Best Spark Plug Design? Let's find out! E3, Pulstar, Racing & Platinum

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when it comes to sparkplug performance does the type of sparkplug really make that much of a difference now obviously so spark plugs will outlast other types but what about fuel efficiency in horsepower today we deal with some testing on several different types of spark plugs to see if it really makes any difference well first take a close look at the spark generated by each spark plug we'll use a see-through engine to see if the combustion looks different with each type of spark plug we'll measure fuel efficiency using a fuel-injected generator will take testing size to the PharmD level when we see if the best bark plug we test can give this go-kart that boost it needs to beat the farmer bego in the timed race surface our baseline I'll be using this NGK copper core spark plug this is a very typical spark plug that uses the side electrode design in order to get a good look at these spark plugs I put together this little test jig this electric motor is going to spin this engine over at about 3,000 rpm it's going to allow us to get a good look at each one of these spark plugs in action let's start off by looking at the NGK which is just a regular spark plug next we're going to test out the auto light racing spark plug to see how it looks the eye light website the type of alloy that they use in the spark plug is supposed to enable up to an eight percent reduction inside wire temperature for improved durability less pre-ignition they claim that their cutback ground electrode improves ignite ability and faster flame kernel growth the spark plug in the idle light seem to alternate back and forth between two of the four electrodes III claims that once the ignition voltage created by a magneto or ignition coil exceeds the dielectric strength of the gases in the motors combustion chamber an explosion occurs and the piston is set downward completing a cycle at the end of the spark event a small flame kernel remains as raw gasses continue to burn this is where III s diamond fire technology helps reduce the amount of unburned gases emitted into the environment when the exhaust valves are open they claim the conventional spark plugs create a flame shape that moves sideways outward from the electrode they claimed III s diamond shape architecture the flame kernel moves towards the air fuel mixture to create a higher combustion pressure [Music] this is a pull start sparkplug and it doesn't look all that much different than the old school sparkplug that you probably use in your lawnmower however Polestar claims that their sparkplug can improve horsepower and fuel efficiency spark plug on the right is the NGK it's a regular spark plug the one of the left is the pull star that's supposed to have quite a bit of technology built into it the post star has an internal capacitor that stores energy and creates a high-intensity electrical pulse when it's released a pulse saturates the fuel with combustion enhanced plasma ensuring instant ignition and rapid burn we're gonna test fuel efficiency of the spark plug to see if it's really any better look next we do some testing with this engine that has a see-through cylinder head we're gonna see if we can actually see any difference in the flame pattern when the combustion process is taking place their intake valve and our exhaust valve as fuel enters the combustion chamber through the intake valve we should see it combust and then it should go out the exhaust valve will begin with the NGK spark plug wow there's a lot going on in a split second making it really difficult to piece together the sequence of events so let's slow things down using a high-speed camera for a better look the intake stroke has already taken place the compression stroke is underway and both the intake and the exhaust valves are closed if you look near the bottom of the engine cylinder you can see the piston rising as a piston is rising you can see combustion beginning to take place and then rapid flame kernel growth primarily over the piston but some flames spread towards the intake and exhaust valves as the exhaust valve opens you can see that there's still some gas that's burning as the piston moves downward you can see the brightness rapidly fade this process happens thousands of times per minute and even the slightest variance can make a difference with regard to engine performance now that we've taken a look at the NGK spark plug let's check out the auto light the on light seems to provide a pretty quick and complete combustion the flame kernel growth patterns seem to vary a little more than some of the other brands the auto light is on the left and the NGK is on the right it's very difficult to distinguish any difference and flame kernel growth between the auto light and the NGK however the auto lights seem to deliver a little more immediate combustion than the NGK just like the auto light each combustion event with the III seems slightly different than the next however it did seem as though the III provided a slightly more consistent symmetrical flame curl pattern than the auto light Wiley's combustion cycle from one to the next does look slightly different the Polestar definitely seen to provide a very immediate and intense combustion even though the pulsar has a side electrode it didn't seem to have any negative impact the Pulsar is on the left and the e3 is on the right the Polestar seems to provide a more immediate and intense burn compared to the e3 as well as the other spark plugs tested but that's very subjective on my part so let's move on and test each of these spark plugs for fuel efficiency next to see if the spark plug design really makes any difference in the next test will measure fuel efficiency using each of the four spark plugs in the first test we'll see how long each engine will run without