Vegan Egg Substitutes for Baking | Vegan Baking Tips

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(upbeat music) L: hey y'all welcome back to make it dairy free  i am Larisha A: I am Andrew and today's video   is all about how to replace eggs in your  baked goods L: vegan of course A: what she said (upbeat music playing) L: yeah so we wanted to make this video in the fall  as we are basically entering prime baking season  A: yeah L: we hope that this video is good year round A: yeah  so everyone's gonna start making these cookies   quick breads these cakes and honestly for us in  the beginning it was kind of tough just trying   to understand you know what are we gonna use to  substitute the egg because that is a huge part of   baking L: exactly eggs are used for like a variety of  things in baking whether A: yeah L: it's like binding or for   moisture or for leavening or a combination of the  things and i think that like once people get the   hang of it like how to replace eggs and substitute  eggs that they become a lot more confident   in the kitchen while they're vegan L: yeah true i  think the education of understanding what it's   used for the purpose really helps them  understand how to replace the egg and   what's probably best to serve that need so i think  we should probably discuss maybe just a little bit   about the different purposes that an egg serves  in a baking good L: yeah let's do it i think like the   number one way that we all know that eggs can be  used is basically as the binder right A: yeah L: like it is   used to hold the structure of the ingredients  together and it helps like thicken up as it's   baking and stuff like that so like a cake is a  good example of like how eggs are used as a binder   A: yeah for sure an additional way that eggs are used  in baking is to add moisture to the dish so when   you think about something like a quick bread  you want that richness soft you don't really   want something like a sandwich bread kind of  texture so that's an additional way that you can   you can understand eggs are doing the work for  you inside the bread L: yeah A: inside baking L: quick   bread is actually like a really good example of  a baked good that uses like all eggs for like all   three reasons right A: yeah L: so it uses eggs as a binder  it uses eggs for moisture and then it uses it for   as a leavening agent A: yes which i guess is pretty  much the third point here which is you know as it   uses it for a leavening agent really just means  that it does help with the rise of the dish you   know bringing that airiness to it bringing the  fluffiness to it getting that incorporated in   the whole thing sort of like a cookie or pancake  or something in that nature that just you know   requires just a little bit more fluff to it  in order to taste well L: yeah like it makes it   the softness that you expect and like things like  that A: yeah L: with the rise A: and so all three of those   um items pretty much work in what you would say  uh L: unison A: unison that's a good word L: like us A: yup   yeah (laughs) L: we're going to be discussing with you  about 15 or so different options that you   have to replace eggs in vegan baking A: uh i know  it sounds like a lot so two things i want to   discuss with you uh really quick or go over one  we're going to time stamp the video so this way   once you watch it through um if you're in the  kitchen and you want to come back you can find   um how to use or what to use to put together in  your baked good also all of the substitutes are   not created equal so you do want to choose the  appropriate substitute for what kind of baking   you're doing L: which we're going to get into like in  this video and and don't worry like these aren't   like we don't want to make this complicated at all  these are all things that should really be in your   pantry like as a staple that you already have a  couple of them you know you might need to run to   the store for if you wanted to like use that but  it's all easily accessible it's nothing like crazy  A: yeah L: that it's hard to find or anything like that so  we want to make this as easy as possible and give   you as many options as you can as you get into  the holiday baking season or beyond if you're   like us and bake cookies A: year round L: every weekend even when  we weren't vegan A: yeah pretty much L: so uh so let's   just jump right into the video and show you  all of the different options that you have for   replacing eggs A: so we're going to start off  with one of the most common egg replacers   known in the vegan world and that is the flax  egg this is ground flax seed but it's also known   in grocery stores or on you know some of the bag  labels you'll see it as flax meal to make the flax   egg you're gonna start off with one tablespoon of  grounded flaxseed and two to three tablespoons of   water and what you're gonna do is put that in  a small bowl whisk it together and let it sit   for about 15 or even 10 minutes at times after  about the 10 to 15 minute area you could kind   of test and make sure your flax egg formed up  by shaking it a bit and you'll see that it's   supposed to be kind of a jiggly or i guess  what you could say a gelatinous kind of uh   thick thick texture the reason that you're  gonna use two tablespoons at times and three   tablespoons of water at times is because some  recipes will actually call for one large egg so   when you see one large egg typically i'll go with  three tablespoons of water so i can kind of match   what i would have got out of that large egg  if a recipe doesn't specify if it's a large   egg or not then a safe bet would be to go with  just two tablespoons of water you can always   analyze your mixture afterwards and add water  later into that