If Shark Tank Was Asian: Season 2

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[Music] welcome to Fishbowl hello investors who the this guy I am a professional Asian CEO AFF failure management think protein powder energy drink pre-workout big Market we currently have a large foothold with our previous drink which has sold over 15 bottles across North America today the market has reached a of $29 billion from research we here pull out my butt introducing a new drink the healthiest powdered drink to dat behold dehydrated water to make water just add water with our patent technology and simpl to ous formula just add two scoops of dehydrated water 16 oz of water shake well before drink perfect water every time dehydrated water to make water just add water how do you patent air is it organic absolutely glutenfree no sugar we also recycle from the ocean some say this might be a vegan's best friend really but you're getting the water from the ocean which means you're taken away from a fish's home which means you're hurting anmals animals anything that falls in line with that how is it okay for a vegan I'm upset with him you're upset with my knowledge and my care for a brand new product entering the US market no I'm I'm upset with you like I'm along I I'm an ally for the fish as well sorry about this I'm upset at you we've thought of that problem once our water evaporates it gets collected in a cloud that we FedEx back to the ocean so fish get the house back 100% the supply chain sounds a little fishy get out so I will jump to the question I think we're all wondering how much I would like to ask $2 for 50% of the company I'm going to put you on spot now you have to tell us a joke that we'll get all these sharks laughing easy with this very easy purchase of $2 for 50% of my company I will also Tik Tock dance at your nephew's wedding can you Tik Tok dance now we got to see it man I can't just put money on the line and not know what I'm getting in three two one oh Okay Beijing dance school Center I'm in I just don't have the money but I'm sure we can make something work honestly I I'll give you 70% of the company for free just take you off my hands it's a nuisance having to deal with all these people okay here's the deal I do like you thank you I love your personality I hate the product so I like you too let's do something $2 I'll give you four two sharks are better than one you want to get in on this deal with me Nathan yeah make a mistake Nathan $4 for me which is going to cover his to and what this guy's going to do is make sure you get approved by FDA put into the US market Whole Foods Trader Joes everything right off the bat I can't do any of the things he listed just shut up man trust me you're going to want to hear this rear together we are willing yep to offer you s that's one more than six for 100% of your company and you never wear those socks again mom I'm rich I would like to take that deal please thank you very much no it's he already took the deal the deal the deal already took the deal I never believed in your product the other next next one next she carrying a baby have you ever thought about not having children do you want no kids in your life at all but yet still want to experience something you can hire me glow nanny I could be your glow Nanny to a child that is not here yet I'm only charging $100 an hour to come into your house and pretend to cook pretend to play with your baby and I'm only asking for $50 million to invest because I have debt okay do you have $50 million of debt no but I need extra money I have like I don't know maybe 20 $30 that I owe my momma but the rest I want to go shopping and do other things honesty I love it do you come with a fake baby I can show up to your house with any kind of baby you won't can you demonstrate let's say you know I have friends over and you know they're very loud and so I'm like can you be quiet my my baby is sick can you demonstrate how you would take care of a sick child a sick child that doesn't exist right shut up right so like if they sneeze or cough that's what you'll do that's exactly what I will do and I'm telling you it's very effective I have one last deal breaker question okay here in our household disciplining children very important you have shown you have skill I am a tiger M I like that will you be able to adapt in our tools first the slipper then the hanger then The Wooden Spoon oh yes and I'll throw in a belt a belt everything I'm just saying it's all in the Land of Make Believe I do not offer services to real life children because I'm not allowed to buy I would like to buy 190% of your company I have all $7 and I'll go to debt with you no I say 50 million 50 million 90% of like $90 million that I'm out with you I'm out with you you know Manny I'll be the first to say I really like your your personality your character you're very strong you want to invest the idea just sucks please don't get aggressive towards me where are your live TV I'm not going to be aggressive I best you know