Do Not Learn The Ways of The Nations

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are you ready to get into Yas word today I am as well I want you to open your Bibles with me to Jeremiah chapter 10 we're going to begin in just a moment with verse 1 and I've entitled this message today do not learn the ways of the nations do not learn the ways of the nations Jeremiah chapter 10 beginning with verse 1 it says here the word which yah speaks to you O house of Israel thus said yah do not learn the way of the nations and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens in other words don't consider the heavenly bodies as deities worthy of worship for the nations are awed by them they worship them for the laws or the ways of these peoples are worthless so this is a command by the Almighty to his people not to learn the ways of the nations in other words to continue their pure form of worship as defined by the Torah don't allow a mixture to come in don't learn the ways that the nations worship their false deities and worship yah in the same manner so we see here that the Almighty is saying to his people don't learn the ways of the nations and yet many of us we were born into the ways of the nations we were as children taught these things we've inherited the ways of the nations so to Israel yah said don't learn the ways to those of us who are coming into grafted into believing Israel what y'all says to us is we need to unlearn the ways of the nations can you say Amen hallelujah so look at Deuteronomy chapter 12 beginning with verse 29 says when yah your Elohim does cut off from before you the nations which you go to dispossessed and you dispossessed them and dwell in their land we have to stop right there and say there's a reason why the almighty dis possessed them from the land and that reason is because of their abominations that's why we don't learn the ways of the nations look at verse 30 guard yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them or to follow in their ways after they are destroyed from before you and that you do not inquire about their mighty ones or their false deities saying how did these nations serve their mighty ones and let me do so too alright now this is not the almighty saying when you go into this possess the land of these people these pagan worshippers do not inquire of their gods and worship their gods what he's saying is when you go into dispossessed their land and to take their land from them do not inquire of them how they worship their gods and worship me in the same manner all right in the same manner with the same customs and symbols and practices now we can directly apply these things to us those of us who are coming out of quote Babylon into the truth amen we are not to worship yah with pagan customs with pagan practices with pagan symbols can you say men he wants a pure form of worship as defined by his Torah because his Torah is the foundation for all scripture can you say ma'am his Torah is the instructions and the guidelines of our Creator can you say men hallelujah it defines and describes what a pure form of worship is so he says don't ask how did these nations serve their mighty ones and let me do so to do not do so to yah your Elohim why for every abomination everybody say abomination for every abomination which yah hates how many of you know yah hates abominations he hated them then and he hates them still today can you say men for every abomination which y'all hates they have done to their mighty ones in other words in the way that they have worshipped their false deities they have practiced these abominations for they even burned their sons and daughters in the fire to their mighty wands all right and so this is mo che just letting the people know how deeply these pagan people have transgressed how they've fallen into evil and y'all says I don't want you to learn their ways I don't want you to inquire of how they worship their false deities and worship me in the same manner using the same customs and practices Amen now what are you thinking when I say these kinds of things there's a bit of mixture going on in religion today don't you think so the Bible says in Malachi chapter 3 and verse 6 for I am yah I shall not change another translation says I am yah I change not now why is that important because what he hated then he still hates today he doesn't change he hated abominations back in the day of the children of Israel when they received the Torah and he hates abominations and mixture today as well can you say man Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 9 says when you come into the land which yah your Elohim is giving you do not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter passed through the fire or one who practices divination or a user of magic or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or a medium or a Spiritist or one who calls up the dead look at verse 12 for whoever does these is an abomination to yah and because of these abominations your Elohim drives them out from before you that's why they're getting dispossessed amen verse 13 says be perfect before yah your Elohim in other words walk in the ways of yah as defined by his Torah for these nations whom you are possessing do listen to those using magic and to diviners but as for you this is a special charge to the people of yah yah your elohim has not appointed such for you you have not been appointed to these things you've not been appointed to mixture you've not been appointed to compromise you've not been appointed to the ways of the world can you say man you are appointed to walk in the pure ways of yah and we're going to see here in a few moments that Yeshua came and demonstrated what those pure ways were so if we're following Yeshua as he said notice he didn't say follow religion he didn't say follow traditions he didn't say follow in the ways of the world obviously what