What Model Scouts ACTUALLY Look For

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today we're going to be looking at model scouts rates people's physical attractiveness i know this is an old video but by popular demand i finally got around to it this is my first viewing of it now if you don't know much about me i've actually worked as a model scout for a very short amount of time i've also worked as a model and as a photographer so um i actually explain all this in my latest tech talk video so you should probably see the whole behind the scenes of what curves does there but let's get into it very big broad shoulders listen is he going to be doing high fashion no is he going to be in a uh ad when you walk into home depot and he's the guy who's loading up the big truck absolutely [Music] tell me what you're doing here today today i'm going to determine who's going to be marketable for modeling in the fashion industry how do you measure someone's attractiveness i've been scouting models for several decades now i'm going to be looking at height first size second not are they good looking everybody's good-looking in their own way that facial expression oh that's funny uh in their own way yeah with the raised eyebrow obviously he understands that not everyone is good looking but the way he explains good looking is as marketable so he's he's a very good salesman he changes the word unattractive to not marketable he changes attractive to marketable and in doing so people don't get their feelings hurt he's very good at delivering the tough medicine and whether or not somebody can make money doing it how much would you say that differs from how you find people attractive night and day i definitely have my own specific type of what i find attractive that doesn't necessarily mean that that's going to work within the fashion and beauty industry all right go ahead and bring the first person in get over there and hit your mark give us a spin nobody comes out wearing that outfit and isn't trying to show off notice how highly animated and enthusiastic he is as she walks into the room this guy can be best described as someone who is highly charismatic now charisma is easily explained as somebody who makes other people feel good about themselves making everyone feel good by telling them to do little spins and telling them that they're you know he's role-playing as if they're modeling already you know hit your mark those are the things you would probably see in acting or modelling so he's role-playing as if she's a model already making her feel good about herself often make sure that everybody sees her how long did it take you to do that hair uh five minutes and the makeup twenty hmm have you ever had any plastic surgery done yes i'm no stranger to botox either so great we love botox would i find you attractive yes well put together polished clean slick looks like she's in charge probably a good solid eight yeah i think you're beautiful especially when you smile i might change that lipstick color to a little bit more of a natural but other than that she's cool you know he says all these nice things but would he actually take her on board if he had an agency it doesn't make any indication towards that quite frankly her look would be very hard to market or even be profitable she isn't particularly petite she isn't particularly curvy nor is she particularly tall or swell she doesn't really fall into any of the three big dominating categories for female models also she's on the older side and i made a video on this on tick tock where after the age of say 23 becomes exponentially harder to become a model something about model i can't bring myself to put into words like sorry you're too old you should have started when you were like 16 or 18. i'd probably say maybe five or six because she just looks like the irish person nothing particularly special to work he might be able to get some background work you've got some good features your facial hair your big broad shoulders listen is he going to be doing high fashion no is he going to be in a uh ad when you walk into home depot and he's the guy who's loading up the big truck absolutely does that no i agree um he gave him five and again i think maybe it could be even a bit above five because it does have some good features like you're saying he does have strong facial development i just think he's a bit uh on the heavier side but if he leaned out he would definitely be above average and i can see it definitely being the case now the comment that the modeling scout made about the agency about how the industry actually works that not everyone's going to be runway now everyone's going to be e-commerce some people just do really good lifestyle shoots if you ever see the toyota ads they use normal regular looking people and by definition those people are still models it's just that your understanding of what makes a model is runway or something high fashion but yeah 100 this guy could definitely work in the industry it's just that you probably wouldn't want to because it's you know you have to give up your i.t job and have to be on standby all the time it's not something most middle-aged people do when they have an established career already because you don't want to have to go to castings when you you know you have a full-time job already make you feel good bad how do you feel at this age now i'm very comfortable in my own skin and kind of who i am typically people who are very comfortable with themselves do great in the fashion industry because they can go right up and just be themselves thank you very