Testing 7 Vegan Egg Substitutes for Baking Cookies | Guide to Vegan Baking

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i'm so overwhelmed i'm like almost worried that we're gonna find one that's better than flax and we've just been using flax this whole time [Music] what's up guys it's kat and dev from two market girls welcome back to another whatever wednesday and today we're doing science science cookie science yes one of the things that i think i saw sweet potato soul do this on youtube so this is not my idea i saw it haven't been done before that has been done before so i thought sweet potato soul do chocolate chip cookies with three different replacements for for eggs for a vegan recipe and i was like that's really cool i want to test that out they were all replacements that generally i wouldn't have used anyways in hers like she replaced it with oat milk which i didn't know was a replacement um aquafaba which we will test today and then flax i wanted to like do that but then test like even more for my own knowledge but then also just for everybody else's knowledge because i think people forget that there's like so many different ways you can substitute for eggs it's not just always flax and sometimes you don't always have flax in your fridge yeah and i also think too a lot of non-vegans are totally skeptical of any kind of a replacer like how could that possibly do exactly and also i have been so loyal to the flax egg for so long i haven't even really tested that much of like maybe there is something better out there so we're gonna do science today yeah cookie science our favorite kind of science yeah so we're each going to bake four batches of cookies both of us are making flax flax egg cookies because those are the ones we're used to we know the taste it's like the control yes um and then we're each doing three versions that we haven't done or just aren't the normal go-to ones that we do so devin which three are you doing so i'm gonna do one batch with applesauce in it i'm gonna do a batch with chia seeds as the eggs and i'm gonna do a batch with a pre-made egg replacer powder thing that i've used before um and then i'm going to do um a batch with vegan yogurt matched with aquafaba and then a batch with soda water like which like i've never heard of but i came across on a like the kitchen article and i was like i want to try this so oh weird yeah so we're gonna just kind of cook together and bake together and then at the end we'll all eat cookies together and see how they turn out what if it just gets messed up because i mess up i think no that's fine you want that's why we have the control if they're all messed up we know why we know it's you that's worse i think it's gonna be fine you've made cookies before it'll be fine and then for those that are wondering we are just doing our like chocolate chunk cookie recipe a real boujee chocolate chunk cookie recipe yeah except i don't have potato chips to put in mine because they all got eaten apparently which i'm so disappointed i thought there was so many downstairs and they're gone okay but so make sure to sprinkle some salt into your dough okay well actually speaking of disappointment i think you should tell people what you're doing today okay so i sent touch to the grocery store to get me stuff for today's video and i don't know what it is but the last few times so we've been to the grocery store they haven't had the like dark chocolate bar that i normally buy it's president's choice just dark chocolate it's the best chocolate around it's so good i love it for baking um so i had to settle for those chocolate chips um you if you've watched my channel our channel before especially in a cookie video you know how much i hate chocolate chips in a cookie because it's just like it doesn't make sense they don't melt you don't get those puddles of chocolate they don't have the same flavor it's just like like i have nothing against chocolate chips i have everything against chocolate chips in chocolate cooked in cookies everything against them um but i have to use them because the grocery store was mean everybody bought the chocolate so yeah now we're just gonna bake together hopefully it won't be chaotic 12 seconds later i already forgot that this recipe uses melted butter and what are we doing that was yeah devin completely forgot about our chocolate chunk cookie recipe so i guess i should make the control first huh flax yeah okay so you've done all of your butter already no i just did one batch of the butter oh okay actually i guess i should do a second batch now and let that one cool while i make the dough of this one yeah that's smart devin [Music] so we got our two butters i guess i should make my flax egg so everyone has seen this on our channel so many times but making a flax egg for a flax egg it's one tablespoon of ground flaxseed with three tablespoons of lukewarm water we used to do cold water but then we changed that because of ali's cookbooks and then we're basically just going to let that sit for a few minutes until it's nice and thick more like an egg like consistency let's make a batch of cookies let's turn the oven on the oven's gonna be on for the next little while it feels like i'll be done in three days yeah that feels accurate i tell you katherine i tried to prep for this and i spent 30 minutes chopping up the chocolate that you freaking love chopped up and then i just used chocolate chips yeah and then you come on you're like i already used chocolate chips today it wasn't my fault i didn't