Can't believe what SLICK 50 did to my engine!!--Dry Crankcase Test!

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the test I'm about to do today is going to destroy two perfectly good engines I'm going to run both these engines without any lubrication and the crankcase and see how long they last in one I'm going to pretreat it with slick 50 in the other I'm just going to use 30 weight boil and then I'm going to go ahead and drain off both of the crank cases and run these engines totally dry to see which one lasts so why am i doing this about 25 years ago there used to be this commercial of this vehicle that had slick 50 added to the crankcase and then drained out and they used to show this engine running for hours on end without any oil in the crankcase as if you didn't need oil in your engine once you use slick 50 and it's look 50 also claims that it reduces the heat buildup so before I dream the crankcase I'm gonna get these engines up to full operating temperature and I'm gonna measure the difference in temperature between the engine with slick 50 in the engine with sae 30 weight oil so anyway this is gonna be a pretty good video today look forward to showing you the results the introductions on this look 50 say to use 10% if your vehicle holds 6 quarts or more but I want to go ahead and make it about 20% so these lawnmower engines should hold around 20 ounces so I'm gonna go ahead and add 4 ounces slick 50 and you can see this looks like it's about a 30 weight oil so it's not gonna hurt to use more of it the key is is we just want to make sure we get play in there so okay that right there is 4 ounces so this is our slick 50 jar we'll go ahead and add the 4 ounces and I'm going to go ahead and add regular SAE 30 weight oil to this mix and this is about 20 ounces right up in here it doesn't have to be exact needs to be very close okay it's about 20 ounces right there and in this jar I'm just going to use straight oil okay it looks virtually identical the slick 50 looks like it's a little bit darker can you see there's air bubbles in each so this is the regular 30 way to oil I'm going to add about half this and I'm going to see how much I need to continue to add as you can see the oil level is full this is the engine that has the sae 30 alright just making sure it's all mixed up now I'm going to add the jar with the slick 50 into this engine as you can see the oil and level is full so to make sure we don't get I don't get confused in this project I've identified the engine with slick 50 but I've labeled it with slick 50 and this here is just the 30 weight oil again this is to keep me from getting confused and mixing up the two engine [Music] so as you can see slick 50 did a good job as far as keeping the engine cool I'm sort of surprised the cylinder head temperature was down and so as you saw we measured the crankcase temperature as well and it was down it's about it's run ten twenty thirty degrees cooler or more than the engine that does not have the slick 50 in it so maybe there's something to this the next test of the ultimate test the ultimate torture test which is going to destroy most both of these engines I'm going to drain the oil out of both engines all the way you can just run these engines dry and see how long they last okay so I'm gonna go ahead and drain the slick 50 out of the crankcase and as you notice I've got this engine tilted so that oil runs straight this way to this this drain we're going to bed and pull out these straight SAE 30 and let's see if there's any differencing over the color this oil you the slick 50 oil is a lot darker than the SAE 30 they both look really dark but this is more of a brown this is clearly almost a black so this is the SAE 30 and this is a slick 50 so now it's time for the ultimate test okay so as you can see the temperature of both engines is very similar they're 8880 88-89 about the same the dip sticks on both are taped to the front of the engines so there might be a little bit of oil splatter coming out just from any sort of oil that's on the crankshaft right now that's spinning around and I'm going to start the engine with slick 50 first and then the horse start this one I can't start them at the same time but for whatever time difference there is between the two engines so if I start this one 20 seconds sooner than this one I will subtract the 20 seconds at the end as far as which engine seizes up first so I'm gonna go ahead and start this clock and then try to get these engines started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay guys both engines have seized up it's been about seven minutes since we started this test and I'm gonna walk around real quickly and just show you that neither engine has any drain or has the dipstick in it so this is the conventional oil and this is the engine with slick 50 as you can see there isn't any sort of oil leakage or anything so both of these engines were dry and must of my surprise the engine was six with slick 50 locked up way quicker than the engine with 30 weight oil in it so quite shocking quite the quite surprising development I thought to slip 50 woulda lasted twice as long but not the case look how hot this engine is though 420 degrees look at the smoke coming off that engine man that thing is hot that thing is really hot that engine is locked up tight there's no saving that engine neither one of these engines can be spared they're both ruined guys I used to use like 50 and I really liked watching their commercials 25 years ago and I was sort of a believer I spent a lot of money on slick 50 trying to preserve my engines maybe I'm missing the point maybe this product can do something that I don't realize but quite frankly it gave up far before if the regular motor oil did and that's pretty discouraging is there a product that's better than slick 50 that's better than conventional oil that truly can stick to engine parts and make the engine last longer if there is please put in your cot put in some comments in the comments section I'd love to hear from you I read your comments I spent a lot of time replying and we'd love to hear your thoughts on this video anyway I hope you don't think Phil as though this video is being wasteful this is truly an experimentation process for me I am very interested in learning if the claims and manufacturers make are accurate and so I try to run these tests as fairly as possible to see what kind of results we get they'll want to say thank you very much for watching the video and look forward to seeing you next thank you
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 2,005,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SLICK 50, SLICK, 50, Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, seize, lock up, engine engine failure, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels, marvel, mystery oil, engine, believe, seefoam, seafoam, Sea foam, Seefoam, See Foam, seafome, noisy lifter, does seafoam work, engine rebuild, smoke, vibration, shake, knock, carbon, carbon buildup, oil consumption, compression, Sea Foam, lifter, repair lifter, sea, compression test, test
Id: VwePft315Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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