Who's Had The Most Plastic Surgery?

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- I'll say maybe, like a reconstructive lip one? - I think your boobs are natural, though. - There's something with the way they, like move. - I think you've had a boob job. So, that's gonna be at least one plastic surgery. - A butt lift? - Maybe like, a little cheek lift, or a face lift. - I'll say a butt lift. - Like a liquid rhino, 'cause the bridge of your nose is so perfectly shaped. - I don't know if you've had that many. I think you might just be God's favorite. - I mean, it felt good that they thought I was cute. - Your nose and your chin, maybe. - And maybe some cheek. - I don't wanna say breast augmentation but- - So many people have their boobs done. So many people, yeah. - I think the nose. - But other than that, not that much, I don't know. - Unless you're hiding something. - Breast augmentation? - [Ahmad] Yeah, maybe that. - Maybe something body-wise like lipo, a tuck? - That was interesting. I'm a pretty modest person and I don't try to draw attention to myself. - Oh, your eyes are gorgeous. I did not get a good look at them. - Thank you, y'all making me blush. - I do not think you've had any notable cosmetic plastic surgery. - Well, I'll say BBL. - Yeah, maybe BBL. - Maybe some chest. - Some breast augmentation. - Your nose and maybe your jawline. - You're on the more surgery side. - You know, I was very flattered that people were questioning whether I'd had a lot of plastic surgeries that I did not have. I thought that was a cute and fun moment. I love that for me. - I think you have a nose job. - I think so, too. Like, a chin surgery, I'm not sure if it's like, a lipo or a reconstructive one but something like that. - I'd say, maybe like a reconstructive lip one. - I think your boobs are natural, though. They literally. (everyone laughs) - We said you, probably most. - I'mma be the anchor, over here. - I'mma put myself in the middle. - You have the least. - Really, you think I've had the least? - Yeah, you've had the least. - I'll go here. - I think that you should be towards that end. I don't think you've had as much plastic surgery. - We have to switch. - I think Kelly higher. - Higher? - Yeah. - Than me? - Yeah. - But I think you should come up. - Yeah, right there in the middle. - I definitely think I've had more than you, though. - Yeah, you think so? - Yeah, so I'll just be in the middle. - I think you guys should switch. - I think I might move you up. I think above. - You think above me? - Ooh wait, but now I don't know. - It is fine, this isn't even the final. I said one for you, so you think it's only one? - Okay two. - Two? - Do you think I should? - I think you should. - How dangerous do you think it is to get a BBL? - I would say, it definitely influenced my decision when I was researching it. That's all I'll say. - Interesting! - Let's just say it influenced my decision. - Maybe we should move you down the line then. - Because of the high prevalence now I don't think it's as dangerous as it used to be. - If you were a girl your answer would have made me move you more in this direction. But I also think that your answer leads me to believe that you have had more plastic surgery than I think. - Yeah, I agree. I was surprised, but also not surprised that I was the only male here. But once again, the whole stigma of plastic surgery. - Okay, so what does everyone do for a living? I own a business, eCommerce. - I work in porn. Yeah, I make porn. - I own a beauty school. - I'm an actress, and I do digital marketing. - I'm a pastor. - I'm a student, and a fashion designer. - So now, I work at an ice cream shop but I was at a strip club. - I'm a student. - I think that you should be- you should move two spaces down. - Why do you think that? - [Emma] Because you were a stripper. - Well, I just said strip club I was actually a shot girl. - You having worked in a sex industry space, makes you more likely to have gotten plastic surgery. I think that if I was not making a living off of social media I wouldn't have gotten plastic surgery. It's not something that I regret at all and I'm not gonna be upset to have this appearance whenever I'm done working in social media. - When you guys did get your surgeries did insurance cover it? Or did you pay for it? - Mine was covered. - For the most part, mine was covered. - I had partial. - Well, now I feel like I should go on the other side. - Maybe you and I should switch. - Does anyone have kids? - We're all like, "Hmmm..." - I do. - I do. - Wait no, 'cause this changes everything. - Those look natural. Those look like naturally big ones. - How old is everybody? - I'm thirty. - I'm thirty-three. - Twenty-eight. - Twenty-three. - Twenty-five. - Twenty-one. - Thirty. - Twenty. - What age was everyone when they got their first or their only? - The first time that I got plastic surgery I was twenty-nine. - Oh, so recently. - I was thirty-one. - Nineteen. - I was 20, like five days away from being 21. - Nineteen. - I was 29, so one year ago. - I was twenty, and I'm still twenty. - I was under 24 months. - You might also be third. - Third, let's go. - I think you only had just one. - [Host] Has anyone experienced any stigma or stereotypes based on their choice of having plastic surgery? - A lot of people think that Asian people get plastic surgery to look whiter and I don't think that's true. It's the most untrue stereotype