Irish German Italian and loving Islam JR Farrell tells why

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peaceful peaceful peaceful fees peaceful peaceful peaceful little brother I consider a hunter law how are you doing I'm doing that very well alright thank you for being with us today on the Dean show it's a pleasure of mine so here on the Dean show we like to just get straight to it gotcha alright so I'm going to start asking you some questions some questions that I'm sure the common folk want to know you come from I see Irish descent s-sir rich Irish and German Irish and German a--the he's a lot of Muslims in uh Ireland it's advanced with you it's growing it's always a very rapid growing religion in in Ireland more than you would expect what's the product predominant Roman Catholic Roman Catholic so you grew up a Roman Catholic I was exactly born and raised Roman Catholic okay so how'd you end up over here and as a Muslim well as a Muslim as a child I really didn't understand what it meant to be to understand who God was it was almost like a fairy tale really you would watch a cartoon or you would understood to what the church is trying to portray against you and you all you're thinking all along the lines is who is this invisible deity what what is it to be God you would see this image on a cross a dead person on a cross how is a child is this my god is this what they're preaching to me but at the same time when I look in the fairy tale cartoons it's God with a big white robe a big white beard hanging his head over the clouds of the sky so I was a bit confused so this is where I misunderstood what it was seriously to be not only Roman Catholic because to be honest with you I wanted to become a priest and my father wants to become a minister but how would you become a minister or a priest if you're not understanding what it is the message that you're trying to preach to other people that's where I stopped was for me I didn't understand so that's where the road began okay so how did you finally step over into Islam to be you know it's funny and it may sound a little taboo but the one thing that drew me closest to Islam was the women the Muslim women I'm not talking about Arab women talking about the Muslim women who wore the hijab the headscarf to me I had an immediate attraction to them they were I fell in love with that image wow this is amazing these beautiful women covering their self up why are they doing this they have so much pride in so much love and respect for the religion they're not hiding in a monastery like a nun what they're doing is they are portraying their religion openly and publicly without any shame I fell in love with that and that believe me it sounds a little taboo but that's where my my road began with with women we're going to help clear because that's one of the the goals of the Deen shows to help clear up some of these misconceptions one by starting off when you see - you were born in Ireland er no okay Mara so you're sick Irish American yes sir so same thing here I'm American born in America so when you see two Americans who are actually Muslim because as soon as you think Muslim you think big beard and you think an area of or something so that's the first misconception that we're clearing Muslim can be from China from Ireland from Bosnia from England all right that is correct and we know by statistics this is not a hidden factor less than 15% of all Muslims are of Arab origin yes that's a minority the majority are Asian and the more more African or black so to speak Muslims then then there are Arab so we have this misconception but why do we have this misconception the reason why we have this misconception is because we don't understand the the purpose of our existence is that all we understand is what we are we're portraying ourselves to be and what we are pertain portraying what the idea of what God is supposed to have this is this is where it falters this is where the lens the microscope lens falls on a group of individuals opposed to the entire body yes so that's one of the misconceptions another thing you mentioned the Islamic covering we're a woman instead of just flaunting herself for everyone to see right all right where it's more you know the pop culture just let it all hang or are you actually impressed by the Muslim women who are actually preserving their beauty for their husbands right if you have a given example if you have a jewel yeah what would you do with that jewel would you show it off to total strangers would you put it out in public and just let any anybody hold and touch that eventually what you're going to do is you're going to get fingerprints on that somebody's going to drop it it's going to get damaged here and the the value of it is going to depreciate you're not going to have the total value of that jewel simply because you did not mask it you did not protect it yes that's women women are when we understand what Islam is and how it was revealed if we if we really understand when when the Prophet Mohammed was when he received the first revelation from the angel Gabriel he ran straight to his home who did he run to he ran to a woman he ran into the lap of a woman and he cried in the lap of a woman why because the inside the lap of a woman is Comfort its nurture and when when Mohammed had died when he was on his deathbed he didn't die with with a sword in his hand he didn't die he died in a lap of a woman yeah so Islam started by a woman and it ended by a woman women have such a great role in this religion that are completely misunderstood that by their beauty itself there's nurture there's comfort even in the leave the word wound it comes from protection nurture and