Origin of "Well, There's Your Problem" on MythBusters

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nick duckworth says who started the well there's  your problem lying which seems to be said in more   than one episode and why did the team like to  say it uh that was my joke i just think that's   a funny thing to say you know you work with  a bunch of people everyone has a thing they   accrete to i remember one of tory belachi's  favorite jokes is that's the second biggest   inner tube i've ever seen no matter what you were  showing him no matter how large it was he would   say that's the second biggest i love that joke  that's a great joke um and yeah um well there's   your problem is absolutely something i used to  say at work in theater and in the film industry   and it stuck with me somebody cut it into an  episode it became funny i'm watching i'm watching   that episode with the crew and when that line  comes across we all laughed uh i get a laugh i'm   gonna say the same thing again yeah i'm gonna i  want that laugh again so yeah that was my joke um   micah bruce you guys were always great about  safety and we loved that you seem to have   aired the lapses if you can even call them that  the cannonball that made it into a neighborhood   you losing an eyebrow and a jawbreaker exploding  and causing burns was there ever a time you guys   guessed wrong and it caused a near miss yeah um  i'm really grateful to say that almost all we   have are near misses um there were you know we  had some broken bones and some lacerations but   nobody was seriously injured over the course of  making the show um from one of our experimental   methodologies or from one of our locations  um every time we had a near miss we did not   shy away from it we talked about it extensively  deeply and thoroughly we wheeled in all of the   stakeholders we would talk to the insurance so for  instance after the cannonball um the family whose   house was most damaged by the cannonball and  went up through their house passing by a mother   and their sleeping baby i mean within six or eight  feet of this it's literally the worst thing i can   possibly imagine and that family we met with them  and they were pissed as everybody would have been   and to their incredible grace and credit they  were like look we figure you'll fix the house   we just want to make sure that this never happens  again and we said we're fundamentally shifting our   entire safety procedure to make sure that this  doesn't happen again and we did and we followed   that stricture and we even increased its its  rigidity um for the rest of our tenure on the show   um the very first time we had a near miss was  the very first time we blew anything up okay   the second time the first time we blew anything  up i think was the um the toilet gasoline toilet   episode so the myth is that a guy is like uh he  sneaks into the bathroom to smoke a cigarette hey   kids back in the 70s and the 80s we used to think  that if you smoked a cigarette indoors and no   one saw you that when they came in the room later  they somehow couldn't tell we were freaking idiots   about it everyone smoked everywhere and it smelled  awful yeah but so in this myth this guy goes into   his bathroom to enjoy his secret smoking what he  doesn't know is that his wife has cleaned out the   toilet with a bunch of gasoline because she didn't  have any other solvent and he puts the cigarette   out in the gasoline and boom it blows them off  the toilet which it doesn't which it didn't do   um cigarettes are terrible a lit cigarette's  a terrible way to ignite gasoline   not that you should feel comfortable  with a licked cigarette around gasoline but the second time we blew anything up  was uh tree cannon this is a myth about a   uh a eastern european village that had no  munitions but they had to fight an enemy   so they built a cannon out of a tree log they  drilled and board down its center they made a   marble cannon ball and they loaded it full  of gunpowder and we did the same we took a   tree we wrapped some bands around it to hold  it together jamie made an incredibly beautiful   spherical cannonball we put it down that thing we  launched it we launched it down the alameda runway   towards the bay and we never found the cannonball  um i imagine that it landed in san francisco bay   um but that's not how you finish an episode  you have to finish the episode with some   like oh so sorry the end of the myth was that  it didn't work for the village that it blew up   uh and killed all the killed a bunch of the  villagers so that the pressure created by the   by the gunpowder behind the cannonball actually  made the tree fail so we needed to see that as   an example um we had hired a pyrotechnician uh  that is who you hire in the movies when you want   something to look like it's blowing up and they  do things like they set small chargers and they   put gallons of gasoline in correct places and they  get these beautiful fireballs that don't burn too   hot and that are easy to put out it's a wonderful  magic alchemy to watch a good pyrotechnician at   work uh and jamie and i had both had lots of  experience working with different pyros over   the years and it's a very specialized job it's  very hard to get certified to be a pyrotechnician   it takes years and lots of apprenticeships  with multiple engineers uh pyroengineers um and   we said to him we want to blow this  tree up down he's like all right   and we said how how much black powder should  we put in there and he's like i don't know   because he doesn't make things blow up he  makes things look like they're blowing up   he sets a small charge which will vaporize  gasoline then a second charge which ignites it   and that gets the fireball that is like you know  the white house blowing up for for independence   day he doesn't actually blow things up so when he  said he didn't know we said well how much powder   could we put in here and