Gojo & All Might | Mastering “The Strongest” Archetype

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what does it mean to be the strongest is it pure strength an unbeatable technique an unshakable resolve or maybe all of them at once most of the great shown in stories follow the protagonist's journey towards being the greatest or the strongest of their respective verse overcoming challenge after challenge taking down powerful foe after powerful foe all to conclude the story with them achieving their dream but what happens when a character has already achieved that goal what happens when a character has now been granted the title of the strongest and now must deal with what comes with it this very concept has been explored through many different mediums from Superman to saitama to homelander but there are two characters that I want to draw attention to two characters who seem vastly different but have more in common than you may realize two characters who embody would being the strongest in their respective verses looks like of course the characters that I am referring to are allite of my hero Academia and Gojo satoru of jiujitsu kaisen I love these two characters not only for their design and personality but also what they represent for the stories that they inhabit they truly illustrate what it means to be the strongest and what that means for these characters is is extremely fascinating to analyze this we'll cover three major factors that I think make Gojo and all might perfect symbols of the strongest archetype and shown in storytelling and speaking of symbols let's jump right into the first aspect of being the [Music] strongest the world's Gojo and all might occupy are full of evil and treacherous forces that would plunge the world into darkness if left un checked it is the job of those with power to do good to do good things as the old Uncle Ben saying goes with great power comes great responsibility and as the strongest that responsibility falls directly on both of their shoulders transforming these characters from powerful men into symbols of peace in all my's case this is in the very literal sense he himself setting out to become the self-proclaimed symbol of peace in the my hero verse we learn throughout the story that all might much like deu was born quirkless and had a very strong sense of justice he envisioned a world without darkness and set out to make that world a reality after receiving one for all all might worked nonstop to be that Shining Light in the darkness across the world using all of his strength to save people left and right with an even stronger smile taking this approach all might's very presence brought about an age of peace villains became more and more cautious about committing crimes criminal organizations going into hiding or disbanding alog together because of his influence to go against all might is to go against a force that can change the very weather with one punch this kind of peacekeeping takes inspiration from American comic book characters like Superman or Captain America Boy Scout archetypes that Inspire hope and Justice and while goes satoru also acts as a symbol of pie in his verse his method would be more comparable to characters like Batman instead of keeping the peace with a smile they keep order through fear curse users and criminals went into hiding when the strongest curse technique combo ever conceived was born the Limitless and the six eyes there has to be something said about a literal child putting the fear of God into curses criminals and whatever toy class I as the older he got the stronger and stronger he became seriously Gojo's abilities are so complex and wide ranging that I would be here all day going over what this man can do and how it works from teleportation invulnerability lasers big purple Grimace looking destruction balls look my good buddy broken Ronin has really good videos talking about this guy so go check those out all you need to know for this topic specifically is Gojo is really that dude and being that dude has allowed him the ability to be fearless and that fearlessness has made him terrifying so terrifying that the heads of the Jutsu World shudder at the thought of raising a hand to him establishing Gojo as the world's Untouchable protector this method of peacekeeping is very indirect more of a secondary effect whereas Gojo enjoys the freedom that comes with his Godlike abilities the symbol of peace element I find to be the most cliche using one's power to protect the weak is the starter character trait that every Shonen protagonist has but for these characters specifically I find it a bit more complicated they are looked upon more like Gods omnipotent beings who bless and condemn there's a statue built in all might's honor they face overwhelming pressure to be the best they are the floodgates that hold back the darkness which Safeguard not only the weak but also the ones who would take their place in the future if they fail all hell will break loose and unfortunately that too is an experience they both share the second element of the strongest archetype I find fascinating when analyzing Gojo and all might is how their failures affect the world and how their prior actions influence their downfall both characters have witnessed terrible downsides to what their status brings in Gojo's case the current world of Jutsu kaisen enjoyed peace and stability until the day of his ceiling he was the strongest sorcerer and because of that many other sorcerers did not feel they needed to strive for more because Gojo was around protective AA enabled complacency among the community if Gojo can't do it who can on top of that every action he takes has Wilder effects like him not taking out ghetto when he had the chance to to all those years ago countless lives were lost because he the strongest did not take out his best friend who knows what could have been prevented if he had acted sooner obviously this is easier said than done it's not that easy to just kill your best friend just because you're the strongest but because he didn't one of the only people who could have done it it is very likely the reason why things are the way are now is because of that decision as for all might things start to become more and more complicated yet still reflect some of the same issues for example all might's power also prompted complacency in the hero Community where heroes