did he say follow me and yet his life is defined by perfect obedience to the Torah and so if we're following him what are we going to be doing we're going to be obeying the scripture can you say a good amen you've not been appointed to these abominations but you have been appointed to walk in the truth of the Torah Leviticus chapter 18 verse 1 and y'all spoke to Moses saying speak to the children is trial and say to them I am yah your Elohim do not do as they do in the land of mitzrayim that's Egypt in other words I'm bringing you out of Egypt I'm gonna bring you out of that land and I tell you when you come out of Egypt you need to get the Egypt out of you can you say Amen when you're brought out of Babylon you need to leave the Babylon in Babylon amen do not do as they do in the land of miss rain where you dwelt so as you're delivered you come out of that condition that you were in and do not do as they do in the land of Canaan where I am bringing you and do not walk in their laws or do not practice their ways all right so he's saying when I bring you out of Egypt you leave Egypt in Egypt don't bring Egypt along with you and when I put you into the land of Canaan don't adopt the ways of those people because I've appointed you to a pure way I have set you apart that's what the word holy means to be set apart so when you are set apart you're not going to fit in with the rest of the world when you're set apart - yah you're not going to fit in with religion when you're set apart - yah you're not going to fit in with the traditions of men because you are set apart under his ways we are to walk in the ways of Yeshua because he came to demonstrate to us how to live out the Torah by grace in the spirit can you say good amen and we're to follow him look at verse 4 do my right rulings and guard my laws to walk in them I am your Elohim so we are to guard his laws we are to do his right rulings we are to walk in his ways and there's no room for compromise and there's no room for mixture amen that's what this journey is about it's about returning to the pure ways of yah now we've read what the Torah the prophets say about not learning the ways of the nations do you feel like in the Apostolic writings will have the writers also saying the same things how many of you know that all the scripture must agree and it does amen anyone who pits what's called the Old Testament against the New Testament doesn't understand the nature of the scripture the quote Old Testament is not at war with the New Testament the quote New Testament is not at war with the Old Testament it all agrees if you can't make it agree then your interpretation is in error because it will all agree so when Paul and the other writers of the opposite writings wrote they didn't come up with new things they didn't they didn't write a bunch of new things as a matter of fact Paul quotes the Torah so much in his writings the Torah is the foundation for the writings of Paul it's the foundation for his authority so some people say well he took the book of Romans and he abolished the Torah do you know how many times he quoted the Torah in the book of Romans most people don't know that's why they say things like that he quotes the Torah over and over and over again in the book of Romans do you realize that salvation by favor through belief is a Torah principle that he actually quoted the Torah when he taught that principle amen many people don't know that so let's look at Ephesians chapter 4 beginning with verse 17 it says so this I say and witness in the master this is really interesting that you should no longer walk as the nations walk well he's saying the same thing the Torah says he's saying don't learn the ways of the nations but he's speaking to those who were born in the nations those who had inherited the lives of the nations and so he's saying I know you were brought up in the ways of the nations but you need to unlearn the ways of the nations no longer walk as the nations walk in the futility of their mind the scripture says we're to have the mind of Messiah and what was the foundation of messiahs mind the Torah look at verse 18 having been darkened in their understanding hmm we're to walk in the light of the Torah it says those are the nation's they have their understanding darkened they're walking in the darkness and we need to as believers in Yeshua those that have been grafted into believing Israel we need to walk in the light the light of the Torah having been estranged from the life of Elohim well the tour itself says the commandment is given to bring life and blessing when you are estranged from the life of Elohim you're estranged from his word because his word brings life does it not says because of the ignorance that is in them well that's one of the charges that I feel like I'm called to bring to the body Messiah especially those who are in the Christian church that that we need to get away from the ignorance that abides within us in other words just trusting what the preacher says years and years ago to be a pastor or a leader in a quote church you had to at least go to seminary and get some training but today if you want to start a church you just contact the government you get yourself a 501c3 and then you hang up your shingle and we have a lot of pastors who don't know much more than the Sheep who are in their flock teaching from a base of ignorance and many of them are sincere but you can be sincere and sincerely wrong about things if you haven't taken the time to study out the scripture can you say good amen it says because of the hardness of their heart talk about the hardness of their conscience verse nineteen who having become calloused have given themselves up to indecency to work all uncleanness with greediness again this is just describing the ways of the nation's and Paul is telling the believers at Ephesus that you're no longer to walk in the ways of the nation's