Day 1 (Pt. 2) - International Sukkot Fellowship Livestream

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to deuteronomy 18 and we're going to quote verses 18 and 19 together that's deuteronomy 18 verses 18 and 19 together and then we're going to turn to ezekiel chapter 36 and we're going to quote verses 25 through 27 that's ezekiel chapter 36 verses 25 through 27. so we're going to start with deuteronomy chapter 6 beginning with verse 4. let's say it together with real enthusiasm today hero israel yah our elohim yah is one echad and you shall love yahweh your elohim with all your heart and with all your being and with all your might and then we go to deuteronomy chapter 18 beginning with verse 18. let's say it together i shall raise up for them a prophet like you out of the midst of their brothers and i shall put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that i command him and it shall be the man who does not listen to my words which he speaks in my name i require it of him and then we go to ezekiel chapter 36 beginning with verse 25 let's read it together and i shall sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols i cleanse you and i shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you and i shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh and i shall give you a heart of flesh and put my spirit within you and i shall cause you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings and you shall do them hallelujah these verses are definitive of the new covenant that we have in yeshua we are able to fulfill the commandments to be obedient to the commandments because we've been empowered through our belief in yeshua we've been empowered by yah he's given us his set apart spirit and he's given us the want to and the power to be obedient well we want to pray toward the land of islam el and so we know that yah's heart is in that land his eyes are upon that land and our heart is there as well and we're concerned about unbelieving yehudim the unbelieving jews and we want to pray and intercede on their behalf so i'm going to invite you to stand up where you are and face in that direction i am facing in that direction right now and let's pray together and intercede on behalf of unbelieving jews in the land of israel abba we love you so much we're so thankful for this wonderful set apart day this first day of sukkot and we are praying and interceding on behalf of unbelieving jews and we're lifting them up to you right now and we're asking you to open up blind eyes and unstop deaf ears cause their hearts to turn toward you and we pray that they would be convicted in their spirit as they hear the good news of yeshua and teshuvah which means to return to the master in obedience and call upon that one name whereby we all must be saved the name yeshua which means the salvation of yah we pray for a mighty move of your spirit in the land not only upon the jews but upon all of the citizens of the land of israel and we pray that you would empower those who have the testimony of yeshua that you would give them a bold worry-free witness that they might go forth in the strength and the power of yah and proclaim this good news message and that many will hear and call upon the name of yeshua calling him master and mashiach the mashiach of israel we're also praying for the nations of the world and we know yah that you are gathering up and frying from all the nations of the world and we pray that you would anoint this live stream broadcast that many in the nations will see this video and hear these words that we're proclaiming today from your set apart word and call upon the name yeshua to be saved to be justified with a justification that leads to true obedience i pray for all of our extended triumph and truth family who are watching today and i ask your hand a blessing to be upon every one of them bless their families bless their children may it be a blessed time of celebrating that yeshua is coming back he will establish his kingdom and those of us who believe with a belief that produces obedience will be gathered up together and taken off to yerushalayim and there we will rule and reign with yeshua for a thousand years of shalom we thank you for that we celebrate this time it is our greatest season of joy and we love you abba and we bless you in the matchless name of your son and our master mashiach yeshua oh maine and ah mane hallelujah hallelujah come on let's rejoice why don't you clap your hands why don't you shout a little bit let's just rejoice this is the season of our greatest joy this feast is a moed it's an appointment and you've made the appointment hallelujah it's also a mikra it's a rehearsal and we're we're rehearsing these wonderful events that will take place in the future i want to encourage you if you could take a moment and and just subscribe to our youtube youtube channel and and like things and comment and share you say why because the more activity that's on our channel then the more our videos are seen by people all over the world so if you haven't subscribed yet take a moment and subscribe if you haven't liked anything yet take a moment and like write a comment share these videos because the more activity that's on our channel the more people will see this message of yeshua and teshuva and yeshua's lifestyle of torah and that is a very important thing so help us out by subscribing liking commenting and sharing all right well when we get our list of people who are watching i want to take a moment and just welcome you all to this live stream broadcast and so who and where are they watching from here's the list annie from hawaii welcome we are so glad that you are watching from hawaii vivi from florida welcome all the way from florida that's wonderful matt in wisconsin we welcome you matt charles in quebec canada we have a couple of canadians on our team so we welcome you charles marisol in pennsylvania we're glad you're here marisol june in maryland we're glad you're here june deidre in minnesota welcome deidre mana in germany we welcome you from germany we're glad you're watching all the way from germany and then dave from colorado welcome dave jeremy from arizona we welcome you jeremy japheth from kenya we are so glad that you are watching from kenya so we have so far someone from germany and someone from kenya hallelujah and we see here that vivia from florida is celebrating sukkot for the very first time and i'm sure there will be others who