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- Did you go grocery shopping this week? - I did, on Amazon. - Grocery shopping on Amazon, like the food? - Mm hm. - Fuck, Okay. You have money. She has money. (sneaky music) - Who are you? - My name is Liv. - [Moderator] Liv, what do you do to pay your bills? - I'm a Director at Cut. - I'm technically your boss at Cut. Do you feel like you make enough money? - No. - [Moderator] Come on! (laughter) - My name's Kelli. I do social media management. - [Moderator] Do you make a lot of money doing that? - I make more money than I thought I would make doing that. - I work at the VA and then I have a nonprofit organization. - [Moderator] So it sounds like you work a lot. Do you mind telling me how much money you make each here? - (laughs) Well, I make about 144,000 and my nonprofit takes it all. - [Moderator] Today. Kelli, I'm gonna ask you to rank a number of women from richest to poorest based on how much money they made last year. - My stomach hurts. I'm like actually so nervous. (laughs) I don't wanna offend anyone. - [Moderator] I have a list here. - Okay. Hmm. Well, I wish I can be up there. - Someone make 2.6 million- - Yep. - Last year? 800, 120, 60, 27, 20. Wow. This jumps really low. - [Moderator] All right. Let's bring the line on out. (sneaky music) - Everyone's hot. (laughter) Hi, I'm Kelli. Hi, I'm Izzy or Isabel. - Isabel, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - What did you do before you came here? - Kind of just got up and left to come here. - [Moderator] Kelly, she didn't have breakfast. What's your first impression of that? - I don't know. I feel like rich people will be having breakfast. - Are you in school? - No. - Plan on being in school? - No. - Wow. Okay. - What kind of work do you do? - I work in the automotive industry. - Are you a secretary there or... - Sales. - Whoa. - I say you make about 60 K. - [Moderator] Okay. - Does the word like associate or specialist or coordinator appear anywhere in your title? - Yes. (laughs) - Those are usually like buzz words for, it sounds like it's really important or it sounds like you might make a lot of money, but you usually don't. - [Moderator] Isn't that your job title? - It is. (laughs) I'm gonna guess 27. - Okay. (sneaky music) (interviewee laughs) - Do you like what you do? - Yeah. I love what I do. - Huh? What'd you go to school for? - Entrepreneurship. - Ah. Okay. - [Moderator] Liv, what does entrepreneur mean to you? Does that mean you got a lot of money or no? - It depends on how good of an entrepreneur you are. - The way you are put together, you like expensive things. - I can feel that she's rich. I know it. - Really? - Yes. I know you have a Ted Talk. I just know she has a Ted Talk somewhere. - Do you live alone? - No. So I live with my boyfriend, his kid and my best friend. - Oh, okay. House or apartment? - House. - Do you own it? - Yes. - So you own a home. You own it with your partner? - No. - I'm gonna say 120. - I will assume that you make about 120K. - Okay. - I feel like you are some successful person in like HR or something. - HR and Ted Talk. Interesting. - I think she's the 2.6. - Well, hello there. - Hi there. So tell me a little bit about what you do for a living. - I paint. I make art. - Do you have your own business? - I freelance. - You freelance, okay. So, I make my own schedule. - Okay. - What does hustle mean to you? - Only hustle if it speaks to your soul, truly. - What speaks to your soul? - Creating art. - Okay. I feel like a lot of times artists have a hard time getting the money they deserve. I think 27. - 800K. Yeah. I am not gonna go low because that doesn't really represent you. - No. - Yeah. - [Moderator] All right. - Thank you. - Thank you. - All right. - Hello. - Hello. - What's your name? - Lily. - Lily. Nice to meet you, Lily. Sorry. I'm looking your tattoos. - Oh no, you're good. (laughs) - I mean, Lily has a lot of tattoos. Tattoos are pricey. - What do you do for living? - I work for my family's business. - Okay. - Did you go to college? - I was gonna go to college for music, but I was like, "Eh, it's not really worth the money." - Oh, do you wanna be a musician? - Um, I love making music. I'm a singer/songwriter. So. - I feel like you might be the 20K. - Your family is probably just, they're paying you a little less than what you want. So I would go with 27K at this time. - All right. - Hi. - Hi. - What's your name? - Sharitha. - How many credit cards do you have? - One. - One? Which credit card? - It's called Petal. - Okay. I've never heard of Petal. - Starter credit card. - Oh, okay. - Did you go grocery shopping this week? - I did, on Amazon. - Grocery shopping on Amazon, like the food? - Mm hm. - Fuck. Okay. You have money. She has money. Amazon Prime grocery shopping. I didn't even know that was a thing. Okay. I'm just gonna give you 800K. - Hmm. What do you do for a living? - I'm a stay-at-home mom. - Oh, that's wonderful. - 20K. All right, my dear. - Hey Liz. - Hey Shay. (laughs) - [Moderator] You guys know each other? - We do. - We do. - [Moderator] Wait, how do you guys know each other? - Music? - Yes. - [Moderator] Do musicians make a lot of money? - Not... Just for day to day ones. No. (laughs) - So, tell me a little bit of what you do. - What I do. I'm a DJ and I have a neon sign company. - Neon sign? - Mm hm. - Oh, okay. - When you go to the grocery store, do you look at the prices and compare? Or are you just kind of like, "I need this." - Yes, I do look at the prices. - God, I'm gonna throw up. I have no idea. Well, I only have one number left. - [Moderator] Right. And what's that number? - The number is 60K. - Oh, this is the rich one. Yeah. - 2.6 million. - That's what option they gave me. (laughter) And I can't change my mind on that? - [Moderator] I'll have everyone line up how you think and then you can switch around if you like. How about that? - Oh, I love you. (laughter) Okay. - [Moderator] All right. So let's have everyone line up how Kenny determined. (drum roll) Liv, based on what you have right here, is there anyone you wanna switch up? - Shay here. Move you here. I'm gonna be here. - With your family business, I think you can go for 2.6 million. 