you didn't let me get to the point where I was no oh you made me f my oh my candy this my candy baby thank you thank you thank you very much I look forward to seeing you on the next episode uh-huh H how it going GL what I was almost sold [Music] there hello sharks do you ever on the go go go like I am always busy busy busy and you can never get in a nap anywhere I have created a product that has had great sales we sold a couple hundred in like couple seconds I just put it online it's like a hat with pillows on Nap cap this is nap cap nap hat No Cap you get it you can lay anywhere watch this I'm petite so it fits petite people now let me bring in my tall model look it fits her as well watch this wow it also fits a tall model it's adjustable I can just nap wherever I want what's great for the ladies as well is you can do slumber parties watch oh that's cool it's like a twofer that's some real skibby right there it's skibby dbid to the IID it's great here come come tear just just put it on you can look at that okay look at that that fits in there inclusivity stinks I was trying to get Clos come on let me try this sorry sorry oh wait I don't have oh yeah this is this is very uncomfortable I feel like I should have a pillow it's working oh my God it's you really found a problem oh my God this is fantastic uh no cap did you run the nap cap by Matt Pat oh hey Matt Pat what's up hey Roo how are you oh I'm good I'm just uh I I'm on Shark Tank right now can we see who's on the screen make sure that that's actually him so there's Matt oh okay hi Matt hi that is that is Matt I forgot my accent for I was so surprised okay so what I want to ask you is I wanted to call it the nap cap nap cap love it branding wiiz No Cap matat approve the nap cap No Cap matat approve the napat you guys where where's your nap cap right now it's not you're not wearing it but where is it is it within reach somewhere uh well yeah it is actually um Matt Matt grab a hat and put a pillow on top of it we can hear you perfect oh there it is how good this is you guys when style meets functionality and that's what we all want in life pass thank you very much what were you asking again $1 million for 1% at 1% 1 million you're valuing your company at $100 million is that yeah know wow you're why why are you undervaluing yourself I don't know I just really like the product I think it looks comfortable does it come in blue yeah okay I'm out if I buy two of your company can I get a discount oh yeah I would consider it okay that's that's good enough for me whatever your priz I I take it we work together thank you very much because give me a chance I know I didn't I no wonder this guy made $7 he doesn't know how to [Music] negotiate hello sharks I'm here oh oh sorry I forgot was that too loud sorry turn turn me down a little bit turn what hi my name is philli and I'm the founder of Boom M boom Oh the stick that holds the when I was young I was break dancing too hard and I impaired my hearing after falling from a head spin that's so sad and that's why I've created this service of having a boom pole operator and sound recorder to follow you wherever you go wow it's Innovative I never heard anything like this never heard any wow maybe I need the boom Target so all you have to do is you find a guy that's my problem I can't find no guy through our boom pole service SL dating service you can find any guy or girl however they want to identify to be your boom pole operator I'm always connected to the sound no that's not how it works dude yeah this guy looks like he's never seen a boom yeah you know we're still working out like The Kinks of like the the way the platform works I can get very close to a lot of different sounds I basically live in a world of ASMR how much have be sold anything uh Revenue wise this is a prototype so I'm actually letting you guys come in on the ground floor you haven't sold nothing it's opportunity from the St you don't understand this is this is Apple in the garage right now literally I'm living in my mom's garage right now because you are in the garage I'm out how much for the guy that's ridiculous he's 3.99 3.99 I'll take two I don't know how much you're asking but whatever it is I'm ready to invest in terms of the idea and the mission and my passion I'm looking for love I don't need any money I justs I just want some friends I've been living in my garage and I have just been wanting to hang out with someone I think he's next to you maybe we've I've been missing it the whole time maybe it's just you can I actually get up in that hug too I feel same way come on in come on in man we don't need money we just need connection and and I hear you're a billionaire too you are a billionaire right how much to kiss we have a deal let's go guys let's go wowow it's all about the friends we make along the way that's the real winner just keep swimming [Music] shark I like a suit I like him already yeah it's looking good hello I am the CEO of turlet Industries what's the number one problem of eating noodles