Which Country Has the Best MRE's?

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this episode of the modern rogue brought to you by raycon head on over to byracon.com rogue that's r-o-g-u-e and get 15 off your first purchase if we were gonna make mres for each other yes what would you make for me stephen king's bones the look on your face i could suck the marrow from his spine and absorb his essence and i would be the king of horror you're welcome yes don't tell anyone i said that okay previously we've time traveled but it's all been within united states mre territory right we went back to the mid 90s we went back to the 1970s before we were even born now what we're current time but we're taking a lap around the world around the world all around the world like daft punks i just found myself oh walk me through this what are we doing we have stuff from all over the world starting with korea yes so let's see what we got i would say which korea south korea yeah not the dprk this is uh kim sargent i mean i assume all of these to the outside they all feel like they're ramen all of these they're probably right but these are all the same kim sergeant those are the only words i can read on here okay all right oh my goodness oh look at this i'm legit excited i thought this was a real pepper and then i realized it's a packet of something for like a one hot second thought it was something i thought it was an awesome big ass chili what is it some sort of sauce it's princess toadstool as a military agent right that's an awfully festive little bouncy cartoon they've got on the front also i totally thought these were going to be noodles this is definitely what rice and beans i think yeah this looks like rice and some cat food maybe that's fine it's fine yeah i mean i guess let's start are you gonna no i think we gotta put some we gotta oh you go ahead uh we're gonna put some we're gonna put some hot water in there and let it set there's the in english it says water line yeah yeah yeah that's that's what we're doing we're gonna let it sit for five to ten minutes trades these yep sorry i put my hand in that yeah the water will kill all of the broccoli that's why they call them brine shrimp brian monkeys yeah brian brushwood named after the sea monkey seal it up and let it sit for five to ten minutes somebody timeless think about it sealing this up and then we pour all of the delicious sauces into the kim sergeant which i haven't had a lot of korean food in my life but do you want to try the sauces directly oh there's a little sample first yeah yeah let's do it let's do it oh oh this is good and spicy okay uh look at this look at this look at this come on that's not good at all come on man no tell me you wouldn't pay like five come on five-star review come on i don't need five-star places come on man i do drive through only yeah that's weird that's sweet sorry you want to find out what's in the tiny packet i do i just realized this is the first time you're actually playing along i know you were too chicken before yeah because it was sorry stuff that was uncovered from it oh right came out of a tomb unlike me which came out of a womb [Music] that rhymes good job what's going on with this one no idea smell honey sweetie fish sauce cutie pie baby sugar bear wait i just smelled tire yeah what uh what if one of these says non-edible and we just don't know sesame oil maybe it's sesame oil it tastes totally neutral right burny a little toasted these are done or uh we gotta do five to ten minutes has it been that long yet it hasn't yeah brian's calling it it's been long enough yeah okay what do you think looks good enough right yeah there's are you getting cabbage the packages or oh yeah i'm going to try it without it first and then i'm going to add the powder i'm going to do it is it spoon or fork whatever i i once asked on a twitter whether or not ramen should be eaten with a spoon or a fork and the best answer was idiot uh chops chopsticks it's a bland it tastes like rice mostly oh so you're saying that it would be better if you added some it's fine but it's rice you know i normally would not add if this is sesame oil i would not add it but uh i feel like i should give it a try [Music] i didn't like either of these really what i mean either of the sauces but i bet i bet this is gonna be good i'm optimistic man i didn't like anything about any of this but i'm sure that the combination of all these things is gonna be great it's great would you consume the bones of someone you admired in order to steal their essence i am sad that i happen to have a mouth full of food because my answer was already yes before i even heard the qualifier would you consume the bones yes yep oh god what did you do you either got me a cough up you all right what if they were alive and they had i stutter no qualifications the answer is yes this is good and i feel like both of us are procrastinating because we don't want to keep going from here no i don't like this what i want to continue i'm not a fan give me yours yep yeah i'm not a fan all right i'm gonna try to make a fancy dish not a fan you go for it yeah here we go god this could make such a great thumbnail binging with babish is gonna be jelly yeah we're coming for you babish hold on i gotta instagram this what's what's next oh uh let's go to britain un consumption only and it is chicken pasta with spicy tomato sauce do you need to add water or nothing you probably ought to heat it up or something but i'm not gonna and for you sir no yep see this i can do this this is smelling like uh more in my arena which is canned pasta uh from chef boyardee it smells identical to the thing that i had that you would not oh it was 25 years old it was 25 years old good point yeah legit but this this i think i can do yeah it's it's got more twisty than chubby checker oh you think it's don't oh twisty it's you think it's twisty i'm doing it let's get it like yeah this is all right yeah yeah you can do this good job you win chubby checker good job chubby checker thank you for the twist let's twist again like we did last summer yep unironically the 25 year old one tasted better really yeah yeah okay this one's like got a strong odor a very bland taste this tastes like jason's in college yep bought this for 35 cents roommate had decommissioned the microwave so i just had to eat it out