in other words you're to unlearn the ways of the nation's and you're to learn the ways of yah look at verse 20 but you have not so learned Messiah if indeed you have heard him and we're taught by him so who are we supposed to be taught by so often people want to sidestep Yeshua and focus on sha hold on Paul and they say well your Scheuer was born under the Lord he taught people under the law and we're not under the law so what he said doesn't really apply to us we follow Paul yeah but Paul said he was imitating Yeshua amen and Paul says here that we're to be taught by Yahshua how are we taught by Yahshua well one we can read his word to we could see his example in Scripture I will tell you you are safe if you do what Yeshua did you are safe if you say what Yeshua said you are safe if you love what your shul loved you will be safe if you hate what Yeshua hated he's our example he's our teacher can you say Amen well you can boil it down and make it really simple study the life of Yeshua and emulated he said follow me did he not at what point did he abdicate his position of leadership to Paul did he ever say well you you can follow me while I'm on the planet but when I ascend to the right hand then you follow show you follow Paul did ever say that no follow me why would you want to follow him because he's the only one who made it he made it all the way to the right hand of Abba Father I don't know about you but I want to follow the one who made it I'm not going to follow religion because number one religion can't save me so why should I follow religion religion can't lead me as they're a matter of fact religion we're going to find out is one of the greatest enemies of the soul of men because it sells a passivity or you just do what we say and you'll be fine Yeshua didn't say follow Judaism he didn't say follow Christianity he said follow me it's not in an ism or an entity it's in him can you say good amen but you have not so learned Messiah if indeed you have heard him and were taught by him as truth is in Yeshua where's the truth in Yeshua that you pull off with regard to your former behavior the ways of the nations the old man being corrupted according to the desires of the deceit or according to the deceitful desires and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the renewed man or the new man which was create according to elohim in righteousness here it is and set apart nests of the truth the set apart nests that comes when obeying the truth that's what this is talking about you have been created the new man the born-again man has been created in righteousness you've been created for righteousness and you've been created for set apart nests of the truth if an unbeliever can't look at your life and find some example of truth you're falling the wrong thing you're emulating the wrong thing your life Auto exemplify the truth and I'm not just talking about the little sliver at the back of the book at what point did we hear your schewe say only live out of the sliver in the back of the book everything left of matthew has been abolished has he ever said that no the sum of Yas word is truth and all his righteous right rulings are for how long forever amen and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man which was created according to elohim and righteousness and set apart nests of the truth romans 12 and verse 2 and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind we got to get our minds renewed so that you prove what is that good and well pleasing and perfect desire of elohim so when we get our minds renewed we go about the business of proving what is that good and well-pleasing perfect desire of elohim how do you prove it out by living it out so how do we discover what the good and well pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim is by going to his word by studying Scripture and the Torah is the foundation of all Scripture can you say men then we allow the set-apart spirit as we read the word to renew our minds in the word now the new covenant is defined by the fact that yah puts his Torah in our minds and writes it on our hearts so when you enter in to the New Covenant that covenant is defined by supernatural work of the ruach ha'qodesh and that work it's not just the born-again experience although that's a powerful wonderful thing but it goes further than that it goes into the fact that the Almighty through the spirit will place his word as you read it and meditate on it he's going to put it in your mind your mind is gonna be renewed you're gonna stop thinking like a pagan you're gonna stop thinking like a worldly person amen you're gonna stop thinking like a sinner why because you have the word of yah in your mind hallelujah and then he's gonna write it on your heart by his Spirit he's going to give you a desire to be obedient and he's going to give you the power to be obedient these are characteristics of the New Covenant not that you just mentally a sin that Jesus is the Christ and you're born again and then you can live any way you want to live in life that's not what the prophetic scriptures tell us about the New Covenant Jeremiah tells us that God is going to put his law in our mind and write it on our hearts Ezekiel tells us that he's going to take out y'all is going to take out stony heart that heart of rebellion and disobedience and he's going to put in us a heart of flesh that's that's the want to that's the heart that wants to obey and then he says and then he's going to put his spirit in us that gives us the power to so these things define the New Covenant that we're in in Yeshua that we have the want to and the power to be obedient hallelujah so we can be renewed our minds can change our computers so to speak can be reprogrammed hallelujah in the word of y'all can you say Amen and then what do we do when our when our minds are renewed in the word of y'all then we prove out the scriptures