Which engine self-destructs first? Lucas or STP?

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each year people are spending tens of millions of dollars on oil additives to improve performance are people actually getting some value from all that money or are they just wasting their money on snake oil so today we're gonna find out once and for all whether or not STP or Lucas heavy-duty oil stabilizer are worth the money will be competing these two in a head-to-head competition and I've decided to compete these two in a competition because they are very similar to each other now I've had thousands of people asked me to test both of these additives so I think it's gonna be a pretty interesting competition now I'm not sponsored by Lucas or STP in fact I'm not sponsored by any company I do want to say thank you though to the many of you that support me on patreon that's helped me buy two brand new engines that we'll be using and ultimately destroying during today's video also we'll be using a lubricity tester which will give us a lot of good science is so far as whether or not these products provide lubricity so without further ado let's go ahead and get this project underway so if you're like me you're a big skeptic of these lubricity testing devices especially the ones that have the torque wrench and you have somebody that's applying some sort of a downward force in an inconsistent manner the only way for this test to be reliable is for everything to be set up and to leave the device alone while it's doing the testing and that's what we're going to be doing today now the way this device works is that a little bearing that comes out of a bearing set is inserted into this slot then lubrication the additive is applied to the bearing and to this race which will spin at eight hundred rpms while weight is applied now I will not be changing the amount of weight I'm only going to be doing two thirty second test using the downward force which is right at this is right at twelve point four pounds I previously measured this in a different video and I'll be doing a thirty second test this is gonna spin for thirty seconds and then we're gonna take the bearing out and see how much damage there is look how thick this stuff is [Music] okay as you can see there's very little damage to the bearing as you can see the amount of scoring between the two tests is very similar it's very hard to capture the measurements on video so what I'll do is measure that off-camera and provide a chart at the end of the video so how much scoring will we'll get if we mix this according to the manufacturers directions one part of SD p and eight parts of oil that's we're to find out no way to the right is STP the one in the middle is the STP oil mix the one all the way the left is just oil I'm gonna go ahead and open up the Lucas and use 100% Lucas first in the bearing test I ran the lubricity test twice you can see a very consistent measurement here so look at all the air bubbles inside the Lucas this stuff is really thick and seems to really take on a lot of air so Lucas calls for a 20% system capacity so we're going to be mixing one part of Lucas to every four parts of oil so the bearing are we on the right is 100% Lucas this is the lucas oil mix this is just plain oil and the bearing up top is the STP oil mix so why did Lucas outperform STP probably because I used one to four ratio with Lucas versus a 1/8 ratio with STP so some people will say that's not fair and I understand that perspective all I'm trying to do is follow the instructions on the manufacturers container which says one to four for Lucas and 1 to 8 for STP so both these engines have been properly broken in Iran both engines for four hours which is one hour more than necessary to break in the engine so I'm going to do now is drain off some oil from each of these engines and that STP to one engine and look us to the other engine and then I'm going to run these engines for three hours okay there's fifteen ounces in this bottle and that calls for one bottle for four to five quarts so as I do the math this is roughly four tablespoons or two ounces for this 15 16 ounce capacity so Lucas calls for a 20% ratio so I'm going to go ahead and add 3 ounces to the engine so this is the MSDS for Lucas and what it says regarding ingredients it has 60 200% of lubricating oils petroleum hydro treated bright stock-based so not a lot of information regarding the actual ingredients so this is the MSDS for STP and it says that it consists of 6,200 percent of mineral oil and petroleum distillates also it contains less than 5% of calcium long-chain Alfie Fein 8 sulfide okay I've had a chance to run these engines for three hours and what I noticed was that the engine that's using the Lucas is running about 10 to 15 degrees warmer than the STP engine now the STP has ZD DP which may have made the difference as far as the engine temperature so at this point what I'm going to do is go ahead and drain off all the oil in the crankcase from each engine and these engines are still hot so I can get all the oil out and once we do that I'm going to disconnect the oil sensor so these engines will run without any oil in the crankcase and they're going to start these engines and run them until they self-destruct so to recap what we've done we've ran both engines for four hours for using the break-in procedures and then what we did was we added the Lucas and the STP to each engine and ran them for an additional three hours we just finished draining out all the contents in both crank cases so these engines are completely dry and as you can see there's the dipstick and this is the drain plug so as you can see the drain plug is removed as well as the dipstick so if there's any sort of small amount of oil left in this engine it should come out of the drain plug very quickly so this point what we're going to do is start both engines at the same time and run these engines until they seize up or self-destruct whichever comes first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay guys it's cylinder head on the SDP engine we're going to go ahead and take the engine apart and look at the crankcase okay guys massive engine failure this connecting rod just blew apart it's everywhere look at this crankshaft look at all the build-up all the damage to this thing it looks like some of the connecting rod is still taxed you got so hot that it just melted down the aluminum you can see quite a bit of scoring inside the cylinder wall this STP engine so this is the inside of the Lucas engine as you can see it just totally exploded as well there's not a whole lot left of this thing just parts everywhere a lot of scoring in this crankshaft as well as you can see up in here there's just a tremendous amount of damage done to this this is a sodahead on the Lucas engine as you can see there's quite a bit of scored on this piston as well here's the end of the connecting rod where it came apart the connecting rod is very very stiff up against this wrist pin as you can see there's quite a bit of scoring in this engine as well Lucas vs. STP that was quite the showdown so which do you think won the competition anyway I'm thinking about having a bit of a showdown between different oil additives I'd like to hear your comments on that if you think it's a good idea if you think it's a good idea I like to hear which additives you think I should compete against each other every couple weeks I'd like to have sort of a competition and we can continue to do this until we run out of additives which could be quite some time just want to say thanks again to those contributing on patreon I realized that everyone can afford to do that it really helps me fund these engines and it's a lot of fun to do these projects I hope you'll like share and subscribe if there's something I can do better please let me know about that as well until next time please take care and I look forward to seeing you then
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 4,448,198
Rating: 4.7619481 out of 5
Keywords: SLICK 50, SLICK, 50, Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, seize, lock up, engine engine failure, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels, marvel, mystery oil, engine, believe, seefoam, seafoam, Sea foam, Seefoam, See Foam, seafome, noisy lifter, does seafoam work, engine rebuild, vibration, shake, knock, carbon, carbon buildup, oil consumption, compression, Sea Foam, sea, compression test, test, bestline, best line, liqui molly, stp, lucas heavy duty oil, oil stabilizer, zddp, project farm
Id: x3CfLBkew2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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