just a heads up it does have   a bit of a nutty flavor so you will have that in  the recipe it usually goes good if you make this   with like cookies or brownies or even pancakes  at times L: similar to the flax egg we have the chia   egg which is the same thing except we're using  chia seeds A: yeah L: and you use the exact same ratio so   it's one tablespoon of chia seeds to two to three  tablespoons of water A: yup L: and then you're just letting   it sit for the same amount of time until it gets  like that gelatinous texture it's basically the   same concept as the flax egg and it can be used  in the same type of way it doesn't have the nutty   flavor that the flax egg has but it does have a  different texture and it's similar to like poppy   seeds or like raspberry seeds so you have to be  careful but if you use it in the right type of way   it can really add a nice texture to whatever you  are making sometimes people will give it like a   quick pulse inside of like a nutribullet or like  a handheld personal blender since it's not a lot   and then they'll use that instead since it helps  with the texture a little bit A: next is one of our   personal favorites which is the banana that  sounds a little weird rolling off my tongue   so let me explain (laughs) in order to use the banana in  your baked goods what you want to do is smash it   down and then you want to use about a fourth of a  cup this is one of our favorite replacers because   it does come through with a hint of flavor which  you want to be mindful of because everything is   going to taste literally like bananas two quick  tips first is when you use a banana go for the   overripe banana you want to do that because that's  going to add a bit of sweetness to your recipe and   it helps deepen the flavor second tip is if you  do not have an overripe banana what you can do is   just take a banana stick it inside the oven on 350  for about 15 to 20 minutes and when you pop it out   it'll be completely ripe the way we use it is  in quick breads pancakes even cinnamon rolls   which we have a recipe that is delicious so  remember as long as you can cope with that   great banana taste then this is going  to be perfect for some of your recipes   um i wonder how many times i said banana L: too many A: I actually kept a straight face that whole time   L: uh i think if we go back and watch it or they're  watching it with us uh my face is not going to be   as (laughs) uh straight i'm like trying to hold my cheeks  together as much as i can while you're talking   which leads us to our next substitution which  is pureed apples which we all know as applesauce   it acts very similar to the bananas  but it has a much more neutral flavor   we're also doing the same amount which is a  fourth a cup of applesauce per uh i was about   to say per banana but it is per egg you want  to make sure that you are using unsweetened   applesauce because the sweetened ones usually are  just basically sugar and we don't want to add a   lot more sweetness into A: yeah L: whatever we are making  you also want to be mindful of making sure you   don't pick up any flavored apple sauces a lot  of times they're like cinnamon and stuff like   that so we don't want those we just want plain  straight up unsweetened applesauce we probably   use this one along with the flax egg the most like  we swap those out depending on what we're making   because it has such a neutral flavor to it we  use it in things like cookies or pancakes or   even quick breads depending on you know what  the flavor is that we want A: I think we also use   it because it's pretty cheap L: yeah A: when you think about  the fact that you can get a pretty big jar or even   any size jar and you're only using a tablespoon  of it at a time it's kind of a really good benefit   L: yeah we do also get asked a lot for what can they  replace applesauce with apparently if you don't   have kids oftentimes you don't keep applesauce on  hand A: true L: but it is such a good replacer because of the   neutral taste that we recommend you always have  in it so an alternative would be to get like those   individual sized cups which is a little bit more  than a fourth of a cup usually but it's pretty   close that it's a good alternative if you know  you can't go through a big jar all on your own   A: so our next egg replacer or should i say egg white  replacer is aquafaba this one takes the longest   out of all of them to come together aquafaba is  literally just the juice from canned chickpeas   L: you can get it if you use dried chickpeas and  you boil them down if you were using that type   of thing but it's much harder you have to let the  juice reduce for a really long time and so it's   really just easier just to use the juice from the  can A: to use aquafaba in your recipe you're going to   use three tablespoons of the juice from the canned  chickpeas that's going to replace one egg white   and what you're going to do is beat that for about  8 to 10 minutes and that should come together and   be fairly stiff it is pretty neutral in flavor  but depending on your taste buds and how sensitive   they are the bean taste can slightly come out we  typically use this egg substitute whenever we're   making meringues, cakes, and pancakes it's a really  good egg replacer in order to fluff things up   L: next up we have silken tofu which we basically  puree like we talked about doing with the bananas   and you are just doing the same amount so  it's a fourth a cup per egg being replaced   the only thing you want to make sure here is that  you are using silken tofu don't go and buy extra   firm tofu you need the tofu that is super silky  and smooth and soft and that's what you get when   you use silken tofu this one is great because  it has such a neutral