through obedience in that right your belief without works is what is dead your belief without your works is dead so you need to prove out what you believe prove out the scriptures prove out the fact that the Almighty has placed his word in your mind and written it on your heart and you do that through obedience look at 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 and you know that you were Nations everybody say were nations led away to the dumb idols let's talk about idols that can't speak let away to the dumb idols even as you might be led so you used to be the nations now this is in the opposite writings this is show writing to the congregation there in Corinth and he says you used to be the nation's and you used to be led away to idols even as you might be led now here's the problem sadly not much has changed in religion religion still has its Easter bunnies that it's Easter eggs it's Christmas trees is statues of Mary all kinds of pagan ways and influences does it not when you're in it you can't see it but when you're opens your eyes to it you can see it plainly he's not interested in a mixed-up form of worship Yeshua said I would that you were cold or hot but because you're lukewarm what is lukewarm it's a mixture of cold and hot because you're all mixed up in essence he says that nauseates me I'm gonna spit you or spew you or vomit you out of my mouth he vomits out mixture amen we're seeing this now in the opposite writings we read it in the Torah and the prophets nothing's changed go with me to first Peter chapter 4 and verse 1 it says therefore since Messiah suffered in the flesh arm yourselves also with the same mind because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin in other words a dead man doesn't sin have you died to sin so that he no longer lives the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men but according to the desire of Elohim where do we find the desire of Elohim in Scripture the foundation of that being the Torah verse 3 for we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the desire of the nations there it is right there do not learn the ways of the nations it says in the Torah in the opposite writings when it's speaking to those who came out of the nations it's saying unlearn the ways of the nations for we've spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the desires of the nations how many of you when you saw it when you saw the mixture and you came out of it how many of you had a great sense of relief it's like the weight of the world was lifted off of you amen that you could finally walk in the truth and finally walk in the pure ways of yah as defined by the tour in the scripture for we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the desires of the nations having walked in indecencies lusts drunkenness orgies wild parties and abominable idolatries remember what yah hated then he still hates what was it abolished then it's still an abomination today we've spent enough of our lifetime walking in those things first for in which they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same flood of loose behavior yeah they're surprised when we won't walk in those waves have you ever been challenged by someone maybe they're sincere in their religion they don't understand why you want to walk in all the Bible and they challenge you because you won't walk in their ways the first time you said I'll not be doing Christmas this year how did that have an impact on your family yeah you remember I see all the smiles and the nods in which they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same flood of loose behavior blaspheming who shall give an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead I don't know about you but I want to live in such a way that I'll always be ready to stand before the one who will judge the living and the dead we need to live in such a way can you say good amen now quickly go with me over to John chapter 8 we're gonna begin with verse 12 and I'm gonna give you the scripture we just have a few scriptures that I want to share here where Yeshua said follow my example follow me John chapter 8 verse 12 therefore Yeshua spoke to them again saying I am the light of the world who's the light of the world Yeshua he who follows me shall by no means walk in darkness because he's the light but possesses the light of life in other words if you follow here you'll be walking in the ways of Elohim the ways of Elohim are the ways of Torah proverbs 6:23 says for the command is a lamp and the Torah a light now let me ask you a question did you schewe ever break one of the Torah Commandments when he walked on the earth if he had broken the Torah Commandments like some and religions say they say well he broke the Sabbath he didn't break the Sabbath he didn't owe their religious line he didn't keep a lot of their traditions but he obeyed the Almighty he obeyed the Torah but had he broken the Torah would he have been able to save us no that would have made him a sinner not a savior getting that right so his his life is defined by complete obedience he's the righteous one now the scripture also talks about one who is the law lest what law less disobedience and he's the anti Messiah so we have the Messiah who's defined by righteousness and obedience and then we have the ante Masaya are the opposite of that the opposite of him and he's defined by law less nest so I see two camps which camp do you want to be in I want to be in the camp of those who obey like your schewe did Amen psalm 119:105 says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path and then John 14:6 this is a passage that many can quote Yeshua said I am the way notice he didn't say I am one of several ways he didn't say I have one way for the Messianic Jews and I have a different way for the non-jewish believers did he say on two ways no he said I am the way I am the truth there's