Which Commandments Should I Obey?

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All right are you ready to get into YAH's Word  today? I am as well. I would like to invite you   to open your bibles to John chapter 14, we're  going to begin with verse 15 in just a moment,   and I've entitled this message, "Which Commands  Should I Obey?". You know, that's one of the questions   that we get all the time, which commands should  I obey. Am I supposed to obey the ten words or   the ten commandments? Am I supposed to obey  the commandments of Torah, which commands?   Oftentimes, people say there's only two in the  New Covenant, love god and love people, that's what   they'll say. But see, you have to get into the ten  to be able to understand the two and then you have   to begin to obey the total for set-apartness,  and we're going to talk about that tonight.   So we're in John chapter 14 verse 15, and this is  Yeshua not only making a statement but quoting   His Father, He's quoting Torah here. As we've said  before, Yeshua didn't come with a new message.   He didn't come to bring something new, He came  to reveal His Father. His mission was to reveal   His Father to the people, so if He brought  something new, if He brought something unique,   if He brought something that was purely of  Himself He would be failing at His mission,  so everything that Yeshua said is a  reflection of what the Father has already said.   And so, we see right here in verse 15 of  John chapter 14, Yeshua said, "If you love Me   you shall guard My commands." Well, that's straight  out of Torah, that's what the Father says,  ff you love me you shall guard my commands.  And so what we have to realize is that   obedience was not extracted from the New Covenant,  we're still expected to obey in the New Covenant. What the New Covenant has done for us, what Yeshua  has provided for us in His work of redemption   is that we can receive the Indwelling Set-apart  Spirit of YAH and the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit   of YAH gives us the want to obey, you've heard me  say that before. Repetition is the key to learning.   So the Spirit of YAH gives us the want  to obey and the power to be obedient. So   let's look at Jeremiah 31 beginning with  verse 31 it says, "See the days are coming,"   declares YAH, "when I shall make a renewed  covenant,"" Or a new covenant. ""with the house   of Yisra'el and with the house of Yehudah," So, the  New Covenant is cut with the house of Yisra'el   and the house of Yehudah. The Scripture doesn't say  anything about the New Covenant being cut with a   Roman-rooted Gentile church. If you want to be a  part of the New Covenant, you have to be grafted in   to the house of Yisra'el or the house of Yehudah  or the whole house of Yisra'el, the two together.   YAH says, ""...when I shall make a renewed covenant with  the house of Yisra'el with the house of Yehudah, not   like the covenant I made with their fathers in  the day when I strengthened their hand or took   them by the hand to bring them out of the land of  Mitsrayim," or Egypt. ""My covenant which they broke   though I was a husband to them,"" So the  covenant is a marriage arrangement and YAH said to them, you must circumcise your  heart, you must circumcise your heart to love me   and how do we love Him? We love Him through  obedience and so He required Yisra'el   to obey Him and He requires the same of us. But  they were stiff-necked, they were rebellious,   they did not circumcise their heart and they  broke the covenant. They went after false deities,   they committed abominations and they broke the  covenant, and that's what YAH speaking of here.   It says, "...My covenant which they broke though I  was a husband to them," declares YAH. "...for this is   the covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra'el,"  Speaking of the whole house of Yisra'el. "...after those   days," After what days? After the death, burial and  resurrection of Yeshua. "declares YAH, I shall put   My Torah in their inward parts," So YAH says He's  going to put His Torah in our inward parts in our   minds so that we can think about how we can love  YAH the way He wants to be loved through obedience.   "and write it on their hearts." So where is the Torah  in the New Covenant? Has it been abolished? Has it   been done away with? How foolish it would be for  YAH to say I'm going to put an abolished Torah   in your mind and write it on your hearts,  this is proof positive that the Torah   has not been abolished. Instead, it's been  internalized in the New Covenant, the Torah   gets even closer to us, we become like the ark  of the Covenant. We house the Torah of Elohim.   