Homemade Morningstar Flail? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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this episode of the modern rogue is brought to you by delta trainer click that link down below get yourself a 14 day free trial and once you fall in love with it guess what you can get 40 off the cost of having your own personal trainer for the rest of your life forever where is he is he not is he coming today he's not coming he's not coming not today buddy okay okay just hear me out uh don't tell him do not tell him why would i seriously why would i tell him i i'm gonna tell him gentlemen behold what what do we have i call it oh no the juggernaut okay i don't you can clap now cause oh yeah yeah [Music] it's glorious it is i don't get it it's your best idea since the pepper hooray thanks for saying that yeah that means a lot you know how dracula's can't go into churches vampires sure i have trouble getting into the gym i start itching guess what i used to go to the gym all the freaking times a little thing happened called the pandemic and all of a sudden it got real hard to go to gyms yeah to cut to the chase that's what i love about having a personal trainer again with the delta trainer program oh it's one-on-one it's 100 remote and i thought that she was there in the room i thought she was watching me she said oh a little higher oh thank you hello we should explain exactly what the program is it's all the best parts of having a personal trainer it's somebody who can judge the form of every single push-up or sit-up or whatever it is you're doing it's an accountability partner and a real human being that you talk to and have real consultations with on the phone if you're somebody who travels a lot if you're somebody who can't make it out to the gym if you're somebody with an erratic schedule it feels so good to get back to having a personal trainer but one who is on call on my schedule and it's not just one size fits all they actually customize the exercises for you like i have a back injury from a stunt a long time ago and when i told my trainer about it she said okay well let's start doing this instead and she gave me some different stretches and some different exercises that would help me overcome my injury and i'll tell you what man if you try to slack off you will get those messages you will get those calls saying like hey man we made a promise we made a pact you're gonna do this four times a week and now it's time for you to do it the other thing too is because it's checking your heart rate it knows when you're fudging on the resting and all that stuff wait wait wait wait it actually gives you a breakdown of how good your form is they know that yes it's all on there they look at the data it's better than if they were in the room i thought i was i was strapping it to my dog having him run around in circles that will not fool them i get this the part that blew my mind is because it works in ios with the apple watch i'm logging activities that aren't even necessarily the prescribed exercise regimen so i go like on a three and a four mile walk and apple health registers all that go for a jog log that your trainer sees all of that they see how many steps you're taking during the day they know whether or not you're sticking to the program or not so if you want to make a change in your life it gets stronger faster better healthier these are the people that that can hold your hand to be there every step of the way literally all right and there's a special that's only available for us for two weeks you get a two week free trial and if you lock it in 40 off forever yeah dude forever is a long time this is a remarkable bargain and the value of having your own personal trainer i cannot overstate it enough uh what are we doing uh it's something athletic-y right uh yes uh it's a really it's a weapon that i i designed and quarry perfected it there's a jason makes up a thing i didn't make the weapon up but i made that yeah i think i'm going to go do my exercises we might need you for the lift it's a head i'll call anthony little adult supervision we'll see you guys have a great time though it's gonna be fun i'm gonna go check my liability insurance again oh okay i'm gonna yeah all right here we are uh once again with anthony from the austin historical weapons guild thanks for joining us pleasure you're not the adult in the room it's anthony that's exactly good sign up for that anthony tell us what you know about flails they're scary yeah that count middle ages weapon middle ages weapon i think they've developed off of a grain flour something kind of used to thresh corn and kind of collecting from there and that kind of just evolved into this terrible implement of war and the the mean scary thing about flails as you know they've got that rope or chain or whatever and it makes them that much harder style than i'm sure to deal with because if you have a stick right and i gotta hit you then you gotta stop it it just stops but if i have a kind of whippy thing at the end and you're gonna stop this this still oh yeah comes over and does bad things okay now i know there's some disagreement uh whether or not this actually was used in combat there is some record