not one truth for messianic believers and a different truth for non-jewish believers there's one truth and the life hallelujah and we know that no one comes to the Father except through him he said it himself no one comes to the Father except through me it's so if you want to make it to the Father how are you going to get there through Yeshua now an interesting thing is that Yeshua said I am the way I am the truth and I am the life those he spoke to his disciples would have known the Torah they would have known the scripture and they would have known that the scripture says the Torah is the way the Torah is the truth and the Torah is the life so what is your shoe were doing here he's he's simply saying I am The Living Torah amen if you follow me you'll not walk in darkness why because the command is a lamp and the Torah a light and then first John 2 beginning with verse 3 and by this we know that we know him do you want to know how you can know that you know him it tells us right here if we guard his commands you know him if you obey his commands the one who says I know him and does not guard his commands as a liar and the truth is not in him well if the truth had been in him truly in him he would have obeyed the truth verse five but whoever guards his word that means obeys truly the love of Elohim or you could say his love for elohim has been perfected in him so your love for elohim is perfected it's demonstrated by obeying the commandments didn't your schewe say the same thing the torah says he said if you love me keep my Commandments so our love for you schewe is perfected in keeping his commandments by this we know that we are in him when we guard his word verse six the one who says he stays or abides in him in Yeshua ought himself also to walk even as or you could say just as he Yeshua walked so the question is are you truly abiding in him the people in religion truly abide in him when they've not taken the time to find out how he walked see how can two walk together unless they be agreed many will say in that day didn't I prophesy in your name cast out demons in your name work miracles in your name and your shoe is going to say to them depart from me I never knew you you who work lawlessness you who lives like there was no law like there was no Torah to me prophesying in his name casting out demons in his name and doing miracles in his name sounds like ministry and so you sure is implying that many in ministry will be rejected because they didn't have intimacy with him they didn't know him like a husband knows his wife intimately Amen you who practice or who work law less Ness you live like there was no law now I'm glad I'm not the judge aren't you I'll leave all that in his hands I'm nothing but the newspaper boy I'm just throwing out the news today that's all amen but this is a tremendous dynamic in principle that each one of us should live by and it simplifies all of it the one who says he stays or abides in Yeshua ought himself also to walk even as our just as he Yahshua walked so don't you think we ought to find out how your shul walked don't you think we ought to find out what your shoe believed don't you think we oughta we ought to love what your shoe loved and hate what your shoe hated amen all right I'm going to give you one example out of the writings of not learning the ways of the nations are unlearning the ways of the nations and how you can have religion and think you're right and still be steeped in the ways of the nations in pagan ways 2nd Kings chapter 22 beginning with verse 3 this is the example of King Yoshi Yahoo or Josiah he says then it came to be in the 18th year of sovereign Yoshi aku that the sovereign sent chafe and thus tribe all right to the house of yah saying verse 4 go up to Hilke Yahoo the high priest and let him weigh the silver which has been brought into the house of yah which the doorkeepers have gathered from the people and let them give it to the hand of those doing the work so there was a renovation that was going on in the temple and so the King wanted a fan to go in and get the money that the high priest had collected to give it then to those that were doing the work notice it says who are the overseers in the house of yah and let them give it to those who are in the house of y'all doing the work to strengthen the breach of the house so Chafin goes to the high priest and tells him what the King says and look at 2nd Kings chapter 22 verse 8 and Hilke Yahoo the high priest said to Chafin describe I have found the book of the Torah in the house of yah what you've got all that religion going on you've got priests offering sacrifices you've got ceremonies and rituals and traditions and all kinds of things going on and you lost the book of the Torah what is the foundation for all that religion you're doing if you don't have the book of the Torah can you imagine the high priest coming to Chafin and saying I found a book you know when there's renovations going on there's all kind of activities and people are opening up rooms they had been in a while and dusting off things and the high priest found a book it was a book that had been lost it was a book that had been lost even though religion was going forward and people we're doing what they thought was right again they were sincere but they were sincerely wrong they lost the book of the Torah when you don't have the book of the Torah men do what's right in their own eyes did he say men and yoky Yahoo gave the book to Chafin and Chafin read it what a novel idea he took the time right then and read the book of the Torah it had been lost so it was news to him amen looka verse 9 and shafe and the scribe came to the sovereign and brought word to the sovereign again saying your servants have gathered the silver that was found in the house and have given it to the hand of those who do the work who oversee the house of yah so he said ok so I did what you