Gas Can Modification | New Gas Can Fix

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brand new gas cans is it the latest in safety and engineering maybe but it's horrible i'm going to show you how to fix it [Music] years ago i bought a propane generator didn't work that great and now it doesn't work at all i like the convenience of propane but i don't like the inconvenience of a broken generator so i went out and i bought a nice shiny new gas powered generator so now that i have a gas generator of course i needed gas cans so i went out and i purchased these midwest cans and they were reasonably priced paid about 15 apiece for them midwest can company 5 gallon gas tanks now these are sporting the quick flow spout and uh let me tell you something about this quick flow spout it is a royal pain i do not like this spout well here's some of the problems with it and then i'm going to show you how to make your life a little bit easier now the first thing is if you notice if you go to take these off and you're there at the gas station you've got that lock and i'm sure you've seen this before on gas cans so you have to press that down and then turn it past that point and then you can take off the nozzle all right now if you're familiar with this kind of spout and you know to operate it you have to press this red latch in here a click and once that red latch is pressed in you need to depress the plunger and you're supposed to do it by putting that on the rim of the car and if you have it there it presses in under considerable force if i let go it snaps back so it's spring-loaded in order to get the gas to come out now this might be great if you're putting gas into a car and you have something the weight of a car to press against but it's not great if you have something like a chainsaw or a string trimmer if you press down hard enough to compress that spring you just end up pushing whatever it is you're trying to fuel up across the table so that nozzle lock and the spring is pain in the butt number two pain in the butt number three has to do with the filter that they put in the neck of this gas can let me show you they permanently put a filter in this tank to keep impurities out of the tank but the problem is when you go to the gas station and they put the nozzle in to fill it the filter interferes with the nozzle and it makes it backsplash and the gas pump thinks that the can is full so the gas attendant had to click the pump off and on about 30 times just to fill this tank and he couldn't even fill the other tank we couldn't get more than about a gallon in it okay first things first let's go in the shop and we're going to make improvements to make this much much easier to live with i'm going to start off by removing this little band remember that's the safety that you have to depress if you want to screw this cap off it's a very easy procedure just a little snip right there and a little snip right there and the first part of our project is complete it might be just a little bit sharp where you cut and so if you have any kind of bur just get yourself a handy dandy utility knife and just take that edge off just a little bit that's so nice so the first modification is done now the next one is we're going to remove this horrible horrible overpowered spring so we can depress that latch and just press that down and it will stay shut now let me show you what's going on you press down the release and then you press the nozzle into the barrel what's happening is that stem has a little o-ring on there let's see if we can point it toward the camera and that little o-ring when the spring is pressing it in position no gas can come out when you push the stem down it releases and it lets the gas glug into the nozzle so what we're going to do is we're going to remove that little o-ring in there we're going to take out the nozzle which will give us access to the spring so you could use a little gasket pick if you want to but this little guy i could just reach in there and i think i can just roll him off all right so there's the gasket now with the gasket removed the entire nozzle now can come up and out and that exposes the monster spring we're going to remove the monster spring and he gets to go in the spare parts bin and then we're going to put the nozzle back in press down on the button and then we're going to reattach the o-ring there we go and this part of the mod is done okay two down we took off the safety that gets in the way of removing this lid and we remove the spring that now lets us click the button click and push and it stays in the pouring position so you can pour it then when you're done pop it back out and that little plastic safety goes right where it's supposed to go so guys i know i'm kind of breaking the rules by modifying the gas can this way and for my needs it's getting in my way and i feel it's making me more unsafe so your mileage may vary make the decisions based on your needs based on your appraisal of the safety let's go out to the gas can and i'm going to show you how to remove that filter which is preventing me from filling up those gas cans which is the purpose of the gas cans anyway right okay let's get it done okay my weapons of choice for this procedure are going to be a thin flathead screwdriver and i'm just going to use a pair of robust needle nose pliers here we go we're going in so you just want to be nice and easy just kind of wiggle it and you can start the plastic coming away from the can can you see that what if i turn that just a little bit towards the camera see if you can see that so i'm just going to go around and loosen it up in a few places and what i'm going to do too is i'm just going to slip my needle nose in there just to kind of hang on to it there so i have a place to grip i don't want to knock the filter into the can because there's no getting it out of the can once you do that so i'm going to hold on here and then i'm going to continue working my way around and it does look like there's a little bit of i don't know if it's an adhesive or just a tight fit but i do see it pulling away from the gas can and i'm kind of wiggling it all the way around and now i'm starting to to pull forward and here we go it is starting to come out and i'm not too worried about it deforming plus i am not keeping it and i see one of the little ears there now you want to be really careful because you don't want to deform that lip and it looks like i went just a little bit too aggressively right there so i'm just going to see if i can pull this out the rest of the way just here we go to and fro as you can see this little sucker is really in there so there it is we don't need it now we're ready to put it all back together now usually you'd want to line this up down at the bottom so when you put it in the tank that little lip engages but the nice thing about this modification is it doesn't matter where this ends up because now all you have to do press the button press down the nozzle so when it's time to fill what you need to fill the gas goes in the thing and not all over your hands and all over you well i think today's project is a good lesson that not everything starts out perfect in life but if you have your mind if you have some creativity and if you have the use of your hands some simple tools there's really nothing that you can't fix i'm mike the channel is mike fixed it be good be well and especially around these boys please be safe thanks for watching and i'll talk to you soon bye bye i fixed it [Music] you
Channel: Mike Fyxdt
Views: 433,003
Rating: 4.8752284 out of 5
Keywords: new gas can fix, gas can modification, midwest can gas can instructions, midwest gasoline can modification, midwest gas can, midwest quick flow spout, car care tips, mike fix it, mike fyxdt, gas can hack, epa gas can, how to fix new gas can, midwest gas can spout, gas can spout, gas can, no spill gas can, Gas can, jerry can, 5 gallon gas can, gas container, scepter gas can, fuel can, gas cans for sale, gasoline can, best gas can, gas can nozzle, plastic gas cans
Id: 62c-3mPN9rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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