that's exactly what we seek in the religion of us then nurture and comfort nothing else for those who just turn it on we have author and publisher jr. Farrow we're going to be talking about his road to Islam getting you familiar with how he lived before and that's we're going to get into now you were actually born here in Chicago the south side of Chicago and but your family's from Ireland second or third generation descendants I do have some from Sicily yeah so so tell you tell you I Irish okay my father's actually excuse me what my father is German and Irish and my mother is polish and Italian yeah so we have this European type of east meets East meets West type of don't don't have me remind me to ask you what your parents did when they find out you're Muslim they bring out the what brought out the gun it but we'll get to that later all right but the thing is now that real quick we mentioned Muslim and Islam Islam simply means surrender and submission to the creator of the heavens and earth and a Muslim is one who does Islam the action of surrendering one's will to the will of the creator okay so I wanted to define that for them real quick just not to confuse anybody now tell me Junior called junior at school okay Junior tell us now what were some of your beliefs before you came to Islam well what we understand in Christianity and Catholicism there is a code of ethics better known as the easy guide syndrome the easy guide syndrome is simply I can do whatever I want I could go and live my life any way I want but I have to understand and believe that Jesus had died for my sins and by accepting him as an atonement for my sins I am completely free from any guilt from from any punishment for anything that I have done if I were to take something from you steal from you should I go to my neighbor and say hey Mike I stole this wallet from Eddie please forgive me Mike and Mike will say you're forgiven does that make any sense at all not at all didn't make any sense to me either yeah and Mike will say you know what all you have to do is say two little prayers and you're good to go I'm like oh cool I got a whole wallet Eddie's out I'm good it doesn't make any sense to me but that's not the foundation of where people go wrong because I don't want to bash on Christianity nor do I want to bash on Catholicism because there are great morals there are great respects there are great foundations of what it is to be a good person in these religions what I want to differentiate is between what it is to be if of God and a follower of your own worldly desires Jesus in the Bible is quoted by saying why do you transgress why do you transgress God's laws for the sake of your own tradition now when we understand that what does he mean he doesn't mean simply to follow anything that you want to do he's saying obey God's commandments regardless what you are he doesn't say oh you Jews or Israelites he doesn't say oh my he said he does not differentiate between anybody he gives it straight don't transgress God's laws for your own sake of your own tradition don't do that what are some of the traditions that we fall into that it puts our philosophy and our ideologies above God's will and that's what this this show is basically for understanding how we have changed put ours our laws above God's laws and how we are currently in our current situation along the way now growing up how did you figure out this out now how did this stem up well I began reading the Bible and I read the Torah and I read a few different versions of the of the Bible and I had a few like I said my father my father grew up in the sixties we can't understand what it is like your cause and effect type of situation you I cannot I cannot give you my story until you understand how I was raised my father grew up in the 60s in the south side of Chicago where the blacks and white movement was kind of little racial racial segregation there was a lot of violence a lot of fights my father actually had fought physically with Martin Luther King jr. and so he formed his own little white Posse gang to chase the the black fellows out of Garfield Park on 55th Street there so with this the way he was raised is simply segregation and when we look into the Catholic Church all we see is total segregation total domination of what white race everything about the Catholic Church's white race that the image of Jesus is the white race that the image of God is the white race every single Pope is the white race everything from from st. Peter the first pope all open to our Kirk current Pope Benedict all white race so this is what I have in my mind white race superior everyone else is secondary this is what I had my mind now when I restart reading the Bible I started to say wait a second Solomon was black how can Solomon be a prophet if he was that black God must love black people yeah these these saw a few of the things Jesus was it was Jewish well I think in my mind well the Jewish people killed my God how and then I was confused between racism religion tradition culture I was my brain was going like a scrambled a I did not understand where to focus do you think Jesus was white also boy I have soul on here Jesus was my god he was my dude he was just like my my sisters when you read the bio actually he's more on the darker side darker complexion right on the book of Revelation chapter 1 verse 14 and 15 where Paul has a vision of Jesus as Jesus as Jesus ascends into heaven Paul had fall he falls on his hands and knees and he looks upon the sky and he sees a figure with curly hair like tight like wool his feet are the color of bronze and his skin is the is the shade of darkened amber well that doesn't appear to be this blonde