Ultimate Vegan Egg Taste Test! Are They Worth It?

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[Music] how's it going guys welcome back to another video I'm Chris jasmine sweets of all vegan we come out you recipe videos taste tests vlogs everything in between Cheryl life is a vegan couple and encourage people to try it my base diet try go vegan we want to show you that it's sweet and simple you won't regret it that's for sure so today we're doing a vegan egg taste test there are a lot of vegan eggs on the market now and you might want to know which ones are better than others it they are a little bit pricey so you don't want to make sure yeah that you're getting the most bang for your buck yes so we're doing a homemade versions today and then store-bought versions what's cool is there's so many options on the market now as compared to when we first went vegan so if you're considering going vegan I feel like it's the perfect time now because you'll be spoiled with the best price I think when we first 1v and I think there was just homemade versions though they had like egg replacers for baking but there's no like scrambles or like actual egg substitutes yeah a tofu scramble for like three four years yeah tofu scramble is the go-to but now they're making it easier for us we got options so we have one two three four five different options today we're gonna show you the cooking process we'll share the recipes with you will tell you the price points of all of them and then we're gonna do a full taste test of every single one to let you guys know what our favorite is so yeah let's do it now stat no I'm ready to eat let's do it so the way we're gonna do this is we're gonna go from left to right we're going to let you guys know the ingredient that we use I guess for you it's right to left yeah I'll let you guys are the ingredients that we used in it or the main ingredient that's in the store bought version and the price points of each of them I have an estimation yeah we're starting homemade here so we have a tofu scramble classic [Music] [Music] we just mixed in some garlic and onions and then some seasonings so what we found is since the tofu is the most bland this one needs the most help so that's why we put onions and garlic in it we wanted to do it straight up to have it compete with the other ones but it just would it was losing yeah the homemade ones you have to put a little bit of seasoned yeah it's just tofu so how many servings would you say this is like troyler five let's say four yeah around four servings what one serving for me like four servings for a normal person we've had this a million times but for the sake of this video this is a crumbly estas en um a lot of turmeric on this too I like it it's good perfect easy affordable option but the more spices you add like we like to add cumin chili powder but we didn't have those and then black salt holonomic yeah is like it's pretty much the secret ingredient I guess to pretty much any of these yeah so is an Indian black salt it's high in sulfur which eggs are high in sulfur as well so it gives that eggy flavor and smell so it's definitely an ingredient that you should include if you want to make your food eggy you can find it at Indian market so you buy now on Amazon online yeah perfect and next up we have a chickpea egg which was pretty interesting so basically it says chickpea flour and some spices and water yeah super stuff or actually is vegetable broth but you can use water as well [Music] [Music] a bag of chickpea flour is around $3 but for half a cup so $3 and the bag can make about 8 recipes so I guess it's pretty affordable for sure yeah hmm I like the flavor the texture is not really eggy it's very gummy mmmm I could taste the chickpeas I liked it that was fine what does it texture remind you of it's it's like bretty yeah we're like a soft cookie that word you're saying no cuz it has that like that's a little bit of an eggy flavor though leave a black salt mm-hmm actually really like this you too so when you're cooking this I made this before and something that I've noticed is it really tends to stick to the pan and I think that it's necessary to put oil on the pan to prevent the sticking and also to constantly stir because if you have this sitting in there it creates like a film on the bottom and it could start to burn on itself sure and also this is a good toy free option yeah totally um so there's no fat so of course this one has no soy this one iswe right will does people I think they all have soy correct I just want to know I don't know if this one checks the vegan diet thing has soy powder or something yeah oh so sorry too so I guess this is the only soy free option so if your slaves bring chickpea is the way to go I like this one I guess I'm reading it okay all right I really like the flavor of the trick bi compared to the tofu scramble I agree but I think that's the flavor oh I'm sure I would choose that over this scramble all right we have the Hampton Creek just a [Music] [Music] so this one the main this is the newest egg - yeah so the main gradient is money yeah it's mung bean mung bean protein I need water sorry I keep talking over you baby I don't need you it's alright so yeah it's mung bean and it's about eight dollars and you get about eight servings so when they say it's eight servings that's really not we use about half the bottle and look how much so yeah buyer beware you'll probably get I'd say two to three servings yeah the cool thing about this though is it cooks very similarly to an egg in the pan yeah it has a very similar egg texture it looks kind of scary and it cooked up really quick I can definitely taste the mung bean so we didn't actually season any of the yeah we just left them like the pre-made substitutes only the homemade ones we've pre season so this is just as is but I think if you added like some salt pepper or a little extra