was still persistent I let my guard down a bit with practicing yet like I kind of fell off it a bit but I still had that belief I wanted to become a Jew and because in not alone there's only like I don't know one or two synagogues one which is Orthodox and the other wit which is not that practicing or they bit more moderate sort of thing so I don't know I kind of like just color and kind of like shots that he's saying this to me you know he's trying to put me off the religion of God I'm like how can you be religious how can you be someone who has good or believes you have believe you have the the correct way but you don't want to correct others so obviously I just typed it on Google randomly was the fastest growing religion in the world came up with a slam and at this point I'm really I'm saying to myself why Islam the fastest growing religion all these Muslims you hear it in the media you hear it the newspapers you hear it on the TV Muslims killing non-muslims because they believe that the you know that they want to that they should be taken over the world they need to have their system in place they're really disrespectful towards Britain and British people and obviously being kind of patriotic I was like I didn't want to know about Islam I didn't want to even think about going down that route but and also I remember myself saying that will never become a Muslim even on this journey of of becoming a religious person I said I'd never become Muslim and you know it was really it was something I don't know I kept on hearing about Islam fastest growing religion in the world and I met a Muslim at college and he's you know he's not a practicing Muslim or his family or Muslim but he would I'd ask him you know I hear all this negativity about your religion here Islam does this hit as long as that you know blowing up people killing people all this kind of thing I said you're so nice to me talk to me about Islam tell me what you want what Islam is obviously he told me that Islam is very misunderstood it's a religion which is very misunderstood the media doesn't have the correct image about Islam they don't know anything about Islam and it says why you read the Quran in in English he says get a copy of the Quran where if you can and read it so I started looking on Google reading ayats of the Quran and mainly scientific miracles of the Quran you know where Allah is talking about the creation of baby inside the woman's womb stuff like this and I was just thinking to myself this is incredible this is something which it goes with modern-day science that we have today and if you think about a book that's 1,400 years old and you don't even have all this technology but you have a man called muhammad salallahu alaihe wasalam and he's talking about all these things you know he wasn't he was someone who was an arab living in the desert he had no education he had no knowledge of any world scriptures or anything like this he had no knowledge about hardly anything and he's coming out with verses from the quran like this and saying this is revelation from god so you either have to say to yourself this guy Muhammad he is either someone who you know his lucky isn't making a good guess what he's saying or he's a prophet of God like he claimed to be and you know obviously I went down that route of looking into the biography of the Prophet sallallaahu salam reading about who he was why his character was why he what he did in his lifetime so obviously i after reading that i wanted to become a muslim and i said to myself that this is something which I know I'm gonna get hassle for but if it's the truth I have to accept it and not only that will give me a reason for existence because Allah says in the Quran that he has created managin except to worship Him we we are here on this earth to worship the one that created us and that was my natural fit through telling me that this is a book from God that the prophet sallallaahu Salomon is correct in his message and there's been no altar there's been no change to the religion at all so this religion Islam was the only religion which fitted the natural fitrah that every human being has been born with as soon as I did my research I think it was about two days research just literally looking on websites and stuff like this I went down stairs told my mom oh I want to become a Muslim and then again like I said petty argument started are they gonna make you a terrorist they're gonna brainwash you they're gonna send you off to I don't know Middle Eastern countries to do some bad to this world and do do some corruption kill people blow up people she says I don't want that for you so obviously broke had to an argument game it was more shouting it was more screaming I I went off on one she went off on one and you know we both cooled down my dad said look let's just hear him out let's speak to him let's talk to him let's sit down as a family discussed this matter rather than you know just shouting and screaming at each other because there's nothing like it would never get anywhere so my dad was kind of cool with it he was you know he wasn't happy with it but he nevertheless he he wasn't as disappointed as my mum was so we sat down with disgusts you know we talked to each other we and I said so look whether you accept it or not and I was kind of harsh it was kind of harsh on my mom even though we were talking we was discussing I said look whether you accept it or not you can do everyone you can shut me out you can do whatever you want but I'm gonna become a Muslim because I believe it's the truth I'm telling you I think truth