much absolutely how's it going that's a yes that works have you ever walked on a runway no now's a good time to start ready go excellent shoulders back that's fashion have you ever worked in the fashion industry nope never even tried not not not really that height that size the muscle tone broad shoulders small waist long legs because everything is pretty much symmetrical i wouldn't really lose any weight yeah i'd give them a 10. absolutely i mean again he's giving him a 10 i guess in terms of marketability i just i think this is a bit of pandering honestly speaking from the industry i wouldn't say that he would it wouldn't be as easy for him to find work as you know 10 might imply if you're saying that somebody is a 10 you're implying that it's super easy they're like one of the top models they can easily make it to the top because you know 10 it's super desirable it's super attractive i think that's a bit of a it's a bit of a panda maybe a eight or a seven would be more apt and i think that's a more realistic rating he's above average you can definitely work as a model but implying that he's a 10 is is not not entirely correct because it does have some asymmetries uh he does have some um misproportions or disproportions especially in the eye spacing and uh the the vertical proportions quite frankly and with absolutely no disrespect whatsoever his features are just too plain to be standing out for the amount of praise that the modeling scout is giving him his expectations need to be realistic that certainly can get jobs but not to the level or to the quality or the caliber that you're expecting the sharp facial features that western agencies look for are just not there i'm not saying you can't be a model i just feel like the modeling scout is being disingenuous hi there hi how old are you 26 what's your name tyler you do have a great face those big giant brown eyes i like that you got the scruff going on i would say if you were going to get into this industry you would need to grow a little bit taller especially with the hair it's a little bit on the severe side so i would say just because of the height bookability market factor is going to be at about a four what about appearance-wise appearance-wise with that smile that energetic laugh and just the magnetism yeah i'm sure you're a magnet i'm sure you get some single married single notice how he didn't actually answer the question appearance-wise he said oh yeah i'm sure you're a magnet i'm sure you get some um and then they just left it up to the ambiguity that's that's a very good way of delivering bad news you just let them figure it out themselves not for long you'll be fine you'll be great okay yes thank you hi what's your name i'm joanna have you ever tried to get into this industry i have not no in this industry because of your hype that's going to be the first thing that's going to take you down uh but the size is great measurements look good you're petite we we don't say short she's fun size is it just me or is that a very demeaning way to talk about someone you're not petite you're not short you're fun-sized see me personally i would just call it like it is if short is a scientific term then that's what we'll call it and we'll leave it at that there's no need to sugarcoat things and have this condescending attitude to make people make them feel like toddlers like you're explaining bad news to a toddler she's a fully grown woman i'm sure she can understand that she's short i'm sure she's dealt with it all her life didn't just say it's petite you didn't just say it's fun sized then you also don't need to sugarcoat the news by saying that the size is great but then in the same sentence also say that her height is a limiting factor because of your height that's going to be the first thing that's going to take you down uh but the size is great i say these things because if you're not a right fit for the industry then this is the perfect time to go away and do another career that will lead to a much more stable and fulfilling lifelong goal the modeling industry is very cutthroat and it's very emotionally draining if you don't have the genetic requirements for it you will be capped at some point and for most people that point isn't even enough to make a living off of it would suck that you spend the last five years trying to pursue this dream only to be left with skills that don't transfer over to any other career whereas if you did a degree in math or science you could do a whole number of things and you can keep developing those skills over many different careers even if one doesn't work out i think if you were going to get into modeling sure change up the hair color can i see you without the eyeglasses excellent if i was going to rate her based on uh whether or not she would get booked in this industry it's going to be on the lower side yeah i'd probably put you at around a four on marketability for getting booked on jobs do i think she's adorable so he said full and i actually completely agree with that because while she is petite she doesn't fit the requirements of what petit looks for in the modeling industry now in the industry petite is very skinny very lean um she is a bit on the more curvier side i'm not particularly curvy but she is a bit more on the curvier side than what petite would classify you know by modelling standards now obviously i'm not commentating on whether that's a good thing or a bad thing i just know for a fact that book ability for her would be very difficult and most agencies wouldn't even want to go to that effort when there's a hundred