told me to do look at verse 10 and Chafin the scribe informed the sovereign saying Hilke Yahoo the priest has given me a book and Chafin read it before the sovereign in other words ok so I did what you asked me to do but but here's the new development King we found an important book it was under some things so dusty we blew the dust off we read the Torah by the way King it was in the house of yah all along and the Torah has been in the religious Bible all along but it had been lost why because religion taught that it was abolished and so what what's happening today in the the day that we're living in and it's happening all over the world people are finding the book people are discovering the Torah so Chafin read it and when he read it he thought man I better read this to the king and so he read it before the sovereign look at verse 11 and it came to be when the sovereign heard the words of the book of the Torah that he tore his garment there's conviction for you right there how many of you tore your garment so to speak you rent your hearts you repented that you had ignored this truth this lamp this light for so many years he tore his garments and the sovereign commanded Hilkiah the priests and these other men saying go inquire of yah for me for the people and for all yahudah concerning the words of this book that has been found for grade is the wrath of yah that is kindled against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book to do according to all that is written concerning us you know he came to the same conclusion that the prophets came to one in particular that said that that in the last days the Gentiles would come to a place where they discovered that they had inherited lies and falsehood and worthlessness and he's making a decree right here he said our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book we've inherited all of this religion but we didn't have the truth so King Yoshi Yahoo sends men to inquire of yah look at verse 15 and she hold of the prophetess said to them thus said yah elohim of israel say to the man who sent you to me thus said yah see I am bringing evil on this place and on its inhabitants all the words of the book which the sovereign of yehuda has read because they have forsaken me and burnt incense to other mighty ones to provoke me with all the works of their hands see they had learned the ways of the nations and so my wrath shall be Kindle against this place and not be Lucca verse 18 and the sovereign of yehuda who sent you to inquire of yah say this to him so she said I want you to speak these words to the sovereign of Judah thus said yah elohim of israel as for the words which you have heard because your heart was tender everybody say a tender heart and you humbled yourself before yah when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants that they would become a ruin and a curse and did tear your garments and wept before me see that's the appropriate response when we find out that we've inherited lies we come to the truth becoming humility I also have heard declares yah therefore see I am gathering you to your fathers and you shall be gathered to your burial site in peace so that your eyes do not see all the evil I am bringing on this place and they brought word to the sovereign all right now look at chapter 23 verse 1 and the sovereign sent and they gathered all the elders of yehuda and yerushalayim to him all right so things are about to change he humbly repented before the almighty that he had walked in the ways of the nation's that he didn't know the truth and now he's about to make a change and this reminds me of my experience and many of you probably have a very similar experience when I came to the truth when he opened up my eyes to religion with mixture and the fact that there were so many pagan customs and traditions involved in religion and that yah hated those things I remember it was on Passover day at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon I had made my way out to a body of water I had one witness and I went under the water and in going under the water I was saying I was dying - all of the mixture I was dying - all of the Roman customs and the Roman traditions and the Roman holidays and all of that and that I was going to come up a new man that I was coming up a new man completely devoted and dedicated to the pure ways of yah that I was going to search the scripture that I was going to learn his ways and begin to walk in his ways and I was going to do it no matter who it joined me together with or separated me from that I was going to follow your schewe no turning back no turning back though none go with me still I will follow no turning back no turning back and I have a moment four years ago Passover a day 3 p.m. the same time Yeshua gave up his spirit I was going under the water in death and I was coming up alive alive to his ways and his truth in his light and I've been walking in the path ever since hallelujah and it's changed my life dramatically radically amen and many of you have a similar testimony of what coming to the truth of Torah has done in your life but it has radically changed me it has radically changed you and we see an example of it right here Yoshi Yahoo was dramatically changed when he came to the truth of the Torah look at verse 1 and the sovereign sent and they gathered all the elders of Yehuda and you were lying to him and the sovereign went up to the house of yah with all the men of Yehuda and all the inhabitants of you shall I'm with him and the priests and the prophets and all the people both small and great this was a big meeting and he the king read in there hearing all the words of the book of the Covenant which had been found in the house of yah so now the king is leading is he not so he's reading the book of the Torah we need more people Yau raise up more people who will be radically transformed who will not be afraid