The Mystery Of The Return Of Ephrayim

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Well are you ready to get into YAH's Word today? I  am as well. I want to invite you to open your bible   with me to Genesis chapter 48, we're going to begin  with verse 1 in just a moment and we're tracking   along with this week's Torah portion and the  torah portion this week is entitled, "And He Lived".   The title of my message today is, "The Mystery of  the Return of Ephraim". This is going to be a very   interesting study so I hope you get  your scriptures and you're ready to go   I want to lay out foundation for today's  message by talking a bit about Yoseph's life   and the things that he went through and how his  brothers sold him into slavery and he went off   into Mitsrayim into Egypt and how the division  of the family in those days points to what was   going to happen in the future in the division  of the reign of Yisra'el as you recall Yoseph was   hated by his brothers and he was hated because  he received these dreams that he shared with them   and they wanted to kill him and Yehudah decided  well what prophet is there in us just killing him   and concealing his blood, instead, let's sell him  and as you know from reading scripture they got   20 pieces of silver when they sold Yoseph into  slavery and he went off to Mitsrayim into Egypt   and so it's interesting that Yehudah who is the  father of the Yehudim, the Jews, had the idea of   selling Yoseph into slavery. We see that Yoseph  going off into slavery going away into Mitsrayim   brought about this division in the house  of Yisra'el, this division in the house   of Ya'aqob and it pictures what was going to take  place in the years ahead when the kingdom or   the reign of Yisra'el was divided and interestingly  enough it was during the time of Rehoboam, or Rehoboam,   the son of Shlomo, Solomon, who was the sovereign  of the undivided reign of Yisra'el at the time   and the children of Yisra'el came to him and  they wanted some relief and it appears to be   that they were requesting some tax relief  and so Rehoboam who was of the house of Yehudah   did not give them the tax relief and so  the reign of Yisra'el was divided again, over   a situation of money. That's what it appears to  be when you read the scripture and so we see   Yoseph going off into Mitsrayim into Egypt  and he pictures what was going to take place   in the future when the scripture talks about  Ephrayim going into the nations and becoming the   completeness of the nations. Now you'll understand  what I'm talking about in just a few moments when   we get into those verses so I wanted to lay that  foundation for us as we begin in Genesis chapter   48 and verse 1. It says, "And after these events  it came to be that it was said to Yoseph, "See   your father is sick,"" In other words, he is dying. "and  he took with him his two sons Menasheh and Ephrayim,"   That's interesting that this verse puts them  in the proper order, Menasheh being the firstborn   and Ephrayim being the second. Verse 2 "and Ya'aqob  was told see your son Yoseph is coming to you and   Yisra'el strengthened himself and set up on the bed,"  Verse three "and Ya'aqob said to Yoseph, "El Shaddai   appeared to me at loose in the land of Kena'an and  blessed me and said to me," This is important. "'See   I am making you fruitful and shall increase  you and make of you an assembly of peoples   and give this land to your seed after you as an  everlasting possession.'" So he's talking about how   he was blessed in these wonderful promises  that were made to him by Elohim," Verse five   "and now your two sons," This is really interesting.  "Ephrayim and Menasheh," So we see Yisra'el flips the   order, he puts Ephrayim before Menasheh. "who were born  to you in the land of Mitsrayim before I came to   you in Mitsrayim are mine." Now it's very important  that you understand what's being said here.   Yisra'el adopts these two boys, these two sons of  Yoseph, Ephrayim and Menasheh, and Ephrayim and Menasheh   were of mixed ethnicity because their mother was  an Egyptian and of course their father Yoseph so   they had the DNA of Yoseph, they had the DNA  of Abraham, Yitshaq and Ya'aqob, they also had   the DNA of their Egyptian mother, They  were of mixed ethnicity but they were born   in Mitsrayim, they were raised in that nation's  culture. As a matter of fact, their grandfather,   the father of their Egyptian mother, was a priest  the priest of On, he was a priest of the Egyptian   false deities and so you can see that even though  they have the DNA of Abraham, Yitshaq, and Ya'aqob   and of Yoseph, they're being raised  up in Mitsrayim in a foreign culture.   Obviously, they would have spoken the language of  Egypt and we see right here Yisra'el saying that   they are mine, in other words, he's adopting  them or you might say he's grafting them in.   So keep all these phrases in mind as we continue.  It says, "Your two sons, Ephrayim and Menasheh who were   born to you in the land of Mitsrayim before I came  to you in Mitsrayim are mine," I'm adopting them.   