and I think it really sucks. - Plus there's different beauty standards in Asia so to be saying that you look like a white person just doesn't make any sense, either. - I honestly think that if I were to get plastic surgery in the future or if anyone were to, I don't think Eurocentric beauty standards should be held to a point where they should. It should be to the most of where they feel comfortable. But not letting those standards influence them as much. It's a hard thing, though. I feel like, when we see people I don't see people with facial features like me, very often in Hollywood, in American media and things like that. - Who else faced a stigma? - For sure I do, 'cause I'm a mom so, the first thing my family's like no I should just be worried about my children and the risks that are involved. They didn't want me to go under. I sometimes feel that guilt. Did I make the right choice doing that? Was I being selfish when I did that? I needed to do it for myself 'cause I didn't like the person that I was looking at, every time that I look in the mirror. - Would anyone get more, I guess? - I would get more. - I wouldn't. I would say, just because of what I learned I wouldn't do it again. And what I've experienced, myself. - What did you learn? - The self love part. - Aww, that's really sweet. - I purposely just wouldn't 'cause I don't have the fundage for that. So... - I would do another surgery. Mine was more of a medically informed decision I think it's something that I considered prior to some information, but that I would never do that and then when I was presented different facts about my body, I chose to do certain things. - I think that the two of you should switch. Because the way that you're talking about all of this I think that you've only had plastic surgery done once. And I feel like you might've had two procedures. Whatever reason you got plastic surgery might have been something ongoing that resulted in you getting procedures in two different spans of time. - Maybe I'd suggest moving you out to the second in line, I think. Let's do a little switch around. - I feel like you should go in front of Emma though. - Let's be buddies, I disagree but we'll go. I think I need to go back down, guys. I really do, yeah. - I would switch the two of you. - I'm good with this. - [Host] All right, you guys locking in your answers? In the eighth spot, we have Ahmad. - I knew it. - [Host] Also with one surgery we have Jordyn in the seventh spot. Two surgeries, we have Jessica, in the sixth spot. In fifth, Amber with three surgeries. In fourth, Sabrina also with three, so tied. In third, Kelly with five. In second, Emma with ten. In first, Cassidy with fifteen. - What? - Whoa. - You know what, that should've clicked earlier. - I had a major septoplasty. So, I had a deviated septum, and also there was a growth so they had to adjust my septum. - I had a breast reduction in 2021. So I went from a size 30J, to I think I'm a 32E now. Yeah, my back was hurting all the time. - In 2020, I found out that I have a genetic mutation called baketou, and I learned about this after my mom and my aunt both had breast cancer. Last year, I had a preventative double mastectomy and then this February I had reconstructive surgery. I found out that through my healthcare provider they only do 10 preventative surgeries like that in a year. It was an emotional journey, but one that I look back on and I'm proud that I did what I did. - I had breast augmentation and then just last month, I got it taken out. As time goes by, I see all these confident women with no boobs. I made that impulsive decision like, "Hey I want these out, I'm engaged now. I don't need this look. I don't work in a strip club, anymore." - So I got a mommy makeover, almost two years ago. I got a breast lift and a tummy tuck and about four months ago, I got a breast augmentation. - Okay so, my first procedure was the double eyelid surgery, then after that I got my jaw shaved. And then my third one was the buccal fat removal. And then the fourth one was the laser lipo. I got it done, I regret it. And then the fifth one was kybella to try to revise it. - Kybella, filler, basically all over my face and then all at ounce I got jawline lipo, buccal fat removal, 360 lipo arm lipo, and then I got it all injected into my ass with a BBL. - I was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. So I've had fifteen total revisions. I had a bone graft when I was 12. I had double jaw surgery when I was fifteen. I have cheek implants and liposuction under my jaw. - Wow. - My boobs are natural. (everyone laughs) Everyone has a face. Mine didn't form correctly. I was born with a birth defect. I don't know what I look like. I get to almost kind of, help create that and be my most ideal self. - If you are not feeling good let people know. If you need a surgery that could be considered elective like if it's a plastic surgery, be your best advocate. You're your own advocate. Keep making an effort to feel at your best and don't let anything take its toll on you. - I think if you're considering getting a surgery done make sure to research, research, research. - But my boobs are natural as well. (everyone laughs)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,000,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Id: XZqqB6IsnBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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