HalleluYAH. That's very, very special. "I  shall put My Torah in their inward parts,"   He's going to internalize the Torah within us  "...and write it on their hearts and I shall be   their Elohim and they shall be My people." We see in  Deuteronomy 30 verse 6, it says, "And YAH your Elohim   shall circumcise your heart and the heart of your  seed your children to love YAH your Elohim with   all of your heart and with all of your being so  that you might live," And then we see Him fulfilling   that very promise so in Torah, He promises to  circumcise our hearts to prepare us to love   Him the way He wants to be loved through obedience  Colossians chapter 2 and verse 11. It says, "In Him,   (in Yeshua) you were also circumcised with a  circumcision not made with hands," This is the   circumcision of the heart in the putting off of  the body of the sins of the flesh," In other words,   YAH deals with the evil inclinations that reside  in our flesh so that we can have victory over sin.   You hear some Christian people saying, "I'm free,  I'm free, I'm free!" and you're asking what are you   free from, they say, "I'm free from the law," in other  words, I'm free from obedience, and we're not free   from Torah, we're not free from YAH's law, we're not  free from obedience, we are freed from sin and the   bible definition of sin is what? The transgression  of the Torah. "In Him, you were also circumcised with   a circumcision not made with hands in the putting  off of the body of the sins of the flesh," Notice.   "...by the circumcision of Messiah," The circumcision of  Messiah is the fulfillment of the promise that YAH   made in Deuteronomy chapter 30 and verse 6. "...having  been buried with Him (with Yeshua) in immersion   in which you also were raised with Him through  the belief in the working of Elohim who raised Him   from the dead." So you died to your old sin, life  you were buried with Yeshua in the watery grave of   immersion and you were raised up out of that water  resurrected to walk in a new life. And then Ezekiel   chapter 36, beginning with verse 25 says, "And I  shall sprinkle clean water on you and you shall   be clean from all your filthiness and from all  your idols I cleanse you," Notice. "and I shall give   you a new heart and put a new spirit within you  and I shall take the heart of stone out of your   flesh," That's the "I don't want to obey" heart. "...and I  shall give you a heart of flesh," That's the "I want   to obey" heart. "...and put My Spirit within you." That's  where you get the power, that's where you get the   power to obey. Here it is. "And I shall cause you to  walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and you   shall do them." So if your friends or your family  members say, "Why are you trying to obey the bible?   Why are you doing that?" ...you could say, "Well,  blame it on Elohim because He has caused me   to walk in His laws and to guard His right-  rulings and I'm going to do them, that's what   the Scripture says, that's the work of  the Set-apart Spirit in every believer.   So why did I go over that again? Because the  key to learning is repetition. You need to   understand these principles. These are foundational  principles that every believer should understand,   so we're asking the question and  answering the question, which laws   should I obey. When people start hearing the truth,  they sit under some teaching, they're reading in   the Scripture, they receive revelation, that's  one of the first questions they ask. So which   commandments should I obey? I mentioned before  that Christianity says that there's only two,   they say love god and love people. But then,  they set out to define what that means they set the terms for  loving god and loving people. And so we're going to talk a little bit about  the two, then we're going to talk about the ten,   and then we're going to talk about the  total tonight. So let's look at the two   Mark chapter 12 beginning with verse 28, it says,  "And one of the scribes coming near hearing them   reasoning together knowing that he had  answered them well asked Him," Ask Yeshua.   "..."Which is the first command of all?"" In other words,  which of all the commandments is the greatest   command of all. "And Yeshua answered him,  "The first of all the commands is, 'Hear O Yisra'el, YAH our Elohim, YAH is One.'" This is called the Shema, "Shema" Hebrew word that means to hear and obey.  So we see that Yeshua is quoting Shema   and He's saying that YAH our Elohim is One,  Echad. He goes on to say, "And you shall love   YAH your Elohim with all your heart and  with all your being and with all your mind   and with all your strength." Again, how do  we love YAH our Elohim? Through obedience.   We love Him by obeying Him. So the question  is, are we obeying Him with all of our hearts?   Are we obeying Him with all of our being?   Are we obeying Him with all of our mind?  Are we obeying Him with all of our strength?   We need to get back to the ancient paths. We  need to walk in the ways of YAH. We need to love   Him so much that we obey Him with all of our  hearts, with all of our beings, with all of our   minds and with all of our strength. This is what  Yeshua is teaching us here, He's actually quoting   Torah. He says this is the first command or the  greatest of all commands, and the second like it is   this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. So,  love Elohim and love your neighbor or love people,   these are the two greatest commands, but we don't get to define what that means.  