are paid to protect all might taking care of a majority of instances caused other Heroes to feel comfortable taking the back seat the ideals of heroism became watered down amongst the M Society this brought about characters like stain who would kill Heroes he deemed unworthy and stain was just the beginning the dark underworld of villains Rose as a product of hatred for a society under Al might his Crusade against evil while Noble was only a Band-Aid over the actual issues brewing in a superpowered based world and in some ways made things worse all might is not ignorant to this either as his powers decrease and he is reduced to watching the world he swore to protect is ravished by villains and his friends are left to pick up the pieces the guilt and feeling of powerlessness takes over time and time again this is what I find so interesting about these two characters and their status as the strongest it is the narrative's commitment to showing Gojo and all might's Humanity through tragedy they may appear as Gods with unimaginable power but at their core they're still human with emotions and flaws they may seem like it but they are not perfect and it is important to show that when creating the strongest archetype allow the readers to see The Man Behind the god without it they become cold plastic characters who we cannot relate to at all and with that said we get to the final and most crucial element to me for the strongest archetype the words I needed to [Music] hear young man you too can become a hero the third element of the strongest is one that Gojo and all might most closely share in similarity their commitment to fostering the Next Generation while Al might and Gojo may have all the power one could wish for they cannot be protectors forever that is where typically the main protagonist comes in the new blood coming to one day take over the task of being the strongest usually the role of nurturing the next generation is Left To The MENTOR character your Kakashi Master roshi Jacki Chan from Karate Kid with Jaden Smith you guys remember that movie right that was a weird movie wasn't it like I feel like I liked it I haven't seen it in a long time I I really just can't kind of wrap my head around whether or not I consider Jadon Smith a good character I kind of do struggle thinking back on the movies that Jaden Smith was in at the time like sometimes I I feel like I have to give him credit because you know he's a kid he's doing his best you know can't really expect too much from him but also like in those in that movie particular it's just so very OD I I just never got into him as like an actor like I always felt like like he wasn't trying hard enough or something I don't know I don't know maybe I need to rewatch the movie uh but I just never really enjoyed it I also feel like that might be like Jackie Chan's worst performance ever you know but maybe that's just kind of like the nature of adaptations like it's always just going to kind of be bad no matter who they get to do it um and I also think Jaden Smith never really like evolved as an actor either like remember aftere a that movie is so bad that movie sucks I hate After Earth anyway characters who are extraordinarily strong in their own right but don't occupy the space of the strongest in their perspective verses even jiujitsu kaisen and my hero have these character archetypes in namami and isawa but Gojo and all might occupy both they are the goal for our protagonist in terms of power the endgame status but they are also the ones that helped the character get to that point in the first place what is important here in the third element is that by ushering the Next Generation through tutelage they directly affect the first two elements creating the next person to take over the mantle of the symbol of peace and the one who will make up for the mistakes that they themselves have made and could not fix now I will be honest it's kind of hard to see this playing out well in jiujitsu kaisen simply because of the nature of that story very gruesome very Bleak and Gojo is just too Godlike to be matched he still tried to surround himself with strong pupils who had potential but that didn't work out too great in some areas so kind of up in the air how this story will end on that note my hero on the other hand is more direct with this theme all might passes his power over to deu dubbing him the next version of all might and the story of my hero dives into what it truly means to be a hero and how deu goes about finding that answer on his own it is one thing to be all powerful but to know that power is finite and that being one day surpassed is a good thing is just another facet of being the strongest narratively I think the strongest archetype can be the most fun to watch in comparison to other archetypes in manga seeing them accomplish impossible Feats and steal the show in every scene is something to behold but I appreciate how all might and Gojo take these character types and push them to new heights it reminds me of Luke from The Last Jedi he is a famous Jedi Knight who defeated the empire Empire the past hero of the Star Wars cannon but that weight Prestige and responsibility changed him sending him down a path that no one expected but made all the more sense for his character being the strongest is not easy it is a heavy burden to bear and to watch that struggle I think is extremely compelling much like Luke Gojo and all might had had to make very difficult decisions and have left the world up to the Next Generation for them to take over after they are long gone let me know in the comments who your favorite strongest archetype character is but for now that's going to be it for me I will see you guys in the next one Johnny star out of here peace
Channel: Johnny Star
Views: 100,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnny star, johnnystar, all might, all might vs all for one, all might vs, all might vs nomu, plus ultra all might, all might vs nomu fight, all might dies, all might deku, all might death, all might punch, gojo, satoru gojo, gojo vs sukuna, gojo vs jogo, gojo satoru, gojo death, gojo vs, gojo power, gojo fight, gojo family, gojo vs toji, gojo powers, gojo six eyes, gojo and all might, the strongest, gojo vs all might, the burden of the strongest
Id: V_oX4LciI1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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