Yeshua Revealed In The Ancient Hebrew Wedding

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I want to take the next few moments and just open  up the word and talk about Yeshua revealed in the   ancient Hebrew wedding. So did you know that the  Bible is filled with wedding terminology and even   what's called the New Testament is filled with  wedding terminology and if you don't understand   the wedding terminology you'll miss the point oftentimes of what's being spoken and so today   I want to get into some of it, it's very deep  but I'm going to keep it relatively simple as   we just begin to discuss some of these matters. I  want you to open your Bibles with me to Jeremiah   chapter 33 and we're going to begin with verse  10 here in just a moment. I'm going to be using   a few Hebrew words today and you can just jot  them down and maybe try to say them yourself,   but the Hebrew wedding is called a "simcha" all  right? And that means a joyous occasion,   a joyous occasion, and it's depicted in scripture  in Jeremiah 33 verses 10 through 11, let me read   that. "Thus said YAH, "In this place of which you say  it is dried up without man, without beasts in the   cities of Yehudah in the streets of Yerushalayim that  are deserted without man and without inhabitant   and without beasts there shall once again be  heard the voice of joy," Everybody say the voice   of joy. "and the voice of gladness," Say the voice  of gladness. "and the voice of the bridegroom and   the voice of the bride, so the voice of joy and  the voice of gladness, they are the voice of the   bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice of  those who are saying, "Praise YAH of Hosts for YAH   is good, for His loving commitment is forever..." And  so there's not much that's more exciting and more   wonderful and more joyous than the ancient Hebrew  wedding and we're going to be talking about how   that applies to our Bridegroom, Yeshua, and those  of us who love Him and have bowed our knees to   Him and are learning His ways and walking in His  ways, we are His bride, amen? And He is coming back   for His bride. So we're gonna look at some of these  principles and look over some of these verses that   have in them wedding terminology. All right so  there are three stages to the ancient Hebrew   wedding, shidduchim is the first one and that  means the mutual commitment stage, okay? And then there's erusin and that means the  engagement or the betrothal, and then the nissuin,   or the marriage. All right? So we're gonna start  firstly, we're talking about the shidduchim and that refers to the marriage arrangements, that  must take place before the actual legal wedding so   there's quite a bit that has to take place before  the actual legal wedding and in ancient times, it's   not that way so much today, maybe in some cultures.  But in ancient times, the father of the groom   arranged the marriage and Abraham did so for his  son Isaac and we can read about that in Genesis   chapter 24 verses 1 through 4, but I believe many  of you remember that story. Abraham was well up in   years and he wanted his son to have a bride but he  didn't want a bride taken from the women of Canaan,   so he wanted a bride taken from his homeland so he  had his senior servant in his house make a pledge   that he would go back to his homeland and find a  bride for his son, Yitzhak, all right, Isaac and that   is a picture really of what transpires when you  and I call upon the name of YAH, the Name of Yeshua   which means "the salvation of YAH" and we're born  again we become the bride of Messiah, the Father   Himself actually chooses us, He has arranged the  marriage and we find that in Ephesians chapter 1   verse 3. It says, "Blessed be the Elohim and Father  of our Master Yeshua Messiah," He is blessed, amen?   "who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing  in the heavenlies in Messiah," Look at verse 4. "even   as He chose us," Remember? The Father of the groom  is the one who chooses the bride. "and our Father,   (our heavenly Father Elohim), chose us (the bride),  in Him (in Yeshua) before the foundation of the   world," In other words, it was in the master plan of  the Almighty that His Son would take a bride. From   before the foundation of the world that was part  of the Master's plan that His Son would marry a   bride and so if you believe upon Yeshua and  that belief produces obedience in your life then   you become the bride of Yeshua. It says, even as  He chose us (the bride) in Him (in Yeshua) before the   foundation of the world that we should be what set-  apart and blameless before Him," What are the next   two words? "in love," In love. And so we're supposed  to have a love relationship with our Groom, we're   supposed to be set-apart, that means sanctified,  made set-apart, and blameless. Blameless implies   that we're walking in the commandments because  sin is what? The transgression of the Torah. To be   blameless means that we're not transgressing the  Torah, amen, and so the Torah has a very profound   place in the life of the bride so the consent of  the bride is a very important factor. You say, well   I'm not so sure about this, you know, father  picking out you know my mate - but the fact is in   the story of Rivkah, or Rebecca, the servant asked  her if she would be willing to come back with him   and be the bride of Yitzhak and she said she  was willing. Alright so, for us to enter into that   relationship and to be the bride we need to be  willing we need to say no to the world, and no to   transgression of the Torah, no to unrighteousness,  and we need to say yes to Yeshua, we need to   believe upon Him and be willing to learn His ways  and walk in His ways. How many of you know He's not   coming back for a foreign bride? He's not coming  back for a pagan bride, amen? He's coming back for   a bride who has taken the time to learn His ways  and to walk in His ways, to walk in righteousness.   In John chapter 1 and verse 11 we see that  application as it relates to us as the bride being   one who would consent to be the bride John chapter  1 verse 11. "He," Yeshua "came to his own and his own,"   Speaking of the Jewish people. "did not receive  Him but as many as received Him," In other words,   the Jews said yes to the proposal because Yeshua came  and He proposed to all of humanity, all of humanity   has the opportunity to accept the proposal, to  say yes to the proposal and to enter into this   love relationship with Yeshua and become His bride.  Now, there will be many who say no because broad is   the way that leads to destruction and there are  many who are on that path but there will be a   few narrow and difficult is the way that leads  to life and there are few who find it, alright?   