Which Automatic Knife Should You Buy? | Knife Banter Ep. 46

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today ladies here we're looking at a whole bunch of automatic knives the action is always spot-on and they just they nail it this is kind of the quintessential automatic knife if you're on a budget I would recommend this one right out of the gate [Music] what is up guys today plays here we're looking at a whole bunch of automatic now I have Zack what's the plan today the plan today is to put together an automatic a knife buyer's guide so what we've got is we got some budgets some classics some super Commons and then some Dark Horse's when it comes to your automatic knives what's the first one on the list first one on the list of course right if we're talking budget you got to go Volker Kalashnikov Sophal great great little knife everybody's got to have one of these I think throw me the throw me the mini Kalashnikov yea the mini so this comes in two different varieties guys it's aus 8 steel these usually run about 40 bucks and you can see the size comparison this is kind of the quintessential automatic knife if you're on a budget I would recommend this one right out of the gate book Kalashnikov to see if you even like it get a sense of like do I want to spend more money on an auto or don't want to just use a $40 one these come in tons of different styles and the next one on the list actually looks a little bit like it it's the SCH 60 from straight also very snappy the difference between this one has a glass breaker here on the end also has that deep carry pocket clip and they've thrown a lock here on the back so one thing that automatic knives some have locks some do not so if you're shopping for an auto you may want to take that into consideration is that important to you or not personally I've never had an auto go off in my pocket but some people like the peace of mind so yeah so I actually we're going to talk about a knife on the table have a story about with the lock ok so I'm excited for that there but next up we've got the bokor Magnum and this is the tanto version with partial serration this one runs right around 24 or 25 bucks again as we always say whatever is on the website but that's basically what it runs for most the time but again just a great little knife it's great if you're wanting to get an auto and you're not quite sure if you're into the auto game yet these are all great knives to jump in to service start with to see if you even like the action to see if you like looking handle on that one yep bloomin handle so the ones from bokor the Kalashnikov as well as that one all have aluminum handles the shrade has a polymer handle so next one on the list is the Booker strike again so one thing I love about this burger strike the spring in it is actually new and so if you watch that spring come out of there it's just snappy it is snappy it is snow so snappy in fact here let's put it by the microphone hmm so good so good yeah for a $40 knife like that's that's nice and snappy absolutely so this one also has a lock on it right there and one thing I like about the lock on this one is it's in a very convenient place versus the shrade is kind of here on the back so you're kind of fiddling with a lock in a weird location like whereas this guy is right there where you'd put your thumb to open it so kind of a one step motion there bokor strike I like that and the handle on this one is this a polymer a g10 I think it's a polymer that one is a polymer I'm pretty sure yep yep Paul so kind of feels like g10 though if you were to copy g10 and polymer they've done a good job yeah yes it's got the feel for sure yep next up we've actually kind of got a family here so we've got the launch family I love it so we've got the 1 the 2 3 the 4 the 5 to 6 and the 7 and so what we're gonna do with these guys is where they're all CPM 150 for the upper blade steel what we want to do is we want to show you guys kind of the different look and feel of each one of these so I guess let's dive into it let's do it so yeah so there's the launch one again one CPM 154 steel great little knife great blade shape and these are budget classics I think right like this is like you know you want to get an auto you know you like an auto maybe you've already had a Kalashnikov this is the next place to go yeah these launches are awesome absolutely keep your hand there okay I'm just gonna pull it out of your hand okay we're gonna cut here Matthew just jump cut these Matthew that's the thought here so Zack now that you've seen them all which one is your favorite I think my favorites the four yeah yeah and the reason is is it's just a good little box cutter yeah I know a lot of guys who carry it I don't need a Cali legal blade but I know a lot of guys who carry it and they just use it for box cutter and I love it Thanks yep before I think my favorite continual favorite with the launch series I love the floor I think it's cool but the lines on the - I just think are really beautiful I think the back space is amazing all of these come in that that beautiful Bend blue that I just find irresistible so get this one in a blue I gotta get a patent on that man all right guys there's the launch series by the way we have made a video on that entire series it'll be linked up there in the card so feel free if you're looking for a launch we kind of go in-depth on more of that so well have more of these knives coming up after the commercial break guys since you've gotten this far in the video let me tell you about a new automatic on the market this is the BRS warhead a cool new knife from Blade Runner systems now they're known for their balisong knives and this is their first foray into automatic knives works extremely well it's a beautiful piece check it out in the link in the description below all