blonde hair blue-eyed God that I've been worshiping all along who is this person there are also other forms of the lineage if we can we'll find in the book of Matthew the lineage between Jesus and his direct link or lineage to Solomon who Solomon was black Hadean Oh Solomon was black because in the book of Isaiah Solomon says do not judge my skin by the color of the sun shining upon me for my skin is already black so he is the Klean declaring I am black my skin don't judge me yeah so we have this foundation and this is where a lot of Southern Baptists find the idea that Jesus is black and a lot of people from the Nation of Islam the Louis Farrakhan movement they actually believed that Jesus was black some of them believed that he was white but this is again we have to get back to the beginning here what is the focus of this episode this episode is a misunderstanding God's laws and putting our ideologies above his will why how are we doing it we are focusing so much on racism and segregation and nationalism that we forget too we forget to understand the jewel the golden jewel that's in the package Jesus was the most precious package of all it was a very precious package but what we do we just look at the outside wrapping the bow in the ribbon we never open up and see the preciousness inside there yeah stop looking at the outside image and let's look inside let's explore it Jesus says in the Bible he says to prove all things know all things prove it and you will know he also says truth will set you free how is it true if how will truth ever set you free if you are so wrapped in your own culture so you wind it your searching for truth now you're really that's it are to investigate right did you feel you had a connection with the Creator were you respond him to guide you at this point no on this point I began to be almost feel that I was an atheist to say well hmm all of what I was taught all along by the church the truth church is such a dominant business actually it's like an organization in the world if they're if they are wrong and there are more Christians in the entire world then Who am I to separate myself from that Christians I know some very good Christian people some great Christian people and at the same time I knew some very dishonest and some devious Muslims very devious many of my Christian friends were better a moral ethics than some of the Muslim people that I knew now you really computer no I'm very confused what's going on so I started to think well Muslims I one of my very good friends in high school I went to give her a Christmas gift and she says I I don't celebrate Christmas so are you crazy Christmas is a great holiday it's all about joy and Holly and Cheer how dare you she says no I don't accept Jesus excuse me Jesus is one of the perfect creations ever been on earth how dare you and so and then I had another Muslim friend who gave me a Christmas gift I said oh jeez one doesn't accept another one does well I I don't a lot of confusion so the midst of all the confusion right how do you come to know the truth well we get back to the women these women or just in my mind the the not sexually attractive wise when you are window shopping and you will school past the same window every single day for a month and see this item in the window and saying you know what I know I can't buy that I don't have the money for it but I really like it yeah and that's exactly every time I was see and it still happens to me today every time that I see Muslims especially particularly the Muslim women wearing the headscarf it's I am amazed by that it still touches a nice precious part in my heart and that's where it started I was engaged in high school and my feelings at the time had given me a Quran as a gift for birthday present and I hated the Muslims I hated them furious the only thing that was keeping me alive you hated I hated it so that means you hated Islam most absolutely does my enemy I thought Muslims were Mohammedans you worship Muhammad this Middle Eastern enemy terroristic movement yeah you know you you Muslims where I would call them you Moslems you follow Bin Ladin into the desert you yes or hair fact is your leader Saddam Hussein is you know your commander-in-chief this is what my perception was but you know what and that's probably the majority of people who are ignorant about Islam right yeah but you know what I had to give the benefit of that where it was due because yes sir Arafat he built an airport I said well give him the benefit of the doubt he built an airport so that musain he gave his children his people electricity we're not all they basically have nothing I gave him the benefit of that well what else what I would do is I would give these tyrant leaders the benefit of the doubt am i doing so I started uncovering each stone giving them the benefit of the doubt I would see well if I can find mercy in them maybe I can find mercy in this evil religion this massive evil that hates the entire world is particularly the America I'm American Muslims hate me geez I'm never going to be a Muslim I'm never going to be a Muslim well I basically took the Quran and I threw it in a closet throw it away and I was gonna burn it yeah it's I don't want it I don't want this cult thing in my home so one night I believe believe me I'm not exaggerating one night I was I my parents were divorced so I was living with my father at the time and when Anna was just sitting there in the home and this the Sun was shining through the windows at such a beautiful ray and something like touched me and said hey you know there there are answers to your questions all you have to do is seek them and I went and I said well I'll just give this little book a