But aren't you glad you found it? Can you say amen?  "but as many as received Him," Have you received Him?   Have you believed upon Him? Do you see yourself  as a who accepts the proposal of the Bridegroom?   Amen. "as many as received Him to them He gave the  authority to become children of Elohim." Hallelujah.   As the bride, then we become the daughter-in-law  so to speak to Elohim, isn't that right? We become a   child of Elohim. You men say, well you're talking  about being a bride, that's a little awkward for   me. Well yeah, but the Bible also says that women  are the sons of Elohim. Amen? "He gave the authority   to become children of Elohim to those believing  in His Name who were born not of blood nor the   desire of flesh nor of the desire of man but of  Elohim." So we're born again, we have to be born both   of water and the Spirit - water represents natural  birth and the Spirit, of course, is the born-again   experience. All right. And so let's talk about the  ketubah, and the ketubah is the marriage contract   so every marriage must have a contract, all right,  or a covenant. The covenant is based on promises   made and promises kept as long as the two parties  in the covenant keep their promises, keep their   vows then there is no limit to the degree of love  that can be experienced within the context of the   covenant, it works in a marriage between a man and  a woman, it works in a covenant between a person   and the Almighty. We are in the new covenant that  has been sealed by the precious blood of Yeshua   and we are in covenant with the Most High, His side  of the Covenant is to hear our prayers and answer   them and to fulfill His promises, all the promises  that are in the Word, our side of the covenant is   to have a belief that produces obedience. He  will always be faithful to His side and if   we're faithful to our side then we will prosper  and be blessed and have life and there will be   no end to how wonderful that relationship with  the Almighty is through Yeshua, can you say amen? So   there must be a covenant, there must be a contract  and so the ketubah is the marriage contract and it   includes the provisions and the conditions of the  proposed marriage. So the groom promises to support   and to provide for his bride and to be willing to  sacrifice for her well-being. Sounds pretty similar   to some of the vows that you may be familiar with.  The bride stipulates the contents of her dowry, her   financial status, in other words, the value that she  is willing to commit to the marriage so what value   is she willing to commit to the marriage, so the  groom-to-be is saying he's willing to lay down   his life, so to speak, to provide for the bride and  the bride is saying I have something of tremendous   value that I'm going to contribute to this  relationship and to the marriage. So let's look   at John chapter 10 picking up with verse 11 and  let's talk about the groom's commitment, what is   the commitment of the groom, and we're gonna talk  about Yeshua because Yeshua is our Bridegroom.   Yeshua said in John 10 and verse 11, "I am The  Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down His   life for the sheep." So the Good Shepherd pledged  His life for us and He died in our place and took   away our sins. He's willing to give His all for our  well-being to provide for us to bless us to free   us from the dominion of sin, amen, to prepare us by  His Spirit for the relationship that we would have   with Him that would ultimately lead to an eternity  with Him. Then we see in John chapter 10 in verse   17 Yeshua said, "Because of this the Father loves  me because I lay down my life." So the Father is   placing His stamp of approval upon the groom's  commitment. The groom is willing to lay down His   life for His bride and the Father is placing His  staff of approval upon that and it says, that the   Father loves Yeshua, Yeshua said these words  Himself. "because I lay down my life in order to   receive it again, no one takes it from me but I  lay it down." Of myself. "I have authority to lay   it down and I have authority to receive it again.  This command I have received from my Father." And   so Yeshua, the Good Shepherd, who is our bride is  saying that His commitment to us, as the bride, is   He's willing to give His all, He's willing to give  His life, He's willing to come and live a perfect   life without sin as the sinless spotless Lamb to  take the sin of the world upon Himself, to die on   a tree to shed His blood so that our hearts might  be marked with the blood of the Passover Lamb so   that when it's time for us to stand in judgment  the judgment will pass over us our Good Shepherd   is telling us that He is our sin offering that  His blood has been shed for our sin. He is our   scapegoat. He bears away our sin as far as the  East is from the west so far as He removed our   transgressions from us. He is our faithful High  Priest ever living to make intercession for us   or to advocate on our behalf to serve us. What is  He saying? He ever lives to serve His bride, how   beautiful is that? How many of you women would  love to have a husband like that? Now, you women   that are married you need to put up your hand and  say I have one, amen? And you women that are not   married you could say amen to that, I want one just  like that. Praise YAH. Hallelujah. Now, what is the   bride's commitment? This is really interesting. Now,  we are the bride, all of us, even if we're men here   in the room today and our commitment is summed  up in the words of Yeshua in Matthew chapter 10   beginning with verse 37. Yeshua said, "He who loves  father or mother more than me is not worthy of me   and he who loves son or daughter more than me is  not worthy of me," Now, most people tremendously love   their father, and their mother, and their son, and  their daughter and that's why Yeshua used these   relationships that are very near and dear to our  hearts and He's saying you must love me more than   any other relationship that you have including  your father, and your mother, and your son, and your   daughter. Those people who are very very close  to you in your life, we must put our Bridegroom   first, He must be the ultimate relationship in our  life, can you say amen? Verse 38 "and he who does not   take up his stake," Which is an emblem of death. In  other words, we're willing to die to ourselves and   to our own agenda and to our own will to follow  Him because Yeshua said follow me, He didn't say   follow religion, He said follow me, so we must be  willing to follow His lead. He is our Shepherd who   leads us, amen, and He leads us to green pastures  and to still waters, can you say amen? So if we truly   follow Him we will walk in blessing, hallelujah.  