of the faces of the people who will prophesy thus says yah who will preach and teach the Torah and teach that people need to be responsible to the truth amen and then give us the strength and the courage to make the changes that are necessary to walk in the truth to demonstrate the truth to walk in a pure form of worship can you say good amen look at verse three and the sovereign stood by the column and made a covenant before yah he made a covenant before yah to follow yah and to guard his commands and his witnesses and his laws with all his heart and all his being see I did the same thing when I came up out of that water that day to establish the words of this covenant that were written in this book and all the people stood to the Covenant they all agreed they all said they're going to live by the book of the Torah and then notice what happened it's not just something we say it's not just some mental ascension there's action required and notice what the king then did started we verse 4 then the sovereign commanded Hilke Yahoo the high priest and the priest of the second order and the doorkeepers to bring out of the call or the temple of yah notice all the objects that were made for bail what are objects made for bail doing in the set apart temple that's what happens when you don't have a Torah when you lost the book we're talking about mixture to bring out of the temple of yah all the objects that were made for bail and for a sure ah these are false deities and for all the hosts of the heavens talking about the Sun and the moon and the stars and he burned them outside you rush a lie in the fields of Kidron and took their ashes to beit el so they brought all of the objects of mixed worship out and the King burned those items now let me ask you this was there not just maybe a little bit of compromise we'd get rid of some but there's some things I just really really love you know I just love those Roman holidays and so you know I'll I'll walk in the truth but I don't want to give up some of those things you know they're they're too precious to me they're too valuable to me and yet we don't see that as an example here we see someone who came to Torah who saw the Torah who was changed by Torah and now this radical transformation is taking place and he's going after all of these items of mixed worship gonna get rid of them gonna clean the house first get you life cleaned clean your house amen look at verse 5 and he put down or deposed the black-robe priests whom the sovereigns of Yehuda had appointed the kings of Judah appointed these guys whom the sovereigns of yahuda had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Yehuda and in the places all around you Russia Lane and those who burn incense to bail to the Sun to the moon and to the constellations and to all the hosts of the heavens Wow this is a changed person he's taken down all the high places you know high places started with Solomon he married all those foreign women and you can imagine you know those foreign women saying well you've got this temple over here you got that whole top of that mountain and we don't even have a little tiny place that we can go burn incense to our our quote God just give us a little spot over here on the side of the hill and we'll just go over there we will stay out of your way we'll just go over there and we'll burn incense to our God and Solomon let it happen well you know if he let one of them do it he's got to let all of them do it in that right and so he introduced the high places and so Yoshi Yahoo now has taken down the high places if you read in the Chronicles and the kings and you come across those kings that you know that that did right you're glad to find one every now and then you know the ones that did right you read through there and you're glad that somebody's doing right and then the you know at the very end it says but they did not take down the high places all of these praise statements and they get to the very end and the Almighty remembered that they didn't take down the high places but Yoshi ah who took down the high places who verse 6 and he brought out the Asherah from the house of yah to the wadi kid drone outside your ruche line and burned it at the wadi kid road and ground it to ashes and threw its ashes on the burial sites of the sons of the people and he broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes that were in the house of yah what the houses of the male cult prostitutes that were in the set-apart temple where the women woved tapestries for the Asherah again we have to keep in mind that they thought they were right they thought they were doing right in their worship they could have been sincere in their heart but they were sincerely wrong about y'all's pure ways they had lost the book of the Torah and religion has lost the book of the Torah these things happen when you don't have a foundation there are sincere people have been taught that the tour has been abolished but in these days that we're living in the Almighty is opening the eyes of the truth seekers to see the Torah to find the book and to be radically transformed to begin walking in his ways walking in the ways of Yeshua amen let's continue verse 10 and he defiled TOFA that's a location in Jerusalem which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom so that no man could make his son or his daughter pass through the fire to Molech so they were sacrificing their children to the false deity Molech now what was that high priest doing what were those who were in the priestly office doing and all this was going on the King wasn't even aware that these things were wrong see when you lose the book of the Torah you can imagine all kinds of evil things can you say men and he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of yehuda had given to the son at the entrance to the house of yah by the room of Nathan melech the eunuch that were in the