right guys welcome back and we're gonna dive into what else we have on the table but first we got to dive in what's in my pocket so we've got the gross yeah a little bit of pocket came out with it got a real [ __ ] no big deal protec the magic whiskers as the next one up this one runs about 200 ish depending on what the deal is now you might notice this one's a little beat up that's because me and Ben have actually been using this we've had in our pocket for the last couple weeks and to be honest it didn't look like this when Ben handed it to me so this cleanup it is called the magic let's find out enhanced 57:19 forty-five there's guys it cleans up really nicely we were actually talking about this before off-camera yeah we said is this thing gonna clean up and it has yeah I'm everybody knows I'm a hard use guy I was a little worried that I kind of messed it up turns out we're okay okay so where did you carry Zach so I carry well I carried it some construction projects have been working on I'm actually building a booth for an upcoming blade show keep an eye on what we got going for blade show and so I've been using it over there to build stuff nice things like that the reason it's called the magic yeah is because the way that you open it you might notice there's no release button here as you actually slide this bolster right here you can kind of see and that's actually how you close it as well so carrying it around was actually a lot of fun for me because I would hand it to all my buddies nice some of them know some things about knives some of them don't they're all pretty mechanical though and with their hands and another one could really figure it out I was like you and you would sit there and gloat oh yeah dude kind of like cold and then I would try to open it so they couldn't see me using the bolster and they'd be like how did you do that so kind of a fun knife but uh found good use out of it one harder tricks yeah parlor tricks 154cm steel blade blade steel so Heldman is just fine for obnoxious using Dyson yeah great the knife solid next one on the list is the protec tr3 this is kind of a classic protec opens with the button right there and the thing about protec just so-so snappy yeah this and we said this before but when you get a protec it doesn't matter which one it is you know it's a pro tech yep like just the way it feels you just know it's a pro time the action is always spot on and they just they know it so protect here are three on that one Jack I left this one for you because I'm so glad is like your real knife I haven't purchased yet I purchased it for three other people but I keep finding I keep spending my bucket buy this is buck 110 automatic I keep spending my buck 110 Auto money on other people instead of myself a good heart yeah so I guess I love this knife nice so yeah so Auto buck 110 it's got a 420hc blade steel just a good little knife nice and snappy comes rest bolsters right yep nickel - brass bolsters comes with a leather sheath which I'm way into I love that and something that a lot of people hate about this knife but I actually really of is so it's an auto so you you hit it here to open it right but you don't that's not how you close it I hate that I love it I hate it I love it you close it with the lock back anytime there's just something about it like heritage I don't know I just like a single other Auto on the table save the Damas right opens and closes with the same button and then I just find it has to do I don't know why I think it's absurd I just love it what do you guys let us know the concert yeah it drives me crazy it's fun and and every time I go to close it do you know I do is I push that push the button yeah like oh yeah yeah no so the three people I've given it to one of them was my dad and then two were friend and uncle the people that I've given it to none of them specifically asked for it yeah and all three of them love that as well so maybe it's just it's a heritage it's a great I think as far as a heritage thing it's great yeah as far as they do what everyone else is doing right normal operation right I hate it whatever Benchmade CLA is next on the list this is a classic Auto in my mind g10 handle you got a lock on there snappy action usa-made comes with bench pits I think they call it their life sharp warranty yeah though sharpen it before you forever tune it forever great warranty so I love the CLA I love the fact that the handles pretty neutral it's just gonna create a little knife so yeah and composite light Auto is what CLA Stiles wondered that yeah effect when I said that I thought posit light Auto and it's an it and it is true like its it's a nice feeling knife and again with how neutral feels it's I think this knife is the antithesis of the next knife benchmade adamas yeah this thing is a brute this thing is a brute let's make sure it's unlocked because I always forget to unlock it boom this thing is smashed like a mutant kicks like an ass - look how big that blade is yeah it is it's just a huge hard use knife like just plain and simple same thing comes with the live sharp warranty from Benchmade great knife and if you're if you've got a big hand or you find that you're using your knives a lot with a glove great night yeah so it's got that back lock on it too yeah yeah so just actually lock it in place or lock it closed exactly and this is again this is every time this thing gets me there it is there like I mentioned this is one of the few that doesn't open with the actual press of a button yeah you're using that access lock to open it right so cool knife but you look at the I mean even the thickness on those two it's a it's a brute man it's next one on the list the micro tech Lu DT kind of a standard micro tech design at this point in my mind steel on this particular one is L max you got a lumen I'm handle