But we must be willing to take up our stake and   that emblem of death, and die to ourself, and die of  this world, and died of the lusts of the flesh, and   the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life and  follow after Yeshua in righteousness because He   leads us in the paths of righteousness for His  namesake. Can you say amen? And He says, if you're   not willing to do that. If you're not willing to  take up your stake and follow after me then you're   not worthy of me. In other words, you can't be my  bride if you're not willing to do these things   and some people have the idea that if they just  follow along in the ways of religion then they   qualify as the bride. You hear people all the  time in religious settings in congregations   talking about the bride and yet, when you look at  the lifestyles of the people they're not walking   in the ways of Yeshua. They haven't taken  up their stake, they're not following after Him,   they're not walking in His ways and what did we  already establish? He's coming back for a foreign   bride. You're not going to be able to get Him to  come I can walk with you in your Roman-rooted   ways. When He comes He's going to establish His  Kingdom from Yerushalayim, He's going to track with   the biblical calendar not the Gregorian calendar  named after Pope Gregory, He's gonna follow Bible   feasts not Roman holidays, can you say amen? He's  gonna keep the seventh-day Bible Sabbath not the   changed Sunday Sabbath of the romanized Christian  Church, amen, you will not be able to convince Him   to follow you. You must follow Him and I'm telling  you that it will run absolutely contrary to modern   Christianity and religion today. It is the season  that the Ruach Ha'qodesh, the Set-apart Spirit, is   waking us up and opening up our eyes to the truth,  amen? We're getting back to the Bible, the whole   Bible. We realize the Torah is the foundation  for all Scripture and if we don't have a good   solid understanding of the Torah when we try to  interpret the Apostolic writings or what's called   the Brit Hadashah, or the New Testament, we get to  certain places that we don't understand we end   up making stuff up and that's what Christianity  has done, that's what religion has done for many,   many, many, many centuries. It's time to get back the  Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, the Set-apart Spirit   that Yeshua promised those who would follow Him  and aspire to be His bride is the Spirit of Truth   and the Spirit of Truth will lead us into all  truth if we love the truth. The scripture says   in the last days many, even religious people, will  be deceived because they did not possess a love of   the truth. You must love the truth more than your  tradition. If you love your tradition more then the   truth you are setting yourself up for a failure,  you're setting yourself up to be deceived and   believe me, the deception of the last days is going  to be so great. People are thinking now, well you   know the darkness will be so dark and the light  will be so bright will easily be able to discern   between the two, that's just not what the scripture  says. It says the deception will be so great that   people will not be able to discern between light  and darkness. Now, not the bride because we have   the Spirit of Truth leading us and guiding us.  We love all of the scripture, the totality of   YAH's Word is truth and all of His righteous right-  rulings are forever. Amen. Hallelujah. And so, as the   bride we must be willing to follow Him. If we're  going to follow Him we're gonna walk in His ways   so it's time for us to shake off what religion  has taught us and it's time for us to discover   the ways of Yeshua, discover what He loved  and loved it discover what He hated and hate it.   Discover what He said and say it, discover what  He did and do it. Amen? People say, well you know   why do you keep those Commandments? Because Yeshua  did. are you so simple-minded that you're keeping   those Commandments just because Yesha did  it? Yes, I'm that simple-minded. Amen. I wear the tzitzis   to remind me of the commandments, Yeshua wore the tzitzis and Yeshua obeyed the commandments,   amen? He perfectly obeyed the commandments and  He's known in Scripture as the Righteous One. Now   there is another one who was lawless or will be  lawless and he's the anti-messiah. So there's two   camps in the world, which camp do you want to be  in you choose? I want to be the bride of Messiah,   amen? Hallelujah. Alright quickly, first Thessalonians chapter five and verse 16. We're talking   about the bride's commit, what is our commitment to  our groom? It says, "Rejoice always," I think we could   probably work on that, amen, we could get better at  that. Why is this important? Because the Groom wants   a happy, joy-filled, rejoicing bride. How many of you  like to be around people who are filled with joy   and rejoicing? Amen. Rejoice always, the scripture  says. "pray without ceasing," That's talking about   conversation, communication, so important for a  relationship, is it not? "Pray without ceasing in   all circumstances give thanks," Be thankful for what  He does for us. "for this is the desire of Elohim," Or   Abba our Father. "in Messiah Yeshua for you. Do not  quench the Spirit, do not despise prophecies, prove   them all. Hold fast what is good. Keep back from  every form of wickedness." Notice verse 23. "And the   Elohim of peace Himself sets you completely apart  and your entire spirit," Say spirit. "and being,"  Say  being. "and body," Say body. "be preserved blameless at  the coming of our Master Yeshua Messiah." And so we   commit that, we walk in the ways of Yeshua, we  embrace the ministry of the Ruach Ha'qodesh, to   Set-apart Spirit, we commit to these things to  be joyful people to be in prayer, to be thankfu,l   amen, to not quench the Spirit, do not despise  prophecies, to hold fast what is good, to keep   from every form of wickedness, and then notice it  says, that the Elohim of peace Himself will set us   apart - your bible may say "sanctify" you - your entire  spirit being, that means soul also,   everybody say soul. "and body." Notice that's the complete  being to be set-apart and preserved blameless for   the Bridegroom. Now think about it, everybody says  "Amen, I want to be a part of the bride." but are you   willing to be set-apart to be sanctified spirit,  soul, and