of it there's not enough things out there that show them existing being used we have manuscripts again showing the weapon and it's not the same at least the managers don't show the same weapon we all think when we think about flail they look a lot more like that farming england where it's got the long stick and it's almost got like a second stick at the end almost like an exaggerated nunchuck now you're speaking my language yeah like you need i don't want to brag but i'm kind of terrible at nunchucks there's documented evidence all right what do we what do we do first here let's let's make one so yeah that's a great idea fully on board okay let's drain a can so what is this this is a large can oh should i not do that yeah i don't know there's no sugar no calories it's awesome with a bunch of cats what is creatine anyway i'll pour it out cool now it feels like witchcraft that's why it's a broom i wanted to do this like a year ago brian said no and now he's not here he's not here so we have a large drill bit okay let's widen the hole in the top so we can pour some stuff in in a minute so just all right brian said no that didn't take long there's no injury it's fine does it say don't operate power tools after you've consumed half a can just a little he's still in the line of fire he's not doing it you should have goggles out of all the things i thought could be dangerous this part was not it will i can make every part of something innocuous very dangerous so that's the top so we can put the chain down inside where's the chain oh cool so we want to punch a hole through the middle and then through the other side roughly halfway through okay so now drop that chain down inside and then anthony if you can thread that bolt through one side through a loop of the chain it's like a terrible carnival game yeah so what that's going to do is hopefully hold all this part the spiky part on the chain that's it success okay so now you would still suck getting hit oh that would be great that would be an unpleasant day yeah that's drills imagine it was a little bang [Laughter] that close to reset you can let go of the chain so now that we have a couple holes in there if we can start threading some more of the bolts through looking good so far okay so now let's see where we need some more spikes we don't have any on this side so let's run one through here you are using these screws yes instead of like the nine inch nails that i had originally bought correct my concern with the nails is there's nothing along the shaft of the nail that the concrete can hold onto so when we went to hit something from the side it could jam the nail back out right right so this actually has some threads uh on the inside of the can to grip the concrete correct yep okay what's the strangest medieval weapon that you've ever played with less medieval more hilarious i've taken two sabers and like put them back to back with cross guards forward so like kind of a backwards battle yeah and that is surprisingly effective as far as medieval this is probably the closest and scariest and strangest thing here's a little mini about less it's very effective isn't it this way though if you i don't know i'm not a nerd oh uh also uh don't try this at home most of the time we say that this time we really mean this yeah no no for real this for reals i know we've said it before and some of some people have done it anyway but no for for seriousness we have professionals here we clearly look you got an apron yeah i'd use gloves but i need the dexterity words of wisdom sacrifice safety for efficiency that's what that means what is it a modern rogue truism yeah the human hematurism is safety third i like that i can get behind that one and two i don't know okay we never got that fellas yeah that's terrifying oh i love it what's next now is the concrete time okay so to give this some it's already pretty weighty but i think we need the concrete to oh yeah for sure yep yeah are you making the concrete with the bang yes we're gonna make bang concrete are you cut no it's before that's from are you sure yeah i'm gonna have to rewind the tape yeah we'll check no it's an old sword loss of thumbnail skin peeling of course normal so what happens now we're going to use quick setting or fast setting anchor concrete anchor concrete okay what's the difference between anchor concrete and like it gets much harder and it also expands so inside of this can expands a little bit okay so you don't want to fill the can up all the way to the top oh we will it's not it doesn't expand quite that much okay it might it might squeeze out the side a little bit but that's going to be fine okay i just wanted something that would dry a little bit harder yeah and then also a little faster so we can get to shooting here in a little bit okay right on and if brian were here i'd dare him to eat it oh i bet he would i bet he put a little on his head that'd be a hard pill to swallow you're gonna test it on his head okay face you need like a respirator or something no what if that just don't breathe just don't just don't breathe it's coming right for me just don't breathe down the stairs just from a random pile of bread no this is the stirring stick oh that is the strawberry very