will get on and let us know they're celebrating for the very first time but we think that's wonderful vivi and so we we just welcome you and we are so glad that you are celebrating sukkot with us if you have any questions about sukkot or if you have any questions about the verses that we read today if you have any questions about end time events what's going to take place in the future get on the chat and then just let us know your question and we'll do our best to answer as many questions as we possibly can i want to invite you to open up your bibles with me we're going to get right into some verses and i want to invite you to go to the book of danielle or daniel and we're going to read a couple of chapters there in danielle or daniel and the reason that we're going to be reading out of daniel is because this sukkot is going to be all about talking about end time events because yaz people need to be fully aware of what's going to take place and we also need to be prepared and there's some things that we need to be doing right now to be prepared for the end time events so the bible really tells us a lot it's it's very specific about what things are going to happen in the future so we can get a clear timeline about the events that will take place before yeshua's return and our gathering together to him there's certain things that have to happen and we'll be talking about that over the next eight days so i want to encourage you don't miss any of these live streams because it'll be very important to you to know what's going to happen and also to hear comments about what we should be doing to be prepared time is short folks we're not talking about you can be prepared 10 years from now you know that you're just going to wait and listen to a few things and you know slowly make some changes we're already seeing uh many events taking place and it it feels in the in the spirit that these events are going to be taking place very soon so we need to be sober we need to be vigilant we need to realize that time is short and we need to act on what we know and be sensitive to what yah is saying to us by his spirit and so we're going to to go to the book of daniel or daniel and we're going to start with chapter 8 and verse 1. i'm going to give you a little history you know danielle prophesied what would become history he prophesied the events that were going to take place in the future and they already have happened and one of the events that he prophesies concerning is the coming of the anti-mashiach the anti-messiah and so we're going to read verse or 2 on that as well and then we're going to discuss it we'll be open to questions if you have any questions we'll try to answer your questions we're going to start with daniel chapter 8 beginning with verse 1. it says in the third year of the reign of belshatstar belshatsar the sovereign a vision appeared to me danielle after the one that appeared to me the first time and i looked in the vision and it came to be while i was looking that i was in the citadel at shushan which is in the province of alum and i looked in the vision and i was by the river ulyi and i lifted my eyes and looked and saw a ram standing beside the river and it had two horns and the two horns were high and the one was higher than the other and the higher one came up last so this ram standing by the river represents the empire of the medes and the persians so the two horns one was representing the medes and the other representing the persians and the persians came up later and the persians were greater than the medes that's what this passage is telling us verse 3 and i lifted my eyes and looked and saw a ram standing by the rivers we touched on that already look at verse 4 i saw the ram pushing westward and northward and southward so that no beast could stand before him in other words the empire of the medes and the persians they were pushing out they were gathering up nations they were taking land they were moving westward and northward and southward and there was no nation that was able to bear up no nation that was able to defend itself against the empire of the medes and the persians it says so that no beast could stand before him and there was no one to deliver from his hand while he did as he pleased and became great so the empire of the medes and the persians was the dominant empire in that day and there was no nation that was strong enough to defend itself against their attack and then we see in verse 5 it says and i was observing and saw a male goat your bible may say a he goat it's a male goat came from the west so what is west of persia west of persia is greece and so this male goat is greece it says over the surface of all the earth without touching the ground and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes and so this is talking about the kingdom of greece which would become a great empire and it moved so quickly across the face of the earth that it was as if this goat wasn't even touching the ground its hooves were not even touching the earth it was flying and when you think about how alexander the great moved across the then known world at that time it was astounding how quickly he was able to fight and defeat and conquer nations and add to his empire and in those days he became the dominant emperor the one who had the fastest growing and the greatest of all empires and so that goat that had the conspicuous horn is greece and that horn was alexander the great okay look at verse 6. and he came to the ram so alexander attacked the empire of the medes and the persians it says then he came to the ram that had two horns which i had seen standing beside the river and ran at him in the rage of his power alexander went after the persians with a vengeance because the persians had persecuted and brought great trouble to greece and alexander went after this empire of the medes and the persians and he was going to defeat it and he was going to destroy it and he was going to conquer it verse 7 and i saw him come close to the ram and he became embittered against him and struck the ram and broke his two horns the two horns represented the medes and the persians and there was no power in the ram to withstand him but he threw him down to the ground and trampled on him and there was no one to deliver the ram from his hand and so alexander and the empire of greece became the dominant empire of that day verse 8 and the male goat became very great it's interesting that alexander's called