Demon Slayers' Equipment Makes NO Sense (or does it?)

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we all love throwing a few Jabs at Good Old Demon Slayer saying with steria poison this American breathing that however not only do they have more tools at their disposal like explosives and demons themselves but once you really start to think about it you realize some things are not as simple as they appear hello comrad my name is Maus come get yourself a beverage and sit down with me we got an Arsenal to go over first and foremost at disclaimer minor manga spoiler warning and a rule for this discussion we're going to be talking about situations where a Slayer has a fighting chance against the demon because come on if your average Canoa goes up against the moon only Jesus will save them and even that's not guaranteed so this will be our position moving forward how viable or beneficial a certain piece of equipment will be in a somewhat fair fight and is it properly represented within the established story here's a list of what to expect let's start with the biggest most pressing one of them all Wisteria poison in simple terms it's a cluster [ __ ] because regardless of how you look at it there is always a caveat that throws a wrench into the entire argument what concrete knowledge do we have about it shinobu created the poison it works on all demons to a degree and it has to be sored on the spot for each individual opponent but here's the first inconsistency for the lack of the better word hinatsuru how does she have a poison that worked on Goro if is she also a chemist or was it just Doma who needed a special version the answer is not clear because this Duo is an upper rank as well and you think they need their own concoction too if this is how aeria poison Works my theory is that the insect hash is using a much more advanced formula to actually kill demons and kunoichi is employing a general version meant for temporarily disabling them that would make more sense given how shinobu is rocking a special s made for mixing the poison and the blade that maximizes its delivery while tenen wife's ballista thing focuses on a larger area of effect nice we solved this part of the equation yet the question Still Remains why is it not given to every single Slayer if there is a version of the poison that can be used by everyone well logistics for one there is just isn't enough production to equip the entire core with it on account of shinobu often going on missions her paranoia of demons developing an immunity and the whole poison and shtick only existing for a few years secondly there is a method of delivery kunai and shurikens were historically used to inject a do of something unpleasant in your adversary but demons are a little strange in that regard since one moment their skin gets penetrated by throwing weapon and the other it can be barely cut with a sword wait rewind that what who the [ __ ] threw the kunon ey hinatsu is oboro's Right tenen Moves In while getting hit from all sides for some reason and suddenly there's one landing on Goro's neck from the left interesting anyway as a Slayer I wouldn't bother with a sidearm that might not do any damage meaning that you will have to modify the primary weapon likely in the same way as shobo scabber since you can't just stop to pour poison over the blade maybe do something similar to SC sword from Blood Plus and have a poison B installed into the guard or the handle thirdly we shouldn't forget the user since they will have to slightly alter the fighting style to incorporate more thrusts which by themselves are pretty useless against a highly regenerative opponent anytime you want to deal some damage to a demon you have to use a slash so as to decapitate disarm or otherwise inhibit their ability to fight and in order to justify a piercing attack of some kind it has to come with a significant upside like immobilizing otherwise your needle see ding Yourself by performing a move that's already hard to land due to a smaller targeted area taking all this into account Wisteria poison is represented surprisingly well within the story it's a very useful tool that will help in 99% of the encounters yet because it's a novelty only one person the Creator could use it effectively barely anybody got to try it and most Slayers I bet are likely completely unaware of its existence next we have another somewhat nuanced piece of demon slaying equipment the boom stick powerful enough to be used against upper Moon 4 and a very plausible addition to the Slayers Arsenal given that it takes place in the TA show period in case you didn't know guns not only existed in Japan at that point in time but were actively manufactured was the type 30 arisaka rifle alone having over half a million copies produced between 1897 and 1940 something that's a lot of guns so why don't we see more of them used in the show honestly I don't have a definitive answer since even normal bullets will at least be a nuisance to a demon as it will take the strongest of the law to dodge them effectively I say normal bullets because gya has special pellets in his cartridges that are made from the same material as a nurin sword they also kill demons if the shot decapitates them or that's what I was led to believe yet there's one significant downside good luck trying to find these pellets after the battle is over realistically you won't be able to which makes this type of weapon very expensive considering how rare the raw materials are or are they that was my main concern when I was wondering why Firearms are so scarce among the members of the core and the thing is the average weight of a katana which is about 1.35 kilos or three units of freedom is equivalent to 27 shots of 20 gauge 85 grain cartridges why them you ask I'm not too well informed about shotguns and such so please do correct me if I say something wrong but to me this looks like nine decently sized pellets fired from a chunky Barrel which is exactly why I picked the largest standard issue cartrid I could find that's nowhere near as bad as I thought in terms of waste especially if you look at how many Slayers there are and how often they need new swords granted some of them must be reforged but a good chunk are either lost or unsalvageable implying that the resources are not as limited as they seem hell even if they are guns don't need to kill a demon to be effective just fire shoton in their general direction and let the physics do its job it's very similar to the Wisteria poison in this regard as you're using it to gain a temporary Advantage with the only difference being this skill required to use it okay it's not the only difference yet you can learn to Aim Shoot and reload effectively within a week or something as opposed to needing years of rigorous training to be able to land a solid strike on a demon anybody can use a gun and if tanero could land a bullseye with a throne