It says, "As Re'uben and Shim'on," Now Re'uben is  Yisra'el's firstborn, Shim'on is his second born and   so he's saying I'm adopting Ephrayim and Menasheh as  Re'uben and Shim'on. Now Re'uben lost his birthright,   the blessing of the firstborn, because he went  up to his father's couch, in other words, he had   a sexual relationship with Bilhah, his father's  concubine, and so he lost that birthright blessing   and it says that the birthright was given  to Yoseph and we know by scripture that   the stick of Yoseph is in the hand of Ephrayim  and in another place it says that Ephrayim   is the firstborn and so those who  are in the first position Re'uben   and Shim'on, Re'uben got disqualified  and then we see Ephrayim and Menasheh they're brought in and that reminds  me of what Yeshua said that the first   shall be last and the last shall be first. It's  pretty amazing. "as Re'uben and Shim'on," It says,   "they are mine. Your offspring whom you shall  bring forth after them are yours and let them   be called by the name of their brothers in their  inheritance." All right now let's look at verse 8   and this is the blessing that  Yisra'el gives to Ephrayim and Menasheh   it says, "And Yisra'el saw Yoseph's sons and said,  "Who are these?" and Yoseph said to his father,   "They are my sons whom Elohim has given me in this  place." and he said, Please bring them to me and let   me bless them." Verse 10 "And the eyes of Yisra'el were  dim with age and he was unable to see and he drew   them near him and he kissed them and embraced  them and Yisra'el said to Yoseph, "I had not thought   to see your face but see Elohim has also shown  me your seed." So Yoseph brought them from between   his knees and he bowed down with his face to the  earth and Yoseph took them both, Ephrayim with his   right hand toward Yisra'el's left hand and Menasheh  with his left hand toward Yisra'el's right hand   and brought them near him." In other words, he  lined them up in the proper birth order. Verse 14   "And Yisra'el stretched out his right hand and  laid it on Ephrayim's head who was the younger   and his left hand on Menasheh's head consciously  directing his hands for Menasheh was the firstborn   and he blessed Yoseph and said, "The Elohim before  whom my fathers Abraham and Yitshaq walked and the   Elohim who has fed me all my life long to this day  the messenger who has redeemed me from all evil   bless the youths and let my name be called upon  them and the name of my fathers Abraham and Yitshaq   and let them increase to a multitude in  the midst of the earth." And when Yoseph   saw that his father laid his right hand on  the head of Ephrayim it was evil in his eyes   and he took hold of his father's hand to remove  it from the head of Ephrayim to the head of Menasheh   and Yoseph said to his father, "Not so, my father, for  this one is the firstborn," Talking about Menasheh.   "put your right hand on his head." But his  father refused and said, "I know my son, I know   he also becomes a people and he also is great and  yet his younger brother Ephrayim is greater than he   and his seed," His descendants, his seed. "is to become  the completeness of the nations." So you have to   keep that phrase in mind, the seed of Ephrayim  is to become the completeness of the nations.   "And he blessed them on that day saying,  "In you Yisra'el shall bless, saying, 'Elohim   make you as Ephrayim and as Menasheh.'  Thus he put Ephrayim before   Menasheh." And so again, Ephrayim's seed will  become the completeness of the nations, it's   interesting to keep in mind as we mentioned  a moment ago, as Yeshua said in Matthew 19:30,   but many who are first shall be last and  the last first the fullness of Ephrayim   comes in before the fullness of Yehudah, we're  going to develop that theme here in just a moment   but I want you to go with me over to First Kings  chapter 12 and we'll pick up with verse one and   this is going to talk about the period of  time when the reign of Yisra'el is divided.   So there was sovereign Dawid, and then after him,  sovereign Shlomo and then after him, sovereign Rehoboam and up until that point, the  reign of Yisra'el was undivided   but we're going to see that there's going to be a  division in the reign and there will be two groups,   one calling itself the house of Yisra'el and the  other calling itself the house of Yehudah. Look   at verse 1 of First Kings chapter 12. It says, "And  Rehoboam went to Shekem for all Yisra'el had gone to   Shekem to set him up to reign and it came to be  when Yarob'am, son of Nebat heard this he was still   in Mitsrayim," So Yarob'am was in Mitsrayim. "for he  had fled from the presence of sovereign Shlomo,"   King Solomon. "and had been dwelling in Mitsrayim,  that they sent and called him and Yarob'am   and all the assembly of Yisra'el came and spoke  to Rehoboam saying, "Your father made our yoke   hard and now lighten the hard service of your  father and his heavy yoke which he put on us   then we serve you." And again it appears that this  is about taxes and Shlomo, sovereign Shlomo,   had taxed them heavily and so they were coming  at the time of the coronation of Rehoboam to ask for   some relief and of course Rehoboam went to  the elders and they said give him relief   and they'll serve you and then he went  he talked to the young men that he had   been raised up with and they gave him bad advice  and so he goes with the advice of the young men   and it brings about the division of the reign.  Verse 5 "And he said to them, "Go away for three   days then come back to me." and the people went." Look  at verse 12. "so Yarob'am and all the people came   to Rehoboam the third day as the sovereign had  spoken saying, come back to me the third day,   but the sovereign answered the people harshly and  ignored the advice which the elders had given him   and he spoke to them according to the advice of  the young men saying, "My father made your yoke   heavy but I add to your yoke, my father flogged  you with whips but I flog you with scourges,"   Look at verse 16. "and all Yisra'el saw that  the sovereign did not listen to them   then the people answered the sovereign  saying, "What portion do we have in Dawid?   For there is no inheritance in the son of Yishai."  