alexander the great but when he was strong or when he was at the peak of his strength he was 32 years of age when he died but when he was strong the large horn that's alexander was broken he died and in place of it four conspicuous ones came up toward the four winds of the heavens in other words the entire empire was divided up into four different kingdoms and those kingdoms were given to the four top generals of alexander verse nine and from one of them came a little horn which became exceedingly great toward the south and toward the east and toward the splendid land or the land of israel and so from one of those generals it was the the land of syria so in that area that general it wasn't the general under alexander but this little horn came up later and he was the greek king of syria now you got to keep an eye on this little horn because this little horn is more interesting and powerful then you would expect a regular sovereign or an earthly sovereign this little horn is empowered by hasatan hasatan means the adversary you may know him as the devil or the serpent of old and so this little horn is supernaturally empowered by hasatan and the plan is to destroy the torah and the people of yah and to completely hellenize the land of israel in other words bring israel under greek culture i'm talking about greek language greek literature i'm talking about greek religion the greek way of life and this little horn is antiochus or antiochus depending on how you want to pronounce it epiphanies now he named himself epiphanies epiphanies means the image of a deity and he had a deity complex he thought he was a deity and so he came into the splendid land the land of israel and forced hellenization or greek culture on the people of israel and that was the plan of hacitan because hasatan was empowering him to defeat the people of elohim to destroy the torah and the ways of yah and so that was what was happening in those days it says and from one of them came a little horn which became exceedingly great toward the south in other words this little horn was moving out and taking lands as well and toward the east and toward the splendid land and it became great notice up to the host of the heavens and it caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth and trampled them down and so that tells us that antiochus was empowered by hasatan and that there was a supernatural dynamic at work in his life he is a picture of the anti-mashiach to come and so what we see with antiochus epiphanes will happen again what has happened in the past will happen again yeshua understood that and when yeshua was asked about end time events he quoted the prophet danielle even shall the apostle paul understood these things and in second thessalonians chapter 2 when he talks about end time events you can tell that he understood what had taken place under antiochus because he used those exact same dynamics as he talked about what would take place in the future under anti-machiak look at verse 11 it even exalted itself as high as the prince of the host a better interpretation of that word prince is master master of the host that's talking about yah himself and so antiochus exalted himself as high as the master of the hoax he thought he was a deity and he exalted himself above the master of the host and that also shows us that he was empowered by hasatan because hasatan has always wanted to be worshipped and antiochus wanted to be worshipped even by the hebrews in the splendid land in the land of israel it says and it took that which is continual away from him the continual is talking about those daily sacrifices so antiochus forbade that the daily sacrifices would be offered to elohim as a matter of fact he took over the dwelling place of yah the temple in yerushalayim and he sacrificed swine on the altar of yah desecrating it and took the blood of the swine and put the blood of the swine on all the articles of worship in the temple and he forbade that the people read and studied torah he forbade them to live by torah he forbade them to circumcise their children and if they were caught doing those things they were put to death and so we see hasatan through antiochus trying to destroy the people of yah and to put down and trample upon torah and the ways of torah and it says that he stopped those daily sacrifices keep that in mind because we're going to read a passage here in a moment that is going to also tell us that anti-machiac is going to stop the daily sacrifices you say daily sacrifices why there's no temple oh but there will be there will be a rebuilt temple in jerusalem and the sacrifices will start up again and annie mashiach is going to cause those sacrifices to cease and we'll get to that in just a moment and it took that which is continual away from him notice and threw down the foundation of his set apart place in other words defiled the temple of yah and he's going after torah wanting to trample it under foot and cause the people of yah not to walk in the ways of yah in obedience to torah verse 12 and because of transgression this is very important really hear what i'm saying here and because of transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose that which is continual because of transgression what is this talking about this is talking about the fact that there were many many hebrews in those days that came to the conclusion that it was easier to join the pagans than to walk in the ways of yah and to walk in torah and so there was a great falling away there were many many many hebrews who just said let's be hellenized let's accept greek culture let's accept the greek language let's accept the greek religion let's worship the greek deities and so there was a falling away that took place in that day and that's important because we read about the falling away in yeshua's teaching we read about the falling away in sha'ul's teaching there will be a falling away that is coming because what's happened in the past is going to happen again and because of transgression because the people actually wanted to be hellenized there were many many many of them who wanted to go along with modern culture who wanted to go along with greek culture and worship the greek pantheon the greek deities then it says here an army was given over to antiochus to oppose that which is continual so that was yah's judgment on the people because of the falling away it says and it threw the truth to the ground the scripture tells us