Katana a bullet fight from a rifle which as I said were common will definitely hit and do some damage although here here's why I think gya is the only one using it they simply don't have enough people to have dedicated marksmen as they would still require a normal Slayer to finish the job moreover one gun is great and all yet it won't be enough to justify having somebody constantly getting in the swordsman's way because as soon as the surprise factor is gone and the demon is still alive it will go after the shooters since they will be easier to kill you can say well just have them trained so they can hold their own for a bit that's fair but at that point would you rather train a proper Slayer I'm not sure as there's a bit of a dilemma you need a nuring shotgun to reliably decapitate a demon in order to do that you need to come closer which puts you at risk of getting killed unless there is an entire Squad with rifles covering you or you have the moves to dodge the demon effectively in the first case you need people which the Demon Slayer core sorely lacks and in the second a uie will still have to receive the standard training kind of defeating the purpose of having a gone speaking of Human Resources our little organization has a few departments that I think are a bit underused crows I talked about them in one of my previous videos so long story short they are infinitely more useful than just being a flying GPS with a messaging function take their intellect one of the craziest things they do is investigating death of other crows if a corpse of their kin is spotted they make special sounds ining everyone around to gather up and see what happened now imagine that but for dead humans it's a perfect CCTV as they can cover more ground than any Slayer and won't draw suspicion because they're [ __ ] birds get your smart talking ones to teach regular crows how to look for signs of demon activity and how to report it for a snack or something it's not uncommon for Corvett to adapt to new environments and change habits so even a nocturnal Crow is a possibility which is a great solution for densely populated areas if that was the case DUI with her nightly Shenanigans would have been busted a while back and maybe the whole place wouldn't have been blown up you have to realize that when your business model is mostly reactive information is everything and foresight can only take you so far you need informance a network of some kind that will report all gossip and rumors so that the headquarters can analyze them and send an appropriate response where is your intelligence Bureau the core has been around for centuries no way they only have a few hotels around the country yes they have three kiches except that it's tenen who has them and they just happen to tag along into this demon slaying world no [ __ ] they ended up on the brink of death because they went too deep okay I need to stop I did like five of these in the last minute it's getting ridiculous if they had a Franky in the Entertainment District who was just inconspicuously collecting Intel verime pattern would have been noticed way sooner allowing for a much smoother cleanup of the area cleanup right we do have someone I can compliment kakushi whose job is to assist Slayers in their non-s slay needs are arguably the most competent branch and it's not even close they help everyone to recover from demon attacks transport people to places make clothes for the entire company they truly deserve respect and I'm glad the show treats them better than Force division for example giving them a non-nonsense attitude and a passive aggressive professionalism since I mentioned closing why don't we have a few words about that cuz I'm not sold on their supposed defensive properties and a few other pieces of trivia that don't quite add up protection from weak demon teeth and Claws water and fire resistance blah blah blah a snack compartment from Ang's new glider was more useful than this uniforms entire description there is not a single instance I can think of where the slayer's cloth did anything but get destroyed sure muradas was kind of Saved by it yet it was 100% comedic relief moment with no actual traces of real M why do you tell me this so I can make a mental note oh they actually do wear some type of armor why not show it or ignore it all together since there is such a discrepancy between what we see and what we are told take the entire premise of the story demon Slayers are a secretive group they're not supported by any legal Authority and are breaking many laws just by walking around with weapons not that the police can really do anything about it as for all intents and purposes these are well-trained super soldiers yet they will certainly get hundreds if not thousands of reports of armed young mean-looking people who are snooping around places where something horrible just happened they attract so much attention and one of the things that times them together is their uniform it doesn't take a room temperature IQ even in Celsius to conclude that there is a large militaristic group operating within the country forget demons Japan just suppressed a samurai Rebellion a few decades ago that cost them a fortune no way the government won't look into this and find out exactly what's going on I'm not talking about whether the authorities should or should know about the Slayers I'm saying that the Slayers themselves are doing everything to get noticed when they're supposed to keep a low profile now if before I was able to perform Feats of logic and or mental gymnastics to rationalize Demon Slayer equipment this coming subject is so absurd it straight up doesn't belong in the story a wooden [ __ ] robot that must run on pure plot armorium because what in the name of medieval cyber Punk is this let's not even talk about the absolute lunacy that are the inner minations of this machine and get to the big questions how could you create something like this and have no records of the process or a prototype you mean to tell me whoever manifested this Marvel into existence did it on the first try while keeping the entire schematic in their head dude not even 20y Stark is that smart there must have been other people involved correspondence with experts parts or just material ordered from somewhere the same Minecraft you can make something like this by yourself let alone centuries ago I accept that some technology can get lost over time we had that happen a few times throughout history yet consider this you just made a fully functional combat ready mechanized Demon Slayer why wouldn't you make more to use as Guardians for strategically important locations or as training dummies like you originally intended to every time humanity created some super weapon like an AK-47 or a new it was replicated immediately regardless of the cost because it meant an advantage over the enemy and here these yichi dos could have