The son of Jesse. "To your mighty ones O Yisra'el   now see to your own house O Dawid." So Yisra'el went  to their tents but as for the children of Yisra'el   who dwelt in the cities of Yehudah Rehoboam reigned  over them," Verse 19 "thus Yisra'el revolted against   the house of Dawid to this day," So there was a  division just like during the time of Yoseph   there was a division of the family when Yoseph's  brothers sold him into slavery and he went off   into Mitsrayim, into Egypt, so now over what appears  to be another money issue of course Rehoboam on being   of the house of Yehudah, what happened  in the past is happening again. He would not give them relief and so  there's a division. So let's go over   to First Kings chapter 12 and we'll pick  up with verse 20 and we'll see that Yisra'el   makes Yarob'am sovereign. It says, "And it came to be  when all Yisra'el heard that Yarob'am had come back   they sent for him and called him to the  congregation and set him up to reign over   all Yisra'el there was none who followed the  house of Dawid except the tribe of Yehudah only."   And then look at verse 26, "And Yarob'am said  in his heart, "Now the reign shall return to   the house of Dawid if these people go up to do  slaughterings in the house of YAH at Yerushalayim   then the heart of this people shall turn back  to their master Yarob'am sovereign of Yehudah   and they shall kill me and go back to Rehoboam  sovereign of Yehudah." So they made Yarob'am   sovereign in Yisra'el so we see this division  you have Yehudah and Binyamin in the south and   those two tribes were called collectively  the house of Yehudah and then the other tribes   that revolted ten of the tribes they were called  the house of Yisra'el and out of all of those tribes   Ephrayim became the dominant one and so it was  also called the house of Ephrayim, so you have   these two groups, the house of Yisra'el and the house  of Yehudah. Yarob'am became sovereign over Yisra'el   and he got concerned that if he allowed  the people to go down to Yerushalayim   and to celebrate the feasts and to worship  YAH there in the temple in Yerushalayim   that the people would turn their heart away  from him and would turn their heart toward Yarob'am   and that they would kill him, so this is  what he did in verse 28 of First Kings   chapter 12. "So the sovereign took counsel and  made two calves of gold and said to the people   "It is too much for you to go up to Yerushalayim  see your mighty ones O Yisra'el which brought you   up from the land of Mitsrayim and he set up  one in Beyth'el and the other he put in Dan   and this matter became a sin for the people went  before the one as far as Dan and he made the house   of high places and made priests from all sorts  of people who were not of the sons of Lewi.   And Yarob'am performed a festival on the 15th day  of the eighth new moon like the festival that was   in Yehudah and he offered on the slaughter-place.  So he did at Beyth'el slaughtering to the calves   that he had made and at Beyth'el he appointed  the priest of the high places which he had made."   And so what he did was he led Yisra'el the 10 tribes  into idolatry to perform abominations to do what   was not right in the eyes of YAH and because of  this great sin and we have a number of sovereigns   after Yarob'am who continued in the sins of  Yarob'am continued performing abominations and   doing what was not right in the eyes of YAH and  because of this great sin then ultimately Elohim   led Yisra'el into captivity in other  words allowed the sovereign of Asher   of Assyria to come in and to defeat the house of  Yisra'el and take the people off into exile into   Asher and ultimately they were assimilated into  the more than 120 nations in the Assyrian empire.   So let's take a look at Second Kings chapter 17  beginning with verse 6, it says, "This in the ninth   year of Hoshea the sovereign of Asher captured  Shomeron," Or Samaria. "and exiled Yisra'el to Asher   and settled them in Halah and Habor, the River of  Gozan, and then the cities of the Medes. Now this   came to be because the children of Yisra'el had  sinned against YAH their Elohim who had brought   them up out of the land of Mitsrayim from under  the hand of Pharaoh's sovereign of Mitsrayim   and feared other mighty ones and walked in the  laws of the nations whom YAH had dispossessed   from before the children of Yisra'el and of  the sovereigns of Yisra'el that they had made   and the children of Yisra'el secretly did  against YAH their Elohim matters that were not   right and they built for themselves high  places in all their cities from watchtower   under the walled city and set up for themselves  pillars and Asherim on every high hill   and under every green tree and burned incense  there on all the high places like the nations whom   YAH had removed from their presence and they did  evil matters to provoke YAH and served the idols   of which YAH had said of them, "Do not do this," and  YAH warned Yisra'el and Yehudah through all of his   prophets and every seer saying, "Turn back from  your evil ways and guard my commands and my laws   according to all the Torah which I command your  fathers and which I sent to you by my servants the   prophets." But they did not listen and harden their  necks like the necks of their fathers who did not   put their trust in YAH their Elohim and rejected  His laws and His covenant that He made with their   fathers and His witnesses which He had witnessed  against them and went after worthlessness and   became worthless and after the nations who were  all around them of whom YAH had commanded them not   to do like them and they left all the commands of  YAH their Elohim and made for themselves a molded   image two calves and made an Asherah and bowed  themselves to all the hosts of the heavens and   served Ba'al and caused their sons and daughters  to pass through the fire and practice divination   and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil in the  eyes of YAH to provoke Him. So YAH was very enraged   with Yisra'el and removed them from His presence.  