Penetrating Oil Showdown Episode 2. Will Seafoam Deep Creep prevail?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 14,608,837
Rating: 4.806005 out of 5
Keywords: additive, oil, crankcase, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels, marvel, mystery oil, seefoam, Sea foam, Seefoam, See Foam, does seafoam work, wd-40, kroil, aerokroil, liquid wrench, pb blaster, royal purple, penetration fluid, penetration spray, rust, rusty lug nut, torch, heat, rusty, rusty bolt, rusty thread, rusty threads, loctite, crc, crc knock'er loose, bg inforce, bg in force, seafoam deep creep, rust specialist, fluid film, brake fluid, wd-40 rust specialist, project farm
Id: st8dkGzJWtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That plexiglass test was interesting but it's hard to say if it really means anything. He should have used water on one of them to act as a control.
No PB Blaster?
That stuff eats through aluminum cans.
Nice! Good product test!
This is the kind of stuff I love about Youtube. Just people testing out, explaining, and giving advice about everyday thing we are concerned about in our homes. Saving money and fixing things on your own is really satisfying.
AvE did a similar video and deep creep won as well, but they are all close enough that basically whatever is on hand or on sale will work.
Man its always so cool when a channel you subscribe to ends up on Reddit.
I immediately subscribed when he ran a lawn mower on WD40.
I own an 06 chev express van with the famous crappy hinges on the barn doors that seize up. Without a doubt Sea Foam is the best I have found for keeping these hinges freed up. My go to when I need something unstuck.
So in terms of cost/performance ratio it looks like brake fluid blows everything else out of the water.
Sometimes I really donโt understand reddit. I posted this video a day ago and it got zero traction. Literally zero.
Itโs a great video though. I hope he makes a part 3.