diarrhea diarrhea that's number one problem number two problem using Chopsticks using Chopsticks the solution for that is that is for your ass number one problem diarrhea I like how it moves when he talk number two problem using chopsticks [Laughter] it looks kind of cold it looks like it's cold noodles is this all an innuendo for a poop joke I mean the company's name is turlet so tet oh jeez tet tet tet I like the passion and for that reason I am in what are you uh what's the price oh to invest no no no no no I'm the CEO of toet Industries I'm buying Shark Tank the show what get out are we getting paid today can you get a baguette with a turlet oh you can get many baguettes what about a cant say it again a one more time maybe if we all say it he'll sell the company back to us guys we are fighting for a live series I need one of those right now please I'm very glad to have you watch as my company now thank you are you done with those noodles or can I have them oh ohk you can I have the toilet I'm not convinced that he owns this company like does he own us as private citizens or I just kind of want to play with them I don't really want to eat them oh [Music] yeah sharks do you like to gamble yes how do you think I got rich bro how do you think I lost my wife Bitcoin let's do some gambling shall we oh man I went to rehab for this did you just defecate did yeah what I'm sorry y'all smell that that's what we're trying to figure out was that a fart or was it a shart well I give you the poop alarm oh my god with our advanced technology you put this up your butthole it measures the emissions circling around in your large intestin it just lets you know am I about to poop or is this just a fun little fart for the homies how big is the device oh big well now well now so 80% of Asian people are lactose intolerant uh so this is big in the Asian Mar I'm lactose intolerant am I Asian possibly I'm only asking for $20 every day the of my life oh 20 bucks is 20 bucks and for that reason I am in much like the large object in your I side I saw a sign outside saying Shark Tank was filming I put some stuff in my underwear man I'm just hungry I love that passion that's a lot of dedication can you move can you jump can you split do the splits first watch this I can't tell if you out or not I I don't I think I speak for all the sharks when I say we're in I I'm in everybody's in we're not like in you know what I mean we're we're in Matthew mcc's in that's right wow congratulations wow passed out for 30 minutes where was this hand you know where it was all right oh my God good on you keep tasting that dream [Music] baby hey sharks how are you how many times have you wanted to do something or be something but you couldn't do it raise up hands please we have one we have two we have three relatable allow me to introduce my talent of rapping can anyone spit a beat for me me go ahead you going to have to do that again a little bit of turn it out I like how he said spit yeah trying to be on Shark Tank okay I don't like this exactly I am not good but this app this app I have it's called engine because what it really does is it builds an engine within you so all I have to do is pull up what I want to be I could write math I could write rapper I have rapper here I put it to my ear kind of just scroll all that information and it takes a little looks like it's coming out of his brain oh put it back in put it back [Applause] in there we go now go ahead and spit that mothering beat dog all right a little louder turn that yeah I'm chilling on Shark Tank trying to get the money tiet to the bank I'm Arab yeah I got a tank I don't play games I never been lame I walk into this no when I got all F you said I'm still not convinced here you got to do it on me come here bab how's it going Mr Wonderful I love this guy all right Mr Wonderful what do you want to be good at um I want to backflip I think he's just going to sh himself on we needed the other product yeah can we get that other product wait it wasn't real it wait hold on don't kick them mic above you please wow oh he should have subscribed to premium that's you because he doesn't have an account yeah right I'm going to actually do it to myself and we're going to see the difference with someone that has an account right oh okay oh cuz he doesn't have an account this is making me nervous that was my first time doing a gentan how much are you asking for I'm asking for $10 million at 10% right was so cheap he did the backflip he did the backflip I'm in okay 10 million at 10% yeah come here baby let's lock it in thank you for giving out produca heart attack with that bro this is the weirdest episode of circus I've ever [Music] seen good morning sharks morning do you ever feel vertically challenged yes have you ever wanted to add some color to your wardrobe no or do you just suck at basketball yes oh yeah I can't bought the the company where fashion meets function with the brand new Cloud Infinities with its patented anti-gravity technology you can add an