None was left but the tribe of Yehudah alone."   Of course it was Yehudah and Binyamin but the two  tribes together were called the house of Yehudah,   and so Yisra'el is taken away into captivity  because of its sin and as I mentioned a moment ago,   they were assimilated into the more  than 120 nations of the Assyrian empire   and even though they had the DNA of  Abraham, Yitshaq, and Ya'aqob, they didn't want   to follow Torah, they didn't want to do what was  right in the eyes of YAH and so He sent them away   into the nations. He basically gave them what they  wanted and they began to serve the false deities   of the nations, they began to take up the culture  of the nations that they went to and over time,   they lost their identity, they were completely  assimilated by the nations and scattered out   across the earth and so Ephrayim was lost and  all of his companions all the other tribes   their identity was lost, they became like the  nations and over time ,generation after generation,   they lost track of who they were and just  thought they were part of the nations   and so it's interesting that we see more  in scripture that tells us that Ephrayim   the 10 tribes that revolted against Yehudah and  Binyamin became part of the nations. We see it in   Hosea chapter 9 and verse 17. It says, "My Elohim  rejects them because they have not obeyed Him   so that they became wanderers among the  nations." So Ephrayim then began to wander   amongst the nations and it's interesting that  we begin to see the plan of Elohim unfolding   in the writings of we see that Elohim has a plan  to save the completeness of the nations remember   that phrase that the seed of Ephrayim  would become the completeness   of the nations. Ephrayim was scattered into  the nations and became like the nations   and yet YAH has a plan to regather Ephrayim to  bring Ephrayim back to join Ephrayim and Yehudah   together again, to reunite the family of Yisra'el, to  reunite the reign of Yisra'el with one King, the   King of kings, the Sovereign of sovereigns, the  Master of masters, and His Name is Yeshua. Let's   take a look at it in Romans chapter 11 beginning  with verse 25, it says, "For I do not wish you to be   ignorant of this secret," That's why we call it  the mystery of the return of Ephrayim. "I do not   wish you to be ignorant of this secret brothers  lest you should be wise in your own estimation   that hardening in part has come over Yisra'el," Not  all of Yisra'el is hardened but a part of Yisra'el is   hardened. It says, "until the completeness of the  nations has come in." There's that phrase again.   So part of Yisra'el is hardened until  Ephrayim is brought back. Yehudah,   Binyamin, they are hardened. Now, not everyone is  hardened, there's a remnant in both of those tribes   that have believed but for the most part Yehudah  and Binyamin have been hardened until what point   until the completeness of the nations has come  in, until Ephrayim is brought home. Now ultimately   Yehudah and Binyamin, the remnant that's  in those two tribes will also come in but YAH has a plan to restore Ephrayim. Look at  verse 26. "And so all Yisra'el shall be saved as it   has been written, the deliverer shall come out of  Tsyion and He shall turn away wickedness from Ya'aqob   and this is my covenant with them when I take  away their sin." And so all of Yisra'el will be saved, both the house of Yehudah and his  companions and the house of Ephrayim   and his companions will be saved, in  essence, the remnant will come forth   of both houses and there will be a restoration  there will be a reunification. This is so exciting. Let's look at Ezekiel chapter  37 we'll pick up with verse 1.   When you take all these things into  consideration, you ask the question, who knows   if you are a part of ethnic Ephrayim or not? We know  that Ephrayim was scattered amongst the nations   these are people who have the DNA of Abraham, Yitshaq, and Ya'aqob,  they don't know if they are Ephrayim, they became   like the nations, they're in the nations.  Their seed does not know. There is no DNA test   to determine if you're part of Ephrayim, if you  share the same DNA as Abraham, Yitshaq, and Ya'aqob,   but there is something that  takes place in the spirit realm that allows us to   begin to see that the possibility of  someone being a part of Ephrayim is great when certain elements of what I'm about to  share with you takes place in a person's life.   We're going to talk about the prophetic word, the  prophetic word is sent out to gather in Ephrayim   and we see it in Ezekiel chapter 37 beginning with  verse 1. "And the hand of YAH was upon me and took   me out by the Spirit of YAH and set me down in the  midst of the valley and it was filled with bones   and He made me pass among them  all around and see there were very   many on the surface of the valley and see they  were very dry." So Yechezqel was taken out to a valley   and he saw the valley filled with  bones and these bones were very dry.   Verse 3 "And he said to me, "Son of man would these  bones live?" and I said, "O Master YAH you know." Again   he said to me, "Prophesy to these bones and you  shall say to them, "O dry bones hear the word of YAH.   