want to be like this it just happened okay so i just added a little vanilla to the egg and then we're going to add this into our butter and sugar mixture so the flax egg is going in it's looking great you're already making a batch of cookies yeah what the heck just like look at all the fresh i'm so ready it's a control batch going into the oven time to make the next cookie aquafaba cookies cookies spread what are you doing the control is going weirdly well i'm losing all confidence already and i haven't done anything i'm gonna like really blame the uh chocolate chips if all of this goes wrong all right this is the control cookie i know they look so sad they look good they look good they're just like so different than the image of our photo of our original cookies because they're just like not right that's the flax seed ones i'm gonna let them sit on the baking sheet for a little bit and then transfer them to a wire rack where i'm going to label them so i don't forget because i don't really see flax seeds in them to be honest i guess a little bit there so i'm gonna forget this one has so much chocolate in it oh god i keep forgetting about the melted butter okay so our second egg substitute is aquafaba which is just the liquid from a can of chickpeas we're putting in three tablespoons for one egg and we're gonna test that out i'm also gonna add a little vanilla extract to this so we can add it into the batter mix here i'm just going to add in my aquafaba [Music] and vanilla [Music] it is so weird not seeing flecks of flax in here so i'm just gonna mix this all together for a minute or so so it's nice and smooth okay so here's my flax egg looking pretty flaxy and yeah i spilled sugar and going in finally i can make some cookies okay so here's the dough from the flax looks pretty good time to get baking finally okay so i the dough does look different with the aqua faba oh yeah yeah it looks like it's softer oh so i'm curious if it'll go it's a little big thinner that's what the aquafaba also it is super weird seeing a batter or a dough that doesn't have flakes of it it looks like just regular cookie dough so we're gonna scoop it onto our baking sheet i'm going to pop them in the oven i will say so they're in the oven i will say something that i noticed with the aquafaba ones is that i think it made more batter like it looks like there's enough cookie dough left over to at least make another cookie or another half cookie and the flaxseeds didn't have that so i'm already seeing a plus for the aquafaba yogurts it's four tablespoons of vegan yogurt per one egg is what i saw online so i'm gonna try that i didn't see anything particularly online about like the type of yogurt or anything like that so i'm just using the one i normally buy which is coconut milk vegan yogurts so in order to get the most accurate measurement i'm gonna do this by grams which to do some math i don't feel like i don't even need a cookie scoop for this because it's just it's so nice and doughy and i don't have a cookie scoop is this right am i doing this right i'm not ready for this science oh i really enjoy listening to the process of you make cookies kevin's gonna be so jealous of these chunks i hate you oh did you hear that no no i didn't hear that at all looking that's what they look like that's how many i got i hope this is okay the cookies are definitely different the aquafaba ones so these are them they're definitely thinner than the other cookies already but hopefully not too thin i don't think they'll be too thin they're looking okay but they kind of look lumpy on top i don't really know what that's about definitely look different than the other ones they kind of look bigger and i'm wondering if it's the aquafaba that made it lighter that's the flaxseed ones okay here's our ground chia seeds and they are going in there to make the egg so it's pretty much the same as a flax egg we need water wow it's already clumping a lot like flax would have to sit for a while before it would clump like this so cat you not used the chia version before right no like immediately wow holy i'm so curious about this one i feel like this is actually a better egg than my flax was like the consistency yeah hmm i'm intrigued to see how it changes the dough we do are your flax ones faking right now yes how do they look well it's only okay it's been like three and a half minutes oh okay you look good they're pretty nice but they look good okay good okay good there is a like visibly a difference between the aquafaba and the flax oh they are different shaped cookies all together wow okay like the flax ones were more domed these ones flattened out pretty evenly okay so like flat and they're spreading more yeah a little bit more okay so the timer just went off like this is them oh okay yeah they look to me more like the classic cookie except they're kind of lumpy like it's a weird texture on top and i think it might be the aquaphobic because like when you mix it you kind of beat the aquafaba a bit so it probably added some like air to it so it should be interesting to see what the texture is of these when we can eat them wow so this is the aquafaba cookie which like it's noticeably different but like not in a bad way necessarily though they're like weirdly lumpy on top [Music] i don't know why they kind of give me like it's gonna sound gross but like cottage cheese vibes but they still look like good cookies so i'm excited to try them they look like they're like bigger and fluffier than the other cookies the other cookies