black salt this is like a sweetness to it am I crazy compared to these two it does it's not as savory as these two there's like a sweet aftertaste like a Benelli after I don't know it's really weird it is kind of weird it's not my favorite honestly Carol oh the carrot color I like the way it cooks yeah yeah especially especially for the price point this isn't something that we frequent because it's too expensive mm-hmm that's more of a specialty kind of thing I appreciate what they did I think if you like use a mold and poured this into it I made like an egg patty and that'd be pretty sweet yeah definitely bean and you need something else with it it needs like some sort of seasoning on top of it yeah or I think this would be good in like a sandwich or wrap prepare well with like vegan bacon or vegan ham that sort of thing but on its own it's like myrrh on its own these two are really good yeah I like those better than that's for sure all right so next up is the B leaf we'll do this one so this one is the belief fried eggs and these are definitely realistic [Music] [Music] [Music] they have a skin to them yeah so they use like yuba like a tofu skin so it it gets like really crispy on the pan and then this is all tofu on the outside and seasonings and then the inside is like it smells like fried egg turmeric I don't know what they do right yeah look at that it's just like a Friday I've worked to this on my account a few times and hopefully it's a real egg let's just drive I'm gonna eat this little what if we made tot like breakfast tacos I'm use this yeah like Taco Bell don't they do that with eggs is it well oh my god my breath is gonna stink after all this Oh from what I can remember this tastes just like a fried egg right yeah like the yogurt so realistic Wow you don't even need any salt or anything it's like perfect holy crap and then again the price point on these you can get them on vegan essentials calm for about $12.99 and there's eight in here they're frozen um let's see non-gmo soybean protein non-gmo soy bean skin p5 RP starch sunflower seed oil yeast salt brown sugar paprika and carrots so super clean minimal hands I mean compared to these two yeah this is so good I love it the skin on the outside is scary it's like an egg and then if you guys remember um how I mean I feel like you talked about this journey about how egg yolks become like felt like not powdery but they have that weird texture this has that yeah exactly I must definitely does I love this is my favorite one I think you know what I mean just believe that's such a novelty mm-hmm Chris has made this with sandwiches oh and it works really well you don't make a good breakfast sandwich even a breakfast plate vegan bacon rice I gotta have my garlic fried rice Filipino some sausages vegan sausages would be really good okay here we go final so let's hope we have to follow your heart egg so this is probably one of the first like scrambles that came to the market [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this you can get for about six bucks and it makes about twelve fare servings but I think this is the same as the Hampton Creek and that like the servings are really small it's not really comparable to it in there yeah so what is this what's the base of this one it's soy powder and then algae mm-hmm great I got a gar yeah it so yeah on its own compared to the other premade vegan eggs this one's the word not the worst one but the least favorable so Swee milk powder interesting wait the algae is not in it anymore I guess they took it out jacent yeah I feel like texture meat I think this is like my least favorite texture out of all of them because got like a powdery feel I'm like gummy mm-hmm no no I don't really like it so if we're gonna rate these I'm gonna say believe never I dag is number one for me I didn't that chickpea a mm-hmm tofu scramble Hampton Creek follow your heart and we also want to just just give a disclaimer like I haven't had eggs in seven years so I'm at six for me a little a little more than six years but eggs are something that I know I frequented like everything that was one of the first day to give up because like breakfasts yeah oh is it yeah so I have definitely had a lot of experience with them and I feel like I totally remember the place is a game this is freakin crazy so really good but link everything down below in terms of the product and where you can find them yeah I'll put the price points and everything down below too then we'll also have our tofu scramble recipe and Olympia scramble recipe to make it yes have anything else to add if you have any more vegan eggs you want us to try or if you guys want us to do any more taste tests like this with another theme but I'll be really cool I had a lot of fun doing this it's super easy to do and if you guys want us to do it we can let you know if it's worth your money so for sure because there are kind of expensive so we'll help you save some money yeah so thank you guys so much for watching if you like this give us a thumbs up comment down below subscribe crazy and most videos every Monday sometimes Mondays everyone said it's been a lot of Monday's recently yeah we're having fun okay yeah but thank you guys again and see you soon [Music]
Channel: Sweet Simple Vegan
Views: 158,660
Rating: 4.916955 out of 5
Keywords: Veganism (Diet), vegan, health, healthy, food, vegan food, easy, simple, fit, fitness, Nutrition (Medical Specialty), Day, Cooking, Save, Life, Kitchen, Green, Exercise, Workout, Muscle, Body, Recipe, vegan meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner, healthy meals, vegan healthy, what i eat in a day, Vegetable (Food), Fruit (Food), egg, vegan egg, taste test, be leaf, just egg, follow your heart, tofu scramble, chickpea scramble, price, budget
Id: qnGnRxigf9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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