Thus said the Master YAH to these bones. See I am  bringing into you a spirit and you shall live and   I shall put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you  and cover you with skin and put a spirit in you."   You remember the promise of the Father is? The  promise of the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit of YAH   coming into every person who would believe upon  Yeshua. Keep that in mind as we continue reading.   "...and I shall put sinews on you and bring  flesh upon you and cover you with skin   and put a spirit in you and you shall live and you  shall know that I am YAH." Verse 7 "And I prophesied  as I was commanded and as I prophesied  there was a noise and there was a rattling   and the bones came together bone to bone and I  looked and saw sinews and flesh came upon them   and skin covered them but there was no spirit in  them. He then said to me, "Prophesy to the spirit,   prophesy son of man and you shall say to  the spirit, thus said the Master YAH, come   from the four winds O Spirit and breathe on these  killed ones so that they live." Sounds like Ephrayim   scattered into the nations because of  their sin they were spiritually dead.   They had no understanding of who they were,  they had no understanding of YAH's plan   to bring them back to life and unify them  once again with their brother Yehudah   to bring all of the house of Yisra'el together.   That's what we're talking about the unification of  the house of Yisra'el bringing Ephrayim back to life   giving them the want to and the power  to be obedient through belief in Yeshua.  This is amazing. Verse 10 "And I prophesied as  He commanded me and the Spirit came into them   and they lived and stood up upon their feet a  very great army and He said to me, "Son of man,   these bones are all the house of Yisra'el."  Bringing the house of Yisra'el alive,   causing Ephrayim to be filled with  the spirit of YAH through belief   in Yeshua, bringing in the completeness of the  nations. It says, "See they say, our bones are dry   our expectancy has perished and  we ourselves have been cut off. Therefore prophesy, and you shall say to  them, thus said the Master YAH, "See O my people,   I am opening your burial sites and shall  bring you up from your burial sites   and shall bring you into the land of Yisra'el." So  not only am I going to resurrect you and give you   spiritual life and put my Spirit in you but I'm  also going to bring you into the land of Yisra'el.   "And you shall know that I am YAH when I open your  burial-sites, my people and bring you up from your   burial-sites and I shall put my Spirit in you and  you shall live and I shall settle you in your own   land," I'm going to bring you back to your own  land. "and you shall know that I YAH have spoken   and I have done it." declares  YAH." So how does someone know if they are Ephrayim? How do you know? There is no  test, you can't take a DNA test,   but when the prophetic word is sent to you we send out the Word every week through  these cameras when the Word reaches you,   the Word of belief in Yeshua, a belief that produces  justification unto obedience, in other words, you receive the promise of  the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit of YAH   and YAH through His Spirit gives you  the want to and the power to be obedient   when you hear this message of  Yeshua and its Torah lifestyle,   when you hear this message of going back  to the ancient ways, going back to the ways   of Elohim and walking in His  Torah and your spirit ignites, and you're on fire with truth, and you're ready to walk in the truth of Torah,  and to please the Father by being obedient   to His commandments and following the example  of Yeshua, and living the way Yeshua lived and   loving what Yeshua loved and hating what  Yeshua hated, you're on fire with this message and you want to live it no matter who it  joins you together with or separates you from, it's a sign to you because the prophetic  word is sent forth together Ephrayim and when this prophetic word has that kind  of impact on you then it's a sign to you there is a gathering of Ephrayim. I know I have been   stirred with this message, it's changed my life dramatically, and many of you who are watching   could say the same thing, that's how you know.  That's how you know when the prophetic word   causes this type of reaction in you  like bone coming together with bone   and sinews and skin and the Spirit making you  alive, you're resurrected out of your burial site.   It's exciting. Hosea chapter 1 and verse 2 says, "The beginning of the Word of YAH with Hoshea   and YAH said to Hoshea, "Go take yourself a  woman of whoring and children of whoring   for the land has utterly whored away from  YAH," This is speaking of the house of Yisra'el   of Ephrayim. "so he went and  took Gomer, daughter of Diblayim,   and she conceived and bore him a son,"  Verse 4 "and YAH said to him, "Call his name   Yizre'el for in a little while I shall revenge  the bloodshed of Yisra'el on the house of Yehu   and put an end to the reign of the house of Yisra'el."  And so the main point here is that YAH is saying   forth a matter that He's going to  put an end to the house of Yisra'el.   "And she conceived again and bore a daughter  and He said to him, "Call her name Lo-Ruḥamah   for no longer do I have compassion on the  house of Yisra'el so as to forgive them at   all." And as we've already mentioned He allowed the  sovereign of Asher to come in and defeat them and   take them off into captivity. Verse 7 "But I shall  have compassion on the house of Yehudah and save   them by YAH their Elohim and not save them by  bow or by sword or battle or horses or horsemen,"   Verse 8 "and she weaned Lo-Ruḥamah and conceived  and bore son, then He said call his name Lo-Ammi   for you are not my people and I am not for you."  