That's where religion goes wrong, we  don't get to define what it means   to love Elohim. We don't get to define what it  means to love our neighbor. The Scripture does   that for us. Yeshua goes on to say, there  is no other command greater than these.   "And the scribe said to Him, "Well said Teacher,  you have spoken the truth."" Well, this is the truth.   "For there is one elohim and  there is no other besides   Him." Now if that wasn't the truth, Yeshua could have  interrupted him and said, oh no, there's two Elohims... oh no, there's three Elohims, don't  you know there's three in one? But He didn't stop him, He didn't  rebuke him, He didn't correct him.   He agreed that there is one Elohim, He's speaking  of His Father, the Father is the one true Elohim. That's why we quote the Shema  and we say that YAH our Elohim,   YAH is One, Echad. When you say that, when  you believe that, you are agreeing with   Torah, you are agreeing with Yeshua. When  you think something different, when you   say something different, you are agreeing with  man-made religion. I want you to understand that. HalleluYAH. "...You have spoken the truth there is  one Elohim and there is no other besides Him.   And to love Him," To love YAH our Elohim. "with  all your heart, and with all the understanding,  and with all the being, and with all the strength,  and to love one's neighbor as oneself is more than   all the ascending offerings and offerings." So to love Elohim with your all, to obey Him with   your all, and to love your neighbor is greater  than any offering that you can bring. Verse 34,   "And when Yeshua saw that he answered wisely, He  said to him, "You are not far from the reign of   Elohim." If you do not answer in this fashion,  if you are confused by mixed up religion,   you are far from the reign of Elohim. If you want  to be close to the reign of Elohim, you must think   and answer the way Yeshua answered. That's one of  the main points of what YAH is doing in the earth,   He's getting us back to understanding  the true Hebraic context of Scripture   because there's so much mixed up religion out  there. Two-thousand years of man making stuff up,   they don't have a foundation in Torah,  they come across a Scripture and that   little sliver in the back of the book, they don't  understand it, so what do they do? They make stuff   up, and we have two-thousand years of made up stuff. Most  people just believe it and just go on with it, they've really fallen into the sin  of the scribes and the pharisees   which is the sin of hypocrisy because the  pharisees said they loved Elohim, but really they   loved their traditions, they loved their made-up  religion more than the set-apart Word of Elohim.   They were more concerned about obeying  the made-up rules of man than obeying   the Scripture and Yeshua came to bring people  back to the written Torah setting them free   from the made-up  laws and the precedents of religious leaders   and leading them back to an understanding, a true  understanding, of the set-apart written Word of YAH. "And when Yeshua saw that he answered wisely  He said to him, "You are not far from the reign   of Elohim." I wonder how far modern religion is  from the reign of Elohim? I would say a long way.   "And after that no one was bold enough to  question Him." When you start speaking the truth,   I remember when we first began to  move in the revelation of Torah,   it seemed like I had people coming out of  the woodwork attacking me on social media   and they were always just expressing their  opinions, they never had any Scripture,   but they were condemning me for what I was  teaching. Attack, attack, attack, attack. What did I   do? You've heard me say that we're happy warriors,  we're not angry warriors, we're happy warriors.   So I would just lay out my answer scripture, after  scripture, after scripture, after scripture on   social media and you know what happened over time?  They stopped attacking me, they had no answer for it. That's why it says here, and after that  no one was bold enough to question Him. Now let's look at Matthew chapter 22 and pick  up with verse 36 and this is a similar account   with a few extra things here. It says,  "Teacher, which is the great command   in the Torah?" And Yeshua said to him, "You shall  love YAH your Elohim with all your heart,   and with all your being, and with all your mind.""  How do we love YAH our Elohim? Through obedience. ""This is the first and great command. And the  second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as   yourself." Look at verse 40. "...On these two commands  hang all the Torah and the prophets."" So these two   commands really house all the other commandments.  You can fit every other commandment into these   large categories, loving Elohim and loving people.  