look like they're gonna be denser which isn't a bad thing but i'm curious i don't know i have high hopes for these ones i don't know something about them giving me good vibes so i'm going to let them cool and then i'll transfer them over to the wire rack as well okay just like look at how thick this egg is now it is a clump this clump needs to go into their snow what is this sciences let's see what happens [Applause] like i'm actually shocked at how different they look they look like completely different cookie recipes this is science science is so cool like honestly i think if in science class in high school they talked about baking more i'd be more interested in science right okay flour going in okay so there's the dough before the chocolate chips go in i thought it was gonna be turn a little bit darker because of the chia seeds and maybe it is tiny bit darker but it looks pretty normal okay they're done i gotta say so far they look pretty much the same as the um flax ones yeah here's how they look they're beautiful [Music] 58 grams of yogurt okay so i'm going to add in my uh vegan yogurt now i added a little vanilla in here i'm gonna add that in all at once or i'll go half at a time i guess so that is the yogurt being mixed in looks pretty much like the other ones except it is separating a little bit more than the other ones did i don't know how big of a deal that'll be i think it should be fine this is the vegan yogurt egg which like i think it looks similar to the aquafaba maybe a little thicker not as like soft but it's looking pretty much the same especially in color i think it looks pretty good i think the big one here will be the spread and the texture to spread the texture and the taste i'm curious if we taste some sort of like sourness from the yogurt so i'm just gonna scoop these and then get them in the oven so this one also left a lot of cookie dough remaining so i don't really know what happened with the flaxseed one but there was also an extra scoop of yogurt in this than normal it was like three four tablespoons of yogurt so a quarter cup so maybe that had something to do with it but there's a whole extra like cookies worth of cookie dough in here which is also nice again the dough pretty much looks the same and this is my not fancy way of making my cookies there we go they look pretty similar right but here are the yogurt uh cookies they're my least favorite looks wise so far but who knows i'm going to let them cool and then move them over to the cooling rack oh my god the next one i have to do is the carbonated water like i don't really i like i guess i get how it works but i also don't understand why it would work no i don't get it so this should be fun okay i don't know if it's just me but these ones look like they are a little bit more rugged rustic they just like look at the lumps compared to the fox ones but this is fresh out of the oven so they could still oh they look funny though they look like rocks [Music] [Music] so there's our sugar and butter mixture we're going to add in our carbonated water and some vanilla extract to this [Music] it's definitely separating i don't think there's really anything i can do about that unfortunately so yeah that one like completely separated um [Music] yeah i don't know because it wasn't like cold or anything it was room temperature so we're gonna add in the flour and go from there this is it right now it's definitely the loosest i don't know but we gotta add in the chips and the chocolate and we're gonna bake okay so this is the egg replacer that i have that i've used before pretty simple ingredients that's what's in it and then you see replace one egg with one teaspoon of egg replacer and two tablespoons of water that's what we're gonna do that's what it looks like it's very starchy and i'm just gonna it like kind of clumps almost right away kind of like cornstarch would so i'm just gonna mix it so that it's combined and then i'll i'll get the rest ready okay so it's pretty smooth now so we good okay so everything else is in there and mixed so now this is the paper place we're going in it's like a slurry get all in there let's see what happens looks very smooth that's for sure no speckles anywhere so this is the dough it is still holding up so like it'll hold its shape in the cookie scoop but it is the softest by far there you go oh it looks beautiful they definitely look the wettest which makes sense that's what they're looking like so far they're definitely gonna be the thinnest but we will see so they're definitely the thinnest they spread the most which makes the most sense but i think they've stopped spreading and i'm if they stay at this thickness they'd actually be a pretty good cookie i think there's still four minutes left to bake so far pretty much the same it might feel like kind of softer and a little bit moister but could just be in my head looks pretty much the same okay there we go [Music] do your thing here's the carbonated water one oh they actually look like they spread the most but they also still look thick so i'm curious if they're like super airy inside [Music] intriguing but they didn't get very browned on top so interesting i will say so far from mine it looks like the chia ones aren't um flattening as much like you know how they come out of the oven a little bit bigger than they drop yeah they're still they're still pretty chunky yeah i wonder if it's because they were like almost too gelatinous yeah interesting here's the carbonated water ones which turned out way better than