Again, He's speaking of the house of Yisra'el or   Ephrayim. Verse 10 "Yet the number of the children  of Yisra'el shall be as the sand of the sea   which is not measured nor counted and it shall  be in the place where it was said to them   you are not my people they shall be called you  are the sons of the living EL and the children   of Yehudah and the children of Yisra'el shall be  gathered together and appoint for themselves one   head," Speaking of Yeshua. "and shall come up out of  the earth for great is the day of Yizre'el." Yizre'el   means YAH scattered, but when this prophecy takes  place it's not a scattering, it's a gathering   the great is the day of Yizre'el is speaking of  the great gathering and it's a wonderful time   of the whole house of Yisra'el being unified  and of course they're going to go to the land   and YAH is going to be their Elohim and  they are going to be His people. And then   Hosea chapter 2 beginning with  verse 14 it says, "Therefore see   I am alluring her and shall lead her into  the wilderness and shall speak to her heart   and give to her vineyards from there and  the valley of Akor as a door of expectation   and there she shall respond as in the days of  her youth as in the day when she came up from   the land of Mitsrayim and it shall be in that  day declares YAH that you call me my husband   and no longer call me my Ba'al and I shall  remove the names of the Ba'al's from her mouth   and they shall no more be remembered by their name  and in that day I shall make a covenant for them   with the beast of the field and with the birds  of the heavens and with the creeping creatures   of the ground when bow and sword in battle I break  from the earth," It's a reference to the millennial   kingdom. "and I shall make them lie down in safety  and I shall take you as a bride unto me forever and take you as a bride unto me in righteousness,"   Reminds me of the marriage supper of the Lamb,  that's what this is all about. "and in right ruling   and loving commitment and compassion and I shall  take you as a bride unto me in trustworthiness and you shall know YAH and it shall be  in that day that I answer, declares YAH,   that I answer the heavens  and they answer the earth   and the earth answer the grain and the new  wine and the oil and they answer Yisra'el   and I shall sow her for myself," In other  words, not scatter her but sow her for myself   or gather her. "for myself in the earth and I  shall have compassion on her who had not obtained   compassion and I shall say to those who were  not my people, 'You are my people,' while they say,   'My Elohim.'" So these are all wonderful  prophetic passages that we're reading   that tells us about the regathering of Ephrayim  and the unification of Ephrayim and Yehudah   bringing the whole family of Yisra'el back  together and how during the millennial kingdom   it's going to be such a wonderful time, we're  going to lie down in safety, and we're going to   walk in the very presence of Yeshua and YAH. And  I want to take you over to Ezekiel chapter 37   and begin with verse 15. Again, we're talking  about the unification of the whole house of Yisra'el.   It says, "And the word of YAH came to me saying, "And  you son of man take a stick for yourself and   write on it for Yehudah and for the children of  Yisra'el his companions." So there were people out   of many of the tribes who joined themselves with  Yehudah during the time of the division of the reign.   So it says, "For Yehudah for the children of  Yisra'el, his companions. Then take another stick   and write on it for Yoseph, the stick of Ephrayim," You  remember Yoseph's stick is in the hand of Ephrayim   and for all the house of Yisra'el his companions   then bring them together for yourself into one  stick and they shall become one in your hand   and when the children of your people speak to you  saying, 'Won't you show us what you mean by these?'   say to them, 'Thus said the Master YAH,  see I am taking the stick of Yoseph   which is in the hand of Ephrayim and  the tribes of Yisra'el, his companions,   and I shall give them unto him with the stick of  Yehudah and make them one stick and they shall be   one in my hand." Verse 20 "And the sticks  on which you write shall be in your hand   before their eyes and speak to them, 'Thus said  the Master YAH, see I am taking the children of   Yisra'el from among the nations," That's what we've  been talking about today. "wherever they have gone   and shall gather them from all around and I  shall bring them into their land," Hallelujah.   "and I shall make them one nation in  the land on the mountains of Yisra'el   and one sovereign shall be sovereign  over them all," Sovereign Yeshua. "and   let them no longer be two nations and let  them no longer be divided into two reigns   and they shall no longer defile themselves with  their idols nor with their disgusting matters   nor with any of their transgressions and i shall  save them from all their dwelling places in which   they have sinned and I shall cleanse them and  they shall be my people and I be their Elohim   while Dawid my servant is sovereign over  them," The Messiah was known as the Son of Dawid.   "and they shall all have one Shepherd and walk  in my right-rulings and guard my laws and shall   do them." Isn't that interesting? So we're going to be  obeying the Torah during the millennial kingdom. If that's the truth then why  are we not obeying the Torah now?   