that torah is truth and so we see a throwing of the torah to the ground and it acted and prospered and so there was a great falling away and there's going to be a falling away in the days ahead as a matter of fact it's already started in many ways verse 13 then i heard a certain set of part one speaking and another set of part 1 said to that certain one who was speaking till when is the vision concerning that which is continual and the transgression that lays waste now the transgression that lays waste that's an interesting phrase we're going to we're going to see it in uh many different ways we're going to read it a couple of times in danielle we know that yeshua quoted donnie yell and we're going to see it in scripture the it says here uh the image in other words is the interpretation that lays waste the image that lays waste what is that well we know that antiochus set up an image of the chief greek deity in the most set apart place in the temple in his day and demanded to be worshiped and the face of that chief deity was that of antiochus and so antiochus erected an image of himself basically in the most set apart place and demanded to be worshipped and anti-mashiach in the future is going to do the same thing there's going to be an image of anti-messiah that is going to be broadcasted i believe it's going to be through technology some kind of technology is going to cast this image from the most set apart place in the rebuilt temple and the false prophet is going to demand that people worship the beast or the anti-meshiac and those who do not worship the beast or and take his mark are going to be executed you say well how can can all people see the image of the beast if it's just going to be in the temple in jerusalem i believe it's cell phones because nearly everyone on the planet has a cell phone and i believe in the last days in those final days when andy machiac makes his appearance that he's going to break into our cell phones and suddenly you're going to see his image and those people who listen and those people who obey will be worshipping the image of the beast and so we need to think about that as so many people even today are worshiping their cell phones you could hardly you know see a person who's not worshiping their cell phone and even couples that sit at a table instead of talking to one another both of them have their cell phones and they're just worshiping that cell phone well when it's time in his time i believe andy mashiock is going to use that cell phone so that every person on the planet is going to see his image and he's going to demand that they worship his image and so these dynamics are already at play in the earth all right till when is the vision this is verse 13 concerning that which is continual and the transgression that lays waste that image that brings desolation the image of of anti-machiac to make both the set apart place and the host to be trampled underfoot and he said to me for 2000 300 nights then that which is set apart shall be made right again we're talking about things that have happened in the past during the time of anti antiochus or antiochus and they're going to happen again in the future and so we know that in the time of antiochus that yah raised up a priestly family called the maccabees and they were unwilling to be hellenized and they resisted antiochus and the syrian army and they drove antiochus out of the splendid land and recaptured the temple and they rededicated the temple and they made things oh yeshua is going to come back in the future and he's going to make all things right as well now go with me if you will over to daniel chapter 9 and we're going to pick up with verse 21 and read a few verses and by the way if you have any questions about anything that we are sharing with you today get on chat give us your questions and we'll do the best we can to answer your questions if you have any comments you can make a comment but go to daniel chapter 9 and we'll pick up with verse 21. this is a very interesting passage it says while i was still speaking in prayer the man gabriel whom i had seen in the vision at the beginning came close to me in swift flight about the time of the evening offering and he made me understand and talked with me and said oh danielle i have now come forth to make you wise concerning understand at the beginning of your supplications a word went out and i have come to make it known for you are greatly appreciated so consider the vision it says 70 weeks are decreed for your people and for your set apart city yerushalayim to put an end to the transgression and to seal up sins and to cover crookedness and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up vision and profit and to anoint the most set apart so 70 weeks we're talking about here 70 70 times seven years or 490 years and so this is a pro of messiah that messiah would live out his life a perfect life without sin he'd go to the tree he would die in our place he would suffer our judgment and take our punishment and he'd be raised from the dead and ascend to the right hand of the father and and so that happened and so again danielle was right in his prophecy verse 25 know then and understand from the going forth of the command to restore and build yerushalayim until messiah the prince is seven weeks and 62 weeks in other words 69 weeks altogether and that 69 times seven years are 483 years so command to restore and build yerushalayim these things have already happened until messiah the prince is 483 years and that leaves seven more years so 483 years of prophecy has already taken place and there's seven years that will take place in the future it says it shall be built again speaking of jerusalem and a trench but in times of affliction verse 26 and after the 62 weeks messiah shall be cut off all right so that's speaking of his his death on the tree and have not and the people of a coming prince speaking of the romans shall destroy the city and the set apart place and the temple and the end of it is with a flood and wastes are decreed and fighting until the end verse 27 this is really interesting and he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week this is speaking of anti-machiak the anti-messiah shall confirm covenant i believe it's a peace treaty it says with me for one week i believe it's a peace treaty between israel islam and the muslims who control temple mount so it's a peace treaty between israel and the muslim world and i believe that