60 would be you. Mm hm. And 27 would be you. - [Moderator] Is there anyone you wanna switch around? - No. I don't. - [Moderator] If Kelli guessed you correctly, raise your hand. - Okay. Okay. I'm not mad. - Okay. - [Moderator] That's pretty good. - Dang. (laughter) Wait a minute. - [Moderator] All right. Everybody rearrange yourselves, please, in the order of most money to lease money, please. Kenny, would you like to chat with everybody and hear the real deal? - Yeah. Talk to me. (laughter) - Hi. - Hey. - So did I get you right? - Well, you guessed 120, but then when you rearranged us, you got me right. - Yeah, I knew when I said it, I was like, "Ah, no, that's not... I wasn't confident." - Why weren't you confident? - 'Cause you, first of all, you own a home and then you're an entrepreneur, but and I should have connected. Like, if you're an entrepreneur and you make enough to where you can own a home, that means, to me, you make money. - Do you have a Ted Talk? - No, I don't have a Ted Talk. They decline my application every time. - Really? But you've applied? - I have applied. - Okay. - I've had five companies in the past. My biggest is a wig company. - So definitely money in that. Yes. - Yeah. So my wig company brought in around 1.5 million a year. It's not just from entrepreneurship though, from real estate. That's where the bulk of it. - Well, you didn't say real estate when we were talking. - You didn't ask about real estate. - I asked what you did. - Yeah. But I don't do real estate. So I have different properties that I lived in and flipped, but I'm not like a real estate agent. So a lot of my wealth comes from the home that I sold and putting it into new properties. But my business does really good too though. - I feel like there's so many rules to being rich. And then it's like, "How are you supposed to really learn those rules?" You know? - Yeah. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Ah, excuse me. (laughter) Okay. You make 800K by being at-home mom? - So my dad passed away. He left the house for me and I sold his house. - Wow. - I'm sorry to hear about your father. My father passed. That one time I acquired money was because of that, but it's like a weird acquisition. It's like, not money you want to get. - Yeah. - Do you think that's something that you're gonna be able to live off for a while? - I would like to get a job, 'cause my son, when he got diagnosed with autism, I had to quit my career. And so it's been kind of hard just not having a job or like, nothing really to keep me busy. - Totally. - So I do want to get back to working. - Yeah. It was nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too. - Thank you for sharing your story with me. - Thank you. - Okay. Tell me more. You must have hidden something from me. - No, I just, I sell cars. That's it, only source of income. - So what's your biggest sell you've done? - I think I made six grand off of one car. - Do you like your job? - I love it. - What does it take to sell a car? Are you like very convincing? - You don't necessarily have to be convincing, I would say, but you have to be a people person. Nobody's gonna buy something from you if they don't like you. - Looking at you and how young I think you are, I wouldn't really think you're there. - How old do you think I am? - I think you're about 25. - I'm 21. - Oh dang. That's even... That's really great though, for that kind of money. - Yes. - Do you know what to do with that money? - Save it. - We'll talk. - Yeah. (laughs) - Hey. - Hola. Yeah. I made an assumption, especially nowadays, people are making money more than one way and I didn't even ask you what other stuff you do outside of music stuff. Because that's what I know you as. - Yeah, well I'm a DJ, but also I sell neon signs and I sold you and neon sign. - Oh! You did. (laughter) - Is that your own business you made or? - Yeah. Yeah. It started in the pandemic when I wanted to make a backdrop for streaming and I was like, "I could probably make my own neon sign." And then it just like snowballed from there. (laughs) - Oh my God. That's so cool. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Yeah. - Awesome. - Hello. - Hi. Did I get you right? - No, you thought I made 60K. To be fair, I only work 15 to 20 hours a week. If I worked full time, you would've been correct. Like, that would've been right. - So where does your 27K come from? - Probably like 25,000 of it comes from working at the restaurant that I work at and then the other 2,000 comes from music. - Well cool. Nice meeting you. - Yeah. Nice to meet you too. Thank you. - Okay. We're gonna need to talk. With all the things you're doing with your hands and your intelligence, you need to be making more than you are actually making. - So I freelance for different places. So that phrase, "I wear many hats." - Nice. - That's what I that's what I do. - Are you stressed by money? - Yes. - Yeah. I feel most people are. - I didn't have the best childhood with money. - Don't lose hope. Don't give up. - Keep going. - Keep the spunk. - Keep the punk. - Yes. - Thank you. - Okay. Wow, you guys. - [Moderator] Kenny, you got 'em all wrong. What happened? (laughter) - You know, looks can be deceiving. And people can present the way they want you to see them. - I'm always curious to what people do and how they make money. Clearly, I forgot of like, there's more than one way to get to the bag. And I think it was cool to just learn what people do. Also, I was really happy to connect with you and like, have that moment. Yeah, it was fun.
Channel: Cut
Views: 1,326,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: YvX-ZmTlTek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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