body? That's the commitment. Do you want   your bridegroom to come back and receive you? Then  you have to be held blameless. The scripture says   preserved blameless, our spirit our soul and our  body. He's coming back and He wants us to walk   uprightly, can you say amen? Alright let's go over  the first Corinthians chapter 6 and we'll start   with verse 19. The mohar or the bride price, the  bride price which is paid by the groom's father   to the father of the bride, that's what we're  talking about. The bride's family is going to   lose a wonderful member that has been contributing  to the well-being of the family and so the father   of the groom is going to compensate for that loss  and so there's a bride price that's to be paid   and now I'm going to get into some verses that  you probably are very familiar with but you may   not have known the context, you may not have  seen the context of the the wedding and the   wedding terminology that's in these verses. Look  at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 19. "Or do   you not know that your body is the dwelling place  of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you which you   have from Elohim and you are not your own," What is  the next few words there? "for you were bought with   a price therefore esteem Elohim in your body and  in your spirit which are of Elohim." All right so   you've been bought with a price, you've been bought  with the precious blood of Yeshua, you're not your   own anymore, you belong now to your Bridegroom and  He has paid the mohar, the bride price, for you and   so you've been bought with a price. Do you want to  be the bride? You need to acknowledge that you've   been bought, you've been bought with a price. Look  at 1st Peter chapter 1 and verse 18. "Knowing that   you were ready from your futile behavior inherited  from your father's, not with what is corruptible   silver or gold but with the precious blood of  Messiah, as a lamb unblemished and spotless." So   you've been bought with His precious blood, you've  been redeemed from your futile behavior that you   received from your father's and that price, in  our case because it's a spiritual bride price,   is not silver and gold which is corruptible but  it is the precious blood of Messiah which is far   more valuable than all the silver and the gold in  the world. Amen? And that's the price that has been   paid for you. Now that places value on you that the  Messiah would shed His blood for you. I'm hoping   that as we talk you're going to begin to realize  how valuable you are to the Father and to Messiah,   to your Bridegroom, how much He loves you and how  valuable you are. And oh yeah, He knows your faults   and He knows your weaknesses and yet, He has still  loved you in this way. Amen. Acts chapter 20 and   verse 28 says, "Therefore take heed to yourself and  to all the flock among which the Set-apart Spirit   has made you overseers to shepherd the Assembly of  Elohim which He has purchased with His own blood,"   I think a better translation of that is that He  has purchased you with the blood of His own with   Yeshua. He has purchased you, Elohim has purchased  you. You remember, the father of the groom pays the   the bride price and He has purchased you with  the blood of His own, of His own Son. Hallelujah.   And then here's a verse you are familiar with,  John chapter 15 verse 13 Yeshua said, "No greater   love than this that one should lay down his life  for his friends." Now how many of you know the bride   is the groom's best friend? If the relationship is  right, the bride should be the groom's best friend.   There's no greater friend in all the world  to a husband than his wife, that's what should be   and it's the same in our relationship with  Yeshua. He said, "There's no greater love than   this that one should lay down his life for his  friends." That's how He's loved us with His life.   All right let's move along. In preparation for the  betrothal ceremony both bride and groom undergo   a spiritual cleansing by immersion and water. All  right so we read about the Groom being immersed   in Matthew chapter 3 beginning with verse 13, it  says, "Then Yeshua came from Galil to Yohanan," Or John.   "at the Yarden," Or the Jordan. to be immersed by  him. But Yohanan was hindering Him saying, "I need to   be immersed by you and you come to me." But Yeshua  answering, said to him, "Permit it now for thus it   is fitting for us to fill all righteousness."" Or  all right behavior. The Groom knew He needed to   go through this process for a number of reasons  but one that could be included is that He wanted   to receive a bride unto Himself, amen? And this  was the right way of doing it, to fulfill all   righteousness. Hallelujah. Praise YAH. "And having  been immersed Yeshua went up immediately from   the water and see the heavens were opened and  He saw the Spirit of Elohim descending like a   dove and coming upon Him, and see, a voice out of  the heavens saying, "This is my Son, the Beloved, in   whom I delight."" Now doesn't that sound like a proud  father? You know, I'm the father of five children   and my son not too long ago got married and that's  a proud, it's a proud moment when your children get   married and I can just see the the father's heart  swelling up here because He knows what's about to   happen and He knows what has to happen for His Son,  the Bridegroom, to eventually take His bride into   Himself, and so how many of you believe that the  Almighty could have been thinking that this was   necessary to prepare Him for the taking of His  bride? Amen. Now there are other reasons why He   would do that, we could go in them some other time  but I believe this is one of them. All right now   what about the bride? Colossians chapter 2 in verse  10 "And you have been made complete in Him who is   the head of all principality and authority. In Him  you were also circumcised with the circumcision   not made with hands in the putting off of the body  of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of   Messiah," Verse 12 "having been buried with Him  in immersion in which you also were raised with   Him through the belief in the working of Elohim  who raised Him from the dead and you being dead   in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of  your flesh He has made alive together with Him   having forgiven you all trespasses." So when you're  immersed, when you're water baptized, you receive   the circumcision of Messiah and Messiah is the  circumciser who cuts away the body of sin from   your heart and it happens in this act of water  immersion and it prepares you, it prepares you   to become the bride, it prepares you to walk in  righteousness, it prepares you to be a suitable   mate for the Messiah. You think about what would  need to transpire I could look into my own life   and ask the question what would need to transpire  for me to be a suitable mate for the Messiah and   it would be all of these things that I would need  to be born again, transformed, that my heart would   need to change that the sin nature need needs  to be cut away, amen? Hallelujah. That I need to   be circumcised that I need to be made alive from  the dead and that's what transpires when we place   our belief in Yeshua and we're willing to submit  to this wonderful Bible principle known as water   baptism and the transformation that takes place.  