he said i am licensed to  handle five pounds of black powder at a time and   we're like great five pounds it is put it in there  we poured five pounds of black powder in there   and then we had this aluminum billet that was  just ever so slightly larger and we hammered   that aluminum billet with a rubber mallet big dead  blow mallet we hammered that aluminum billet into   the end of this thing and then we said to the pyro  where are you going to stand and said i'm going to   be 250 feet that way and we're like great we're  going to be 250 feet we're going to be 350 feet   that way and we separate it out laterally from the  cannon and we blew it up and it was sitting on a   bunch of these like eight by eight  inch or ten by ten inch railroad ties   the log itself weighed like 150 pounds and  every piece that it was sitting on weighed   like 100 pounds and every piece every single  piece of that cannon flew over all of our heads nobody was hurt i mean at one point one of my  producers saw something coming and there's a   shot of him like just gently getting  out of the way and landing terrifying   absolutely terrifying this is literally season  one this is 2003. um absolutely terrifying this the next time we had to blow something  up it was with the help of the fbi   that's how that incident changed our procedures we  went to the people who blow stuff up not to people   who make stuff look like it's blowing  up the fbi introduced us to jd nelson   and the incredible crew at the alameda  county sheriff's department out there in   dublin pleasanton where said cannonball  left from um and we enjoyed 13   14 actually with savage builds 15 solid years of  wonderful collaboration with the bomb techs and   we've worked with bomb techs all over the world  it's a stunning group of people to work for um oh let's see here um so somebody wants to know  about artifacts from the show and i i'm wanting to   uh i'm wanting to answer this let's see um  was there a myth safety line questions uh okay so i'll get a live question about what  artifact that jamie would have taken as a souvenir   jamie and i both took lots of souvenirs from the  show many of the key objects from the narrative   of the show uh that we really enjoyed but uh  for me it was often stuff that i built and   i'll show you one in a minute um for jamie  it was more frequently the artifacts of an   explosion and when we were doing 20 000 foot  fall we built this french train station roof   that was about like six by twelve feet uh and it  had all this lattice work of of uh three-eighths   inch steel rod and half-inch angle iron and we  blew it up with hundreds of pounds of explosives   and a piece of the of the 3 8 inch steel  rod so a piece of 3 8 inch steel rod yeah pencil is about 3 8 of an inch that it's  about this thick so you'd be hard-pressed to bend   it it flew off of this of this uh skylight that we  built and it flew away at such an incredibly fast   speed that it hit a tree branch and then each of  its ends wrapped around the tree branch once full   around so that the resulting object was a piece  of steel that made a pigtail around a tree branch   that is freaking mind-blowing and this was  very much a jaime moment like at the end of   any explosion jamie would be like you know and  stand up and kind of walk in concentric circles   because he really wanted to find those objects i  saved objects that i found a particular affinity   for and we were doing an episode about gun myths  gunslinger myths and we wanted to know what it   felt like to get a gun shot out of your hand  and we looked at the energy created by a bullet   heading the steel of a pistol and we were able  to calculate that it was not that far off from   a baseball pat baseball bat hitting that pistol so  i made a pistol able to be hit with a baseball bat and there it is this might be  my single favorite object i made   over the course of the show i love this thing  this is a solid piece of half-inch aluminum   uh cut to fit the uh the the handles of i believe  a cult piece maker if i remember correctly um and   then it's completely monolithic and then i painted  this this target on here and remember me saying in   regards to this like some of my favorite artists  were people like klaus holdenberg and jasper   johnson this absolutely feels to me like a jasper  john sculpture i love this thing this thing will   hang on a wall with me for the rest of my natural  life i'm proud of it i think it's beautiful i   think it's funny i actually held it while jamie  hit it with a baseball bat which hurt like hell   so i have actually a little trauma associated  with it it's a perfect object in every regard   has a story it has a history i have a history  with it yeah i love these kind of objects thank you so much for watching if you'd like to  support us even further you can by becoming a   tested member uh details are of course below but  it includes all sorts of perks and we're building   them all the time you get advanced word and  behind the scenes photos of some of our projects   questions you get to ask direct questions during  my live streams and we have some members only   videos including the adam real time series  of unbroken unedited shots of me working here   in the shop they are weirdly meditative thank  you guys so much i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 937,882
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Keywords: tested, tested adam savage, mythbusters, behind the scenes mythbusters, adam savage mythbusters, adam savage mythbusters questions, well theres your problem, adam savage, adam savage questions, adam savage quote where theres your problem, mythbusters cement truck, ask adam savage mythbusters, adam savage mythbusters safety, adam savage tested mythbusters, adam savage jamie hyneman, adam savage mythbusters sayings
Id: D_yHttkfWCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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