try I picked it up the Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation and I started reading it and I started to cry and I haven't I've never cried for religion never in churches I would often fall asleep never cry fall asleep mom can I can I go home now dad what time is it Lily but this religion touched me and I wasn't even in the first chapter yet I was just reading the introduction amazed I said there's no way we this has been sitting in my closet all along so this is the beginning of how I started perceiving a different image opposed to this white bearded white man that hangs his head over the clouds as God as I thought he was now he is a separate entity from me because Catholics and Christians preach that God is everywhere God is inside of you God loves you so much that if you take the body of Christ and you drink that his blood he becomes of you you do whatever you want and to put this image of God in the Quran or the recitation was completely different God can't be human and when you look at the universe and how minut of a speck we are yeah oh no how can God do that now I started to understand what it was to be a human being so there's where I stopped myself from putting tradition in front of religion instead I put religion in front of tradition so we're things more lucid and clearer as before because when I you know and I and I have a lot of different you know good Christian people good friends that I talk to and a lot of them have their own opinion it seems like it's a lot of confusion it seems like they're making up their own religion as they go along like like you said earlier basically I can just do my own thing I just gotta accept that this one Jesus you know he paid the price he was this sacrificial lamb right right was now that you're reading the Koran were things more clear about who the Creator was what your purpose was in life where you're going when you die was everything just laid out there's no guesswork anymore It was as if I was reading the diary of my life basically but to explain or to answer your concern more specifically because Christians pose a very very very good some topic they would say or question they would say well if every religion comes from God and must lead back to God right great I would accept that if it was true if I want I'm from Chicago if I'm going to take a trip down to Florida there is only one way I can go and that's I'm living in Chicago and I street completely go south-southeast correct that's it one straight shot and Christians will say yes that's great we're going Saliva's to go straight with you you can either take an airplane you can take a car you can take a train you can take your bike you can even walk now if somebody were to tell you that airplane that you're going to take to Florida has a faulty wing and it's going to crash halfway down are you going to take that plane no no not if you had sense yeah if your car if the muffler of your car was falling off and your exhaust pipes are you're not going to drive the best way what God says to do is to walk when a right mind would walk from Chicago to Florida he says that take one step at a time if you take one step to God he'll take two to you step by step he doesn't say go running step by step not every single way of Transportation or road leads to God no it does not God has one mission and he says it in the Bible numerous times he says I will tell you again and again my message is one and I will send it many times it's in the Bible so straight in the Bible and I will provide you with these verses at the end of the show yeah now if God says that his message is one where do we get these different ideas from here's where the disciples of Christ when we look in the book of the particularly Matthew as well as Mark we could find that the the disciples dishonor Jesus more than we think they did for instance Peter turned his back on Jesus when he needed him most the most precious disciple to Jesus which Jesus calls Peter you are the rock where the church will be established under your code of honor you are the rock but when we understand what the word Peter is where Peter comes from from Latin I am Petros you know it also comes from Papa's Peter Peter his father it all when you go to the Aramaic it becomes rock which is the language Jesus spoke but over time they took Peter this entity this one disciple and they put him as the head of the church Peter and Paul had many disagreements they disobeyed Jesus many times when he needed most when Jesus was apparently being crucified Peter said Hartnell ham I don't know my guy he turned his back on his his Lord turned his back on his Lord if I was your true follower in faith and I said Eddie you're the man you know the way to Florida do I know it you do jump me on my bet jump me on your back and take me to Florida no matter what I will take a bullet for you that's how much I love you and that's what Jesus says Jesus says you must love me more than anything else then you will find that the Spirit of Truth hmm why did Peter disobey Jesus numerous times he lied about him that's not love that's dishonor that's deceit but Jesus says he continues to go on and say this is in the book of Matthew again he says don't address anyone unhear on earth as father for only my spiritual father in heaven is the father of of all so Peter appoints himself as the first father the Pope the word Pope in Latin means the father every single Pope we are calling them the father whoa Pope in in Latin means the father the father yeah and when we speak about priests we say Oh father Thomas forgive me father Thomas for I have sinned in the confession box we are we are going against Jesus's or God's will and Jesus is