there's going to be a land sharing agreement right now there are two mosques on top of the temple mount but there's ample space on temple mount for the rebuilt temple of israel and i believe that israel is going to rebuild the temple and they'll begin the daily sacrifices now this says that a covenant with many is for one week that means seven years now let's continue reading and in the middle of the week he the anti-machiac shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering so three and a half and many people awed the anti-mashiach as being a peacemaker they will see him as someone who is a very shrewd and smooth politician as well as a religious person and they will see that he has done something that no one else has been able to do and that's bring peace between the jews and the muslims as a matter of fact israel is able to rebuild its temple and the sacrifices have started up so many of the jews will be lauding this anti-mashiach and for three and a half years many will be saying peace and safety and that's a phrase that shaol talks about he says that many will say in that day peace and safety when they cry out they is not us when they cry out peace and safety then sudden destruction shall come upon them again not us so three and a half years it will appear that all is going well that there's peace and safety but at the end of three empowered by hasatan is going to want to be worship hadn't had enough of sacrifices being offered to a deity other than himself and he's going to stop those daily sacrifices and the false prophet is going to then project that image of the beast of the anti-messiah in the most set apart place in the rebuilt temple and demand that all people worldwide worship the image and take the mark of the beast and again i believe that that the image is going to be projected to most all people through our cell phones and it will be demanded and and commanded upon us that we watch these live streams of the anti-machiak over our cell phones and so i believe it's time for to consider a different form of communication it will be at some point necessary for us to get rid of these cell phones notice it says in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering and on the weak the wing of abominations he shall lay waste there it is again he's gonna he's gonna cause that image to be set up or projected in the most set apart place in the rebuilt temple notice until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste and so we know that israel is not going to worship anti-moshiach and when israel refuse refuses to worship anti-moshiach now why is that because he stops their daily sacrifices then anti-machiac is going to establish a multinational military force to come against israel and we're going to see then at that point what the bible calls the battle of harmagido or armageddon and yeshua will return and will save those that look upon him upon him whom they pierced it says in zechariah born for him as one mourns for a lost son they will see him as the anti they will see yeshua as the mashiach and they will call upon that one name by which we all must be saved the name yeshua and they will be redeemed they will be saved at that time yeshua is going to destroy the anti-messiah and his false prophet and throw them into the lake of fire he's going to defeat the enemies of yah he's going to gather up his bride and he's going to begin ruling and reigning over this earth for a thousand years of shalom and that's what sukkot is alt we are rehearsing the time when yeshua establishes his reign over the earth and we as believers believers in yeshua believers who have a belief that produces obedience will become his bride and we will rule and reign with him for a thousand years of shalom that is what sukkot is all about and that is why sukkot is the season of our greatest joy yes we will see some disturbing times yes we will see some distress yes we will be here throughout that whole seven year period the latter three and a half years is called the time of yaakov's trouble that will be great distress but because we believe we're going to hang on because we believe we're going to continue walking in torah because we believe we are going to endure and yeshua said if you endure to the end you shall be saved and he will gather up his bride and we look forward to that gathering up where we will meet the master in the air and so we will always be with the master hallelujah there's so much more to talk about and i want to encourage you to stay with us stay with us all eight days because we're going to talk about how to be prepared for the distress that's ahead of us because there's trouble coming our way but we can be ready we're not children of the darkness we're not children of the night we are children of the day we are children of the light we have revelation we have the scripture yah is speaking to us by his spirit we can and will be prepared so i want to encourage you to stick with us because you're going to hear a lot of wonderful things about what you can do to be prepared all right i'm going to ask my team if they have any questions to bring over to me or some comments and so i'm getting a signal over there that uh that they're struggling a bit with the the questions in the comments so i will just at this time um thank you for watching we're so glad that you've joined us we are glad that you're a part of our extended triumph in truth family we're glad that you're celebrating sukkot with us and so we want to bless you at this time why don't you stand up where you are and just lift up your hands and i'll speak a word of blessing over you and we will conclude for today and we'll see you back here tomorrow at 1 and we will start on time tomorrow at 1 and it will be a tremendous time we look forward to seeing you there let's stand together lift up your hands and worship as i speak these words of blessing over you yah bless you and surrounds you with a hedge of protection y'all illuminate the wholeness of his being towards you bringing order and giving you comfort and sustenance yah lift up his wholeness of being and look upon you and set in place all you need to be whole and complete in the matchless name of yeshua amane and maine yeah bless you enjoy your sukkot you
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 4,585
Rating: 4.9820223 out of 5
Id: YlDJ3PglJjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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