and just a nice push button Otto and again we're kind of into the spendy territory this one's gonna run you about 225 currently on blade HQ those prices always change so check the site for the actual price right now but Lu DT great little knife um well-designed not a lot of frills to it just a good piece yeah and as far as reliability action all it's everything you expect if micro tech yeah so great knife next so next up this is the Gerber Auto covert so you got on this one you've got the partially serrated blade deep carry pocket clip and pretty nice snappy action yeah definitely if feels a little more of a maybe a self-defense knife sure right it's a little more geared in that direction but great knife feels good and this one also has the lock that we've noticing on certain ownsome yeah deep carry pocket clip on this thing too that can I add this cut or maybe Zander I can't remember we had this conversation about pocket clips cuz I always bring up pocket clips on knife banter and it's funny because pocket clips are important they're very important very important and so when it's got a deep carry clip like you kind of find what you like in a pocket clip and if it doesn't have that it annoys me yeah and if it's got fanciness on the pocket clip I'm not a fancy nasaan pocket clip kind of guy yeah I should mention to the mini covert you got the KOA and mini covert so just a size comparison between the two of those so if you are looking for a covert you can see those there with a recessed screws on there yeah I'm the pocket love the recessed screws on the box a nice detail that's a nice little thing that says we thought about this and then between the two not only are you changing a little bit size but obviously there's a price difference as well so the mini comes in right around 135 nice so nice next on the list the Gerber oh six Auto and just classic knife we did an entire video on this knife exclusively so if you haven't seen that one we'll link to that as well down in the description box but a great knife kind of a military-grade machine I mean you look at these two just chunker's yep just big fat chunker's yeah they're both meant to just be abused yep beat on things and we should mention glass breakers - this one's got a glass breaker and then that's traded down at the end also at a glass breaker so if you are looking for glass breaker that's a feature that you're going to impair I wanted to pay attention to now we got male bad guys this is this is probably the most exciting mailbag of all time okay maybe that's not a that's an overstatement Oh our friend Thomas sent us an email I'm just gonna read it to you and I think we need some sad sad music it says the knife banter videos are always interesting and fun I can tell but Zach likes knives but the guy on the left the viewers left that's me yeah that's you does not even though he's the live wire on the shows his dislike of knives is just too much perhaps you could find another guy who appreciates knives to fill the spot so I think we've got an opening I'm gonna cry myself to sending applications gave us funny about this I emailed Thomas I said Thomas give me a call man yeah he never called no Thomas bummer yeah here's the deal guys um you actually got me thinking Thomas and I appreciated this I think we need to do my knife collection yeah I think things should we do Ben's knife collection I think so I I collect knives in a weird way and I actually give away more knives than I collect which eventually that seems you would but knives come to me they just they land here right and they become mine so I think eventually Thomas we need to talk about my knife collection because that will give you some insight into how I do or don't collect knives so let us know in the comments if you want to see my knife collection thomas big heart and guys we get a lot of comments on youtube some of them are pretty harsh and this will know this cut bent a little bit it got under my skin for like three days we've been some love down the comments to let us know do you want to see his knife collection we'll leave a little bit oh man okay so this is from the bowie-knife video yep that we recently put up between I for survival was a fun collaboration video we did with some other youtubers check it out it's awesome and somebody commented the Todd commented I hope Tim picked up all those peanuts and which I was just gonna explain Tim actually told me when he when he handed off a knife he's like through all these packing peanuts all over the forest he's like there was snow I couldn't even find him Tim is gonna go back in the spring and pick that's where he always goes sustainable stewardship is part of what we do you know Tim will clean those up and if he doesn't Tim will come after we're coming for you and last but not least we had a poll on the last video we put out and we asked how do you pronounce this name of the knife and you guys answered the question and you can see the results here clearly the top one one the top one one for sure I'm pretty sure that was pronounced Bowie Bowie yeah yeah fun little piece there alright guys now we have our Dark Horse's section of the knife banter okay go ahead Zach and by Dark Horse is what we mean is maybe something you haven't considered before maybe something that's a custom that type of thing so what we've got first is the Piranha bodyguard so this piranha bodyguard obviously automatic great little knife and I'm kind of falling in love with piranha I feel like I need to I need to go grab some off the shelf and like you know get at them deeper made a video and those one day yeah handles all of them they're beautiful yeah so I wanna I want to experience the piranha a little bit more but anyways this particular one it's got s30v steel blade nice pocket clip and really neat finish and this is