Authority when Jesus says do not address anyone here on earth as Father yet we go in a convection box and we call a priest father puttin him at equal with God we are putting the Pope above God by saying okay we go to the Pope's because all the Pope's come from Peter the Father wait a second now I'm confused I was mixed up here's where I started saying well here's where we're putting tradition above religion God said don't do that Jesus said don't do that don't address anyone here on earth as Father but we're doing that how can I pray to father well then who did this who does the Pope pray to if the Pope is forgiving me for my sins and the priest is forgiving me for my who's going to forgive the Pope in the priest for the acts of there are more than 4,500 cases of child molestation in the Catholic Church today who is going to forgive them their self their self when you go I did the confession when you go into the confession box you say forgive me Father for I have sinned it's been three months since my last confession and the priest will say my son confess your sins new people be forgiven right there the priest is saying my son he is declaring you his son what does he do next he says ressort we recite the Lord's Prayer what is the Lord's Prayer let's let's analyze that for a second our Father our Father who art in heaven hallowed be net hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come and we can get into the rest of the prayer but I want to focus on the first three lines our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name this is glorifying God in heaven not putting God on earth so why am I going to the priest and asking the priest for forgiveness shouldn't I pray to the God in heaven my God your God now I'm I'm getting a clearer picture of who God is from studying it's lost no studying the Bible studying the Bible right yeah I'm understanding this learn through the Bible you believe that well acid why wait a second so you're not letting somebody else dictate to you this is how you need to understand the Bible you're taking upon yourself searching for the truth and seeing Islam in the Bible that's correct okay because Christian I'm sorry not Christianity Catholicism set up an ideology called the Trinity the Holy Trinity which was established 300 years after Jesus jesus never preached the Trinity you will never find anywhere that Jesus preached the Trinity but let's not get into the details of that let's get into the details of something else what God had sent to human humanity is trilogy not Trinity what's a trilogy I'm sure you've watched the Star Wars movies and I'm sure everybody know who JK Rowling is the author of Harry Potter george lucas's the the creator of Star Wars if you are a Star Wars fan and you tell George Lucas you know what I watched your first episode back in 1978 I'm a huge fan I understand the whole story do you understand the whole story you can't because you only watched one episode yeah you got to watch all six episodes to get the entire picture God send a trilogy now Trinity a trilogy of the Old Testament which is a Torah the New Testament which is the Gospels and the Koran it's a trilogy you cannot be a Muslim until you read the first two epochs of this of this tale you can't be a Christian until you read the entire story God is laying it on straight he's saying there's a beginning a middle an end don't jump in the beginning and say you're done with the story I didn't I didn't finish my story in the beginning I finished it in the end in South Africa though we know the scholar named Ahmed Deedat he had pope he had put up some beautiful bulletins indicating that the recitation which the recitation in English is the Quran if you translate Quran into English its recitation he had put up bulletins the final Testament Wow final Testament what his final mean it means the conclusion it means he is going from beginning to middle to end there's no more so we look back to these two the Bible as we have it today it's been changed it's been altered so so for the person who's looking now for the ultimate truth something has been unchanged untampered with he can find that today in the book that you read the verbatim Word of God which is the Quran exactly you're absolutely correct and we don't want it we don't want to mix the three religions to say that one is more superior than the other from beginning to end but what we do say in what we do know in the Quran or the recitation is that God had and we can find this in history I have photos of a friend of mine head he had paid $10,000 for this Quran that was found in Morocco it's 980 years old and it's exactly the same as today photos of it yeah exactly as it is today now you're right the Bible has been tampered with okay but what how do we know that we don't know that until you read it to my understanding out of ten years of research I came to a king to my own understanding that the Bible comes in three parts here it comes of contradictions and faulty errors in a typos another is scrambled messages like you well you can read one verse in the next verse you're kind of what's going on here close you are a right and the other third is God's law yeah because we can't say that the Bible is never guy's law because it was God's mom you you we actually have the Word of God in the Bible it something's in there but you just have to decode it and you to do that the Quran right whatever is in correlation with the Quran right we accept that correct where you the first commandment here o Israel the Lord thy God is one Jesus says the same thing other the same words as Moses and the last and final message the problem Hamid peace be upon them so the same thing your God is one God