taste to it it's great in   things like cheesecakes and custards and french  toast batter and sometimes even like brownies  A: yeah L: the one downside to it is that it is a  little bit more expensive than some of the   other ones that we've already recommended and some  that we're going to talk about here in just a few   seconds A: you also want to make sure you do not  pick up because i've made this mistake before   you don't want to pick up a flavored version  because if you like teriyaki brownies then   maybe you do want to pick it up so another great  option to substitute the egg in your baked goods   would be like nut butters this is things like  peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter or even   sun butters if you're allergic to peanuts or nuts  in general in order to replace this you want to   use about three tablespoons of the nut butter or  sun butter in order to replace the one egg just be   mindful that it will take on whatever the taste of  the nut butter is or sun butter so i like to use   this in something that i'm looking to make sure  that taste just adds to the dish a good example   of what we use it in are things like peanut butter  cookies or even quick breads which i think we just   put one up L: yep we put up peanut butter banana  bread which is amazing A: yes L: so another thing that   we can use in things like cookies or muffins  or quick breads is chickpea flour actually   A: yeah L: and so it's just going to be a one-to-one  ratio and you're gonna do three tablespoons of   chickpea flour to three tablespoons of water but  you just mix them all together and then it's ready   to go as soon as you do that and then it's not  as neutral as some of the other ones that we've   talked about like the apple sauce but it's not  overpowering either A: next up is a combination of   baking soda, water and vinegar you could also  replace the vinegar with something like lemon   juice or it could be either apple cider vinegar or  white vinegar or the ones that we choose believe   it or not this actually comes out with a really  neutral flavor we typically use it in things like   cake because it makes it extremely moist in order  to bring this one together you're gonna use one   teaspoon of baking soda and then one tablespoon  of both vinegar and water L: so another similar one   that you could do to the baking soda mixture is  you could mix baking powder with oil and water   to do this one you're gonna do one teaspoon of oil  to two teaspoons of baking powder and then you're   gonna add two tablespoons of water and you're just  gonna whisk that together obviously with this one   if you are oil free you're not gonna wanna pick  this one but you're going to pick one of the other   options that we've recommended already A: another  pantry staple we use when we're really in a pinch   is going to be a mixture of water and cornstarch  and if you're not into using corn then arrowroot   powder would be the substitute to bring this one  together you're gonna use two tablespoons of the   dry ingredient and then three tablespoons of  water and just give it a good whisk this one   we typically use for something like a bread or a  french toast again this is one if we're really in   a pinch so typically we'll recommend something  else as a first option and this literally as   your last A: also if you are in a pinch and you just  happen to have agar agar in your pantry then you   can also use that you can use one tablespoon of  the powder and you're going to whisk it together   with four tablespoons of boiling hot water and  that basically activates the agar agar just be   careful it does have like a really neutral flavor  which is great but it is very gelatiny so it is   really just another last resort type of thing if  we are in a pinch and we don't have anything else   A: gelatiny L: gelatiny A: one of our favorite ways to make  box cake mix before going vegan was to swap out   the eggs for carbonated water or carbonated juice  typically the go-to is just for a plain jane type   of carbonated water but the other option sometimes  we used was a carbonated juice to add a little   hint of flavor in order to use this one you're  going to use just a fourth a cup of the water   it's also great in things like muffins as well  the idea here is to use it in things that you want   to be a little bit more airy and fluffy L: another  one that you can do is a dairy-free yogurt again   you are just going to do a fourth a cup of the  yogurt to replace one egg the dairy free yogurt   is great in things like muffins or cake or quick  breads things like that and if you guys have been   watching us for a little while you know that  we do not have a very good track record with   legging dairy free yogurts A: yeah L: so the key here is  to pick one that you really know that you like   and also that for the most part you should pick a  plain dairy-free yogurt but if you want a little   bit of hint whether you're making like a peach  cake maybe you go with like a peach dairy-free   yogurt or something like that but just be mindful  of whatever you're making A: also consider the fact   that yogurt is fairly expensive which is why it's  kind of at the bottom of our list because in order   to use a yogurt as an egg uh you're probably  spending like two or three dollars on just in a   single egg L: just one last quick tip that we wanted  to mention is that a fourth of cup seems to be   the pretty standard measurement for replacing  a puree like the bananas or the applesauce but   that you could also do things like mashed  avocado or because of the time of year you can do   pureed pumpkin but you can also do like other  fruit flavors like strawberries or raspberries   just be mindful of whatever you are putting the  puree in that