of the can yep nope that seems right okay all right uh what just a little bit of this what are you doing what are you doing look man if you told somebody this was a billion dollar meal they would totally buy that yeah this is all right look at that right that's the thing hold on once you eat it it's kind of bland but you know what up my babyska let's move on coming back home to the us of a yeah uh there's a lot it's gonna be a quarter pounder with cheese this is a mexican style chicken stew let me open this damn thing okay give me your mexican stew ah a lot of moving parts here a lot of moving parts mostly because i'm moving them everywhere this is uh i'm already confused this is more effort than i ever put no these guys crackers all right so here's my question is are they any better in modern day crackers crushed red pepper okay yes and accessories kit look look look yeah yeah yep them chiclets oh this is terrible what uh beverage based cranberry grape wow what is going on [Music] well they're they're not nearly as crispy as diamonds right look at that i'd eat these the whole damn thing oh whole damn thing yep oh these are good put in your crushed ribs okay pressure pepper chocolate hazelnut cocoa beverage powder man u.s you went all out on this this is awesome chocolate flavor first strike nutritious energy bar please say that's called first strike you're damn right it is first strike chocolate energy bar sorry hold on i have to take a photo of this cheddar cheese pretzels combos wait real combos these are probably pretzels and nacho cheese or the garbage ones cheddar cheese pretzels [Music] sorry what what am i a bad dog you're a very good boy i'm just like i was like i brought you the ball what dude i love combos man how about it um crackers yes tableau or no oh yes absolutely wait wait you don't think that's going to look cartoonish and they're going to be like this is clearly a bunch of garbage this is the american contribution okay okay let's see what else we got well we got cheese spread with jalapenos and uh this is the the stew mexican chicken stew do you want to heat it up in the pouch do we have a rock or something vapors released by activated heater contain hydrogen no it doesn't a flammable gas that's not real uh do not place an open flame in the vapor i don't need warnings tear off top of the bag place mre pouch in bag with heater is it is this that's an or something but no that is a rock okay yep yep tiny bit of water i have the feeling that water will cause the thing to do a thing yep just a tiny bit of uh way above the line it's fine whatever it's fine and it's just oh you got to put the mre bag in there the whole bag yeah i guess so pop it in there so i think the idea is is that we the water soaks in activates the whatever heats up thing and then warms it all the way at the sides question mark i guess so between the lines why would they too bubbling it is it's bubbling it's totally cooking wait smoke smoke what is this oh what is this that's it's not hydrogen that's not possible let me hold on it's a myth binging with babish look at that we need it it's boiling like crazy hold on i got it i got it i got to tip it this way all right tip it about 10 to 15 minutes how is that happening yeah that's pretty cool i'm into it i'm also into these combos i'm gonna get down on some cheese bread here i think all right i'm gonna put a line of crumbled cracker damn it this is some it's basically cheese whiz basically cheese was which everyone knows can also be used as industrial spackle i mean per our prison builds episode yes look at the crackers coming apart be careful with that there it is got it i'm not real big on jalapeno cheese gimme well done you want the cheese uh yes fine yeah you know whatever yeah oh damn yeah okay don't open it yet it's not done yet it's not done yet you gotta cook going nuts yeah it's supposed to be like 10 to 15 minutes do you want to make some chocolate hazelnut cocoa beverage powder in the meantime or beverage based cranberry grape sugar-free definitely chocolate hazelnut choco beverage powder i'm gonna have the other one i just wish they used many more words this is basically crystal light or kool-aid oh this child okay you got water oh yeah yeah clean water clean water clean water yeah okay okay then what then to fill line clothes zipper shake to mix consume properly i should probably have more water all right there we go shake it i don't think this heats up good man thank you sir cranberry grape hot or cold water oh this is not gonna heat up i'm just supposed to drink it it's good they suck like kool-aid wow you will not believe this yep this tastes nothing like cocoa really yep i don't believe you no no it's you're right i don't believe you damn it all right that was going to be the whole bit i was going to make you drink it like it's cocoa i'm like haha [Laughter] it would have been great though come on can we try this yeah let's do it i mean how cool was this witchcraft right i mean it's hot i can't do you have jeff dry i mean i don't know uh yeah i agree can you imagine being that soldier out in the field who can't get his mres open and has to get the adults to open his mouth definitely imagine being that soldier you ready you ready mm-hmm okay looks very hot mexican stew right on i'm excited that's good yeah yeah that's good stuff i like it like good good or yes ah it's good yes it is like okay say it and let me figure out whether or not there's a question mark at the end that's good oh that was that's good it needs to be warmer you're blaming the chef but the flavors are all there that's tasty i would order this at a restaurant oh that's good right i told you all right done then i mean it's not as good as the combos why do you think they call them combos right boom there you go it's almost like an enchilada yeah right that's good now it's time for us to move on to the dessert portion first we have some mixed fruit that came with the american pass it feels like baby food i'm gonna i'm gonna go for it yeah it's just fruit cocktail right on i double down on my pasta i like fruit cocktail all right it's good all right where have we been so far we went to korea we went to uk uk we went here to america in the united states and now canada i have a deep deep love for canada take off eh sliced pears the sliced parrot is just gonna go i'm going