worship Him alone so we accept that as just giving the audience example that debt what's in the Bible is the Word of God right but where it says now give us an example where something that's in there that we can't ascribe to God you're talking about in the Bible the Bible yes we could we there are many parts for instance the treatment toward women some some very disturbing verses where in the book of Sirach ecclesiastics what you will find in the Roman Catholic Bible also the American Standard Bible you but you won't you won't find sea rock and King James you have to go to the Catholic Bible in the book of Sirach it says that women are stupid it says women are stupid and they should shut up at all times and then we flip into the we flip into the the New Testament and it says that women are below men they are in fear fit inferior to men and that if women speak out in a church the man has a right to slap her in to divorce her also another disturbing verse which we find is that before I give you the verse let me ask you what your opinion would be and justice without being biased at all as a human being as a husband would you if somebody were to do something like rape your wife what do you think and and impregnated her what do you think should happen to the man this is a penalty that you know some of your penalty you really Nunnally Yeah right no the Bible says the woman if she gets married if she gets raped and she's not married to talk about the Bible the Bible we're talking straight the Bible here the Bible says if the woman is not married and she is raped and impregnated guess what her punishment is she must marry her rapist and she can never get never get divorced from him or her she will be beheaded so obviously this is something that we would not attribute to God this is something that man has concocted and put into the Bible so you as someone who searching for the truth more mysel we say look hold on this can't be from God over some confusion but now you read the Quran right it's clear it's lucid understandable and where it says for instance in in the Quran talks about the same thing the Bible talks about when exodus thou shalt not make no graven images my heavens above the sea below on the earth we accept this right that's one of the things but you see now people in the church making images statues prostrating these things praying to these things well this is where Jesus this is what Jesus had meant where he said why do you transgress God's law by your tradition here the tradition of your traditions why why do you do that why are you trying Reston's god's law by taking your idea ideologies your ideas and you put them up of God well where did the crucifixion come from mmm where did the image of Jesus come from as I spoke to before when I had first met you and I had I had told you that if we look if we do some investigating some in history and we find out what the image of Jesus really was for the first thirteen centuries talking thirteen centuries the image Jesus is completely inconsistent completely inconsistent you will find some images of Jesus being red black yellow white what something looks like he's Puerto Rican some looks like that he is Ethiopian some fat some there is no consistency with Jesus at all for 13 centuries then all of a sudden 13th century comes around 13 14 15 16 century geez why is this image of Jesus looking so consistent and this is supposed to be God this is supposed to be God now let's really quickly go back to Islam what does Islam say about God as the form of a man or anything close to this well let's let's not answer that directly yeah let's try to give everybody the understanding there are four types of creations we have human beings we have spirits also known as jinn we have angels and we have animals right we can all agree on those are creations human beings were created from what earth the element of Earth clay dirt the angels were created from we know straight light the pure most beautiful light the jinn or the spirits were created from smokeless fire and animals were created from from earth and water now why do I bring this up because we're separating each creation not one creation cannot take the formula now the creation I made from dirt I can never be fire I an animal was made from water and dirt he can never be an angel but the the Christians have a lack of understanding of each form of of each form of Crom of each creation because they have this idea of this fallen angel syndrome where they say that the devil as a fallen angel fell from well if the devil is of the Spirit he is made from fire he can never be an angel because angels are made full of light he was never an angel to begin with so we understand now that there are four different creations with four different purposes all good doing the same will of God where does God come in where does God come in we will find him in the in the book of Genesis where God says that he is before his creations he is before and after there is no separation of him there is there's no correlation between God and his creations but what we understand truly from the Islamic perspective which coincides completely by the screw the four separate creations is simple that God he loves the human being so much so much more he has mercy on them to say guess what human beings you have mercy or you have you have rights above me God is saying that he you have rights above me and I have rights above you because why the chain of command you're right above me is that I will never step in to your doing it's your choice you have a choice to do good in bed I'm not going to step into doing that you have that will you have the opportunity but God says what also I won't do is I