very special one yeah okay oh i recognize it yeah yeah that's passed down to you by your father and his father before him yes okay so this sets up actually really fast within a few minutes oh add some more water oh see this is the best stirring stick more concrete just a little bit i got a little too much water okay so you got to move quickly on this and you don't want to make too much because it doesn't require a lot right no but this stuff is actually pretty cheap like a little bucket of it's only like less than 10 bucks oh nice depending on what size you get so is there like a funnel hidden somewhere some plastic gloves for easy pouring i don't know how we're gonna y'all are worried about details brian brian is not here we do not need to be concerned with details nothing matters nothing matters oh yeah what is it right there baby some of it is going to run out yeah fine because there's a bunch of holes in it it's fine yeah no this this seems like the best way to do this oh yeah see that's corey what no we're going to code it yeah so you're going to pay a sponsorship fee oh that's right who punched such big holes in this thing that was you man let me thicken it up just a little bit yeah come on that's that's not that's not gonna work it it is working it's not it's already worked it's not working i'm definitely running out the holes a lot i'm not going to point fingers but it was kind of lumpy going in there that that's where it's supposed to be oh really yeah lumpy you must make different concrete than i made do you find yourself just making concrete all the time gotta stay sharp man all your skills there we go that looks much better yeah oh yeah okay that's nice and sludgy oh yeah that's what i'm talking about i'm beginning to doubt your abilities of concrete pouring things doing a great job thank you i've got enough for a set of feet in this bucket you're going to drop me in the pond drop me in the pond up in the back 40. i need to be standing in the water like up to your waist up to my waist like corey put my feet in cement yeah i think you could hop if your feet were in case in the concrete i get up yeah there's only one way to solve this i think we need to try how long has he gone we're gonna shoot it up brian comes back you did what oh we're getting close now is it gonna expand and fill up the rest yeah and it actually dries pretty quick you can tell it's starting to get pretty thick down here so you can already pick that up oh yeah now we got this big stick yep we're gonna attach it to the big stick yep and i guess we're using this little yeah who jib this probably wouldn't be what i would dream to use but it's what they had okay so we're going to use it and it's definitely going to hold on it's not going to let go so we just take the nuts off set that aside for a second and then this is not technically really a broomstick it's more of like a shovel okay so you can attach weird shovel attachments or whatever to the end of this that's probably already got pre yeah much stronger and much much stronger wood as well a little dowel rod yes right so now we have to shove that bad boy in there okay so i think we actually have to bend it down because this wasn't exactly the right size got it oh man is that it look at that look at those man hands but before we do that now that we got it sized right we actually need to run the chain through there anthony how long would you like this um who's wielding it i feel like this is a good safe starting one you pinch it this one right here yeah see because when i originally ordered parts for this i got like a three foot long chain because i was kind of thinking of do you ever play castlevania 2 simon's quest oh yeah he had the morning star right yeah even though it wasn't really a morning star that's full on whip with a ball at the end of it yeah exactly i always wanted one and then we can get the upgrade where you set it on fire yeah are we doing that next yes put some bang snaps in there there we go fellas that's it we just needs to dry your dreams come to life jason the juggernaut the power punch the power punch it's beautiful that thing looks awful we gotta test it we do have to test it who are we gonna test it on all right man it's go time where's jason i don't did he oh yeah that's i don't even know what's going to happen here oh my god oh no oh no willie what he hit it it's all right oh my god no no do over oh my god do over oh my god you hit it with the wrong part got to back up more well i think we need to take that it's okay thank you anthony you did you did admirably just live there now it's fine oh my god you scratched it i'm so proud of you buddy i'm going to kill you look these crowds are so good you scratched it that's stupid be safe okay also we reset the injury counter did we yeah oh he's got a tiny little poke i knew we should've had gloves gloves what the hell happened you hit it with this oh cause you lined up there oh so when this comes out yeah okay does that look different to anyone else nope it's exactly the same one same thing same one buddy what about the weight and everything it's definitely intimidating something scary a lot of weight to it if you remember back to our quarter staff episode i talked a lot about