court so there was Sun worship going going and he burned the chariots of the Sun with fire and the slaughter places verse 12 that were on the roof of the Upper Room of Ahaz which the sovereigns of yehuda had made and the slaughter places these are altars which mana Shay had made in the two courtyards of the house of yah so there were these altars that shouldn't have been there the sovereign broke down and rushed from there and through their dust into the wadi Kidron and the sovereign defiled the high places that were before yerushalayim which were on the right hand of the mountain of destruction which Salome o our solemn and sovereign of Israel built for Ashtaroth Solomon built this Solomon was the wisest and most foolish man that ever lived in one person started out wise and ended up foolish to Astaroth the abomination of the sidonians and for chemos the abomination of the Moab's and for Milka the abomination of the children of ammon you see all of these pagan ways that have crept that crept in to their worship and they thought they were right and he broke in pieces the pillars the obelisks of Sun worship and cut down the ashram and filled their places with the bones of men to the father and also the slaughter place that was a at beth-el the high place which Jeroboam son of Nebat made by which he made Israel sin both that slaughter placed in the high place he broke down and he burned the high place and ground it to dust and burned the Asherah now why am i reading all this because I want you to see how passionate this man was to come out of these pagan ways these false ways to come out of the mixture amen he was passion he didn't leave a little bit over here he didn't pick and choose well I'll get rid of this but I want to hang on to the amen he was passionate about all that he did you can continue to read on through there but notice verse 21 he says I'm the sovereign commanded all the people saying prepare the pace I are the Passover to yah your Elohim as it is written in the book of the Covenant in other words he turned his heart back to the Bible feasts see when you discovered Torah you're ready to get rid of the Roman holidays and your heart turns to the Bible feasts you know I've said it before but when you're schewe comes to establish his kingdom are we going to be keeping the Roman holidays in his kingdom no the scripture says we're gonna be keeping the Bible feasts amen why because that's the way of yah and so he went through this this process of removing all of the compromise and all of the mixture and it came to his heart to prepare the Passover verse 21 and the sovereign commanded all the people saying prepare the Passover the Pesach - yo your Elohim as it is written in the book of the Covenant for such notice for such a Passover had not been prepared since the days of the rulers who ruled Israel nor in all the days of the sovereign's of Israel and the sovereigns of Yehuda there had not been such a Passover but in the 18th year of sovereign yo-yo she aku this pay saw this Passover was prepared before yah in yerushalaim back to the feasts they turned their hearts back to yah and they turned to the feasts he goes on to say in verse 24 and also Yoshi ah who put away those who could salted mediums and spiritists and the household mighty ones and idols and all the abominations that were seen in the land of yehuda and in Yerushalayim in order to establish the words of the Torah which were written in the book that Hill Keauhou the priest found in the house of yah he did all of those things so that he could establish the words of the Torah that were written in the book that he'll Keauhou the priest found in the house of yah the book of the Torah verse 25 last verse and before him before Yoshi Yahoo there was no sovereign like him who turned back to yah with all his heart and with all his being and with all his might see if you're gonna turn back to y'all that's how you gonna turn back to him he didn't want part of your heart and part of your being and part of your might he wants all of you it's all or nothing with him he will not share your affections with any other deity or with a tradition or the ways of men he wants all of us he wants us to be set apart for you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a set apart nation Yas own special people that you proclaim the praises of yah who called you out not partially out but all the way out of darkness into his marvelous light how many of you are glad that you've been called out of something you've been called out of darkness how many of you're glad that you've been put in to his marvelous light amen and before him there was no sovereign like him who turned back to yah with all his heart with all his being and with all his might according to all the Torah of Mosher notice he did it all according to all the tourm O'Shay and after him none rose up like him so his example is powerful example to us in the days that we're living in a discovery of the Torah and a willingness to turn back to y'all with all of our hearts with all of our beings with all of our might and walk in his ways and be a light to the dark world walking with Yeshua in his ways if you say that you abide in him you must also walk just as he walked hallelujah you
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 36,030
Rating: 4.9308462 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Do Not Learn The Ways of The Nations, Elohim, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, MEssiah, Messianic, pagan, Nations, Pagan Holidyas, Pagan symbols, tradition, customs, Pagan tradition, Pagan customs, worship, NO Mixture, Sin of Mixture, Easter, Passover, uneaved Bread, Truth, Bible, Lord, God, Torah, Whole GOod News, Pure Form of Worship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 32sec (4052 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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