i thought they would like they look like cookies the carbonated water ones definitely spread the most oh they look really good yeah they're thin and i'm hoping they're still chewy on the inside which i think they will be yeah feel very soft so every cookie looks so different yeah the two that look the closest are the flax egg and the yogurt they look the most similar okay i think the egg replacer ones are looking pretty similar to the flax they look bigger maybe they spread a bit more but maybe i also just had more dough but they look great oh look at this is so much fun yeah actually i'm really enjoying this okay here's the egg replacer ones right out of the oven so definitely not as much height as the chia i think they spread more too they definitely look bigger but not too much different from the flax except for no sprinkles [Music] okay so for the applesauce ones it's just four tablespoons of applesauce going in okay let's see what happens [Applause] so it looks pretty smooth obviously it's a bit more runny than the other ones were at this point but let's add in the flower [Music] [Applause] okay definitely a lot more moist okay so since this one is obviously a lot softer i'm not rolling it with my hands i just gotta i can't really do this with one hand so this looks extra but like that's what it looks like very rustic looking dough but here we go not what we expected [Music] very different from the others that's for sure why you only bake on half the cookie [Music] oh nice and golden pale super pale is that a boot they really spread that's for sure fun times science times they're still too fragile to really like move yeah but they're very like thin and soft they're kind of like the carbonated water ones very thin i think so yeah they spread a lot big interesting very delicate i'm so excited to try them i know so those are the flaxseed the aquafaba carbonated water and yogurt also different here's the wax ones final [Music] a little bit chunky but that's okay they're rustic and egg replacer final results these look really good i think they are definitely comparable with the flax just on appearance alone pretty happy with how they turned out and here's how the applesauce definitely thinner not as evenly baked [Music] i got one of each over on a plate there's my cookies look how different they all look wow oh how do i show you mine here um i have them all in front of me whoa they look all so different which ones okay should we try the flax ones first to get our baseline yes yeah so this is my flax one it's my flat one so they're similar yeah yeah all right this well i would say this is how it normally looks when i make it all right these are the ones we have like all the time yeah great a delicious chocolate chip cookie perfect mix of chewy with some crisp you're so good if you haven't made this recipe yet go make it yeah which one do you are you trying first i feel like well see the egg replacer one is looks very similar to the flax one so should i try that one next okay then i'll do the yogurt too because they look very similar to the flax too okay these are the next closest it looks similar in size and texture yeah all right this is a yogurt one i'm not sure that i can tell a difference they're pretty similar i think these are like the yogurt ones are like slightly chewier they do have like the smallest hint of like a tang in there but it's not too bad it's hard to believe that you wouldn't be able to taste the yogurt so right yeah good good though if i only had yogurt on hand i'd eat this cookie still um i'm gonna go with my aquafaba one next is that the one that spread a lot no that's the in between so this one to me looks like the perfect cookie the aquafaba one wow yeah the one that spread a lot was the carbonated water okay well here's my um chunky chia seed oh my goodness right it's it looks like a scone almost yeah it's so lumpy oh are you ready for this i'm so sorry oh my goodness wow it's thick are you ready for this oh sorry that was so funny that is very thick right this is mine mine looks like honestly like if you picture a chocolate chip cookie i this is the cookie i picture that's the clip art yeah yeah i feel like there's a slightly different taste yeah is it a good thing i mean i think it's fine because it's very subtle but i do i like the it's still like soft and chewy inside i kind of like the chunkiness of it hmm i really like the aquafaba one wow it's just like it's a good thickness so it's still it's very chewy but it's also very crunchy which i really like the cookie especially the edges and it just like there is something to say about a visually appealing cookie what you expect a cookie to look like yeah i really like this one i don't care i will say it looks like not as smooth as i'd want my cookie to look normally like there's kind of like chunky bits but i think it's my favorite one but also also honestly the flavors haven't been that different no and even the textures haven't been much different either well until these last ones basically the only one i would say the flax one was just a little chewier it was just thicker all right are you ready for the last one okay i will say i love the look of the carbonated water ones yeah i think they look like ones you'd get at a bakery yeah or chocolate but or like when you buy from the grocery store in like that plastic container of cookies all right ready yeah these are like super delicate i feel like i can taste the applesauce and also it doesn't it's too soft yeah yeah like the outside is