stepping across it where with lungs or the other weapons i wanted to step through with this with the quarter step if i step through i'm pulled off really over balanced but if i step across myself here even when i pull through i'm still square and able to keep reacting nice somebody working on playing with that seeing how that feels okay as we start playing man that thing looks frightening frightening that's a fallout weapon right there yikes all right mountain dew your time has come that was amazing i didn't even feel it you did better than me wow okay what's next what's next ah let's pineapple straight from bikini bottom knock knock spongebob gosh this is frightening dude yeah it is wow wait i think it's still good is it good oh my god oh that was good that felt really good that was fantastic what's next i had way too much energy drink oh oh oh it's done oh it's done oh no it's still good i mean it's attached to everything still nothing's coming loose because we got that chained through yeah what it is okay okay that's that's avoiding your pouring yeah all right when it's broken it looks even scarier yeah oh i'm a little concerned about it flying off still i mean it's all that way yeah okay as long as you're whipping it that way this is gonna be a hard target just putting that yeah no i'm great with it i'm just okay i'm just making excuses before i fail yep that's fine nothing wrong with that all right i'm gonna stand behind you yeah all right ready ready it's even cooler now oh my god holy hell oh oh that's how you open those right that is how you open a coconut yes indeed i don't know if you're supposed to do that yeah it's terrible it's like it's a modern rogue pina colada we just need to smash a bottle of rum ooh ham yeah baby this is uh kind of like flesh yeah so visualize cory ah i don't know if i like that oh i got hit with ham i got hit with ham oh my god i've been hammed i got hammed turn that around look at that wow that would suck that would be a real drag to get him with you can see one of them hit right there snarly look at that look at this check this out right we've got one oh you can see the ham all the way buried somehow got opposite sides but i mean damn up to the top of the screw oh that's ugly okay let's move to the finale baby uh it's time yeah probably shouldn't say that it'll sue us look at the size of that bad boy is that is that a good angle i think that's a good yeah we'll see if it gets through it if you're juggernaut last up oh man let's do it finale time baby let's oh my god i'm so scared are you guys ready ready feel safe over there my body's ready ish oh my god look at that just obliterated [Music] all right anthony thank you so much for joining us uh where can we find more of your awesomeness um we're at historicalweaponskill.com we have a youtube channel we have facebook we have discord come say hi don't nobody tell brian no nobody's everybody nobody clean this we got to clean this up before he sees it he's gonna be so mad we gotta have some watermelon first though oh it's actually pretty good that's good there's good watermelon good choice you want some ham no you've never had ham melon i have and that's why i don't want any more okay much better this is the one that got repaired and actually i think i need to get you sticky okay yeah i actually uh secrete adhesive that explains a lot but can you climb a wall that's not how it works all right guys how does it work because in the movies they portrayed it as little hairs but in the comic books it's like static electricity because electro figures out you could take away that's right which they've largely ignored i think since then yeah that was that was kind of one-off there also at one point they showed him driving around the spider mobile and it goes up yeah and then later uh uh he there's a crossover with fantastic four and they steal the car and and he's like go go go and susan storm is is like why aren't you going and goes i don't know how to drive and i'm like that can't be right he also falls in love with susan's door we need to get it see if we get a no prize figure out an explanation okay and everybody settle yeah action this episode of the modern rogue is brought to you by delta training click that link down below get a 14-day free trial and guess what 40 off a lifetime wait wait i admit it sound like you would die sooner a lifetime of having a personal trainer that lifetime cost 40 off the cost of a trainer for your lifetime nailed it for your life please you made it sound so sinister like it was a bargain with an evil woman it's a big deal man 40 off forever come on man offer and link in the description below do you want like a concrete brass knuckle kind of thing no no no i want a wall of concrete with just a bunch of these sticking out from the center and you can throw it i've never seen a weapon like that i just came up with it like a couch okay kind of like a cowboy just bigger kind it's a big couch it's a bang couch that's right
Channel: The Modern Rogue
Views: 169,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern rogue, brian brushwood, jason murphy
Id: 6qvaKyCZd2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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