any load applied to the engine before the testing begins I'm going to add fuel to this fuel container run the engine for about five minutes to make sure it's fully warmed up and then I'm gonna top this container off and begin the test using the first spark plug we'll begin testing to NGK spark plug first I've got several different vent holes in this cap [Music] okay the engines warmed up so I'm go ahead and fill up the fuel tank and we'll see how long this engine to run with the NGK spark plug [Music] [Applause] 45 minutes in 16 seconds is the time to beat so we'll see you have the auto light racing sparkplug can do any better the NGK spark plug looks pretty geared there's gonna be a lot of air in this system so I'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of fuel run it for a couple minutes to purge the air and then fill the fuel all the way to the top and the test will begin [Applause] [Music] I'm about to fill the fuel cell all the way up and then we'll test Auto light [Applause] forty-four minutes and seven seconds with the racing sparkplug unfortunately about a minute less than the regular sparkplug next when tried to III to see if we can do any better after 44 minutes of use the I like sparkplug looks pretty good about next testing to III I'm going to add fuel to the fuel cell let it run for a few minutes to purge the air out of the fuel system and then fill it all the way up to the top 45 minutes and 16 seconds is the time to beat for the e3 [Applause] okay the e3 gave us about an extra minute in 15 seconds of runtime I'm really surprised we've got any extra runtime out of III I was expecting it to come down to the second or a little fill up on the e3 spark plug so it next I'm going to test out the pull start and see if it can do even better if we didn't gap the spark plug just to make sure the spark plug gap is square it belongs I'm going around the engine a few minutes to purge all the airlines to then test the begin [Applause] [Applause] both the Polestar and III lasted a little over 46 minutes looks like there's a little bluing with the metal on the tip of the spark plug next time put the NGK spark plug back in and run this engine under load and see how long the last running a generator out of fuel wire under load could cause damage to the generator so in the second test we'll see how long the engine will run with a load on the engine for 30 minutes then I'll unplug the halogen lights and run the generator and loaded for the remainder of the test [Music] MGK lasted about 35 minutes and 35 seconds 30 that was under load 5 minutes and 35 seconds wasn't under load next we'll try to I like racing spark plug in GK spark plug looks pretty good 35:35 is a time for the I like spark plug to be [Applause] just like last time the other light didn't last quite as long as NGK 35:35 was a time to beat little over 35 minutes so I'm going to change out the spark plug and we'll see how the III performs not too much buildup on the out light spark plug [Music] [Applause] 35:35 was his time to beat him III made it to 36 and a little over 50 seconds very impressive so we'll see if the Polestar can do any better okay at e3 spark plugs still looking good [Music] [Applause] okay it looks like the Polestar outlasted the III by around 10 to 12 seconds the e3 and the post are both beat the NGK by about two and a half percent when not under load and under load by about three and a half percent regarding fuel efficiency I put it very hard to believe that a different spark plug is going to make that much of a difference so went ahead and bought a much better NGK spark plug this is an Iridium spark plug this design for this generator I'm going to go ahead and repeat the first test with no load and we'll see just how long this generator will run with the Iridium spark plug [Music] [Applause] the radians lasted about 46 minutes and seven seconds which is still not as long as the III or the Polestar that next will test a sparkplug when it's under load [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 6:31 with the NGK Iridium so does appear that the III and the Pulsar offer a slight fuel advantage over a regular spark plug the NGK Iridium spark plug looks as good as new so it's time for the showdown between the farmer Bengal and the go-kart so let's get this race underway [Music] [Applause] so the farmer bago completed the race in 21 seconds at 49 miles per hour [Music] so the Polestar seem to do the best we're going to put it in the go-kart and see how it performs the post our sparkplug did great but the go-kart is still no match for the pharma bego the coke cart actually didn't do too bad at 30 1.2 miles per hour in 27 seconds which I believe is a new top speed for the go-kart using non ethanol gasoline when it comes to spark plugs and fuel efficiency claims I'm very skeptical and for that reason I'm really surprised at e3 and the Polestar actually beat the NGK Iridium even though it was only by a few seconds it still beat it fair and square have you ever used the e3 or the pulse star I'd really like your feedback on whether it was a reliable spark plug and did it deliver better fuel efficiency all my video ideas including this one come from viewers so if you have a video idea I hope you take time to leave a comment I read and reply to as many comments as possible thanks so much for watching the video please take care and I look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 3,007,047
Rating: 4.9015913 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, project farm, e3, e3 spark plug, spark plug, spark plug review, spark plut test, spark plug MPG, spark plug comparison, spark plug showdown, autolite racing spark plugs, racing spark plug, ngk spark plug review, iridium spark plug, copper spark plug, spark plug test
Id: jcVF3xL_fzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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