There will not be a commandment anywhere in Torah   that falls outside of the framework of loving  Elohim and loving people, that's what Yeshua   is saying here. So yes, we're talking about the  two, so we start with the simplicity of the two. Once you believe in Yeshua, what's required  of you? To love Elohim. Every time you read   love Elohim, you always remember we love Elohim by  obeying Him. So we love Elohim with our whole being   and then we love our neighbor as ourselves. Now,  how do we know what that really means? How do we   know what loving Elohim means? Where we have to go  to the ten, the ten words or the ten commandments.   There are four love Elohim commandments and  there are six love people commandments, so I'm   just going to read out of Deuteronomy chapter  5 verse 6. We'll just read through the ten,   it's always wonderful to read over the ten.  And this is the covenant, this was the covenant   that YAH made with the children of Yisra'el and it  is the renewed or the new covenant that He's made   with those of us who would believe upon  Yeshua, it's the baseline of commandments.   Let me make it really clear, for you to please  Elohim you must obey the ten commandments.   Do not let religion lie to you, do not let them  say that the ten commandments have been abolished.   They'll try to shame you from obedience, have you  ever heard of such a thing for people to try to   shame you out of obeying the bible? They'll say,  if you do anything you've fallen from grace and   now you're a law-keeper. You notice how angry they  get when they say that you're just a law- keeper   and you know what my response to that is?  Well if you're not a law-keeper, what are you?   You're a law-breaker, you're a law-breaker. And  so, don't let them tell you that you're not   responsible for obeying the Ten Words, the Ten Commandments, because you are.   Deuteronomy chapter five verse six, "I am YAH  your Elohim who brought you out of the land   of Mitsrayim (of Egypt) out of the house  of bondage," I brought you out of bondage, and we were in bondage to sin, the  transgression of Torah, He brought us   out too. "You have no other mighty ones against  My face," Don't go after false deities, don't go   whoring after false deities, don't break my  covenant, don't worship idols and the like.   And then it goes on to say, "You do not make for  yourself a carved image any likeness which is   in the heavens above or which is in the earth  beneath or which is in the waters under the earth,   you do not bow down to them nor serve them for  I, YAH your Elohim, am a jealous EL visiting the   crookedness of the fathers upon the children to  the third and fourth generations of those who hate   Me but showing loving commitment to thousands  to those who love Me and guard My commands,   you do not bring the Name of YAH your Elohim  to naught (to nothing) for YAH does not leave him   unpunished who brings His Name to naught." Look at  verse 12. "Guard the Sabbath Day to set it apart as   YAH your Elohim commanded you six days you labor  and shall do all your work but the seventh- day   is a Sabbath of YAH your Elohim, you do not do  any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor   your male servant, nor your female servant, nor  your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle,   nor your stranger who is within your gates so  that your male servant and your female servant   rest as you do and you shall remember that you  were a slave in the land of Yisra'el and that YAH   your Elohim brought you out from there by a strong  hand and by an outstretched arm. Therefore YAH your   Elohim commanded you to perform the Sabbath Day."  That's the fourth commandment so there are four   love Elohim commandments, now we're going to look  at the six love people commandments. "Respect," Your   bible may say "honor". "...your father and your mother  as YAH your Elohim has commanded you so that your   days are prolonged and so that it is well with you  on the soil which YAH your Elohim is giving you. You do not murder. You do not commit  adultery. You do not steal. You do not   bear false witness against your neighbor.  You do not cut it your neighbor's wife   nor do you desire your neighbor's house his field,  nor his male servant, nor his female servant, his ox,   nor his donkey, or whatever belongs to your  neighbor. These words YAH spoke to all your   assembly in the mountain from the midst of the  fire of the cloud and of the thick darkness with   a loud voice and He added no more. And He wrote  them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me."   These Ten Commandments are the covenant, they  made up the original covenant that was broken   and they're also the New Covenant so we have to  understand that these commandments still stand. Love Elohim, number one, no other  mighty ones, no other deities. Now, religion has broken that commandment  by this whole "three in one" concept. They say   that one, plus one, plus one, equals  one, the math just doesn't work.   One, plus one, plus one, is always equal three.  