it's not gonna overpower the dish   A: all right so we really hope that this video was  helpful for you guys and you were able to learn   some things L: yeah these are things that like we  use in our kitchen every day for baking so we   really hope that this video just makes you  a little bit more confident in the kitchen   especially as we get into like the hustle and  bustle of the holiday season A: true L: but also that it   helps you go beyond this time of year and it helps  you just in the kitchen in general especially if   you like to bake as much as we'd like to bake A: we  really wanted to show in this video how to use   pretty much just pantry staples that would be  inside your household in order to replace eggs   in your baked goods but also considering the fact  that you know we are an allergy friendly channel   so we want to make sure that you have a arsenal of  items to go through whenever you're thinking about   how do i replace egg in my next baked good L: yeah  especially because around this time of year and   and really any time of year if you are having  people over that you know you you might be vegan   so you might be wanting to replace like the egg  and the dairy obviously but you don't want to use   something like tofu because you know somebody  that you have over might be allergic to soy A; allergic yeah   L: um also we just wanted to give you a few quick  tips in case you like skipped around the video   one of them is if you are using the tofu do not  get like seasoned tofu make sure you grab the   plain tofu A: that's bad news bears yeah you you get  seasoned tofu and put that in like some cookies  L: no have like teriyaki flavored pumpkin cookies A: yeah what (laughing) L; or something A; Ughh that's just L:we might be on to something A: no you might be   on something another additional tip is consider  how many eggs you're replacing if you're looking   to replace one to i would say probably up to  about three eggs you're in good shape with these   egg substitutes but if you're looking at something  that requires say like six eggs um something that   comes to mind is like an angel food cake um that's  not a good idea to tackle with these substitutes   at all another additional tip is consider how many  eggs you're replacing if you're looking to replace   one to i would say probably up to about three eggs  you're in good shape with these egg substitutes   but if you're looking at something that requires  say like six eggs um something that comes to mind   is like an angel food cake um that's not a good  idea to tackle with these substitutes at all   L: yeah you should probably just like make another  cake A: a hundred percent make another cake L: which   we have plenty of cakes on our website so just  check check those out and eventually we will   perfect it angel food cake i'm confident in you A: or someone in  the vegan community L: I'm confident A: oh well i appreciate  that L: another tip that we wanted to share is just  to be really careful when you're like adding   like a fru-- A: fruit puree L: we have tried to say that  well i have tried to say that like six times A: yes  L: i'm just gonna depend on him at this point because  i cannot say fruit puree together right now   and uh so basically like if you're using one of  those that it just can add a lot of flavor but   it can also make something really dense A: yeah L: so you  just have to be really careful like if you're   using bananas the banana flavor is always  going to come out A; it's going to take over L: in whatever you're making   so that's why we always like recommend using  unsweetened applesauce A: yes yeah absolutely alright   family if you like this type of video where we  show tips and tricks on how to get you better in   the vegan kitchen then leave us a comment down  below where we can interact and talk about what   we could do next L: right that really helps us know  like if we should create more of these type of   videos if you guys are really liking them and also  if you have like specific ideas for tips and trick   videos that you would like to see we would love to  hear about those in the comments down below also   if you could give this video a like subscribe  if you haven't already and make sure you turn   on your notifications so that you don't miss any  of our new videos and we really just hope that you   enjoyed this type of video and we are just so  appreciative of each and every one of you for   watching every week so thank you guys so much  A: 100% L: and we will see you soon have a great week L: next up we have silken tofu we're basically   going to puree this like we talked  about doing with the pin A: paninis (laughing) A: with the who (laughing) L: I don't know I was gonna say pa-nana (laughing) A: pa-nana pa pa-nana you sound  like one of the minions A: Pa-NaNa (said in funny voice)(Child laughing in background) (laughing) L: okay all right (shew) (waaa) next up we  have silken tofu so basically you pa-ru A: Pa-Ru-Gee (laughing) L: perogie (laughing) L: next up we (laughing) next up we have silk and toe-fu (laughing) A: what taw-foo (laughs)
Channel: Make It Dairy Free
Views: 17,301
Rating: 4.9396348 out of 5
Keywords: vegan baking, egg substitutes, vegan egg substitute, egg replacer, egg substitute baking, vegan eggs, vegan egg substitutes, vegan recipes, vegan egg, egg replacer vegan, replacing eggs in baking, how to substitute eggs in baking, vegan baking hacks, vegan substitute for egg, vegan baking tips, how to replace eggs in baking, egg substitutions, flax egg, vegan cooking basics, egg substitute for vegans, vegan egg replacement, vegan baking substitutes, vegan baking basics
Id: UBYMuCnCi2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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