extra5 milliseconds to your air time I'm asking for $4 million and a 10% stake in the NBA for 3% of my company did he say 10% I will give you $5 for 50% of your company you know I think we need a demonstration to really prove this can we have a ahead can we have who's the shortest person here can we have stepen come up here as high as you can here oh so yeah yeah see like not bad right okay but he's really lacking the Hops now with these on okay look how high I can go wow it's not even close right it's not even close so this kind of just looks like your your tying balloons to your feet uh is there anything different going on or is that kind of what you got going on that's the best part okay that's exactly I wish to strike a deal with you as you know I am a owner of the FB NBA team the of course of course the Los Angeles poers poers we have a some Superstar on our team such as Le bomb James yes yes my favorite I think this will be a great addition to my team so I give you 10% of my team I wanted the whole NBA though can we can we do that can we do like 10% of the NBA I can hook something up with my homies he said fnba we can definitely talk more about it I can't get you an NBA team or whatever you want but you can get me the $4 million get you the 4 million and in the NBA 2K video game oh that's cool the Le can I be in there you want to be a business partner budy I mean yeah if if I get in the game come over here and shake my hand then are we good great to meet youo buddy I'm excited to pop these up with you well Daniel you see it resists pressure look at that that's pretty good PR stop this kid give it a shot these are pretty stury this is where we see if the business is real oh yes it's all you little sharks out there that never believe the cloud [Music] Infinities hello hello sharks today I'm bringing a product that is really near and dear to my heart while I was filming a reality show I was sleeping in a bedroom with six other contestants and I found out I have one of the worst habits that you can have in the bedroom I snore oh uh so true so today I'm introducing you guys to breathe easy oh okay you simply insert this into your mouth okay yeah yep can you try and snore please no snoring so today I've come to you guys seeking a $155,000 investment pocket change I'll give you 20 I'll give you 20 do you have a short a cup are there sizes I believe uh-huh do you have one that's kind of shaped like a like can I try it pleas come please come now that I'm looking at him do it I'm out Taylor I can't snore I can't snore it's amazing okay thank you so much I'm going to probably invest can I get 230,000 yes yes wow 15 where'd you make the jump at 250,000 I'll just give you a check and you write the number done what a deal [Applause] y thank you so much do you want to we're going to change the no after no I'm good bye thank you you're the best save the world hello investors I am the CEO of Beijing Kong one of the most useful tools for a hot day outside the electrical fan we aim to take this $15 billion a year Market introducing the infinity fan are you tired of traditional fans sometimes you need to cool down Outdoors but there's just no war plug introducing the infinity fan here a failure management L we have identified the problem and removed the electrical circuit now we have a wind powered fan that works in real time working on a hot day no problem place the fan down every half an hour or so if this win you feel win relaxing on a sunny summer day out no problem put the fan right there when a cool breeze come by you will feel the cool Bree never worry again about not having power source Infinity fan when the wind's blowing we going so it's like a mini windmill behold oh wow wow there it goes that's pretty good what if there's no wind then there's no wind when the wind's going we going when the wind's not going we not going does it offer any features outside of just air it also offers companionship if you don't have friends you can call it pop is that your biggest fan that is indeed my biggest fan yes I get no views please feature me YouTube would you like to see it okay no she's a aesthetic liit do you do you think this will fit in what in what on the counter oh yeah I do need friends I think the women should invest in this it's good for makeup self-defense are you willing to to partner with me on this yes I'll sell the whole company to you yeah we you can buy the whole thing for how much how much to free me from this you have those contacts at Ross yeah I do I have the windmills and and Pasadena I think we could do this take the F thank you congratul sharks thank you yeah good [Music] job hello investors I am the CEO of Beijing Kong I remember this guy was just here we have so we all know the flashlight but it has big problem always wrong out of power so here at fail management we have identified the problem I remove the battery introducing Infinity Light the infinity light the world's first real time solar power light we have found a way to harness the power of the