Which Vegan Egg Substitute Is The Best?? (For Baking)

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hello and welcome back to a new video today I'm Lauren or Lala for short and today I'm in my mom's kitchen and we are doing a really fun video together we are going to make six different cakes with six different egg replacers and try to figure out which one is the best because there are so many people out there with so many different ideas and recipes for vegan cakes and different ways that you can replace eggs so we decided to just try them all and see what we like best we've got our aprons ready to go what do you think this is my mom hi here are all the angular places that we're gonna try silken tofu bananas avocado chia seeds applesauce and flax seed meal so six different cakes six different egg replacers which one will win I think we should guess which ones we think we're gonna like the best and then we can see you later which one actually was the best to us well I would say the banana would probably taste the best that's what I was guessing but or the chia seeds oh wait no maybe the flax seed I'm gonna go with banana or flax seed I've never made tofu before so I'm interested to see how that's a difference yeah the way that I did it before was I made three cakes okay and I split them in half so to get six cakes with each cake I used a different egg replacer to see which one was the best there I don't want to do anything different like add in a different kind of sugar or a different kind of flour or anything I just want to experiment with one thing at a time and when we find our egg replacer that we like the best then we can start experimenting with different things so we're doing a very simple normal cake recipe and only replacing the egg mm-hmm basically so we have flour sugar salt vanilla baking powder baking soda our eighth replacers vegan butter and we also have plant milk so everything is really standard except for the egg replacer yes so the first thing we're doing is dividing everything in half into two separate bowls that was one cup of flour into the normal recipe calls for 2 cups of following so we just put one cup in here and one cup in here you always mix up the powdery stuff first then you mix up the wet quarter teaspoon of baking soda Thank You soda and don't worry if you want to try to make this I'll post the actual measurements and recipes in the description so you'll have to try to follow along with everything that we're doing now we're mixing it together all the dry ingredients putting our dry mix to bag onto the wet step so it calls for 3/4 cup butter so now we're just doing math with butter that's left just in half and then that one it happen so we've got 3/4 of a stick of butter vegan butter in both of our and the pots what are these mixing bowls 1/2 a teaspoon of salt quarter teaspoon of salt in each I just put a half cup of sugar in each sugar that's tend to cream it all up Fermi goes crazy when we turn on the mixer so she likes to see what's happening and not release your Kong [Music] now we're gonna add the rest of our wet ingredients we've got half a cup of almond milk one teaspoon of vanilla and each [Music] we need two large eggs so in order to get an egg and each half of an avocado is for one egg so we're gonna do half of an avocado for this cake and a half mash banana for the other cake and that will be thanked so we are starting with the avocado and the banana which we are you opened [Music] so let's make sure that we have all the ingredients we have flour baking powder baking soda sugar salt vanilla 2 large 8 replacers butter and our flip boys know the powder and the liquid we're going to combine them to make the cake [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're using the pirate dishes because they can go in the oven [Music] one three I need to go I'm gonna try them the cake batter from the bowl wow I'm impressed but now I'm going too far now we're doing the banana [Music] so good like banana bread now into the oven they go with the make than the other two cakes well that ones cooking and we have a second net oven too we can also pull yeah my mom has two ovens so since we just showed you guys how the whole process of making the cake it's gonna be exactly the same so I'm not going to show that this time I'll just show once we're adding in the anchor placers so next up are the applesauce and the tofu I'm really excited about the tofu I haven't tried this yet yeah me either I've never tried to tofu cake and right now is a good time to put our season we have they have just so yeah we have to soak the seeds yeah [Music] so we won't be back to these shortly all right we have reached the egg replacer time so now we are adding a quarter cup of applesauce and a quarter cup of silken tofu make sure you get silken tofu because it's the softest type of tofu if you get a harder tofu than it's not going to blend up the same so you need the silky 1/4 cup [Music] and quarter cup of tofu it kind of matched it up to get it in here because it's hard to fit it in measuring glass let's mix this all up [Music] the Hector's happened well we're down to one stick so here is our Apple suck pink [Music] looking pretty good [Music] [Applause] actually I'm crushed by the chosen one would not expect that you can use tofu any cakes the tofu seems to be the closest to a cake I just tasted the tofu and the applesauce batter and honestly right now I can't tell a difference my mom says she can tell the difference but it tastes the same to me so we'll have to see how they taste when they come out we're putting them in the oven right now in the neck - all right we've got four cakes in the oven here we've got two more to go I think the first two we started living with lots of dogs so our first two are almost done and then we'll be able to put in our last two and hopefully soon be able to try all these cake alright we're adding in our last few eggs got our flax egg see how it turns like into it jello and we've got our Chia some reason I just trying to protect us from the scary mixer we're gonna protect I thank you thank you so much oh hey are you gonna press this thank you Oh Wolfie you're coming to protect us - thanks guys thanks for your concern Karen banana and avocado already do the next test okay it came out clean top card oh oh oh I got the banana the banana is done but I need a little more time bananas took 45 minutes okay so my mom just made a good point I was about to write down how long each cake was taking to bake but since we're using all different containers it's not really accurate so if they were in the same