will never mix the creations together I'm not going to confuse you I'm never going to put myself in a human body and I'm not going to put a human body in myself how do we know that the only time in history that we know that a human being spoke to God directly on earth is Moses with Mount Sinai when Moses begged God please Lord show your face the mountain is more sound and more structured than any human being that mountain exploded and burst into nothing but dust to this day there is nothing there it's gone don't you think a mountain is stronger than you of mountain can crush you you can't crush a mountain so if God crushed a mountain can imagine if you tried to put himself in a human body it is won't work it is impossible it is virtually completely impossible because that's God's love for you his mercy and his rights upon you he would not interfere what's with what's inside of your heart and inside of your soul this body belongs to God but that soul is yours you can do what you want this body is yours when you go when you rent a car from enterprise they say ok you can have this car for a while test drive it take it across the country but return it back put the right gas in there don't get any crashes you're fine you don't pay anymore fines what do we do what we do is we take that car and we drive it around we abuse it we put drugs inside the gas tank where is only supposed to be gas we put bleach inside the engine we destroy it and we say hey God look at this I'm giving him I'm going to return this car back to you so what we're doing is we are we are trying to mix the creations together which the Quran never says that it differentiates Jesus never said never said in any Bible will you ever find him saying that he is God's begotten son he has said I am the son of men who have said he's the son of man well let's find out all the prophets said that they were the son of man Muhammad was a son of man David was the son of man the neighbor ham was a son of man but not son of God yeah so clearly distinguishing the creator from his creation as clear and simple we're going to start to wrap things up now let's let's come to an end and tell us now from miss from the midst of this confusion and now coming to submission and surrender to one God how was your life now and how how do you live day-to-day and what's your understanding of your purpose of life it's just briefly touch upon is well we're going to go very briefly by touching into the management world then a management world you have a CEO you have a manager you have supervisor and subordinates correct I know that God is the CEO yeah and the managers are the prophets there are no more prophets they're gone now comes who supervisors who are the supervisors you and I the ambassadors of God's decree of the message we have to carry that message how do we carry it we carry it by the most dignified way that we possibly can in our homes out in public we have to be the backbone of the religion of the prophets left behind for all humanity this is not an Arab religion this is not a white religion or black religion which Elijah Muhammad preached about this is a religion for the entire humanity it is not it is not a collective idea it is God's way so we are doing God's will this is where I am today I teach my children how to pray why do I teach them how to pray is because God said if you do this you'll be rewarded don't think that you're the smartest don't think that you're the smartest child in my class you're not the smartest child in my class there there are children who are more smarter than you in my classroom don't think that you're going to pass my class if you don't come to my prayers go to prayer do the homework do the school work and your end God who is the teacher the ultimate teacher the Supreme Being that the supreme teacher he will pass you if you show up to prayer if you show up honest if you if you completely abolish your bad habits if you follow his rules his way of life that's the bottom line so I can't put in my own opinions or my own ideas just got to submit just got to submit it's there that's the way it is like to thank you for being with us on the day treasurer absolutely going to the tire flew gonna have to have you back again soon inshallah God willing okay and I like to thank everybody for tuning in just to recap Islam means total surrender and submission to the creator of the heavens and the earth and not his creation we talked about some of the prophets one of the prophets and messengers who's very dear to our heart Jesus Christ peace and blessings be upon him but there's a messenger that came after him who confirmed Jesus Muhammad peace be upon him who's the last and final messenger sent to the home and of mankind and he is the one who God has used to deliver this message which is the same message that all the prophets taught surrender and submission to God alone the message has been the same since the beginning worship your Creator and not his creation there's one God submit to him alone and that's the main message of his lamb so I hope you guys got to benefit from listening to jr. talk about and giving us some highlights of how he came to this way of life and if you have any comments or suggestions please send us your emails otherwise tune in every week on the Deen show of th e de and show com we have a new show every week and till next time we'll see you again assalamu alaikum peace be unto you you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 81,149
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, convert, Muslim, Farrell, New, Muslims
Id: rM11SAEixY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2008
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