The number one reason why Orthodox Jews refuse   to believe that Yeshua is Mashiach is not because  of Yeshua, but because of Christian doctrine. They see polytheism in Christian doctrine,  they've been taught from a child that YAH   our Elohim, YAH is Echad, One. It only means one.  It doesn't mean a complex unity. It doesn't mean   all that complicated muckety-muck that these  theologians try to throw out there to explain   things that they can't explain and then they write  books that are this thick and at the very end   it says, but it's a mystery, we can't understand  it. It's simple, Yeshua had an opportunity to   respond to it. He could have said three in  one, He could have said multiple personalities,   but He didn't. What did He say? He quoted Shema.  He quoted Torah. He quoted His own Father   and He said, Elohim is Echad, One. So anytime  you get off of that, you get away from that,   then observing Jewish people are going to see   polytheism, so religion has broken that  first command. What about no carved images? What about the Christian religion and no carved  images? Have you ever been in a Catholic cathedral? Have you ever seen carved images in  Christianity? They're everywhere. You go to   Jerusalem. You want to know why the Jews stay  away from Christianity? You walk into one of those   cathedrals and there are images everywhere. I've  never been to The Vatican but I've seen pictures   and people are crawling on the floor and kissing  the feet of these statues, that's in the religion   called Christianity. "Well I'm not a Catholic."  Well, good, why are you celebrating Christmas?   Because that's Christ mass, it's Catholicism and  it's worked its way right in to your religious   experience. So, this second command of no carved  images has been broken by religion. What about   the third command? Don't diminish Elohim's Name.  Many people don't realize this but when you look   in the English bible and you see that word "LORD" in  all caps, capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D.   The word "lord" is not in the original text. The  word "lord" in Hebrew is "Adonai", that's not what   is in the original text, the original text has  the personal name of the Creator, "Yod Hey Vav Hey,"    and the Christian scribes just followed along  with the tradition of the Jewish scribes   when they formed a tradition that said that the  name of Elohim was was too holy to pronounce   and so they put the vowel markings of  Adonai above the Yod Hey Vav Hey to signal   the reader in the synagogue to say Adonai and  that got passed right into Christian tradition.   It's not "the Lord is my Shepherd," that's one  of the verses that most devout Christians   learn right away as a child, the Lord is my  Shepherd, that's not what the text says. It says, Yod Hey Vav Hey   is my Shepherd, He wants us to know His personal  name. We use the shorten poetic version, YAH,   it's in the Scripture around 60 times. We know  that there's a debate over how to pronounce it,   how to pronounce the full personal name of YAH,  we all can agree on YAH, but the fact is that that   tradition of Judaism passed into Christianity, in  our English bible it's not there, it says "The Lord". And then we get to the fourth commandment,  remember the Sabbath. Why would that   commandment start with remember? Do you think  YAH knew that people were going to forget it. Remember the Sabbath, this is YAH your Elohim  speaking, He's looking at you and He's saying,   don't forget my Sabbath and by the way, I  never changed it to Sunday, the day that   the sun worshipers and the empire worshiped the  sun deity, it's not in Scripture to change it.   You can go back and look at history, you can look  at some of the quotes, some of the things that the   popes have said in the Catholic church and they  actually admit that they don't have scriptural   precedent to change the Sabbath  to the first day of the week. You   say, well why do you, why did you do it, and  they said because we can, we're the church - well, I'm not Catholic, I'm Evangelical. Well how come you go to church on Sunday,   the day that the Pagans and the  empire worship the sun deity? See,   religion has gotten so mixed  up and people don't even know.   They're just trekking right along, I'm  happy with what I received from my parents   and I'm just going to continue on, it was  good enough for them, it's good enough for me.   I think about a story about this young couple that  got married and the wife wanted to make a nice   pot roast for her husband, and so she made all the  preparations and she cut the end of the roast off   and the husband said, honey, why did  you cut the end of the roast off?   