containers they would probably cook at the same time but since our banana one was in a flat or longer pan it cooked faster and our avocado one is in a deeper dish so it's just going to take longer so in general how long would you say um a normal cake like usually takes I always check my cakes after about 30 minutes so I don't know it seems to have taken longer I got 45 45 minutes that's a usual cake I would say start with 30 minutes and then just do the knife test and if it's still wet on the inside and leave it in for 15 more minutes check it again and then just check it every 10 minutes until the knife comes out clean and then you know it's done here's our flat cake batter and archaea cake batter [Music] [Applause] all right we got our Chia and our flax in the oven now now we wait our flax and Chia are done now all that's left is the taste test got our six cakes ready to go all of our cakes are ready and we are gonna take to test them now you said it so let's get this going I was gonna do a blind taste test but honestly I could tell me all arts by looking at them so we're just gonna have to go for it and we'll let you know how each one piece any friends at all let's put it on a plate all six yeah [Music] but we don't have frosting on any of these so obviously you can decorate a cake to make it look more fancy but we're just doing the straight up and in the cake recipe without the frosting all right so on a plate it looks a little different this is applesauce tofu Chia banana with avocado and flax so just based off the the look and the texture I'm gonna say that apple sauce and tofu stuck together the most and look most like a cake working on healthy stuff yeah Choson probably the best I like that cake now let's taste them first we're trying applesauce Cheers it's good it's gonna be good yeah I know water that lets you drive yeah it's spongy but it's like as soon as you eat it it's pretty dry a second is the tofu that's more like hay that is good yeah the tofu is pretty moist that is really good and if you add a chocolate to it you can meet the chocolate take out of that yeah and if you frosted it Dobby really did that taste like that tastes like regular cake okay she just right off the bat I am NOT a huge fan of their being like full-on chia seeds in it I just feel like that's kind of a lot let's see if we can taste it okay you can't it's crunchy yeah it's crunchy doesn't taste bad no it's too bright it tastes like a bread with greens mm-hmm I don't like it so disappointing the tofu is the best still you didn't make me need it didn't make me neither a drink a drink of water banana banana bread yeah it tastes exactly like banana so not found though but not my favorite actually I thought banana was gonna be my favorite okay avocado turn mostly brown but it's still kind of green that's good because a nice flavor avocado is really good it does have slightly an avocado taste so you have to be like kind of okay with that but it's definitely not bad you know what actually I don't like it I do not having an aftertaste and after it tastes just kicked in and really I feel like I taste avocado now so I tasted cake and then I taste it I'm kind of as an aftertaste and I don't like that I don't taste it last one flax cake so honestly I think they all have the same consistency they each just had a slightly different taste but each one of them tasted very similar except yeah tofu they all tastes almost exactly the same I think the tofu the tofu was more like a cake yeah look how well it holds up this just looks more like a cake it's spongy the rest of them kind of look like bread which they're still good there's still great options I think honestly you could use any of these options and really you could you could you could use any of them and it would be a great cake yeah my favorite is the tofu tofu is my favorite too can I have some more yeah let's rate them from best words tofu is the winner second place we're gonna say flax it's actually pretty good I like that it's like gooey mm-hmm the flax kind of turned in like gooey like I don't know if you can see this but the flats has a really nice flavor an excellent flavor yeah I like the doughy taste in it third for uni the state at the same time the third choice yeah avocado what we didn't tell him it Canada for me third place would be the applesauce you didn't aunt you didn't tell me you were gonna say something you already said avocado third place go avocado wait do I have slacks or chia seeds in my teeth one god he can't see it on the camera don't worry mom Mikado was gonna be my least favorite number four okay my enough ready set go but she yeah okay in my ranking it would go tofu flax applesauce banana Chia avocado what would yours be mine would be in alright eating cake while you decide my ranking is number one tofu number two flex number three avocado - number four applesauce number five Chia number six banana which is really interesting isn't it yeah because we we thought that it would be the best of us and I thought tofu was going to be super weird so at least we agree on the tofu and the flax yeah but yeah they all taste like close enough that you could really use whatever of these that you want and I know that there's like a ton more egg replacers out there that we didn't even get to like I know people use like sparkling water again there's a bunch of other stuff so yeah there's a time like I had a hard time picking fit in so let me know where like this video we can do a part two and do some more egg replacer option if my mom will make 6 more cakes with me we'll do it for the fans well that is the end of our cake experiment thank you so much if you watch all the way to the end I hope you liked this video and maybe learn something and let me know in the comments down below what kind of egg replacers you like to use and if you try any of these let me know what you think so that's all for today and don't forget to subscribe down below and like this video if you want to see more and I will see you next Friday for a new video bye alright now we have six cakes what are we going to do with the rest of this
Channel: Lala's Vegan Life
Views: 21,634
Rating: 4.8951964 out of 5
Keywords: vegan egg substitutes, vegan egg, vegan baking, vegan cake, veganism, testing different vegan egg substitutes, which vegan egg substitute is the best, lalas vegan life, baking, vegan egg replacer, plant based, plant based cooking, plant based baking, vegan food, trying all the vegan egg substitutes, cake baking
Id: J9Z2ywJlLWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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