back to mexico you go back down you enjoy okay baxter's a place unopened pouch in pan of boiling water boiling water come on it's like can i not eat it without boiling it what do you care what temperature they are i mean if i'm gonna die i care if you're gonna diet you shouldn't be eating sliced pears am i right all those carbs what do you think is this cooking instructions not applicable to fruit though is what it says wow it literally says psych on the back it says heat us up with boiling water psych yeah it's us canadians we're very funny we have incredible senses of humor cooking construction is not applicable to fruit cooking instructions place an open box a fan of boiling water all right i'm gonna have some some pears are you not a pear fan nope you know what i'm out now there was definitely like here comes the pitch where he tries to talk me into paris and it like i saw that i was just like like convinced me now [Laughter] yeah come on what are you gonna do they're they're brown they're floppy they splatter all over the place they're not even heated up to boiling temperatures what's not to love about pears thank you canada canada bears are delicious presentation maybe a little lacking that's great yeah ma'am you went to town on the mexican stew yep yep you wanna hit that energy bar now first strike chocolate energy bar or either fine print it just says you son of a [ __ ] it says first strike energy bar leave your mom and i alone [Laughter] i expect five minutes of silence and nothing less i didn't buy you that dream cast off of craigslist for nothing dude feel like we went around the entire freaking world and there's only one question i have with all this fine cuisine what's under the rock well it's russia and they sent a printer cartridge emergency ration food marine pro consists of three bars and contained one day's norm of food one day's normal how many calories do you think except food at strong feeling of famine wait is this like a prescription they have a doctor saying i prescribe a little bit of food but only when you're experiencing extreme famine main components wheat flour sugar fat caloric value no less than uh 800 kilocals or yep it's yep excellent on modern rogue series you'll have food episode huh i have solution for you my friends okay rationbar consists of many calories yeah yeah one okay binging with rubbish it looks like a russian pop-tart two is chef movie three rat tattoo tattooing [ __ ] rat movie yeah talking rat cartoon i will have a bite of talking rat card he says all right here we go perhaps you you two you reenact dog kissing movie lady [ __ ] i love how they have to warn you only eat this if you're like starving only in cases of feminine yeah because that's a little bit different that's no good yeah man you're going to hurt yourself i literally did yes did you just reset the injury counter on a russian ration try it steal me [Music] that's gonna bruise my nail's gonna come off ow wow oh all right home i got sauce in my fingernails again i got something for you ready i'm gonna have some more fruit sorry sorry what are you doing trust me i hope this is worth it i think you know i did not know what you were doing i had no idea uh can you tell me how to get to the uh uh abandoned slaughterhouse [Music] no no no this is now my least favorite episode ever on i got an instagram there's two very you could ban this just tag him on it so we got one thing left oh wait we have more we have the first strike oh all right it's chocolate you no you have the first thread so wait hold on that's not how it goes if you have to announce to your enemy that they have the first strike then you're not striking correctly i gotta tell you all this together much better than i thought yeah please enjoy that is not my jam man not my jam look at that that's fancy that's fine dining right now i'm a huge fan of ramen i'm gonna say that the korean fair was my favorite that was my least favorite really it was so dead simple of the non-chocolate stuff i didn't really like the flavor profiles or anything no okay this is my least favorite my second least favorite is the korean uh my favorite i think is the mexican my favorites the combos my second favorite the mexican stew mexican food was delicious you could have just said here's a big bag of combos and a pop-tart this is the part where we kick it out to the comments and we say if there's some mres some kind of universal warriors out in the field fair that we should try let us know man yeah and uh send us stuff yeah we'll eat that just send us whatever what do you got so babish just scrape your leftovers into a plastic bag babish look at all this it's looking real fancy i don't know um i'm not gonna say it's bad pr bad publicity but i i think it's a legitimate concern people were upset because i was hiding my ray cons behind my fabulous hair there we go okay and it is true like when the hair is down i'm able to get all of the deep rich bass that noise isolation and yes a thing that happened today was somebody did not realize i'm talking louder now because i'm listening to my recons somebody asked oh wait i didn't see you were wearing those things somebody else said that's a bunch of bs because there's no way they stay in your ear while you're flowing your hair around so we're gonna do this will be your test just once let me get this out of my system if it works everybody has to go to buy raycon.com rogue they'll get 15 off my favorite earbuds in the business at a fraction of the cost of those other jerks okay they stay in everybody has to buy [Music] [Music] some [Music] i slobbered i slobbered and my eyeglasses fell off and still i have the noise isolation i bent my glasses uh they broke i literally broke my glasses it's fine head on over to byraecon.com rogue get 15 off then i can buy some new glasses oh offer and link in the description below you you would charge like 20 bucks for this going to something first of all i would charge 150 and i would make them exclusive and individually numbered but i can totally understand why other people would charge 20 bucks and signed himself
Channel: The Modern Rogue
Views: 216,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern rogue, brian brushwood, jason murphy
Id: Q3tJeEhs0D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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