She said, well, I don't know but my mother always  did it, and so they said, well let's call mom and   find out why she cut the end of the pot roast off,  and so they called the mother and the mother said,   um well, I don't know but my mother always did  it, and so they said, let's call granny and find   out why granny cut the end of the pot roast  off, and so they called her and she said, well   I cut the end of the pot roast off because I  didn't have a pan large enough for the roast - that's how traditions start, people just  follow in traditions that they receive from   their parents. In this day, the Spirit  of YAH is moving upon the earth   touching whosoever will. The people who are  courageous enough to test everything, to challenge   what religion has taught and are willing, once  they find the truth, to cast off the lies and the   deceptions and begin to walk in the pure ways of  Elohim, that's why you're here. That's why I'm here.   So what has happened to the  fourth commandment in religion? The fourth commandment is the largest commandment  of all the commandments in sheer number of words   and specifics and yet, that's the commandment  that religion gives the most latitude to. I hear people all the time  say, well Jesus is my Sabbath -   what they mean by that is Jesus, or Yeshua,  obeyed the Sabbath so I don't have to. Well,   let me ask you this, did Jesus obey the  murder commandment so you don't have to? Did Jesus obey the adultery  commandment so you don't have to? Did Yeshua obey the do not steal commandment  so you don't have to? Do you see how it doesn't   make any sense? Their arguments do not  stand up under the pressure of the truth. Love them by speaking the truth to them, so we  see that religion has already broken all four   of the love Elohim commandments. Now let's look at Luke chapter 18. We'll start with verse 18, and this  is the example of the rich young ruler.   I want to show you something very interesting here.   It says, "And a certain ruler asked him saying, "Good  Teacher, what shall I do to inherit everlasting   life?"" Now, understand the question this young man  wants to know how he can inherit everlasting life,   I want to inherit everlasting life.  Yeshua could have taught anything,   He could have said, listen, all you have to do is  mentally acknowledge that I'm the Messiah - well   that would go right along with religion of today,  wouldn't it? Just say you believe, nothing more.   So the context here is, how can I receive  everlasting life? Yeshua could have taught   the modern religion of what I call "perverted  grace". You do nothing, He does everything.   If you do anything, you've fallen from grace, now you're a law-keeper, but what does Yeshua   say here? Verse 19. "So Yeshua said to him, "Why  do you call Me good?"" Now, this is important.   ""No one is good except One."" Who is Echad? Elohim.  The Scripture says there's none good except   One, the Father, Elohim. He's the only one  good. "And Yeshua said, "Why do you call Me good?""   If Yeshua was trying to say He was the  Father, He would have accepted that praise. "Why do you call Me good? No one  is good except One, Echad, Elohim.   "You know the commands," Isn't that interesting?  We're talking about how to receive eternal life, Yeshua takes them straight to the commands.  "'Do not commit adultery. Do not murder. Do not   steal. Do not bear false witness. Respect your  father and your mother.' And He said, "All these,   I have watched over from My youth."" So those were  examples of the love people commands. Now, Yeshua   understood the problem of this rich young ruler, he  was not obeying the love Elohim commands because   he loved his false deity of mammon, of money,  and so Yeshua was going to deal with that   and this is how He deals with it. "And hearing this  Yeshua said to him, "Yet one you lack,"" You need this   love Elohim commandment. ""Sell all that you have and  distribute to the poor and you shall have treasure   in heaven."" In other words, kick out that false deity  that you love more than Elohim. Deal with this   money problem, you have love of money. It says here,  "And come follow Me." Now, how many of you believe   that if he followed Yeshua, he would follow  Yeshua in all the love Elohim commandments. "But when he heard this, he became  intensely sad for he was extremely rich,   and when Yeshua saw that he became intensely sad  He said, "How hard it is for those who have money   to enter into the reign of Elohim."" So Yeshua  is teaching obedience to the ten words   for eternal life. Now, we've talked about  the two, we've talked about the ten,   the ten commandments are the baseline  commandments, they are the covenant   commandments. If you want to keep covenant with  YAH, you must believe upon Yeshua, submit yourself   to water immersion, receive the circumcision of  the heart, the circumcision of Messiah, receive   the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit, and then  you must obey the commands of the covenant.   This is not hard, we're just making it  clear in these days that we're living in.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 11,887
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, Which Commandments Should I Obey?, Obey The Bible, Which Bible commands do I Obey, Which Commands In The Bible To Obey And Why, Obey Commandments, Ten Comandment, Love God Love People
Id: 8dEGzvhm_JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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