easily fought against anything that is in the moon reducing the casualties among the Slayers which would have further increased the core's overall strength through a Snowball Effect however if I for a second remember everything we talked about so far I'd get this interesting thought would it really benefit the Slayers as a weapon let's assume they made a 100 of these and somehow send them out to kill demons how would they find them by using my proposed CCTV to guide them hoping they don't chop some civilians in the process that's tough so what if we use them as patrols for the streets similar situation and that's not accounting for regular people completely freaking out ensuring that the core will be known to the public H it's exactly as I said these fancy tools are not that simple once you try to make them consistent with the story following a total fairy tale that is your Rich doll I want to focus your attention on another less fantastic one breathing we all know about it no need to explain how it works although there is one little intricacy many people seem to miss or downplay check this [Music] [Music] out different breathing styles do indeed have various strength and weaknesses just like real martial arts a boxer can definitely knock out a Jujitsu practitioner yet if the ladder gets a hold of them it's over that's why MMA fighters are the most difficult opponents they incorporate the best parts of the most prominent Styles making them exceptionally flexible in their ability to fight pretty much anybody that's what I'd like to see in Demon Slayer because as much as a want to quote Bruce Lee demons can be so unpredictable with their blood demon art that a simple mismatch in abilities will result in a one-sided Massacre even if a sourceman is pretty competent you have to draw strength from different sources and that includes other breathing Styles take tangero I have little issue with him using zenu move since he has seen it done countless times whether in the field or during training it's not like he was a fire bender who suddenly discovered Earth bending no it's all the same fundamentals just in different forms look up six Sensei trying a long sword for the first time it only takes him a few swings to figure F out some interesting moves including legit hea once shocker a swordsman knows how to use a sword still I can't give too much [ __ ] to Demon Slayer for letting its characters stick to their guns what I will make fun of on the other hand is the final selection and their training in general again I've talked about it before so here's a tldr the exam is stupid because it perpetuates all the problems that the core has the quality of The Swordsman is going down maybe you shouldn't let the good ones die while taking a test your forces are spread too thin consider not killing 90% of students who are attempting said test Old-Timers are giving up teaching you get the idea that's the second part of the problem and the first is the training of the newbies why isn't everyone taught a breathing technique shortage of instructors well these guys had to come from someone ain't no way all of them stumbled upon a sword and an invitation to M Fuji casan somebody had coached them and that somebody also killed them by sending them to the final selection without the ability to breathe why is there no manual a scroll with pictures something that will be given to a prospective swordsman to improve their usefulness in battle compare it to Scouts training they got BS theory and practice before they're even considered for fighting Titans and here they pretty much tell them here's a sword that's how you swing it aim for the neck good luck I would have cut them some slack if demons were so rare that you could reliably use the for drills but come on you have an entire [ __ ] mountain of Life Training dummies give a regular sword to a trainee and accompany them while carrying a real one that's it hack can slash to your heart's content demons will just regenerate and your student will get an invaluable experience that will help them not to shed their pants during an actual encounter a quick side note I'm aware that not everyone is able to learn breathing techniques however that doesn't mean they are useless maybe they will learn eventually or maybe they'll discover something new similar to repetitive action that's why I recommend having a more practical training regiment in a controlled environment followed by shadowing an expert Slayer similar to tuugo before we wrap up with my final thoughts I want to throw some unconventional gadgets into the mix remember how Sami tested nzuko wh's blood he did that to make her lose control and bite him which is a pretty decent strategy for fighting demons if you are prepared for it what if Slayers who are particularly skilled and or prefer a more straightforward approach carried around a vile of tsunami's blood making your opponent sloppy is surely an advantage so this idea should be thoroughly considered just like what another hashira employs explosives granted Tangen is using a very convoluted technique to create many explosions exactly where he wants which is not something your average Slayer can do so how about a grenade again these things existed and oh boy were they used just a decade before the events of the story Japan was at war with the Russian Empire where frag grenades had so much impact Great Britain said to his Engineers forget that we ever called grenades an obsolete weapon go make us more they are no joke and even though demons won't die to them taking a chunk of their body out as well as potentially blinding deafening or disorienting them will certainly help the Slayer in finishing them all yeah it's not that simple comrades it's not that simple I honestly thought this was going to be me doing my usual this is garbage that is unrealistic yet once I put it into perspective of a fair one-on-one things I believe to be underused or too good to pass turned out to be rather mediocre and consistent with the story conversely Demon Slayer training and gear the used on the regular started to appear less advantageous and even contradicting the lore it was I Mah getting surprised into the microphone have a great whatever time of the day you have until next time cheers but
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 27,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, demon slayer explained, kimetsu no yaiba explained, tanjiro, demon slayer is good, demon slayer is bad, demon slayer op, hidden facts about demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba facts, missed details in demon slayer, demon slayer makes no sense, demon slayer analysis, wisteria poison, demon slayer gun, tengen, demon slayer uniform, sanemi's blood, demon slayer weapons, demon slayer equipment
Id: xs4tJHDudG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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