so golden brown that i wouldn't want to bake it longer yeah the inside is too soft yeah i could taste i can definitely taste applesauce right now i feel like there's something like because it's just water i feel like there's just something missing from it like that extra little bit of nutty flavor or something but it's not bad like i really like it it's it's definitely airier it's not as chewy like the cookie disappears quicker but i still really like it it's still crunchy on the outside chewy on the inside i would do this one again okay wow they're all so different but they're all kind of the same it's weird i really like this one i didn't think i would like it as much because it's just freaking water it is much softer than all the other ones i think so the edges are still crunchy and like still crispy but the center is super soft i think this is what people would expect to get from a cookie wow yeah i think like i take everything back negative that i said about the carbonated water ones when i was watching them bake because they were like a roller coaster like they looked like they were gonna be paper thin the carbonated water one to me when i try all of them tastes the most familiar weird yeah like if you're gonna give any to a non-vegan that's actually the one that i think would be the best bet wow okay what about you what was your favorite or what were the major differences between them i mean i do really like the egg replacer i think it holds up it's um consistent across all the cookies good texture i will not do the applesauce again i didn't think so i think you would taste it too much and i do i really do and it's weird and it didn't cook right but like i i know fruit puree is a thing in cookies and like i was gonna try pumpkin but i realized i didn't have pumpkin and pumpkin works really well yeah like we have a recipe for it in one of our ebooks and like it's really good if you want to add like a pumpkiny flavor to it but if you if you wanted to taste like pumpkin though really he didn't think that's why i like those so much huh well pumpkin works better than applesauce yes when it comes to fruit purees exactly um the chia ones they're fine sometimes you want to chunk your cookie i do i think there's a different taste to them but maybe it's in my head yeah so i would not use it again but i wouldn't it wouldn't be my first or second choice what would be your go-to like from now on if you like have a non-vegan recipe that you need to veganize the eggs in what would you go to um for cookies sure cookies or like banana bread or something like that what would your go-to be i think my go-to would still be either flax or the egg replacer because i really do i use both of them pretty frequently yeah my go-to so flax i just always have on hand which is why it's an easy go-to but i want to try more with the carbonated water because i am so curious because i really try the muffins yeah i want to try muffins i also want to try banana bread i think that would be good i want to try more with it because it it just has such a familiar flavor to it and it just i think it's the softness of it but it just tastes so much like those like childhood chocolate chip cookies you would get but no i really like it i think it's cool yeah we should do more science like this so in the comments tell us either what your go-to egg replacement is when you're baking which of these you might want to try or surprised you and what other science experiments do you want to see us do yeah like would you also we talked about doing lots of like non-dairy milk or butters or something like that but would you want us to do like this again just with a different baked good like do you want us to do banana bread or something like that where it's just like because all baked goods are different and what you require eggs for is different based on the baked good right so do you want us to see do that again because like i really like these egg experiments yeah let us know yeah i'm excited i hope you guys like this because i want to do it again yeah it was um overwhelming and a lot of work but it was worth it for the science and for the cookies we get to eat now yeah i will say like if you are someone who enjoys baking i would recommend doing this too because it is a lot of fun and you discover things that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise so yeah did we say don't forget to subscribe and all that stuff make sure you subscribe comment thumbs up and share it with somebody who else who might want to know about this cookie science cookies anybody who has doubts about vegan egg replacers send them this science like there's so many to choose from just pick your favorite if you're trying to veganize a cookie recipe there's only one type of egg there are so many different types of vegan egg substitutes magic science both
Channel: Two Market Girls
Views: 772
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: vegan, vegan food, vegan recipe, food, recipe, easy vegan recipe, how to, veganism for beginners, how to go vegan, what vegans eat, two market girls, vegan egg, egg substitutes, egg substitutes in baking, egg replacements in baking, egg replacements, baking with carbonated water, flax egg, chia egg, vegan eggs, vegan egg in baking, how to bake vegan, vegan baking, vegan baking guide, vegan baking tips, egg substitutes for baking, best vegan egg substitute, egg free, eggless
Id: ReJmbP5u2wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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