I know it's the truth so she said that's fine you become a Muslim or support you we'll do what we can well she said don't go down that routes of having these views of you know Blom of yourself in the statuses come on you know me you know who I am you know why why do you think I'd do something like this so we had that discussion you know we made up you know I apologize to her getting angry she apologized back and the Saturday I think I think I was on a Friday so on the Saturday I went into town I found a local masjid the Islamic center I went and asked to take my Shahada with one of the brothers that I found in there in the Masjid he was just sat there reading Quran and I asked him I would like to you know I'd like to become a Muslim so obviously he got the Imam the Imam got there was a few other brothers mashallah Pakistani and there was all around me in a circle and I was kind of nervous it was kind of like should I be here should I not be here should I go you know what handle like he sat down with me he made me feel comfortable he discussed the conditions of the Shahada what we have to believe in in order to be a Muslim and then hamdulillah I accepted that and I took my Shahada that day since Islam since I took my Shahada it's been a bumpy ride there's been hardship there's been you know a lot of trouble when I first became Muslim all my friends or the majority of my friends they gave up on me they didn't want to know me when I said look I'm a Muslim they kind of gave up on me they won't speak to me for a long time and I think it was about nine months that he wouldn't talk to me and within that time I I found a group of brothers that go to the Knotts mum city centre give the hour on a regular basis and I said look I need someone to teach me the Dean I need someone to teach me about Islam can you guys help me can you can you do something for me so they said yeah sure they gave me a leaflet they gave me a DVD on how to pray and how to make will do gospel all these kind of things they said come to our weekly classes you know you're always welcome they said your problems are our problems we can look after you so I started going to them started learning the Deen and started practicing the Deen and when my friend starts to talk to me again then it was the Dower the Dowell was coming out and I was speaking to the mobile slab so whatever conversations we had before whether it be about football whether it be about gaming and our girls or alcohol or whatever it may be all of that was gone and I was speaking to the mobile Iceland about the beauties of Islam what Islam has to offer a human being and they kind of got fed up with it because I was when I was given the dower it was like is it's my way or the highway if you don't want to know I'm not going to talk to you about irrelevant things or things which have no purpose I'm going to talk to you about slam if you don't want to know that's fine we can we don't need to see each other we don't need to meet up with each other I'm a Muslim no so I was kind of harsh with them so they stopped speaking to me again and even and then there was more time to learn to go into different subjects learn about how he'd etc learn about the basics of the Deen and then a few of them started talking to me again one of them added me on Facebook and even and then I was even stronger in my Deen I was longer than where I was before being as a Muslim a lot of the habits that I've had have gone you know I don't woman eyes anymore I don't drink alcohol I don't you know I'm careful about what I eat everything has to be halal and make sure that I pray on time and make sure I do every bit of action that that is needed in order to have the prayers accepted by Allah so making sure that the wood is on point the rustle if you need to make rustle make sure that's done correctly and just studying about Islam in general and just trying to be the person that I am but without the bad habits of swearing etc and stuff like this so my advice for someone who's non-muslim who may be thinking about Islam or is just thinking about religion in general is basically read the Quran for yourself and don't have any influence from any other people saying what this version of Quran means this or this means this read it for yourself make your own decision make your own understanding of it because if you are someone who's looking for the truth Allah will guide you to the truth and if you're someone who is looking for a fault or something which you can tarnish Islam and it's not going to you you're going to find that because whatever you're searching for you're going to find so if you're looking sincerely for the truth and Allah start with the Quran in English or whatever language it is that you speak and also don't take your advice on what Islam is from the media or non-muslims take your advice from the Muslims the same as if you is ill and you had illnesses or if you had any problems with your health you'll go to a doctor and ask them the same way you come to the Muslims too to understand about slum and in sha Allah Allah will guide you to Islam and I'd also like to say jazakallah hair for roadside to Islam for the interview assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi / a castle you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 78,227
Rating: 4.9028926 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Never to become a Muslim, become a Muslim, roadside2islam, Salahadeen's Story, Salahadeen
Id: 8hamh-cl54I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2017
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