I'm speaking on behalf of religion  who says the Torah has been abolished   this is the culmination of all of the plans of YAH  that the whole house of Yisra'el would be reunified   and brought into the land and  that they would obey the Torah. Notice it says, "And they shall all  have one Shepherd and walk in my   right-rulings and guard my laws and shall do them   and they shall dwell in the land that I have  given to Ya'aqob my servant where your fathers dwelt   and they shall dwell in it they and their  children and their children's children forever   and my servant Dawid be their prince forever."  Again this is a reference to Messiah. "And I   shall make a covenant of peace with them  an everlasting covenant it is with them   and I shall place them and increase them and shall  place my Set-apart Place in their midst forever   and my dwelling place shall be over them and I  shall be their Elohim and they shall be my people   and the nation shall know that I YAH am  setting Yisra'el apart when my Set-Apart   place is in their midst forever."  Hallelujah. So again, this is telling us   that YAH has a plan to bring Yehudah and Ephrayim  together again Ephrayim is currently in the nations,   they've been scattered, they don't even know  that they have the DNA of Abraham, Yitshaq,   and Ya'aqob in them. They're living as the nations, as Gentiles,   many of them are in false  religion and they don't know   their true identity but this message that this  ministry is sending out and others who were called   by YAH this message is the prophetic word that  when Ephrayim hears it something supernatural and   powerful takes place on the inside of them  they're brought out of their burial places   bone comes upon bone and sinews and flesh and the  Spirit enters them they hear the message of Yeshua   and that through belief in Yeshua, there's  a justification that leads to obedience   to the scripture and the message explodes in  their Spirit and they respond, they're willing   to make a life change, they're willing to  test everything that they've been taught   by religion to forsake those things that  are untrue and to walk in the truth of Torah   and all of scripture and that is a sign  that when you have that kind of response   to the prophetic word that's going forth that  you very well may be a part of ethnic Ephrayim   but we know that those who are not can believe and  can join because it's Ephrayim and his companions,   it's Yehudah and his companions, but I tell  you when you have such a powerful prophetic   response to the word that's going  forth in this hour that we're living in then that is a tremendous sign to you. There's a  gathering, there's a gathering going on right now,   hallelujah, and this gathering is  going to continue until Yeshua returns   and gathers us all up and takes us to  Yerushalayim and we're a part of His bride   and we rule and reign with Him on this  earth for a thousand years of shalom   and all of these prophetic passages that we're  reading and enjoying today come to pass. We're   already seeing it happen. Go with me quickly over  to Isaiah chapter 11. We'll start with verse 1. I   want to read a few passages here in Isaiah 11 and  then I want to get over to Jeremiah 31 and we're   going to bring this message to a close. Isaiah  chapter 11 beginning with verse 1, it says, "And a   rod shall come forth from the stump of Yishai," Your  bible may say Jesse. This is speaking of Yeshua, a   rod that comes forth from the stump of Yishai.  "and a sprout from his roots shall be fruitful   the Spirit of YAH rests upon him, the spirit of  wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel   and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of  YAH and shall make him breathe in the fear of YAH   and He shall not judge by the sight of His  eyes nor decide by the hearing of His ears   but with righteousness He shall judge the poor  and shall decide with straightness for the   meek ones of the earth and shall strike the earth  with the rod of His mouth again speaking of Yeshua   and slay the wrong with the breath of His lips  and righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins   and trustworthiness the girdle of His waste." Now  look at verse 11. "And it shall be in that day that   YAH sets His hand again a second time to recover  the remnant of His people who are left," It says,   "from Asher," That's Assyria. "and from Mitsrayim, from  Pathros, and from Kush, from Eylam and from Shin'ar,   from Hamath and from the Islands of the sea."  From all over the world there's going to be   a regathering. "And He shall raise a banner for the  nations and gather the outcasts of Yisra'el," They're   coming out of the nations, they think they are  the nations but they're coming out of the nations   because they're hearing the prophetic  word and there's a gathering taking place.   It says, "and assemble the dispersed of Yehudah  from the four corners of the earth," So He's   going to assemble the dispersed of Yehudah as  well. "and the envy of Ephrayim shall turn aside," Ephrayim envied Yehudah because  the sovereign came out of Yehudah.   It says, "and the adversaries of Yehudah be cut off, Yehudah was adversarial toward Ephrayim Ephrayim.  "shall not envy and Yehudah not trouble Ephrayim   so we're coming back together again." Hallelujah. The household, the family  of Yisra'el is being reunited.   Look at verse 16. "And there shall be a highway for  the remnant of His people those left from Asher   as it was for Yisra'el in the day when  he came up from the land of Mitsrayim,"   That's just talking prophetically  that Ephrayim is coming home.   