It's preparation. Just like in the ancient days,   the bride and the groom would be water baptized so  we need to be water baptized to become acceptable   to our Groom. Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 25  says, "Husbands love your wives as Messiah also   did the Assembly and gave Himself for it in  order to set it apart and cleanse it with the   washing of water by the Word." And there's another  washing of preparation, we need to be people of   the Word, we need to be defined by the Word. Can  you say amen? We need to be people of the book   because Yeshua is the embodiment of the Word so  if you want to be a suitable mate to Him then you   need to be filled with the Word. If you're filled  with the Word you're filled with Him, can you say   amen? Now let's talk about the erusin or the  betrothal. This period is also called kiddushin   which means sanctification or to be set apart  and this is actually the period that we, as the   bride of Messiah, are in now prophetically it's  a time of being set-apart, it's a time of being   prepared for the marriage supper of the Lamb  that is to come. Amen? It's the time that the   couple uses to prepare themselves for what's  coming. After the betrothal ceremony, the couple   would be considered married though they would  not live together or engage in marital intimacy.   Alright so, after they're betrothed, we might say  engaged, they're considered married and they're   to live like they are married except they don't  live together and they don't engage in marital   intimacy, and this period would last typically about  a year, it's a year of preparation of preparing for   the marriage. The betrothal was so binding that  it would take a legal divorce to break it, so to   get out of this type of betrothal it would take  a legal divorce in ancient times, only the man   could initiate a divorce. So we see an example of  this in Matthew chapter 1 beginning with verse 18,   let's look at that. "But the birth of Yeshua Messiah  was as follows after His mother Miryam was engaged,"   Or you could say betrothed. "to Yoseph before they  came together," See, they were not living together   and they were not engaging in marital intimacy.  "before they came together she was found to be   pregnant from the Set-apart Spirit and Yoseph,  her husband, being righteous and not wishing to   make a show of her had in mind to put her away," Or  to dissolve the engagement. "secretly." All right so   this was a grievous matter to this bridegroom  to be, a grievous matter. That's why the Almighty   had to step in and bring some clarity, alright? "but  while he thought about this, see a messenger of YAH   appeared to him in a dream an angel saying, "Yoseph  son of Dawid, do not be afraid to take Miryam as   your wife for that which is in her was brought  forth from the Set-apart Spirit,"" Now I know he   had to process that but he had to get to a place  where that brought some real relief and comfort   to him, amen, because it's not done the  other way in Yisra'el, amen? You don't break your   engagement by going out and whoring, alright? So the angel spoke to him and convinced him that   that the child that was within her was from the  Set-apart Spirit. Verse 21 "and she shall give birth   to a Son and you shall call His Name Yeshua for He  shall save His people from their sins." And that's   what His name means, salvation. "and all this came  to be in order to fill what was spoken by YAH   the Prophet saying, "See an almah made in a virgin  shall conceive and she shall give birth to a son   and they shall call His Name Immanu'el." Which  literally means, "EL with us." And Yoseph awaking   from his sleep did as the messenger of YAH  commanded him and took his wife but knew her not   until she gave birth to her son, the first-born, and  he called His Name Yeshua." So all of those things   that I mentioned just a moment ago about how this  process takes place at the time of the betrothal,   we see in this passage that we just read and the  betrothal begins with a particular ceremony, okay?   So the couple would appear together under a chuppah,  or canopy, to declare publicly their intentions.   Alright, this is at the time of their betrothal  from ancient times, the wedding canopy has been a   symbol of a new household being planned. So we have  some verses that substantiate that. Psalm 19 verse   5 says, "And it is like a bridegroom coming out of  his room." And that is to declare his intention, so   he came out of his room to declare his intentions.  Yoel, or Joel, chapter 2 and verse 16. "Gather the   people, set the assembly apart, assemble the elders,  gather the children and the nursing babes, let a   bridegroom come out of his room and a bride from  her dressing room and so they would come forth   they would meet together under the canopy." And  again, it's a public acknowledgment that they want   to begin a new household together and the couple  would then exchange valuable gifts and seal the   engagement with a shared cup of wine. All right  now, this will make Matthew chapter 26 and verse   29 makes so much sense to you, so let's take a look  at that verse. Yeshua said, "But I say to you, I shall   certainly not drink of this fruit of the vine from  now on till that day when I drink it anew with you   in the reign of my Father." So He comes to the earth,  He pays the bride price by shedding His blood on   the tree, He is betrothed to His bride and gives  gifts unto His bride, as the scripture says, gifts   unto men and then He seals the engagement with  a shared cup of wine and He told His disciples,   I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now  until the day when I drink it anew with you in the   reign of my Father. Hallelujah. And so we know  it's coming back for us. He has sealed the deal   with His own blood, so to speak, because it is the  blood of the New Covenant and