something piranha does and this is actually why I'm kind of crushing them a little bit is their designs are they're good they feel good that they're a little unique not too unique weird finish and they do like this speckled like even this one has this green and black speckle yeah not quite my jam yeah I don't know what it is it's like normally I wouldn't but something about these guys that you need what you got yeah I want it yeah so I think I'm gonna try to add one these to the collection and then just to show you guys just everything they do is just got some style to it this is the bag that the knife comes in it's kind of their style it's like sappy Slurpees and pizzas I repeat Pizza style a little bit hot rods and motorcycles I like anyways piranhas bodyguard great little knife necks all this guy's is the saga catch that's not entirely accurate and again this is kind of a classic auto in my mind it wasn't in our top top sellers so we kind of threw it in at the end but also really good one one thing I like about this one really thin so if you compare this to this straight seh 60 look how thin that sog tack is it also has that lock on the back deep carry clip and they're very snappy yeah they are and then we had to throw in it we had to throw any expensive one yes just because yeah we had a thrown in expensive one so this is the brian teague their entire high I know tie tie tie sorry but if you're reading it looks like yeah sorry I was reading it Brian tie this is the custom tie breaker is what the the name of it is we tell them the price yeah $1,200 1,200 it's got sorry guys a titanium handle I was making I was just making sure titanium handled shaped really in a it's kind of a lot of shape and contour to it Brian this is a man that has made his own knife t-shirt fabric it had like this classy shirt made out of it like this is a guy that eccentric is like what he does and I think this knife really shows who Bryant is if you put this knife next to him you're like uh-huh yeah it all makes sense this works yeah it's a beautiful piece nicely done Brian and then the last one kind of in our Dark Horse category is in my pocket and I've been carrying that this last couple days is to hold Hey look you [ __ ] it up we do we usually clean everything beforehand but if it's coming out of our box coming out of my pocket yeah absolutely so this is the Hogue micro switch what's the story behind this one Zack so we actually went and did a tour of hoax factory and had a bunch of ventures adventurous surrounding that knife yeah so this is a micro switch and I actually took this hitchhiking for a couple days on the road so we actually have some footage that we can roll here and yeah it's a great night a thing yeah this is the thing thing I actually say this the video isn't out yet but it will come out in may sometime so make sure to check it out guys I actually say this in my review of it I'm like then is gonna love it when I began I love the size it's it's right in that range right at about three inches right under three inches that I would love so I carried you carried this for a while and then you headed off to me I carried it for the last week one qualm okay the pocket clip it's got this funky curlicue underneath it yeah I saw you struggle with it yesterday I've struggled the day - yeah I didn't have any probably was in my pocket for like four or five days on the road hard use and like never never cut my pants yeah is your pants it could just be there probably those roses you have embroidered on your pocket it's probably the roses and just a really tight fit yes they're really tight forces those pocket clips into the pocket so no no but that I can see how that could be a problem with so I really like this one yeah - nice it's really snappy and I beat the crap out of that thing and it's not in bad shape either no like that it did its thing and not only did I beat the crap out of it but the the guys I hitchhiked with I had them use it as well yeah so we've got it got some good use nice so here comes my story for the wall about locks in automatics I always thought it was stupid I was like why do you know like an automatic it's dumb yeah I think it's not gonna open your pocket right unless you're buying like some cheap garbage at the gas stations right but I ended up sleeping out one night well I was hitchhiking I slept in a pipe in Beaver Utah like I said watch the video it was nice and warm anyways and when you sleep out like that I'm gonna make sure your pocket eyes closed you just never know right there just to feel safe so I always keep my pocket knife in my pocket so I know exactly where to find it right like you don't wake up and can't find your knife and I went to bed with this in my pocket I was like man I hope that doesn't go off my pocket cuz me sleep weird things happen worse and as like oh wait it has a lock boom locked it so I actually that's it converted me I was like man lock on an auto I can now see the use for it nice if you're a hobo hilarious so yeah guys there you have it that is the automatic knife buyer's guide thank you for watching if you've watched all dude and your true and we love you you're great let's take him on the head we do yeah let that settle in yeah guys don't have another video coming out for you next week thanks for watching and be sure to LIKE in the subscribe thanks COO that was a pause on my way we just finished yeah I apologize we were in the dregs of a video
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 693,027
Rating: 4.8786592 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife Show, Knives, Pocket Knife, Steel, Brian Tighe, Side Opening Knife, Automatic Knives, Switchblades, Best Switchblades, Ben and Zac
Id: hYi5KG5v2eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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