There's going to be a highway that's going  to lead us home and we're leaving Asher, that's prophetically speaking, we're leaving   Assyria, we're leaving our captivity  our exile, we're coming home. And quickly, I want to take you over to Genesis  chapter 46, we're going to look at verse 28 and   in the Torah we see that this unification that  we're talking about the unification of Yehudah   and Ephrayim is seen in one particular verse that  I want to emphasize right now, Genesis chapter 46   verse 28. It says, "And he sent Yehudah," Speaking  of Yisra'el sent Yehudah. "before him to Yoseph," So   when Yisra'el was coming into Egypt, into the land  of Goshen, he was coming to Yoseph to see Yoseph then he sent, the Scripture says, Yehudah  his son before all the other sons   to meet up with Yoseph to discover the way to the  land of Goshen and of course as we've said several   times, the stick of Yoseph is in the hand of Ephrayim,  so we see in this passage the unification of   Yehudah and Ephrayim. Let's read the whole  verse. "And he sent Yehudah before him to Yoseph   to point out before him the way to Goshen and  they came to the land of Goshen," So we see Yehudah   and Yoseph, or you could say Ephrayim, coming  together unified to show the way to the land,   to the land of Goshen, to the land of safety. Of course the land of safety in the last days   is the land of Yisra'el during the time of the  millennial reign. Hallelujah. And then finally,   Jeremiah 31 beginning with verse 1, we're  talking about YAH bringing Ephrayim home,   it says, "At that time, declares YAH, I shall  be the Elohim of all the clans of Yisra'el   and they shall be my people," thus said YAH,  "A people escaped from the sword found favor   in the wilderness," Yisra'el when it went to  find rest well a people escaped from the   sword found favor in the wilderness,  he's talking about going into exile. Verse 3 "YAH appeared to me from afar saying , "I have loved you with an everlasting love,"   So this is YAH speaking of His love for Ephrayim.  "therefore I shall draw you with loving commitment,"   Well that's what He's doing right now, people are  being drawn out of false religion, of pagan ways,   and pagan days. It says here, "I have loved you  with an everlasting love therefore I shall   draw you with loving commitment," That's what  He's doing, many of you have experienced that.   "I am going to build you again and you  shall be rebuilt O maiden of Yisra'el   again you shall take up your tambourines and  go forth in the dances of those who rejoice   again you shall plant vines on the mountains of  Shomeron," At Samaria. "the planters shall plant and   treat them as common for there shall be a day when  the watchmen cry on mount Ephrayim arise and let us   go up to Tsiyon on to YAH our Elohim for thus said  YAH, "Sing with gladness for Ya'aqob and shout among   the chief of the nations, cry out give praise and  say, 'O YAH save your people the remnant of Yisra'el.   See I am bringing them from the land of the north  and shall gather them from the ends of the earth   among them the blind and the lame those with  child and those in labor together a great assembly   returning home," We're coming home,  we're coming home out of every nation. YAH has sent forth this powerful prophetic word and we're responding to the word.   We're coming alive to it, we're coming out  of our burial sites, of mixed up religion, false doctrine, and we're returning home hallelujah.  Verse 9 "with weeping they shall come and with   their prayers, I bring them I shall make them walk  by rivers of waters in a straight way in which   they do not stumble." Hallelujah. "For I shall be a  Father to Yisra'el and Ephrayim, he is my firstborn." There's that verse I was talking about right  here in the book of Jeremiah chapter 31   verse 9, Ephrayim is the firstborn. Hallelujah. "Hear the word of YAH O nations  and declare it in the isles afar off and say   he who scattered Yisra'el gathers him and  shall guard him as a shepherd his flock,"   And then picking up with verse 17, "and there  is expectancy for your latter end, declares   YAH, and your children shall return to their own  country." We're going home, Yeshua is going to come,   He's going to gather us up  and we're going to the land.   "I have clearly heard Ephrayim lamenting  you have chastised me and I was chastised   like an untrained calf turn me back and I  shall turn back for you are YAH my Elohim   for after my turning back I repented," That's  teshuvah. "and after I was instructed I struck myself   on the thigh," I punished myself, I was ashamed. "even  humiliated for I bore the reproach of my youth.   Is Ephrayim a precious son to me? A child  of delights? For though I spoke against him   I still remembered him that is why my  affections were deeply moved for him.   I have great compassion for him, declares  YAH." What a powerful, powerful plan.  That the Almighty has that He  is executing at this very time,   sending out His prophetic word. He has a  tremendous love for Ephrayim. He punished them,   He scattered them, but now He is regathering  them and they are coming out of all the nations   and we are responding to the  truth, we are making the change, we understand that what we did was wrong, we were  ashamed, we've been humiliated for our sins   but we are performing teshuvah and we are  coming home. We believe upon Yeshua with a belief   that produces obedience and we  are looking forward to the day   when Yeshua comes and gathers us up and takes  us to the land that is rightly ours. Hallelujah.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, The Mystery Of The Return Of Ephrayim, Ephrayim, Ezekiel, Become One, One House, House Of Israel, House Of Judah
Id: BSSx1--k_VY
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Length: 67min 40sec (4060 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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