different people to choose from in this industry it's going to be on the lower side yeah i'd probably put you at around a four on marketables you definitely light up the room you seem like you're the girl that goes i like green hair i'm going to have it whether you like it or not yeah excellent hi hi there if he came into the agency on a scouting day chances are i would select him this is a guy that you would see a show walking down the runway and nothing more than just a speedo let's take a look and see how your walk is and then we can determine whether or not maybe runway might be a good thing for you can you smile can i just say something so it's so silly to me when they make you do the runway walk because that's something that can be trained in like in like maybe a week you can train someone just intensively have them do the walk you can have a coach just pinpoint the mistakes and you can train that in a week why is that the determining factor for whether they get selected as a model or not you know what you can't change in a week your face okay a lot of work to do on him for a runway i mean listen if we lost the pajama pants and the extra large jacket on him he could absolutely go out to clients with a good haircut i would probably give him a nine right now uh you easily could work in this industry with the right photographer the right styling the right hair and makeup yeah absolutely i'm gonna scout him later i'm signing him on notice how he gave the the asian guy a 10 but he didn't there was no mention of um scouting him or uh if he walked into the agency he would get picked immediately there was a lot of pandering to the asian guy saying that he's a 10 and that you know he's gonna get all the work he wants but when it actually comes to the people he would actually choose they would actually make you money because the industry does have big standards nothing to do with the race the asian guy just didn't have the look facially speaking for those reasons there was a lot more pandering to how the modelling scout talked about the asian guy then than with this guy even though he gave him nine there's all this talk about i'm going to scout him later if he came into my agency i'd pick him straight away that's a difference there's one's pragmatic the other one is pandering modeling is always evolving modeling is always changing it's been in this evolving process for about the last 20 to 30 years and it's finally getting to where it's actually accepting of everybody all heights all sizes all measurements all looks all ages as well why is that changed okay so this is again a bit of pandering to to the audience it's a bit of powdering to the audience and i'll tell you why when designers make clothes they're not going to make clothes for all heights all ages all sizes they're going to make one set and they're going to find a certain group of people that fit that set and generally the most determining factor for modeling is high doesn't matter if it's runway if it's commercial if you're too short for commercial if you're too short for e-commerce clothes just generally don't look good on shorter people there's a number of reasons for that but proportion wise humans have this innate tendency to gravitate towards longer leg longer legs shorter torso rather than the other way around now with that being said how can we accept all heights of all ages if the designer is unwilling to accept all heights all ages all sizes all everything right it just really comes back to economics and it's not economic to make 10 different sizes of one clothe and especially when one prototype takes years sometimes they can take years to make you're not going to make 10 different sizes for just because you want to make everyone feel good about themselves and everyone should get a chance on say runway or even e-commerce even e-commerce is very much one-size-fits-all kind of thing there is still a fixed requirement with e-commerce as well and then with other types of lifestyle modeling it's really all over the place so lifestyle modeling is it's too broad to even categorize you can say anyone's a lifestyle model if your friend takes a picture of you and technically you're a live stream already it's too broad i think this is pandering what he's saying now it's not going to happen and i know this because i've spoken to many modeling agents i've spoken to one of the top agents for the top one of the highest paid male models there is the highest paid and she said that there's a fixed requirement in the modeling industry and she doesn't see it changing especially for men there's the high requirement is going to be extremely strict still for men no matter what happens no matter how much pandering and social justice we we try to achieve those things are not going to change so i do appreciate the way he delivers his message he's very candid that's it for this video if you guys want me to look at something else next i will do that soon as always i'll catch you all in the next one you
Channel: QOVES Studio
Views: 1,658,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, fake models, instagram models, instagram vs reality reaction, instagram vs reality expectations, facetune, instagram airbrush, facial aesthetics, attractive face subliminal, attractive face tips, how to get a beautiful face, rate my face, beautiful face affirmations, lookism, jaw exercise, modelling, modelling faces, vogue, model scout, model scout rates, model scout rates attractiveness, rude modelling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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