that's what the wine   represents, He drank it with His disciples  before he ascended to the right hand and He says,   I'm not going to drink it any more until I drink  it anew with you in the reign of my Father when I   come back and receive my bride unto myself and we  enjoy the marriage supper of the Lamb, then we're   gonna drink this cup again, we're gonna drink it  together. Hallelujah. Amen. Well go ahead and rejoice. So when these things were done, the couple was  considered married but they continued to live   separately and again, without engaging in marital  relations until the end of this betrothal period,   and following the betrothal ceremony the groom  would then return back to his father's house and   prepare a marital suite as connected to his  father's house but before he would leave he   would give the bride a gift that would remind  her that he was coming back to receive her to   himself, so there's one final gift that he's going  to leave with his bride that will remind her that   he's coming back. Okay. He's gonna go back to his  father's house, he's going to begin working on a   marriage apartment, so to speak, but he's  gonna leave the bride with a gift. Now this is   really wonderful. Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13,  this is the pledge that's given to the bride, it's   the pledge of the marriage. It says, "In whom you also  having heard the word of the truth, the Good News,   of your deliverance in whom also having believed  you were sealed with the Set-apart Spirit of   promise who is the pledge of our inheritance  until the redemption of the purchased possession,"   And whose the purchased possession? You are, we  are because you have been bought with a price.   This is completely wedding terminology. You may  have never have seen it before but it is   all wedding terminology. Let's look at it again.  You were sealed with the Set-apart Spirit of   promise, that's the gift that we've been given to  remind us that He's coming back to receive us as   His bride. We've been given the best of the better  promises of the New Covenant which is the promise   of the indwelling Spirit that the Father made to  Avraham and his Seed that all the nations   of the world who would believe upon Yeshua  would receive the indwelling Set-apart Spirit,   hallelujah. That's the gift that our marriage is  sealed with. Verse 14 "who is the pledge the Set-   apart Spirit is the pledge of our inheritance," In  other words, we're going to see the fulfillment of   the marriage completely, amen, and we inherit our  Bridegroom and all the blessings that come with   Him we enter into His family, amen? And then it goes  on to say, "until the redemption," In other words, He's   coming back to redeem. "the purchased possession," But  He's purchased with His own blood. "to the praise of   His esteem." That's powerful. I mean, if you can get  your spirit around that that'll keep you shouting   and praised it until He comes back, amen?And then  Jeremiah 31:33, you're familiar with this passage,   "For this is the covenant I shall make with the  House of Yisra'el after those days," Declares YAH.   "I shall put my Torah in their inward parts and  write it on their hearts," And how does that happen?   By the indwelling Set-apart Spirit. "and I shall  be their Elohim and they shall be my people." And   so by the same Spirit, we have the Torah placed in  our mind and it's written upon our hearts. And then   Ezekiel chapter 36, beginning with verse 26 and  27, these two verses are right at the very top if   not at the top of my favorite verses in the Bible,  they're all my favorite, you know, they are but   these are so powerful to me when I got ahold of  this I was never again the same, never again the   same. People say, you're so passionate sometimes  when you preach and when you're talking, that's   because I knew who I was and I know who I am now,  amen. The Almighty doesn't want another failed   marriage. Alright so He's going to do something  in the new marriage covenant that will ensure our   success in the marriage and it's going to come  about through this wonderful gift that Yeshua   has left with us to remind us that He's coming  back, I'm talking about the indwelling Set-apart   Spirit. Notice what it says, "And I shall give you  a new heart we all need a new heart," Because the   fleshly heart is wicked and we need a new heart,  the fleshly heart wants to resist and rebel and   disobey the commandments, the fleshly heart is  not circumcised and doesn't have a desire to be   circumcised. Alright? I shall give you a new heart,  that's a heart transplant, and put a new spirit   within you, that's His Spirit, and I shall take  the heart of stone out of your flesh, He's going   to remove the "I don't want to". He's gonna remove  out of you the "I don't want to" that I resist the   commandments, I rebelled against the commandments,  I want to disobey - He's going to remove that from   us and I shall give you a heart of flesh that's  soft, and shapeable, and makeable, that's the that's   the want to He's going to give us the want to  by His spirit. "and put my Spirit within you," And   if you have His Spirit in you, you have the power  to. So what's definitive of the New Covenant? That   the bride, those who have bowed their knee to Yeshua, those who have accepted His proposal, those   who have been born again and received His Spirit,  amen? The bride has the want to and the power to be   obedient and that's the Ministry of the Spirit  in the life of a believer and if you have that   and you're willing to submit to the Ministry of  the Spirit in your life you cannot fail in this   marriage. I said you cannot fail in this marriage.  Hallelujah. That's the difference between the   two covenants. "I'll put my spirit within you," And  this has got to be the most powerful phrase. "and   I shall cause you to walk at my laws and guard my  right-rulings and you shall do them." He's going to   cause us to walk in His laws and to obey His right-  rulings and we're gonna do those things, amen? Now   that's security, as long as we're willing  to submit to the Spirit. People talk about you know   eternal security and all you have to do is walk  in aisle and repeat a prayer and and all that - you   want to know what security really is? Submit to the  indwelling Set-apart Spirit if you submit to the   indwelling Set-apart Spirit you will have the want  to and the power to be obedient, you will please   the Father and you will be a suitable mate for the  Bridegroom. Hallelujah. All right, let's go a little   bit further. Now, John 14 is just gonna explode for  you. The groom goes to prepare a place, he goes to   prepare a room for his bride, it's connected to  his father's house. All right so, Yeshua is using   wedding terminology in John chapter 14. You got  to know that, you missed the point if you don't   know that. Notice what He said, "Let not your heart  be troubled, believe in Elohim believe also in me,"   See, they knew He was about to leave and  that's how though that's how the bride feels   when the groom is about to depart, but He's  saying, "Don't be troubled, let not your heart be   troubled, you believe in Elohim believe also in me.  