Sun and no way to store it the infinity light will run forever during the day as long as it's in direct sunlight can't find your phone no problem infinity light has got you covered living a dodgy area if you get robed in broad daylight Infinity Light can this copulate and incapacitator attacker find yourself needing a flashlight at night time forget a come back tomorrow morning stop wasting money on batteries infinity light for when you need to see during the day see I got excited at first where he said it's infinite power yeah that's a little misleading I like the handle oh thank you that's uh we we spent a lot of money is this just a flashlight with the batteries taken out yes okay all right that makes sense then as a note for if you were to come back I would say harness it to store the light so you can use it at night then we may be interested I would say please don't come back and I think we're all out I also think maybe buy less of a supply oh that's so smart I could I could use a mentor like you if you want a part of my company I can store the 50,000 lights in your house in fact I already live there kindly leave what all right you know what get out of here and get out of my house yeah we're out yeah we're out I'll be back tomorrow please do not we love you we love you don't we don't [Music] really hello judges I'm back can I have one more chance I have more beautiful products that will make you so much money the fitness drink Market is the biggest Market on the planet we have all these drinks but they're still not healthy enough well we aim to come in and take the entire Market introducing diet water diet water the elixir of the Gods Unleash Your Inner Champion with diet Water's new formula packed with our proprietary blend of H2O with every drop unleash Quantum sweat technology deliver Peak Performance metrics in every goal Elevate rejuvenate and dominate with Diet Water the drink of Champions how did you come up with this where does she get the funding for it's water our research team is genius I must say I have one of the best teams in the industry I don't think you have any employees do you I have my nephews in the basement in my basement I have to say this has been incredibly disappointing because I wish I saw it sooner to know what not to look for in a product he's doing a lot of left and right hooks here I'm and for that reason he's definitely hold on let me make a call Jesus yeah Bank empty all my accounts because I'm about to give you everything I own I am in diet water is going to change the world wait wait yeah wait I'm in too oh two people I'm also in I'm also no I'll personally give you 20 bucks you could just leave and not come back absolutely okay speaking of that I have another pitch thank you shocks I'll be right back can you pop it in the microwave how does he keep getting past security I don't know who invited this guy hello judges I'm back again why W they keep letting me in it's like security is not even there anymore I think he's just going to pitch an umbrella this time but go ahead good thing you notice I happen to be holding an umbrella biggest industry on the planet currently worth $75 billion these numbers are fake are you tired with traditional umbrellas when you're using them you can't see out the front that causes pretty serious problem maybe due to it blocking your vision you can potentially trip over something don't see maybe because the umbrella you don't see a war end up injuring yourself introducing the vision umbrella here at failure management lab we have identified the problem and removed the panels wow I would have totally fallen on that Jack but now I could see thank you umbrella Vision this is the best umbrella I have to ever use thank you umbrella Vision 10 out of 10 we could do subscription at $3 a month to rent the umbrella and if you subscribe to the umbrella Vision Pro oh there's another one oh no oh boy you get access to 360° of vision oh I can see behind me can it scratch your back maybe that's what I'm thinking multifunctional oh that's fair I didn't even know that you I advertis it in the new ad now I'm interested I'm willing to go $20 American for 50% of your company I'll give you 2,000 v-bucks can 2,000 v-bucks buy the default free dance it can buy you skills a successful song yeah we have a deal thank you very much judge all right I'm actually getting security this time we cannot keep enabling this video Once you hand that to him don't I think the consensus is oh my God this is great for La get out just leave you can keep that for fre I like a weapon guys I'll be back next episode okay get out I'll be right back thank you security bye thank you we will see you in the next episode of fishbowl
Channel: Steven He
Views: 1,360,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven He, Comedy, Sketches, Funny, laugh, tntl, skit, Asian, Chinese, Irish, emotional damage, failure management
Id: x__1yoEIkDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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