In my father's house," So now He's talking about how   He's going to prepare a bridal chamber, connected  to His Father's house. All right? "in my Father's   House are many staying places," Or abiding places,  all right? The King James says, mansions and people   go off on the mansion, you know, but He's talking  about an abiding place, a place where the husband   and the wife, the bride and the groom, go and live.  "in my Father's House are many staying places and   if not I would have told you," I'm telling you the  truth. "I go to prepare a place for you. As a groom   prepares a place for his bride in his father's  house," It's a bridal chamber, I'm going to prepare   that. Notice it's for you, He's going to prepare  that place. "and if I go and prepare a place for   you I shall come again and receive you to myself,"  I'm gonna come again, I'm gonna receive you as my   bride. "that where I am you might be too." I tell you,  a bridegroom wants to be with his bride, amen, and   so He wants to be with those who have accepted  the proposal and are living according to His   way. So He's saying in my Father's House are many  abiding places, I go to prepare place for my bride   and if you're my bride then you're going to be  with me because I'm coming back and I'm gonna   receive you unto myself that where I am you might  be also. Now, when he goes and he starts working on   this bridal chamber he doesn't get to decide when  it's right, the father himself comes inspects it   and I'm sure he tells him, now you can do better on  that, here's some suggestions on this - he wants to   make it just right but only the father can say  when it's completed and when the father sees   that it's completed then the father sends his son  to go receive his bride, all right? So now look at   Matthew chapter 24 verse 36. Yeshua said, "But  concerning the day in the hour no one knows not   even the messengers of the heavens (the angels)  but my Father only." There's another verse that   says the Son Himself doesn't know, no one knows, the  Son Himself doesn't know only the Father, amen? So   in the Father's timing, when the Father says it's  ready, that's when the Father sends His son back.   Amen? So the bridegroom goes back and it begins  making preparations and he's making preparations,   and he's waiting for his father to say, go, go my  son, go receive your bride and then the father's   timing, he's gonna do that, amen. And then he's gonna  come back on Yom Teruah, we don't know the day or   the hour but we know the season, with a shout in  the voice of an archangel and the shofar blast of   the Almighty. Hallelujah. And that's going to begin  the process of our gathering up and enjoying the   marriage supper of the Lamb. I don't want to get  too far ahead of myself, I have a few more verses   here. So in the meantime, the bride prepares herself  for the groom. Let's just read a couple of verses   here, Ephesians chapter 5 beginning with verse 25.  "Husbands love your wives as Messiah also did love   the Assembly and gave Himself for it. In order to  set it apart," So in the meantime, we're to be set-   apart, and cleanse it, and we're to walk in purity  and set-apartness. "with the washing of the water   by the Word. In order to present it to Himself  a splendid assembly," All right now, the bride is   to look her best, isn't that right? She's the look  splendidly, a splendid assembly. "not having spot   or wrinkle," You're not supposed to have spots on  your wedding gown, isn't that right, or any sort of   thing. "that it might be set-apart and blameless,"  Think about that. Now this applies directly to   each one of us, are you living a set-apart life? Are  you walking in His ways? We just went through this   whole season of teshuvah where we asked the Spirit  to shine His search light through us and point out   anything within us that doesn't glorify the Father, we called upon the Great Physician to excise the   cancers of our souls, amen, to prepare us that we  might walk blamelessly before Him and this is a   season of preparation. We need to be very serious  about this and religion won't cut it, can you say   amen? Revelation 19:8 "and to her it was given to  be dressed in fine linen, clean and bright," You   could say white linen. "for the fine linen is the  righteousnesses of the set-apart ones." That means   the righteous living of the set-apart ones, amen.  Yeshua did what He did so that we might be filled   with the Spirit. He died for us, shed His blood  so that we might be filled with the Spirit that   the Spirit gives us the want to and the power to  be obedient. When we are obedient because we have   the Set-apart Spirit at work in us then we are  living rightly and the bride is dressed up   in that fine, bright, white linen which represents  the righteous living of the set-apart ones, amen.   Now you understand how important it is for us  to live rightly and obey the commandments. 2nd   Corinthians chapter 6 in verse 14 says, "Do not  become unevenly yoked with unbelievers for what   partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?  And what Fellowship has light with darkness? And   what agreement has Messiah with Beliya'al? Or what  part does a believer have with an unbeliever? What   union has the dwelling place of Elohim with idols?  For you are a dwelling place of the living Elohim   as Elohim has said, "I shall dwell in them and  walk among them and I shall be their Elohim and   they shall be my people." Now here's the biggest  therefore in the Bible I believe. "Therefore, come   out from among them and be separate," Says YAH. "do  not touch what is unclean and I shall receive you,"   You'll do what? You'll receive us as a bridegroom  receives his bride? Absolutely. "and I shall receive   you and I shall be a Father to you and you  shall be my sons and daughters," Says YAH the   Almighty." So these are the things that were to  give ourselves to in preparation for His return.   We don't know the day or the hour, we know the  season, but we must live in preparation, we must   be prepared as we started to arrive at the time  of Yom Teruah that our eyes go up to the sky, we're   looking toward the east, we're waiting to see if  Yeshua rolls back the clouds like a scroll   and splits open in the eastern sky with a shout in  the voice of an archangel, when it doesn't happen   that we get back to our preparation. So it didn't  happen this year, we have another season to prepare. We need to stay prepared, can you say amen? So  Matthew chapter 25 beginning with verse 1 tells   us about the coming of the bridegroom. Let's read  this passage. "Then the reign of the heavens shall   be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps  and went out to meet the bridegroom and five of   them were wise and five foolish." So which one do  you want to be? Wise. "Those who are foolish have   been taking their lamps took no oil with them  but the wise took oil in their containers with   their lamps. Now while the bridegroom took time  they all slumbered and slept," See if you don't know   when you're gonna sleep between now and then, most  likely. "and at midnight," Everybody say, at midnight. "a   cry was heard," All right so, the bridegroom sends  out the equivalent of the best man and he goes   before the bridegroom and he comes with a with  a shout, he cries out to be prepared because the   bridegroom is coming and he blows that shofar  and he wakes up the sleeping because midnight   represents people who are sleeping, amen? You want  to have your ear fine-tuned to that shofar. Why   do we blow the shofar at every Shabbat gathering?  Because we want you to be familiar with that sound   because that sound means He's here and He's  gathering us up. "At midnight, a cry was heard   see the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him. Then all those maidens rose up and trimmed their   lamps and the foolish said to the wise, "Give us of  your oil because our lamps are going out." But the   wise answered, saying, "No indeed there would not be  enough for us and you. Instead, go to those who sell   and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy  the bridegroom came and those who were ready went   in," Only the ready are going to go in, that's why  you got to stay ready. "and those who were ready   went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door  was shut and later the other maidens also came   saying, "Master, Master, open up for us." But he answering,  said, 'Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.'" Well, He   doesn't know the ones who don't walk in His ways.  He doesn't know the ones who walk in the ways of   religion and traditions of men who haven't defined  their lives by the truth, can you say amen? He said, "'I   don't know you.' Watch therefore, because you do not  know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man   is coming." Watch means to ready, stay ready. Amen?  Because you don't know the day or the hour. All   right Matthew 24:37 says, "As the days of Noah so  also shall the coming of the Son of Adam be. For as   they were in the days before the flood eating, and  drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, until the   day that Noah entered into the ark they did not  know until the flood came and took them all away   so also shall the coming of the Son of Adam be."  It's gonna be in days like the days of Noah. Noah   and his family were ready but the vast majority  of humanity all of them but his family we're not   ready. Broad is the way that leads to destruction  and there are many that are on that path. All right.   John was the friend of the bridegroom who came  to announce the coming of the bridegroom, we see   that in John chapter 1 beginning with verse 22.  "Therefore they said to him, (to John the Baptist) "Who are you so that we give an answer to those  who sent us? What do you say about yourself? He   said, 'I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness,'"  I'm going ahead of the bridegroom and I'm crying   out in the wilderness. "'make straight the way of  YAH.' As the prophet Yeshayahu said." And then you   know this verse, we've talked a lot about it  in this season, 1st Thessalonians chapter 4   beginning with verse 16. "Because the Master Himself  shall come down from heaven with a shout, with the   voice of a chief messenger, and with the trumpet  or the shofar blast of Elohim and the dead in   Messiah shall rise first. Then we the living who  are left over shall be called away together with   them in the clouds to meet the Master in the  air and so we shall always be with the Master."   He's gonna gather up His bride and He's going  to go to Yerushalayim to establish His Millennial   Kingdom and we, as His bride, will always be with  Him we never leave His side. And then Revelation   chapter 19 and verse 6, this is about the marriage  supper of the Lamb. "And I heard as the voice of a   great crowd as the sound of many waters and as  the sound of mighty thunders saying, 'Hallelujah,'"   There's a lot of shouting and praising going on,  amen? "'for YAH El Shaddai reigns, let us be glad and   rejoice and give Him praise for the marriage  of the lamb has come,'" This sounds like Sukkot   because this is when these things are going to  transpire, it's going to be the season of Sukkot.   "and His wife prepared herself," Isn't that beautiful  that it's in the past tense? It proves that there   will be people who have prepared themselves, I want  to be a part of that group. I don't want religion, I   don't want the traditions of men, I want to be a part of that group who have prepared themselves. Verse 8 "and to her it was given to be dressed in  fine linen clean and bright for the fine linen   is the righteousness of the set-apart ones and  He said to me, 'Write, blessed are those who have   been called to the marriage supper of the  Lamb.' And He said to me, 'These are the true   words of Elohim.'" No greater blessing than to  be called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.  I live for that day and I hope you live for that  day. I put no relationship above the relationship   that I have with my Bridegroom, He has given  me that wonderful gift that reminds me every   day that He's coming back for me, the gift of  the Set-apart Spirit and through the Ministry   of the Set-apart Spirit, He is preparing me  to be the bride. All I have to do is submit   and be willing to allow the Ministry of  the Spirit to have His way in my life.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh
Id: cWcPa_-Z0yY
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Length: 66min 3sec (3963 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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